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Learning Segment Title: Rise of Totalitarian Governments: Three Forms February 5, 2014

PLANNING FOR THE LESSON Key Content Standard(s)- content & ELD: List the om!lete te"t of only the relevant !arts of ea h stan#ar#$ TPE


%naly&e the rise, aggression, an# human osts of totalitarian regimes 'Fas ist an# (ommunist) in Germany, *taly, an# the Soviet +nion, noting es!e ially their ommon an# #issimilar traits$

Lesson O!"ect#$e: ,hat #o you -ant stu#ents to .no- an# be able to #o at the en# of this learning segment % TPE St&dents '#(( !e a!(e to)

understand how people work to maintain power, or fight to take power away analyze the relationship between citizen and government discuss the characteristics of, and be able to differentiate, Communism, Fascism, and Nazism examine the strengths and weaknesses of different forms of government Analyze and discuss whether history is inevitable.

Assess*ents- For*a( and In+or*a(: /o- -ill you assess if an# -hat stu#ents are learning0 TPE ,

FOR-AL) - FINAL PR.ECT CO/ER 0 Stu#ents -ill a ess !rior .no-le#ge on %rt 1e o #ra-ing te hni2ues, as -ell as from notes on the -orl# going into the 1340s to reate a reative over that onveys the theme of Totalitarianism an# the grou!5s o!inion or argument about the form of totalitarianism they hose$ INFOR-AL) 12#3 aro&nd- 6a h stu#ent -ill be as.e# to use one -or# to #es ribe ommunism as a -ay to !ra ti e both their summari&ation s.ills an# their .no-le#ge of the .ey themes an# things to .no- about (ommunism$ %fter one stu#ent ans-ers, the stu#ent sitting behin# them ans-ers, an# in this -ay the a tivity -hi!s aroun# the room -ith ea h stu#ents ans-ering an# #es ribing (ommunism in one -or#$ Res3onse to a4ree5d#sa4ree state*ents - 1uring the lass le ture, tea her -ill as. a series of agree7#isagree statements to he . for stu#ent un#erstan#ing, allo- stu#ents to onvey their un#erstan#ing in a nonverbal -ay for those stu#ents -ho are shy or struggle -ith 6nglish language, an# gets them to onsi#er -hat they5re o!inion about the material is, an# hothey oul# su!!ort those theories -ith evi#en e$

-od#+#cat#ons6 Acco**odat#ons6 Sca++o(d#n4- /o- -ill you a#8ust your instru tion an# assessments to meet the #iverse nee#s of stu#ents 'es!$ language learners an#7or s!e ial nee#s)0 TPE 7 and 8

-Conce3t *a3 sca++o(d#n4 and note ta9#n4- , (e$e(s 9 stu#ents -ill be as.e# to ta.e notes in a on e!t ma!, -ith the on e!t ma! being offere# in t-o levels, #ifferentiate# #e!en#ing on the level of stu#ent nee#$ This s affol#ing is #esigne# to hel! stu#ents organi&e their notes an# thoughts, an# easily see ho- the three forms of Totalitarianism an be om!are# an# ontraste#$ -4ro&3 3ro"ect act#$#ty: Stu#ents -ill -or. in a grou! on their final !ro8e t, giving stu#ents an o!!ortunity to e"amine an# #is uss material -ith their lassmates an# -or. in a more stu#ent entere# environment -hile they analy&e an# reate a se tion of their final !ro8e t$ The grou! -or. -ill hel! stu#ents -ho are struggling by !rovi#ing them -ith a su!!ort net-or. of grou! members -ho -ill be able to assist them in e"!laining #iffi ult material, an# -ill allo- the tea her to ir ulate an# tal. -ith grou!s in#ivi#ually to a##ress their s!e ifi nee#s$

Learning Segment Title: Rise of Totalitarian Governments: Three Forms February 5, 2014
Prere:&#s#te S9#((s and Kno'(ed4e and E;3er#ent#a( <ac94ro&nds= TPE > /o- -ill you a ess an# a tivate stu#ents5 !rior .no-le#ge an# onne t to stu#ents5 live# e"!erien es0 Stu#ents -ill be as.e# to a ess !rior .no-le#ge of both the !revious unit, an# the !revious -ee.s material in the 1; <;, a tivities at the beginning of lass$ Stu#ents -ill also a tivate !rior .no-le#ge of s.ill learne# in the !revious -ee., an# bring in their o-n e"!erien es in their ontinuing -or. on their final !ro8e t -hi h as.s stu#ents to buil# u!on s.ills learne# over the ourse of the unit$

Acade*#c Lan4&a4e =o abulary: +nit:S!e ifi 1i tator Totalitarianism (ommunism Totalitarianism <a&ism %uthoritarian General % a#emi

;ther te"t stru tures, organi&ational, stylisti , or grammati al features that -ill be e"!li itly taught: o >ersonal Re ount o *nformation Re!ort

Instr&ct#ona( Learn#n4 Strate4#es to S&33ort St&dent Learn#n4= TPEs 676?6@6A6 B

/o- -ill you 1) stimulate7motivate stu#ents by onne ting the lesson to e"!eriential ba .groun#s, interests an# !rior learning, 2)i#entify learning out omes 4)!resent material, gui#e !ra ti e, an# buil# in#e!en#ent learning, 4)monitor stu#ent learning #uring instru tion, 5) buil# meta ognitive un#erstan#ing$

L#st '2at t2e st&dents '#(( !e do#n4 and '2at t2e teac2er '#(( !e do#n4=



T#*e >)BB>) B



Lesson Reso&rces5 -ater#a(s TPE7 Pro"ector

DO NO1) Stu#ents -ill share their !hotos that a!ture ?moments@ of their !ersonal 8ourney, an# ho- their !hotos a!tures the moment$

Teac2er '#(( 3ro"ect t2e 3#ct&res o+ st&dents 3ersona( "o&rneys on t2e !oard and +ac#(#tate a c(ass d#sc&ss#on a!o&t 2o' t2ese 3#ct&res Cca3t&reD *o*ents s&c2 as t#*e and 3(ace= Teac2er '#(( t2en connect t2at to t2e #*a4e co*3onents o+ t2e#r Ne' Eor9er *a4aF#nes t2at t2ey are 'or9#n4 on=

L#st '2at t2e st&dents '#(( !e do#n4 and '2at t2e teac2er '#(( !e do#n4=


o+ Lesson Reso&rces5 -ater#a(s TPE7




>) B>),?

Learning Segment Title: Rise of Totalitarian Governments: Three Forms February 5, 2014 Teac2er '#(( 4#$e a (ect&re on Tota(#tar#an#s*= LECTGRE) Stu#ents -ill ta.e notes Pro"ector on the Rise of Totalitarian governments Teac2er *o$e aro&nd t2e roo* and *a9e s&re t2at a(( st&dents are en4a4ed and +#((#n4 o&t t2e Sca++o(ded notes an# systems using a on e!t ma! that notes correct(y= D&r#n4 (ect&re6 teac2er '#(( 4#$e as.s them to summari&e information #n+or*a( rece3t#$e *oda(#ty assess*ent as9#n4 given$ S affol#ing -ill onsist of !re: st&dents to res3ond to a4ree5d#sa4ree state*ents= !rinte# on e!t ma!s -ith fill in the blan. se tions, although fe-er than last -ee. #ue to ta!ering of s affol#ing$

L#st '2at t2e st&dents '#(( !e do#n4 and '2at t2e teac2er '#(( !e do#n4=


o+ Lesson Reso&rces5 -ater#a(s TPE7

T#*e >),?>)HB


Teac2er Teac2er '#(( (ead st&dents #n a '2#3 aro&nd act#$#ty to assess st&dent 9no'(ed4e o+ *ater#a( co$ered so +ar #n c(ass=

12#3 Aro&nd Act#$#ty: First ou!le of stu#ents to be alle# on -ill be as.e# to ome u! -ith one -or# that #es ribes (ommunism as the baton goes u! an# #o-n the ro-s$ The ne"t several -ill be as.e# to #es ribe Fas ism in one -or#, then <a&ism, until all stu#ents have s!o.en$ 6a h -or# must be #ifferent$

Time B:45: 3:55

Stu#ent GROGP PRO.ECT) CO/ERS Stu#ents -ill get into their !ro8e t grou!s an# -or. on om!leting the overs, table of ontents, an# ontributors !ages of their final !ro8e t using s affol#e# layouts to hel! grou!s frame their -riting$ Stu#ents -ill #raon the !revious -ee.s lesson on %rt 1e o, as -ell as the %rt 1e o a tivity #one in lass, an# information learne# in this lass about <a&ism, (ommunism, an# Fas ism to om!lete the se tions$

Tea her
Teac2er '#(( ass#st st&dents #n 4ett#n4 #nto 4ro&3s6 and t2en c#rc&(ate and ta(9 to eac2 4ro&3 to *a9e s&re t2at eac2 4ro&3 &nderstands '2at t2ey s2o&(d !e 'or9#n4 on= T2ose 4ro&3s and st&dents '2o are str&44(#n4 '#(( !e 4&#ded !y t2e teac2er t2ro&42 t2e +#rst ste3s o+ t2e sect#on t2eyIre 2a$#n4 3ro!(e*s '#t2=

Sca++o(ded (ayo&ts P(ann#n4 S2eets Dra'#n4 *ater#a(s

Time B:55: 3:00

Stu#ent 1RAP GP) Stu#ents -ill lean u! their -or. stations, tal. an# agree -ith team members about the #ivision of -or. oming u! for the follo-ing #ay, an# return #es.s to their !ro!er !osition

Tea her
Teac2er '#(( s&3er$#se t2e c(ean#n4 &3 o+ t2e c(assroo*6 t2e 3&tt#n4 a'ay o+ a(( *ater#a(s6 t2e co((ect#on o+ 3ro"ect +o(ders6 and c2ec9 #n '#t2 4ro&3s to *a9e s&re 4ro&3s 2a$e d#$#ded &3 t2e &3co*#n4 sect#ons o+ t2e#r +#na( 3ro"ect=


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