Robs Letter of Character

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From the desk of the

360-374-5070 - - PO Box 1162 - Forks !ash"#$%o# &'331

With Regard to Robert Leon Williams Esteemed representative(s), My name is Vern Hestand III and I have known 'Rob' for nearly 7 years In that time I, my wife and three !hildren have shared many memories with the "illiams "e have been members to#ether of the $orks %ssembly of &od !h'r!h, served to#ether as members of the !h'r!h worship team, p't on plays to#ether, been on e(tended retreat trips to#ether and had !o'ntless meals and bible st'dies to#ether In that time, Rob and I have been dedi!ated members of the mens st'dy fellowship and parti!ipated a!tively in several of the mens ann'al !onferen!es %s a professional, I have worked with Rob on m'ltiple )ob si#hts and have seen his work ethi!, skill and !onsisten!y I have admired his dedi!ation to providin# for his !hildren and have seen him hold down a serio's and responsible line of employment with the *tate of "ashin#ton f'll time for nearly the entire time I have known him I have seen his skills as a b'ilder and a handyman and have witnessed the !are that his skills has bro'#ht to his own family home %s an artist and spirit'al member of the !omm'nity, I have seen Rob lead o'r !on#re#ation of over +,, so'ls in son# and in prayer !o'ntless times I have served with him weekly in mission trips to the lo!al prison to tend vol'ntarily to the spirit'al needs of the offenders there I have prayed with him, over him and for him on !o'ntless o!!asions and know, witho't a do'bt, that his heart is as p're as any of 's !an be, his personal assets are many and his walk is strai#ht and narrow %s a father and h'sband, I have seen Robs sa!rifi!ial dedi!ation to his own family and seen his heart break on m'ltiple o!!asions over their welfare and over any shadow of threat that has !ome over his home I have seen him mat're #reatly in spirit and in 'nderstandin# over the past years and have been !onvin!ed of his sin!erity to follow the bibli!al mandate to selflessly serve his wife and !hildren, p'ttin# his own desires aside for their #reater #ood %s a friend and brother, I have 'tmost and 'n-'estionin# !onfiden!e in Rob "illiams to be a sober, #entle, lovin# and wise spirit'al leader within his own home He is a !onsistent provider, a dedi!ated father, a loyal !ompanion and a positive for!e in whatever !omm'nity he finds himself in I personally feel that his !hildren !o'ld be nowhere better than 'nder his !are and #'ardianship and hope and pray that his family and marria#e remain inta!t indefinitely "ith most sin!ere #ratit'de for yo'r time, +,./ "E01% 0resident

Vern Hestand III

2o "hom it May 3on!ern4

My name is 2eresa Hestand and I am writin# this letter re#ardin# Robert "illiams My family and I have known Robert and his family for 7 years, and I know that he loves his family very m'!h Robert is a hard worker and loves the 5ord He is a #ood father and is always there for his kids I hope that this letter will help, and that all parties involved have fair a!knowled#ment of bein# #ood parents

2hank 6o', 2eresa Hestand

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