My Coaching

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You team has become over-confident after winning the last game. It is harmful for the next game. What is your solution. 1. Akmal Alwan athletics coach! - will be affect to the "erformance of the athlete during the next game. #or exam"le the s"rinter. If the athlete over-confident$ he or she may be will not "erform as best as he or she can do like before. %et say$ he or she can "erform better$ by using 1&&' of the energy and s"eed. (ut if the athlete over-confident$ he or she may be think that can win the race easly$ so the athlete only use )&' of the energy. *o this mean that$ over-confident can give bad effect to the "erformance. +. ,ary -aen netball coach! - for the team game like netball$ over-confident not good for the "layers. .his is because/ a! "layers will do many mistake during the game like wrong "assing$ touching and so on. Why this ha""en$ because if the "layers over-confident while they did not know about the "erformance of the other team$ they will not "erform as best as they can do. *o if the o""onent "lay better than them$ they will "lay without a "ro"er techni0ue and strategy and always do the mistake.

.he solution
In my o"inion$ i am agree with both of them. .his is because over confident is one of the factor to lose the game and will affected to the athlete "erformance. *o the solution is$ as a coach we must know how to evercome this "roblem. 1. motivate the "layers 1oach must give motivate to the "layer. If the "layers over-confident$ coach must let them know to not be over-confident because it can affect their "erformance. +. Imagery Imagery refers to the "rocess of seeing yourself on a screen in your mind2s eye$ consciously evoking and guiding thoughts in which you a""ear towards a s"ecific and successful conclosion.

Imagery is one of the way to solve this "roblem. As a coach$ we can ask them do the imagery before the game. Imagery is like we imagine ourself on the race or in the real game$ during the imagery$ imagine how to a""ly the strategy$ techni0ue and how to control the game. 3. *elf talk .he feeling of being "ositive during com"etetion can determine the rate of success or failure. *o in this case$ self talk is im"ortant to control the emotion. *o if the "layer know how to control the emotion$ she or he also know how to control the game. 4. .eam s"irit .his com"onent is to make sure that every member of the team realises his role in the team vital for team success. In this segment we will focus on three areas/ a! the team will gather in one scrum like situation. .he ca"tain will give words of encouragement followed by team members "ledging to give their best. b! *logan or battle cry c! A word of "rayer before commencing their "hysical warm u".

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