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Annex to Office Order No.

225/2010 Dated 15th July, 2010

Ministry of Commerce


(Within the framework of System of Financial Control and Budgeting-2006 and the Secretariat Instructions)

Improve the efficiency in disposal of the business of Ministry of Commerce. Delegate the powers vested with the Secretary Commerce to the lower echelons, as required under existing system of control.





The Secretary Shall determine the maximum extent of delegation of powers to officers serving under him and issue clear standing orders laying down these powers and also the manner of disposal of cases in the Division and shall ensure that: a) b) c) The distribution of work is equitable; The channel of submission of cases is vertical and not horizontal; and The tiers through which a case has to pass are ordinarily not more than two excluding the Secretary

The Secretary shall review the delegation of powers to various officers periodically to ensure maximum delegation of authority for disposal of cases at the initial and middle levels, with an appropriate reporting system to keep him fully informed.1 The Secretary may sub-delegate certain financial powers as are provided and allowed under the System of Financial Control and Budgeting circulated vide Finance Divisions O.M. No. F.3(2)Exp.III/2006 dated 13-09-2006

. Secretariat Instructions


The following cases shall be submitted to the Secretary of a Division2: a) All cases, summaries and reports requiring submission to the President, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. All the cases involving major policy and important administrative issues. All the cases of appointment or promotions that have to be referred to the President, the Prime Minister, Minister-Incharge, Establishment Secretary or the Selection Board. All the cases involving foreign delegations and deputations abroad. All important cases relating to development plans, annual budget and foreign exchange of requirements. All the cases of transfers of heads of Departments and their Deputies. Proposals received from Provincial Governments which it is proposed to reject.



d) e)



Additional Secretary / Joint Secretary

An Additional Secretary or a Joint Secretary, unless he is incharge of a Ministry/Division, shall be entrusted with a well-defined sphere of duty. Within this sphere he shall assume full responsibility and shall submit all cases direct to the Ministry for orders, such cases being returned to him through the Secretary. The Secretary shall have the power, however, to call for any case for his own consideration and to request that he be consulted in any particular case before it is submitted to the Minister.

. Ibid

Deputy Secretary
A Deputy Secretary shall dispose of all cases in which no major question of policy is involved or which under the rules or the standing orders he is competent to dispose of.

Section Officer
A Section Officer shall dispose of all cases where there are clear precedents, and no question of deviation from such precedents is involved or which under the rules or standing orders he is competent to dispose of. In case of doubt he may seek verbal instructions from his senior officer.


DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWERS (Within the System of Financial Control and Budgeting 2006

Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Addit Ministries/Divisions ional (Secretary) Secy.

SJS/Join t Secretar y (Admn) 5 ---

1 1

2 Creation of tempora ry posts

Deput y Secret ary (Admn ) 6 ---

S.O. Concer ned deleing with admn 7 ---


8 (i) A post in any office or department which has remained vacant for a period of three years or more shall be deemed to have been abolished. The powers for revival of that post shall not be exercised without obtaining prior approval of the Financial Adviser. (ii) Financial Advisers concurrence for continuance of temporary posts in the next financial year may be sought well before the beginning of that year so that the posts not agreed to by the Financial Adviser are not continued in the next financial year even for a day. (iii) The proposals for creation of temporary posts belonging to Occupational Groups/Services administratively controlled by the Establishment Division will first be referred to the Establishment Division for clearance.

The creation of new posts in --the current expenditure shall require the approval of the Finance Division, even when these are included in the current budget. The Secretaries of the Ministries/Divisions shall have full powers to create new post(s) in the Development Expenditure/PSDP, included in PC-I or PC-II after the approval of the project by the relevant forum subject to availability of development budget against Employees Related Expenses. These posts shall be continued on year to year basis till the completion of the project. Such post(s) will cease to exist on the closure/completion of the project. After completion of the project and submission of PC-IV, the barest minimum and essential posts(s) shall be converted from Development Expenditure to Current Expenditure with the approval of the Financial Adviser.

Sr. Name No. Powers

of Powers Delegated to Powers Powers the Delegate Delegated Ministries/Divisions d to to SJS/J.S Addition al Secy.

Powers Delegate d to D.S

Powers Delegate d to S.O ---


Conversion Full powers, subject to of a the following temporary conditions: post into a Posts which have been permanent in existence post continuously for five years or more, and have been created for work of a permanent nature, and are likely to continue for an indefinite period. Abolition of Full Powers posts

Details of temporary posts converted into permanent during the course of a financial year, which are proposed to be transferred from Part-II to Part-I of the budget for the next year, should invariably be reported to the Financial st Adviser before the 1 October, every year.


Reimburseme Full powers subject to Rs. nt of Medical availability of budget 100,000/Charges Reappropriation of Funds Full powers, subject to Rs.1,000, the observance of the 000/following general restrictions and to the supply of a certificate to Audit by the administrative Ministry/Division while issuing orders for reappropriation to the effect that the expenditure to be met by re-appropriation from the relevant minor and detailed objects was not foreseen at the time of budget, the expenditure cannot be reduced nor can it be postponed to the next year; and the expenditure in question was not specifically disallowed by the Finance Division at the time of approving the budget estimates.

Rs. 50,000/-



Rs.750,000 /-



Sr. No.

Name Powers

of Powers Delegated to Powers Powers the Delegate Delegated Ministries/Divisions d to to SJS/J.S Addition al Secy. General Instructions: (1) (a) No appropriation or reappropriation may be made: (i) from one grant to another; (ii) after the expiry of the financial year; (iii) between funds authorized for expenditure charged on the Federal Consolidated Fund and other expenditure; (b) Funds may not be appropriated or reappropriated to meet: (i) any item of expenditure which has not been sanctioned by an authority competent to sanction it; (ii) expenditure on new service not provided for in the budget estimates authorized for the year; and (iii) expenditure for a purpose the allotment for which was specifically reduced or refused by the National Assembly. (II) All powers of appropriation and reappropriation conferred upon Administrative Ministries/Divisions/ Deptts/Subordinate offices and other authorities are subject to the condition that without the previous consent of the Financial Adviser/Finance Division. Rs.1,000 ,000/Rs.750,00 0/-

Powers Delegate d to D.S

Powers Delegate d to S.O ---



If funds to meet a new service are available under the relevant grant, reappropriation for such new service may be made after a token sum has been allocated through a Supplementary Grant.

Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Div isions

Powers Delegated Additional Secy.

Powers to Delegated to SJS/J.S

Power s Delega ted to D.S

Powers Delegate d to S.O


(a) an authority may not meet, by re-appropriation, expenditure which it is not empowered to meet by appropriation; (b) lump-sum provision for expenditure included in a grant may not be appropriated or reappropriated; (c) No re-appropriation may be made; (i) from Development to Current Expenditure and vice-versa; (ii) from to, or within the Employees Related Expenses, from Operating Expenses Communication, Telephone & Trunk Calls, Telex, Teleprinter & FAX, Electronic Communication; Utilities; Gas, water, Electricity; Secret Service Expenditure, Unforeseen Expenditure for Disaster preparedness & Relief and Occupancy Costs. (iii) of provision specifically made in the budget for expenditure in foreign exchange to expenditure in local currency; and (iv) of provision allowed as Supplementary Grant; (d) Funds may not be appropriated or re-appropriated to meet any expenditure, which is likely to involve further outlay in a future financial year.

Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Divi sions

Powers Delegated to Additional Secy.

Power Powers s Delegate Delega d to D.S ted to SJS/J. S

Powe rs Dele gate d to S.O


appropriated or re-appropriated; No re-appropriation may be made; from Development to Current Expenditure and vice-versa; (ii) from to, or within the Employees Related Expenses, from Operating Expenses Communication, Telephone & Trunk Calls, Telex, Teleprinter & FAX, Electronic Communication; Utilities; Gas, water, Electricity; Secret Service Expenditure, Unforeseen Expenditure for Disaster preparedness & Relief and Occupancy Costs. (iii) of provision specifically made in the budget for expenditure in foreign exchange to expenditure in local currency; and (iv) of provision allowed as Supplementary Grant; (d) Funds may not be appropriated or re-appropriated to meet any expenditure, which is likely to involve further outlay in a future financial year.

Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to SJS/J.S

Powers Delegated to D.S


(III) (a) No Ministry/Division/Deptt/ Subordinate Office (including any autonomous body) shall be authorized to reappropriate funds from one development scheme to another development scheme. In exceptional cases, however, re-appropriation of such funds may be allowed, where necessary, by Financial Adviser on the recommendation of Planning and Development Division. (b) In the case of development schemes controlled/executed by the Planning and Development Division themselves, approval for re-appropriation of funds from one development scheme to another, if necessary, shall be made with the prior approval of the Financial Adviser to that Division.

In the case of expenditure on works, the conditions laid down in paragraphs 31 and 32 of Appendix 6 to the Central Public Works Account Code shall also apply.

Appropriation or reappropriation in accordance with provisions of S. No. 5(1), (II) and (III) in Column 3 by a competent authority will, if that authority is authorized to sanction the expenditure in question, operate as sanction to such expenditure.

Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Powers Ministries/Divisions Delegated to Additional Secy. Power to declare Full powers, subject to Full stores surplus or prescribed conditions. Powers unserviceable.

Powers Delegated to SJS/J.S

Powers Delegated to D.S

Full Powers


Power s Delega ted to S.O ---


Heads of Pakistan Missions abroad may exercise these powers in accordance with approved scales, in respect of the residence of officers subordinate to them. Heads of Pakistan Missions abroad may exercise these powers in accordance with approved scales, in respect of the residences of officers subordinate to them. Subordinate authorities already enjoying the power in (ii) of Column 3 beyond this limit may continue to exercise those powers.

Powers to sell Full powers, subject to Full surplus or the prescribed conditions. Powers unserviceable stores and stock by auction.

Full Powers



Write off of irrecoverable value of stores or public money due to losses on account of fraud, theft, etc.

(i) Upto Rs.5,000,000 (Rupees Five Million) in each case, provided that: (a) the loss does not disclose a defect of system the amendment of which requires the orders of higher authority: and (b) There has not been any serious negligence on the part of some individual government officer or officers, which may possibly call for disciplinary action requiring the orders of any higher authority. (ii) Powers to write-off of losses up to a limit of Rs. 200,000 (Rupees Two Hundred Thousand) to cover deficiencies on account of breakage, shortage in transit, wastage, spoilage and bottling, dryness in storage and depreciation on account of wear and tear fluctuation in market prices and obsolescence.

Full Powers subject to prescribed condition



Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to Powers the Delegated Ministries/Divisions to Additional Secy.

Powers Delegated to SJS/J.S

Powers Delegated to D.S

Powers Delegated to S.O


Expenditure against Full powers, subject Full provisions in the to the prescribed Powers budget shall be conditions. sanctioned in the following manner: Project PreInvestment Analysis (1) Feasibility Studies, Research and Surveys and Explanatory Operations Full powers, subject BS 17-19 Operating Expenses (2) Traveling to the prescribed Allowance. conditions.





BS 11 - 16

BPS 06 -10

BS 1- 5


(3) Transportation of Full Powers goods.

Full Powers

Full Powers

Full Powers



(4) POL Charges and Full powers, subject Full CNG Charges to observance of Powers ceilings where applicable.

Full Powers

Full Powers



Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Powers Ministries/Divisions Delegated to Additiona l Secy.

Powers Delegated to SJS/J.S

Powers Delegated to D.S

Powers Delegated to S.O

Rem arks

(5) Conveyance Charges (6) Postage and Telegraph (7) Telephone and Trunk Calls

Full powers, subject to Full prescribed conditions. Powers Full powers Full Powers

Full Powers

Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers

Full Powers


Full Powers

Full Powers


Full powers, subject to Full observance of prescribed Powers ceilings where applicable

Full Powers

Full Powers


(8) Telex, Tele printer and FAX

Full powers, subject to Full observance of prescribed Powers ceilings where applicable

Full Powers

Full Powers

Full Powers


(9) Electronic Communications

Full powers, subject to Full observance of prescribed Powers ceilings where applicable

Full Powers




(10) Courier and Pilot Service (11) Utilities (Gas, Water, Electricity) Hot & Cold Weather Charges, others

Full powers

Full Powers

Full Powers



Full powers, subject to Full observance of prescribed Powers ceilings where applicable

Full Powers

Full Powers



Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Powers Powers Ministries/Divisions Delegate Delegated d to to SJS/J.S Addition al Secy.

Power s Delega ted to D.S

Powers Delegate d to S.O


(12) Office Stationary (13) Printing & Publications

Full powers

Full Powers

Full Powers Full Powers


Nil Nil

--The job of printing material of sensitive and classified nature shall continue to be performed by Printing Corporation of Pakistan. The Principal Accounting Officer shall determine the nature of such printing material. ---

Full powers, provided Full that printing at a press Powers other than a press of the Printing Corporation of Pakistan, should be undertaken only if the Principal Accounting Officer is satisfied that it is in public interest to do so and records a certificate to that effect.


(14) Newspapers Periodicals and Books (15) Uniform and Liveries

Full powers



Full Powers


Full Powers, provided Full that the purchase of Powers uniforms and liveries shall be made subject to the prescribed scales and prices.


Full Powers



Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Divisions

Powers Delegated to Additional Secy.

Powers Delegated to SJS/J.S

Powers Delegated to D.S

Powers Delegat ed to S.O


Works Division & Defence (16) Rent of non- (i) Division. Full powers. residential (ii) Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Full buildings. powers to respect of Pakistan Missions abroad (iii) Other Ministries/Divisions: (a) Up-to Rs. 100,000 (Rupees One Upto Rs.50,000 p.m. Hundred Thousand) per month for Islamabad/Rawalpindi/Lahore/Ka rachi Peshawar/Quetta. (b) Up-to Rs. 50,000 (Rupees Fifty Upto Rs.20,000 p.m. Thousand) per month for other places. Or as approval from time to time.



Rs.25,000 p.m.

Upto Rs.15,000 p.m.

Sr. No.

Name Powers

of Powers Delegated to Powers the Delegated Ministries/Divisions to Additional Secy. (i) Full powers to incur expenditure from within the sanctioned budget grant as per prescribed rental ceiling and grant one year advance payment of rent during the lease period and subject to availability of funds. (ii) Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Full powers in respect of Pakistan Missions Abroad.

Powers Delegated to SJS/J.S

Powers Delegate d to D.S

Powers Delegated to S.O


(17) Rent of Residential Buildings.

Same as at

Sl. No.9 (2)

(1) In sanctioning rent, merits and local conditions in each case will be kept in mind. (2) Powers at (i) and (ii) Column 3 may be exercised only in the case of government servants who are entitled to provision of residential accommodation under any general or specific orders.

Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Divisio ns

Powers Powers Powers Delegated to Delegated to Delegated Additional SJS/J.S D.S Secy. -----

Powers to Delegate d to S.O ---

Rem arks

(18) Consultancy and Contractual Work

Full powers subject --to observance of prescribed conditions. Full powers ---


(19) Royalties, Rates and Taxes, Rent of Machine and Equipment (20) Training Domestic (21) Payment to Government Departments for services rendered (22) Essay writing and Copy Rights (23) Law Charges





Full powers


Same as at Sl. No.9 (2)


Full powers


Full Powers




Full powers

Full Powers

Full Powers




Full powers, in --consultation with Law Division.

Full Powers




Sr. No.

Name of Powers

(24) Fees to Law Officers (25) Exhibitions, Fairs and Other National Celebrations (26) Advertising and Publicity

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Division s Full powers, in consultation with Law Division Full powers

Powers Delegated Additional Secy. ---

Powers to Delegated SJS/J.S Full Powers

Powers Powers to Delegated to Delegat D.S ed to S.O -----

Remar ks







Full powers, subject --to prescribed conditions.

Full Powers




(27) Payment to Others for services rendered

Full powers, subject Full Powers to observance of prescribed conditions.

Full Powers

Rs. 30,000/-



Sr. No.

Name of Powers

(28) Purchase of drugs and medicines (29) Contribution & subscription (30) Expenditure on Pakistani delegations to Foreign Countries (31) Loss on Exchange

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Division s Full powers

Powers Delegated Additional Secy. ---

Powers to Delegated to SJS/J.S ---

Powers Delegated D.S ---

Powers Remarks to Delegat ed to S.O -----

Full powers






Full powers, in --accordance with prescribed conditions. Full powers, in --accordance with prescribed condition.









Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated Ministries/Divisions


the Powers Delegated to Additional Secy.

Powers Powers Delegate Delegate d to d to D.S SJS/J.S

(32) Secret Service Expenditure (33) Conferences/ Seminars/ Work shops/ Symposia (34) Unforeseen Expenditure & other (General)

Full powers, in accordance with --prescribed conditions. Full powers, in accordance with --prescribed condition.



Power s Deleg ated to S.O ---







Rs. 100,000.00 (Rupees One Hundred --Thousand)





Sr. No.

Name Powers

of Powers Delegated Ministries/Divisions


the Powers Powers Delegated to Delegated Additional to SJS/J.S Secy.

Powers Delegate d to D.S

Power s Delega ted to S.O


Employees Retirement Benefits (35) Reimburseme Full powers subject to availability Rs.75,000/nt of Medical of budget Charges to Pensioners (i) Institutions wholly financed --Grants (36) Grants by the government: domestic Full powers, to release the amount specifically provided for this purpose in the budget subject to the prescribed conditions. (ii) Institutions not wholly financed by the government: (a) Full powers subject to the prescribed conditions to sanction recurring grants, provided that specific budget provision in respect of each individual institutions is made. (b) For non-recurring grants not covered by the rules; upto Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand) in a year subject to the prescribed conditions provided that budget provision exists.








Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated Ministries/Divisions




Transfers Full powers in accordance --(37) Scholarships, with the approved rates or Bonuses and Other scales. Awards. (38) Entertainment (i) For light refreshment not exceeding Rs. 30 (Rupees Thirty) per head at meetings convened for official business. Decision to incur such expenditure will be taken only by officers of and above the status of Joint Secretary. (ii) For reception, lunches and dinners: up to Rs. 40,000 (Rupees Forty Thousand) in each case for Ministries/Divisions subject to the condition that per head expenditure including taxes and soft drinks etc should not in any case exceed Rs. 1200 (Rupees Twelve Hundred) (iii) For serving lunch boxes not exceeding Rs. 200 (Rupees Two Hundred) per head in meetings which are prolonged beyond office hours without break in the interest of Government work.
As in (i) of Column 3





As in (i) of Column 3



Welcome or farewell receptions, lunches and dinners to Government functionaries should not be arranged at the expense of public exchequer. (a) Notwithstandin g the provisions of para 8(d) of this O.M. the power at (ii) and (iii) of col 3 shall not be delegated by the Secretaries of administrative Ministries/ Divisions to the officers subordinate to them in the Ministries/Divis ions and elsewhere. (b) The expenditure involved shall be subject to availability of budget. No proposals for re-appropriation of funds from the restricted heads as mentioned at Sl. No. 5 above and supplementary Grant/Technical Supplementary Grant shall be entertained by Finance Division

Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to Ministries/Divisions

the Powers Delegated to Additional Secy.

Powers Powe Delegated to rs SJS/J.S Dele gate d to D.S _ _ _


(39) Gifts

Upto Rs. 10,000 (Rupees Ten _ Thousand) in one year subject to availability of budget.

(a) For presentation to the foreign dignitaries only. (b) Subject to the conditions mentioned under Sl. No. 9(38) (b) Column 5 above.

Expenditure on Acquiring of Physical Assets. (40) Purchase of Full powers, subject to Rs.500,000 Building, observance of prescribed Computer conditions & instructions of Equipment, Cabinet Division, regarding Commodity purchase of transport. purchases (Cost of State), Other Stores and Stocks, Transport, Plant and Machinery, Furniture and Fixture and purchase of Other Assets.




Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to Powers Delegated the Ministries/Divisions to

Powers Delegated to SJS/J.S

Powers Delegated to D.S

Additional Secy.

Powers Delegated to S.O


Approved Civil Works --(41) Civil Works on Development Roads, Highways & schemes Full powers, Bridges, Irrigation subject to release of Works, funds with the prior Embankment and approval of Financial Drainage Works, Adviser as provided Building & under Para 13(vii) of Structures, Other this O.M. Nonworks and Development Works Telecommunication up to Rs. 1,000,000/works and Drought (Rupees One Emergency Relief Million) Assistance (DERA) work & Rs. 100,000 (Rupees One Hundred Thousand) at any one time to one or any number of vehicles used by the Ministry/Division (43) Machinery & Full powers, subject Equipment, to the prescribed Furniture & Fixtures conditions. and Computer Equipment. Repair Maintenance (42) Transport




Includes powers for purchase of land for missions abroad and construction of building thereon.




US$ 2000 ($ Two thousand) at any one time to one or any number of vehicles used by the Pakistan Mission Abroad. (i) Heads of Missions abroad may exercise these powers in accordance with approved scales in respect of the residence of the officers subordinate to them. (ii) Heads of Pakistan Missions may incur expenditure on repairs up 10% of the assessed market value of furniture and furnishing per financial year.

Rs.200,000/subject to the prescribed condition

Rs.100,000/ - subject to the prescribed condition

Rs.30,000/subject to the prescribed condition


Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to Powers the Delegated Ministries/Divisions to Additional Secy.

Powers Delegated to SJS/J.S

Powers Powers Delegated to Delegate D.S d to S.O


(44) Buildings & Ministry of Foreign --Structure of Pakistan Affairs; per financial Missions abroad year upto 10% of owned by the annual standard rent. Government of Pakistan. (45) Building & Structures ( hired and the requisitioned)





Accommodation for As in As in --office and residential column 3 column 3 purposes: upto two months rent as the land lord s liability limited to the lease period of not less than three years.


(46) Powers to give Works Division upto --administrative Rs. 2,000,000 approval to works in (Rupees Two respect of non Million) Other residential buildings Ministries and Divisions upto Rs. 500,000 (Rupees Five Hundred thousand).




Heads of Missions: Upto $ 200 ($ Two hundred) per annum within the financial year. No liability shall be incurred for government on this account. ---

Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Powers Ministries/Divisions Delegated to Additional Secy.

Powers Powers Delegate Delegated d to to D.S SJS/J.S

Powers Delegat ed to S.O



Powers to order refund in Full powers. accordance with the rules or in pursuance of decisions of courts in respect of which no appeal is proposed to be filed. Compensation payable to any Full powers. individual under law, rules, or judgment of courts.












Charges for remittance of pay --and or allowances of establishment by money order or by bank drafts, other than leave salary.


Full Powers

Full powers. ---

Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Powers Ministries/Divisions Delegated to Additional Secy.

Powers Delegated to SJS/J.S

Power s Deleg ated to D.S ---

Power s Delega ted to S.O ---



Powers to sanction Full powers subject to --investigation of claims of restrictions under paras 125 government servants to and 126 of GFR Vol. I arrears of pay, allowances, etc.



Fixation of initial pay by Powers to grant not more than BS 12- 16 grant of premature six premature increments for increments in cases of the initial fixation of pay first appointment under subject to the following government of persons conditions: not already in the service (a) In cases of persons of the Federal, or a appointed through the Provincial Government. FPSC, premature increments should be granted, on the recommendations of the FPSC, and in consideration of the fact that suitable person of requisite qualifications are not available in the minimum pay of the post. (b) No premature increments should be granted in cases of adhoc appointments in anticipation of FPSCs recommendations. (c) In posts where appointment is not made through FPSC, premature increments should be granted only after the appointing authority certifies that suitable persons of requisite qualifications are not available on the minimum of the sanctioned pay scale of the posts.

BS 5-11

BS 1-4 ---

Note: The powers are proposed in terms of the same already delegated for the appointing authorities vide this Ministrys Notification No. 17(1)/2000Admn-I dated 207-2006

Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Powers Powers Ministries/Divisions Delegated to Delegated Additional to SJS/J.S Secy.

Power s Deleg ated to D.S

No.9 (2)

Powe rs Dele gate d to S.O



Fixation of initial Power to fix the initial pay in pay of an the time scale of the new post officiating at the stage at which it would government have been fixed under the servant on rules if the officiating pay in appointment to respect of the old post was another post in a the substantive pay, of the time scale of pay government servant provided that: (a) the government servant concerned has held that post for a period of three years continuously (including period of leave) or would have held it for that period if not appointed to the other post; and (b) the appointing authority certifies that the government servant was not officiating in a leave or short term vacancy (sanctioned for less than one year) and was not likely to revert to a lower post at least for the period during which he/she holds the new post. ---

As per

Grades in Sl.

In case where the initial pay in the time scale of a new post is fixed in exercise of these powers, the government servant will, for the purposes of subsequent drawls of pay in that post (and for these purposes only) be treated as if the government servant were holding a lien on the old post. Note: The powers are proposed in terms of the same already delegated for the appointing authorities vide this Ministrys Notification No. 17(1)/2000-Admn-I dated 20-7-2006


Fixation of scales/rates of pay and allowances of posts in Pakistan Missions abroad to which recruitment is made locally.

Full Powers to the Head of the Pakistan Mission Abroad concerned to sanction increase of pay corresponding to the increase allow by the local Government subject to availability of budget provision

Sr. No.

Name of Powers


Sanction to the undertaking of work for which an honorarium is offered and the grant of acceptance of an honorarium.

Powers Delegated to the Powe Ministries/Divisions rs Deleg ated to Addit ional Secy. Full powers upto the level --of Section Officer and equivalent. The amount should not exceed one months pay of the government servant concerned on each occasion. In the case of recurring honoraria, this limit applies to the total of recurring payments made to an individual in a financial year.

Power s Delega ted to SJS/J. S

Powe rs Dele gate d to D.S

Powers Delegated to S.O





The power will be exercised subject to the condition that the relevant rules and policy instructions issued by the Finance Division from time to time are duly observed and that the grant of honorarium is not used as a device to compensate a government servant for special pay etc. not admissible under the rules. No expenditure should be incurred on honoraria in excess of the specific provision made for this purpose in the sanctioned budget grant and that if expenditure in cases of such provision becomes necessary at some stage, prior concurrence of the Financial Adviser shall be necessary before such expenditure is incurred. Notwithstanding the provisions of para 8(d) of this O.M. this power shall not be delegated by the Secretaries of administrative Ministries/ Divisions and Heads of Departments to the offices subordinate to them in Ministries/ Divisions and Departments.

Sr. No.

Name of Powers


Powers Powers Delegated to Power Delegat SJS/J.S s ed to Deleg Additio ated nal to D.S Secy. Sanction of honoraria to Full powers, in ------government servants in accordance with connection with approved rates departmental or scales. examinations in accordance with the rules. Power to sanction the Full powers undertaking of work for which a fee is offered and acceptance of fee. -------

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Divi sions

Powers Delegat ed to S.O








Exemption from Full powers in --crediting portion of fees respect of fees to government. paid to government servants for services rendered in .





Relaxation of the prescribed time limit for submission of TA Bill


Where no TA advance was drawn; Full powers. Where TA advance was drawn: TA adjustment bill should be submitted within one year of the date of performance of journey by the government servant, failing which the advance will be recovered.

One third of any fee in excess of $ 1000 ($ One thousand) or equivalent received by a civil servant for a foreign consultancy outside shall be credited to general revenues. ---


Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Powers Delegated Delegated to Additional Secy. the Ministries /Divisions

to Powers Powers Delegated to Delegate SJS/J.S d to D.S

Power s Delega ted to S.O



Relaxation of the prescribed time limit where the family of transferred government servant could not join within one year due to shortage of accommodation, education of children or on medical or compassionate grounds.

As per Grades in Sl.

No.9 (2)


Relaxation of the prescribed time limit in respect of a member of the family of a transferred government servant preceding him.

As per Grades in Sl.

No.9 (2)

Sr. No.

Name of Powers


Power to decide the amount of permanent traveling allowance to be drawn by a government servant holding more than one post to which permanent traveling allowance is attached.

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/ Divisions Full powers, provided that the limit laid down in SR 24 is not exceeded.

Powers Powers Delegated to Delegated Additional to SJS/J.S Secy Full powers. ---

Powers Delegated to D.S

Powers Delegated to S.O ---





Relaxation of prescribed Full powers time limit where the subject to family could not follow adjustment a government servant of TA granted leave travel advance concession within the within 12 prescribed period of one months. month on medical grounds or due to private affairs.

Full Powers


Grant of permission for the family to precede a government servant granted leave travel concession.

Full powers, --subject to the condition that the family precedes the government servant after the formal sanction of leave.




Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Powers Powers Ministries/Divisions Delegate Delegated d to to SJS/J.S Addition al Secy BS 1-11

Powers Delegated to D.S

Power s Delega ted to S.O ---

Remar ks




Grant of TA Full powers. BS 12-19 concession during leave where leave is combined with extraordinary leave due to circumstances beyond the control of government servant. Permission to travel Full powers to send an --by air on transfer to a official by air. The decision Pakistan Mission shall be taken at the level of abroad in cases Secretary. where air route is not the approved route. Grant of traveling and Daily allowance upto the --daily allowance to maximum rates admissible to non-official members government servants, and in of Commissions/ addition, where the person Committees etc. set- concerned has, of necessity, up by the government to stay in a hotel, and to foreign reimbursement of actual experts. single room-rent, subject to the production of hotel receipt/ vouchers, upto the maximum rate admissible to government servants.











Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Divisio ns

Powers Delegated to Additional Secy

As per

Powers Delegated to SJS/J.S

Powers Delegated to D.S

Powers Delegated to S.O



Grant of daily Full powers. allowance for compulsory halt due to dislocation of communications.

Grades in Sl.

No.9 (2)



Grant of Full powers. extraordinary leave to temporary government servants upto one year for reasons beyond their control.


BS 17-19

Up to BS-16


As prescribed under Revised leave Rules, 1980.


Grant of leave Full powers to the BS12-16 terms to employees extent covered by appointed on model rules laid contract. down in Appendix10 to FR & SR Vol. II

BS 1-11



In terms of item No. 8 of the standard terms and conditions laid down vide Establishme nt Division O.M. No. 10/52/95-R2, dated.

Sr. No.

Name of Powers


Grant of special disability leave.


Grant of advance to government servants from various provident funds.

Powers Delegated to Powers the Delegated Ministries/Divisions to Additiona l Secy Full powers provided BS-20 that the disability manifests itself within three months after the occurrence of its cause. Full powers, subject to BS-20 the condition that advances will be allowed in a manner that only one advance will remain outstanding at one time. BS-20

Powers Delegated SJS/J.S

Powers to Delegated to D.S

Powers Delegate d to S.O ---


BS 17-19

Up to BS16


BS 17-19

Up to BS16



Permission to Power to postpone postpone recovery of advance recovery of for a period not advance drawn exceeding two years. from the GP Fund for a specified period.

BS 17-19

Up to BS16




Grant of advance Full powers subject to for the purchase the production of of Motor surety bond and Car/Motor Cycle fulfillment of other to temporary conditions prescribed government by the rules. servants.


BS 17-19

Up to BS16



Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Divisi ons BS-20

Powers Delegated SJS/J.S

Powers Power to Delegated to s D.S Delega ted to S.O Up to BS-16 ---



Relaxation of the Full powers to time limit of one raise the limit month within which upto six months. purchase of conveyance should be completed.

BS 17-19



Authorization of the Full powers final payment of the subject to the dues of a deceased production of government servant indemnity bond to the members of or provided that family, dispensing the amount or with the production balance standing of succession to the credit of a certificate and deceased guardianship subscriber in the certificate in the fund is to the case of minor extent of Rs. heir(s). 20,000 (Rupees Twenty thousand)


BS 17-19

Up to BS-16


The amount is paid in accordance with the provisions of Clause (1) of sub-rule (1) of rule 234 of the Federal Treasury Rules Volume. 1.


Question of Full powers in BPS 20 deciding the real consultation with legal heir(s) in case the Law where there is no Division. nomination or the nomination is incorrect or invalid.

BPS 17 to 19

BPS 01 to 16



Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Divisions BS-20


Condonation of Full powers provided interruption of service each spell of service is qualifying but not in the case of voluntary retirement, or on resignation from public service. Condonation of Upto any period, less deficiency in than a year if both the qualifying service for conditions mentioned pension below are satisfied: (i) If a government servant dies while in service or retires under circumstances beyond control such as on invalidation or abolition of the post and would have completed another year of qualifying service if he/she had not died or retired. (ii) The service rendered was meritorious as laid down under CSR 423 (2) (b).

Powers Delegated to SJS/J.S BS 17-19

Powers Powers Delegated to Delegated D.S to S.O Up to BS-16 ---


Subject to fulfillment of conditions given under Civil Service Regulations (CSR) 420. The powers shall not be exercised in the case of government servants who have rendered less than 5 years continuous service.



BS 17-19

Up to BS-16


Sr. No.

Name Powers

of Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Divisions

Powers Powers Delegated to Delegated SJS/J.S D.S

Powers to Delegate d to S.O



Grant of Power to sanction --conveyance conveyance allowance to allowance government servants whose ordinary duties involve extensive traveling at or within a short distance from the headquarters in terms of SR 25, provided that: (a) the powers shall not be available in respect of officers and staff of the Ministries/Division s; and (b) the expenditure can be met from within the sanctioned budget provision;




Subject to rates approved by the Finance Division.

Sr. No.

Name of Powers Delegated Powers Ministries/Divisions



Powers Delegated to SJS/J.S ---

Powers Delegat ed to D.S ---

Powers Delegate d to S.O ---



Power to 1. Temporary Duty Abroad --sanction Full powers subject to the following deputatio conditions and the orders issued by n of the Finance Division from time to governme time: nt (i) The approval of the competent servants. authority has been obtained in accordance with the existing orders. (ii) Where no expenditure in foreign exchange on passage, daily allowance, registration fee, contingent items, etc. is involved: or where expenditure on pay, passage daily allowances, or registration fee is involved but it is to be borne by the Ministry/Division concerned under the normal rules from within the foreign exchange allocation made for the specified period. (iii) Sanction of drawl of pay, daily allowance etc, to the extent admissible under the normal rules, in foreign exchange in advance, if the duration of visit is upto one month and the rupee cover is provided by the government servant concerned. (iv) Grant of permission to the government servant to take his wife with him to the place of visit at his own expenses or when expenses on wifes passage are borne by the host government/agency, provided that no additional foreign exchange is involved and that the wife travels exclusively by a carrier, like PIA etc.

--In both the cases mentioned at (vi) (a) and (b) the government servant will draw his full pay and allowances (excluding compensatory allowances) in foreign exchange for the period of stay of his wife abroad. The permission shall be granted by the Secretary or the Additional Joint Secretary Incharge of a Division, who will certify that it would be desirable for the government servant to take his wife along with him. The Secretary/ Additional Incharge shall also satisfy that the salary, subsistence allowance etc, admissible in foreign exchange is adequate to cover the expenses.

Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Divisions

Powe rs Deleg ated to Addit ional Secy.

Powers Delegated to J.S

Power s Delega ted to D.S

Powers Delegate d to S.O


II Training International --Full powers subject to the following conditions: (i) Budget provision exists. (ii) The prescribed procedure is observed and approval of competent authority is obtained in accordance with the existing rules. (iii) The terms of deputation are in accordance with the general orders issued by the Finance Division on the subject from time to time. (iv) Foreign exchange expenditure is met out of the sanctioned allocation for the specified period. (v) Sanction of drawl of pay in advance in foreign exchange for a period not exceeding one month, if the rupee cover is provided by the government servant concerned. (vi) Grant of permission to government servant to take his wife with him on training abroad in the following cases:(a) Where the period of training is more than one year; (b) Where the period of training is one year or less and the cost of wifes passage is borne by the donor government/ agency; and (c) Where the period of training is more than six months but not more than one year and the government servant concerned bears cost of wifes passage etc. provided that no additional foreign exchange is involved, the wife travels exclusively by a Pakistani carrier like PIA etc. and the government servant concerned shall draw, in foreign currency, 50% of pay as admissible under the normal rules.




Sr. No.

Name of Powers


Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Divi sions Advance payment to Full powers, other government subject to departments and adjustment of government previous owned/controlled advance, if any. organizations, in exceptional cases only. Expenditures others (General) Appointments/ Recruitments & Full Powers Full Powers

Powers Delegated to Additional Secy. ---

Powers Powers Powers Delegate Delegated to Delegate d to D.S d to SJS/J.S S.O -------



45 46

Full Powers




--Note: The powers are already delegated for the appointing authorities vide this Ministrys Notification No. 17(1)/2000-Admn-I dated 20-7-2006 Note: The powers are proposed in terms of the same already delegated for the appointing authorities vide this Ministrys Notification No. 17(1)/2000-Admn-I dated 20-7-2006 a) Casual Leave upto 06 days will be sanctioned by the next higher officer, however, in case of non-gazatted, an officer not below the level of Section Officer, BPS 17/18.

BS 12-16

BS 5 -11

BS 1 -4


Deputation of Full Powers Foreign Service within Pakistan

BS 12-16

BS 5 -11

BS 1 -4



Grant of leave other Full Powers than E.O.L./ExPakistan.

BS 12-16

BS 5 -11

BS 1 -4


Sr. No.

Name of Powers

Powers Delegated to the Ministries/Divisio ns

Powers Powers Delegated to Delegated Additional to J.S Secy.

Power s Delega ted to D.S

Powers Delegate d to S.O



Grant of E.O.L./ex-Pakistan

Full Powers

BS 12-16

BS 1-11





Requisition of officers for Full Powers posting in the Ministry







Hiring and de-hiring of Full Powers residential accommodations

BS 17-19

BS 12-16

BS 6-11

BS 1-5

Note: Subject to fulfillment of prescribed criteria



1) General
S. No. 1. Level of Delegation Secretary Business Delegated Cases marked by the Minister or other high dignitaries to the Wings of the Ministry directly, where relaxation of Policy/Rules is involved. Other cases involving relaxation in Rules/ Policy. Meetings chaired by the Prime Minister. All Cases which require clarification/ interpretation of Policy/Rules. Meetings chaired by the Federal Ministers or equivalent. 4. Deputy Secretary Cases which require clarification/ interpretation of Policy /Rules. Meetings chaired by the Secretaries; may nominate a suitable officer for the purpose. Intra Ministerial Meetings hosted by the Ministry of Commerce. are


Additional Secretary


Joint Secretary

Cases, where categoric Policy/Rules available. Inter-Wing meetings within the Ministry.


Section Officer

Cases regarding provision of routine data / information. Cases where explicit Rules / Policy instructions and precedents are available, however, if he is not clear, will consult the Deputy Secretary.

2) Wing Specific
S. No. 3. Level of Delegation Joint Secretary Business Delegated Foreign Trade Wings Cases regarding fresh proposals required by the EAD/MOFA, etc., for the JMCs /JECs or for other meetings. To approve talking points required by the President, Prime Minister, other Ministers including Minister for Commerce for their meetings etc with the foreign dignitaries.


Economic Consultant

International Trade Organizations Wing Meetings of CDWP, DDWP, ECNEC, APCC, ECC (Depending upon the agenda). Meetings with International Agencies like IMF, IBRD, ADB, UNDP, USAID and EU etc. (Depending upon the agenda). Meetings of Implementation Committees and other meetings of the Development Projects.


Deputy Secretary

Foreign Trade Wings Cases regarding supply of information/advice regarding the trade related issues. Cases regarding implementation status required by EAD/MOFA etc for JMCs /JECs or other meetings. Cases related to submission of Briefs/ Trade Statistics required by other ministries / organizations. Exports Wing Cases regarding export-cum-import under paras 8 and 9 of EPO.

2) Wing Specific
S. No. 6. Level of Delegation Section Officer Business Delegated Foreign Trade Wings Cases regarding supply of information/advice regarding the trade related issues. Exports Wing Cases which are clear as per existing Trade Policy Order.



Foreign Trade Wings Cases involving consultation/ coordination may be allowed to rest with the senior officers who may record directions on individual references regarding level of disposal. For FTA /PTA negotiations, there is need for clear distinction between leader of delegation and subject specialist and same may be conveyed to Finance Division. Cases regarding inclusion of Trade Exhibitions etc in the category of obligatory visits, may be taken up with the Cabinet Division.

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