Activity Design Document Template

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Activity Design Document (ADD): Activity Name

1: Executive Summary.............................................................3 2: Analysis and Strategic Context ...........................................4 Country, region and sector issues..........................4 Stakeholder analysis............................................4 Pro lem analysis.................................................4 !essons learned..................................................4 Consistency "ith e#isting Ne" $ealand and other donor% multilateral &rogrammes and &olicy%strategy....' (ationale )or Ne" $ealand involvement..................' 3: Activity Description ............................................................6 (esults diagram..................................................* Activity and in&uts...............................................* +orm(s) o) aid &ro&osed.......................................* ,stimated &rogramme udget and timing...............* 4: mplementation Arrangements............................................! -anagement and governance arrangements and structure................................................................. /m&lementation &lan............................................ (esults measurement 0 monitoring and evaluation... Sustaina ility issues............................................. Procurement arrangements................................... 1verarching &olicy issues including gender, human rights and environment ...........................................2 Critical risks and risk management strategies.........2 ,nvironmental and social im&acts..........................2 ": Appendices..........................................................................# Appendix A: $esults %rame&or'............................................1( (esults Diagram................................................34 (esults -easurement 5a le................................36 -onitoring and ,valuation 7ork&lan....................34 Appendix ): $is' *atrix.........................................................1" Appendix C: Detailed +utputs,)ased )udget - Cost Estimates ..........................................................................1. Appendix D: Description o/ 0rogramme Activities..................1# Appendix E: 0rogramme *anagement and mplementation Arrangements....................................................2( Appendix %: $elevant Analyses..............................................21
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3: ,#ecutive Summary
Maximum 4 pages. Please provide a succinct summary of the design in a form that can be treated as a stand-alone document. It should: describe the development challenge and proposed response include a results diagram (planned outputs, and intended short, medium and or long-term outcomes !hich contribute to the goal" summarise tas#s activities outline #ey ris#s and mitigation recommend the delivery modality outline the expected total !hole of life costs and the contribution by $e! %ealand and others, noting explicitly any contingency that has been included in the total estimate. 9:::;

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8: Analysis and Strategic Conte#t

Sections 2-4: Maximum &' pages in total. (ess detail is needed if the )ctivity is lo! ris# than for an )ctivity that is high ris#. *or some lo!er ris# )ctivities you may choose not to use all of the suggested headings. Section 2 should provide a strategic analysis of the situation related to this aid activity providing relevant bac#ground information and provide sufficient information so that someone not familiar !ith the context can understand the issues. 9:::;

Country1 region and sector issues

+oncisely set out the country, region and relevant sector context challenges. 9:::;

Sta'e2older analysis
Provide a summary sta#eholder analysis (additional detail can be annexed" 9:::;

0ro3lem analysis
,xplain the specific problem being addressed including gender analysis and other relevant cross-cutting issues. -he text should allo! readers to comprehend !hat success !ould loo# li#e for this activity. 9:::;

4essons learned
.ighlight any existing or previous similar )ctivities underta#en by M*)-, other relevant activities are being underta#en by the partner government or other donors, and the principal lessons learned through these and similar thematic activities else!here. 9:::;

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Consistency &it2 existing 5e& 6ealand and ot2er donormultilateral programmes and policy-strategy
+learly set out ho! the activity lin#s to $e! %ealand/s foreign and aid policy and strategy. It should outline lin#s to and any implications for, existing country or regional programmes. It should also revie! the activities of other development partners operating in-country and explain ho! the proposed programme ta#es these other activities into account. 9:::;

$ationale /or 5e& 6ealand involvement

,xplain the reasons !hy this activity is being proposed and !hat #ey development ob0ectives (poverty reduction, service delivery improvement, improved governance frame!or#, etc" !ill be achieved. It should outline $e! %ealand/s comparative advantage. 9:::;

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6: Activity Descri&tion
-his section should ans!er the 1uestion 2!hat !ill this activity do, !ith !hat resources and over !hat timeframe34 It should include a results diagram It should explain and 0ustify the forms of aid proposed5 detail the individual programme components and provide budget estimates and information of the suggested timing of the aid activity. 9:::;

$esults diagram
-his section should include a results diagram (refer to )ppendix )" !hich describes the )ctivity/s goal and identifies the desired change occurring over time by logically sho!ing the lin#s bet!een the )ctivity/s outputs, desired short, medium and or long-term outcomes. ,xplanatory notes should be included. 9:::;

Activity and inputs

6escribe the activities and inputs re1uired to achieve the outputs. 9:::;

%orm7s8 o/ aid proposed

7riefly outline the forms of aid considered and describe and 0ustify the forms of aid modalities of assistance proposed, explaining specific arrangements for defining $e! %ealand/s role in !or#ing !ith other partners. ,xplain ho! the activity !ill !or# !ithin partner government systems. If the activity !ill not !or# !ithin partner government systems, explain !hy. 9:::;

Estimated programme 3udget and timing

8et out the activity budget, providing a brea#do!n of expenditure bet!een components and over time and !hat procurement arrangements !ill apply to them. ) detailed budget should be provided in an )nnex. 9:::;

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4: /m&lementation Arrangements
-his section should set out the main issues and factors affecting ho! the proposed activity !ould be delivered on the ground.

*anagement and governance arrangements and structure

,xplain ho! the activity is intended to be governed and managed. It should set out in detail the envisaged relationship bet!een $%, partners, contractors (if relevant", other donors and the partner government. -he roles and responsibilities of the active partners in the activity should be outlined. 9:::;

mplementation plan
9utline an implementation plan and timeline and or provide :antt chart sho!ing critical milestones in the )nnex. 9:::;

$esults measurement 9 monitoring and evaluation

Provide a brief overvie! of the results frame!or# and ho! results !ill be reported. ) ;esults Measurement -able and a Monitoring and ,valuation <or#plan should be appended to the )66. 9:::;

Sustaina3ility issues
)t the end of the funding period, outline !hether M*)- !ill exit or transition to a ne!, follo!-up )ctivity. If transition, include a brief description of !hat is intended for the ne!, follo!-up )ctivity, anticipated approach or modality, and partner(s" if #no!n. 9utline the issues that are li#ely to affect the sustainability of )ctivity outcomes beyond the funding period (e.g. absence of direct donor programme support, ongoing re1uirements for -), budget issues, asset management, institutional arrangements, political instability, social unrest, etc". 6escribe #ey steps you !ill underta#e to address these issues. 9:::;

0rocurement arrangements
If partner systems are proposed as the delivery mechanism for procurement, describe in detail their procurement processes and responsibilities and ho! this !ill be monitored.

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9utline findings of any procurement and or financial management capacity assessment relevant to the design. Procurement must comply !ith the $e! %ealand :overnment Mandatory ;ules for Procurement and $e! %ealand )id Programme +ontracting Policy. 9:::;

+verarc2ing policy issues including gender1 2uman rig2ts and environment

,xplain concisely ho! overarching policy issues such as gender, human rights and environment, have been addressed through the design. -he text should provide an explanation of the approach adopted in each case5 ho!ever, it should not substitute for consideration and discussion of these issues in 8ections ) = 7 of the 6esign 6ocument !here the issue is central to the design (gender in particular should be a central consideration in any activity". 9:::;

Critical ris's and ris' management strategies

9utline the most critical ris#s and explain ho! these ris#s !ill be addressed and managed. ) ris# matrix should be annexed. 9:::;

Environmental and social impacts

<here the )ctivity has previously been assigned a provisional category ), 7, P()", or P(7" note: -he agreed category assigned to the )ctivity, the scope of any impact assessment and impact management plan, and !hether a reassignment from a &rovisional category assigned at the identification stage is being recommended. ) summary of any adverse impacts or ris#s, and measures designed to avoid or mitigate these +onfirmation of the complaints and conflict resolution procedure )ny ma0or ris#s posed by climate variability, climate change and natural ha>ards, and measures to address these and improve resilience -he degree of compliance !ith relevant Partner :overnment environmental and social la!s and regulations, and measures to strengthen in-country capacity for their implementation

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': A&&endices
The following appendices are required: 5his section includes the )ollo"ing a&&endices: A&&endi# A: (esults +rame"ork ((esults Diagram, (esults -easurement 5a le, -onitoring and ,valuation 7ork&lan) A&&endi# <: (isk -atri# A&&endi# C: Detailed 1ut&uts=<ased <udget % Cost ,stimates (including costing methodology) A&&endi# D: Detailed Descri&tion o) Programme activities (i) a&&ro&riate) A&&endi# ,: Programme -anagement 0 /m&lementation Arrangements > 1rgani?ation Chart and other details as a&&ro&riate including (oles % (es&onsi ilities o) Parties%Stakeholders A&&endi# +: (elevant analyses (Social, ,conomic, ,nvironment, @ender, Poverty, Stakeholder, institutional%)iduciary ca&acity, etc) The following appendices are optional and included if relevant. Delete reference to those that are not required: /m&lementation Schedule 5ransition or ,#it Planning Position Descri&tions % 5erms o) (e)erence (i) design includes 5A) Sco&e o) Services and <asis o) Payment (mandatory i) eing tendered). 1ther relevant re&orts and assessments as a&&ro&riate

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A&&endi# A: (esults +rame"ork

5he results )rame"ork elo" includes a results diagram, results measurement ta le and a monitoring and evaluation "ork&lan.

$esults Diagram
,ither modify this layout and text to create your results diagram, or replace the layout belo! !ith a results diagram created in ?isio.
:oal o/ t2e Activity: Long-term outcome Long-term outcome Long-term outcome

Long-term outcome(s)

Medium-term outcomes

Medium-term outcome

Medium-term outcome

Medium-term outcome

Medium-term outcome

Medium-term outcome

Short-term outcomes

Short-term outcome

Short-term outcome

Short-term outcome

Short-term outcome

Short-term outcome

Output Outputs





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Sample layout

;efer to the guideline 6eveloping, )ppraising and )pproving an )ctivity 6esign for the format to use and the standards that apply !hen developing a results diagram.

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+utputs- nputs ;a3le

;efer to the guideline 6eveloping, )ppraising and )pproving an )ctivity 6esign for the format to use and the standards that apply. )dd additional ro!s to the table as re1uired.

+utputs /rom t2e $esults Diagram +utput 1

Activities to Delivery +utputs

nputs to $esource Activities

+utput 2

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$esults *easurement ;a3le

;efer to the guideline 6eveloping, )ppraising and )pproving an )ctivity 6esign for the format to use and the standards that apply. )dd or delete ro!s as needed.



)aseline n/ormation and ;argets

*et2odology-Data Sources

Long-Term Outcomes Medium Term Outcomes Short-Term Outcomes Outputs

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*onitoring and Evaluation <or'plan

;efer to the guideline 6eveloping, )ppraising and )pproving an )ctivity 6esign for the format to use and the standards that apply. $otes !hen completing the table belo!: Approach: Includes the methods and processes !e !ill use in underta#ing the monitoring and evaluation activities Reporting & Delivera les: <hat and ho! the information be reported5 to !hom and by !hen5 .o! the findings !ill be shared and used.

*onitoring 9 Evaluation ;as's *onitoring



$oles and responsi3ilities

Delivera3les and $eporting

ndicative Costs


;+;A4 5D CA; =E C+S;S +verall *onitoring and Evaluation )udget

> B B >

+unding source +unding source

;+;A4 )?D:E;ED

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A&&endi# <: (isk -atri#

9/nsert your (isk -atri# here; ;efer to the example belo! for a sample layout of a ris# matrix. )dditional ro!s can be added to the table as needed.

$is' Category and Description

0otential mpact

4i'e, li2ood

Conse, @uence

$is' 0ro/ile

0roposed $is' *anagement


Aey to $is' *atrix

1. $is' Category and Description (isk categories include: External e.g. ,conomic, Political, Natural ,vent, Security, +rganisational e.g. Personnel, Ca&acity, Policies, %inancial e.g. )inancial management "eaknesses, corru&tion, )raud, cost%e#change rate escalation, lack o) )unding 2. 0otential mpact Descri e the im&act

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3. 4i'eli2ood /denti)y the level o) likelihood o) the risk occurring:

4i'eli2ood Description

Almost certain !ikely Possi le Cnlikely (are

,#&ected to occur in most circumstances 7ill &ro a ly occur in most circumstances '4%'4 that it might occur at some time Could occur at some time -ay occur only in e#ce&tional circumstances

4. Consequence
/denti)y the level o) conseDuence i) the risk occurs:
Descriptor Description 7indicative examples8


Causes serious harm to Activity ene)iciaries, (individualE community, organisation, or country) Serious re&utational damage to contri uting &artners Some harm to Activity ene)iciaries, (individualE community, organisation, or country) Achievement o) Activity o Fectives signi)icantly com&romised (e&utational damage to contri uting &artners Signi)icant )inancial loss to contri uting &artners, organisations, communities, individuals



Achievement o) Activity o Fectives com&romised Costs escalate more than 64G Signi)icant im&lementation delays

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5. Risk Pro i!e

Determine the risk &ro)ile )rom the level o) likelihood and conseDuence.

"!most cert#in Like!& Possi'!e (n!ike!& $%treme risk


Lo) risk Moderate Major Severe



$is' level

*easures re@uired

:reen +range

!o" -edium

Normal control and monitoring measures "ill e su))icient. 5his reDuires measures to manage the likelihood or conseDuence o) a risk and active monitoring. ,#treme risks are likely to occur and "ould &revent achievement o) outcomes, cause unacce&ta le cost overruns and%or schedule sli&&age. Signi)icant re&utational damage "ill occur.



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A&&endi# C: Detailed 1ut&uts=<ased <udget % Cost ,stimates

)ctivity manager to attach the se1uenced costed !or#plan template (,xcel file" that is appropriate for the li#ely implementing partner: either the: - 8ummary by 9utput <or#plan - 6etailed by 9utput <or#plan - 6etailed by Input <or#plan -he !or#plan is to cover the period of )ctivity implementation. If the partner is not yet #no!n, use the summary !or#plan template. 9:::;

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A&&endi# D: Descri&tion o) Programme Activities

(Include if appropriate" 5his a&&endi# &rovide a detailed descri&tion o) &rogramme Activities 9:::;

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A&&endi# ,: Programme -anagement and /m&lementation Arrangements

Include organi>ation chart and other details as appropriate including roles and responsibilities of parties sta#eholders 9:::;

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A&&endi# +: (elevant Analyses

(Include relevant analyses: 8ocial, economic, environment, gender, poverty, institutional fiduciary capacity etc" 9:::;

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