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1tJ ( 2001-2002 Jf- ) ,

0 2002 Jf--1f:fa.% '

ff.J (-i1 #!- ff.J i!ii.aJt >( Histoire de la folie al 'dge classique)

7J ;.i: ff.J JfiX1:. ' -* . -n- ff.J 0 * it
(Jacques Derrida )

( Carlo Ginzburg )

( micro-historians) if f.,m tE:tft. *tt *'J ' V I;t ;W tf ,

i[.iii Jt .fJj 3t ( his toriogra phical essay) 1 JlJJ: i[ '="1iL. ff.J

Foucault, Ginzburg and Writing the History of the
Shang-Jen Li
Institute of History & Philology
Academia Sinica
Michel Foucault's Histoire de La folie a l'iige classique is
widely regarded as a seminal work in the history of madness.
However it was al so Foucault's most controversial book. Foucault's
research method and use of historical materials in the book have
recei ved close scrutiny and rigorous criticism from historians.
There have been few di scussions, however, of the main
historiographical claim of Histoire de la folie, viz . it is intended as a
history of madness rather than a history of psychiatry. Foucault
wanted to explore the experience of madness which, he argued, has
been excluded by Reason si nce the "classical age." The most
famou s criticism of Foucault's claim is by the philosopher Jacques
Derrida who argues that writing the history of madness is an
impossible project. Commenting on the debate between Foucault
and Derrida, on the other hand, the hi storian Carlo Ginzburg
dismi sses Derrida's criticism as shallow and nihili stic. He regrets
that Foucault , probably spurred by Derrida' s criticism, had
abandoned the important project of writing the history of the
excluded, and had si nce focused on the hi story of the acts of
exclusion instead. Ginzburg has de voted hi s efforts on writing th
hi story of the persecuted such as witches, werewolves, and heretics
He and hi s colleagues in the so-called school of microhi story hav
formulated an alternative project of writing the hi story of th
excluded. In thi s paper I examine the debate between Foucault
Derrida and Ginzburg and di scuss its historiographical significance
Key Words history of madness, historiography, Derrida,
structuralism, microhistory.
. ( Mic hel Foucault )

l fu

S"J 0 , , mtJ[ tjnX



I Paul Veyne , "Foucault Re vo lut ion i zes History," Arnold I. Davidson (ed .) ,
Foucault and His Interlocutors (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997)
2 Jan Goldstein (ed.), Foucault and the Writing of History (Oxfor d: Blackwell ,
3 14tl- T;tr M]J. j!iJ Z ..:L -lU i. Jll it M) -t3L i!- ' JL "I nte ll ec t ua ls and Power: A
Conversation be tween Michel Fou cau lt and Gill es Deleu ze ," in Donal d F.
Bouchard (ed .), Lan guage , Count er-Memory , Practice: Sel ect ed Essays and
Interview by Michel Foucault (Ithaca: ComellUniv. Press , 1977), pp . 205-2 17,

(Jacques De rrida ) '
( Carlo Ginzburg )

? J 0 ,

4 -f.\!1-:f"f Ji.:f..:t" - JI&. 89 ff -t tf ;flO I! : r tf @.]
point )' 0 J Michel Foucault,
Madness and Civ ilization: A Hi story of Insanity in the Age of Reason , tr. Richard
Horward (London: Tavistock Publication , 1967), p. ix 0 J!t.-,%-:i'f :f.. Jt.:fltit
1f A 89 ' ff -t I*J i!:"1ilIHr ' Ml i-hl: t.- -:i 'f :f... 89 dJ *- I';i. &. 't rJi"
89;ffAt -Til\: ' ff.JL Colin Gordon , "His toire de la folie: An Unknown Book by
Mi chel Foucault, " in Arthur St ill and Irving Veloldy (eds.), Rewriting the History
of Madn ess: Studies in Foucault's Histoire de la fo lie (Lo ndon: Routl edge, 1992),
pp .19-42 0 *-J'Jtt:fii ' -f.\!1-:t- T ' ( ;!; #f Bt
S; , 1998 ) ' 0
f1 0 fWfnr B "

, ::F R ( R o b e r t
Mandrou ) rr 1FIii ,
( Fernand Braudel ) '

, '

W:W: 0 7
0 . iEl!f. ( Roy Porter )

5 Gary Gutting, Michel Foucault 's Archa eol ogy of Sci entific Reason (Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Pre ss , 1989), pp. 109-110.
6 Robert Mandrou (with a not e by F. Br aud el ), "Troi s cl ef s pour comprendre lafolie
al 'epoqu e class ique ,' Annales E. S. C. ( 1962), pp. 761 -771 .
7 if.;.;5" dO MrH i;lirtt JL Still and Veloldy (eds.), Rewriting the Hi st ory of
Madn ess ; 1';;''& Gary Gutting it l' -j;J 89 @] ,ll J{ :;t :f""Foucault and the Hi story
of Madness ," in Gary Gutting (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Foucault
(Ca mbridge: Cambridge Univ. Pre ss 1994), pp. 47-70.
1Jl!I!tl: ( Reason) ( Unreason)
0 8


m!lj : ( mental illness ) ,
8 '

a"JgimfB 0 10

8 Roy Port er, "Foucault's Gr eat Confinement ," in Still and Veloldy (eds .), Rewriting
the Histo ry of Madn ess , pp .119-125; *Of JL Roy Port er , Mind- Fog 's Manacles:
a History of Madn ess from the Restoration to the Regen cy (London: Athlone,
1987) 0 #JH>:;. MJ4tt:. i t ' Andrew Scull , "A Failure to Communicate ? on the
Reception of Foucault's Histoire de fa folie by Anglo-American Hi storians," in
Rewriting the Hi story ofMadness , pp .150-1 63.
9 Foucault , Madness and Civilizatio, pp. x-xi.
10 Jacqu es Derr ida, "Cog ito and the Hi st ory of Madn ess ," in ide m, Wri ting and
Difference , tran s. Alan Bass , (London: Routledge.1 978), pp .3I -63. itR; :t.:fJl
1963 Jf- 3 }] 20 El (College Ph ilosophique)
... ....ffij

' , - @JHI IJ '

JI'I1 ' 1Z1I:t , rjt

, J 0
J[fB"l gtllJ: JJ

$ , IT' W B"l /ffrJJ 0 J II

' 0 12

II Derrida, "Cogito and the History of Madness." pp . 33-36.43.
r11' ag;f: ..(f. J ag i JUii:' JL Michel Foucault, "Madness. the Absence of Work ."
in Davidson (ed .), Foucault and His Int erlocutors. pp . 97-104.
ag{" y -t- t1. ag , or JL Roy Boyne . Fou cault and
Derrida: The Other Side of Reason (Unwin Hyman. 1990) 0 ..(f. *1-T-t.-i!!:1tr.. '

ag r,,11% ' Jacques Derrida, " 'To Do Justice to Freud': The Hi story of Madness in
the Age of Psychoanalysis ." in Da vidson (ed.), Fou cault and Hi s Int erlocutors .
pp. 57-96 .

frni 1:li:t - tv 0 13 Il ' * -t 1:

r J {}t$ ,
, :ft Wr - jiB.11 J 0 15 ff friJ m1: * -t 5lBk] , ft,
( cogito) r ' tf:'!!t
o. H
0 ' J 0

0 16

13 Michel Foucault, "My Body, This Paper, Thi s Fire," in James D Faubion (00.)
Mi ch el Foucault: Aesthetics , Method, and Epist emology (London: Penguin
Books , 2000), ppo 393-417 . if N; @J Ift. :;t J1t Jf- * 1971 Jf- 9 }] ill
Paideia Histoire de la folie (Pari s : Plon)1972 Jf-JiR MJ Jli'ti-i: o -t- RJ
Didier Eribon, Michel Fou cault, tr, Betsy Wing (Cambridge MAo: Harvard Univ.
Pre ss, 1991), po121.
14 Derrida , "Cogito and the History of Madness ," ppo 45-51 , esp . p.51 ..
15 ili ffi a-l] ( First Mediation ) ,
s: Heffernan a-l] , Jj. T :;t JiR;f. ' Rene De scartes , Meditationes
de pirma philosophia-Meditations on First Philosophy: A Bilingual Edition
edited, translated and indexed by George Heffernan (Notre Dame, Indiana: Univ.
of Notre Dame Press, 1990), pp. 88-89.
16 , <-,I;- D-H\:. 8-1] , Ji 67,68 0

' ; '
0 ;fi1ji!! ' ,


: ' mE13 Rt
WhR: ; 0 J 17

ff r5f,*M7*s"J{lZ@ , 0

0 18
' mJi!Hi

, insani , fB?fm
r ' J 0 WtlJ
18 Derrida, "Cogito and the Hi story of Madness," pp .44-63, on p.47
, demens amens NIJ
mrHEdt1$J:. '
0 ( characterizing term ) ffijJ.
J ( disqualifying term ) 0 [l;1l1t ,

m : Wm,IjSI,.n
'PJ Z '
( discursive events ) 0 J
( discursiv
practice ) ; ,

( modes of implication of the subject) J0 lItPi- ' r
( the field of tr ansformations
!fl 0 J ' : F
0 19

it 0 rXLfs:zpi- ' 0 f&:I:fu '
r ( the experience of the out side ) fD r J
19 Foucault , "My Body, Thi s Paper , Th is Fire ," on pp. 402,404 -406, 416.
r:;t +z P'l' ' J ( il n'y a pas de horstexte , There is nothing outside
of t he te xt) ag i3Lii.:: mJacques Derrida , Of Grammatology , tr. Gayatri
Chakr avorty Sppi vak (Ba ltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Pre ss, 1997), p.158.
( the thought of the outsi de ) , ftirfim: EJ
' EJ:ft ( self-interiorizing thought ) IJ

, mm
it .f!1J- 00IJ IDtJ 0 20
, rJ[ }i!:,

t fDIi it1$ 8--x IJ , :fff'i" IJ fDIDtijli
17 0 lttP} , J fD:1fI1J

, (internal history )
r ( external history ) 0 fWfliJl WI

i&mjifF ' fi Jlt! j;):& i1HiHffi r IJ fj fFJ ( n0 n-
discursive practice ) 0
( discursive formations ) ,
fFJ fD J 0 21

20 Mi chel Fo ucault, "The Tho ught of the Out si de ," in Faubion (ed .) , Mich el
Foucau lt : Aesthetics, pp. 147- 169, on p.154. r.tA,

21 Michel Foucault, The Archaeology of Knowledge & the Discourse of Language ,
tr. A. M. Sheridan Smith ( New York: Pantheon , 1972 ' 1969
4- ) ' p p .1 62-1 64 . Gutt in g , Mi chel Foucault's
Archaeology ofSci entific Reason , pp . 109,256-260.
22 JL *:i1! ( r :t ;f. J r Jt 1f J ag #k $- - "it\. j ili-tt. it i f 1-* #L ag 1*f
$ ) , { fit 13.3 (200 2) , Jf 43-77 0
( historical ensemble ) - "flI flilJ "itllfDjfj( mm
fif!! " 0 J ri:!tl:j[*

EJ ( intema
and autonomous ) lJ7ttJT ' 0
tMfi@ ( the totality of its content)
J:mtBA ( manifest in its meaning ) ;Lt& , '
( total historic al form ) $ J 0 23

( textualism ) 0 25
23 Derrida, "Cogito and the Hi story of Madness," p. 44 .
24 Steve Shapin, "Disci pli ne and Bounding: The History and Soci ol ogy of Scien
as Seen Through the Externali sm-I nternal ism Debat e ," Hi story of Sci ence
( 1992), pp . 333-369; Jan Golinski , Making Na tural Knowl edge: Constructivi
and the Hi story of Science (Cambri dg e : Cambridge Uni versity Press, 1998
Bruno Latour, Pandora's Hope: Essays on th e Reality of Scien ce Studie
(Ca mbridge MA. : Harvard Uni v. Press, 1999 ).
25 r :;t *- J ( textualisrn ) - "ia] f.f .J:. 11 ;.ji * ( Richard Rort y ) ,
flf1*: 0 Richard Rort y, "Ni neteenth- Cen
Idealism and Twenti eth-Century Te xtual i sm," in id em, Con s equences
Pragmatism (Minnea polis: Univ. of Minnesot a Pre ss, 1982), pp .139-159.
Jt$I't-J[il7t ' fD
' ,
0 26

, r- ilJ9: i '
7;.*' ' fJJili.1f

( existential phenomenology )

( ultimate category ) , :

tJ]rJTrr 0 .. .. ......
26 H.:tt * a!j y -t-J.'f.i;{;J#.:t..'iJt ( Bru no Latour ) Y:it;f. ,7i7
11' ( practice ) a!j -W- * .ijbJ ' ;If a!j ilt "it 0 Bruno Lat our, "Drawi ng Things
Toget he r." in Mic hael Lynch a nd Ste ve Wool gar (eds.), Rep resentati on in
Sci entific Practice (Cambridge. MA .: MIT Press , 1990). pp.l 9-68. see esp. p. 25.
27 Miche l Fouca ult , The Archa eology of Knowledge, on p. 16.
i}:;-a!Jt.t.vr ' "f : Doubl e ) ;,ffl t' a!j JrNl
;fp "Hi;{;J , Jf XLIII-LI 0
28 ' 0 JFff.l:-
1';.1. .W, ,*Iii a!j* -W- # #., t!j. J.'f. (Jean Hyppolite ) 11'

.fU +* :It* , H -W- * # :: JS Jl ( Georges Cangjri lhem) ,
JL Georges Canguilhem , "On Hi stoire de la foli e as an Even t." in Davidson (ed.),
Foucault and His Interlocutors , pp. 28-32 , on p. 30; Eri bon , Miche l Foucault, pp.
17, 23, 70-71. 101-102 : Ml #., Y-t-./1. I-;.I. &. ,W,

Mic hel Foucault. "The Order of Discourse" in The Archaeology of Knowledge,
pp. 2 15-23 7. esp. on pp. 235-237.
' 0 29

, 0

( micro-historians) .ill( 0 ,
' M6Bffi ' Y: M6 0 31
1966 (I Benandanti '1H'*fI
The Night Battl es ) 0 ,
fJHlIf-t!f!M ( early modem per iod ) Friuli
' J ( Benandanti) ,

B ( Ember days ) '
' mmiltJifrE7kk!1Mfi jj1J.
29 Gu tting , Michel Foucault 's Archaeology of Sci ent ific Reason , pp .102- 103.
30 Perry Anderson, "Noct urnal Enquir y: Carlo Ginzburg ," in idem, A Zone of
Engagement (Londo n: Verso . I992), pp . 207 -229 Jt.1t1a.f3- a1;}f1t ti .$.b :t. *
-/1:. a11t 1l'- 0 11 ?r*"f .j:. JL Anne J. Schutte , "Carlo Ginzburg," Journal
of Modern History , 48 ( 1976), pp . 296- 3 15.
3 1 Giovanni Le vi , "On Mi crohi story, " in Peter Burke (ed.), New Perspectives on
Histori cal Writing (Cambridge: Polit y Press, 1991), pp.93-113; Edward Muir and
Guido Ruggiero (eds .),. Micro history & the Lost Peop les of Europ e. tr. Eren
Br anch . (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 199 1).

0 J ,

Bme"J :9:m;.. ( Witch's Sabbath ) 0 '
J ( f er t i l i t y
cult) , ' Friuli
m$Enm. ,

0 J 0

' 0 32
, ( history of
32 Carlo Ginzburg , The Night Batt les : Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the
Sixtee nth and Seventeenth Centuries , tr . John and Anne Tedeschi (Balt imore:
Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1983), on pp. 22-23.
popular culture) '
0 II Nocodemi smoj ( 1970
0 33
' 1976 0
8Eli ( Menocchio ) , J ,

, '

( materialism) ' L
0 , :&

: '

1f:&iBflr ffit 1: 0

33 Carl o Gin zburg , II Nocode mismo- Si mula zione e Dissimulazion e Religiosa
nell 'Europa del Cinquecent o (Turi n: Einaudi 1970).
34 Carl o Ginzburg, Th e Ch eese and the Worms: Th e Co smol ogy of a Sixteenth
Century Miller . trans . John and Anne Tedeschi (Baltimore: Johns Hopki ns Univ.
Pre ss, 1980).

r! MF ( Marc Bloch ) 0

, '

, 1981

0 ( Piero della France sca ) Ei"J
WMJiE::ffi" ( Giovanni Baci) ,

( Cardinal Bessarion ) '
, (John VIII Palaeologus )

35 ;tr If- i/fd 9 i' i;] 1.% ' or JL' Roger Chartier, "T he Chimera of
Ori gin : Archaeol ogy, Cultural Hi story, and the French Revolution," in Goldstein
(ed.), Foucault and the Writing of Hi story , pp . 167-186, on pp.I72-I73.
36 Carlo Ginzburg and Carlo Poni , "The
Name and the Game: Unequal Exchange and the Hi storiographic Marketplace,"
in Muir and Ruggiero (eds.), Microhistory & the Lost Peopl es of Europe, pp . 1-
37 Carlo Ginzburg, The Eni gma of Pi ero: Piero Della Francesca , tr. Martin Ryle
and Kate Soper , (London: Verso , Ne w Edition, 2000) .
, 0 37

( Ge org es )
( Georges Batai lle ) ,
0 38 '

X 0 ; * /f WEGfW:i"iiJ


38 Carlo Ginzburg , "Ge rmanic Mythol ogy and Nazi sm: Thoughts on an Old Book
by Georges Dumezil ," in Carl o Ginzburg , Clues , Myths , and the Hi storical
Meth od, tr. John and Anne Tedeschi. (Ba ltimo re: Johns Hop kin s Univ . Press,
1989), pp .126-145.
39 Carlo Ginzburg, "Freud, the Wolf-Man , and the Werewol ves," in Ginzburg, Clues,
Myths, and the Hist orical Method, pp.146-155 ; idem , Hi story, Rhetoric and
Proof, (Hanover and London: Uni v. Pre ss of New England, 1999), pp. 1-37.
40 'iW Jlt 00 ,1Hif. '

18 ?..9T ?..9 0 *-JL"Table ronde du 20 mai 197 8," in Michel Perrot
(ed.), L'lmpossible prison : recherches sur le system penitentiaire au xix: siecle
(Paris: Seuil , 198)., ppAO-5 6.
1 lf1 '
( Ernst Gombrich ) , ( Eric Auerbach )
( Thomas Kuhn ) ' fWfliJ fO
0 - -nun ' , fiP.1'r'8"JliffJi:::tfH177

Art and Illusionj ) 0 ( Warburg
Institute ) JI , 0
7 , ( Dill ion's) 0
. tl WT ( Peter Weiss ) / ( Marat
/ Sade ) 0 ,

ffX ' 0 0 J :&
*,mtfj :

mi8"J 0 J ( Antonio Gramsci )


41 Kei th Luri a and Romulo Gandol fo , "Carlo Ginzburg: an interview, " Radical
History Review, 35 (1986 ), pp.89-lll , on pp.102- 103.
0 4 1
ffij fa * i5i r;ft fO f
0 - 1100 ' '
r Foucaultians

0 J 42

( frequently irrit atin g but brilli ant )J' rJ;J ft QJ
fr, i $IJ;ft fr, Y:. fitJ JH , ililJ WW
( excl usions , prohibitions and limits ) ffij j: 0 J rfffUJ
, ,

r ( regression) : rfwfUJ it ( archeologie du silence)
42 Luria and Gand ol fo, "Carlo Ginzburg ." p. I02.
si /f -

( Derrida trash ) , 0

( individual ) tJ& rfHj:

( agent) 0 r fIQlAJ ,
( pro blemat ized) ' rfHj:
43 Gi nzburg, The Chees e and the Worm , pp . xvi i-xv iii , 132.
44 Luria and Gandol fo , "Ca rlo Ginzburg," pp. 100-101 0

0 ( proof) ( rhetoric) 1t :lt

ii: 0

( Thucydides ) a!J Ill] 1':J. &.. a!J ;tE.1t *a!J --J !EP 0 .1.,1; ili
( Paul de Man ) ;fAa!J--J !EP 0 1f.-JL
Ginzburg , History, Rhet oric , and 0
:A a!J , '.W; J] - Ji; -W-:;t *ht- 0
0 1 l:f:l ' rA J
( human sciences ) , ( finitude)
t-JJl te Et-J r@AJ ; 45
frj , , mIT ' ' ,
l:f:l ( population)
rffmAJ 0 =' ,
1 Et-J ffmA 1
fLr ' fF r :ft 8"; 1*r J S"; V1tr Et-J EI
:ft '

0 47

45 *- JJt t:F:i . 14i- 1- 1 ' ( 1I.if, ;t. M 1. ) , fft. if ( f; ;lt : at:fli :it i t '
1994 ) , 1f 290 ' :%if *- Mi chel Fou c ault , Th e Bir th of th e Cli n i c : An
Archa eo logy of Medical Percepti on , tr. A. M. She r ida n (London: Tavi stock
Publicat ions, 1973), p. 197.
46 Mich el Fou cault , Discipline and Punish : Th e Birth of th e Prison , t r. Alan
Sheridan (New York: Pantheon , 1977); Th e Hi story of Sexuality . Vol. I: An
Introducti on , tr. Robert Hurl e y (Ne w York: Pantheon , 197 8) ; Th e Use of
Pleasure: the Hi story of Sexuality . Vol.2, tr. Robert Hurl ey (New York : Pantheon,
1985) ; The Care of the Self: the Hi story of Sexuality . Vol. 3, tr. Robert Hurley
(New York: Pantheon , 1986).
47 lit fit Ii..Jyt ii;fi 1itJ' ..!; , iX. it it.14i- 1- 111' .3J it:; ;/:fr;f'f .y 3t b1t iEitol :it " The
Dangerou s Indi vidu al" Michel Fo ucaul t, Politics . Philosophy.
Culture. Int erviews and Other Writin gs 197 7-1984 , Lawrence D. Krit zman (ed.)
(Lo ndon: Rou tl edge , 1988) , pp. 124- I 51 . -l!!,or JL Mi chel Foucaul t , "The
Pol itical Tec hno logy of Indi vidual s," in James D Faubion (ed.), Michel Foucau lt:
Power (Lo ndon: Pengu in Books, 2002), pp. 40 3-417 .

(t he sub-lunar world ) 0 J , '

f* 0 48 (folklore )

(folkloristic aspects ) ,
( an emphatically historical approach I j 0 49

A:g. , 0
( lived experience ) , ' $tt$clf-Wlm!1J

Itn ( e mbodied ) ,
48 Carlo Ginzburg, Ecstasi es: Decipher ing the Wit ch es ' Sabbath , tr . Raymond
Rosenthal , (London: Penguin, 1991), on p.16.
49 Ginzburg, The Ni ght Battles , p.xxi.
50 Ginzburg, Ecsta sies, p.23 .
(enacted ) IJ J 0 50

, '

0 ' :
0 51

, (human

5 1 Michel Foucault , "Philosophy and Psycholo gy ," in Faubion (ed .) , Michel
Foucault: Aesth eti cs . Method. and Epistemol ogy , pp .249-259, on p.254. {4;f.T1t
it;- B}] , .it or !f. JL Foucault , "Madness and Societ y," on pp . 339-
340; idem, "Madness, the Ab sence of Work."
52 Michel Foucault , The Order of Thin gs , tr, Anon (London: Routledge. 1970) Jj..-t"
:!p!&. i1" 1966 Jf- 0
( lived experience) "ij]" ' ,

rt Wtf:H$15fT sf.] mlJ , fr,Bf.J)({tW:ft
0 ,
0 J 53
, rAtEJ '
, 0 rNA

, 0 .l; ' 1970
Wt:B 1 - li "ij]" if{ij t1if itBf.J iii $5t. ( nega tive
structure) Bf.J:nit 0 7
0 J 54 '

53 Gi nzburg , Ecstasies, pp. 22-24.
54 Michel Foucault , "Madness an d Soci ety," in Faubion (ed .), Mi chel Foucault:
Aesth eti cs , Method, and Epistemology, pp .335- 342 , on p.335 0 :;t:t ll:..
1970 Jf- 9 }] 20 EJ -Ii. EJ ;f.. :t::l$ag Franco-Ja panese Institute
55 if. ,t- !1Jl ' Uf:=f- iJf 1: : Double > ' Jr p. xxii.

(synchronic) '
( diachronic) 0 56 ' V!J

, J 0 57


' , 0

( connoisseurship) ,
( Erwin Panofsky ) ( iconology )
' 0

t-t {If .i. A: {If P.i i/f<.. .* 7'J lIt 3t ( serial history ) *-:f:.t r:f it- :::r- :it if
' JL Michel Fou cault , "The Return of Hi st ory" in Faubi on
(ed. ) Mic hel Foucault: Aesthetics , Method, and Epi stemology, pp.4 19-432.
57 Derrida, "Cogito and the History of Madness," pp.43-44. rill ' t-t ;f1f.i.A:
a!:J * 1EJfX. i* M.lIt 3t l *- raj a!:J :1' J6 ' *or JL Arnol d I.
David son, "Struc ture and Strategies of Discourse: Remarks Towards a Histo ry of
Fou cault' s Ph il osophy of Langu age ," in David son (ed .), Fou cault an d Hi s
Int erl ocut ors , pp .I-17.
r J ( extra-styli st ie) [lg ' *Wr Il.@

( Aby Warburg ) ' J1t Pi- '
( patronage ) =F
J1& 0 ' ( Roberto Longhi )

( Goethe) ( morphology) uff Ji: /JitSJ.J Jl}31J1 0

( the Wild Hun t)' 1692 ( werewolf)
( shamanism) , 0

it 0 0 J 59

58 Ginzburg. The Enigma of Pi ero 0
fi agJf 1; J!:U'r <if '*- ::tj Pet er Bur ke 'if *-Jtj ag.i,\t 0 ;tr Ml1!!. !it b1f 1t

59 Ginzburg. The Nig ht Battles . p. xxi . Ml *fo1 t:F:r J.i fjf 1n r .,ix. rR r.,
*J ( the Phant oms of the Night) ag El t:F:r l.ih3i. 1!i.. Jft :it;f'] m
,*-JL Wol fgan g Behringer. Shaman of
Oberstdorf: Chonrad Sto eckhlin and the Phantoms of the Night. tr. H. C. Erik
Midelfort (Char lottesville: Univ. Press of Virgina, 1998).

(Claude Levi-Strauss) ' 0
' (journey to the

( Scythians ) 0


0 60

0 {fuiJl ( Golden
Bough ) , 0 I
f'" (development hypothesis) ,
(synopsis) 0
(general image) '

less arbitrary ) 0 (b) 0 J - {jgJ

60 Ginzburg , Ecstasies, pp. 207-295 .

0 6 1 ( V. I. Propp ) ft
( Morphology of the Folktal e ) tJ:&
mim{ ( Historical Root s of Fairy Tales rw

, 0 62 (Jean-
Pierre Vernant ) ( Marcel Detienne )
, r
( psychic archetype ) , ,

0 J 15fT tJ : r...
Jl ' ( genetic hypothesis ) 0 tJ

( historical terms ) 0 J (J . M.
Lotman ) ( Roman Jakobson ) ltt- rp' J11i a"J :wi:t ' BUN
61 Ginzburg, Ecstasi es , pp . 15-16.
62 Gi nzburg , Clues, Myths . and the Hi stori cal Method , p.

Gin zburg, The Enigma of Piero, p. 150.

( achronic ) , ( diachrony) J 0 63
W ' ,

$ , ,


, 0
z: ,
:ft ' . 1fi-*Ij ( Moi, Pierre Riviere ) 0

63 Gin zburg , Ecs tasies, pp. 16- 21 , on p. 16.
64 Ml # it."..!; "if -j:- JL Michel Serres, "The Geometry of Incommuni cabl e: Madness ,"
in Davidson (ed. ), Fou cault and His Interlocutors , pp . 36-56.
65 Foucault, Michel. (ed.), I , Pierre Riviere, having slaughtered my mo ther, my sister
and my brother... : a Case of Parrici de in the / 9 'h Century , tr. Frank Jell inek
(Li ncoln: Univ . of Ne braska Press, 1975).



, r71fJT::E
P] rtJ $
(languages of exclusion) 0 .

' '
( extraneous system of reasoning ) 0 J

r . ( dominant cult ure )
"& : ( almanacs ) , ( books of piety ) Le
bon sens du cure Meslier ) 0 ,
, r

zPi- JJ 0 r
' ' 0 J
66 Double ) ' .

68 Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worm , p. xviii.
, '

J ,
( a populism with its symbols reversed) , - fl Ii'
"black" populismj ) , J 0

r 0 69

, ( episteme)
, ,

txf,fLr ' , ,

69 Gin zburg , The Cheese and the Worm, p. xviii.
70 No.28
( 1997 4- 12 Jl ) , Jf 209-234, JL Jf 220-224 ; Gutt ing, Mi chel Foucault's
Archaeology of Sci entific Reason.
71 Fouc ault , The Order oj Thin gs , pp. xii-xiii .
J0 71 fEltl1j:i ' ,

t1jmiliJi . ( Hayden Whit e )
( representation ) , ' X*Wr-1=5JJHWJ{lj

fit. ( human scie nces) ,

te.fJ! 7 - fL ,!, ( Thomas Kuhn ) TB"J m liff ft.
( paradigm) , , '
li B"J.fJ!. 0 ( Giovanni
Morelli ) 0 ,

72 Ca rlo Ginzburg, "Just One Wi tness ," in Saul Fr iedlander (ed.), Probing the Limits
of Representat ion: Nazism and the "Final Solu tion " (Ca mbr idge, MA. : Harvard
Un iversity Press, 1992), pp . 82-96, 350-355; idem, The Judge and the Historian:
Marginal Not es a ll a Lat e-Twentieth-Century Miscarriage of Justi ce, tr. (London:
Verso . 1999).

' iJ liEeT1N*ft;}] 0 ,
T 0 fiiJJj . ( Conan Doyle ) '

J 0
( Galileian paradigm)' ( evidential paradigm ) 5l
r@Jft J '


0 73

, ,

( Hippocratic Writings ) ( prognosis ) ' 1f!E

( conjectural) , '
73 Carl o Gi nzbu rg. "Clues: Roots of an Evidential Paradi gm." in Ginzburg, Clues,
Myth s, and the Hi storical Method. pp. 96 -125 , on p. 101.

gfi ( T. W. Adorno ) 0 74

( Giovanni Levi )
' ' iffi
r '

' 0

' ,

( Roman Jakobson ) ( Mikhail Bakhtin )
J ( dialogue) ' ( Rabe1ais) utf
, rtJ$J $ ,
( filter ) IiHt '
74 Ginzburg, "Clues: Roots of an Evidential Paradigm"
75 Levi , "On Microhistory," pp.95 , 98.
76 18 ,* it .li. if dO 89 if i/;; E.. .:.ti ' <if JL 89 iili :Q:. "The Inquisitor as
Anthropologist ," Ginzburg, Clues, Myths, and the Hi storical Method, pp. 156-
:tWlEn 0 ( early modern period )
M ==M ' 1ftD 1NJ;W-r)(* gC ffij $IJ *4MmB"J

0 77

En ' :jt liT 0 111] &ii!X If! $ - @)1668 1:f: En*

WifM]UW ( embellishments) :W:*gcifR- 1mJ
$ 1/ , , 0

77 Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worm , pp . xi i, xviii, xix, 164 0

!i.;f B4l5.;j!j MJ MJ -t ( languages of exclus ion ) J ' .,EJttl:: * Jl:t.- if iL.

J-tJf 0 Arnold
L Davidson, "The Epistemology of Distorted Evidence: Prob lems aro und Carlo
Ginzburg's Hist oriogr aphy," in idem, The Emergen ce of Sexuality: Historical
Epistemology and the Formation of Concepts ( Cambridge MA .: Harvard Univ.
Press , 200 1) , pp .142-177.
78 Ginzburg, The Ni ght Battles , pp. 133-134.

0 ' , IJm

' 0 :
' 0

(hierarchyof relevance )

0 0 ft!!mfiJtmfJf

' '

fim ' 0
(SalvatoreSettis ) '

79 f t ( ili ;f'f) a9;fltltor .j:.JL Anderson, "Nocturnal Enquiry".
80 Luri a and Gandolfo, "Carlo Ginzburg," p.96.
Jte* ; =' ( a coherent
composition ) 0
flIfi5f.T ' ( hypotheses)

r 7J Jt J ( Ginzburg's razor ) 0 81

( Groupe d'Information sur les Prisons ) 0
r{i; J ' '
, ' 0
' ( Gilles Deleuze ) rft tXw*,

8"J$ : {i; ( the indignity of speaking for others ) 0
( representation) , 7 '

8 1 Gin zburg, The Enigma of Pi ero , pp. xv-xvi, 7-8 .,
82 "Inte llectuals and Power: a conversa tion bet ween Mich el Fo ucault and Gilles
Del eu ze ," in Don ald F. Bouchard (ed.), Language. Counter-Memory, Pra ctice:
Sel ected Essays and Int erview by Michel Foucault (Ithaca: ComellUniv . Press,
1977), pp. 205-2 17, on p. 209 .

0 .
(Toni Negri ) , Automata , ttWm8l:&

, ' 0 84

(Gramscian) ,
' "maitre a

0 r

83 {\I};f.T MJ * 1-AH1.:1-o 7J"- .:r- J ( ge ne r a l intellectual) * I ;t:1-o 7J"-.:r- J
( specific intellecutal ) "Truth and Power," in
Michel Foucault , Power / Knowledge: Sel ected Int er views and Oth er Writin gs,
1972-1977, Colin Gordon (ed.) (New York: Pantheon, 1980) , pp . 109-133 0 {\I};f'f
J'Jf1\ -RMp ]L >t M) ( 1lf J:. ) , or
tor Canguilhem *"11' 1<t 1f ;f.. J'Jf:l?; MJ Georges Canguilhem,
The Normal and the Pathological ( New York: Zone Books, 1989) , pp. 7-24 vA
&.. "Structuralism and Post-structuralism" iiJii j 7fj ii., Foucault , Aesthetics ,
84 Muir, "Introduction: Observing Trifles" , pp .xi, xii, xxiv.

, 0 0
0 Khomeini)
0 J
ill fJt m1iQ 15fT uH JE $ mm ( g e n era I
implication ) , 0 J 85

A. 0 1988 Lott a Continua
( Adriano Sofri ) WM7 FLit: ( Giorgio Pietrostefani )
1972 Affit ' 0
0 c t& Lott a Continua

, 0 86
A. '

85 Luria and Gandol fo, "Carlo Ginzburg," pp.96-97 .
86 G in zburg , Th e Judg e and t he Hi sto r i an ; Luria and Gandol fo , "Carl o
Gin zbu rg,"p.92;
87 ih.'l'. -t!!. :1f '*{OOA1- 4ft-J1H1.!tiI :tMJ 1J 0 {l!!.{J9-B}: !tJl. Natali e Ginzburg ;It.
( College de Sociologie )
, ( Roger Caillois ) '!!fA '
0 1tm W
tlt*'J 0 88 ( Paul K. Feyerabend ) B"Jf4

, ,

( Paul de Man ) ' 0 90

M) #. ' ;,(:i,'t Leon Ginzburg tB J!&...:I:.1t 0
;,(:i,' tf:E.=f,,&:, i!- tJ!JT i'-51h ' -Ii- 1943 0 Schutte, "Carlo
Ginzburg," p.297.
88 Carlo Ginzburg, "Germanic Mythology and Nazi sm: Thoughts on an Old Book
by Georges Dumezil ," in Ginzburg, Clues , Myths, and the Historical Method,
pp.126-145 .
89 Carlo Ginzburg, "Style as Inclusion, Style as Exclusion," in Caroline A Jones and
Peter Galison (eds.) Picturing Sci ence, Producing Art (London: Routledge , 1998),
pp.27-54, especially, pp.42-45.
90 Ginzburg, History, Rhetoric, and Proof, pp .I -37 .

R ( subaltern) ' B"J
wJHfrtWmm 0 ' ' 'EI1S

* j: pJT I!! f31lJ a"J )(it J 0 tlfLr uH .,t [Q] III

, 0 9 1


, 0

, ' ?

91 Gin zburg, Ecstasies, p. 2.
( Arnold I. Davidson ) HUB '

IJf'*f*J ( conditions of possibility ) ,
1'*f*J ( conditions of validity) 0 J

f* ' ( historical epi stemology )

t51 ' ( historical practice ) 0 :fiJi:

0 92
92 Arnold I. Davidson, The Emergence of Sexu ality , on pp . xii-xiii 0 -t
* rE-1 f=( 0
28: 209-234 0
: fwfnJ Double 0 5!fwfnJ '
JJ:!: , Jf XLIII-LI 0 : 0
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