Ogn Ops Mech 031

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COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.

: 0 March, 2000




National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd



OPERATION GUIDANCE NOTE: COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.: 0 D !e: M "#$% &000


Approved for Implementation by .. Director ( peration! Date: .. "n#$irie% to : &ead of 'orp. peration (ervice%


S No Content! 1.0 &.0 3.0 INTRODUCTION SUPERSEDED DOCUMENTS RECORDS OF FEED SYSTEM STATUS *.) b+ective *.2 Information Re#$ired ENGINEERING ASPECTS OF PLANT OPERATION ,.) b+ective% ,.2 -he Infl$ence of peratin. 'ondition on 'omponent /ife ,.* "%%ential 0rotection for ther 0lant 1rom 1a$lt% ri.inatin. in the 1eed (y%tem ,., Re#$ired Monitorin. In%tr$mentation ,.2 Interim Arran.ement% ,.3 peratin. /imit% PLANT MAINTENANCE AND MODIFICATION 2.) b+ective% 2.2 0lanned Maintenance Activitie% 2.* 0reventive Maintenance 2., Modification% LIFE ASSESSMENT 3.) b+ective% 3.2 '$m$lative -$be 1ail$re 3.* 'rac6 7ro8th and -hermal 1ati.$e 3., In%pection 0roced$re% REVIEW Pa"e No ) ) ) ) ) * * , 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 9 )0 )0





APPENDI' A. :) :2 :* :, :2 Definition of (tart 'ate.orie% 1ormat of -$rbine 1eed (y%tem (tat$% Record% 1eed (y%tem (tat$% Record perational &i%tory In%pection ; Maintenance R$nnin. Record% )) )2 )* ), )2 )3

Page - 1 COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.: 0 Care and Maintenance of !r"ine P#ant $eed S%&te'


1. INTRODUCTION (e feed &%&te' i& defined a& t(e co')#ete feed *ater (eating train+ inc#!ding a## &tage& of feed (eating+ a&&ociated conden&ate and feed )i)e*or, and va#ve&+ "#ed &tea' )i)e*or, and va#ve&+ drain )i)e*or,+ va#ve& and receiver& "!t e-c#!ding t(e 'ain )!')ing !nit& and t(eir re&)ective drive& .e.g. conden&ate e-traction )!')&+ dri) )!')& and "oi#er feed )!')&/. $or t(e )!r)o&e& of t(i& doc!'ent+ t(e feed (eater& c!rrent#% in &ervice *i## "e &!"-divided into t(ree gro!)&: i/ ii/ iii/ 0o* )re&&!re.0P/ (eater&+ &!rface t%)e 1eaerator& Hig( )re&&!re.HP/ (eater&+ &!rface t%)e

(i& G!idance Note reco''end& )roced!re& intended to ac(ieve re#ia"#e feed &%&te' o)eration and to 'ini'i&e t(e &%&te' *(o#e #ife co&t& "%: i/ E&ta"#i&(ing t(e )edigree.(i&tor%/ and recording t(e &tat!& of co')onent& &o a& to )rovide a "a&i& for a&&e&&ing t(eir f!t!re ca)a"i#it%. O)ti'i&ing o)erating condition& and t(ere"% 'ini'i&ing t(e rate of co')onent deterioration. 1eter'ining t(e rate of co')onent deterioration &o t(at an% re'edia# action re2!ired to ac(ieve o)erating target& can "e i')#e'ented on a )#anned "a&i& at t(e o)ti'!' ti'e. En&!ring t(at ro!tine 'aintenance and an% re'edia# action e')#o%ed give t(e greate&t overa## "enefit.

ii/ iii/




3. 3.1 RECORDS OF FEED SYSTEM STATUS Objective (e o"3ective i& to )rovide a data"a&e for f!t!re engineering !)grade&. 3.2 In !"#$ti!n Re%&i"e' (e co')re(en&ive #i&t )re&ented in &!"-&ection 3.4.1 to 3.4.5 inc#!&ive "e#o* identifie& a## of t(e data t(at 'a% "e re2!ired to a&&e&& t(e &tat!& of a feed National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

Page - 4 COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.: 0 Care and Maintenance of !r"ine P#ant $eed S%&te' &%&te'. 6 data"a&e &(o!#d "e &e#ected fro' t(i& #i&t (aving d!e regard to t(e #eve# of infor'ation avai#a"#e fro' 'an!fact!rer& for eac( individ!a# &%&te'. 3.2.1 O"i(in$) De*i(n Intent i/ ii/ iii/ iv/ v/ Heater t%)e& 1iagra''atic arrange'ent of feed &%&te' 7a#ve &c(ed!#e Genera# arrange'ent& of eac( (eater 1etai# arrange'ent& of : a/ Heater &(e##&.inc#!ding &!))ort& and "o#ting/ "/ !"e ne&t& .inc#!ding "aff#e&+ &(ro!d&+ etc./ c/ !"e )#ate&/(eater& inc#!ding t!"e fi-ing& d/ 8ater"o-/divi&ion )#ate e/ 1eaerating (ead/tra%*or, and/or &)ra% no99#e detai#& f/ :#ed &tea' )i)e*or, g/ Conden&ate/feed )i)e*or, (/ 1rainage )i)e*or,.inc#!ding orifice& if fitted/ i/ 1rain& receiver& 3/ Pre&&!re re#ief va#ve ca)acitie& and &etting& ,/ ;!a#it% #i'it& for )i)e*or, "end& O)erating condition& for eac( &tage .inc#!ding ta))ing )oint& and condition& for "#ed &tea'/. Reco''ended rate& of te')erat!re c(ange acro&& (eav% &ection&.

vi/ vii/ 3.2.2

M!'i ic$ti!n t! O"i(in$) De*i(n Inc#!de detai#&+ *it( f!## &!))orting dra*ing&+ of a## 'a3or 'odification& to t(e origina# de&ign e.g. )i)e*or,/va#ve 'odification&+ additiona# va#ve&+ "a&ic de&ign c(ange& to t(e (eater& t(e'&e#ve&+ 'et(od& of de&!)er(eating+ drain& coo#ing+ ro!ting of drainage etc. 8(ere 'odification& to t(e Contro# and Protection S%&te' invo#ve 'odification& to (ard*are t(e&e &(o!#d a#&o "e recorded.


M$n& $ct&"in( in !"#$ti!n Materia# &)ecifiction& for : i/ ii/ iii/ iv/ v/ Heater &(e##&/t!"e)#ate&/(eader& !"e& Conden&ate / feed )i)e*or, :#ed &tea' )i)e*or, 7a#ve& National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

Page - 3 COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.: 0 Care and Maintenance of !r"ine P#ant $eed S%&te' S)ecific attention to "e dra*n to a## va#ve& in ca&t iron. S!))ort detai#& on a## 'a3or )i)e*or,. 1etai#& of ,no*n defect& acce)ted on co''i&&ioning. 3.2.+ O,e"$ti!n$) -i*t!". i/ ii/ iii/ iv/ v/ vi/ 3.2./ 1ate of in&ta##ation of origina# &%&te'. 1ate of in&ta##ation of e-i&ting &%&te' *(ere it differ& fro' t(e a"ove. O)erating (o!r& of #a&t in&)ection. N!'"er& of (ot+ *ar' and co#d !nit &tart& at #a&t in&)ection+ *it( "e&t 3!dge'ent of feed train &tart&+ a& defined in 6))endi- 6. %)ica# 'a-i'!' te')erat!re gradient acro&& (eav% &ection& !nder )a&t o)erating regi'e in ca&e 'ea&!re'ent& are avai#a"#e at &tation&. 6 "rief &!''ar% of )ro"#e' area& and fai#!re& e-)erienced to date.

In*,ecti!n $n' M$inten$nce i/ ii/ 1ate& of )a&t in&)ection&. S!''ar% of finding& in eac( ca&e inc#!ding : a/ Co')onent/area in&)ected "/ Met(od of in&)ection c/ Re&!#t& d/ 6ction ta,en Co')onent& re)#aced *it( date 1ate of ne-t )#anned in&)ection C!rrent e&ti'ate of re'nant #ife Percentage ova#it% of )i)e*or, "end& 1ate of )a&t c#eaning o)eration& inc#!ding : a/ 6rea c#eaned.*it( detai#& of i&o#ation re2!ired/ "/ Met(od& e')#o%ed *it( detai#& of c(e'ica#& !&ed+ if an%/ c/ Re&!#t& d/ 1etai#& of an% "efore-and-after )erfor'ance 'onitoring 1ate of ne-t )#anned c#eaning o)eration $or &!rface-t%)e (eater& on#% : - 1ate of t!"e fai#!re& )#!& #ocation inc#!ding (eig(t a"ove/fro' t!"e)#ate face if 'ea&!red. - 1etai#& of t!"e )#!gged )#!& 'et(od !&ed - <)dated diagra' of )#!gging &it!ation

iii/ iv/ v/ vi/ vii/

viii/ i-/

+. +.1

EN0INEERIN0 ASPECTS OF PLANT OPERATION Objective* o define t(e in&tr!'entation re2!ired : National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

Page - = COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.: 0 Care and Maintenance of !r"ine P#ant $eed S%&te' i/ ii/ o )rovide o)erating #i'it& t(at *i## 'ini'i&e co')onent deterioration+ and o )rovide e&&entia# )rotection for ot(er area& of )#ant fro' fa!#t condition& ari&ing in t(e feed &%&te'.


T1e in )&ence ! !,e"$tin( c!n'iti!n* !n c!#,!nent )i e 6& a co')#e-+ integrated &%&te'+ t(e feed &%&te' co')onent& can "e &!"3ected to t*o di&tinct t%)e& of #ife-#i'iting 'ec(ani&'&. (e&e can "e c#a&&ed a&: i/ ii/ 1irect 'ec(ani&'&+ i.e. t(o&e ca!&ed direct#% on a co')onent "% offde&ign e-c!r&ion& o!t *it( t(e feed &%&te'. Indirect or ,noc,-on 'ec(ani&'& *(ere a co')onent i& &!"3ect to deterioration d!e to a fa!#t condition in anot(er )art of t(e feed &%&te'.

(e&e t*o t%)e& of 'ec(ani&'& *i## "e dea#t *it( &e)arate#%. +.2.1 Di"ect2Actin( Mec1$ni*#* (e 'a3or direct-acting 'ec(ani&' affecting feed (eater #ife i& t(er'a# fatig!e. (e rate of c(ange of &!rface te')erat!re on t(e (eav% &ection&+ )artic!#ar#% of HP &!rface-t%)e (eater& can give ri&e to e-ce&&ive te')erat!re gradient& acro&& t(e &ection. (i& co!)#ed *it( &tre&& concentrating feat!re& &!c( a& &'a## radia# c!rve& or coar&e 'ac(ining 'ar,& can #ead to (ig( &train+ #o* c%c#e fatig!e crac,ing. In e-tre'e ca&e&+ ra)id (eating or coo#ing tran&ient&+ co!)#ed *it( e-i&ting crac,& or defect&+ can #ead to fa&t "ritt#e fract!re. +.2.2 In'i"ect Mec1$ni*#* So'e e-a')#e& of t(e indirect 'ec(ani&'& invo#ved in #i'iting co')onent #ife in t(e feed &%&te' are: i/ !"e fo!#ing ii/ !"e fai#!re iii/ $ai#!re of interna# &(ro!d& iv/ $ai#!re of ade2!ate drain& contro# v/ Over)re&&!ri&ation vi/ $ai#!re of &(e## 3oint& vii/ $ai#!re of *ater"o- divi&ion.)artition/ )#ate integrit%/&ea#ing National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

Page - 5 COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.: 0 Care and Maintenance of !r"ine P#ant $eed S%&te' $o!#ing on eit(er &!rface *i## red!ce t(e (eat tran&fer coefficient .H C/ of t(e ne&t+ t(!& red!cing t(e feed o!t#et te')erat!re and t(e degree of drain& coo#ing .if an%/. (e effect of t(e for'er on &!"&e2!ent (eater& i& to increa&e t(eir re2!ired "#ed &tea' f#o*+ *it( t(e )o&&i"i#it% of vi"ration da'age to t!"ing and &tea' in#et geo'etr%. (e effect of t(e #atter on drain& &%&te'& i& to #ead to f#a&(ing and con&e2!entia# cavitation ero&ion in drain #ine&+ orifice&+ va#ve& and receiver&. !"e fai#!re i& t(e co''one&t ca!&e of (eater #ife #i'itation+ in t(at a finite e#e'ent of (eat tran&fer &!rface i& re'oved *it( eac( )#!gged t!"e. Ca!&e& of fai#!re var% fro' ero&ion d!e to (ig( #oca# ve#ocitie& of conden&ate dro)#et& to vi"ration-ind!ced *ear eit(er or fi-ed "aff#e )#ate& or+ in e-tre'e ca&e&+ "% t!"e >c#a&(ing?: at anti-noda# )oint&. (e con&e2!ence& of t!"e fai#!re are to #i'it t(e #ife of t(e (eater concerned and to a))#% a greater #oad to &!"&e2!ent (eater&. (e fai#!re of interna# &(ro!d& &!c( a& t(o&e *(ic( de#ineate de&!)er(eating or drain& coo#ing &ection& of HP Heater& !&!a##% re&!#t& fro' (ig( &train+ #o* c%c#e fatig!e ind!ced "% "ad de&ign co!)#ed *it( differentia# e-)an&ion rate&. S(ro!d fai#!re can #ead to t!"e da'age "% t(e introd!ction of conden&ate dro)#et& into de&!)er(eater 9one&+ and to co')#ete #o&& of drain& coo#ing d!e to t(e introd!ction of &at!rated conden&ate and/or &tea' into t(e drainage #eaving t(e &(e##. (i& in t!rn *i## (ave &erio!& ero&ion effect& on t(e *(o#e of t(e drainage 'anage'ent &%&te'. 6de2!ate drainage #eve# contro# i& e&&entia# on a## feed &%&te'&. oo (ig( a #eve# *i## #ead to an e-ce&&ive n!'"er of (eater tri)& *it( con&e2!entia# t(er'a# &(oc, tran&ient&@ too #o* a #eve# *i## #ead to t*o-)(a&e f#o* in t(e drainage &%&te'+ *it( con&e2!entia# da'age a#read% detai#ed. (e over)re&&!ri&ation can occ!r in deaerator& *(en t(e HP (eater drain& are #ed direct#% to t(e deaerator via orifice )#ate&. $ai#!re+ or even 'a3or *ear+ of t(e&e orifice& co!#d #ead to t(e deaerator "eing over)re&&!ri&ed at a rate *it( *(ic( t(e re#ief va#ve& are !na"#e to co)e. (i& i& )otentia##% dangero!&. $ai#!re of t(e integrit% of t(e *ater"o- divi&ion )#ate .)artition )#ate/+ or it& &ea#+ #ead& to invo#!ntar% "%)a&&ing of t(e t!"e ne&t and con&e2!ent #o&& of feed o!t#et te')erat!re. +.3 E**enti$) P"!tecti!n !" Ot1e" P)$nt "!# F$&)t* O"i(in$tin( in t1e Fee' S.*te# (e greate&t ri&, to ot(er )#ant fro' feed &%&te' fa!#t& i& t(e )o&&i"i#it% of *ater+ eit(er feed or conden&ed "#ed &tea'+ "eing ind!cted into t(e t!r"ine .eit(er a 'ain t!r"ine or a :oi#er $eed P!') !r"ine .:$P /. National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

Page - A COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.: 0 Care and Maintenance of !r"ine P#ant $eed S%&te' (e &it!ation can ari&e fro' eit(er a "#oc,ed (eater drain& &%&te' or a '!#ti)#e t!"e fai#!re in a &!rface t%)e (eater. (e ingre&& of *ater into t!r"ine and t(e on-#oad te&ting re2!ire'ent& detai#ed t(erein+ )artic!#ar#% *it( regard to t(e d!)#icate f#oat &*itc(e&+ &(o!#d "e rigid#% ad(ered to+ for t(e on-#oad te&ting of "#ed &tea' non-ret!rn va#ve&. +.+ Re%&i"e' M!nit!"in( In*t"&#ent$ti!n Man% of t(e #ife-#i'iting 'ec(ani&'& can on#% "e detected+ on-#oad+ "% t(eir &econdar% effect&+ &!c( a& a #o*er feed te')erat!re ri&e acro&& a given (eater+ or a #o&& of &!"-coo#ing in t(e drainage f#o*. Provi&ion &(o!#d "e 'ade for t(e fo##o*ing )ara'eter& to "e 'onitored in &ervice !&ing &!ita"#e )re&&!re ta))ing& and t(er'oco!)#e&+ on a## feed (eater& i/ $eed *ater in#et te')erat!re ii/ $eed *ater o!t#et te')erat!re iii/ $eed *ater f#o* .)er train if avai#a"#e ot(er*i&e tota# feed f#o*/ iv/ :#ed &tea' te')erat!re at (eater in#et v/ Heater &(e## )re&&!re vi/ 1rain& o!t#et te')erat!re 6## t(e a"ove &(o!#d "e avai#a"#e to t(e o)erator and recorded "% t(e Station on a 'ont(#% "a&i& for f!t!re ana#%&i&/a!dit )!r)o&e&. In addition+ t(e conden&ate #eve# in a## (eater& &(o!#d "e c#ear#% indicated #oca# to t(e (eater and+ de&ira"#%+ at t(e o)erator?& contro# de&,. +./ Inte"i# A""$n(e#ent* In t(e a"&ence of a!to'atic data #ogging e2!i)'ent+ t(e fo##o*ing 'an!a# record& &(o!#d "e ,e)t for a## avai#a"#e 'onitoring )o&ition& 'ont(#%: i/ ii/ iii/ iv/ v/ vi/ $eed *ater in#et te')erat!re $eed *ater o!t#et te')erat!re $eed *ater f#o* :#ed &tea' te')erat!re Heater &(e## )re&&!re 1rain& o!t#et te')erat!re

+.3 O,e"$tin( Li#it* (e rate of ret!rning t(e feed &%&te'+ or an% )art of t(e feed &%&te' to &ervice on t(e feed &ide &(o!#d "e governed "% t(e rate of te')erat!re c(ange acro&& t(e (eav% &ection&.

National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

Page - B COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.: 0 Care and Maintenance of !r"ine P#ant $eed S%&te' O)erating in&tr!ction& &(o!#d "e dra*n !) for eac( &tation+ "a&ed on data on (eater 'eta# te')erat!re& ver&!& feed in#et te')erat!re&+ gat(ered fro' t(e in&tr!'entation. (e o)erating in&tr!ction& &(o!#d "e defined in ter'& of #engt( of )receding &%&te' o!tage and avai#a"#e feed *ater in#et te')erat!re. (e rate of a))#ication of "#ed &tea' *i## "e dictated "% t(e ca)acit% of t(e drain& contro# &%&te' to 'aintain contro# of (eater #eve#& *it(in t(e nor'a# o)erating range. /. /.1 PLANT MAINTENANCE AND MODIFICATION Objective* o identif% t(e content and ti'ing of )#anned 'aintenance+ to o!t#ine a )roced!re for for'!#ating c#eaning/in&)ecting/re)air/ref!r"i&('ent &c(e'e&@ to identif% t(e con&ideration& regarding t(e introd!ction of 'odification&. /.2 P)$nne' M$inten$nce Activitie* (e&e &(o!#d "e "a&ed on t(e re&!#t& of )revio!& in&)ection& and on )ro"#e'& identified on &i'i#ar t%)e of (eater&. 8(en (eater& and t(eir a&&ociated )i)e*or, are o)ened !) on t(e *ater&ide+ )artic!#ar attention &(o!#d "e )aid to : i/ ii/ iii/ Integrit% of feed in#et+ o!t#et and "%)a&& i&o#ating va#ve&. (e condition of )i)e*or,+ and ade2!ate &!))ort &%&te'&. N1 in&)ection of t(e area& of t(e *ater"o-. Circ!'ferentia# &,irt/*ater"o- *e#d roof+ divi&ion )#ate &!))ort "rac,et *e#d&+ interna# area& ad3acent to "ranc( )i)e&+ acce&& door rece&&+ *ater"o- to )i)e *e#d&+ e-terna# 3!nction of *ater"o- and "ranc( )i)e& and t!"e)#ate #iga'ent& and t!"e )#ate. !"e interna# c#ean#ine&& / fo!#ing. (e need for c(e'ica# and/or 'ec(anica# c#eaning of t!"e& &(a## "e dictated "% : a/ (e degree and t%)e of fo!#ing di&covered and+ "/ 8(et(er or not a t!"e-*a## t(inning N1 in&)ection i& re2!ired. 6n% )artic!#ar e'erging )attern of t!"e fai#!re&+ t(e degree and rate of t!"e fai#!re 'a% indicate t(e need for t!"e-*a## t(inning &!rve% !&ing a))ro)riate tec(ni2!e.



On t(e deaerator& )artic!#ar attention &(o!#d "e )aid to t(e in&)ection of &tr!ct!ra# *e#d& toget(er *it( &e#ected "ranc( and attac('ent *e#d&. (e National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

Page - C COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.: 0 Care and Maintenance of !r"ine P#ant $eed S%&te' re&!#t& of t(e&e in&)ection& &(o!#d "e recorded in t(e feed &%&te' &tat!& record& .6))endi--:1 to :5/. /.3 P"eventive M$inten$nce 8(ere a )artic!#ar area of a ne&t (a& "een identified a& "eing )rone to on-#oad t!"e fai#!re+ a t!"e*a## t(inning in&)ection &(o!#d "e carried o!t on t(i& and ot(er &i'i#ar (eater&. 1e)ending on t(e rate of t!"e fai#!re& and on t(e origina# t!"e *a## t(ic,ne&&+ a #eve# >a##o*a"#e *ear? *i## "e e&ta"#i&(ed+ *it( a## t!"e& detected *it( greater *ear "eing &acrificia##% )#!gged. /.+ M!'i ic$ti!n* 8(en a ne* (eater i& re2!ired+ t(e fo##o*ing o)tion& &(a## "e con&idered : i/ Re-t!"e of t(e e-i&ting t!"e)#ate / (eader to t(e origina# ne&t de&ign. ii/ Re-t!"e of t(e e-i&ting t!"e)#ate / (eader to a 'odified ne&t de&ign+ )artic!#ar#% a& to de&!)er(eating and drain& coo#ing arrange'ent&. N!te 4 :ot( of t(e a"ove o)tion& are de)endent on t(e t!"e)#ate / (eader integrit% "eing e&ta"#i&(ed "% co')re(en&ive N1 . iii/ Re-t!"e of a ne* t!"e)#ate / (eader "!t !&ing t(e e-i&ting &(e##. iv/ Re-t!"e of a ne* t!"e)#ate / (eader "!t re-!&ing t(e *ater"o-. v/ Re)#ace'ent of a co')#ete (eater to t(e origina# de&ign. vi/ Re)#ace'ent of a co')#ete (eater to a ne* de&ign to i')rove #ife / integrit%. (e fina# &e#ection &(o!#d "e "a&ed !)on econo'ic con&ideration&@ ti'e &ca#e and #i'it& i')o&ed "% t(e e-i&ting )i)e*or, and &!))orting &tee#*or, and fo!ndation &tr!ct!re&. 3. 3.1 LIFE ASSESSMENT Objective* o define a 'et(odo#og% for deter'ining t(e degree of co')onent degradation and identif% t(e action re2!ired to a&&!re contin!ed &afe+ efficient o)eration to a )redicta"#e #i'iting #ife. 3.2 C&#&)$tive T&be F$i)&"e 8(i#e not affecting )#ant &afet%+ t(e c!'!#ative effect of t!"e fai#!re& on (eater efficienc% .a& indicated "% ter'ina# te')erat!re difference/ i& t(e co''one&t ca!&e of #ife #i'itation. Hence t(e 3!&tification for )#ant re)#ace'ent in t(i& ca&e *i## "e 'ade on econo'ic gro!nd&.

National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

Page - D COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.: 0 Care and Maintenance of !r"ine P#ant $eed S%&te' 6n a&&e&&'ent &(o!#d "e 'ade+ for eac( &tage of feed (eating+ of a dat!' #eve# of )ercentage &!rface #o&& a"ove *(ic( a )#ant re)#ace'ent &c(e'e 'ig(t "eco'e via"#e. (i& a&&e&&'ent &(o!#d a#&o ta,e into acco!nt "ot( c!rrent and )redicted rate& of t!"e fai#!re&+ and )ro"a"#e #ead-ti'e re2!ired to o"tain re)#ace'ent )#ant. (e re&!#t& of t(i& a&&e&&'ent for eac( (eater &(o!#d "e entered in t(e feed &%&te' &tat!& record&. Once an% (eater (a& reac(ed it& dat!' #eve#+ a &)ecific a&&e&&'ent of t(e financia# ca&e for it& re)#ace'ent &(o!#d "e carried o!t. S(o!#d t(i& ca&e fai# to 'eet c!rrent criteria+ t(e e-erci&e &(o!#d "e re)eated at #ea&t ann!a##%+ !nti# &!c( ti'e a& a ca&e can "e 'ade. 3.3 C"$c5 0"!6t1 $n' T1e"#$) F$ti(&e %)ica# te')erat!re )rofi#e& for (ot+ *ar' and co#d &tart& fro' t(e )#ant &tat!& record& &(o!#d "e !&ed *it( c!rrent (ig( &train fatig!e end!rance data to )redict t(e n!'"er of eac( t%)e of &tart c%c#e re2!ired for critica# crac, de)t(. (i& &(o!#d "e done on one (eater )er &tation. (e a&&e&&ed #ife &(o!#d t(en "e ca#c!#ated for eac( affected (eater !&ing t(e "e&t data avai#a"#e on t(e act!a# n!'"er of c%c#e& e-)erienced "% t(e )#ant. C!rrent advice t(at crac,& &(o!#d not "e gro!nd o!t+ ot(er t(an &(ort &ection& for t(e )!r)o&e of crac, &i9ing if ot(er &i9ing 'et(od& are con&idered inade2!ate. (e grinding &(o!#d "e contin!ed to a de)t( of 4'' "e#o* t(e crac, ti)& to re'ove t(e 'o&t da'aged 'ateria# and ever% effort &(o!#d "e 'ade to )rovide &'oot(#% radi!&ed )rofi#e&. 6 dat!' #eve# N1 in&)ection and a&&e&&'ent of c!rrent crac, de)t( &(o!#d "e carried o!t on eac( (eater *ater"o- / (eader a& &oon a& i& )ractica"#e+ and t(e re&!#t& noted in t(e feed &%&te' &tat!& record&. (ereafter &i'i#ar in&)ection& and a&&e&&'ent& &(o!#d "e carried o!t a& nece&&ar%. E-)erience (a& &(o*n t(at t(e initiation of t(er'a# fatig!e crac,ing i& not nece&&ari#% indicative of i''inent co')onent fai#!re. (e a&&e&&'ent of t(e f!t!re #ife of t(e (eav% &ection &(o!#d t(erefore "e "a&ed !)on t(e a))rai&a# and 'onitoring of an% crac,& fo!nd in t(e o!tage in&)ection+ in co')ari&on *it( t(e )revio!&#% noted dat!' fig!re&. (e defect a))rai&a# &(o!#d "e carried o!t "efore t(e !nit i& ret!rned to &ervice to deter'ine t(e need for an% i''ediate action+ and t(e interva# "efore rein&)ection.

National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

Page - 10 COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.: 0 Care and Maintenance of !r"ine P#ant $eed S%&te' (e defect a))rai&a# a&&e&&'ent &(o!#d ta,e into acco!nt t(e )a&t and antici)ated f!t!re o)erationa# )attern&+ 'an!fact!ring and re)air detai#&+ and in(erent de&ign integrit%. (e a&&e&&'ent &(o!#d "e "a&ed !)on )a&t e-)erience+ &tre&& ana#%&i&+ fractogra)(ic and 'eta##!rgica# &t!die& a& a))ro)riate. (e re&!#t& &(o!#d "e inc#!ded in t(e feed &%&te' &tat!& record&. 3.+ In*,ecti!n P"!ce'&"e* (e t!"e-*a## t(inning in&)ection and t(e crac, de)t( 'ea&!re'ent& &(o!#d "e carried o!t to defined )roced!re&. (e )roced!re& &(o!#d cover t(e N1 tec(ni2!e& to "e !&ed+ t(e 'ea&!re'ent& re2!ired and t(e 'et(od of recording. (e re&!#t& of a## in&)ection& &(o!#d "e inc#!ded in t(e feed &%&te' &tat!& record&. 7. RE8IE9 (e Head of Cor)orate O)eration Service& *i## "e re&)on&i"#e for revie*ing t(i& doc!'ent on a 3 %ear#% "a&i&+ or a& and *(en re2!ired.

National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

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DEFINITION OF START CATE0ORIES (e categorie& defined "e#o*+ re)re&ent "e&t c!rrent )ractice and &(a## "e ado)ted for a## f!t!re )#ant. Ho*ever+ *(ere anot(er categori&ation i& a#read% e&ta"#i&(ed a c(ange i& not re2!ired "!t t(e categori&ation e')#o%ed '!&t "e defined in t(e feed &%&te' &tat!& record. i/ Co#d &tart+ after a &(!tdo*n )eriod e-ceeding B4 (r&. .'eta# te')erat!re& "e#o* =0E of t(eir f!## #oad va#!e& in 0C/. ii/ 8ar' &tart+ after a &(!tdo*n )eriod of "et*een 10 (r&. and B4 (r&. .'eta# te')erat!re& "et*een =0E and C0E of t(eir f!## #oad va#!e& in 0 C/. iii/ Hot &tart+ after a &(!tdo*n )eriod of #e&& t(an 10(.'eta# te')erat!re& a"ove C0E of t(eir f!## #oad va#!e& in 0C/. iv/ 7er% (ot re&tart+ *it(in 1(r. after a !nit tri) or after feed (eater "an, tri) .'eta# te')erat!re& at or near t(eir f!## #oad va#!e&/. Note: If these are not recorded in a particular station then records (i) to (iii) are sufficient.

National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

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FORMAT OF TURBINE FEED SYSTEM STATUS RECORDS 6 &ing#e !nified for'at for t(e feed &%&te' &tat!& record i& not a))ro)riate in vie* of t(e *ide variation in circ!'&tance& t(at *i## e-i&t. (e fo##o*ing for'at i& )re&ented a& an ade2!ate e-a')#e+ for an i'aginar% ca&e *(ere t(e i')ortance of t(e )#ant invo#ved (a& 3!&tified a f!## i')#e'entation of t(i& code of )ractice+ "!t *(ere no 'a3or (a9ard i& recogni&ed and *(ere t(e #ife #i'itation i& a#read% identified *it( ade2!ate engineering and "!dgetar% )rovi&ion in (and. It *i## "e &een t(at t(e &!gge&ted for'at doe& not ca## for a## re#evant doc!'entation to "e "ro!g(t toget(er. On#% doc!'ent& nece&&ar% for t(e ongoing o)eration and engineering 'atter& are a))ended to t(e doc!'ent. In ot(er circ!'&tance& &!c( a& *(ere one or 'ore (eater& are &een a& "eing at ri&, and in need of inve&tigation it *i## "e nece&&ar% to "ring toget(er a## t(e infor'ation for co')re(en&ive inve&tigation. (e ot(er e-tre'e *i## "e *(ere a )er'anent di&)en&ation regarding i')#e'entation (a& "een agreed.

National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

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National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

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OPERATIONAL -ISTORY i/ ii/ iii/ iv/ <nit& in&)ected and date& O)erating (o!r& at #a&t in&)ection N!'"er of (ot+ *ar' and co#d &tart& to date Ma-i'!' te')erat!re gradient& acro&& (eav% &ection& !nder )a&t o)erating regi'e& in ca&e 'ea&!re'ent& are avai#a"#e at &tation&.

PROBLEM AREAS P06N 6## HP (eater& HP (eater drain& PRO:0EM 8ater"o- circ!'ferentia# crac,ing Pi)e ero&ion and fai#!re of NR7

National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

Page - 15 COS-ISO-00-OGN/OPS/MECH/031 Rev. No.: 0 Care and Maintenance of !r"ine P#ant $eed S%&te' APPENDI:2B+


16 E 6N1 <NI INSPEC E1



National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

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RUNNIN0 RECORDS <NI G.. Heater $EE1 IN .OC/ $EE1 O< .OC/ EI N.S E6M IN .OC/ EI N.PRESS. .HSC/ 1R6INS .OC/ SHE00 PRESS<RE .HSC/ HE6 ER $EE1 IN .OC/ $EE1 O< .OC/ EI N.S E6M IN .OC/ EI N.PRESS. .HSC/ SHE00 PRESS<RE :6R .HSC/ 1C1 1C4 1eaerator 0O61 M8 $EE1 $0O8GG..Hg/&

National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

1oc!'ent for 1i&tri"!tion to :

CONTROLLED I. Po,e" S! !-o./
1. General Manager 2. General Manager 3. General Manager 4. General Manager 5. General Manager $. General Manager &. General Manager (. General Manager +. General Manager 1.. General Manager 11. General Manager 12. General Manager 13. General Manager 14. General Manager 15. 0ddl. General Manager(23 # 1$. 0ddl. General Manager(23 # 1&. 0ddl. General Manager(23 # 1(. 0ddl. General Manager(23 # 1+. 0ddl. General Manager(23 # 2.. Dy. General Manager(23 # 21. Dy. General Manager(23 # Rihand Vindhyachal Kahalgaon Farakka Dadri ( oal ! Ga"# %nchahar Kor'a Ra)ag*nda) ,adar-*r /alcher Kaniha 0nta /alcher /her)al Kaya)k*la) 1i)hadri 1ingra*li Ka4a" ,05 6 a-ti7e 0*raiya 8hanor Gandhar Farida'ad /anda

UNCONTROLLED II Re0-o. 1 He 2 34 "!e"/

22. 9:ec*ti7e Director (NR#; 0llaha'ad 23. 9:ec*ti7e Director (1R#; <ydera'ad 24. 9:ec*ti7e Director (=R#; M*)'ai 25. 9:ec*ti7e Director (9R#; >atna 2$. 9:ec*ti7e Director (N R#; Ne4 Delhi

III Co"5o" !e He 2 34 "!e"

2&. hair)an ! Managing Director; 1 6>9; Ne4 Delhi 2(. Director (/echnical#; 1 6>9; Ne4 Delhi 2+. Director (6-eration"# ; 1 6>9; Ne4 Delhi

Director ( o))ercial#; 1 6>9; Ne4 Delhi

31. Director (>ro?ect"# ; 1 6>9; Ne4 Delhi 32. 9:ec*ti7e Director (61#; 96 ; Noida 33. 9:ec*ti7e Director (9ngg.#; 96 ; Noida 34. General Manager (R!D#; Noida 35. oncerned Gro*- <ead" in 6-eration 1er7ice";

IV He 2 o6 O7M
3$. 1ingra*li 4.. Vindhyachal 44. %nchahar 4(. ,05 6 a-ti7e 5$. 1i)hadri 3&. Kor'a 41. Rihand 45. /alcher Kaniha 4+. 0*raiya 5&./anda 3(. Ra)ag*nda) 42. Kahalgaon 4$./alcher /her)al 5.. 0nta 54. Kaya)k*la) 3+. Farakka 43. Dadri( oal# 4&. ,adar-*r 51. Ka4a" 55. Farida'ad

52. 8hanor Gandhar 53. Dadri (Ga"#

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