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1. The term protoplasm is used first by __________________ and is for ___________ substance . (Brown / Camillo / Purkinje / dead / living / nonliving ) 2. The Nucleus was discovered by Robert Brown /.Robert Hook / Robert Moss. 3. Division of labour is found in multicellular / acellular / unicellular organism. 4. The longest animal cell is Elastin cell / Nerve cell / Epithelial cell . 5. Selectively permeability of the cell is related to Passive Transport / Active Transport / Osmosis . 6. Diffusion is related to _______________ and osmosis is related to ________________. ( phagocytosis / solvent / pinocytosis / solute ) 7. Swelling of the solution is related to _________ type of the solution . 8. The shrinking of the protoplasm is called Plasmolysis / imbibitions / turgidity. 9. The bulk transfer of materials from outside to the inside of the cell is called endosmosis / endocytosis / turgidity. 10. Endoplasmic reticulum / mitochondria / nucleolus is not bounded by any membrane . 11. Mitosis is absent in Lactobacillus / pinus / rohu / frog. 12. The DNA is covered by histone / fibrinogen / thrombin / histamine in Eukaryotic cell . 13. Ribosome is absent in SER / mitochondria / plastid . 14. Chromosome / Ribosome / Lysosome is responsible for the removal of cell debris . 15. The green coloured plastid is called _______________________. 16. The fluid content of the vacuole is called _____________________ . 17. The largest cell organelle in animal cell is _____________ and in plant is _________________. 18. Viruses are prokaryotic / eukaryotic / non of these . 19. Mitochondria / Ribosome / Nucleus is called Director of the Cell . 20. Ribosome is made of ____% protein and _____% RNA 21. A plant cell , kept in a dilute solution shall swell / shrink /first swell then shrink / no change taken place . 22. The crossing over is taken place at Pachytene / Diplotene / chiasmata.


23. The finger dipped in a soap solution is shrunk due to the Hypotonic / Hypertonic / Isotonic nature of soap. 24. The resolving power of Transmission Electron Microscope ____________________ . 25. The first mammal cloned was _____________ and was demonstrated by _________ & _____________. 26. The DNA is circular in the case of Staphylococcus / Bacteriophage / Entamoeba / Earthworm. 27. Glyoxysomes are present in Fish / Prawn / onion / Vibrio colistridium. 28. The chemical composition of the middle lamella is _________ & ________________________ . 29. The ground material of the cell is called Cytosol / protocol / protocol / cytocol . 30. M phase of the cell division is related to the Metaphase / Prophase / Cell cycle / Mitotic phase . 31. The spindle fibre that contain chromosome is called _________________ fibre. 32. The Homotypic division of the meiosis is related to the meiosis I / meiosis II . 33. Crossing over is taken place between sister chromosomes / non sister chromosomes / sister chromatid / non-sister chromatid. 34. Mitosis occurs in _________ cells whereas meiosis occurs in _________ cells. 35. The 2 basic phases of cell cycles are ___________ & ____________. 36. Synapsis occurs in __________. Phase of meiosis 37. Chromosome becomes half in ______ cell division. 38. Cell plate formed during cytokinesis of __________ cell. 39. The exchange of genetic material is taken place at __________. 40. DNA replicates during _________ phase 41. Uncontrolled cell divisions on certain tissues/organs results in ___________. 42. Eye cells show_________ & germ cell shows _________ type of cell division. 43. Tetrad is formed during ________of meiosis. 44. Spindle fibre that gets attached to chromosome is called __________ fibre. 45. The process of division of nucleus is called __________. 46. The process of loss of nuclear membrane & nucleolus is taken place during_____________.


47. In zygote no. of chromosome is double/half of the ovum. 48. The last stage of prophase 1 of meioses is _______. 49. Synthetic phase is observed during_________. 50. Continuous spindle fibre does not contain_________. 51. Cytokinesis refers to division of _____________. 52. Nuclear membrane reappear during _________ phase.

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