Cloud Computing

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Agenda Introduction. Basic Concepts. Advantages. Service Models. Deployment Models. Cloud Security . Big Players. Questions ??

Introduction Cloud computing is a phrase used to describe a variety o computing concepts that involve a large number o computers connected through a real!time communication net"or# such as the Internet. Cloud computing is a synonym or distributed computing over a net"or#$ and means the ability to run a program or application on many connected computers at the same time. %he term &moving to cloud& also re ers to an organi'ation moving a"ay rom a traditional CAPEX model (buy the dedicated hard"are and depreciate it over a period o time) to the OPEX model (use a shared cloud in rastructure and pay as one uses it). Basically$ there are three types o cloud computing services that you can opt or. %hey are* In rastructure + as + a + service (IaaS)$ so t"are + as + a + service (SaaS) and plat orm + as + a + service (PaaS). Basic Concepts Advantages Cost , iciency Better -tili'ation o .esources Pay Per -se ,ase o access Prevents Data /oss Security o Data and In ormation Service Models

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) Platform as a service (PaaS) Software as a service (SaaS) Network as a service (NaaS) e! services in t"e cloud #SP Service Models Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)$ IaaS o er computers + physical or (more o ten) virtual machines + and other resources. (A hypervisor$ such as 0yper!1 or 2en or 31M or 1M"are ,S24,S2i$ runs the virtual machines as guests. Pools o hypervisors "ithin the cloud operational support!system can support large numbers o virtual machines and the ability to scale services up and do"n according to customers5 varying re6uirements.) IaaS clouds o ten o er additional resources such as a virtual! machine dis# image library$ ra" (bloc#) and ile!based storage$ ire"alls$ load balancers$ IP addresses$ virtual local area net"or#s (1/A7s)$ and so t"are bundles Platform as a service (PaaS) $ In the PaaS models$ cloud providers deliver a 555computing plat orm555$ typically including operating system$ programming language e8ecution environment$ database$ and "eb server. Application developers can develop and run their so t"are solutions on a cloud plat orm "ithout the cost and comple8ity o buying and managing the underlying hard"are and so t"are layers. 9ith some PaaS o ers li#e 9indo"s A'ure$ the underlying computer and storage resources scale automatically to match application demand so that the cloud user does not have to allocate resources manually Software as a service (SaaS)$ In the business model using so t"are as a service (SaaS)$ users are provided access to application so t"are and databases. Cloud providers manage the in rastructure and plat orms that run the applications. SaaS is sometimes re erred to as &on!demand so t"are& and is usually priced on a pay!per!use basis. SaaS providers generally price applications using a subscription ee Service Models Network as a service (NaaS)$ A category o cloud services "here the capability provided to the cloud service user is to use net"or#4transport connectivity services and4or inter!cloud net"or# connectivity services. 7aaS

involves the optimi'ation o resource allocations by considering net"or# and computing resources as a uni ied "hole. %raditional 7aaS services include le8ible and e8tended 1P7$ and band"idth on demand. 7aaS concept materiali'ation also includes the provision o a virtual net"or# service by the o"ners o the net"or# in rastructure to a third party (17P + 17:) e! services in t"e cloud* All about o ering APIs that gives developers the opportunity to e8ploit the service;s unctionality over the "eb rather than creating a ull!blo"n application. A good e8ample o "eb service in the cloud is the ull range o API;s o ered by <oogle Maps. #SP $ Managed service providers is one o the oldest orms o cloud computing and is an application e8posed to I% rather then to the end users. Such applications are the antivirus scanning apps or e!mails$ application monitoring services$ des#top management services$ anti!spam services etc Service Models Deployment Models Private Cloud$ Private cloud is cloud in rastructure operated solely or a single organi'ation$ "hether managed internally or by a third!party and hosted internally or e8ternally Pu!lic Cloud$ A cloud is called a &public cloud& "hen the services are rendered over a net"or# that is open or public use. %echnically there may be little or no di erence bet"een public and private cloud architecture$ ho"ever$ security consideration may be substantially di erent or services (applications$ storage$ and other resources) that are made available by a service provider or a public audience and "hen communication is e ected over a non!trusted net"or#. %&!rid Cloud$ 0ybrid cloud is a composition o t"o or more clouds (private$ community or public) that remain uni6ue entities but are bound together$ o ering the bene its o multiple deployment models Deployment Models Cloud Security #a'or t"reats to Cloud securit& A!use and Nefarious (se of Cloud Computing$

Some providers even o er ree limited trial periods. By abusing the relative anonymity behind these registration and usage models$ spammers$ malicious code authors$ and other criminals have been able to conduct their activities "ith relative impunity. Insecure Application Programming Interfaces $ %he security and availability o general cloud services is dependent upon the security o these basic APIs. =rom authentication and access control to encryption and activity monitoring$ these inter aces must be designed to protect against both accidental and malicious attempts to circumvent policy #alicious Insiders $ =or e8ample$ a provider may not reveal ho" it grants employees access to physical and virtual assets$ ho" it monitors these employees$ or ho" it analy'es and reports on policy compliance. S"ared )ec"nolog& *ulnera!ilities $ : ten$ the underlying components that ma#e up this In rastructure (e.g.$CP- caches$ <P-s$ etc.) "ere not designed to o er strong isolation properties or a multi!tenant architecture. %o address this gap$ a virtuali'ation hypervisor mediates access bet"een guest operating systems and the physical compute resources Cloud Security #a'or t"reats to Cloud securit& Account+ Service , )raffic %i'acking $ Account or service hi>ac#ing is not ne". Attac# methods such as phishing$ raud$ and e8ploitation o so t"are vulnerabilities still achieve results. Credentials and pass"ords are o ten reused$ "hich ampli ies the impact o such attac#s. -ata .oss/.eakage $ %here are many "ays to compromise data. Deletion or alteration o records "ithout a bac#up o the original content is an obvious e8ample. -nlin#ing a record rom a larger conte8t may render it unrecoverable$ as can storage on unreliable media. /oss o an encoding #ey may result in e ective destruction. =inally$ unauthori'ed parties must be prevented rom gaining access to sensitive data Big Players No0 12$ Soft.a&er is t"e ke& to success for two !ig pla&ers0 IBM and ,MC are reportedly both courting cloud!computing company So t/ayer %echnologies in an ac6uisition e8pected to e8ceed ?@ billion. No0 30 4o&ent offers a powerful+ low cost alternative for !ig data centers0

Aoyent competes "ith 1M"are$ :penStac# and Citri8$ too$ "ith its o"n cloud operating system. No0 5$ Citri6 S&stems is taking on *#ware wit" some success0 Citri8 ma#es so t"are or clouds$ competing "ith t"o main rivals$ 1M"are and a consortium o vendors "ho built an open source$ ree cloud operating system #no"n as :penStac#. No0 7$ I8#$ All in for OpenStack0 IBM has been a #ey player in a cloud tech called :penStac# or a long time. But in March$ IBM upped the sta#es in a big$ big "ay. No0 9$ :ackspace is leading a massive coalition for free cloud software0 .ac#space runs an IaaS cloud and made a name or itsel by championing :penStac#. No0 ;$ <oogle was !orn in t"e cloud0 <oogle made big "aves in cloud computing last year by launching its o"n IaaS service$ the Compute ,ngine. No =$ Salesforce0com "as proved t"at enterprises reall& do want t"e cloud %he name Sales is almost synonymous "ith cloud computing. Sales proved that the "orld "ants to buy so t"are!as!a!service. No0 >$ #icrosoft is staking out its own turf0 Microso t has a big enterprise cloud$ too$ A'ure. No0 ?$ *#ware going deeper into all t"ings cloud -ntil this year 1M"are didn5t o er cloud services itsel . It o ered so t"are called vCloud or building clouds. No0 1$ Ama@on+ of course0 %here5s no 6uestion "ho the most important cloud player is* Ama'on. Ama'on basically invented the IaaS mar#et.

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