Canon Reset

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How to reset the Canon MP150 after a refill (Step 10 concerns refill; instructions below the steps): Method

1 (Safe Factor Method): 1) !isconnect the printer"s power outlet #) Press and hold the power button while connectin$ the power outlet bac%& ') (hile still holdin$ down the power button) press the reset button twice&(red circle with a trian$le) *) +elease the power button ,he printer ta%es about 10 seconds to show the nu-ber 0& 5) Press . to chan$e the /alue fro- 0 to 1& 0) (hen this /alue is 1) press colour button; this will li$ht up two leds& 1ne is for plain paper and the other for photo paper& 2t this point is feed the printer with paper& 3) Press the power button twice and the printer will print a so-e stuff (if this pa$e doesn4t print b itself) press the 5color5 button once and the test pa$e will print)& !on"t worr -uch about the printed -aterial& 6 $ot so-e stripped lines and so-e nu-bers& 6 belie/e that colour cartrid$e is clo$$ed which is wh 6 $ot the $reen strips& (hen ou print this sheet the /alue in the displa returns to 7ero& 8 ) 1pen the printer co/er co/er (not the scanner co/er) and re-o/e the cartrid$es& (ith the printer still open) disconnect the power outlet& 9) Close the lid and turn on the printer& 10) +efill cartrid$es and place the- bac% in their nice little abode in the printer&

:;<= >; ?@A@BCD@B@ Canon MP150 E;<=E >=FCE@ (:=?;< 10 FGB;H; >=FCE@; CFCBABI; <=?;<;):
J@B=> 1 (KGLC?E= M;N?G<; O@B=>): 1) PA<QCRGB@ CBGREGSC O=TG UB;OF;R; #) V?GBGAEGB@ G >?WGB@ B;AB@? X; E;F;D;H@) ; F=I@XGI;H@ E;X;> Y;F;D;& ') P;<= D=U CI@< >?W@TG B;AB@? X; C<QCRGI;H@) F?GBGAEGB@ >I; FCB; ?@A@B B;AB@? (& Z?I@EG <?CL A; B?=CL[=O) *) PX>;H@ >CLO@ O=T \B;OF;R B?;D@ =<= 10 A@<CE>G >; F?G<;W@ N?=D 0& 5) V?GBGAEGB@ . >; F?=O@EGB@ I?@>E=AB GX 0 C 1& 0) :;>; A@ =I; I?@>E=AB D@ 1) F?GBGAEGB@ >CLO@ X; N=DC) ; B= T@ X;AI@B[@BG >I@ ]^_& `@>;E => HGa D@ X; =NGR;E F;FG?) ; >?CLG X; b=B= F;FG?& c =I=O B?@ECB<C D@ a?;EGBG UB;OF;R; A; F;FG?=O& 3) V?GBGAEGB@ B;AB@? >I; FCB; G UB;OF;R T@ UB;OF;BG E@<@ ABI;?G (;<= A@ =I; AB?;EGS; E@ UB;OF; A;O= F= A@NG) F?GBGAEGB@ B;AB@? 5N=D;5 >CLO@ D@>E=O G F?=NE@ AB?;EGS@ T@ A@ UB;OF;)& Y@ N?GEGB@ OE=L= = UB;OF;E=L O;B@?GD;[;& PO;O E@<@ cX@[G [GEGD@ G E@<@ N?=D@I@& d@?CD@O >; D@ O=D; N=D; <;A@B; D@ X;R@FQ@E XN=L R@L; A;O >=NG= X@[@E= B?;<@& :;>; =>UB;OF;B@ =I;D [GAB I?@>E=AB E; @<?;EC A@ I?;T; E; EC[C& 8) eBI=?GB@ F=<[=F;S UB;OF;R; O;A<C (; E@ A<@E@? F=<[=F;S) G GXI;>GB@ <@?B?Gf@& cX UB;OF;R G >;Q@ =BI=?@E) GXICSGB@ CBGREGSC I[;ABG& 9) g;BI=?GB@ F=<[=F;S G C<QCRGB@ UB;OF;R& 10) ?@SG<[;WC <@?B?Gf; G AB;IGB@ Ga E;X;> C AI=DC [@F= O;[= O@AB= AB;E=I;H; C UB;OF;R&

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