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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 11th Judicial Region BRANCH ____ Davao City FE TUADLES, Plaintiff,

! ve"sus! BONIFACIO CRUZ, MARIO LARA, and AURELIO LAXA, defendants x--------------------------------x #o"$ DA%A&'( and A))*RN'+,( #''( Civil Case No ____________

COMES NOW, the plaintiff by the unde"signed counsel, and unto this hono"able cou"t, "espectfully states that$ 1 )he plaintiff is of legal age, -ido- of Ro.eo )uadles /deceased0, and a "esident of 1123 (anto Nino (t , Buhangin, Davao City, Philippines (he is the -ido- of the late Ro.eo )uadles -ho died on Janua"y 1, 1445 He"eto attached and .a"6ed as Anne7 8A, is a copy of the death ce"tificate of %" Ro.eo )uadles Defendants Bonifacio C"u9, %a"io :a"a and Au"elio :a7a a"e all #ilipinos, of legal age and "esidents of, 14 (apphi"e 'ast (t Dia.ond ;illage :anang, Davao City, Re.edios Apa"t.ent, Jacinto (t Davao City and <3= Catleya (ubd, %onte"it9, %aa Davao City, "espectively 1a )he defendant, Bonifacio C"u9 is the o-ne" of a Ci.a""on >eepney bea"ing a plate" :??!<35, he"eto attached and .a"6ed as Anne7 8B@ is a copy of the Ce"tificate of Regist"ation of said vehicle in the na.e of defendant Bonifacio C"u9 1b )he defendant, %a"io :a"a is the o-ne" of Alt"a (peed %achine (hop and A,s %etal P"oducts He"eto attached and .a"6ed as Anne7es 8C@ and 8D@ a"e .achine copies of the Business Pe".its of said .achine shop and .etal p"oducts, "espectively 1c )he defendant, Au"elio :a7a is the d"ive" of Alt"a (peed %achine (hop befo"e and afte" the accident happened on Janua"y 41, 1445B < *n Janua"y 41, 1445, Au"elio :a7a, -hile d"iving the Ci.a""on >eepney bea"ing plate" :??!<35, lost cont"ol of the vehicle -hile negligently and "ec6lessly negotiating a cu"ve causing it to tu"n tu"tle "esulting in the death of one his passenge"s Copy of the )"affic Accident he"eto .a"6ed as Anne7 8'@ A de.and lette" fo" inde.nification of da.ages has been delive"ed and "eceived by he"ein defendants, -hich -as denied by the latte" He"eto attached and .a"6ed as Anne7 8#@ is a copy of the de.and lette" dated #eb"ua"y 1, 1445 )hus, plaintiff is co.pelled to institute this action fo" "ed"ess of he" g"ievances

-Page TwoW e!e"o!e, it is "espectfully p"ayed that >udg.ent issue in favo" of the plaintiff and against the defendants, o"de" the latte"$ 1 )o pay the plaintiff the follo-ing da.ages$ a Actual o" co.pensato"y da.ages of t-o hund"ed fifty thousand pesos /P1=4,4440 fo" the hospitali9ation and bu"ial e7penses in the su. of fifty thousand pesos /P=4,4440 and t-o hund"ed thousand pesos /P144,4440 "espectively as sho-n in Anne7es 8&@ and 8H@ %o"al da.ages in the su. of *ne hund"ed fifty thousand pesos /P1=4, 4440 Da.ages fo" loss of ea"ning capacity in the su. of five hund"ed thousand pesos /P=44, 4440 Atto"ney,s fee fo" se"vices "ende"ed p"io" and du"ing the litigation in the su. of one hund"ed seventy five thousand pesos /P1C=, 4440

b c d

)o g"ant the plaintiff such othe" "elief in la- and eDuity

Davao City, Philippines, Janua"y 14, 1414

MILLAN CARPIO LEANO BALDOZA LAW OFFICE Counsel fo" the Plaintiff 1CEf P"yce )o-e" Building Ba>ada, Davao City


ATT#$ MAR# L#CEL D$ MILLAN P)R No CF23=3, 41!43!14 )GN FC4!52C!452 GBP No 5=F11C, 43!4=!45 Roll No F245= %C:' Co.pliance$ 11, 1445 Davao City

REPUBLIC OF T%E P%ILIPPINES& CIT# OF DA'AO & S$S X-----------------------------------------------------X 'ERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION G , #e )uadles, of legal age and "esident of 1123 (anto Nino (t , Buhangin, Davao City, Philippines G a. the -ido- of Ro.eo )uadles, .y husband and al"eady deceased G have caused the p"epa"ation and filing of the above entitled co.plaintB G have "ead the sa.e and all the allegations the"ein a"e t"ue and co""ect to .y o-n pe"sonal 6no-ledgeB and G he"eby ce"tify that G had not co..enced any othe" action o" p"oceedings involving the sa.e issue in the (up"e.e Cou"t, the Cou"t of Appeals o" any othe" t"ibunal o" agencyB )o the best of .y 6no-ledge, no such action o" p"oceeding is pending in the (up"e.e Cou"t, the Cou"t of Appeals o" in diffe"ent divisions the"eof, o" any othe" t"ibunal o" agencyB Gf G should the"eafte" lea"n a si.ila" action o" p"oceeding has been filed o" is pending befo"e the (up"e.e Cou"t, Cou"t of Appeals, o" diffe"ent divisions the"eof, o" any othe" t"ibunal o" agency, -e unde"ta6e to p"o.ptly info". the afo"esaid cou"ts and such othe" t"ibunal o" agency of that fact -ithin five /=0 day the"eof IN WITNESS W%EREOF, G he"eunto affi7 .y signatu"e this 14th day of Janua"y, 1414, in the City of Davao

FE TUADLES Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to befo"e .e this 14th day of Janua"y, 1414, in the City of Davao Affiant e7hibited to .e he" C)CH FC2=3155 issued on Janua"y 45, 1414 at Davao City

ATT#$ MAR# L#CEL D$ MILLAN NOTAR# PUBLIC Antil" <1, 1411 P)R No CF23=3, 41!43!14 )GN FC4!52C!452 GBP No 5=F11C, 43!4=!45 Roll No F245= %C:' Co.pliance$ 11, 1445 Davao City Doc No 4< Page No 41 Boo6 No 41 (e"ies of 1414


:a-ye"s, Nota"ies Public %AR+ :+C': %G::AN %'NACH'% CARPG* R*NG': ; :'AN* DGANN' BA:D*IA #eb"ua"y 41, 1445 %R B*NG#ACG* CRAI 14 (apphi"e 'ast (t , Dia.ond ;illage :anang Davao City (i"$ Je "efe" you to the vehicula" incident that too6 place on Janua"y 41, 1445 along %aa Dive"sion Road nea" Ba"angay %agtuod, involving you" vehicle identified as$ %AK'$ P:A)' N* $ CG%ARR*N J''PN'+ $ :??!<35 *ffice Add"ess$ 1Cth #l" P"yce )o-e" Bldg Ba>ada, Davao City )el Nos$ 11F!152CE111!3=3< )elefa7 No 11C!FC=C

-hich figu"ed in a fatal accident "esulting to the death of Ro.eo )uadles, husband of ou" client #e )uadles, causing ou" client to incu" actual e7penses fo" hospitali9ation and bu"ial, aside f"o. the .ental anguish, sleepless nights and seve"e dep"ession suffe"ed by he" fo" the unti.ely de.ise of he" husband -ho is the fa.ily,s b"ead-inne" fo" thei" .ino" child"en Police "epo"t findings co""obo"ated by -itnesses at the ti.e of the incident "eveal that you" vehicle -as patently at fault sho-ing "ec6lessness on the pa"t of you" d"ive" Gn vie- the"eof, you .ay conside" this as ou" fo".al de.and fo" pay.ent in the a.ount of Nine Hund"ed )housand Pesos "ep"esenting all da.ages, actual and .o"al -ithin seven /4C0 days f"o. "eceipt of this lette", othe"-ise necessa"y cou"t action -ill be ta6en against you to p"otect the inte"est of .y client Hoping fo" you" p"efe"ential attention and p" action

)"uly you"s,

R*NG': ; :'AN* Counsel fo" #e )uadles

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