Selected Projects Gender C (2013) 4798 Prog Ag Ge Summaries en

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Call for proposals: JUST/2012/PROG/AG/GE Support for national actions for equality between women and men, in particular

in economic decision-making

Summaries of Awarded Project Proposals

Application Number: Applicant's Name: 4000004157 Country: Croatia

Ombudsperson for Sex Equality of the Republic of Croatia

Title of the Application: Dismantling the Glass Labyrinth - Equal Opportunity Access to Economic Decision-making in Croatia
The overall aim of the Project is to facilitate social and political circumstances supportive of the implementation of the proposed Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures ( Non-Executive Boards Quotas Directive). To facilitate the implementation of the proposed Directive, the Project is designed around the set of concrete objectives: 1. Awareness Raising, 2. Provide Employers with Practical Tools for Increasing Female Participation in Decision-making Bodies; Provide Support to Businesswomen aspiring to top-level career; Design and Propose to Relevant Institutions Regulatory Instruments Facilitating the Non-Executive Board Positive Action Directive. The project includes comprehensive set of activities: 4 empirical researches of women's participation in economic decision-making (1000 copies all together), 3 awareness rasing roundtables; two promotional booklets (800 copies altogether) set of practical seminars and workshops for employers and businesswomen aspiring to careers at top-level positions; 2 practical know-how manuscript for businesswomen and employers (550 copies altogether); database of available career advancement opportunities and career enhancement services; Project website providing all necessary information related to the Project and its activities; the Project website will also allowing access to general public to all publications produced within the Project; mentorship and sponsorship programs for business women aspiring to careers at top-level positions; Charter for Equality of Opportunity in Business Decision-making allowing employers to self-commit to positive action measures and targets; draft of the legal act proscribing positive measures related to increasing participation of women at toplevel positions in Croatian business enterprises; 1 tv show on national public television related to the subject of gender balance in economic decision-making and one radio show n national public television related to the subject of gender balance in economic decision-making. There are two types of primary beneficiaries of the Project: 1) employers (particularly those employing over 100 employees) and 2) businesswomen aspiring to top-level career (particularly those who had already reached midlevel management positions). The Project aims in particular to: 1) increase awareness among employers and general public about the extent of female absence from economic decison-making and the possible economic and social benefits of gender balance in economic decision-making; 2) provide employers with valuable know-how facilitating their capacity to create conditions favorable of gender balanced decision-making; 3) provide businesswomen aspiring to toplevel careers with valuable know-how facilitating their capacity to circumvent existing barriers to their career advancement; 4) encourage employers to self-commit to positive action measures and targets and 5) provide legislative model of implementation of the proposed Non-executive Boards Quotas Directive.

Application Number: Applicant's Name:




Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs

Title of the Application: INCLUDE.ALL

The project INCLUDE.ALL follows the national and European commitments to improve gender balance in economic decision-making at all levels and in all fields. The project activities and results aim to contribute to highlighting and tackling the problem of unbalanced representation and participation of women and men at the highest positions of management and leadership in economy and business. The project will pursue three specific objectives: 1. to improve knowledge on the situation of women and men managers and on the barriers for gender balanced economic decision-making; 2. to reduce stereotypes on women in leadership positions and to promote the business case of gender equality in economic decision-making; 3. to encourage the private sector to strengthen the presence of women at all levels of decision-making. Expected results, planned activities and outputs/deliverables by objectives: Objective 1: Expected results: the advanced data and knowledge by the policy- and decision-makers, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders about the situation of women and men managers and about the barriers for gender balanced economic decision-making. Activities: 1. Analysis of career paths and current situation of women and men managers, including their lifestyles and work-life balance arrangements (research, published research report); 2. Analysis of the data and gender equality/diversity policies in the largest companies, and examining the nomination procedures for the leading positions in the largest companies (survey, published survey report); 3. Proposal of measures for promoting gender balance in the economic decision-making, for the policy- and decision-makers and for business corporations (published factsheet) 4. Presentation of the research and study results and debate on the possible measures for promoting gender equality/diversity in economic decision-making (expert forum). Objective 2: Expected results: improved awareness about the importance of the strengthened representation of women in management and leadership in business and economy, from the points of view of social justice, full use of womens talents and competences, company performance benefits, improved quality of decisionmaking and better corporate governance and culture. Activities: 1. Awareness-raising on the stereotypes about women and men in economic decision-making and on the economic and business benefits of gender diverse boards and management, both for companies and society (public media campaign, including promotional film, FB page, PR activities); 2. Awareness-raising, exchange of experiences and good practices for improving gender balance in economic decision-making at the EU, national and/or corporate level (international conference); 3. Promotion of womens management and leadership (seminars at universities, E-Bulletin, professional publication). Objective 3: Expected results: improved awareness, know-how and implementation of the mechanisms and tools to promote gender balanced representation at all levels of corporate decision-making. Activities: 1. Exchange of experience and analysis of good practices at the national and European level (study visits, analysis of experiences and practices); 2. Development of the tools and methods for implementation of the measures for promoting equality in management, leadership and business strategies (training modules, manuals, training of trainers); 3. Developing practices for encouraging women to run for leading positions (Competence Centre for Women's Mentoring) 4. Developing mechanisms to promote balanced participation of women and men in business leadership (Talent Pool of Board Ready Women). The project will be carried out in partnership between the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs (applicant/beneficiary), the Managers' Association of Slovenia (co-beneficiary partner) and the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (associate partner).

Application Number: Applicant's Name:




Bundeskanzleramt Sektion II - Frauenangelegenheiten und Gleichstellung

Title of the Application: WOMEN ARE TOP! To the top by innovative corporate cultures
Objectives Ziel des Projekts ist es, einen Beitrag zur effektiven Umsetzung der Politiken zur Erhhung des Frauenanteils in Aufsichtsrten sowie in wirtschaftlichen Fhrungs- und Managementpositionen in sterreichischen Unternehmen zu leisten, und damit auch zur Umsetzung der EUPolitiken. Zentrale Bedeutung kommt hierbei den Unternehmen als Partner und als role-models zur wirksamen Erhhung des Frauenanteils zu, wie auch dem Dialog mit Stakeholdern. Es sollen neue Erkenntnisse ber gleichstellungsfrdernde Unternehmenskulturen gewonnen und innovative Instrumente der Selbstreflexion und Auenbewertung von Unternehmen hinsichtlich ihrer Entscheidungsprozesse entwickelt und erprobt werden. Vernderungsimpulse werden in und mit den Unternehmen gesetzt und mittels der Identifikation und Analyse Motivlagen, eines Erfahrungs- und good-practice Austauschs sowie der Entwicklung eines computergesttzten Unternehmensplanspiels initiiert. Activities Projekt-Teil A: Steuerung, Koordinierung, Begleitung, ffentlichkeitsarbeit: Modul A1: Steuerung und Koordinierung; Modul A2: Dialog und Vernetzung zwischen Politik, Wirtschaft, Sozialpartnern, Verwaltung und FachexpertInnen; Modul A3: Monitoring und Qualittssicherung (Sounding Board, schriftliche Berichte); Modul A4: Agenda Setting (PR, Projektprsentation). Projekt-Teil B: Erhhung des Frauenanteils in Aufsichtsrten Modul B1: Vorbereitung und Entwicklung eines Unternehmensplanspiels; Modul B2: Programmierung; Modul B3: Test; Modul B4: Adaptierung; Modul B5: Publikationen, PR, Evaluierungsdatenbank Projekt-Teil C: Erhhung des Frauenanteils in wirtschaftlichen Fhrungs- und Managementpositionen Modul C1: Qualitative Untersuchung von Unternehmen; Modul C2: Veranstaltungsreihe; Modul C3: Website-Rubrik; Modul C4: Koordinierung und Kooperation. Beneficiaries A: Bundeskanzleramt, Sektion II Frauenangelegenheiten und Gleichstellung (BKA/Frauen), Wien/sterreich, als Antragsteller B: Abteilung Gender und Diversittsmanagement der Wirtschaftsuniversitt (WU) Wien/ sterreich, als Projektpartner 1. C: Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt (FORBA), sozialwissenschaftliches (non-profit) Forschungsinstitut Wien/sterreich, als Projektpartner 2 Expected results, outputs and deliverables Ankurbelung und Vertiefung der Debatte des Themas Frauen in Fhrungspositionen", Sensibilisierung einer breiten ffentlichkeit Agenda Setting Qualitatives Wissen ber Strategien, Instrumente, Erfahrungen und Manahmen zur Erhhung des Frauenanteils in Fhrungs- und Managementpositionen in sterreichischen Unternehmen Vertiefendes Wissen ber Motive, Strukturen und Organisationskulturen in sterreichischen Unternehmen, die frdernd oder hemmend auf das Ziel der Erhhung von Frauenanteilen in Entscheidungspositionen wirken Identifikation und Charakterisierung von sterreichischen good-practice-Unternehmen, die als role-models fr andere Unternehmen dienen knnen Prototyp eines computeruntersttzten Unternehmensplanspiels zur Identifikation von subtilen Ausschlieungsmechanismen bei Aufsichtsratsbestellungen, zur Nutzung in Unternehmen. Dieses Tool eignet sich auch fr Trainings- und Schulungsprogramme im Bereich Management und wird auch dafr zur Verfgung gestellt (kostenlose Online-Lizenz) Veranstaltungsreihe fr sterreichische Unternehmen und Stakeholder; Ergebnisdokumentation Website Rubrik auf der BKA/Frauen Website zum Projekt (Ergebnisse, Daten, Adressen, Links, etc.); onlineVernetzungsplattform fr den nationalen und internationalen Austausch Diverse Publikationen; nationale und internationale Verbreitung der Projektergebnisse

Application Number: Applicant's Name:




Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Poland)

Title of the Application: Equality between women and men in economic decision-making - as a tool for social change.
Implementation of the proposed project "Equality between men and women in economic decision-making - a tool for social change" will be an important voice in the ongoing debate in Poland on the proposal of a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures, presented by the European Commission. The project will popularise the little-known subject of economic decision-making by women in the area of equalization of opportunities for women and men on the labour market in companies and in the society. The overall objective of the project is to promote the equality between women and men, in particular participation of women in economic decision-making processes as an instrument of social change. Specific objectives focus on the development of a report on the current situation of women with regard to economic decision-making, the development and testing of companies instruments for propagating women's equality in decision-making processes. One of the key actions planned under the project is the development of instruments propagating equality between women and men in economic decision-making processes. Those instruments will include a manual along with a training programme. The preparation of the manual will be preceded by a public opinion survey in the field of equality between women and men in economic decision-making processes and an analysis of the existing data (research to date on women's participation in the issues under the project, review of good practices in companies, analysis of cost-effectiveness of management taking into account the balance of men and women employed in decision-making positions). In addition, information seminars will be organised in further 10 companies. The seminars will be accompanied by a social campaign involving 10 radio shows, newspaper articles, activity on a specially prepared website, awareness-raising and promotional materials and press conferences. International activity based on an exchange of experiences is also planned it shall take the form of the Round Table of EU Equality Ministers in June 2014. The target group are employers of large enterprises (with more than 250 employees). A pilot programme will be conducted in three large companies, consisting of a seminar and information meeting with top managers, HR departments and training departments (about 3 hours). The second part of the pilot programme will include 5 hours of pilot training, during which the participants will acquaint themselves with the manual and with the training programme. As a result of this training, the participants will gain the knowledge and skills of how to use this instrument to conduct cascading training in companies. Information meetings will be held in another 10 companies to acquaint the participants with the Report and with the Manual, as well as with the training programme; these meetings will last from 3 to 5 hours. Main activities planned under the project will be addressed to top managers from 13 companies as well as HR and training departments of those companies. The project will provide a consistent follow-up on previous actions taken by the Polish Government, business circles and the labour market environment, aimed at active inclusion of women in the economic decisionmaking process. The expected hard outcomes of the project include: research data (from public opinion surveys) on Polish societys awareness and beliefs concerning the participation of women in economic decision-making processes, publication of a report concerning the above-mentioned manual and the training programme, as well as the social campaign (radio, press and Internet). The long-term effect of the project will be a change in the awareness of business circles and change in the general publics approach to the issue of economic decision-making by women.

Application Number: Applicant's Name:




Sosiaali- ja terveysministeri/ Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Title of the Application: Gender Equality in Top Management - Changing Practices in Economic Decision-Making
The aim of the project is to improve gender balance in business management, in both executive and nonexecutive positions, and to promote gender equality in the recruitment processes to top management. The project builds on specific challenges and good practices developed in Finland. The specific objectives of the project are 1) to develop and systematise the production of statistics on gender and management with key stakeholders in order to improve evidence-based policy-making in this area, 2) to find concrete and targeted measures to promote gender equality in recruitment processes by studying the gendered processes of recruitment with a special focus on the role of executive search firms in the promotion of gender equality, 3) to provide a common platform for key players to strengthen the political commitment, partnership and the exchange of good practices in the promotion of gender equality. The activities are: 1) The development of statistics concerning gender and management. A statistical publication (with an executive summary English) (1a) on gender equality in top management will give a general overview of the situation in Finland. In addition, the project will bring together key players to develop the production of statistics on gender and management (1b) in the long-term and to establish a common framework for producing regular and reliable statistics on the area. Results (incl. outputs and deliverables): The development of statistics will result in a regularly collected and more reliable evidence-base for measures to promote gender equality in business management. The project will also strengthen the long-term coordination and cooperation of key players in this area. The publication will provide concrete tools for policymakers and other actors to identify the main challenges. It will give knowledge-base for gender equality measures in different types of companies and raise awareness of the general public in both Finland and internationally about gender equality in management. 2) A study on the processes of recruitment to top management from a gender perspective, with a special focus on the role of executive search firms. Results: The study will provide new information and a more solid knowledge-base for targeted measures to promote gender equality in the recruitment processes, a previously rarely studied area in both Finland and internationally. The interviews of the representatives of the executive search firms will also serve as a platform to develop concrete tools with relevant stakeholders to promote gender equality. With an executive summary in English, the study will serve both Finnish and international audience. 3) The seminars organised in the project bring together key players to strengthen the political commitment, partnership and the exchange of good practices in the promotion of gender equality in economic decisionmaking. They will be organised together with key ministries and other stakeholders: The 1st seminar focuses on listed companies and the dissemination of good practices (150 participants: i.a. policy-makers, business associations and companies). The 2nd seminar (100 participants: the business associations, recruitment agencies, companies and social partners) focuses on the recruitment processes of top management. Results: In addition to strengthening the partnership in the promotion of gender equality, the seminars will contribute to making better use of concrete practices that have already been proved to be successful. The seminars provide also a platform to present the studies produced in the project. They will also raise awareness in Finland of goals and measures adopted at the EU level. The following key players have confirmed their participation in the project: State Ownership Steering of the Prime Ministers Office (activity 1b and 3), Ministry of Finance (1b) Statistics Finland (1b), Finland Chamber of Commerce (1b and 3) and the Confederation of Finnish Industries (1b and 3).

Application Number: Applicant's Name:






The overall objective of the project is to set environment and conditions for growth of gender balance in publicly listed companies boardrooms for the efficient use of human capital to achieve economic growth, prosperity and competitiveness. The project will contribute to achieving effective equality between women and men in practice and to achieving the objectives set out in the European Commission Strategy for equality between women and men (2010-2015), the European Pact for Gender Equality (2011-2020) and the National Strategy for Promotion of Gender Equality (2009-2015) in Bulgaria. It aims to encourage national business to increase the presence of women at all levels of decision-making and to establish partnership between the key actors that will be a driving engine for the desired and expected change. The specific objectives of the project are: to acquire knowledge and reliable data on women's participation in economic decision making and women's career opportunities in corporate business; to raise public awareness of the economic benefits for the entire society of balanced participation of women and men in economic decision-making Activities: - Capacity building of the target group - Awareness raising - Special Session of the National Council for Gender Equality will be held under the project with a view to provide sensitivity and build up the capacity of stakeholders to improve gender balance in decision making levels of the economy; - Business survey of top 100 companies with a view to improve the gender balance in the management of publicly listed companies and to reach the 40 % target (namely to enable the members of the underrepresented sex to hold at least 40 % of the non executive director positions by 1 January 2018 for the listed companies with the turnover exceeding EUR 50 million which are public undertakings and by 1 January 2020 for those which are not public undertakings). - Database on the representation of women and men in positions of management and leadership of all listed companies whose shares are traded on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. - Compendium of transferrable best international practices. - Review of the National Strategy for Promotion of Gender Equality 2009-2015 setting up the updated national priorities, updated progress indicators and a wider time perspective; - Guidelines for companies to improve gender balance in economic decision making. - Publication with the Business Survey, the Guidelines and the Compendium of good practices (hard copies and online). - Series of three discussion forums /experts panels with up to 100 participants from the business community, organisations of women in business, business, social partners, etc. - Series of three informative forums for up to 100 participants (from specialised and general electronic and printed media; decision makers from legislative and executive; from the institutions of the capital market, etc.). Spreading up the message of the EU initiative, best practices and recommendations from the Business survey and discussion forums/professional panels; elaboration of conclusions; media coverage. - Promotion of positive role models. Nomination and Awarding of companies that implement the principles of gender balanced representation in their management. Awarded companies will present the benefit of gender equality for their growth and better market position in figures.

Application Number: Applicant's Name:




Gender Equality Division, Department of Justice and Equality

Title of the Application: Initiatives to support the achievement of gender balance in decisionmaking roles in Ireland.
The objective of the proposal is "To address the under-representation of women in economic decision-making positions in Ireland in the Public Sector; the Private Sector; and on State and Corporate Boards. Effectively implementing the key recommendations of the Report Towards Gender Parity in Decision-Making in Ireland". The specific activities under the proposal are as follows: Public Sector/Civil Service: o Undertaking structured research on developing a dedicated female leadership training programme within the Public Sector/Civil Service, with a view to developing a best practice model for female leadership training; o Developing a mentoring programme for women with the capacity to progress into senior management positions in the Public Sector/Civil Service; o Implementing and evaluating the mentoring programme, with a view to establishing a best practice model to support the advancement of women; o Hosting a conference of the Women Managers Network, within the Irish Civil Service, to highlight the many competent women at middle management level, who are capable of progressing to senior management with the right supports, including mentoring programmes and leadership training programmes. Private Sector: o Develop awareness of and host a conference, in collaboration with our employers Confederation, to highlight good practice in this area from the Private Sector; o Hosting a large-scale conference on Women in Decision-Making, to include participants from both the Public and Private Sectors, and featuring international guest speakers; Corporate Boards: o Collaborating with the Board Diversity Initiative, an NGO and other relevant partners on initiatives to increase female representation on Corporate Boards; State Boards: o Establishing a Talent Bank/Database of suitably qualified women to serve on State Boards (the learning from this initiative has the potential to be transferable to Corporate Boards); and General: o Gender sensitive awareness raising, to be undertaken by the National Womens Council of Ireland, the representative organisation for women and womens groups in Ireland. The target groups for the project are: Women in middle management in the Public Sector/Civil Service, with the capacity to progress into senior management positions; Women in middle management in the Private Sector, with the capacity to progress into senior management positions; Women suitably qualified to serve on State Boards; and Women suitably qualified to serve on Corporate Boards. The expected results/outputs of the project are as follows: Increased number of women progressing into senior decision-making positions, across a number of sectors; Increased number of female role models, who can normalise the perception of women as decisionmakers/leaders and can inspire the next generation; The development of a best practice model for a mentoring programme for women; The development of a best practice model for a dedicated female leadership training programme; Increased awareness of women as decision-makers/leaders; Increased awareness of the skill-sets of women as decisionmakers/leaders; The development of a Talent Bank/Database of women suitable to serve on State Boards; and the hosting of a number of conferences on the topic of women in decision-making.

Application Number: Applicant's Name:




Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania

General objective: to approach, measure and communicate relevant measures to improve women representation in positions of management and leadership and to promote gender-balanced representation at the various levels of the hierarchy in, primarily, public and private companies in all sectors of Lithuania. Activities: 1)Project Management, coordination and project results dissemination; 2)In-depth study; 3)Trainings; 4)Awareness raising campaign. Number and type of beneficiaries: The Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson (OEOO); University of Siauliai (SU); Women's Issues Information Center(WIIC) - non-governmental organization. Projects expected results, outputs and deliverables Activity 1. Project Management and Administration Detailed work programme of project; 3-4 partners meetings; Projects management and monitoring process; Interim and final reports on projects activities and finance; Disseminated information about projects results. Activity 2. In-depth study: 1. Prepared, presented and disseminated In-depth study on situation of equality between women and men in economic decision making. 2. Developed country specific recommendations on strengthening the presence of women at all decisionmaking levels of companies involving the balanced approach and set of effective measures and tools in a context that identifies the requisite political, economic and social conditions. 3. Established effective partnership with the national stakeholders and start-up European partnership in support women business leadership. 4. Analysis of national laws in relation to the Proposal for the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures. Activity 3. Trainings. 1. A cycle of 6 seminars introducing an exhaustive informational package representing relevant legislation as well as positive measures to achieve gender balance in Economic decision making will be organized for business stakeholders, trade unions, civil servants and journalists. 2. Specific training programme introducing the compulsory quota system with the aim to balance the representation of different genders in public and private companies boards. 3. Pilot small-scale gender studies (using 3R method) will be implemented by civil servants in their fields of competence. 4. Knowledge on EU and national legislation, policies, programmes, initiatives in the field of gender equality in economic decision making will be provided. 5. Awareness, competence and overall preparedness of the target groups and all the actors (approx. 100 persons) involved in promotion of gender balance in economic (as well as political) decision-making will be raised. Activity 4. Awareness raising campaign. 1. Awareness of target groups about the insufficiency of women participation in the economic decision-making and stimulates public and political debates challenging to break the glass ceiling that continues to bar female talent from top positions in business decision making will be raised.

2. Awareness of broader society on gender economic equality issues will be raised and practical evidences on the benefits of active women participation in the decision making will be disseminated. 3. Active, professional women will be connected to networking, encouraged to break the multiple barriers they facing to become the board members of companies. 4. Policies of equal opportunities for women and men and welfare among employers, employees and companies will be promoted by contribution with information that more balanced boards have a possibility to create more productive and innovative working environment to improve companies performance and other benefits of balanced participation.

Application Number: Applicant's Name: MINISTERS





Title of the Application: "Women Mean Business and Economic Growth Promoting Gender Balance on Company Boards"
Beneficiaries: 1)Department for Equal Opportunities- Presidency of Council of Ministers 2)Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics -University Bocconi Project general objectives: A) to increase the knowledge and understanding of the gender dimension in business leadership and economic growth in Italy (and in a European perspective), by developing innovative studies, building a new dataset and performing specific analyses, with a particular focus on the impact of the recent Italian law on the gender balance representation in boards; B) to promote the exchange of experiences, the awareness on the importance of the selection process and of the beneficial effects of female leadership for economic growth through the dissemination of good practices in support of female leadership among companies, public institutions, citizens. To reach these goals the project is organized in six work-packages. WP.1) Setting the scene of women in economic decision-making. An overview and a comparison with the European statistics of the presence of women in professions, careers, top positions in business in Italy. A collection/map of good practices at national and European level developed by major companies to promote female leadership. A special focus on the less known practice of monitoring during the selection process, which we aim to study and identify in the experience of companies and institutions. A review of the literature on the positive role of female occupation and leadership for economic growth and of the beneficial effects of diversity management for the organization and the outcomes of companies and institutions. A comparison with the countries which have also introduced measures of gender quotas and with the ones which have adopted only voluntary initiatives will also be made. WP.2) Board Women database and analysis of their profiles: A unique database of women in boards in Italian companies will be developed and enriched by the inclusion of the same information on men members of boards in the same companies and of the Board Ready Women, i.e. women selected to have the appropriate characteristics to be members of the board of a listed company. It will provide for the board ready women the same information identified for the women already in boards and will be used for the analysis of women profile careers, with the final goal of helping to improve the pool of women who can reach top positions. WP.3) Analysis of the selection process: We will perform innovative studies on the role of the selection process in promoting female leadership: a theoretical study based on the literature on gender economics and statistical discrimination and an empirical case study, based on data from a large Italian company. This part of the analysis will stress the important role of the selection process for the promotion of women at top positions. WP.4) Analysis of the impact of the Italian law of gender quotas in listed and publicly owned companies: A review of the main arguments in favour and against the introduction of gender quotas; A completely new empirical analysis of the impact of the Italian law of gender quotas on the following outcomes: number of women in top positions; average quality of boards; diversity and performance; market prices; female occupation, presence in top management, education etc. WP.5) Networking, dissemination and public communication. The project will be supported also by a strong communication strategy aimed at spreading and disseminating the projects results at national and European level. WP.6) Management. The objective is the co-ordination of the various activities foreseen by the project so they are carried out effectively and successfully. Monitoring will be run as a part of the project management. The main results will be collected in a Toolkit to promote gender balance in company boards which will contain and a series of recommendations for both national companies and European policy makers.


Application Number: Applicant's Name:




The Centre for Gender Equalty in Iceland

Title of the Application: Mobilise talent: balancing participation

The main goal of the project is to promote balanced participation of women and men in economic decisionmaking and positions of management and leadership in private and public companies. The activities are the following: To develop a support programme for the upcoming gender quota law in cooperation with the relevant social partners. This will be done with the support of our partner, The Ministry of Industries and Innovation. This programme will be designed with the social partners and could include the following: mentoring, coaching, networking and role models. To make a support programme that will be successful and sustainable in to the future there will be a consultancy group with the relevant social partners working with the project manager. The project manager will also be able to look for support and guides for other part of the project within this group. Seminars on Gender Equality, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Equality Action Plans and the Balancing of Work and Family Life in companies and institutions. These seminars will be designed to help companies and institutions to start their work in order to reach gender equality by making Gender Equality Action Plans and encouraging the private sector especially to strengthen the presence of women at all decision making levels of companies. In relation to the seminars there will be publications to support further work on these issues. The main target group for the seminars are the companies that the law applies to. Part of the seminars will be an encouragement to the companies to increase womens involvement in the decision-making processes, positions of management and make them ready to take seats on corporate boards. Take an active lead in research in this field. This will be done by collecting the different research that already exist on women in economic decision making in Iceland and analyse them together as well as add to them if something is missing. Part of this research will be to monitor the changes in society related to the legislation and identifying possible obstacles in company cultures and find ways to overcome them, such as the balancing of work and private life. The findings will be published in Icelandic and English. Awareness raising campaign among the social partners, companies and citizens about the benefits for the entire society of balanced participation of women and men in decision making positions. This will be done through posters, short film, articles and other forms of media material. Exchange experiences and good practices in and outside Iceland through conferences. At the end of the project there will be an open conference in English that will be advertised on the EU-level and in the member states. The expected results of this project would be an increased knowledge of the importance of a more balanced participation of women and men in decision making. An increased number of companies and institutions with a Gender Equality Action Plan that aims to promote women in management positions, a collection of good practices to inspire others to do the same as well as a support project for the companies that the quota law applies to. There will also be a better knowledge foundation grounded in academic research to support our future actions to reach gender equality that will be useful outside of Iceland.


Application Number: Applicant's Name:





Title of the Application: GENDER EQUALITY in economic decision making - TOOL to promote economic competitiveness AND equality VALUE
The Ministry of Welfare of Latvia (MoW) as the national authority in charge of gender equality in cooperation with Society Integration Foundation (SIF) and stakeholders strongly believe that significant actions needs to be taken to reach the gender equality in economic decision making. Accordingly to the delegation of the MoW which is responsible institution for the gender equality policy making, the SIF is nominated to elaborate and implement the Project GENDER EQUALITY in economic decision making- TOOL to promote economic competitiveness AND equality VALUE within the section Gender equality of the EU employment and social solidarity programme PROGRESS 2007- 2013. The Project covers several needs at national level identified in the corresponding policy documents, priorities and challenges identified and discussed in the project elaboration process by the project partners the Ministry of Welfare, Employers Confederation of Latvia , LDERE -Latvian Women Entrepreneurs Leaders, The Resource Center for Women Marta and the Ministry of Economic. General objective of the project: to promote balanced representation of women and men in economic decision making in Latvia. In order to ensure achievement of the project objective To promote balanced representation of women and men in economic decision making in Latvia, the following five direction of actions was set out: 1)Overall project management; 2)Analyses of current situation of the gender equality in Latvia; 3)To mainstream gender equality aspects into Sustainability index of the private sector companies; 4)The exchange of experience and knowledge on opportunities of the presence of women in the different decision making levels of companies; 5)Awareness raising of general public on gender equality issue. To ensure achievement of the project objective, the following results will be reached: The overall situation on the gender equality issues and in economic decision-making in Latvia and good practices implemented are identified and analysed; Gender equality aspects mainstreamed into Sustainability index of Latvian biggest companies; Raised awareness of employers of leading companies on correlation between gender equality and company performance; Award for most equal company and special award for most successful company leading by woman distributed; Raised awareness of students and academic staff in addressing gender equality aspects in decision-making process; Discussions initiated on importance of balanced participation of women and men in economic decisionmaking on national, Baltic and European level; Exchanging experiences and good practices, promoting networking among key actors at national and European level facilitate; Public awareness of gender equality issues is raised. The direct target group consists of: private sector (enterprise registered in Latvia, incl. 33 listed companies in Latvia, their top management leaders, boards members, HR professionals, personal specialists and employees), national decision-making bodies (ministries and public agencies which foster gender equality via public policies and programmes), social partners who represents the interests of employers, incl. private sector, and are active in socioeconomic negotiations with decision making, NGOs working in the gender equality field or representing students rights; economy and business students and academic staff representatives;


professionals and key actors at Baltic and EU level (experts, researchers etc.); women - at all decision making levels in private sector; mass media, citizens and society in general. It is planned to implement the project GENDER EQUALITY in economic decision making- TOOL to promote economic competitiveness AND equality VALUE from November 2013 to November 2014. The defined outcomes, activities and target groups are in a close connection in order to facilitate the achievement of the specific objectives.


Application Number: Applicant's Name:



Czech Republic

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Title of the Application: Preparation of an Action Plan for Balanced Representation of Women and Men in Decision-Making Positions and Other Related Measures
The main objectives of the project are balanced representation of women and men in decision-making positions. The project aims, in the most general terms, at contributing to a discussions about balanced representation of women and men in decision-making positions through the preparation of Action plan which offers tools and particular steps to improve the situation in the Czech Republic. The preparation of the Action Plan should also make it possible to more closely integrate the topic of balanced representation of women and men in decision-making positions as an inherent issue of gender mainstreaming and to include it into many areas of the human life. The development of measures allowing for reconciliation between work, private and family life offers an important tool for balanced representation of women and men in decision-making positions. For this reason, the project also foresees an Analysis to be carried out in order to assess comprehensively the development possibilities of child care services, including a proposal for their financing in order to ensure their affordability. Comparison of system of child-care services in other European countries will be a part of the Analysis. We envisage two expert groups (composed of experts mainly from the committees of the Government Council for Equal Opportunities of Women and Men) to be set up for the development of the Action Plan and for the preparation of the Analysis. The key for the composition of these expert groups will depend on the expertise and the specific orientation of the relevant, their interests, capacities, etc. As needed in ad hoc cases there will be also comments and peer reviews from other relevant experts. Another specific objective is to raise awareness of and promote the need of balanced representation of women and men in decision-making positions, in the form of workshops and a conference on the development and presentation of the Action Plan, as well as in the form of other events that will be linked to the Action Plan itself (press releases, press conferences, etc.). These awareness raising actions will take into account the fact that for successful and effective discussion on the issue of balanced representation of women and men in decisionmaking positions it is necessary to include other relevant stakeholders into this discussion (such as legislators, media etc.). Therefore, particular activities within the project are: 1. Action Plan for balanced representation of women and men in decision-making positions; 2. Awareness raising and promotion of the topic of balanced representation of women and men in decisionmaking positions; 3. Analysis of the options available for further development of the child care service system, including their proposed financing in order to ensure their affordability; 4. Two one-day interim workshops on the preparation of the Action Plan and the Analysis; 5. Two one-day workshops to present the Action Plan and the Analysis; 6. Two-day conference to present the project findings; 7. Preparation of press releases or organisation of press conferences, as necessary. The main beneficiary of the project is the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. There are no partners in the project but we suppose that there will be impact on cooperation with experts from other European countries. The results of the project will be measured by quantitative as well as qualitative aspects which are: 1. Development of the Action Plan; 2. Development of the Analysis; 3. Number of workshop attendants; 4. Number of conference participants; 5. Number of press conference participants; 6. Number of press releases published and number of feedback responses to the press releases and to other project outputs; 7. Submission of the Actio; 8. Using the Analysis as an underlying material to propose legislative changes; 9. Satisfaction of the participants attending the workshops and conferences; 10. Tone of feedback provided to the project outputs.


Summaries of Projects on Reserve List

Application Number: Applicant's Name: 4000004120 Country: Slovakia Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Slovak republic

Title of the Application: Support for a balanced representation of women and men in leadership positions in employers organizations in Slovakia
General objective: Promoting gender equality in economic decision-making in Slovakia Specific objectives: - improvement of the knowledge base on the impact of the gender dimension to the representation of women in leadership positions; - provide information and identify barriers and good practices in terms of employing women in decision-making positions; - the creation of tools to enhance gender equality in decision-making at different levels of hierarchy in private and public organizations in Slovakia; Activities: Activity 1 The research on gender equality in economic decision-making, focusing on the barriers and good practices of women in leadership positions in organizations ofpublic and private sector Activity 1.1 Representative research with aim to identify barriers of employing women in leadearsips and decision making positions Activity 1.2 The study focused on good business practices aimed at ensuring a balanced representation of women and men in leadership positions in employers organizations Activity 2 Raising awarness activities for improving the representation of women in leadership positions in the organisations of public and private sector Activity 2.1 Implementation of the regional conferences "Exchange of experiences and good practice in the promotion of women in leadership positions in the organization Activity 2.2 Implementation of competition Family friendly, Gender Equality friendly and Equal Opportunities Friendly Employer Activity 2.3 Public realtions campaign aimed at encouragement of women to expand their career experience through the decision-making positions Activity 3 Creating tools and strategy to promote gender equality in economic decision-making in Slovakia Activity 3.1 Creation and operation of IT gender equality portal on gender equality in decision making positions Activity 3.2 Creating a Strategy and Action Plan for Gender Equality in economic decision-making in Slovakia Activity 3.3 Creating methodological guide for employers organizations how to implement measures for balanced participation women and men in leaderships position Expected results, outputs: - 1 research study ( minimum 70 pages), it will be deliver in 300 pieces to key stakeholders (during conferences, via mail, post etc); - 1 analytical study with examples of good practice in companies and case studies (minimum 70 pages) will be deliver in 300 pieces; - 3 conferences held for a period of 8 hours at conferences, we expect the total involvement of 210 people (including 60% of women); - 1 brochure with the main findings from conferences (minimum 50 pages), it will be deliver in 200 pieces - supporting 2 years of competition Family friendly, Gender Equality friendly and Equal Opportunities Friendly Employer, will involve about 100 employers, at award conference will be approximately 120 participants - 2 brochures (minimum 50 pages) of best practices in presentation of the winning organizations in a number of about 400 pieces - 1 Public relations campaign aimed at encouragement of women - 1 IT gender equlity portal, 5000 visits during 12 months, - 1 strategy and action plan of approximately 60 pages; the strategy will be translated into English and printed in the number of 200 pieces. In preparing of strategy will be cover 30 key actor in the field of gender equality; - 1 methodological guide for employer organizations (minimum 80 pages), will be deliver in 250 pieces


Application Number: Applicant's Name:




General Secretariat for Gender Equality, Ministry of Interior, Greece

Title of the Application: Affirmative actions for the promotion of women in economic decisionmaking
The proposed action is based on the National Program of Substantive Gender Equality 2010-2013, initiated by the General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE) in accordance with the policy priorities of the Strategy for Gender Equality 2010-2015 as reflected on the Commission Communication COM (2010) 491/2010. The program is also compatible with the European strategys Europe 2020 top priorities for employment and a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In 2006, the GSGE has signed a cooperation protocol with the Greek network of Corporate Social Responsibility aiming at raising awareness and mobilizing businesses to promote and disseminate good practices for equal opportunities between men and women and related best practices, actions and measures adopted and implemented by businesses-members of the Greek network of Corporate Social Responsibility. The projects main goal is to enhance the gender mainstreaming and equal opportunities for women in economic decision making at listed companies through targeted interventions. The projects general goals are to bridge the gap between the sexes in employment and social protection and to promote a better balance between work and private life for women and men in order to strengthen gender equality. More specifically: 1. Promotion of equal participation of men and women in decision-making at all levels and in all sectors to exploit the full potential of all skills. 2. Encouragement of social partners and businesses to develop and effectively implement initiatives for gender equality and to promote programs for gender equality in the workplace. 3. Elimination of stereotypes and promote gender equality in working life. 4. Promote women in decision-making and closing the gender gap in employment, by combating all forms of discrimination. 5. Promotion of good practices and their possible integration into the greek management system of listed companies. With the present project, the GSGE seeks to achieve the implementation of gender mainstreaming in companies of all sectors and to develop and implement pilot model tools, such as the assessment tool for the equal and objective assessment of executives and managers aiming at high posts in economic decision-making. The results of this project are expected to have a long-term impact if adopted from all business of all sectors. The NSGE is convinced that the results expected will lead to legislative measures towards a new perspective of gender policies in economic decision-making while indicating the need for the implementation of the pilot model assessment tool to all sectorial businesses, in order to establish the progress made through the implementation of this program. The women trained during the targeted action of coaching will become role models for all women willing to participate in economic decisionmaking and they will create a chain reaction to all large businesses. The results expected are planned according to the call for proposals and the type of activities proposed. In accordance to those activities, we have assigned the results to the objectives as such: raising awareness and launching information actions identifying strategies to promote the balanced participation of women and men in businesses improving knowledge on the gender dimension in business leadership balanced participation of women and men in businesses improving knowledge on the gender dimension in business leadership developing mechanisms and tools to promote the balanced participation of women and men in businesses exchanging experiences and good practices encouraging women to advance their careers and to become candidates for positions of responsibility launching public campaigns to raise awareness. The social partners involved will be the SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises ("SEV") and the Small Enterprises Ins tute of the Hellenic Confedera on of Professionals, Cra smen and Merchants (IME GSEVEE).


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