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through Bertha Dudde 6955

Attainment of childship to God only on this earth ....

Only on earth is it possi le for you to attain the highest degree of perfection! so that you! as God"s true #children"! $ill e a le to enter into supreme happiness. %arth is the place of education for the spiritual essence $hich ma&es the greatest demands on the human eing"s $ill. All places of education in the entire uni'erse ser'e to mature the souls! and they can also help them to achie'e immeasura le liss! ut only the process across earth can gain the eing the childship to God! a degree of happiness $hich signifies a direct influ( of strength and light! utmost pro(imity to the hea'enly Father and the eholding of )im face to face in all glory. *here are so many different degrees of lissfulness in the &ingdom of light! and it already denotes happiness and liss if a eing has found admission to the realm of light at all. But the degree of liss can constantly increase! and this concept cannot e easily e(plained to you humans as long as your thin&ing is still limited! as long as you still li'e on earth. )o$e'er! you can ne'ertheless e educated to stri'e for the highest goal that can e achie'ed y your life on earth. +ou shall &no$ and elie'e that God has em odied you on this earth precisely ecause )e $ants to prepare an inconcei'a ly magnificent fate for you! ut $hich you ha'e to ac,uire for yoursel'es! $hich he cannot -ust gi'e you! ut )e is pro'iding you $ith all possi ilities to ma&e sure that you can attain the goal.

*he souls $hich tra'el the path across this earth ha'e already ascended from the lo$est a yss! they ha'e left such an appalling path of suffering ehind themsel'es that they are indeed sufficiently prepared to still tra'el the last short path! ut precisely this last time of trial is dangerous! since after the infinitely long time of e(tremely painful constraint they no$ sense a certain amount of freedom and can easily misuse it. %specially this earth is a place of temptation! ecause the em odied souls on this earth ha'e een the most loyal follo$ers of God"s ad'ersary! $hich he doesn"t $ant to release and thus he constantly influences the souls $hich stri'e to ascend. But if these once most loyal follo$ers of the fallen original spirit can detach themsel'es from his ondage then an really $onderful fate $ill a$ait them! for then the change from God"s #li'ing creation" into God"s #child" $ill ha'e ta&en place! ut this also necessitates complete dedication to God! a total change of their nature! a shaping into a high degree of lo'e .... hence an e(tremely difficult and sorro$ful earthly life! if it is to lead to the goal. But only fe$ people $ill reach this high degree of perfection! ne'ertheless! the path across earth $ill e more highly 'alued y God than a path across other places of de'elopment $hich offer easier conditions for the eings yet also grant them happiness and liss as long as they fulfil the tas&s re,uired of them in all these schools of di'ine lo'e. All souls shall return again! and their liss consists of the fact that there $ill e no end! that the eing $ill constantly stri'e in order to constantly recei'e fulfilment! that the liss! too! $ill fore'er increase! $hich God is esto$ing on those $ho approach )im. )o$e'er! people on earth don"t &no$ what they are a le to attain through their earthly life .... they don"t &no$ that they can pass o'er untold intermediate stages! that it is possi le for them to gain a place at the Father"s heart $hich $ill eternally

compensate them for the most difficult earthly fate! for a life on earth $hich almost seems un eara le to them .... God therefore has em odied )imself as a human eing on earth in order to demonstrate to people $hat &ind of life a person ought to li'e in order to attain the highest goal. )e has sho$n to them that it is possi le to so spiritualise the soul through lo'e and suffering! that it can completely merge $ith God! in order to then e and remain fore'er indescri a ly happy in total union $ith the Father ....


.u lished y friends of ne$ re'elations of God / 0nformation! do$nload of all translated re'elations! theme1 oo&lets at2 http233$$$. ertha1dudde.info3english3inde(.html 4 http233en. ertha1dudde.org3

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