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By Bailey Baxter

Who Invented Basketball

In 1891, James Naismith who was a Canadian Phys Ed teacher at McGill University invented the game of basketball as an outdoor sport.! While attending Springfield College in Massachusetts James Naismith, with help from American phys"ed specialist Luther Halsey Gulick, invented the indoor sport of basketball.! The first basketball rules were devised in 1892.where players dribbled a soccer ball up and down a court. Points were scored by putting the ball in a peach basket. Iron hoops and a hammock"style basket were introduced in 1893. 10 years later open"ended nets put an end to the practice of manually retrieving the ball from the basket each time a bucket was scored.! In 1959, James Naismith was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame #called the Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame.$

What Is A Basketball Court Made Of

The court's floor is more often made of maple wood that is extremely polished. Outdoor basketball courts are usually played on asphalt or concrete.

What Is The Longest Basketball Game Ever Played

The longest basketball game ever set the record by going into 6 overtime periods.!

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Each overtime period adds 5 minutes to the game.!

The longest game in NBA history was played on January 6, 1951 between the Indianapolis Olympians and the Rochester Royals.! After 78 minutes of gameplay and a record 6 overtimes, the longest basketball game concluded with a relatively low score of 75"73 in favour of the Olympians.!

What Are The Basic Rules To Basketball

5 players playing on the court and 5 players sitting on the bench that can be used for substitution during the whole period of the game.!

The positions are usually determined by the height of the player.The tallest player on the team usually plays centre also known as position 5, while the medium size players are usually the forwards / position 3 and 4. The shortest players then play guards / position 1 and 2.!

! Scoring a basket increases the teams score by 3, 2 or 1 point.! ! The player taking more than 2 steps without bouncing the ball on the floor. This is called Traveling.! ! A foul is an illegal action that can be committed by player from one team against a player from the opposing team.! !
Basketball is generally said to be a non"contact game. If contact occurs beyond what is deemed to be reasonable, or if a player thereby obtains an unfair advantage from it, a foul is committed.!

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There are two types of fouls. The first are called defensive fouls. They occur when the offensive player is being fouled by the defender. Defenders should not block, push, trip, strike or hold the player in possession of the ball. The second ones are the offensive fouls. For example, a player in offence commits a foul when charging into a stationary defender.!

What Is A Basketball Made Of

A basketball's outside covering is made of synthetic rubber, composition, leather or pure rubber. !

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The inside part is made of a bladder, a balloon"like structure which holds air and carcass.! The bladder is made from a butyl rubber, while the carcass is made of threads of nylon and polyester.

Who Earns The Most Money In the NBA.In 2014

#1 New York Nicks ! Current Value: "1.4 billion! Revenue: "287 million! Operation Profit: "96 million!

#2 Los Angeles Lakers! Current Value: "1.35 billion! Revenue: "295 million! Operation Profit: "66 million!

#3 Chicago Bulls! Current Value: "1 billion! Revenue: "195 million! Operation Profit: "52 million!

#4 Boston Celtics! Current Value: "875 million! Revenue: "169 million! Operation Profit: "47 million!

#5 Brooklyn Nets! Current Value: "780 million! Revenue: "190 million! Operation Profit: "19 million

My Most Favourite Basketball Player

Michael Jordan Is my favourite player and hes a legend at basketball.! he retired 2 times.He was playing for the ChigagoBulls then he played baseball.Michael Jordan played for a minor leagues team called Birmingham Barons where he was considered as an average player.! He joined the baseball team after retiring from playing basketball when his father was murdered.! The Birmingham Barons is a Chicago White Sox affiliate team.Then He played basketball for the Washington Wizards and then he played golf.

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