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A Rocket Languages Limited & Libros Media Limited production: All rights reserved. Copyright 2006 by Rocket Languages Limited & Libros Media Limited. The More Rocket French Transcripts and associated materials may not be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of Libros Media Ltd; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews. Rocket Languages Ltd & Libros Media Ltd retains all rights to these products. Published by Libros Media Ltd Level 2 107 Cashel Street, Christchurch, 8001, New Zealand Printed in New Zealand This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and associations.

Introduction 0.0 Your weekend/ ton week-end

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Salut Anne. Quest-ce que tu as fait le week-end dernier? Jai pass deux jours de vacances au bord de la mer. Il faisait trs beau et jai ramass des coquillages sur la plage. Tu as pris une chambre lhtel ou bien tu as lou une maison? Ni lun, ni lautre! Jai pris le camping-car de mes parents.

English Translation Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Hi Anne, what did you do last weekend? I spend 2 days of holidays by the seaside. The weather was very nice and I collected shells on the beach. Did you take a room in a hotel or else did you rent a house? None of the above, I took my parents mobile home.

1.1 At the concert/ au concert

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Salut Anne. a va? Dis, tu vas aller au concert de MC Solaar demain soir? Salut Eric. Non, en fait je voudrais mais je nai pas encore achet de billet. Dpche-toi. Je ne sais pas sil reste des places. Regarde sur Internet. Bon tant pis. Je vais acheter le CD et je pourrai lcouter la maison!

English Translation Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Hi Anne. How are you? Say, are you going to MC Solaar's concert tomorrow night? Hi Eric. No, in fact I'd like to, but I haven't bought a ticket yet. Hurry up. I don't know if there are any seats left. Look on the internet. Too bad. I'm going to buy the CD and I'll be able to listen to it at home.

1.2 I lost my luggage/ jai perdu mes bagages

Eric: Excusez-moi Mademoiselle.

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

Oui, que puis-je faire pour vous? Je crois bien que jai perdu un de mes bagages. Cest une grosse valise noire avec des petites roues. Vous avez votre nom et vos coordonnes inscrits dessus? Oui, bien sr. Cela fait plus dune heure que jattends prs du tapis roulant et il ny a rien. Quest-ce que je vais faire? Est-ce que vous avez une assurance? Oui bien sr. Alors il faut remplir ce formulaire qui vous sera utile pour votre dclaration. Bon merci.

English Translation Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Excuse me Miss. Yes, what can I do for you? I believe that I lost one piece of my luggage. It's a large black suitcase with small wheels. Do you have your name and details written on it? Yes, of course. It's been over an hour that I've been waiting by the conveyor and there's nothing. Do you have insurance? Yes, of course. It is necessary to fill in this form, which will be useful to you for your claim. Thanks.

1.3 Asking for directions/ demander son chemin

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Excusez-moi madame. Pour aller la rue St Catherine, sil vous plat. Oh, cest pas ici, a. Vous tes pied ou en voiture? En voiture. Bon. Mais vous savez la rue St Catherine, cest une longue artre pitonne? Alors pour y aller, il faut faire demi-tour et continuez tout droit pendant 10-15 mn. Puis au carrefour, tournez droite. Dans quelle rue ? Comment sappelle la rue? Euh cest le cours de la Marne je crois. Ensuite vous marchez pendant 200 mtres et puis vous arriverez a la place de la Victoire. La rue St Catherine est derrire. Vous ne pouvez pas la manquer! Merci beaucoup. Bonne journe!


English Translation 4

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne:

Eric: Anne: Eric:

Excuse me Ma'am. How do I get to St Catherine street please? It's not here. Are you on foot or driving? Driving. Good, but you know that Catherine Street is a long pedestrian area? So to get there it's necessary to do a U-turn and then carry on straight ahead for 10- 15 minutes. Then at the crossroads turn right. In what street? Um, it's de la Marne street I think. Then you walk for 200 meters and then you'll arrive at the Victoire square. St Catherine Street is behind it. You can't miss it. Thank you. Have a good day.

1.4 Canceling a hotel reservation/ annuler une reservation dhtel

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: All Htel Le St Emilion, bonjour. Bonjour Madame. Cest Eric Moreau lappareil. Jai fait une rservation votre htel pour trois nuits pour la troisime semaine du mois de janvier. Un instant, monsieur. Je vais consulter nos rservations. Oui, daccord. Quy a-t-il pour votre service? Et bien, nous allons arriver Bordeaux plus tard en janvier et je voudrais donc annuler ma rservation. Pas de problme. Voila, cest fait. Souhaitez-vous rserver une chambre pour une autre semaine ? Oui, en fait je voudrais savoir si je peux avoir une chambre double pour la premire semaine de fvrier, et au mme prix. Bien sr. Pas de problme M. Moreau. Nous vous verrons en fvrier alors. Merci au revoir madame. Au revoir monsieur.

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Hello, St Emilion hotel. Hello, Eric Moreau speaking. I made a booking at your hotel for three nights in the third week of January. One moment, sir. I'll check our bookings. Yes, that's right what can I do to help? Oh well, we are going to arrive in Bordeaux later in January and therefore I would like to cancel my booking. No problems. It's done. Do you wish to book a room for another week? 5

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne:

Yes, in fact I would like to know if I can have a double room for the first week in February for the same price. Of course, we will see you in February then. Thank you and good-bye madame. Thank you Mister.

2.1 Renting a car/ Louer une voiture

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Bonjour madame. Bonjour Monsieur. Voil je voudrais louer une voiture pour deux semaines. Trs bien, Quel genre de vhicule dsirez-vous? Et bien cest pour une petite famille de trois personnes alors une petite voiture genre Renault Clio fera laffaire, nest-ce pas? Oui mais vous serez un peu serrs. Vous avez beaucoup de bagages? Trois valises et deux sacs. Et un rhausseur pour enfant. Et vous allez loin? Nous descendons sur le Languedoc. Alors je vous conseille un vhicule de catgorie B au moins, cest-dire une routire du genre Renault Laguna ou bien Volkswagen Passat. Elles sont spacieuses, confortables et assez conomiques. Elles ont toutes cinq portes, la climatisation, doubles airbags et ABS. Vous pouvez les avoir en essence ou diesel et mme en quatre /quatre pour la Passat Break. Non merci, je compte faire de la route et pas du tout terrain! Si je prends la Laguna, cest combien le forfait? O comptez-vous la prendre et la laisser? A laroport de Bordeaux-Merignac. Alors pour deux semaines avec un forfait de quatre mille km maximum deux conducteurs, voyons Vous avez plus dun an de permis? Oui bien sr. Alors cest six cents quatre-sept TTC. Vous pouvez prendre une assurance tout risque pour un lger supplment. Merci, je vais voir avec mon pouse et je reviens. A tout de suite.

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

English Translation Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Hello, ma'am. Hello, Mister. Right, I would like to rent a car for two weeks. Very well, what type of vehicle do you want?

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne:

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

Well, it's for a small family of three people, so a small car Renault Clio type will do the trick, won't it? Yes, but you will be a bit squashed. Do you have lots of luggage? Three suitcases and two bags. And a booster for a child. Are you going far? We are going down to "Le Languedoc" Well, I recommend a vehicle of category B at least. That is a family car, Renault Laguna type or else Volkswagen Passat. They are spacious, comfortable and rather economical. They all have five doors, air conditioning, double airbags and ABS. You can have them in petrol or diesel and even four wheel drive for the Passat station wagon. No, thanks. I expect to take the road and not be going off-road. If I take the Laguna how much is it for the package? Where do you expect to take it and leave it? At the airport of Bordeaux-Merignac. So for two weeks with a formula of 4000km maximum 2 drivers, let's see You've had your driving license for more than one year? Yes, of course. So it's 647 Euro all taxes included. You can take an all-riskscovered-insurance for a slight increase. Thanks, I'm going to decide with my wife and I'll be back. See you soon.

Lesson 2.2 Filling up your car/ prendre de lessence

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Bonjour. Bonjour. Vous pouvez faire le plein sil vous plait? Sans plomb quatre-vingt-cinq? Non non, cest un diesel. Vous pouvez regarder lhuile et leau? Pas de problme, mademoiselle. Et la pression de pneus: vous lavez faite rcemment? Euh, non. Vous pouvez vous en occupez? Bien sr Voila : je vous ai rajout un peu dhuile et jai gonfl vos pneus. Je pense que lun dentre eux est un peu us et quil faudra le changer trs bientt. Vous pensez? Oui, sinon vous risquez la crevaison. Vous allez loin? Assez, oui. Je descends sur la cte. Et bien si jtais vous, je changerais les pneus de devant aussitt que possible. Et puis faites-vrifier les amortisseurs et le paralllisme car cest pas normal davoir un pneu us comme cela. 7

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

Bon, merci. Je vous dois combien? Et bien quarante euro dessence plus deux euro pour lhuile, quarante-deux euros. Voil. Merci beaucoup. Il ny a pas de quoi. Bonne route!

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Hello. Hello. Could you do the "fill up " please? Unleaded ninety five? No, no, it's a diesel. Could you have a look at the oil and water? No problem Miss. Have you checked the pressure of the tires recently? Um, no. Could you deal with this? Of courseHere you are, I added a bit of oil for you and I pumped up your tires. I think that one of them is a bit worn out and it will be necessary to change it very soon. You think so? Yes, otherwise you risk a puncture. Are you going far? Quite far, yes. I go down to the coast. Well, if I were you I would change the tires at the front as soon as possible. And then have the socks and the alignment checked as it is not normal to have a tire worn out like this. Right, thanks. How much do I owe you? Right, 40 Euro for the gas plus 2 Euro for the oil, that's 42 Euro. Here you are. Thank you very much. Don't mention it. Have a good trip!

Lesson 2.3 Getting a parking fine/ recevoir une contravention

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Salut Eric. La forme? Non, vraiment pas! Je suis en colre! Jai reu une contravention hier aprs-midi et je dois payer deux cents ! Quoi? Mais cest norme? Que sest-il pass? Et bien. Jtais gar en ville, prs de la rue Molire. Jai mis de largent dans le parcmtre et quand je suis retourn, des agents

Anne: Eric: Anne:

de circulation taient en train de me mettre une contravention et la fourrire tait en train demmener ma voiture. Mais pourquoi? Quest-ce que tu as fait? Et bien, apparemment, jtais gar devant une bouche dincendie et cest interdit! Je le sais maintenant! Oh, pauvre Eric!

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Hi Eric. Your well? No, really not. I'm angry. I received a fine yesterday afternoon and I must pay 200 Euro. What? But that's huge? What happened? Well, I was parked in town in Molierre Street. I put some money in the parking meter, and when I came back traffic wardens were in the process of giving me a ticket and the pound was taking my car. But why? Was did you do? Well, apparently I was parked in front of a fire hydrant and this is forbidden. I know it now! Oh, poor Eric!

Anne: Eric: Anne:

Lesson 2.4 Going out/ sortir

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Salut Eric. Que fais-tu de beau ce soir? Je ne sais pas encore. Je nai rien de prvu. Et toi? Jaimerais bien aller au cin mais je ne sais pas quoi voir. Tu as des ides? Non, pas vraiment. Je ne sais pas ce qui passe. On pourrait aller au resto dabord et ensuite se faire une vido sil ny a rien de bon. Quelle bonne ide! Ca te dit de manger chinois? Pas vraiment non. Je digre mal la cuisine pice! Si on allait plutt Chez Theo, un resto grec. Ils font de lexcellente cuisine et en plus tu as une ambiance formidable avec la danse et la musique. Ca me va. Dis, cest pas trop cher, jespre car je suis un peu juste en ce moment. Non, ne tinquite pas. On mange bien et cest assez bon march. Alors quelle heure on se donne rendez-vous? Et bien, si on se rencontre chez Theo vers sept heurs, on aura du temps aprs pour aller chez moi pour la vido. Tu toccupes du film ou bien cest moi? 9

Eric: Anne: Eric:

Anne: Eric:

Si on allait choisir maintenant? Ca marche.

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Hi Eric. What are you doing tonight? I don't know yet. I have nothing planned. And you? I'd love to go to the movies, but I don't know what to see. Have you got any ideas? No, not really. I don't know what's on. We could go to the restaurant first and then get a video if there is nothing good on. What a great idea. Are you keen to eat Chinese? No, not really. I don't digest spicy food. Rather, we could go to Theo's, a Greek restaurant. They have excellent food and on top of that there is a fantastic ambience with dancing and music. That's ok with me. Tell me, it's not too dear, I hope, because I am a bit broke at the moment. No, don't worry. The food is good and it's quite cheap. So what time shall we meet? Well, if we meet at Theos at about 7pm, we will have time afterwards to go to my place for a video. You get the film or is it me? How about we choose now? Sweet.

Lesson 3.1 At the doctor's/ chez le mdecin

Eric: Lauren: Eric: Lauren: Eric: Lauren: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Bonjour madame. Je voudrais savoir si je peux voir un mdecin cet aprs-midi. Vous avez rendez-vous? Euh non mais cela fait maintenant plus de 2 jours que je ne me sens pas bien et je crois que jai besoin de voir quelquun. Un instant, je vais voir si Mme Dupuis peut vous recevoir maintenant. Veuillez passer dans la salle dattente, sil vous plait. Merci. Voil monsieur. Mme Dupuis va vous recevoir. Bonjour Monsieur. Bonjour docteur. Alors quest-ce quil y a? Et bien voil: je ne me sens pas trs bien. Cela fait 2 jours que jai des vertiges, des nauses et jai failli mvanouir 2 ou 3 fois. Je suis un peu inquiet. 10

1 Anne:

Eric: Anne:

Rassurez-vous, cela peut-tre tellement de choses. Nous allons faire faire une prise de sang et faire quelques tests pour commencer, daccord? Alors je vais vous prescrire une ordonnance pour quelques mdicaments pour vous soulager et une demande pour une prise de sang au laboratoire danalyse. Merci bien docteur. Je vous en prie. Au revoir.

English Translation Eric: Lauren: Eric: Lauren: Eric: Lauren: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Hello Miss, I would like to know if I can see a doctor this afternoon. Do you have an appointment? Um no, but it's been more than two days now that I haven't felt well and I believe I need to see someone. One moment, I'm going to see if Mrs. Dupuis can see you now. Would you like to go to the waiting room please? Thanks. Right, Sir. Mrs. Dupuis will see you. Hello Sir. Hello doctor. So what is it there is? Well, here it is: I don't feel very well. It's been 2 days that I had some dizziness, nausea and I nearly fainted two or three times. I'm a bit worries. Calm down. This can be so many things. We are going to do a blood test and get a few tests done to start with. Alright? Therefore I'm going to write a prescription for some medicine to relieve the pain and a letter for the blood test at the lab. Thank you very much, doctor. You're welcome. Goodbye.

Eric: Anne:

Lesson 3.2 Making a complaint/ faire une rclamation

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Monsieur? Je ne suis pas trs content. Jai achet cette veste hier soir dans votre magasin et voici ce que je viens de dcouvrir ce matin en la mettant ! Vous lavez porte? Bien sr que non. Je lai emporte dans un sac en plastique et cest ce matin quand jai voulu la mettre que jai ralise quil y avait cette grande dchirure sur le cot. Mais vous navez rien remarqu hier soir? Non, et votre vendeur non plus. 11

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

Vous avez votre ticket de caisse? Et bien non. Je ne le retrouve plus. Mais jai mon reu pour ma carte visa, et vous pouvez vrifier. Bien, cela fera laffaire. Nous allons vous rembourser, monsieur et nous somme vraiment dsols. Moi aussi car je laimais bien cette veste!

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Sir? I am not very happy. I have bought this jacket last night in your shop and here is what I have just discovered this morning by wearing it. Did you wear it? Of course not. I took it in a plastic bag and this morning when I wanted to wear it I realized that there was this big tear on the side. But you noticed nothing last night? No, and your sales assistant didn't either. Well, do you have your docket from the cash desk? Well no. I can't find it anymore. But I have my receipt for my credit card and you can check. Alright. This will do. We are going to reimburse you Sir and we are truly sorry. Me too, because I really liked this jacket.

Lesson 3.3 Renting an appartement/ louer un appartement

Anne: Eric: Anne: Salut Eric. La forme? Pas mal et toi? Quoi de neuf? Pas grand-chose. Ah si, jai des amis trangers qui viennent habiter sur Bordeaux pendant quelques mois cet t et ils voudraient savoir comment faire pour louer un appartement. Tu as des ides? Ils ne veulent pas rester lhtel? Non, cela leur reviendrait trop cher. Cest une famille de 4 et ils voudraient bien tre autonomes et faire leur propre cuisine. Quelle bonne ide! En fait il leur faut voir une agence immobilire qui pourra les conseiller. Par contre, il y aura des frais dagence et on va leur demander une caution peut-tre plus leve en raison du risque. Quel risque ?

Eric: Anne: Eric:



Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne:

Et bien, si jamais ils quittent le territoire sans prvenir. Tu vois, en gnral, on paye un loyer lavance et on paye une caution que lon rcupre la fin. Mais il faut signer un bail. Qest-ce que cest? Cest le contrat! Que cest compliqu! Je vais leur dire de faire du camping!

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Hi Eric. How are you? Not bad and you? What's up? Not much. Ah yes, I have some friends who are foreigners who are coming to live in Bordeaux for some months this summer and they would like to know how to rent an apartment. Have you got any ideas? They don't want to stay at the hotel? No, this would be too expensive. It's a family of 4 and they would like to be independent and do their own cooking. What a good idea! In fact, they will have to see a real estate aganency which will be able to advise them. On the other hand there will be some costs for the service and they will be asked for a deposit, which might be higher due to the risk. What risk? Well, if they ever leave the country without warning. You see in general, one pays a rent in advance and one pays a deposit that one gets back at the end. But it is necessary to sign a lease. What is it? It's the contract! How complicated it is! I'm going to tell them to go camping!

Eric: Anne: Eric:

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne:

Lesson 3.4 Opening a bank account/ ouvrir un compte en banque

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Bonjour Monsieur. Bonjour madame. Voil, je voudrais ouvrir un compte en banque. Oui, vous avez dj t cliente dans notre banque? Non jamais. Je suis trangre et je vais vivre en France pendant quelques annes. Alors ce quil nous faudrait, cest une quittance de loyer, un document pour montrer votre adresse, une feuille de paye de votre employeur et votre passeport. Aprs il faudra que vous remplissiez ce formulaire et ensuite nous pourrons ouvrir votre compte. 13

Anne: Eric: Anne:

Bon trs bien. Je vous amnerai tout cela demain matin. Trs bien. A demain alors madame. Merci. Au revoir monsieur.

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Hello Sir. Hello Madame. I'd like to open a bank account. Have you been a client of our bank already? No, never. I am a foreigner and I'm going to live in France for a few years. So, what is necessary is a bond, a document to show your address and a pay slip from your employer and your passport. Then you will need to fill in this form and we will then be able to open your account. Good, very well. I will bring you all of this tomorrow. Very good. See you tomorrow Madame. Thanks Good bye Sir.

Anne: Eric: Anne:

Lesson 4.1 French customs and festivals/ Coutumes et ftes franaises

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Jai entendu qu'en France, la plupart des coutumes sont dorigine religieuse, sauf les superstitions bien sr. Quest-ce que tu connais comme superstitions? Beaucoup de choses portent malheur, dit-on, comme passer sous une chelle ou bien croiser un chat noir. Moi je prfre tirer les rois pour lEpiphanie. Jaime les coutumes quand il sagit de manger quelque chose! Tirer les rois? Oui ! On fait ou on achte un gteau en forme de couronne et dedans est glissee une fve . Une vraie fve? Autrefois oui, de nos jours ce sont des petits santons en porcelaine que les gens collectionnent. En as-tu? Oui quelques-unes. Celui ou celle qui trouve la fve devient roi ou reine et choisit son roi ou sa reine avec un baiser. Miam. Parler de gteaux, cela me donne faim!

English Translation Eric: I've heard that in France, most of the customs are of a religious origin, except superstitions of course. 14

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

What do you know as far as superstitions go? Lots of things bring bad luck we say: like walking under a ladder or bumping into a black cat. As for me, I prefer "draw the Kings" for Epiphany. I like customs when they are about eating something. "To draw the Kings?" Yes! We make or buy a cake in the shape of a crown and pushed inside is a bean. A real bean? In the old days, yes, nowadays they are little figurines out of porcelain that people collect. Have you got any? Yes, some. The person who finds the "bean" becomes king or queen and chooses her king or queen with a kiss. Yummy. Talking about cakes makes me hungry!

Lesson 4.2 Christmas/ Nol

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: O seras-tu, pour Nol, cette anne, en France ou ltranger? En France! Nous recevons nos amis de Nouvelle-Zlande avec leurs deux enfants. Deux enfants? Ils sont petits? Oui. Lune est ge de quatre ans et lautre dun an. Alors, tu vas prparer une vraie fte franaise? Bien sr! Avec veille et Rveillon pour les adultes seulement Le pre Nol viendra dposer les cadeaux dans les souliers, devant le sapin et les petits les dcouvriront le lendemain. Un rveillon? Quest-ce que cest? Cest un grand repas autour de minuit, aux chandelles! Et que mange-t-on? Des hutres, du foie gras, du homard, des boudins blancs truffs et de la dinde farcie ou du chapon et la traditionnelle bche de Nol. Une bche? Oui un gteau roul au chocolat et la crme au beurre! Je te donnerai la recette si tu veux!

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Where will you be for Christmas this year, in France or overseas? In France! We will have our friends from New Zealand with their two kids with us. Two kids? Are they small? 15

Eric: Anne: Eric:

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

One is four years of age and the other one is one year old. So, are you going to prepare a true French festival? Of course! With evening and Christmas Eve dinner only for the adults. Father Christmas will come and lay the presents in the shoes, in front of the tree and the young ones will discover them the day after. A Christmas Eve dinner? What is that? It's a big meal at about midnight with candles! And what do you eat? Oysters, goose liver pt, lobster, white sausages with truffles and turkey with stuffing or a capon and the traditional "Yule log" dessert A "Yule log" dessert? A cake rolled with chocolate and with butter cream. I'll give you the recipe if you want to!

Lesson 4.3 Your favorite food/ ta nourriture prfre

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Quel est le plat que tu prfres? Oh, quelle question difficile. Moi je suis plutt du genre gourmand alors cest surtout les desserts. Les profiteroles glaces au chocolat, javoue quon peut difficilement faire mieux. Et toi ? Moi, cest la Tarte des surs Tatin, tu sais, la tarte aux pommes renverses. Miam, un vritable dlice, surtout avec une boule de glace a la vanille. Et pour ce qui est du dner? Je crois quun bon buf Bourguignon en hiver reste quelque chose dimbattable. Quoiquune bonne choucroute me tente bien. Mais cest pas de chez toi, a. Non, cest vrai mais on en trouve beaucoup dans le sud-ouest. Et toi? Moi, cest plutt un bon ragout en hiver, genre pot au feu et en t une salade de gsiers.

English Translation Anne: Eric: What is your favourite dish? What a difficult question. Me, I'm rather the greedy type so it's mostly desserts. Profiteroles iced with chocolate, I confess that we can't do much better. And you? 16

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne:

For me it's the tart of the Tatins' sisters. You know the tart with the apples turned upside down. Yummy, a true delight, especially with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. And in regards to dinner? I believe that a good beef burgundy in winter remains something unbeatable. Although a good sauerkraut is very tempting. But it's not from your area. No, it's true, but we fine it a lot in the south-west. And you? For me, it's rather a good stew in winter, like the "pot on fire" and in summer a gizzard salad.

Lesson 4.4 Do's and don'ts/ obligations et interdictions

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Dis-moi Eric, je suis bien embarrasse. Jai voulu serrer la main a quelquun dont jai fait la connaissance et il ma embrasse. Je crois que jai rougi! Et oui, bienvenue en France, pays des bises. Cest ce quon appelle un choc culturel. Mais comment a marche? Quelles sont les rgles? Et bien en fait, sil ta embrass, cest que ce ntait pas une occasion formelle. Sinon, il taurait serr la main ou bien salu de la tte. Et combien de bises fait-on? Cela dpend des rgions. Cela va de 2 4, suivant les endroits. Pas facile tout a. Cest vrai mais comme cest toi ltrangre, tu nas pas faire le premier pas!

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Tell me Eric, I'm very embarrassed, I wanted to shake hands with someone I have made the acquaintance with and he kissed me. I think that I blushed! Yes, welcome to France, land of kisses. This is what we call a cultural shock. But how does it work? What are the rules? Well, the fact that he kissed you means that it was not a formal occasion otherwise he would have shaken the hand or greeted you with a nod of the head. And how many kisses does one give? It depends on the regions. It various from two to four, depending on places. All of this is not easy. 17


It's true but as you are the foreigner, you don't have to take the first step.

Lesson 5.1 Making decisions / prendre des dcisions

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Alors Eric, que tarrive-t-il? Tu as lair bizarre! Anne, je viens de rencontrer la femme de mes rves. Je suis amoureux. Dis donc! Cest le coup de foudre! Tu crois pas si bien dire: jai dcid de lui demander de mpouser. Oh la la! Flicitations! Tu ne perds pas de temps! Quand vas-tu faire ta demande? Et bien je ne suis pas trop sr: si je lui demande et quelle me dise non jaurais lair malin. Dun autre ct, si tu ne lui demandes pas, tu ne sauras jamais! Si je faisais une allusion subtile, pour savoir ce quelle pense? Allez, sois courageux! Sinon, tu vas rester vieux garon!!

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: So Eric, what happened to you? You look funny! I've just met the woman of my dreams. I'm in love. Say! It's love at first sight! You are not far from the truth. I've decided to ask her to marry me. Congratulations! You don't waste time. When are you going to propose? Well, I'm not too sure if I ask her and she says no I would look stupid. On the other hand if you don't ask her you will never know! What if I made a subtle reference to see what she thinks? Come on, be brave! Otherwise you'll remain a bachelor!!

Lesson 5.2 Proposing/ demande en marriage

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Isabelleje voudrais te demander quelque choseveux-tu mpouser ? Oh, Eric. Une demande en mariage ! Comme cest romantique. Euh, ouiEt ta rponse ? Mais bien sr que oui ! Et quand veux-tu quon se marie ?


Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne:

Et bien je pensais juin lan prochain. Ainsi on aura du temps pour se prparer. On se mariera lglise ou bien la mairie seulement ? Les deux si cela te convient. Ma famille est assez religieuse alors a leur ira parfaitement. On invitera tout le monde ? On verra ! On fera une liste ! Ne tinquite pas : je lai dj faite. Je moccuperai de tout ! Tu es bien organise ! Que veux-tu, jai hte de dire oui !

English Translation Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: I would like to ask you somethingdo you want to marry me? A proposal! How romantic! Uhm, yesand your answer? Of course I do! And when do you want us to get married? Well I was thinking of June next year. Thus we will have some time to prepare ourselves. Will we get married at church or at the town hall only? Both if this suits you. My family is quite religious so it will suit them perfectly. Will we invite everybody? We'll see. We'll make a list. Don't worry: I've already done it. I will take care of everything! You are well organized! What did you expect; I'm looking forward to saying "yes"!

Lesson 5.3 The Wedding/ le marriage

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Bon, rcapitulons: Alors rendez-vous 13h30 la mairie pour le mariage civil avec le premier adjoint du maire. Puis on va lglise. Comment on y va ? Ton pre nous y conduira en voiture. OK. Ensuite, lglise avec labb Pierre donc rendez-vous au presbytre 15h.La crmonie a lieu 16h30. Aprs la signature des registres et la remise des drages, on va dans la salle de rception pour le vin dhonneur, cest a ? Oui, quelle heure dj? On avait prvu 6h30 je crois car on prendra les photos avant. Ensuite on va au restaurant pour dner Au fait, et les alliances ? Je les ai. Et la pice monte, elle est commande ? Oui, oui, ne tinquite paset puis aprs la fte 19

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:


En route pour notre voyage de noces !!!

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Well, let's recap: so meeting at 1:30pm at the town hall for the administrative wedding with the first deputy of the mayor. Then we go to church. How do we get there? Your father will drive us there in the car. OK. Then to church with the Abbot Pierre meeting at the presbytery at 3pm. The ceremony will take place at 4:30pm. After having signed the registry and giving the "dragees", we go to the reception room for drinks, is this right? Yes, at what time is it again? We had planned 6:30pm I think because we will take photos before. Then we go to the restaurant for dinnerby the way, what about the rings? I've got them. And is the "croquembouche" ordered? Yes, yes, don't worryand then after the party Off we go for our homeymoon!

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne:

Lesson 5.4 The Argument/ disputes conjugales

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Dis cela ne me fait pas trs plaisir ce que tu mas dit tout lheure. Combien de fois je tai dit de ne pas laisser traner tes affaires ! Ecoute, jtais dehors en train de laver la voiture Oui et bien moi jen ai marre de tout ranger et nettoyer sans mme un mot de remerciement! Et en plus ta musique me casse les oreilles. a commence bien faire! Texagres! Bon, coute : je mexcuse. Je vais les mettre de ct, je vais baisser la musique et aprs on va en ville manger un morceau, daccord? Bon, daccord. Bon, on s'embrasse et on fait la paix? D'accord! C'est la meilleure partie des disputes'!

English Translation Anne: Eric: Tell me, it doesn't make me very happy what you said just before. How many times have I told you not to leave your belongings lying around?! 20

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

Listen, I was outside in the middle of cleaning the car Yes, and I'm sick of tidying up everything and cleaning without a word of appreciation! And besides your music is hurting my ears. It is starting to do well! You exaggerate! Right, listen, I'm sorry. I'm going to put them(my belongings) aside, I'm going to turn down the music and then we are off to town to eat a bite, alright? OK, I agree. Good, shall we make peace? I agree, this is the best part of any argument.

Lesson 6.1 Leaving a phone message/ laisser un message tlphonique

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: All, pourrais-je parler Monsieur Dupuis? Monsieur Dupuis est en dplacement pour la journe. Cest quel sujet ? Monsieur Dupuis ma demand de le contacter pour discuter des possibilits dexportation de certains de mes produits aux EtatsUnis. Puis-je laisser un message? Certainement. Cest de la part de qui? Cest Monsieur Lewis. Dites-lui que je suis descendu lhtel Le Chteau et que je suis Paris jusqu' mardi prochain. Trs bien. Merci Monsieur Lewis. Merci beaucoup. Au revoir.

English Translation Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Hello, could I talk to Mr. Dupuis? Mr. Dupuis is away for the day. What is it about? Mr. Dupuis asked me to contact him to discuss some possibilities of export of some of my products to the United States. May I leave a message? Certainly. Who is calling? It's Mr. Lewis. Tell him that I am at the hotel "Le Chateau" and that I'm in Paris until next Tuesday. Very good. Thank you Mr. Lewis. Thank you very much. Good bye.

Lesson 6.2 Preparing for a new job/ Prparation pour un nouveau travail
Anne: Dis donc, tu es drlement bien habille aujourdhui. Tu vas un mariage ? 21

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

Non mais cest tout comme. Jai un entretien dembauche pour un poste responsabilits chez Auchan. Mais cest gnial a. Mais tes pourtant pas au chmage. Et ton travail Continent ? Mon contrat expire la fin du mois alors je prends les devants. Ils ne vont pas te le renouveler ? Je nen sais trop rien. Mais cela ne mintresse pas. Je prfre tenter ma chance plutt que dattendre. Cest pour un travail plein temps, un remplacement? Cest temps partiel pour commencer mais comme il y a les ftes qui approchent, cela va devenir plein temps trs rapidement. Et tu es prt pour ton entretien ? Autant que je peux ltre : jai tous mes diplmes avec moi, une lettre de motivation, mon CV et des rfrence demployeurs. Bon je croise les doigts. Bonne chance ! Merci. Jen aurai besoin !

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Say, you are really well dressed today. Are you going to a wedding? No, but it's just the same. I have a job interview for a position of responsibility at Auchan supermarket. But, that's great! You are not unemployed though. What about your work at Continent? My contract finishes at the end of the month so I take the lead. Are they not going to renew it for you? I don't know really. But it doesn't concern me. I prefer trying my luck rather than waiting. Is it for a full time job, a replacement? It's part time to start with, but with the festive season approaching it will become full time very quickly. Are you ready for your interview? As much as I can be: I have all my diplomas with me, my letter of application, my resume and references from employers. Well, I cross my fingers. Good luck! Thanks. I'll need it.

Lesson 6.3 Job Interview/ entretien dembauche

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Bonjour Monsieur ... Eric Moreau, cest cela? En effet. Vous avez rpondu une annonce parue dans Capital Cest cela. 2

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

Votre cv me semble fort intressant: je vois que vous avez de lexprience dans la distribution. Jai eu plusieurs contrats dure dtermine dans diffrents centres commerciaux et je pense que jai toutes les qualits ncessaires pour votre entreprise. Nous le pensons aussi et cest pourquoi nous voulons vous proposer le poste. Voici les termes du contrat Merci. Hummvu ma formation de Bac plus 4 et mon exprience je mattendais un taux de rmunration plus lev. Je suis sure que nous parviendrons un accord mais je dois consulter notre dpartement de ressources humaines. Nous vous contacterons dici la fin de la semaine. Trs bien. Merci. Jattends de vos nouvelles.

English Translation Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Hello Sir Eric Moreau, that's you? Indeed. You have answered to a classified ad published in the magazine Capital. That's right. Your rsum seems really interesting to me. I see that you have some experience in retail. I've had several contracts for fixed durations in different commercial centers and I think that I have all the necessary skills for your company. We think so too and this is why we want to offer you the position. Here are the details of the contract. Thanks. Mmmh, given my background of four years at university and my experience I was expecting a higher rate of remuneration. I am sure that we will reach an agreement but I must consult our Human Resource department. We will contact you by the end of the week. Very well. Thanks. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Lesson 6.4 Business Meeting/ runion de travail

Anne: Bonjour Messieurs Dames. Alors merci bien dtre tous prsents cette runion de travail. A lordre du jour entre autres nous devons discuter du projet publicitaire de Monsieur Moreau. Au fait vous rdigez le procs-verbal, Mademoiselle Laroque ? Merci ! Monsieur Moreau, vous avez la parole.


Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

Merci Madame Dubois. Le projet sur lequel je travaille depuis quelques mois navance pas trs vite. Il semble que la nouvelle campagne publicitaire ne donne pas les rsultats escompts. En connaissons-nous les causes ? Il semble que ce soit un problme de stratgie et le public cibl ne rpond pas comme nous lattendions. Bon. Il faut en discuter avec le dpartement de marketing, en faire lanalyse et revoir notre approche. Tout a fait. Je vais crire un rapport et je vous enverrai un courriel avec pices jointes dans la journe.

English Translation Anne: Hello ladies and gentlemen. So thank you for being present at this business meeting. On the agenda among other things we must discuss the advertising project of Mr. Moreau. By the way, are you writing down the minutes, Miss Laroque? Thanks! Mr. Moreau, your turn to talk. Thanks Miss Dubois. The project on which I have been working on for a few months is not progressing very fast. It seems that the new advertising campaign is not giving the expected results. Do we know the cause? It seems that it is a problem of strategy and the target audience is not responding like we were expecting. Good, it is necessary to discuss it with the marketing department, do the analysis and review our approach. Definitely. I am going to write a report and I will send you an email with attachments during the day.

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

Lesson 7.1 Politics and news/ politiques/informations

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Bonjour Anne Bonjour Eric As-tu lu le journal ce matin? Non. Pourquoi Et bien tu y verras mon nom en gros titres: je me prsente aux lections. Aux lections ? Mais elles sont passes et Sarkozy est le Prsident, non ? Je ne te parle pas des Prsidentielles qui ont lieu tous les 5 ans, ni des Lgislatives mais des municipales: les conseillers sont lus dans les villes et villages et leur nombre est au prorata de la population. Alors, tu fais de la politique ? 24


Eric: Anne: Eric:

Tu sais ici, on veut le bien de la commune et quon soit de gauche ou de droite, on sentend plutt bien. Je men doute .Par contre, votre prsident de Droite a bien de la peine faire les rformes promises et la Gauche va regagner du terrain. Eh oui .Cest la France, le pays des contradictions et des grves !!!!

English Translation Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Hello Anne. Hi Eric. Have you read the paper this morning! No, why? Well, you'll see my name in the headlines. I put my name down for the elections. The elections? But they have been and Sarkozy is the president, right? I am not talking about the presidential (elections) which take place every five years, or the legislative, but the municipal ones: The councilors are elected in towns and villages and their number is in proportion to the population. Are you into politics? You know, here we want the best for the community and no matter whether we are on the left or on the right we get on quite well. Fair enough. However your right-wing president is struggeling to make the promised reforms and the left party is gaining ground. Yes, It's France land of contradictions andstrikes!

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

Lesson 7.2 Idioms/ expressions idiomatiques

Eric: Anne: Eric: Tu parles bien Franais, Anne maintenant mais il te faut connatre quelques idiomes. Que veux-tu dire par l ? Et bien toutes ces expressions intraduisibles et bien franaises. Par exemple: On sest fil rendez-vous. Jtais aux anges. Jai pass une nuit blanche moi qui voulais faire la grasse matine. Je me suis rendu sur place et l, pas un chat. Elle ma pos un lapin. Je suis sr quelle ma fait marcher. Jtais rouge de colre. Moi qui lui donne toujours un coup de main. Tu avais rendez-vous avec quelquun. Tu tais content. Tu nen as pas dormi toi qui voulais dormir tard le matin. Tu y es all et l, personne. Tu penses quelle nest pas venue et quelle ta fait 25


Eric: Anne:

une blague. Tu ntais pas content car tu laides toujours. Cest a ? Ben a alors ! Comment tu connais tout a, toi ? Tu oublies que cela fait plus de 10 ans que jhabite ici !

English Translation Eric: Anne: Eric: You speak French well now, Anne, but it is necessary for you to know some idioms. What do you mean? Well, all these untranslatable and typically French expressions. For instance: We had a date. I was with the angels. I spent a white night, me who wanted to do the fat morning. I went to the spot and there, not one cat. She put me a rabbit. I am sure that she made me walk. I was red with anger. Me, who always gives her a hand. You had a date with someone. You were happy. You didn't sleep, even though you wanted to sleep in in the morning. You went there and there was no one. You think that she didn't turn up and that she played a joke on you. You were not happy because you always help her. Is that it? Well, blimey! How do you know all that? You are forgetting that I have been living here for more than ten years!


Eric: Anne:

Lesson 7.3 When I was young/ quand jtais jeune

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Alors Eric. Quel est ton meilleur souvenir denfance. Ctaient Les jours de ftes, quand ctait fri et quil ny avait pas cole, on passait beaucoup de temps samuser, soit dehors, lorsquil faisait beau, soit dedans quand il pleuvait. Et que faisiez-vous ? On se dguisait, on fabriquait des objets, des masques, on dessinait. Quelquefois ma mre nous prparait des crpes ou bien faisait un gteau. Ah les meilleurs souvenirs denfance sont toujours lis la cuisine ! Oui, mais un jour, jai essay de laider et cela a t un dsastre ! Et depuis ce jour-l, je ne suis pas trs fort dans la cuisine !

English Translation


Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric:

So Eric, what is your best childhood memory? It was Festical days, when there was a public holiday and there was no school. We would spend lots of time having fun either outside, when the weather was fine or inside when it was raining. And what were you doing? We would dress up, we would create objects, masks, we used to draw Sometimes my mum would prepare some pancakes for us or else make a cake. The best childhood memories are always linked to cooking! Yes, but one day, I even tried to help her and this was a disaster and since that day I'm not very "good" in the kitchen

Lesson 7.4 My future/ mon avenir

Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne: Dis-moi Anne. Que feras-tu dans dix ans? Quelle question ! Jai dj du mal savoir ce que je vais faire dans deux jours alors dans dix ans O seras-tu? En France ou bien outre-mer ? Tu auras des enfants ? Allez, raconte ! VoyonsOui, je me vois bien marie et mre de famille.Dun autre ct, jaimerais bien partir vivre ailleurs, dans un autre pays. Lequel? LAmrique du Sud ma toujours beaucoup attir. Alors voil, jhabiterai dans la fort amazonienne avec les indiens. Au Brsil? Non, plutt en Guyane, comme a je serai ltranger tout en tant un peu en France. Bonne ide. Et que feras-tu l-bas? Je me consacrerai la dfense des tribus indignes et la protection de la fort tropicale. Tu sais, je minquite avec le rchauffement de la plante! Dis donc, entre cela et femme au foyer, cest un sacr choix! Mre de famille, sil te plait. Bon, on verra lavenir nous le dira!

English Translation Eric: Anne: Eric: Tell me Anne, what will you do in 10 years time? What a question! I have already difficulties to know what I am going to do in two days, let alone in ten years Where will you be? In France or else overseas? Will you have some kids? Come on say 27

Anne: Eric: Anne: Eric: Eric: Eric: Anne: Eric: Anne:

Let's see Yes, I can see myself married and being a mother On the other hand, I would like to go and live elsewhere, in another country. Which one? South America has always attracted me a lot. So there, I will live in the Amazonian forest with the Indians. In Brazil? No, rather in French Guiana, as I will be abroad while being a little in France. Good idea. And what will you do over there? I will devote myself to the defence of the native tribes and the protection of the rain forest. You know, I am worries about the warming of the planet. Between this and being a housewife it's a cool choice! Mother, please. Well, we'll see and the future will tell us!


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