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Bio- Diesel Production capacity Quality and standards for the product "ser profile $oti e po%er re&uired Pro)ect cost *and + ,uildin1... s& /tr land0 %orkshop shed 1 2... s& /trs0 %orkshop 1. Seed crushin- e4peller 1 1 '. 5ilter press6 1 2. Stora-e essels 7. process plant 8. ,a,y ,oiler 9. &uality control + e&uip/ent etc :. pipes + fittin-s 8. installation char-es total : 27.1 lakhs ;etropha seeds: :8 $#0 <he/icals ..9' $#0 additi es ..' $# #otal: Rs8.1' lakhs 5uel0 Po%er ( 7.. (P! + %ater : Rs 890... p/ Posta-e0 ad 0 repair0 /aintenance0 telephone0 transportation0 insurance0 rent0 /isc 1 Rs '8... p/ $ana-er0 =perators(7!0 Skilled %orkers (2!0 unskilled %orkers(9!0 <he/ist0 clerk0 %atch/an #toal: Rs:.0... p/ Quantity: Value: Rs. lakhs BIS proposed specifications of 1998( pro isional! #ransport sector. 1'(P

$achinery + 3&uip/ent:

Ra% /aterials per /onth( per truck! "tilities per /onth =ther contin-ent e4penditure per /onth Staff > la,our :

?orkin- capital re&uired( for 2 Rs. Rs9.88 lakhs p/0 Rs.19.9: lakhs for 2 /onths /onths! #otal capital in est/ent <ost of production per year #urno er per year Bet profit Return on in est/ent Break 3 en Point $achinery + 3&uip/ent suppliers $>s Rs99.9: lakhs Rs. 92.88 lakhs pa Bio @iesel0 (''8$R!0 <rude -lycerine( ,y product! 1 78 $#0 @= cake ( 9.8A oil /in! 9.. $#s Rs.118.98lakhs Rs. ''.1 lakhs pa 22A 79.97A $>s Cshoka <onsultancy + Ser ices0 Bo. 261.61.'>10 Dokhale Ba-ar <olony0 Ra/anthapur0 (ydera,ad6120 Ph: ':.2981:0 889.::22

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