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26, KRANJI LOOP, SINGAPORE 739562 TEL: 6365 4522 / 6365 3263 Em !": #$ %%&"'())*$!"".#)m +&,-!.&: ///.0)1& #&%.1&.%&.
Dear Sir/Madam, Letter of Invitation to Business Meeting @ Inatronics Technology Exhibition 2014 On behalf of Korea Gangneung Science Industry Foundation , Goodhill E- i! cordially in"ites you and your colleagues to the Indonesian Inatronics #echnology E$hibition %&'(, )here a grou* of our Korean *artners )ill be featured+ Our staff )ill *ersonally introduce your colleagues to our Korean *artners, *ro"ide a free inter*reter ser"ice and assist your one-to-one business meeting+ , Korean com*anies from Electronics and #echnology industries )ill be at the e$hibition in -a.arta on '/ th 0 %%nd March %&'( to meet )ith re*resentati"es from international com*anies and e$*lore business o**ortunities+ 1e belie"e that this one-to-one business meeting session )ith the Korean com*anies )ill be an e$cellent *latform for your com*any to e$*lore business o**ortunities, e$change "aluable e$*erience )ith Korean business counter*arts, as )ell as to net)or. and establish contacts )ith industry *rofessionals 2lease com*lete and indicate in the registration form the com*anies that you )ould li.e to ha"e your discussions )ith and fa$ it to us at 3435 '&&4+ 6lternati"ely, you can use the Online 7egistration form+ 1e )ill email you a confirmation and call )ith details of the meeting "enue and time closer to the date+ On the day itself, our staff )ill meet you at the meeting *oint 8to be decided as some*lace near the e$hibition9 and guide you to our client booth+ Each meeting )ill ta.e about (, minutes and inter*reter ser"ice )ill be *ro"ided+ Inatronics Technology Exhibiton 2014 Organiser: Korea Gangneung Science Industry Foundation / -;I Global <enue: -a.arta International E$*o =entre 8-IE$*o9 Kemayoran, -a.arta Indonesia Date: %&th-%'st March %&'( #ime: /am 0 3*m 1e antici*ate your fa"orable *artici*ation in this e$hibition+ 2lease feel free to contact: Singa*ore: Ms -erena =hun at 83,9 343, (,%% / info>.oreacentre+net Indonesia: Ms Ko Gyeong ?ee 83%9 5'% 5,&& (,/// info>.oreacentre+net @ours Sincerely, -erena =hun Senior E$ecuti"e Goodhill E- i! 2te Atd #el: 343, (,%% Fa$: 3435 '&&4 Email: info>.oreacentre+net

6egistration 7or'
Ja arta International Ex!o "entre #JIEx!o$ Kemayoran, -a.arta Indonesia 21%22th March 2014 &a' ( )!' *lease fax registration for' to )+), 100+ or e'ail to info>.oreacentre+net
-E"TI./ 01 All fields are compulsory

/0ME ".M*0/4 0226E-TEL EM0IL 20TE .7 ;I-IT 709 :EB-ITE TIME .7 ;I-IT #est$
/0T56E .7 BI8



-E"TI./ B1 Please Tick the company(s) you are interested in meeting.

No. 2 2 3 4 5

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