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Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical & Automation Engineering) Programme Code: BTM Duration 4 ear!

"ull Time

Programme #tructure And Curriculum & #cheme of E$amination %&''



Amity University aims to achieve academic excellence by providing m lti!"aceted ed

cation to st dents and enco rage them to reach the pinnacle o" s ccess# The University has designed a system that $o ld provide rigoro s academic programme $ith necessary s%ills to enable them to excel in their careers# This boo%let contains the &rogramme Str ct re' the (etailed ) rric l m and the Scheme o" Examination# The &rogramme Str ct re incl des the co rses *)ore and Elective+' arranged semester $ise# The importance o" each co rse is de"ined in terms o" credits attached to it# The credit nits attached to each co rse has been " rther de"ined in terms o" contact ho rs i#e# ,ect re -o rs *,+' T torial -o rs *T+' &ractical -o rs *&+# To$ards earning credits in terms o" contact ho rs' . ,ect re and . T torial per $ee% are rated as . credit each and / &ractical ho rs per $ee% are rated as . credit# Th s' "or example' an ,!T!& str ct re o" 0!1!1 $ill have 0 credits' 0!.!1 $ill have 2 credits' and 0!.!/ $ill have 3 credits# The ) rric l m and Scheme o" Examination o" each co rse incl des the co rse ob4ectives' co rse contents' scheme o" examination and the list o" text and re"erences# The scheme o" examination de"ines the vario s components o" eval ation and the $eightage attached to each component# The di""erent codes sed "or the components o" eval ation and the $eightage attached to them are5 )omponents )ase (isc ssion8 &resentation8 Analysis -ome Assignment &ro4ect Seminar Viva 9 i: )lass Test Attendance End Semester Examination )odes ) & S V 9 )T A EE 6eightage *7+ 13 ! .1 13 ! .1 13 ! .1 13 ! .1 13 ! .1 13 ! .1 .1 ! .3 13 ;1

It is hoped that it $ill help the st dents st dy in a planned and a str ct red manner and promote e""ective learning# 6ishing yo an intellect ally stim lating stay at Amity University# < ly' /1..

Amity School o" Engineering and Technology5 =b4ectives The grad ates o" Amity School o" Engineering and Technology shall5 A# (emonstrate technical competence in engineering design and analysis consistent $ith the practice o" a specialist and $ith the broad perspective o" the generalist# (evelop the hallmar%s o" pro"essional cond ct' incl ding a %een cogni:ance o" ethical choices' together $ith the con"idence and s%ills to lead' to "ollo$' and to transmit ideas e""ectively# Inc lcate learning as a li"elong activity and as a means to the creative discovery' development' and implementation o" technology# >ecome excellent pro"essionals by developing strong h man val es and pride in their heritage and c lt re


)# (#

.# *oal of the Programme: The MAE program has established a broad goal and a set o" speci"ic ob4ectives' given in Table belo$5

MAE &rogram5 ?oal and =b4ectives

*oal The aim o" the &rogram is to provide practice oriented Mechanical and A tomation engineering ed cation that "osters personal' pro"essional and social responsibility@ technical excellence and creativity@ and e""ective comm nication' team$or% and leadership so that the st dents are ready to meet the challenges o" evolving society

Detailed +,-ecti.e! of MAE Program MAE +,-ecti.e . ?rad ates $ill nderstand the evolving Mechanical and A tomation Engineering systems "rom their nderlying physical principles and properties# ?rad ates $ill design Mechanical and A tomation Engineering systems by applying nderlying mathematical principles' s pporting so"t$are "or engineering model preparation and analysis#
A#ET +,-ecti.e

0 2

?rad ates $ill be e""ective in team!based Mechanical and A tomation Engineering practice# ?rad ates $ill be pro"icient in the systematic explorations o" alternatives "or Mechanical and A tomation Engineering systems design# ?rad ates $ill demonstrate compliance $ith pro"essional ethics# ?rad ates $ill be pro"icient in the se o" comm nications *oral presentations and $ritten reports+ to artic late their ideas e""ectively# ?rad ates $ill be prepared "or the contin ing learning and sel"!improvement necessary "or a prod ctive career in Mechanical and A tomation Engineering# ?rad ates $ill play leadership roles in their pro"essions' respect h man val es and have pride in their c lt re and heritage#

A A >

3 A


>' (

/# #tudent! +utcome! 5 The broad st dent o tcomes are based on the st dents ability to demonstrate5 +utcome '5 *Scienti"ic "o ndation+ 6hen "aced $ith a technical problem the st dent sho ld be able to se applied scienti"ic %no$ledge .A5 to identi"y and implement relevant principles o" mathematics and comp ter science# . >5 to identi"y and implement relevant principles o" physics and chemistry . )5 to identi"y and implement relevant principles o" engineering science +utcome %5 *Experimentation+ the ability to design experiments' cond ct experiments' and analy:e experimental data# +utcome /5 *Tools+ an ability to se the relevant tools necessary "or engineering practice# +utcome 45 *Technical design+ the technical ability to design a prescribed engineering s b!system +utcome 05 *(esign assessment+ the ability to develop and assess alternative system designs based on technical and non!technical criteria 0A5 to de"ine overall needs and constraints# 0B5 to assess the social and environmental reC irements o" the system and its impact on the global society# +utcome 15 *&ro"essionalism+ the ability to recogni:e and achieve high levels o" pro"essionalism in their $or%# +utcome 25 *,eadership+ ability to ass me leadership roles and respect h man val es#

+utcome 35 *Team$or%+ the ability to " nction on teams# +utcome 45 *)omm nication+ the ability to comm nicate e""ectively and pers asively# +utcome '&5 *Ethics and morals+ a critical nderstanding o" ethical and moral systems and respect "or h man val es in a social context# +utcome ''5 *(iversity+ an nderstanding and appreciation o" diversity and pl ralism# +utcome '%5 *,i"elong learning+ a recognition o" the need "or and an ability to engage in li"elong learning and development# 0# This boo%let contains the &rogram Str ct re' the (etailed ) rric l m and the Scheme o" Examination# The &rogram Str ct re incl des the co rses *)ore D Elective+' arranged semester $ise# The importance o" each co rse is de"ined in terms o" credits attached to it# The credit nits attached to each co rse has been " rther de"ined in terms o" contact ho rs i#e# lect re -o rs *,+' T torial -o rs *T+' &ractical -o rs *&+# To$ards earning credits in terms o" contact ho rs' . ,ect re and . T torial per $ee% are rated as . credit each and / &ractical ho rs per $ee% are rated as . credit# Th s' "or example' an ,!T!& str ct re o" 0!1!1 $ill have 0 credits' 0!.!1 $ill have 2 credits' and 0!.!/ $ill have 3 credits# 2# The ) rric l m D Scheme o" Examination o" each co rse incl des the co rse ob4ectives' co rse contents' scheme o" examination and the list o" text D re"erences# The scheme o" examination de"ines the vario s components o" eval ation and the $eightage attached to each component# The di""erent codes sed "or the components o" eval ation and the $eightage attached to them are5 Com5onent! )ase (isc ssion8 &resentation8 Analysis -ome Assignment &ro4ect Seminar Viva 9 i: Attendance )lass Test Term &aper End Semester Examination Code! ) -A & S V 9 A )T T& EE 6eightage (7) 3 ! .1 3 ! .1 3 ! .1 3 ! .1 3 ! .1 3 ! .1 3 .1!.3 .1 ! .3 ;1

3# It is hoped that it $ill help the st dents st dy in a planned and a str ct red manner and promote e""ective learning# 6ishing an intellect ally stim lating stay at Amity University#

March /1..

P(+*(AMME #T(8C8T(E
"9(#T #EME#TE(
Cour!e Code >TM .1. >TM .1/ >TM .10 >TM .12 >TM .13 >TM .1A >TM ./1 >TM ./. >TM .// >TM ./0 >TM ./2 >TM .20 >TM .22 >TM .23 >TM .2A >TM .2; >TM .2B Cour!e Title Applied Mathematics ! I Applied &hysics!I E Gields D 6aves Applied )hemistry Elements o" Mechanical Engineering Introd ction to )omp ters D &rogramming in ) Electrical Science Applied &hysics ,ab ! I Applied )hemistry ,ab Elements o" Mechanical Engineering ,ab &rogramming in ) ,ab Electrical Science ,ab English >ehavio ral Science ! I Goreign ,ang age ! I Grench ?erman Spanish <apanese )hinese T+TA) )ecture ()) <our! Per 6ee= 0 / / / / / ! ! ! ! ! . . / Tutorial (T) <our! Per 6ee= . . . ! . . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Practical (P) <our! Per 6ee= ! ! ! ! ! ! / / / / / ! ! ! Total Credit! 2 0 0 / 0 0 . . . . . ! . / Page :o>


>TM /1. >TM /1/ >TM /10 >TM /12 >TM /13 >TM //1 >TM //. >TM /// >TM //0 >TM /21 >TM /20 >TM /22 >TM /23 >TM /2A >TM /2; >TM /2B Applied Mathematics ! II Applied &hysics!II E Modern &hysics Environmental St dies =b4ect =riented &rogramming sing ) F

0 / 2 / / ! ! ! ! . . /

. . ! . . ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! / / / / ! ! !

2 0 2 0 0 . . . . 0 . /

Engineering Mechanics Applied &hysics ,ab ! II =b4ect =riented &rogramming sing ) F F ,ab Engineering Mechanics ,ab Engineering ?raphics ,ab English >ehavio ral Science E II Goreign ,ang age ! II Grench ?erman Spanish <apanese )hinese T+TA)


TE(M PAPE( D8(9:* #8MME( B(EA; T<9(D #EME#TE(

>TM 01. >TM 01/ >TM 010 >TM 012 >TM 013 >TM 01A >TM 0/1 >TM 0/. N merical Analysis D &rogramming Thermodynamics Mechanics o" Solids Material Science D Metall rgy Mechanics o" Gl ids Electronics Mechanics o" Solids D Gl ids ,ab Machine (ra$ing ,ab 0 / / 0 0 / ! ! ! . . ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / / 0 0 0 0 2 / . .

>TM 0// >TM 0/0 >TM 02. >TM 020 >TM 022 >TM 023 >TM 02A >TM 02; >TM 02B >TM 001

&rogramming ,ab ! I *N merical Analysis+ Electronics ,ab )omm nication S%ills E I >ehavio ral Science E III Goreign ,ang age ! III Grench ?erman Spanish <apanese )hinese Term &aper *Eval ation+ T+TA)

! ! . . /

! ! ! ! !

/ / ! ! !

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/ %3

"+8(T< #EME#TE(
>TM 21. >TM 21/ >TM 210 >TM 212 >TM 213 >TM 21A >TM 2/1 >TM 2/. >TM 2// >TM 2/0 >TM 22. >TM 220 >TM 222 >TM 223 >TM 22A >TM 22; >TM 22B Hinematics D (ynamics o" Machines -eat D Mass Trans"er Man "act ring Machines Theory o" Metal Gorming Electrical Machines &rinciples o" )omp ter ?raphics Hinematics D (ynamics o" Machines ,ab Man "act ring Machines ,ab Electrical Machines ,ab &rinciples o" )omp ter ?raphics ,ab )omm nication S%ills ! II >ehavio ral Science E IV Goreign ,ang age ! IV Grench ?erman Spanish <apanese )hinese T+TA) 0 / 0 0 0 / ! ! ! ! . . / . . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / / / / ! ! ! 2 0 0 0 0 / . . . . . . /


P(ACT9CA) T(A9:9:* "9"T< #EME#TE(

>TM 31. >TM 31/ >TM 310 >TM 312 >TM 313 >TM 3/1 >TM 3/. >TM 3// >TM 3/0 >TM 3/2 >TM 3/3 >TM 32. >TM 320 >TM 322 >TM 323 >TM 32A >TM 32; >TM 32B >TM 331 Machine (esign E I Metrology Meas rements D )ontrols Relational (atabase Management System Microprocessor System Machine (esign ,ab E I Metrology ,ab Meas rements D )ontrols ,ab Microprocessor System ,ab &rogramming ,ab ! II *MAT ,ab+ Relational (atabase Management System ,ab )omm nication S%ills ! III >ehavio ral Science EV Goreign ,ang age ! V Grench ?erman Spanish <apanese )hinese &ractical Training *Eval ation+ T+TA) 0 0 0 0 0 ! ! ! ! ! ! . . / ! ! . ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / / / / / / ! ! ! 0 0 2 0 2 . . . . . . . . /

0 /&

#9@T< #EME#TE(
>TM A1. >TM A1/ >TM A10 >TM A12 >TM A13 >TM A1A >TM A/1 >TM A/. >TM A// >TM A/0 >TM A2. >TM A20 >TM A22 >TM A23 >TM A2A >TM A2; >TM A2B Management o" Man "act ring Systems Machine (esign E II Gl id &o$er Systems Metal ) tting D Tool (esign I) Engine D ?as T rbine )omp ter Net$or%s Machine (esign ,ab ! II Gl id &o$er Systems ,ab Metal ) tting D Tool (esign ,ab )omp ter Aided (ra"ting D (esign ,ab )omm nication S%ill E IV >ehavio ral Science E VI Goreign ,ang age ! VI Grench ?erman Spanish <apanese )hinese T+TA) 0 0 / 0 0 / ! ! ! ! . . / ! ! . ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / / / / ! ? ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . . /


9:D8#T(9A) T(A9:9:* #EAE:T< #EME#TE(

>TM ;1. >TM ;1/ >TM ;10 >TM ;/1 =perations Research )omp ter Aided Man "act ring Mechatronics =perations Research *&rogramming+ ,ab >TM ;/. )omp ter Aided Man "act ring ,ab >TM ;// Mechatronics ,ab >TM ;2. )omm nication S%ills E V >TM ;20 >ehavio ral Science E VII Goreign ,ang age ! VII >TM ;22 Grench >TM ;23 ?erman >TM ;2A Spanish >TM ;2; <apanese >TM ;2B )hinese >TM ;31 Ind strial Training *Eval ation+ >TM ;A1 &ro4ect *(issertation+ E)ECT9AE# (Any one from each category) A (6ith Practical) >TM ;12 A tomotive Engineering >TM ;13 )omp ter Aided (esigning >TM ;/0 A tomotive Engineering ,ab >TM ;/2 )omp ter Aided (esigning ,ab B (6ithout Practical) >TM ;1A Mar%eting Management >TM ;1; Solar Energy >TM ;1B &o$er &lant &ractices >TM ;1I )omb stion Engine Emissions T+TA) 0 0 0 ! ! ! . . / ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / / / ! ! ! 0 0 0 . . . . . /

! !

! !

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2 !

0 0 ! ! 0 0 0 0

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! / / ! ! ! !

0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 %2

E9*<T< #EME#TE(
>TM B1. >TM B1/ >TM B/1 9 ality )ontrol D 9 ality Ass rance Re"rigeration D Air!conditioning Re"rigeration D Air!conditioning ,ab 0 0 ! 0 0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / ! ! 0 0 . 0 0

Electi.e! (Any one from folloBing Bith Practical) >TM B10 Advanced Methods o" Man "act ring >TM B12 ?ear Technology

>TM B13 >TM B/. >TM B// >TM B/0 >TM B2. >TM B20 >TM B22 >TM B23 >TM B2A >TM B2; >TM B2B >TM BA1

Arti"icial Intelligence D Robotics Advanced Methods o" Man "act ring ,ab ?ear Technology ,ab Arti"icial Intelligence D Robotics ,ab )omm nication S%ills ! VI >ehavio ral Science ! VIII Goreign ,ang age ! VIII Grench ?erman Spanish <apanese )hinese &ro4ect *(issertation+ T+TA)

0 ! ! ! . . /

! ! ! ! ! ! !

! / / / ! ! !

0 . . . . . /

.3 /&

Curriculum & #cheme of E$amination APP)9ED MAT<EMAT9C# 9

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The %no$ledge o" Mathematics is necessary "or a better nderstanding o" almost all the Engineering and Science s b4ects# -ere o r intention is to ma%e the st dents acC ainted $ith the concept o" basic topics "rom Mathematics' $hich they need to p rs e their Engineering degree in di""erent disciplines#

BTM '&'

Credit 8nit!: &4

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Differential Calculu! S ccessive di""erentiation' ,eibnit:Js theorem *$itho t proo"+' Mean val e theorem' TaylorJs theorem *proo"+' Remainder terms' Asymptote D ) rvat re' &artial derivatives' )hain r le' (i""erentiation o" Implicit " nctions' Exact di""erentials' Tangents and Normals' Maxima' Approximations' (i""erentiation nder integral sign' <acobians and trans"ormations o" coordinates# Module 99: 9ntegral Calculu! G ndamental theorems' Red ction "orm lae' &roperties o" de"inite integrals' Applications to length' area' vol me' s r"ace o" revol tion' improper integrals' M ltiple Integrals!(o ble integrals' Applications to areas' vol mes# Module 999: +rdinary Differential ECuation! Gormation o" =(Es' (e"inition o" order' degree D sol tions' =(E o" "irst order 5 Method o" separation o" variables' homogeneo s and non homogeneo s eC ations' Exactness D integrating "actors' ,inear eC ations D >erno lli eC ations' ?eneral linear =(E o" nth order' Sol tion o" homogeneo s eC ations' =perator method' Method o" ndetermined coe""icients' Sol tion o" simple sim ltaneo s =(E#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: (i""erential )alc l s by Shanti Narain Integral )alc l s by Shanti Narain References: (i""erential EC ation by A#R# Gorsyth -igher Engineering Mathematics by -#H# (ass

APP)9ED P< #9C# ? 9 ? "9E)D# A:D 6AAE#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
Aim o" this co rse is to introd ce the st dents to " ndamentals o" grad ate level physics' $hich "orm the basis o" all applied science and engineering

BTM '&%

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: +!cillation! & 6a.e! +!cillation!: Introd ction to S#-#M# (amped =scillations5 (i""erential EC ation and its sol tion' logarithmic decrement' 9 ality Gactor' (i""erent conditions o" damping o" harmonic oscillations# Gorced oscillations5 Amplit de and GreC ency Response' Resonance' Sharpness o" Resonance Plane Progre!!i.e 6a.e!: (i""erential EC ation and Sol tion' S perposition o" &rogressive 6aves stationary $aves# 8ltra!onic!5 ?eneration and application o" ltrasonic$aves# Module 99: 6a.e :ature of )ight Inter"erence5 )oherent So rces' )onditions o" inter"erence' Inter"erence d e to division o" $ave"ront' Gresnels biprism Inter"erence d e to division o" amplit de' Ne$tonJs rings' Inter"erence d e to thin "ilms' # (i""raction5 Gresnel and Gra nho"er di""raction' Gra nho"er di""raction at a single slit' do ble slit' N Slits' Transmission grating' Rayleigh criterion and Resolving po$er o" grating# &olari:ation5 >ire"ringence' Nicol prism' &rod ction and analysis o" plane' circ larly and elliptically polari:ed light' -al" and C arter $ave plates' =ptical rotation' &olarimeter# Module 999: Electromagnetic! Scalar and vector "ields' gradient o" a scalar "ield' physical signi"icance o" gradient' eC ipotential s r"ace# ,ine' s r"ace and vol me integrals' (ivergence and c rl o" vector "ield and mathematical analysis physical signi"icance' Electric "l x' ?a ssJ la$' &roo" and Applications' ?a ss divergence and Sto%es theorems# (i""erential "orm o" ?a ssJ ,a$' AmperesJ ,a$' (isplacement c rrent' Garadays ,a$' Max$ell eC ations in "ree space D isotropic media *Integral "orm D di""erential "orm+' EM $ave propagation in "ree space' &oynting vector#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

6aves D oscillation' A# &# Grench &hysics o" $aves' 6# )# Elmore D M# A# -eald Introd ction to Electrodynamics' (# <# ?ri""ith Electrodynamics' ? pta' H mar D Singh =ptics' A# H# ?hata% Engineering &hysics' Satya &ra%ash

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
Go r basic sciences' &hysics' )hemistry' Mathematics and >iology are the b ilding bloc%s in engineering and technology# )hemistry is essential to develop analytical capabilities o" st dents' so that they can characteri:e' trans"orm and se materials in engineering and apply %no$ledge in their "ield# All engineering "ields have niC e bonds $ith chemistry $hether it is Aerospace' Mechanical' Environmental and other "ields the ma%e p o" s bstances is al$ays a %ey "actor' $hich m st be %no$n# Gor electronics and comp ter science engineering' apart "rom the material' comp ter modeling and sim lation %no$ledge can be inherited "rom the molec le designing# The pcoming "ield o" technology li%e Nanotechnology and >iotechnology depends " lly on the %no$ledge o" basic chemistry# 6ith this versatile need in vie$' co rse has been designed in s ch a $ay so that the st dent sho ld get an overvie$ o" the $hole s b4ect#

BTM '&/

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 6ater Technology Introd ction and speci"ications o" $ater' -ardness and its determination *E(TA method only+' Al%alinity' >oiler "eed $ater' boiler problems E scale' sl dge' priming D "oaming5 ca ses D prevention' >oiler problems E ca stic embrittlement D corrosion 5 ca ses D prevention' )arbonate D phosphate conditioning' colloidal conditioning D calgon treatment 6ater so"tening processes 5 ,ime E soda process' Ion exchange method' 6ater "or domestic se# Module 99: "uel! )lassi"ication' calori"ic val e o" " el' *gross and net+' (etermination o" calori"ic val e o" " els' bomb calorimeter' Solid " els ! &roximate and ltimate analysis' =ctane D )etane No# and its signi"icance# N mericals on comb stion Module 999: 9n!trumental Method! of analy!i! Introd ction@ &rinciples o" spectroscopy@ ,a$s o" absorbance IR5 &rinciple' Instr mentation' Application UV5 &rinciple' Instr mentation' Application NMR5 &rinciple' Instr mentation' Application Module 9A: )u,ricant! Introd ction@ Mechanism o" , brication@ Types o" , bricants@ )hemical str ct re related to , brication@ &roperties o" l bricants@ Viscosity and Viscosity Index@ Iodine Val e@ Aniline &oint@ Em lsion n mber@ Glash &oint@ Gire &oint@ (rop &oint@ )lo d &oint@ &o r &oint# Selection o" , bricants# Module A: Corro!ion Introd ction' Mechanism o" dry and $et corrosion' Types o" corrosion!?alvanic' )oncentration cell' soil' pitting' intergran lar' $aterline# &assivity# Gactors in"l encing corrosion# )orrosion control#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Engineering )hemistry! <ain and <ain

Engineering )hemistry! S nita Rattan Engineering )hemistry ! Shashi )ha$la

References: Engineering )hemistry E (ara and (ara Spectroscopy! Y#R Sharma )orrosion Engineering E Gontenna and ?reene

E)EME:T# +" MEC<A:9CA) E:*9:EE(9:*

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" this co rse is to impart the basic %no$ledge o" thermodynamics' stress! strain' materials D their properties and vario s man "act ring processes to the st dents o" all engineering discipline#

BTM '&4

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: "undamental Conce5t! (e"inition o" thermodynamics' system' s rro nding and niverse' phase' concept o" contin m' macroscopic D microscopic point o" vie$' Thermodynamic eC ilibri m' property' state' path' process' cyclic process' Keroth' "irst and second la$ o" thermodynamics' )arnot )ycle' Introd ction to I#)# Engines!t$o D"o r sto%e S#I# and )#I# engines# =tto cycle# (iesel cycle# Module 99: #tre!! And #train Analy!i! Simple stress and strain5 introd ction' normal shear' and stresses!strain diagrams "or d ctile and brittle materials# Elastic constants' one!dimensional loadings o" members o" varying cross!section' Strain Energy' &roperties o" material!strength' elasticity' sti""ness' malleability' d ctility' brittleness' hardness and plasticity etc@ )oncept o" stress and strain stress strain diagram' tensile test' impact test and hardness test# Module 999: Ca!ting & "orging Introd ction o" casting' pattern' mo ld ma%ing proced res' sand mo ld casting' casting de"ects' allo$ances o" pattern# Gorging!introd ction' psetting D dra$ing o t' drop "orging' press "orging D m8c "orging Module 9A: 6elding & #heet metal Bor=ing Introd ction o" $elding processes' classi"ication' gas $elding' arc $elding' resistance $elding# Introd ction to sheet metal shop' Shearing' trimming' blan%ing' piercing' shaving' notching' stretch "orming' nibbling coining' embossing and dra$ing#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Engineering thermodynamics' by &#H# Nag' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill# Thermal Engineering' by (#S# H mar# S#H# Hataria and Sons# Thermal Engineering by &, >allaney@ Hhanna & blishers' (elhi# Engineering Thermodynamics5 6or% and -eat Trans"er' by Rogers and Mayhe$' E,>S & blications -eine' R#6# )#R# ,oper and &#)# Rosenthal' &rinciples o" metal casting Mc?ra$ -ill 6elding Technology by R#S# &armar' Hhanna & blishers# Thermodynamics and -eat Engines Vol me!I' by R# Yadav5 )entral & blications# ?anesan' V# Internal )omb stion Engine' Tata Mc?ra$!-ill# Math r' M#,# and Sharma' R#&# Internal )omb stion Engine# (hanpat Rai & blication

9:T(+D8CT9+: T+ C+MP8TE(# A:D P(+*(AMM9:* 9: C

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" this co rse mod le is to acC aint the st dents $ith the basics o" comp ters system' its components' data representation inside comp ter and to get them "amiliar $ith vario s important "eat res o" proced re oriented programming lang age i#e# )#

BTM '&0

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction Introd ction to comp ter' history' von!Ne mann architect re' memory system *hierarchy' characteristics and types+' -86 concepts *I8= (evices+' S86 concepts *System S86 D Application S86' tilities+# (ata Representation5 N mber systems' character representation codes' >inary 'octal' hexadecimal and their interconversions# >inary arithmetic' "loating point arithmetic' signed and nsigned n mbers' Memory storage nit# Module 99: Programming in C -istory o" )' Introd ction o" )' >asic str ct re o" ) program' )oncept o" variables' constants and data types in )' =perators and expressions5 Introd ction' arithmetic' relational' ,ogical' Assignment' Increment and decrement operator' )onditional' bit$ise operators' Expressions' =perator precedence and associativity# Managing Inp t and o tp t =peration' "ormatting I8=# Module 999: "undamental "eature! in C ) Statements' conditional exec ting sing i"' else' nesting o" i"' s$itch and brea% )oncepts o" loops' example o" loops in ) sing "or' $hile and do!$hile' contin e and brea%# Storage types *a tomatic' register etc#+' prede"ined processor' )ommand ,ine Arg ment# Module 9A: Array! and "unction! =ne dimensional arrays and example o" iterative programs sing arrays' /!( arrays Use in matrix comp tations# )oncept o" S b!programming' " nctions Example o" ser de"ined " nctions# G nction prototype' Ret rn val es and their types' calling " nction' " nction arg ment' " nction $ith variable n mber o" arg ment' rec rsion# Module A: Ad.anced feature! in C &ointers' relationship bet$een arrays and pointers Arg ment passing sing pointers' Array o" pointers# &assing arrays as arg ments# Strings and ) string library# Str ct re and Union# (e"ining ) str ct res' ?iving val es to members' Array o" str ct re' Nested str ct re' passing strings as arg ments# Gile -andling#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: LANSI )M by E >alag r samy Yash$ant Hanet%ar' L,et s )M' >&> & blications' /nd Edition' /11.# -erbert Schildt' L)5 The complete re"erenceM' =sbo rne Mc?ra$ -ill' 2th Edition' /11/# V# Ra4a Raman' L)omp ter &rogramming in )M' &rentice -all o" India' .II3# References: Hernighan D Ritchie' L) &rogramming ,ang ageM' The *Ansi ) Version+' &-I' /nd Edition# <# > (ixit' LG ndamentals o" )omp ters and &rogramming in N)J# &#H# Sinha and &riti Sinha' L)omp ter G ndamentalsM' >&> p blication#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" the co rse is to provide a brie" %no$ledge o" Electrical Engineering to st dents o" all disciplines# This )o rse incl des some theorems related to electrical' some la$Js related to "lo$ o" c rrent' voltages' basic %no$ledge o" Trans"ormer' basic %no$ledge o" electromagnetism' basic %no$ledge o" electrical net$or%#

BTM '&1

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Ba!ic Electrical Euantitie! >asic Electrical de"initions!Energy' &o$er' )harge' ) rrent' Voltage' Electric Gield Strength' Magnetic Gl x (ensity' etc#' Resistance' Ind ctance and )apacitance# Ideal So rce' Independent So rce and )ontrolled So rce Module 99: :etBor= Analy!i! TechniCue! & Theorem! )irc it &rinciples5 =hmJs ,a$' Hircho""Js ) rrent ,a$' Hircho""Js Voltage ,a$ Net$or% Red ction5 StarE (elta Trans"ormation' So rce Trans"ormation' Nodal Analysis' ,oop analysis# S perposition theorem' TheveninJs Theorem' NortonJs theorem and Reciprocity theorem# Module 999: Alternating Current Circuit! &ea%' Average and RMS val es "or alternating c rrents' &o$er calc lation5 reactive po$er' active po$er' )omplex po$er' po$er "actor' impedance' reactance' cond ctance' s sceptance Resonance5 series Resonance' parallel resonance' basic de"inition o" 9 "actor D >and!$idth# Module 9A: Tran!former! >asic Trans"ormer =peration principle' )onstr ction' Voltage relations' c rrent relations' ,inear circ it models' open circ it test' short circ it test' Trans"ormer E""iciency#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

R#<# Smith' R#)# (or"5 )irc its' devices and Systems >#,# Thare4a5 Electrical Technology 5 &art !. D / V# (eltoro5 Electrical Engineering " ndamentals Scha mJs Series5 Electrical )irc its

APP)9ED P< #9C# )AB ? 9

Cour!e Code: )i!t of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# To determine the $avelength o" sodi m light by Ne$tonJs rings method# To determine the dispersive po$er o" the material o" prism $ith the help o" a spectrometer# To determine the speci"ic rotation o" s gar by >i!C art: or ,a rent hal" shade polarimeter# To determine the speed o" ltrasonic $aves in liC id by di""raction method# To determine the $idth o" a narro$ slit sing di""raction phenomena# To determine the temperat re coe""icient o" platin m $ire' sing a platin m resistance thermometer and a )allender D ?ri""thJs bridge# To determine the val e o" speci"ic charge *ratio o" e8m+ o" an electron by Thomson method# To determine the internal resistance o" ,eclanche cell $ith the help o" &otentiometer# To determine the resistance per nit length o" a )arey GosterJs bridge $ire and also to "ind o t the speci"ic resistance o" a given $ire#

BTM '%&

Credit 8nit!: &'

.1# To plot graph sho$ing the variation o" magnetic "ield $ith distance along the aixs o" a circ lar coil carrying c rrent' and hence estimate the radi s o" the coil# ..# To determine the val e o" acceleration d e to gravity *NgJ+ in the laboratory sing bar pend l m# ./# To determine the moment o" inertia o" a "ly$heel abo t its o$n axis o" rotation# .0# To determine the density o" material o" the given $ire $ith the help o" sonometer#

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#


Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: )i!t of E$5eriment!:
(Any '& E$5eriment!) .# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# To determine the ion exchange capacity o" a given cation exchanger# To determine the temporary' permanent and total hardness o" a sample o" $ater by complexometric titration method# To determine the type and extent o" al%alinity o" given $ater sample# To determine the n mber o" $ater molec les o" crystalli:ation in MohrJs salt *"erro s ammoni m s lphate+ provided standard potassi m dichromate sol tion *1#.N+ sing diphenylamine as internal indicator# To determine the "erro s content in the s pplied sample o" iron ore by titrimetric analysis against standard H/)r/=; sol tion sing potassi m "erricyanide OH0Ge*)N+AP as external indicator# To determine the s r"ace tension o" a given liC id by drop n mber method# To determine the composition o" a liC id mixt re A and > *acetic acid and $ater+ by s r"ace tension method# To prepare and describe a titration c rve "or phosphoric acid E sodi m hydroxide titration sing p-!meter# To "ind the cell constant o" cond ctivity cell#

BTM '%'

Credit 8nit!: &'

.1# (etermine the strength o" hydrochloric acid sol tion by titrating it against standard sodi m hydroxide sol tion cond ct metrically ..# (etermination o" (issolved oxygen in the given $ater sample# ./# To determine the total resid al chlorine in $ater# .0# (etermination o" amo nt o" oxalic acid and - /S=2 in . , o" sol tion sing N8.1 Na=- and N8.1 HMn= 2 sol tion# .2# (etermination o" viscosity o" given oil by means o" Red$ood viscometer I# .3# To determine "lash point and "ire point o" an oil by &ens%y MartinJs Apparat s .A# To determine the Iodine val e o" the oil#

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

E)EME:T +" MEC<A:9CA) E:*9:EE(9:* )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!:
.# 6elding *a+ *b+ Arc 6elding ?as 6elding ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! > tt <oint ,ap <oint T <oint > tt <oint ,ap <oint >ra:ing o" >ro%en pieces Sand mo ld casting by single piece patternD Split pattern brac%et $ith cores ( st >in M g G nnel )ylindrical M g $ith handle!Rectang lar Male E Gemale <oint Rectang lar piece Giling the 4ob

BTM '%%

Credit 8nit!: &'

/# 0#

Go ndry Sheet Metal


Gitting Shop

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

P(+*(AMM9:* 9: C )AB
Cour!e Code: BTM '%/ Credit 8nit!: &'

#oftBare (eCuired: T rbo ) Cour!e Content!:

) program involving problems li%e "inding the nth val e o" cosine series' Gibonacci series# Etc# ) programs incl ding ser de"ined " nction calls ) programs involving pointers' and solving vario s problems $ith the help o" those# Gile handling

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#


Cour!e Code: )i!t of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# To veri"y HV, D H), in the given net$or%# To veri"y S perposition Theorem# To veri"y Maxim m &o$er Trans"er Theorem# To veri"y Reciprocity Theorem# To determine and veri"y RTh' VTh' RN' IN in a given net$or%# To per"orm open circ it D short circ it test on a single!phase trans"ormer# To st dy transient response o" a given R,) )irc it# To per"orm reg lation' ratio D polarity test on a single!phase trans"ormer# To meas re po$er D po$er "actor in a three phase circ it by t$o $attmeter method#

BTM '%4

Credit 8nit!: &'

.1# To meas re po$er D po$er "actor in a three phase load sing three ammeter D three voltmeter method#

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The co rse is intended to give a "o ndation o" English ,ang age# The literary texts are indented to help st dents to inc lcate creative D aesthetic sensitivity and critical "ac lty thro gh comprehension' appreciation and analysis o" the prescribed literary texts# It $ill also help them to respond "orm di""erent perspectives#

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Aoca,ulary Use o" (ictionary Use o" 6ords5 (imin tives' -omonyms D -omophones Module 99: E!!ential! of *rammar ? 9 Articles &arts o" Speech Tenses Module 999: E!!ential! of *rammar ? 99 Sentence Str ct re S b4ect !Verb agreement & nct ation Module 9A: Communication The process and importance &rinciples D bene"its o" E""ective )omm nication Module A: #5o=en Engli!h Communication Speech (rills &ron nciation and accent Stress and Intonation Module A9: Communication #=ill!?9 (eveloping listening s%ills (eveloping spea%ing s%ills Module A99: Communication #=ill!?99 (eveloping Reading S%ills (eveloping $riting S%ills Module A999: 6ritten Engli!h communication &rogression o" Tho ght8ideas Str ct re o" &aragraph Str ct re o" Essays Module 9@: #hort #torie! =" St dies' by Grancis >acon (ream )hildren' by )harles ,amb The Nec%lace' by ? y de Ma passant A Shado$' by R#H# Narayan ?lory at T$ilight' >habani >hattacharya Module @: Poem! All the 6orlds a Stage To A t mn =Q )aptain' My )aptain# 6here the Mind is 6itho t Gear &salm o" ,i"e Sha%espeare Heats 6alt 6hitman Rabindranath Tagore -#6# ,ong"ello$

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) A 13 CT .3 <A .1 EE ;1

Te$t & (eference!:

Madh li%a <ha' Echoes' =rient ,ong Man Ramon D &ra%ash' > siness )omm nication' =x"ord# Sydney ?reenba m =x"ord English ?rammar' =x"ord# S ccess" l )omm nications' Malra Treece *Allyn and >acon+ E""ective Technical )omm nication' M# Ashra" Ri:vi#

F /& hr! Programme to ,e continued for "ull year

BE<AA9+8(A) #C9E:CE ? 9 (8:DE(#TA:D9:* #E)" "+( E""ECT9AE:E##)

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
This co rse aims at imparting5 Understanding sel" D process o" sel" exploration ,earning strategies "or development o" a healthy sel" esteem Importance o" attit des and its e""ective on personality > ilding Emotional )ompetence

BTM '4/

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: #elf: Core Com5etency Understanding o" Sel" )omponents o" Sel" E Sel" identity Sel" concept Sel" con"idence Sel" image Module 99: TechniCue! of #elf ABarene!! Exploration thro gh <ohari 6indo$ Mapping the %ey characteristics o" sel" Graming a charter "or sel" Stages E sel" a$areness' sel" acceptance and sel" reali:ation Module 999: #elf E!teem & Effecti.ene!! Meaning and Importance )omponents o" sel" esteem -igh and lo$ sel" esteem Meas ring yo r sel" esteem Module 9A: Building Po!iti.e Attitude Meaning and nat re o" attit de )omponents and Types o" attit de Importance and relevance o" attit de Module A: Building Emotional Com5etence Emotional Intelligence E Meaning' components' Importance and Relevance &ositive and Negative emotions -ealthy and Unhealthy expression o" emotions Module A9: End?of?#eme!ter A55rai!al Viva based on personal 4o rnal Assessment o" >ehavio ral change as a res lt o" training Exit ,evel Rating by Sel" and =bserver

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) #AP /1 A 13 Mid Term Te!t (CT) /1 A9AA 01 Gournal for #ucce!! (G+#) /3

Te$t & (eference!:

=rgani:ational >ehavio r' (avis' H# -oover' < dhith (# E""ective Small ?ro p and Team )omm nication' /11/'-arco rt )ollege & blishers (ic%' Mc )ann D Margerison' )harles5 Team Management' .II/ Edition' viva boo%s >ates' A# &# and < lian' <#5 Sociology ! Understanding Social >ehavio r (ressler' (avid and )ans' (onald5 The St dy o" - man Interaction ,apiere' Richard# T E Social )hange ,ind:ey' ?# and >orgatta' E5 Sociometric Meas rement in the -andboo% o" Social &sychology' Addison E 6elsley' US#

Rose' ?#5 =x"ord Textboo% o" & blic -ealth' Vol#2' .IB3# ,aGasto and ,arson5 6hen Teams 6or% >est' /11.' Response >oo%s *Sage+' Ne$ (elhi < 6illiam &"ei""er *ed#+ Theories and Models in Applied >ehavio ral Science' Vol /' ?ro p *.IIA+@ &"ei""er D )ompany Smither Robert (#@ The &sychology o" 6or% and - man &er"ormance' .II2' -arper )ollins )ollege & blishers

"(E:C< ? 9
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To "amiliari:e the st dents $ith the Grench lang age $ith the phonetic system $ith the syntax $ith the manners $ith the c lt ral aspects

BTM '44

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module A: 55> &' to /2: 8nitH! 'I %I 8nitH / +,-ect if 'I % =nly grammar o" UnitR 05 ob4ecti" 0' 2 and 3 Contenu le$ical: 8nitH ': DHcou.rir la langue franJai!e : (oral et Hcrit) .# se prRsenter' prRsenter C elC J n' "aire la connaissance des a tres' "orm les de politesse' rencontres /# dire8interroger si on comprend 0# Nommer les choses 8nitH %: "aire connai!!ance .# donner8demander des in"ormations s r ne personne' premiers contacts' exprimer ses goSts et ses prR"Rrences /# &arler de soi5 parler d travail' de ses activitRs' de son pays' de sa ville# 8nitH /: +rgani!er !on tem5! .# dire la date et lJhe re Contenu grammatical: .# /# 0# 2# 3# organisation gRnRrale de la grammaire article indR"ini' dR"ini' contractR nom' ad4ecti"' masc lin' "Rminin' sing lier et pl riel nRgation avec T de U' Vmoi a ssiV' Vmoi non pl sV interrogation 5 Inversion' est!ce C e' C i' C e' C oi' C Jest!ce C e' oW' C and' comment' C el*s+' C elle*s+ Interro!nRgati" 5 rRponses 5 o i' si' non A# pronom toniC e8dis4oint! po r insister aprXs ne prRposition ;# " t r proche

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

le livre Y s ivre 5 )amp s5 Tome .

*E(MA: ? 9
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse' read and $rite in the lang age $ith the help o" the basic r les o" grammar' $hich $ill later help them to strengthen their lang age# To give the st dents an insight into the c lt re' geography' political sit ation and economic opport nities available in ?ermany

BTM '40

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction Sel" introd ction5 heissen' %ommen' $ohn$n' lernen' arbeiten' trin%en' etc# All personal prono ns in relation to the verbs ta ght so "ar# ?reetings5 ? ten MorgenQ' ? ten TagQ' ? ten AbendQ' ? te NachtQ' (an%e sehrQ' (an%eQ' Vielen (an%Q' *es t t mir ,eidQ+' -allo' $ie gehtJsZ5 (an%e g tQ' sehr g tQ' primaQ' a sge:eichnetQ' Es gehtQ' nicht so g tQ' so la laQ' miserabelQ Module 99: 9nter.ieB!5iel To assimilate the vocab lary learnt so "ar and to apply the $ords and phrases in short dialog es in an intervie$ E game "or sel" introd ction# Module 999: Phonetic! So nd system o" the lang age $ith special stress on (ipthongs Module 9A: Countrie!I nationalitie! and their language! To ma%e the st dents acC ainted $ith the most $idely sed co ntry names' their nationalitie and the lang age spo%en in that co ntry# Module A: Article! The de"inite and inde"inite articles in masc line' "eminine and ne ter gender# All Vegetables' Gr its' Animals' G rnit re' Eatables' modes o" Transport Module A9: Profe!!ion! To acC aint the st dents $ith pro"essions in both the genders $ith the help o" the verb LseinM# Module A99: Pronoun! Simple possessive prono ns' the se o" my' yo r' etc# The "amily members' "amily Tree $ith the help o" the verb Lto haveM Module A999: Colour! All the color and color related vocab lary E colored' color" l' colorless' pale' light' dar%' etc# Module 9@: :um,er! and calculation! .er, K=o!tenL The co nting' pl ral str ct res and simple calc lation li%e addition' s btraction' m ltiplication and division to test the %no$ledge o" n mbers# L6ie viel %ostet dasZM Module @: (e.i!ion li!t of Eue!tion 5ronoun! 6 E 9 estions li%e $ho' $hat' $here' $hen' $hich' ho$' ho$ many' ho$ m ch' etc#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

6ol"gang -ieber' ,ern:iel (e tsch -ans!-einrich 6angler' Sprach% rs (e tsch

Sch l: ?riesbach' (e tsche Sprachlehre "[r A sl\nder &#, Ane4a' (e tsch Interessant! .' / D 0 Rosa!Maria (allapia::a et al' Tangram A%t ell A.8.'/ >ra n' Nieder' Schm]e' (e tsch als Gremdsprache .A' ?r nd% rs

#PA:9#< 9
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable st dents acC ire the relevance o" the Spanish lang age in todayJs global context' ho$ to greet each other# -o$ to present 8 introd ce each other sing basic verbs and vocab lary

BTM '41

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 A brie" history o" Spain' ,atin America' the lang age' the c lt re^and the relevance o" Spanish lang age in todayJs global context# Introd ction to alphabets Module 99 Introd ction to NSaludosJ *-o$ to greet each other# -o$ to present 8 introd ce each other+# ?oodbyes *despedidas+ The verb llamarse and practice o" it# Module 999 )oncept o" ?ender and N mber Months o" the years' days o" the $ee%' seasons# Introd ction to n mbers .!.11' )olors' Revision o" n mbers and introd ction to ordinal n mbers# Module 9A Introd ction to SER and ESTAR *both o" $hich mean To >e+#Revision o" N SaludosJ and NLlamarseJ# Some ad4ectives' nationalities' pro"essions' physical8geographical location' the "act that spanish ad4ectives have to agree $ith gender and n mber o" their no ns# Exercises highlighting sage o" Ser and Estar# Module A Time' demonstrative prono n *Este8esta' AC el8aC ella etc+ Module A9 Introd ction to some %ey AR 8ER8IR ending reg lar verbs#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Espa_ol' En (irecto I A Espa_ol Sin Gronteras

GAPA:E#E ? 9
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to learn the basic r les o" grammar and <apanese lang age to be sed in daily li"e that $ill later help them to strengthen their lang age#

BTM '42

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: #alutation! Sel" introd ction' As%ing and ans$ering to small general C estions Module 99: Cardinal :um,er! N merals' Expression o" time and period' (ays' months Module 999: Ten!e! &resent Tense' G t re tense Module 9A: Pre5o!ition! &articles' possession' Gorming C estions Module A: Demon!trati.e! Interrogatives' prono n and ad4ectives Module A9: De!cri5tion )ommon phrases' Ad4ectives to describe a person Module A99: #chedule Time Table' everyday ro tine etc# Module A999: +uting! ?oing to see a movie' party' "riendJs ho se etc.

)earning +utcome
St dents can spea% the basic lang age describing above mentioned topics

Method! of Pri.ate !tudy D#elf hel5

-ando ts' a dio!aids' and sel"!do assignments and role!plays $ill s pport classroom teaching

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Teach yo rsel" <apanese References: Shin Nihongo no %iso .

C<9:E#E 9
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
There are many dialects spo%en in )hina' b t the lang age $hich $ill help yo thro gh $herever yo go is Mandarin' or & tongh a' as it is called in )hinese# The most $idely spo%en "orms o" )hinese are Mandarin' )antonese' ?an' -a%%a' Min' 6 and `iang# The co rse aims at "amiliari:ing the st dent $ith the basic aspects o" spea%ing ability o" Mandarin' the lang age o" Mainland )hina# The co rse aims at training st dents in practical s%ills and n rt ring them to interact $ith a )hinese person#

BTM '43

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Sho$ pict res' dialog e and retell# ?etting to %no$ each other# &racticing chart $ith Initials and Ginals# *)-ART E The )hinese &honetic Alphabet )alled L-any &inyinM in Mandarin )hinese#+ &racticing o" Tones as it is a tonal lang age# )hanges in 0rd tone and Ne tral Tone# Module 99 ?reetings ,et me Introd ce The modal particle LneM# Use o" &lease NCingM E sit' have tea ^^^^## etc# A brie" sel" introd ction E Ni hao maZ Kai4ianQ Use o" Lb M negative# Module 999 Attrib tives sho$ing possession -o$ is yo r -ealthZ Than% yo 6here are yo "romZ A "e$ &ro"essions li%e E Engineer' > sinessman' (octor' Teacher' 6or%er# Are yo b sy $ith yo r $or%Z May I %no$ yo r nameZ Module 9A Use o" L-o$ manyM E &eople in yo r "amilyZ Use o" L:heM and LnaM# Use o" interrogative particle LshenmeM' Lsh iM' LmaM and LnarM# -o$ to ma%e interrogative sentences ending $ith LmaM# Str ct ral particle LdeM# Use o" LNinM $hen and $here to se and $ith $hom# Use o" g ixing# Use o" verb L: oM and ho$ to ma%e sentences $ith it# Module A Gamily str ct re and Relations# Use o" Lyo M E Lmei yo M# Meas re $ords (ays and 6ee%days# N mbers# Maps' di""erent lang ages and )o ntries#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

LElementary )hinese Reader &art IM ,esson .!.1

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The %no$ledge o" Mathematics is necessary "or a better nderstanding o" almost all the Engineering and Science s b4ects# -ere o r intention is to ma%e the st dents acC ainted $ith the concept o" basic topics "rom Mathematics' $hich they need to p rs e their Engineering degree in di""erent disciplines#

BTM %&'

Credit 8nit!: &4

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: )inear Alge,ra -ermitian and S%e$ -ermitian Matrix' Unitary Matrix' =rthogonal Matrix' Elementary Ro$ Trans"ormation' Red ction o" a Matrix to Ro$ Echelon Gorm' Ran% o" a Matrix' )onsistency o" ,inear Sim ltaneo s EC ations' ?a ss Elimination Method' ?a ss!<ordan Method' Eigen Val es and Eigen Vectors o" a Matrix' )aley! -amilton Theorem' (iagonali:ation o" a Matrix' Vector Space' ,inear Independence and (ependence o" Vectors' ,inear Trans"ormations# Module 99: 9nfinite #erie! (e"inition o" SeC ence' >o nded SeC ence' ,imit o" a SeC ence' Series' Ginite and In"inite Series' )onvergence and (ivergence o" In"inite series' )a chyJs &rinciple o" )onvergence' &ositive Term In"inite Series' )omparison test' (JAlembertJs Ratio test# RaabeJs Test' )a chyJs nth root Test# ,ogarithmic Test' Alternating Series' ,eibnit:Js Test' Absol te and conditioinal convergence' Uni"orm )onvergence' &o$er Series and its Interval o" )onvergence# Module 999: Com5le$ Analy!i! (e MoivreJs Theorem and Roots o" )omplex N mbers' ,ogarithmic G nctions' )irc lar' -yperbolic G nctions and their Inverses# G nctions o" a )omplex Variables' ,imits' )ontin ity and (erivatives' Analytic G nction' )a chy!Riemann EC ations *$itho t proo"+' -armonic G nction' -armonic )on4 gates' )on"ormal Mapping' >ilinear Trans"ormations' )omplex ,ine Integral' )a chy Integral Theorem' )a chy Integral Gorm la' (erivative o" Analytic G nction' &o$er Series' Taylor Series' ,a rent Series' Keroes and Sing larities' Resid es' Resid e Theorem' Eval ation o" Real Integrals o" the Gorm and

F *cos ' sin + d

f * x+ dx # F * x+ Module 9A: #tati!tic! and Pro,a,ility Moments' S%e$ness' H rtosis' Random Variables and &robability (istrib tion' Mean and Variance o" a &robability (istrib tion' >inomial (istrib tion' &oisson (istrib tion and Normal (istrib tion#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Engineering Mathematics by Er$in Hreys:ig# Engineering Mathematics by R#H# <ain and S#R#H# Iyengar# -igher Engineering Mathematics by -#H# (ass# Engineering Mathematics by >#S# ?re$al# (i""erential )alc l s by Shanti Narain# Integral )alc l s by Shanti Narain# ,inear Algebra! Scha m = tline Series#

APP)9ED P< #9C# ? 99 ? M+DE(: P< #9C#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
Aim o" this co rse is to introd ce the st dents to " ndamentals o" grad ate level physics $hich "orm the basis o" all applied science and engineering

BTM %&%

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: #5ecial Theory of (elati.ity Michelson!Morley experiment' Importance o" negative res lt' Inertial D non!inertial "rames o" re"erence' EinsteinJs post lates o" Special theory o" Relativity' Space!time coordinate system' Relativistic Space Time trans"ormation *,orent: trans"ormation eC ation+' Trans"ormation o" velocity' Addition o" velocities' ,ength contraction and Time dilation' Mass!energy eC ivalence *EinsteinJs energy mass relation+ D (erivation o" Variation o" mass $ith velocity' Module 99: 6a.e Mechanic! 6ave particle d ality' (e!>roglie matter $aves' phase and gro p velocity' -eisenberg ncertainty principle' $ave " nction and its physical interpretation' =perators' expectation val es# Time dependent D time independent Schr]dinger $ave eC ation "or "ree D bo nd states' sC are $ell potential *rigid $all+' Step potential# Module 999: Atomic Phy!ic! Vector atom model' ,S and 4!4 co pling' Keceman e""ect *normal D anomalo s+' &aschen!>ach e""ect' `!ray spectra and energy level diagram' Moseleys ,a$' ,asers E Einstein coe""icients' conditions "or light ampli"ication' pop lation inversion' optical p mping' three level and "o r level lasers' -e!Ne and R by laser' &roperties and applications o" lasers# Module 9A: #olid #tate Phy!ic! Sommer"ieldJs "ree electron theory o" metals' Germi energy' Introd ction to periodic potential D Hronig!&enny model *9 alitative+ >and Theory o" Solids' Semi!cond ctors5 Intrinsics and Extrinsic Semicond ctors' photocond ctivity and photovotaics' >asic aspects o" S percond ctivity' Meissner e""ect#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

)oncept o" Modern &hysics' A# >eiser Applied &hysics II' Agara$al D ?oel Solid State &hysics' S# =# &allai &hysics o" Atom' 6ehr D Richards

E:A9(+:ME:TA) #T8D9E#
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The term environment is sed to describe' in the aggregate' all the external "orces' in"l ences and conditions' $hich a""ect the li"e' nat re' behavio r and the gro$th' development and mat rity o" living organisms# At present a great n mber o" environment iss es' have gro$n in si:e and complexity day by day' threatening the s rvival o" man%ind on earth# A st dy o" environmental st dies is C ite essential in all types o" environmental sciences' environmental engineering and ind strial management# The ob4ective o" environmental st dies is to enlighten the masses abo t the importance o" the protection and conservation o" o r environment and control o" h man activities $hich has an adverse e""ect on the environment#

BTM %&/

Credit 8nit!: &4

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: The multidi!ci5linary nature of en.ironmental !tudie! (e"inition' scope and importance Need "or p blic a$areness Module 99: :atural (e!ource! (eneBa,le and non?reneBa,le re!ource!: Nat ral reso rces and associated problems Gorest reso rces5 Use and over!exploitation' de"orestation' case st dies# Timber extraction' mining' dams and their e""ects on "orests and tribal people# 6ater reso rces5 Use and over! tili:ation o" s r"ace and gro nd $ater' "loods' dro ght' con"licts over $ater' dams!bene"its and problems# Mineral reso rces5 Use and exploitation' environmental e""ects o" extracting and sing mineral reso rces' case st dies# Good reso rces5 6orld "ood problems' changes ca sed by agric lt re and overgra:ing' e""ects o" modern agric lt re' "ertili:er!pesticide problems' $ater logging' salinity' case st dies# Energy reso rces5 ?ro$ing energy needs' rene$able and non!rene$able energy so rces' se o" alternate energy so rces' case st dies# ,and reso rces5 ,and as a reso rce' land degradation' man ind ced landslides' soil erosion and deserti"ication# Role o" an individ al in conservation o" nat ral reso rces# EC itable se o" reso rces "or s stainable li"estyles# Module 999: Eco!y!tem! )oncept o" an ecosystem Str ct re and " nction o" an ecosystem &rod cers' cons mers and decomposers Energy "lo$ in the ecosystem Ecological s ccession Good chains' "ood $ebs and ecological pyramids Introd ction' types' characteristic "eat res' str ct re and " nction o" the "ollo$ing ecosystem5 a# Gorest ecosystem b# ?rassland ecosystem c# (esert ecosystem d# AC atic ecosystems *ponds' streams' la%es' rivers' ocean est aries+ Module 9A:!ity and it! con!er.ation Introd ction E (e"inition5 genetic' species and ecosystem diversity >iogeographical classi"ication o" India Val e o" biodiversity5 cons mptive se' prod ctive se' social' ethical aesthetic and option val es >iodiversity at global' national and local levels India as a mega!diversity nation -ot!spots o" biodiversity Threats to biodiversity5 habitat loss' poaching o" $ildli"e' man $ildli"e con"licts Endangered and endemic species o" India )onservation o" biodiversity5 In!sit and Ex!sit conservation o" biodiversity Module A: En.ironmental Pollution (e"inition abb)a ses' e""ects and control meas res o"5 a# Air poll tion

b# 6ater poll tion c# Soil poll tion d# Marine poll tion e# Noise poll tion "# Thermal poll tion g# N clear poll tion Solid $aste management5 )a ses' e""ects and control meas res o" rban and Role o" an individ al in prevention o" poll tion# &oll tion case st dies# (isaster management5 "loods' earthC a%e' cyclone and landslides#

ind strial $astes#

Module A9: #ocial 9!!ue! and the En.ironment Grom ns stainable to s stainable development Urban problems and related to energy 6ater conservation' rain $ater harvesting' $atershed management Resettlement and rehabilitation o" people@ its problems and concerns# )ase st dies# Environmental ethics5 Iss es and possible sol tions )limate change' global $arming' acid rain' o:one layer depletion' n clear accidents and holoca st# )ase st dies# 6asteland reclamation )ons merism and $aste prod cts Environmental &rotection Act Air *&revention and )ontrol o" &oll tion+ Act 6ater *&revention and control o" &oll tion+ Act 6ildli"e &rotection Act Gorest )onservation Act Iss es involved in en"orcement o" environmental legislation & blic a$areness Module A99: <uman Po5ulation and the En.ironment &op lation gro$th' variation among nations &op lation explosion E Gamily 6el"are &rogrammes Environment and h man health - man Rights Val e Ed cation -IV 8 AI(S 6omen and )hild 6el"are Role o" In"ormation Technology in Environment and - man -ealth )ase St dies Module A999: "ield 6or= Visit to a local area to doc ment environmental assets!river 8 "orest8 grassland8 hill8 mo ntain# Visit to a local poll ted site E Urban 8 R ral 8 Ind strial 8 Agric lt ral St dy o" common plants' insects' birds St dy o" simple ecosystems!pond' river' hill slopes' etc *Gield $or% eC al to 3 lect re ho rs+

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7+ CT .3 <A 3 #DADE 3 A 3 EE ;1

Te$t & (eference!:

Agar$al' H#)# /11. Environmental >iology' Nidi & bl# ,td# >i%aner# >har cha Erach' The >iodiversity o" India' Mapin & blishing &vt# ,td#' Ahmedabad 0B1 1.0' India' Email5mapincicenet#net *R+ >r nner R#)#' .IBI' -a:ardo s 6aste Incineration' Mc?ra$ -ill Inc# 2B1p )lar% R#S#' Marine &oll tion' )landerson &ress =x"ord *T>+ ) nningham' 6#&# )ooper' T#-# ?orhani' E D -ep$orth' M#T# /11.' Environmental Encyclopedia' <aico & bl# -o se' M mabai' ..IAp (e A#H#' Environmental )hemistry' 6iley Eastern ,td# (o$n to Earth' )entre "or Science and Environment *R+ ?leic%' -#&# .II0# 6ater in )risis' &aci"ic Instit te "or St dies in (ev#' Environment D Sec rity# Stoc%holm Env# Instit te =x"ord Univ# &ress# 2;0p -a$%ins R#E#' Encyclopedia o" Indian Nat ral -istory' >ombay Nat ral -istory Society' >ombay *R+

-ey$ood' V#- D 6aston' R#T# .II3# ?lobal >iodiversity Assessment# )ambridge Univ# &ress ..21p# <adhav' - D >hosale' V#M# .II3# Environmental &rotection and ,a$s# -imalaya & b# -o se' (elhi /B2 p# Mc%inney' M#,# D School' R#M# .IIA# Environmental Science Systems D Sol tions' 6eb enhanced edition# A0Ip# Mhas%ar A#H#' Matter -a:ardo s' Techno!Science & blication *T>+ Miller T#?# <r# Environmental Science' 6ads$orth & blishing )o# *T>+ =d m' E#&# .I;.# G ndamentals o" Ecology# 6#># Sa nders )o# USA' 3;2p Rao M N# D (atta' A#H# .IB;# 6aste 6ater treatment# =x"ord D I>- & bl# )o# &vt# ,td# 023p# Sharma >#H#' /11.# Environmental )hemistry# ?eol & bl# -o se' Meer t S rvey o" the Environment' The -ind *M+ To$nsend )#' -arper <' and Michael >egon' Essentials o" Ecology' >lac%$ell Science Trivedi R#H#' -andboo% o" Environmental ,a$s' R les ? idelines' )ompliances and Standards' Vol I and II' Enviro Media *R+ Trivedi R# H# and &#H# ?oel' Introd ction to air poll tion' Techno!Science & blication *T>+ 6anger H#(#' .IIB Environnemental Management# 6#># Sa nders )o# &hiladelphia' USA 2IIp

+BGECT +(9E:TED P(+*(AMM9:* 8#9:* CMM

Cour!e Code:
Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" this mod le is to introd ce ob4ect oriented programming# To explore and implement the vario s "eat res o" ==& s ch as inheritance' polymorphism' Exceptional handling sing programming lang age )FF# A"ter completing this co rse st dent can easily identi"y the basic di""erence bet$een the programming approaches li%e proced ral and ob4ect oriented#

BTM %&4

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction Revie$ o" )' (i""erence bet$een ) and )FF' &roced re =riented and =b4ect =riented Approach# >asic )oncepts5 =b4ects' classes' &rincipals li%e Abstraction' Encaps lation' Inheritance and &olymorphism# (ynamic >inding' Message &assing# )haracteristics o" =b4ect!=riented ,ang ages# Introd ction to =b4ect!=riented Modeling techniC es *=b4ect' G nctional and (ynamic Modeling+# Module 99: Cla!!e! and +,-ect! Abstract data types' =b4ect D classes' attrib tes' methods' )FF class declaration' ,ocal )lass and ?lobal )lass' State identity and behavio r o" an ob4ect' ,ocal =b4ect and ?lobal =b4ect' Scope resol tion operator' Griend G nctions' Inline " nctions' )onstr ctors and destr ctors' instantiation o" ob4ects' Types o" )onstr ctors' Static )lass (ata' Array o" =b4ects' )onstant member " nctions and =b4ects' Memory management =perators# Module 999: 9nheritance Inheritance' Types o" Inheritance' access modes E p blic' private D protected' Abstract )lasses' Ambig ity resol tion sing scope resol tion operator and Virt al base class' Aggregation' composition vs classi"ication hiRrarchies' =verriding inheritance methods' )onstr ctors in derived classes' Nesting o" )lasses# Module 9A: Polymor5hi!m &olymorphism' Type o" &olymorphism E )ompile time and r ntime' G nction =verloading' =perator =verloading *Unary and >inary+ &olymorphism by parameter' &ointer to ob4ects' this pointer' Virt al G nctions' p re virt al " nctions# Module A: #tring!I "ile! and E$ce5tion <andling Manip lating strings' Streams and "iles handling' "ormatted and Un"ormatted Inp t o tp t# Exception handling' ?eneric &rogramming E " nction template' class Template Standard Template ,ibrary5 Standard Template ,ibrary' =vervie$ o" Standard Template ,ibrary' )ontainers' Algorithms' Iterators' =ther ST, Elements' The )ontainer )lasses' ?eneral Theory o" =peration' Vectors#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: A#R# Ven gopal' Ra4% mar' T# Ravishan%er LMastering )FFM' TM-' .II; R# ,a"ore' L=b4ect =riented &rogramming sing )FFM' >&> & blications' /112# L=b4ect =riented &rogramming $ith )FFM >y E# >alag r samy# Schildt -erbert' L)FF5 The )omplete Re"erenceM' 6iley (reamTech' /113# References: &arasons' L=b4ect =riented &rogramming $ith )FFM' >&> & blication' .III# Steven )# ,a$lor' LThe Art o" &rogramming )omp ter Science $ith )FFM' Vi%as & blication' /11/# Yash$ant Haneth%ar' L=b4ect =riented &rogramming sing )FFM' >&>' /112

E:*9:EE(9:* MEC<A:9C#
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
=b4ective o" this co rse is to provide " ndamental %no$ledge o" "orce system and its e""ect on the behavio r o" the bodies that may be in dynamic or in static state# It incl des the eC ilibri m o" di""erent str ct res li%e beams' "rames' tr ss etc and the "orce trans"er mechanism in the di""erent components o" a body nder given loading condition#

BTM %&0

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: "orce !y!tem & #tructure Gree body diagram' EC ilibri m eC ations and applications# &lane tr ss' per"ect and imper"ect tr ss' ass mption in the tr ss analysis' analysis o" per"ect plane tr sses by the method o" 4oints' method o" section# Module 99: "riction Static and Hinetic "riction' la$s o" dry "riction' co!e""icient o" "riction' angle o" "riction' angle o" repose' cone o" "riction' "riction loc%' e""iciency o" scre$ 4ac%' transmission o" po$er thro gh belt Module 999: Di!tri,uted "orce (etermination o" center o" gravity' center o" mass and centroid by direct integration and by the method o" composite bodies' mass moment o" inertia and area moment o" inertia by direct integration and composite bodies method' radi s o" gyration' parallel axis theorem' &app s theorems and its application' polar moment o" inertia# Module 9A: 6or= ?Energy 6or% energy eC ation' conservation o" energy' Virt al $or%' imp lse' moment m conservation' impact o" bodies' co!e""icient o" restit tion' loss o" energy d ring impact' (Jalembert principle

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

S#S# >havi%atti' Engineering Mechanics' Ne$ Age International ,td Timoshen%o' Engineering Mechanics' Mc?ra$ -ill R# S# Hh rmi' Engineering Mechanics' S# )hand & blication I# -# Shames D ?# H# M# Rao' Engineering Mechanics' &earson Ed cation' /11A

APP)9ED P< #9C# )AB ? 99

Cour!e Code: )i!t of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# .1# ..# To determine the $avelength o" prominent lines o" merc ry spectr m sing plane transmission grating# To determine the thic%ness o" a given $ire by 6edge method# To determine the $avelength o" -e!Ne laser light sing single slit# To determine the "reC ency o" an electrically maintained t nning "or% by MeldeJs method# To st dy the variation o" magnetic "ield along the axis o" -elmholt: coil and to "ind o t red ction "actor# To dra$ the V E I characteristics o" a "or$ard and reverse bias &N 4 nction diode# To determine the "reC ency o" A) mains sing sonometer# To determine the energy band!gap o" ?ermani m crystal sing "o r probes method# To dra$ V E I characteristics o" a photocell and to veri"y the inverse sC are la$ o" radiation# To determine the acceleration d e to gravity *NgJ+ sing HeterJs reversible pend l m# To st dy the characteristics o" photo voltaic cell *solar cell+#

BTM %%&

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

+BGECT +(9E:TED P(+*(AMM9:* 8#9:* CMM )AB

Cour!e Code: BTM %%' Credit 8nit!: &'

#oftBare (eCuired: T rbo )FF Cour!e Content!:

)reation o" ob4ects in programs and solving problems thro gh them# (i""erent se o" private' p blic member variables and " nctions and "riend " nctions# Use o" constr ctors and destr ctors# =perator overloading Use o" inheritance in and accessing ob4ects o" di""erent derived classes# &olymorphism and virt al " nctions * sing pointers+# Gile handling#

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

E:*9:EE(9:* MEC<A:9C# )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!:
To veri"y the la$ o" Gorce &olygon# To veri"y the la$ o" Moments sing &arallel Gorce apparat s# *Simply s pported type+ To determine the co!e""icient o" "riction bet$een $ood and vario s s r"ace *li%e ,eather' 6ood' Al min m+ on an inclined plane# To "ind the "orces in the members o" <ib )rane# To determine the mechanical advantage' Velocity ratio and e""iciency o" a scre$ 4ac%# To determine the mechanical advantage' Velocity ratio and Mechanical e""iciency o" the 6heel and Axle To determine the MA' VR' o" 6orm 6heel */!start+ Veri"ication o" "orce transmitted by members o" given tr ss# To veri"y the la$ o" moments sing >ell cran% lever To "ind )? and moment o" Inertia o" an irreg lar body sing )omp tation method

BTM %%%

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

E:*9:EE(9:* *(AP<9C# )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
This co rse $ill provide st dents concepts on the dra$ings o" di""erent c rves li%e straight line' parabola' ellipse etc# A"ter completion o" this co rse' st dents $ill be able to dra$ di""erent "ig res man ally and $ill be capable o" sing vario s instr ments involved in dra$ings#

BTM %%/

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: *eneral Importance' Signi"icance and scope o" engineering dra$ing' ,ettering' (imensioning' Scales' Sense o" proportioning' (i""erent types o" pro4ections' =rthographic &ro4ection' >#I#S# Speci"ications# Module 99: Pro-ection! of Point and )ine! Introd ction o" planes o" pro4ection' Re"erence and a xiliary planes' pro4ections o" points and ,ines in di""erent C adrants' traces' inclinations' and tr e lengths o" the lines' pro4ections on A xiliary planes' shortest distance' intersecting and non!intersecting lines# Module 999: Plane! other than the (eference Plane! Introd ction o" other planes *perpendic lar and obliC e+' their traces' inclinations etc#' &ro4ections o" points and lines lying in the planes' conversion o" obliC e plane into a xiliary &lane and sol tion o" related problems# Module 9A: Pro-ection! of Plane "igure! (i""erent cases o" plane "ig res *o" di""erent shapes+ ma%ing di""erent angles $ith one or both re"erence planes and lines lying in the plane "ig res ma%ing di""erent given angles *$ith one o" both re"erence planes+# =btaining tr e shape o" the plane "ig re by pro4ection# Module A: Pro-ection of #olid! Simple cases $hen solid is placed in di""erent positions' Axis "aces and lines lying in the "aces o" the solid ma%ing given angles# Module A9: De.elo5ment of #urface (evelopment o" simple ob4ects $ith and $itho t sectioning# Isometric &ro4ection

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

Te$t & (eference!:

M#># Shah D >#)# Rana' Engineering (ra$ing' &earson Ed cation' /11; &S ?ill' Engineering (ra$ing' Hataria & blication N( >hatt' Engineering (ra$ing' )harotar p blications N Sidhesh$ar' Engineering (ra$ing' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill ), Tanta' Mechanical (ra$ing' L(hanpat RaiM

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The co rse is intended to give a "o ndation o" English ,ang age# The literary texts are indented to help st dents to inc lcate creative D aesthetic sensitivity and critical "ac lty thro gh comprehension' appreciation and analysis o" the prescribed literary texts# It $ill also help them to respond "orm di""erent perspectives#

BTM %4&

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Aoca,ulary Use o" (ictionary Use o" 6ords5 (imin tives' -omonyms D -omophones Module 99: E!!ential! of *rammar ? 9 Articles &arts o" Speech Tenses Module 999: E!!ential! of *rammar ? 99 Sentence Str ct re S b4ect !Verb agreement & nct ation Module 9A: Communication The process and importance &rinciples D bene"its o" E""ective )omm nication Module A: #5o=en Engli!h Communication Speech (rills &ron nciation and accent Stress and Intonation Module A9: Communication #=ill! ? 9 (eveloping listening s%ills (eveloping spea%ing s%ills Module A99: Communication #=ill! ? 99 (eveloping Reading S%ills (eveloping $riting S%ills Module A999: 6ritten Engli!h communication &rogression o" Tho ght8ideas Str ct re o" &aragraph Str ct re o" Essays Module 9@: #hort #torie! =" St dies' by Grancis >acon (ream )hildren' by )harles ,amb The Nec%lace' by ? y de Ma passant A Shado$' by R#H# Narayan ?lory at T$ilight' >habani >hattacharya Module @: Poem! All the 6orlds a Stage To A t mn =Q )aptain' My )aptain# 6here the Mind is 6itho t Gear &salm o" ,i"e Sha%espeare Heats 6alt 6hitman Rabindranath Tagore -#6# ,ong"ello$

E$amination #cheme5

Com5onent! 6eightage (7)

A 13

CT .3

<A .1

EE ;1

Te$t & (eference!:

Madh li%a <ha' Echoes' =rient ,ong Man# Ramon D &ra%ash' > siness )omm nication' =x"ord# Sydney ?reenba m =x"ord English ?rammar' =x"ord# S ccess" l )omm nications' Malra Treece *Allyn and >acon+# E""ective Technical )omm nication' M# Ashra" Ri:vi#

BE<AA9+8(A) #C9E:CE ? 99 (P(+B)EM #+)A9:* A:D C(EAT9AE T<9:;9:*)

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents5 Understand the process o" problem solving and creative thin%ing# Gacilitation and enhancement o" s%ills reC ired "or decision!ma%ing#

BTM %4/

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Thin=ing a! a tool for Pro,lem 6hat is thin%ing5 The Mind8>rain8>ehavio r )ritical Thin%ing and ,earning5 Ma%ing &redictions and Reasoning Memory and )ritical Thin%ing Emotions and )ritical Thin%ing Thin%ing s%ills Module 99: <indrance! to Pro,lem Proce!! &erception Expression Emotion Intellect 6or% environment Module 999: Pro,lem Recogni:ing and (e"ining a problem Analy:ing the problem *potential ca ses+ (eveloping possible alternatives Eval ating Sol tions Resol tion o" problem Implementation >arriers to problem solving5 &erception Expression Emotion Intellect 6or% environment Module 9A: Plan of Action )onstr ction o" &=A Monitoring Revie$ing and analy:ing the o tcome Module A: Creati.e Thin=ing (e"inition and meaning o" creativity The nat re o" creative thin%ing )onvergent and (ivergent thin%ing Idea generation and eval ation *>rain Storming+ Image generation and eval ation (ebating The six!phase model o" )reative Thin%ing5 I)E(I& model Module A9: End?of?#eme!ter A55rai!al Viva based on personal 4o rnal Assessment o" >ehavio ral change as a res lt o" training Exit ,evel Rating by Sel" and =bserver

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! #AP A Mid Term Te!t (CT) A9AA Gournal for #ucce!! (G+#)

6eightage (7)






Te$t & (eference!:

Michael Steven5 -o$ to be a better problem solver' Hogan &age' Ne$ (elhi' .III ?eo"" &etty5 -o$ to be better at creativity@ Hogan &age' Ne$ (elhi' .III Richard Y# )hang and &# Heith' Helly5 6heeler & blishing' Ne$ (elhi' .IIB# &hil ,o$e Hoge &age5 )reativity and &roblem Solving' Ne$ (elhi' .IIA < 6illiam &"ei""er *ed#+ Theories and Models in Applied >ehavio ral Science' Vol 0' Management *.IIA+@ &"ei""er D )ompany >ensley' Alan (#5 )ritical Thin%ing in &sychology E A Uni"ied S%ills Approach' *.IIB+' >roo%s8)ole & blishing )ompany#

"(E:C< ? 99
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to overcome the "ear o" spea%ing a "oreign lang age and ta%e position as a "oreigner spea%ing Grench# To ma%e them learn the basic r les o" Grench ?rammar#

BTM %44

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module A: 55>/3 42: 8nitH /: +,-ect if /I 4I 0> 1 Module B: 55> 42 to 20 8nitH 4I 0 Contenu le$ical: 8nitH /: +rgani!er !on tem5! .# donner8demander des in"ormations s r n emploi d temps' n horaire SN)G E Imaginer n dialog e /# rRdiger n message8 ne lettre po r ^ i+ prendre n rende:!vo s8 accepter et con"irmer8 ann ler ii+ inviter8accepter8re" ser 0# Gaire n programme dJactivitRs imaginer ne conversation tRlRphoniC e8 n dialog e &ropositions! interroger' rRpondre 8nitH 4: DHcou.rir !on en.ironnement .# sit er n lie /# sJorienter' sJin"ormer s r n itinRraire# 0# )hercher' dRcrire n logement 2# connadtre les rythmes de la vie 8nitH 0: !Ninformer .# demander8donner des in"ormations s r n emploi d temps passR# /# donner ne explication' exprimer le do te o la certit de# 0# dRco vrir les relations entre les mots 2# savoir sJin"ormer .# Ad4ecti"s dRmonstrati"s /# Ad4ecti"s possessi"s8exprimer la possession Y lJaide de 5 i# T de U ii# AFnom8pronom dis4oint 0# )on4 gaison pronominale E nRgative' interrogative ! constr ction Y lein"initi" 2# ImpRrati"8exprimer lJobligation8lJinterdiction Y lJaide de T il "a t^# U8 Til ne "a t pas^ U 3# passR composR A# 9 estions directes8indirectes

Contenu grammatical:

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

le livre Y s ivre 5 )amp s5 Tome .

*E(MA: 99
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse' read and $rite in the lang age $ith the help o" the basic r les o" grammar' $hich $ill later help them to strengthen their lang age# To give the st dents an insight into the c lt re' geography' political sit ation and economic opport nities available in ?ermany Introd ction to ?rammar to consolidate the lang age base learnt in Semester I

BTM %40

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: E.erything a,out Time and Time 5eriod! Time and times o" the day# 6ee%days' months' seasons# Adverbs o" time and time related prepositions Module 99: 9rregular .er,! Introd ction to irreg lar verbs li%e to be' and others' to learn the con4 gations o" the same' *"ahren' essen' lessen' schla"en' sprechen nd \hnliche+# Module 999: #e5ara,le .er,! To comprehend the change in meaning that the verbs ndergo $hen sed as s ch Treatment o" s ch verbs $ith separable pre"ixes Module 9A: (eading and com5rehen!ion Reading and deciphering rail$ay sched les8school time table Usage o" separable verbs in the above context Module A: Accu!ati.e ca!e Acc sative case $ith the relevant articles Introd ction to / di""erent %inds o" sentences E Nominative and Acc sative Module A9: Accu!ati.e 5er!onal 5ronoun! Nominative and acc sative in comparison Emphasi:ing on the niversal applicability o" the prono ns to both persons and ob4ects Module A99: Accu!ati.e 5re5o!ition! Acc sative propositions $ith their se >oth theoretical and "ig rative se Module A999: Dialogue! (ialog e reading5 NIn the mar%et placeJ NAt the -otelJ

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

6ol"gang -ieber' ,ern:iel (e tsch -ans!-einrich 6angler' Sprach% rs (e tsch Sch l: ?riesbach' (e tsche Sprachlehre "[r A sl\nder &#, Ane4a' (e tsch Interessant! .' / D 0 Rosa!Maria (allapia::a et al' Tangram A%t ell A.8.'/ >ra n' Nieder' Schm]e' (e tsch als Gremdsprache .A' ?r nd% rs

#PA:9#< 99
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable st dents acC ire more vocab lary' grammar' Verbal &hrases to nderstand simple texts and start describing any person or ob4ect in Simple &resent Tense#

BTM %41

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Revision o" earlier mod les# Module 99 Some more AR8ER8IR verbs# Introd ction to root changing and irreg lar AR8ER8IR ending verbs Module 999 More verbal phrases *eg' (ios Mio' 9 e lastima etc+' adverbs (bueno/malo, muy, mucho, bastante, poco). Simple texts based on grammar and vocab lary done in earlier mod les# Module 9A &ossessive prono ns Module A 6riting8spea%ing essays li%e my "riend' my ho se' my school8instit tion' mysel"^#descriptions o" people' ob4ects etc' comp ter8internet related vocab lary

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Espa_ol' En (irecto I A Espa_ol Sin Gronteras

GAPA:E#E ? 99
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse in the lang age $ith the help o" basic particles and be able to de"ine the sit ations and people sing di""erent ad4ectives#

BTM %42

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Aer,! Transitive verbs' intransitive verbs Module 99: More 5re5o!ition! More particles' articles and li%es and disli%es# Module 999: Term! u!ed for in!truction! No par%ing' no smo%ing etc# Module 9A:,! (i""erent adverbial expression# Module A: 9n.itation! and cele,ration! ?iving and receiving presents' Inviting somebody "or l nch' dinner' movie and ho$ to accept and re" se in di""erent $ays Module A9: Com5rehen!ionN! Short essay on Gamily' Griend etc# Module A99:!ation! Sit ational conversations li%e as%ing the $ay' At a post o""ice' "amily Module A999: 9llne!! ?oing to the doctor' hospital etc#

)earning +utcome
St dents can spea% the lang age describing above!mentioned topics#

Method! of Pri.ate !tudy D#elf hel5

-ando ts' a dio!aids' and sel"!do assignments# Use o" library' visiting and $atching movies in <apan and c lt re center every Griday at Apm#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Teach yo rsel" <apanese References: Shin Nihongo no %iso .

C<9:E#E 99
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
)hinese is a tonal lang age $here each syllable in isolation has its de"inite tone *"lat' "alling' rising and rising8"alling+' and same syllables $ith di""erent tones mean di""erent things# 6hen yo say' LmaM $ith a third tone' it mean horse and LmaM $ith the "irst tone is Mother# The co rse aims at "amiliari:ing the st dent $ith the basic aspects o" spea%ing ability o" Mandarin' the lang age o" Mainland )hina# The co rse aims at training st dents in practical s%ills and n rt ring them to interact $ith a )hinese person#

BTM %43

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 (rills &ractice reading alo d =bserve &ict re and ans$er the C estion# Tone practice# &ractice sing the lang age both by spea%ing and by ta%ing notes# Introd ction o" basic sentence patterns# Meas re $ords# ?lad to meet yo # Module 99 6here do yo liveZ ,earning di""erent colors# Tones o" Lb M > ying things and ho$ m chit costsZ (ialog e on change o" Money# More sentence patterns on (ays and 6ee%days# -o$ to tell time# Saying the nits o" time in )hinese# ,earning to say se" l phrases li%e E B511' ..5/3' .1501 &#M# everyday' a"ternoon' evening' night' morning 053B' one ho r' to begin' to end ^## etc# Morning' A"ternoon' Evening' Night# Module 999 Use o" $ords o" location li%e!li' $ais hang' xia G rnit re E table' chair' bed' boo%shel"'## etc# (escription o" room' ho se or hostel room## eg $hat is placed $here and ho$ many things are there in itZ Revie$ ,essons E &revie$ ,essons# Expression NyaoM' LxiangM and LyaoshiM *i"+# (ays o" $ee%' months in a year etc# I am learning )hinese# Is )hinese di""ic ltZ Module 9A )o nting "rom .!.111 Use o" Lchang!changM# Ma%ing an InC iry E 6hat time is it no$Z 6here is the &ost =""iceZ (ays o" the $ee%# Months in a year# Use o" &reposition E L:aiM' LgenM# Use o" interrogative prono n E Ld oshaoM and L4iM# L6hoseMZZZ S$eater etc is itZ (i""erent ?ames and going o t "or exercise in the morning# Module A The verb LC M ?oing to the library iss ing a boo% "rom the library ?oing to the cinema hall' b ying tic%ets ?oing to the post o""ice' b ying stamps ?oing to the mar%et to b y things## etc ?oing to the b y clothes ^# Etc# -obby# I also li%e s$imming# )omprehension and ans$er C estions based on it#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

LElementary )hinese Reader &art IM ,esson ..!/1

:8ME(9CA) A:A) #9# A:D P(+*(AMM9:*

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
This co rse deals $ith the techniC es o" n merical analysis' $hich gives the sol tion to applied problem $hen ordinary analytical method "ails# Emphasis is given on comp ter programming also so that the given techniC es can be sed in design o" engineering and scienti"ic problems#

BTM /&'

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: #olution of Alge,raic and Tran!cendental ECuation Error in a series approximation' >isection Method' Iteration method' Method o" "alse position' Ne$ton!Raphson method #olution! of #imultaneou! eCuation ?a ss elimination method' <acobi iteration method' ?a ss Seidal method Module 99: 9nter5olation Ginite (i""erences' (i""erence tables &olynomial Interpolation: Ne$tonJs "or$ard and bac%$ard "orm la )entral (i""erence Gorm lae5 ?a ss "or$ard and bac%$ard "orm la# Interpolation $ith neC al intervals5 ,agrangeJs Interpolation' Ne$ton (ivided di""erence "orm la Module 999: :umerical 9ntegration and Differentiation Introd ction' N merical di""erentiation N merical Integration5 Trape:oidal r le' SimpsonJs .80 and 08B r les# Module 9A: #olution of differential ECuation! E lerJs Method' R nga!H tta Methods# Module A: #tati!tical Com5utation GreC ency chart' ) rve "itting by method o" least sC ares' "itting o" straight lines' polynomials' exponential c rves etc' (ata "itting $ith ) bic splines#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Ra4araman V' L)omp ter =riented N merical MethodsM' &earson Ed cation ?erald D 6healey' LApplied N merical AnalysesM' A6 <ain' Iyengar and <ain' LN merical Methods "or Scienti"ic and Engineering )omp tationsM' Ne$ Age Int# ?re$al > S' LN merical methods in Engineering and ScienceM' Hhanna & blishers' (elhi References: T Veerara4an' T Ramachandran' LTheory and &roblems in N merical Methods' TM &radip Niyogi' LN merical Analysis and AlgorithmsM' TM Grancis Scheld' M N merical AnalysisM' TM Sastry S# S' LIntrod ctory Methods o" N merical AnalysisM' &earson Ed cation# ? pta )#>#' Vi4ay ? pta' LIntrod ction to Statistical MethodsM' Vi%as & blishing# ?oyal' M' L)omp ter >ased N merical and Statistical TechniC esM' Gire$all Media' Ne$ (elhi#

T<E(M+D :AM9C#
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
=b4ective o" this co rse is to impart in depth nderstanding o" the principles o" thermodynamics and heat trans"er# This co rse also helps st dents nderstand the application o" basic "l id mechanics' thermodynamic' and heat trans"er principles and techniC es' incl ding the se o" empirical data' to the analysis o" representative "l id and thermal energy components and systems enco ntered in the practice o" electrical' electronic' ind strial' and related disciplines o" engineering#

BTM /&%

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Ba!ic conce5t! Thermodynamic system' intensive and extensive properties' cyclic process' Keroth ,a$ o" Thermodynamics' 6or% and heat' Glo$ $or% Module 99: "ir!t )aB of Thermodynamic! Mechanical eC ivalent o" heat' internal energy' Analysis o" non!"lo$ system' "lo$ process and control vol me' steady "lo$' energy eC ation' "lo$ processes Module 999: #econd )aB of Thermodynamic! and Entro5y -eat Engine' heat p mp' Helvin &lanc% and )la si s statement o" Second ,a$ o" Thermodynamics' &erpet al motion machine' Reversible cycle! )arnot )ycle' )la si s ineC ality' entropy' &rinciple o" entropy increase' concepts o" availability' irreversibility# Module 9A: Air?Cycle! )arnot cycle' =tto cycle' (iesel cycle' ( al cycle' Stirling cycle' Erricsson cycle' >rayton cycle@ Reversed )arnot cycle# Module A: Pro5ertie! of #team Use o" steam tables' $et steam' s perheat steam' di""erent processes o" vapo r' Mollier (iagram# Module A9: (eci5rocating Air com5re!!or! Single stage compressor' Isothermal e""iciency' adiabatic e""iciency' clearance vol me' vol metric e""iciency' and m lti!stage compression $ith intercooling#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: &#H# Nag' LEngineering ThermodynamicsM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill Incropera' LEngineering ThermodynamicsM' <ohn 6illy References: Engel' T# and Reid' &#' Thermodynamics' Statistical Thermodynamics D Hinetics' &earson Ed cation' /11A )engel D >oles' LThermodynamicsM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill# Sonntag8Vanhylene' G ndamentals o" Thermodynamics' 6iley Rah l ? pta' Engineering Thermodynamics' Asian >oo%s &# ,td# Y#V#)# Rao' Engineering Thermodynamics' Hhanna & blications =n%ar Singh' Applied Thermodynamics' Ne$ Age & blications# (hom% nd$ar Hothandaraman' LA )o rse in Thermal EngineeringM' (hanpat Rai & blications

MEC<A:9C# +" #+)9D#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" this co rse is to ma%e the st dents nderstand the concept o" stress and strain in di""erent types o" str ct re8machine nder di""erent loading conditions# The co rse also covers the simple and compo nd stresses d e to "orces' stresses and de"lection in beams d e to bending' torsion in circ lar section' strain energy' di""erent theories o" "ail re' stress in thin cylinder thic% cylinder and spheres d e to external and internal press re#

BTM /&/

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: #im5le !tre!!e! and !train! )oncept o" stress and strain@ -oo%eJs la$' Yo ngJs mod l s' &oisson ratio' stress at a point' stress and strains in bars s b4ected to axial loading# Mod l s o" elasticity' stress prod ced in compo nd bars s b4ect to axial loading# Temperat re stress and strain calc lations d e to applications o" axial loads and variation o" temperat re in single and compo nd $alls# Module 99: Com5ound !tre!! and !train! The t$o dimensional system@ stress at a point on a plane' principal stresses and principal planes@ MohrJs circle o" stress# ?raphical and Analytical methods "or stresses on obliC e section o" body# Shear "orce and bending moment diagrams "or cantilever' simply s pported and overhanging beams# Module 999: Bending #tre!! Theory o" bending stresses in beams d e to bending' ass mptions in the simple bending theory' derivation o" "orm la5 its application to beams o" rectang lar' circ lar and channel sections' composite 8 "litched beams' bending and shear stresses in composite beams# Module 9A: Tor!ion (erivation o" torsion eC ation and its ass mptions# Applications o" the eC ation o" the hollo$ and solid circ lar sha"ts torsional rigidity' combined torsion and bending o" circ lar sha"ts principal stress and maxim m shear stresses nder combined loading o" bending and torsion' analysis o" close!coiled!helical springs# Module A: Thin cylinder! and !5here! (erivation o" "orm lae and calc lation o" hoop stress' longit dinal stress in a cylinder and sphere s b4ected to internal press re# Module A9: Column! and !trut! )ol mns and "ail re o" col mns' E lerJs "orm las@ Ran%ine!?ordonJs "orm la' <ohnsonJs empirical "orm la "or axially loaded col mns and their applications# Module A99: #lo5e and deflection Relationship bet$een moment' slope and de"lection' MohrJs theorem@ Moment area method@ method o" integration@ Maca layJs method5 Use o" all these methods to calc late slope and de"lection "or the "ollo$ing5 a+ )antilevers b+ Simply s pported beams $ith or $itho t overhang c+ Under concentrated loads' ni"ormly distrib ted loads or combination o" concentrated and ni"ormly distrib ted loads

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: <indal U#)#' LStrength o" MaterialsM' ?algotia & blication' Ne$ (elhi' .IIB# Ryder ?#-#' LStrength o" MaterialsM' Macmillan' (elhi' /110# R#H# >ansal' LStrength o" MaterialsM' ,axmi & blication' Ne$ (elhi' /11.#

References: Sadh Singh' LStrength o" MaterialsM' Hhanna & blishers' Ne$ (elhi' /111# Timoshen%o S#&#' LElements o" Strength o" MaterialsM' East!6est a""iliated' Ne$ (elhi' /111# -ibbler R#)#' LMechanics o" MaterialsM' &rentice -all' Ne$ (elhi' .II2# &opov Eger &#' LEngg# Mechanics o" solidsM' &rentice -all' Ne$ (elhi' .IIB# Genner' Roger# T' LMechanics o" SolidsM' U#H# >#)# & blication' Ne$ (elhi' .II1# Srinath ,#S# et#al#' LStrength o" MaterialsM' McMillan' Ne$ (elhi'/11.

MATE(9A) #C9E:CE A:D META))8(*

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
Metall rgy and Materials deal $ith the str ct re and properties o" all materials' $hich have engineering applications# Metall rgists and Materials Engineers are responsible "or designing' prod cing' examining and testing materials as diverse as metallic engineering alloys' semicond ctors and s percond ctors' ceramics' plastics and composites# This co rse $ill help st dents nderstand the properties o" di""erent types o" materials and their applications#

BTM /&4

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Atomic str ct re o" metals crystal str ct re' crystal lattice o" *i+ >ody centered c bic *ii+ "ace centered c bic *iii+ closed pac%ed hexagonal' crystallographic notation o" atomic planes' polymorphism and allotropy' solidi"ication o" crystalli:ation *i+ n clear "ormation *crystal gro$th+ *ii+ crystal imper"ection Elementary treatment o" theories o" plastic de"ormation' phenomenon o" slip t$inning' dislocation' identi"ication o" crystallographic possible slip planes and direction in G))' >))' )#&#' recovery' re!crystalli:ation' pre"erred orientation ca ses and e""ects on the property o" metals# Module 99 Introd ction to Engineering materials' their mechanical behavio r' testing and man "act ring properties o" materials' physical properties o" materials' classi"ication o" engineering materials# Module 999 ?eneral principles o" phase trans"ormation in alloys' phase r le and eC ilibri m diagrams' EC ilibri m diagrams o" >inary system in $hich the components "orm a mechanical mixt re o" crystals in the solid state and are completely m t ally sol ble in both liC id state# EC ilibri m diagrams o" a systems $hose components have complete m t al sol bility in the liC id state and limited sol bility in the solid state in $hich the solid state sol bility deceases $ith temperat re# EC ilibri m diagram o" alloys $hose components have complete m t al sol bility in the liC id state and limited sol bility in solid state *Alloy $ith a peritectic trans"ormation+ EC ilibri m diagrams o" a system $hose components are s b4ect to allotropic change# Iron carbon eC ilibri m diagram# &hase trans"ormation in the iron carbon diagram *i+ Gormation o" A stenite *ii+ Trans"ormation o" a stenite into pearlite *iii+ Martensite trans"ormation in steel' time temperat re trans"ormation c rves# Module 9A &rinciples and applications o" heat treatment processes vi:# annealing' normali:ing hardening' tempering@ harden ability D its meas rement' s r"ace hardening processes# (e"ects in heat treatment and their remedies@ e""ects prod ced by alloying elements on the str ct res and properties o" steel# (istrib tion o" alloying elements *Si' Mn# Ni# )r# Mo# T,# Al+ in steel#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: V# Raghavan' LMaterial Science D EngineeringM' &rentice -all India ,td#' /11.# Shac%el"ord' <#G# and M ralidhara' M#H#' Introd ction to Material Science "or Engineers *A8e+' &earson Ed cation' /11; S#H# -a:ra )ha dh ri' LMaterial Science D &rocessesM' Indian >oo% & blishers' )alc tta' .IB0# R#># ? pta' LMaterial Science &rocessesM' Satya &ra%ashan' Ne$ (elhi' /111# References: (egarmo E# &a l et#al' LMaterials D &rocesses in Man "act reM' &rentice -all India' Ne$ (elhi' /11.# Raymond A -iggim#' LEngineering Metall rgy &art .M' &rentice -all India' Ne$ (elhi' .IIB# ,# Hrishna Reddi' L&rinciples o" Engineering Metall rgyM' Ne$ Age & blication' Ne$ (elhi' /11.# > d is%y et al' LEngineering Materials D &ropertiesM' &rentice -all India' Ne$ (elhi' /112#

&eter -aasten' L&hysical Metall rgyM' )ambridge Univ# &ress' .IIA#

MEC<A:9C# +" ")89D#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" Gl id Mechanics s b4ect is that st dents sho ld nderstand the' properties o" "l ids' press re meas rement devices' hydra lic "orces on s r"aces' bo ncy and "lotation in "l ids' %inematics and static behavio r o" "l ids' dimension and model analysis' laminar and t rb lent "lo$' "lo$ thro gh pipes and ori"ices' bo ndary layer theory#

BTM /&0

Credit 8nit!: &4

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: "luid Pro5ertie! and "luid #tatic! Ne$tonian and Non!Ne$tonian Gl ids@ Viscosity@ Incompressible and compressible "l ids' compressibility# Gorces on plane s r"aces' "orces on c rved s r"aces' b oyant "orces' and stability o" "loating bodies' metacentre and metacentre height# Module 99: ;inematic! of "luid Motion Steady and nsteady "lo$@ ni"orm and non! ni"orm "lo$@ ,aminar and t rb lent "lo$@ streamline' path line and strea% line@ contin ity eC ation' irrotational and rotational "lo$' velocity potential and stream " nction' vortex "lo$' "ree and "orced vortex# Module 999: Dynamic! of "luid "loB E lerJs eC ation o" motion and its integration to yield >erno lliJs eC ation' its practical applications E &ilot t be' Vent ri meter@ steady "lo$ moment m eC ation' "orce exerted on a pipe bend# Module 9A: Dimen!ional Analy!i! and Princi5le! of #imilarity > c%ingham !Theorem and its applications' ?eometric' Hinematics and (ynamic similarity@ (imensionless n mbers!Reynolds' Gro de' E ler' Mach' 6eber N mber and their signi"icance# Module A: )aminar and Tur,ulent "loB ReynoldJs experiment' critical velocity' steady laminar "lo$ thro gh a circ lar t be' "lo$ bet$een parallel plates# Transition "rom laminar to t rb lent "lo$' co rses o" t rb lence' velocity distrib tion la$ near a solid bo ndary' velocity distrib tion in ro gh pipes' -a:en E 6illiamsJs "orm la# Module A9: Analy!i! of Pi5e "loB Energy losses' minor losses in pipe lines' concept o" eC ivalent length' "lo$ bet$een t$o reservoirs' and m ltiple pipe systems E in series and parallel' siphon# Module A99: "loB Mea!urement! Meas rement o" "lo$ sing Vent ri meter' ori"ice meter' &itot t be' meas rement o" "lo$ in open channels E rectang lar' triang lar' trape:oidal $eir' )ipoeletti $eir#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: R#H# >ansal' LGl id Mechanics D -ydra lic MachinesM' ,axmi & blications *&+ ,td#' /11/# ? pta' S# )#' Gl id Mechanics and -ydra lic Machines' &earson Ed cation' /11; (#S# H mar' LGl id Mechanics and Gl id &o$er EngineeringM' S#H# Hataria D Sons' /111# References: G# M# 6hite' Introd ction to Gl id Mechanics' Mc?ra$ -ill I#-# Shames' LMechanics o" Gl idsM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill (o glas' <# G#' ?asiore%' <#M# and S$a""ield' <#' Gl id Mechanics' &earson Ed cation' 28e' /11A V#,# Streeter and E#># 6ylie' LGl id MechanicsM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill

Massey > S' Mechanics o" Gl ids' Van Nostrand Reinhold )o

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
>asic %no$ledge o" Electronics is very essential "or an engineer' it $ill help in b ilding p the electronics D a tomation s%ills in Mechanical Engineers#

BTM /&1

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Revie$ o" (iodes ,E(' Kener and T nnel (iode and their characteristics' Applications o" diodes!Recti"iers *-al" and " ll $ave' >ridge+# Module 99 ><T!constr ction and characteristics' Transistor as an ampli"ier' )E' )> and )) con"ig rations' Introd ction to M=SGET# Module 999 )o pling' R) co pled Ampli"iers' Trans"ormer co pling'' Introd ction to "eedbac%!&ositive and negative' Introd ction to oscillators# Module 9A Introd ction to =&AM& characteristics and speci"ications' =&AM& as adder' s btractor# Integrator' di""erentiator# Module A Introd ction to digital electronics' logic gates' basic la$s and theorems o" >oolean algebra' Introd ction to )ombinational )irc its' )oncept o" memory cell and introd ction to Glip!"lops R S' < H' ( and T#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: >oylestead D Neshles%y' LElectronics (evices D )irc itsM# &-I Millman D -al%ias' LIntegrated ElectronicsM' TM-# References: Schilling D >elove LElectronicsM# R & <ain' (igital Electronics#

MEC<A:9C# +" #+)9D# A:D ")89D# )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!:
Experimental $or% $ill be based on the "ollo$ing papers5 Mechanics o" Solids Gl id Mechanics

BTM /%&

Credit 8nit!: &'

)i!t of E$5eriment!:
MEC<A:9C# +" #+)9D# )AB .# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# Universal Testing Machine Tensile Test *MS+ (o ble Shear Test *MS+ )ompression Test *)I+ >rinell -ardness No# I:od Impact Testing Machine Roc%$ell -ardness Tester Spring Sti""ness *Spring )ompression Testing machine+

.1# Torsion testing machine ")89D MEC<A:9C# )AB .# /# 0# 2# 3# A# Veri"ication o" >erno lliJs Theorem Experiment sing Vent rimeter (etermination o" coe""icient o" (ischarge )d' )c' )Q Using )irc lar8triang lar8rectang lar ori"ice To "ind ma4or head losses in a pipe line To "ind minor head losses in a pipe line *s dden expansion8contraction8bend+

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

MAC<9:E D(A69:* )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!:
"ree?<and #=etching & #haft #cale DraBing )omponents li%e cotter 4oint' %n c%le 4oint@ rivets and riveted 4oints@ co plings@ "ly$heels' p lleys' b sh bearings' Engine parts# Isometric vie$s "rom =rthographic &ro4ections o" Machine )omponents#

BTM /%'

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

Te$t & (eference!:

&ohit' ? and ?osh' ?#' Machine (ra$ing $ith A to )A(' &earson Ed cation' /11; &S ?ill' Machine (ra$ing' S# )hand# N( >hatt' Machine (ra$ing' )harotar p blications N Sidhesh$ar' Machine (ra$ing ' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill ), Tanta' Mechanical (ra$ing ' L(hanpat RaiM

P(+*(AMM9:* )AB 9 (:8ME(9CA) A:A) #9#)

Cour!e Code: BTM /%% Credit 8nit!: &'

#oftBare (eCuired: T rbo )8)FF Cour!e Content!: A!!ignment! Bill ,e 5ro.ided for the folloBing:
.# Analysis o" vario s n merical and statistical techniC es

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

E)ECT(+:9C# )AB
Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: )i!t of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# To st dy the VI characteristic o" a diode# To st dy Kener brea%do$n# To st dy the characteristics o" a )E Transistor# To st dy the VI characteristic o" )> D)) Transistor To st dy transistor as an a ampli"iers To st dy the Tr th Table o" Universal gates To st dy =& Amp# As inverting and non!inverting Amp# To st dy =& Amp in open loop and close loop#

BTM /%/

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

C+MM8:9CAT9+: #;9))# ? 9
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To "orm $ritten comm nication strategies necessary in the $or%place

BTM /4'

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction to 6riting #=ill! E""ective 6riting S%ills Avoiding )ommon Errors &aragraph 6riting Note Ta%ing 6riting Assignments Module 99: )etter 6riting Types Gormats Module 999 Memo Agenda and Min tes Notice and )irc lars Module 9A: (e5ort 6riting & rpose and Scope o" a Report G ndamental &rinciples o" Report 6riting &ro4ect Report 6riting S mmer Internship Reports

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 CA" /3 A .1 *D .1 *P .1 A 3

)AG E )omm nication Assessment Gile ?( E ?ro p (isc ssion ?& E ?ro p &resentation

Te$t & (eference!:

> siness )omm nication' Raman E &ra%ash' =x"ord )reative English "or )omm nication' Hrishnas$amy N' Macmillan Textboo% o" > siness )omm nication' Ramas$ami S' Macmillan 6or%ing in English' <ones' )ambridge A 6riteres 6or%boo% Go rth edition' Smo%e' )ambridge E""ective 6riting' 6ithro$' )ambridge 6riting S%ills' )oe8Rycro"t8Ernest' )ambridge 6elcomeQ' <ones' )ambridge

BE<AA9+8(A) #C9E:CE ? 999 (9:TE(PE(#+:A) C+MM8:9CAT9+:)

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
This co rse provides practical g idance on Enhancing personal e""ectiveness and per"ormance thro gh e""ective interpersonal comm nication Enhancing their con"lict management and negotiation s%ills

BTM /4/

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9nter5er!onal Communication: An 9ntroduction Importance o" Interpersonal )omm nication Types E Sel" and =ther =riented Rapport > ilding E N,&' )omm nication Mode Steps to improve Interpersonal )omm nication Module 99: Beha.ioural Communication Meaning and Nat re o" behavio ral comm nication &ers asion' In"l ence' ,istening and 9 estioning ? idelines "or developing - man )omm nication s%ills Relevance o" >ehavio ral )omm nication "or personal and pro"essional development Module 999: 9nter5er!onal #tyle! Transactional Analysis ,i"e &osition8Script Analysis ?ames Analysis Interactional and Transactional Styles Module 9A: Conflict Management Meaning and nat re o" con"licts Styles and techniC es o" con"lict management )on"lict management and interpersonal comm nication Module A: :egotiation #=ill! Meaning and Negotiation approaches *Traditional and )ontemporary+ &rocess and strategies o" negotiations Negotiation and interpersonal comm nication Module A9: End?of?#eme!ter A55rai!al Viva based on personal 4o rnal Assessment o" >ehavio ral change as a res lt o" training Exit ,evel Rating by Sel" and =bserver

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) #AP /1 A 13 Mid Term Te!t (CT) /1 A9AA 01 Gournal for #ucce!! (G+#) /3

Te$t & (eference!:

Vangelist ,# Anita' Mar% N# Hnapp' Inter &ersonal )omm nication and - man Relationships5 Third Edition' Allyn and >acon < lia T# 6ood# Interpersonal )omm nication everyday enco nter Simons' )hristine' Naylor' >elinda5 E""ective )omm nication "or Managers' .II; .st Edition )assel ?oddard' Hen5 In"ormative 6riting' .II3 .st Edition' )assell -arvard > siness School' E""ective )omm nication5 United States o" America Goster <ohn' E""ective 6riting S%ills5 Vol me!;' Girst Edition /111' Instit te o" & blic Relations *I&R+ >eebe' >eebe and Redmond@ Interpersonal )omm nication' .IIA@ Allyn and >acon & blishers#

"(E:C< ? 999
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To provide the st dents $ith the %no$!ho$ To master the c rrent social comm nication s%ills in oral and in $ritten# To enrich the "orm lations' the ling istic tools and vary the sentence constr ction $itho t repetition#

BTM /44

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module B: 55> 21 33 8nitH 1 Module C: 55> 34 to'&/ 8nitH 2 Contenu le$ical: 8nitH 1: !e faire 5lai!ir .# acheter 5 exprimer ses choix' dRcrire n ob4et *"orme' dimension' poids et matiXres+ payer /# parler de la no rrit re' de x "afons dJexprimer la C antitR' commander n repas a resta rant 0# parler des di""Rrentes occasions de "aire la "gte 8nitH 2: !e! relation! .# madtriser les actes de la comm nication sociale co rante *Sal tations' prRsentations' invitations' remerciements+ /# annoncer n RvRnement' exprimer n so hait' remercier' sJexc ser par Rcrit# 0# caractRriser ne personne *aspect physiC e et caractXre+ Contenu grammatical: .# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# accord des ad4ecti"s C ali"icati"s articles partiti"s NRgations avec de' ne^rien8personne8pl s 9 estions avec combien' C el^ expressions de la C antitR ne^pl s8to 4o rs ! encore pronoms complRments directs et indirects accord d participe passR *a xiliaire T avoir U+ avec lJob4et direct I# ImpRrati" avec n pronom complRment direct o indirect .1# constr ction avec T C e U ! <e crois C e8 <e pense C e8 <e sais C e

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

le livre Y s ivre5 )amp s5 Tome .

*E(MA: ? 999
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse' read and $rite in the lang age $ith the help o" the basic r les o" grammar' $hich $ill later help them to strengthen their lang age# To give the st dents an insight into the c lt re' geography' political sit ation and economic opport nities available in ?ermany

BTM /40

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Modal .er,! Modal verbs $ith con4 gations and sage Imparting the "iner n ances o" the lang age Module 99: 9nformation a,out *ermany (ongoing) In"ormation abo t ?ermany in the "orm o" presentations or LRe"eratME neighbors' states and capitals' important cities and to$ns and characteristic "eat res o" the same' and also a "e$ other topics related to ?ermany# Module 999: Dati.e ca!e (ative case' comparison $ith acc sative case (ative case $ith the relevant articles Introd ction to 0 di""erent %inds o" sentences E nominative' acc sative and dative Module 9A: Dati.e 5er!onal 5ronoun! Nominative' acc sative and dative prono ns in comparison Module A: Dati.e 5re5o!ition! (ative preposition $ith their sage both theoretical and "ig rative se Module A9: Dialogue! In the Resta rant' At the To rist In"ormation =""ice' A telephone conversation Module A99: Direction! Names o" the directions As%ing and telling the directions $ith the help o" a roadmap Module A999: Con-unction! To assimilate the %no$ledge o" the con4 nctions learnt indirectly so "ar

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

6ol"gang -ieber' ,ern:iel (e tsch -ans!-einrich 6angler' Sprach% rs (e tsch Sch l: ?riesbach' (e tsche Sprachlehre "[r A sl\nder &#, Ane4a' (e tsch Interessant! .' / D 0 Rosa!Maria (allapia::a et al' Tangram A%t ell A.8.'/ >ra n' Nieder' Schm]e' (e tsch als Gremdsprache .A' ?r nd% rs

#PA:9#< 999
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable st dents acC ire %no$ledge o" the Set8de"inite expressions *idiomatic expressions+ in Spanish lang age and to handle some Spanish sit ations $ith ease#

BTM /41

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Revision o" earlier semester mod les Set expressions *idiomatic expressions+ $ith the verb Tener' oner, !r". 6eather Module 99 Introd ction to #ustar^and all its "orms# Revision o" #ustar and sage o" it Module 999 Translation o" Spanish!English@ English!Spanish# &ractice sentences# -o$ to as% "or directions * sing estar+ Introd ction to IR F A F INGINITIVE G=RM =G A VER> Module 9A Simple conversation $ith help o" texts and vocab lary En el resta rante En el instit to En el aerop erto Module A Re"lexives

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Espa_ol' En (irecto I A Espa_ol Sin Gronteras !Nivel Elemental

GAPA:E#E ? 999
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse in the lang age $ith the help o" basic verbs and to express themselves e""ectively and narrate their everyday short enco nters# St dents are also given pro4ects on <apan and <apanese c lt re to $iden their hori:on " rther# :ote: The <apanese script is introd ced in this semester#

BTM /42

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Aer,! (i""erent "orms o" verbs5 present contin os verbs etc Module 99 More Adverbs and adverbial expressions Module 999: Counter! ,earning to co nt di""erent shaped ob4ects' Module 9A: Ten!e! &ast tense' &ast contin o s tense# Module A: Com5ari!on )omparative and S perlative degree Module A9: 6i!he! and de!ire! Expressing desire to b y' hold' possess# Usage in negative sentences as $ell# )omparative degree' S perlative degree# Module A99: A55ointment =ver phone' "ormal and in"ormal etc#

)earning +utcome
St dents can spea% the lang age and can describe themselves and sit ations e""ectively They also gain great %no$ledge in terms o" <apanese li"estyle and c lt re' $hich help them at the time o" placements#

Method! of Pri.ate !tudy D#elf hel5

-ando ts' a dio!aids' and sel"!do assignments# Use o" library' visiting and $atching movies in <apan and c lt re center every Griday at Apm#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Teach yo rsel" <apanese References: Shin Nihongo no %iso .

C<9:E#E 999
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
Goreign $ords are s ally imported by translating the concept into )hinese' the emphasis is on the meaning rather than the so nd# > t the system r ns into a problem beca se the nderlying name o" personal name is o"ten obsc re so they are almost al$ays transcribed according to their pronciation alone# The co rse aims at "amiliari:ing the st dent $ith the basic aspects o" spea%ing ability o" Mandarin' the lang age o" Mainland )hina# The co rse aims at training st dents in practical s%ills and n rt ring them to interact $ith a )hinese person#

BTM /43

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 (rills (ialog e practice =bserve pict re and ans$er the C estion# Introd ction o" $ritten characters# &ractice reading alo d &ractice sing the lang age both by spea%ing and by ta%ing notes# )haracter $riting and stro%e order Module 99 Meas re $ords &osition $ords e#g# inside' o tside' middle' in "ront' behind' top' bottom' side' le"t' right' straight# (irectional $ords E beibian' xibian' nanbian' dongbian' :hong4ian# = r school and its di""erent b ilding locations# 6hat game do yo li%eZ (i""erence bet$een LhiiM and LnengM' L%eyiM# Module 999 )hanging a""irmative sentences to negative ones and vice versa - man body parts# Not "eeling $ell $ords e#g#@ "ever' cold' stomach ache' head ache# Use o" the modal particle LleM Ma%ing a telephone call Use o" L4i M and LcalM *?rammar portion+ A tomobiles e#g# > s' train' boat' car' bi%e etc# Traveling' by train' by airplane' by b s' on the bi%e' by boat## etc# Module 9A The ordinal n mber LdiM LMeiM the demonstrative prono n e#g# mei tian' mei nian etc# se o" to enter to exit Str ct ral particle LdeM *)ompliment o" degree+# ?oing to the &ar%# (escription abo t class sched le d ring a $ee% in school# ?rammar se o" LliM and LcongM# )omprehension reading "ollo$ed by C estions# Module A &ers asion!&lease donJt smo%e# &lease spea% slo$ly &raise E This pictorial is very bea ti" l =pposites e#g# )lean!(irty' ,ittle!More' =ld!Ne$' Yo ng!=ld' Easy!(i""ic lt' >oy!?irl' >lac%!6hite' >ig! Small' Slo$!Gast ^ etc# Tal%ing abo t st dies and classmates Use o" Lit doesnJt matterM EnC iring abo t a st dent' description abo t st dy method# ?rammar5 Negation o" a sentence $ith a verbal predicate#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

LElementary )hinese Reader &art I' &art!/M ,esson /.!01

Cour!e Code: BTM //& Credit 8nit!: &%

*89DE)9:E# "+( TE(M PAPE(

A term *or research+ paper is primarily a record o" intelligent artic lation thro gh several so rces on a partic lar topic o" a given s b4ect# The st dents $ill choose the topic at the beginning o" the session in cons ltation $ith the "ac lty assigned8chosen# The progress o" the paper $ill be monitored reg larly by the "ac lty# At the end o" the semester the detailed paper on the topic $ill be s bmitted to the "ac lty assigned8chosen# The eval ation $ill be done by >oard o" examiners comprising o" the "ac lties# The proced re "or $riting a term paper may consists o" the "ollo$ing steps5 .# /# 0# 2# 3# A# )hoosing a topic Ginding so rces o" material )ollecting the notes = tlining the paper 6riting the "irst dra"t Editing D preparing the "inal paper

'> Choo!ing a To5ic The topic chosen sho ld not be too general# St dent $ill normally cons lt the "ac lty g ide $hile "inali:ing the topic#

"inding #ource! of material

The material so rces sho ld be not more than 3 years old nless the nat re o" the paper is s ch that it involves examining older $ritings "rom a historical point o" vie$# >egin by ma%ing a list o" s b4ect!headings nder $hich yo might expect the topics to be listed# The so rces co ld be boo%s and maga:ines articles' ne$s stories' periodicals' 4o rnals' internet etc#

Collecting the note!

S%im thro gh so rces' locate the se" l material' ma%e notes o" it' incl ding C otes and in"ormation "or "ootnotes# Get facts, not just opinions# )ompare the "acts $ith a thores concl sion*s+8recommendations# In research st dies' notice the methods and proced res' res lts D concl sions# )hec% cross re"erences#

+utlining the 5a5er

Revie$ notes to "ind main s b!divisions o" the topic# Sort the collected material again nder each main division to "ind s b!sections "or o tline so that it begins to loo% more coherent and ta%es on a de"inite str ct re# I" it does not' try going bac% and sorting again "or main divisions' to see i" another general pattern is possible#

6riting the fir!t draft

6rite the paper aro nd the o tline' being s re that yo indicate in the "irst part o" the paper $hat its p rpose is# Yo may "ollo$ the "ollo$ing5 statement o" p rpose8ob4ectives main body o" the paper statement o" s mmary and possible concl sion*s+8recommendations Avoid short' b mpy telegraphic sentences and long straggling sentences $ith more than one main ideas#

Editing & 5re5aring the final 5a5er

a+ >e"ore $riting a term paper' yo sho ld ens re yo have an iss e*s+ $hich yo attempt to address in yo r paper and this sho ld be %ept in mind thro gho t the paper# Incl de only in"ormation8 details8 analyses that are relevant to the iss e*s+ at hand# Sometimes' the relevance o" a partic lar section may be clear to yo b t not to yo r readers# To avoid this' ens re that yo brie"ly explain the relevance o" every section# b+ Read the paper to ens re that the lang age is not a$%$ard' and that it V"lo$sV smoothly# c+ )hec% "or proper spelling' phrasing and sentence constr ction# d+ )hec% "or proper "orm on "ootnotes' C otes' and p nct ation# e+ )hec% to see that C otations serve one o" the "ollo$ing p rposes5


*i+ Sho$ evidence o" $hat an a thor has said# *ii+ Avoid misrepresentation thro gh restatement# *iii+ Save nnecessary $riting $hen ideas have been $ell expressed by the original a thor# )hec% "or proper "orm on tables and graphs# >e certain that any table or graph is sel"!explanatory#

Term 5a5er! !hould ,e com5o!ed of the folloBing !ection!: .+ Title page /+ Abstract 0+ Introd ction 2+ Revie$ o" the ,iterat re 3+ (isc ssion D )oncl sion A+ Re"erences ;+ Appendix ?enerally' the introd ction' disc ssion' concl sion and re"erences sho ld acco nt "or a third o" the paper and the revie$ part sho ld be t$o thirds o" the paper# Di!cu!!ion The disc ssion section either "ollo$s the res lts or may alternatively be integrated in the res lts section# The section sho ld consist o" a disc ssion o" the res lts o" the st dy "oc sing on the C estion posed in the paper# Conclu!ion The concl sion is o"ten tho ght o" as the easiest part o" the paper b t sho ld by no means be disregarded# There are a n mber o" %ey components $hich sho ld not be omitted# These incl de5 a+ s mmary o" ob4ectives and iss es raised# b+ s mmary o" "indings c+ s mmary o" limitations o" the st dy at hand d+ details o" possibilities "or related " t re research

Grom the very beginning o" the research $or%' one sho ld be care" l to note all details o" articles or any other material gathered# The Re"erence part sho ld list A,, re"erences incl ded in the paper# Re"erences not incl ded in the text in any "orm sho ld N=T be listed here# The %ey iss e here is consistency# )hoose a partic lar convention and stic% to this#

Monogra5h! )rystal' (# */11.+' Lan$ua$e and the %nternet. )ambridge5 )ambridge University &ress# Edited .olume! ?ass' S#8Ne ' <# *eds#+ *.IIA+' Speech acts across cultures. &hallen$es to commun%cat%on %n a second lan$ua$e. >erlin8 NY5 Mo ton de ?r yter# O*eds#+ is sed $hen there is more than one editor@ and *ed#+ $here there is only one editor# In ?erman the abbreviation sed is *-rsg#+ "or -era sgeberP# Edited article! Schmidt' R#8Shim ra' A#86ang' K#8<eong' -# *.IIA+' S ggestions to b y5 Television commercials "rom the U#S#' <apan' )hina' and Horea# In5 ?ass' S#8Ne ' <# *eds#+ *.IIA+' Speech acts across cultures. &hallen$es to commun%cat%on %n a second lan$ua$e. >erlin8 NY5 Mo ton de ?r yter5 /B3!0.A# Gournal article! Mc9 arrie' E#G#8Mic%' (#?# *.II/+' =n resonance5 A critical pl ralistic inC iry into advertising rhetoric# 'ournal of consumer research .I' .B1!.I;# Electronic ,oo= )handler' (# *.II2+' Sem%ot%cs for be$%nners O-TM, doc mentP# Retrieved O3#.1#e1.P "rom the 6orld 6ide 6eb' http588$$$#aber#ac# %8media8(oc ments8S2>8# Electronic -ournal article! 6atts' S# */111+ Teaching tal%5 Sho ld st dents learn ereal ?ermaneZ O-TM, doc mentP# #erman as a Fore%$n Lan$ua$e 'ournal (onl%ne) *. Retrieved O./#1I#e11P "rom the 6orld 6ide 6eb' http588$$$#g"l!4o rnal#com8# +ther Be,!ite! Verterh s' S#A# *n#y#+' Anglicisms in ?erman car advertising# The problem o" gender assignment O-TM,

doc mentP# Retrieved O.0#.1#e1.P "rom the 6orld 6ide 6eb' http588ola"#hio"#no8hsverrev8eng#html# 8n5u,li!hed 5a5er! Ta%ahashi' S#8( Gon' M#A# *.IBI+' )ross!ling istic in"l ence in indirectness5 The case o" English directives per"ormed by native <apanese spea%ers# Unp blished paper' (epartment o" English as a Second ,ang age' University o" -a$aiei at Manoa' -onol l # 8n5u,li!hed the!e!D di!!ertation! M]hl' S# *.IIA+' Alltagssit ationen im inter% lt rellen Vergleich5 Realisier ng von Hriti% nd Ablehn ng im (e tschen nd Englischen# Unp blished MA thesis' University o" -amb rg# 6alsh' R# *.II3+' ,ang age development and the year abroad5 A st dy o" oral grammatical acc racy amongst ad lt learners o" ?erman as a "oreign lang age# Unp blished &h( (issertation' University )ollege ( blin# A55endi$ The appendix sho ld be sed "or data collected *e#g# C estionnaires' transcripts etc#+ and "or tables and graphs not incl ded in the main text d e to their s bsidiary nat re or to space constraints in the main text# The )ayout *uideline! for the Term Pa5er A2 si:e &aper Gont5 Arial *.1 points+ or Times Ne$ Roman *./ points+ ,ine spacing5 .#3 Top and bottom margins5 . inch8 /#3 cm@ le"t and right margins5 .#/3 inches8 0 cm

A!!e!!ment #cheme:
Continuou! E.aluation: *>ased on abstract $riting' interim dra"t' general approach' research orientation' readings nderta%en etc#+ "inal E.aluation: *>ased on the organi:ation o" the paper' ob4ectives8 problem pro"ile8 iss e o tlining' comprehensiveness o" the research' "lo$ o" the idea8 ideas' relevance o" material sed8 presented' o tcomes vs# ob4ectives' presentation8 viva etc#+ 217


;9:EMAT9C# A:D D :AM9C# +" MAC<9:E#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" this co rse is to identi"y the alternatives to satis"y the needs o" the c stomer and to C anti"y and eval ate the alternatives# It incl des an introd ction to the st dy o" motion o" constrained mechanism in machine systems# The ob4ective is to develop the st dents nderstanding o" basic machine design# )oncepts' s ch as lin%ages' cams' sliders' cran% and roc%er' o""set cran% slider etc# The combination o" several o" these elements in machine drive trains and the res lting static and dynamic "orces $ill also be st died# This co rse also incl des st dy o" "orces' motion and inertia in machines' analysis o" lin%ages' cams' rotor dynamics' reciprocal and rotational balancing#

BTM 4&'

Credit 8nit!: &4

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: *eneral Conce5t!I Aelocity and Acceleration Analy!i! Introd ction to simple mechanisms' di""erent types o" %inematics pairs' ?r blerJs r le "or degrees o" "reedom' ?rasho"Js criterion "or mobility determination' Inversions o" 0R!&' /R!/& chains' Hinematics analysis o" planar mechanism# Instantaneo s center method "or analysis three center in line theorem' concept o" rotating re"erence "rame and its application "or )oriolies acceleration Module 99: "riction Thread "riction' pivot and collar "riction' cl tches' belt and rope drives' "riction axis' "riction circle@ Module 999: Cam! )lassi"ication' )ams $ith ni"orm acceleration and retardation' S-M' )ylcloidal motion' oscillating "ollo$ers# Module 9A: *ear! ?eometry o" tooth pro"iles' ,a$ o" gearing' invol tes pro"ile' inter"erence' helical' spiral and $orm gears' simple' compo nd gear trains# Epicyclic gear trains E Analysis by tab lar and relative velocity method' "ixing torC e# Module A: Ai,ration! Vibration analysis o" S(=G systems' nat ral' damped' "orced vibrations' base!excited vibrations' transmissibility ratio# Module A9: Dynamic Analy!i! Slider!cran% mechanism' t rning moment comp tation >alancing5 Static and dynamic balancing' balancing o" revolving and reciprocating masses' single and m lti! cylinder engines# Module A99: *yro!co5e! ?yroscopic la$' e""ect o" gyroscopic co ple on a tomobiles' ships' aircra"ts#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

&, >allaney' Theory o" Machines' -ams )rone and Roggers' Theory o" Machines Shigley' Theory o" Machines <# ,al' Theory o" Machines SS Rattan' Theory o" Machines ?hosh and Mallic%' Mechanisms and Machines' E6& p blication# R#S# Hh rmi' Theory o" Machine' S# )hand#

<EAT A:D MA## T(A:#"E(

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The main ob4ective o" the co rse to nderstand the behavio r o" thermal systems# To ill strate the development o" the governing di""erential' algebraic and "inite di""erence eC ations associated $ith thermal systems# To introd ce the possible methods o" sol tion to the governing eC ation# To investigate the in"l ences o" bo ndary and initial conditions and system parameters on the res lting steady or transient response o" the system# To provide the basic tools those are sed in thermal system design# To expose st dents to heat trans"er applications in ind stry#

BTM 4&%

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 =ne!dimensional steady!state cond ction thro gh homogeneo s and composite plane $alls' cylinders and spheres' critical thic%ness o" ins lation@ heat trans"er "rom "ins o" ni"orm cross section# Module 99 )oncept o" hydrodynamic and thermal bo ndary layers' moment m and energy eC ation "or bo ndary layers on a "lat plate application o" dimensional analysis to "ree and "orce convection@ important dimensionless n mber# Module 999 Thermal radiation@ Hircho""Js la$@ &lanc%Js distrib tion la$' 6ienJs displacement la$@ Ste"an!>olt:mannJs relation' )on"ig ration "actors@ radiant interchange bet$een blac% and grey s r"aces@ radiation shielding solar radiation# Module 9A )ombined heat trans"er analysis@ overall heat trans"er co!e""icient@ types o" heat exchangers@ ,MT( methods o" heat exchanger design@ simple heat exchanger calc lations#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Incropera' G#&# and (e6itt' (#&# */11/+# G ndamentals o" -eat and Mass Trans"er' <ohn 6illy D Sons' Ne$ Yor%' NY# Nag' &#H# */11/+# -eat and Mass Trans"er' TM-# <ohn R#-o$ell D Richrd = > c%i s' G ndamentals o" Engg# Thermodynamics' Mc?ra$ -ill International# -olman' <#&# *.II;+# -eat Trans"er' Ith edition' Mc?ra$!-ill# Mills' A#G# *.III+# >asic -eat and Mass Trans"er# &rentice!-all# Thir malesh$ar' M# */11A+# G ndamentals o" -eat and Mass Trans"er' &earson ed cation# ?hoshdastidar' &#S# */112+# -eat Trans"er# =x"ord University &ress# Arora' (om% nd$ar' S# and (om% nd$ar' A# *.IBB+# A )o rse in -eat D Mass Trans"er' (hanpat Rai D )o#

MA:8"ACT8(9:* MAC<9:E#
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
This is a ne$ developmental grad ate co rse "or st dents interested in learning ho$ to design' analy:e and b ild specialty man "act ring process machines# It anticipated that this co rse $o ld become part o" the ne$ man "act ring emphasis area in mechanical engineering#

BTM 4&/

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction to Machine Tool! )lassi"ication o" machine tools' %inds o" motion in machine tool operations' de"inition o" c tting speed' "eed and depth o" c t# Module 99: )athe )lassi"ication and vario s parts o" ,athe' speci"ication' (escription o" important mechanism vi:# apron' tail stoc%' head stoc%' $or% holding' devices and operations' e#g# taper' t rning' eccentric t rning and scre$!c tting' ?eometry o" a single point c tting tool# )alc lation o" machining time' )apstan and t rret lathe Module 999: Drilling Machine ?eometry and nomenclat re o" a t$ist drill' speci"ication and classi"ication o" drilling machines' c tting speed' "eed' depth o" c t and calc lation machining time in drilling' tool holding devices' di""erent types o" operations per"ormed on a drilling machine# Module 9A: Milling Machine )lassi"ication' p milling and do$n milling' dividing -ead' di""erent types o" operations E simple' compo nd and di""erential indexing' slab milling' spiral milling' slot milling' T!slot milling and end milling# Module A: #ha5erI #lotter & Planner &rincipal part o" a shaper' classi"ication' 9 ic% Ret rn mechanism' table "eed mechanism o" a shaper' =perations' e#g# hori:ontal' vertical and inclined shaping' di""erence bet$een a shaper' planer and slotter' c tting speed' "eed' and depth o" c t and calc lation o" machining time in shaping# Module A9: *rinding Machine! )onstr ction and speci"ication o" a grinding $heel' $heel t rning and dressing' ?rinding machines s r"ace' cylindrical and center less grinding# Module A99: #5ecial Machine! -ori:ontal and vertical boring machines' ?ear ?eometry' ?ear generation and hobbing@ ,apping' honing and s per "inishing processes#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: &#N# Rao' LMan "act ring Technology5 Metal ) tting D Machine ToolsM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill' (elhi' /112# >#S# Ragh $anshi' L6or%shop TechnologyM' Vol#/' (hanpat Rai D Sons' /110# -a:ra )handhari S#H#' LElements o" 6or%shop TechnologyM' Vol#/' Media &romoters' /110# References: &#)# Sharma' LA Text >oo% o" &rod ction# EngineeringM' S# )hand' Ne$ (elhi' /112# >a$a -#S#' L6or%shop TechnologyM' Vol#/' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill' /112# < ne4a D She%hon' LG ndamental o" Metal ) ttingM' Ne$ Age & blications S#G# Hrar Stevan G# and )hec% A#G#' LTechnology o" M8) ToolsM' Mc?ra$ -ill >oo% )o#' .IBA# Hibbe Richard et al' LM8c Tool practicesM' &rentice -all India' /110# >angalore -MT' L&rod ction TechnologyM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill' .IB1# R#H# <ain' L&rod ction TechnologyM' Hhanna & blishers

?erling -einrich' LAll abo t Machine ToolsM' Ne$ Age & blication' /110#

T<E+( +" META) "+(M9:*

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" this co rse is to introd ce the " ndamentals o" basic man "act ring processes *solidi"ication process' heat treatment' de"ormation processes' material removal processes' and 4oining processes+# The st dents are expected to be able to select' analy:e and design basic man "act ring processes "or prod ct development#

BTM 4&4

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction Revie$ o" tensile test' Tr e stress and tr e strain' Yielding criteria "or d ctile metals' Yield loc s' &lastic stress! strain relations!,evymises eC ation' prandtl!Re ss eC ations# Module 99: Pla!tic deformation )rystal ?eometry' ,attice de"ects' (e"ormation by slip' Shear Stress reC ired to ca se slip in a per"ect )rystal' (e"ormation by t$inning' Gract re' Types o" Gract re' )reep Gail re# Module 999: 9ntroduction to metal Bor=ing )lassi"ication o" metal $or%ing processes!)old $or%ing' -ot $or%ing' E""ect o" variables on metal $or%ing processes' Methods o" Analysis o" metal $or%ing processes# Module 9A: "orging )lassi"ication o" Gorging &rocesses' Gorging eC ipment' =pen die "orging' )losed die "orging' ,oad calc lation in &lane strain "orging' Gorging de"ects# Module A: (olling Rolling Mills' -ot rolling' )old rolling' Gorces and ?eometrical Relationships in Rolling' Rolling load D torC e' rolling de"ects# Module A9: E$tru!ion Methods o" Extr sion' -ot Extr sion' )old Extr sion' Analysis o" Extr sion processes' E""ect o" Variables on Extr sion press re' Extr sion de"ects# Module A99: #heet metal forming Gorming Methods' Gorming =perations!Shearing' >lan%ing' >ending' Stretch Gorming' (eep (ra$ing' Stresses developed in (eep (ra$ing' (e"ects in Gormed &arts#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Mechanical Metall rgy by ?eorge E# (ieter5 Mc ?ra$!-ill >oo% )ompany Metal $or%ing by S rinder H mar' (hanpat Rai D Sons

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
Electrical Machines provides the bac%bone "or s ccess" l and ninterr pted smooth " nctioning o" any ind stry# Hno$ledge o" this s b4ect in any engineering branch is vital in process ind stry# The co rse covers the machines e#g# Motors D generators characteristics and classi"ications related to mechanical D a tomation as $ell as recent development engineering applications# S ccess" l completion o" this co rse $ill be very help" l "or the st dents $ho $ish to 4oin challenging ind stry#

BTM 4&0

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Introd ction to S b4ect' Some important " ndamentals' Electrical &o$er generation' Utili:ation D distrib tion "acts D "ig res# Simple ,oop ?enerator' ( ) Machines' )onstr ction Geat res' &rinciple o" =peration# Module 99 () ?enerator Analysis D () Motor' )lassi"ication D )haracteristics D Analysis# Speed TorC e )haracteristics' Speed control o" ( ) Motor# Application o" ( ) Motor# Starters# Module 999 A ) Machines' 0 phase IM' Revolving Magnetic "ield theory' IM as a trans"ormer' EC ivalent )irc it# 0 phase Synchrono s Machines' Synchrono s Motor' Synchrono s ?enerator' EC ivalent )%t# Module 9A Single phase Ind ction Motor' (o ble Revolving Gield theory' (i""erent types o" 0 phase IM# )haracteristics D typical Applications# Gractional Hilo 6att -o r Motor' Stepper Motor' -ysterisis Motor' A ) Series Motors' Universal Motors#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: I < Nagrath D ( & Hothari# LElectrical MachinesM# TM Irvin Hoso$' LElectrical Machines D Trans"ormersM' &-I# References: > , Thera4a LElectrical EngineeringM#

P(9:C9P)E# +" C+MP8TE( *(AP<9C#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" the co rse is to provide the nderstanding o" the " ndamental graphical operations and the implementation on comp ter' the mathematics behind comp ter graphics' incl ding the se o" spline c rves and s r"aces# It gives the glimpse o" recent advances in comp ter graphics' ser inter"ace iss es that ma%e the comp ter easy' "or the novice to se#

BTM 4&1

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction to *ra5hic! and *ra5hic! <ardBare #y!tem Video display devices' )RT' ,)( (isplay devices Raster scan displays' Random scan displays' Raster scan systems' Random scan Systems# Inp t devices' %eyboard' mo se' Trac%ball and spaceball' <oystic%' (ata glove' (igiti:ers' Image scanners' To ch panels' ,ight pens' Voice systems# -ardcopy devices' &rinters' &lotters# Module 99: +ut5ut Primiti.e! and Cli55ing o5eration! Algorithms "or dra$ing /( &rimitives lines *((A and >resenhamJs line algorithm+'circles *bresenhamJs and midpoint circle algorithm+'ellipses*midpoint ellipse algorithm+'other c rves*conic sections' polynomials and spline c rves+# Antialiasing and "iltering techniC es ,ine clipping *cohen!s therland algorithm+' clip $indo$s' circles' ellipses' polygon' clipping $ith S therland -odgeman algorithm# Module 999: *eometric tran!formation /( Trans"ormation5 >asic trans"ormation' Translation' Rotation' scaling' Matrix Representations and -omogeneo s coordinates' $indo$ to vie$port trans"ormation# 0( )oncepts5 &arallel pro4ection and &erspective pro4ection' 0( Trans"ormation# Module 9A: /D o,-ect (e5re!entationI Colour model! and rendering &olygon meshes in 0(' Spheres' Ellipsoid' >e:ier c rves and >e:ier s r"aces' >spline c rves and s r"aces' solid modeling' s$eep representation' constr ctive solid geometry methods# Achromatic and color models# Shading 'rendering techniC es and visible s r"ace detection method5 >asic ill mination' di"" se re"lection' spec lar re"lection# &olygon rendering method' ?o ra d D &hong shading# (epth!b ""er method' A!b ""er method' (epth!sorting method*painterJs algorithm+# Module A: 9ntroduction to multimedia Gile "ormats "or >M&' ?IG' TIGG' I&E?' M&E?!II' Animation techniC es and lang ages#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Goley et# al#' L)omp ter ?raphics &rinciples D practiceM' /nd ed# A6,#' /111# (# -earn and &# >a%er' L)omp ter ?raphicsM' &rentice -all' .IBA# R# &lastoc% and ?# Halley' LTheory and &roblems o" )omp ter ?raphicsM' Scha mJs Series' Mc?ra$ -ill' .IBA References: R#-# >artels' <#)# >eatty and >#A# >ars%y' LAn Introd ction to Splines "or se in )omp ter ?raphics and ?eometric ModelingM' Morgan Ha "mann & blishers Inc#' .IB;# )#E# ,eiserson' T#-# )ormen and R#,# Rivest' LIntrod ction to AlgorithmsM' Mc?ra$!-ill >oo% )ompany' .II1# 6# Ne$man and R# Spro l' L&rinciples o" Interactive )omp ter ?raphics' Mc?ra$!-ill' .I;0#

G#&# &reparata and M#I# Shamos' L)omp tational ?eometry5 An Introd ctionM' Springer!Verlag Ne$ Yor% Inc#' .IB3# (# Rogers and <# Adams' LMathematical Elements "or )omp ter ?raphicsM' Mc?ra$!-ill International Edition' .IBI (avid G# Rogers' L&roced ral Elements "or )omp ter ?raphicsM' Mc?ra$ -ill >oo% )ompany' .IB3# Alan 6att and Mar% 6att' LAdvanced Animation and Rendering TechniC esM' Addison!6esley' .II/

;9:EMAT9C# A:D D :AM9C# +" MAC<9:E# )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: )i!t of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# To st dy inversion o" 0 R!I& Hinematics chain To st dy inversions o" /R!/& Hinematics )hain To carry o t comp ter implementable %inematics analysis o" 2 R mechanisms To carry o t comp ter implementable %inematics analysis o" slider bar mechanism To st dy gear box' cl tch and di""erential gear To "ind coe""icient o" "riction "or cl tch plate To determine gear ratio "or an epicyclical gear train and veri"y it by analytical method To st dy di""erent types o" )am "ollo$er systems To veri"y ?yroscopic ,a$

BTM 4%&

Credit 8nit!: &'

.1# To determine and veri"y the $hirling speed o" a sha"t!disc system ..# To determine the damping "actor "or a given hori:ontal vibration set p ./# To obtain dynamic balance "or an nbalanced system $ith revolving masses

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

MA:8"ACT8(9:* MAC<9:E# )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# =perations on the ,athe Machine# =perations on the Shaper Machine# =perations on the &lanner Machine# =perations on the (rilling Machine# =perations on the ?rinding Machine# =perations on the Milling Machine#

BTM 4%'

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#


Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!:
#> :+> .# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# .1# :AME +" T<E E@PE(9ME:T# Speed )ontrol o" () Sh nt Motor To obtain magneti:ation characteristics o" .+ Separately excited () ?enerator /+ Sh nt ?enerator To obtain the load characteristics .+ () Sh nt Motor /+ ) m lative )ompo nd generator To cond ct S$inb rne Test on a ()# Sh nt Motor and hence obtain its e""iciency at " ll load# To per"orm No ,oad Test and bloc%ed rotor test on a three phase Ind ction motor and hence determine its eC ivalent circ it parameters# To per"orm load test on a three phase Ind ction Motor and obtain its vario s per"ormance characteristics# Retardation Test on a three phase ind ction motor and calc late its moment o" inertia# To per"orm No ,oad and >loc%ed Rotor Test on a single phase Ind ction motor and hence determine its eC ivalent circ it parameters# To per"orm open circ it and short circ it test on a three phase alternator and hence determine its voltage reg lation by synchrono s Impedance Method# To obtain V c rves o" a three phase synchrono s motor at no load#

BTM 4%%

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

P(9:C9P)E# +" C+MP8TE( *(AP<9C# )AB

Cour!e Code: BTM 4%/ Credit 8nit!: &'

#oftBare (eCuired: T rbo )8)FF Cour!e Content!: A!!ignment! Bill ,e 5ro.ided for the folloBing:
.# /# 0# 2# ?eometrical shapes based on graphics algorithms /( ?eometric trans"ormation translation' rotation' scaling' re"lection# )lipping Animation

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

C+MM8:9CAT9+: #;9))# ? 99
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To teach the participants strategies "or improving academic reading and $riting# Emphasis is placed on increasing "l ency' deepening vocab lary' and re"ining academic lang age pro"iciency#

BTM 44'

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: #ocial Communication #=ill! Small Tal% )onversational English Appropriateness > ilding rapport Module 99: Conte$t Ba!ed #5ea=ing In general sit ations In speci"ic pro"essional sit ations (isc ssion and associated vocab lary Sim lations8Role &lay Module 999: Profe!!ional #=ill! &resentations Negotiations Meetings Telephony S%ills

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 CA" /3 A .1 *D .1 *P .1 A 3

)AG E )omm nication Assessment Gile ?( E ?ro p (isc ssion ?& E ?ro p &resentation

Te$t & (eference!:

Essential Telephoning in English' ?arside8?arside' )ambridge 6or%ing in English' <ones' )ambridge > siness )omm nication' Raman E &ra%ash' =x"ord Spea%ing &ersonally' &orter!,ado sse' )ambridge Spea%ing E""ectively' <ermy )om"ort' et#al' )ambridge > siness )omm nication' Raman E &ra%ash' =x"ord

BE<AA9+8(A) #C9E:CE ? 9A ((E)AT9+:#<9P MA:A*EME:T)

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To nderstand the basis o" interpersonal relationship To nderstand vario s comm nication style To learn the strategies "or e""ective interpersonal relationship

BTM 44/

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 8nder!tanding (elation!hi5! Importance o" relationships Role and relationships Maintaining healthy relationships Module 99: Bridging 9ndi.idual Difference! Understanding individ al di""erences >ridging di""erences in Interpersonal Relationship E TA )omm nication Styles Module 999: 9nter5er!onal (elation!hi5 De.elo5ment Importance o" Interpersonal Relationships Interpersonal Relationships S%ills Types o" Interpersonal Relationships Module 9A: Theorie! of 9nter5er!onal (elation!hi5! Theories5 Social Exchange' Uncertainty Red ction Theory Gactors A""ecting Interpersonal Relationships Improving Interpersonal Relationships Module A: 9m5re!!ion Management Meaning D )omponents o" Impression Management Impression Management TechniC es *In"l encing S%ills+ Impression Management Training!Sel" help and Gormal approaches Module A9: End?of?#eme!ter A55rai!al Viva based on personal 4o rnal Assessment o" >ehavio ral change as a res lt o" training Exit ,evel Rating by Sel" and =bserver

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) #AP /1 A 13 Mid Term Te!t (CT) /1 A9AA 01 Gournal for #ucce!! (G+#) /3

Te$t & (eference!:

Vangelist ,# Anita' Mar% N# Hnapp' Inter &ersonal )omm nication and - man Relationships5 Third Edition' Allyn and >acon < lia T# 6ood# Interpersonal )omm nication everyday enco nter Simons' )hristine' Naylor' >elinda5 E""ective )omm nication "or Managers' .II; .st Edition )assell ?oddard' Hen5 In"ormative 6riting' .II3 .st Edition' )assell -arvard > siness School' E""ective )omm nication5 United States o" America Goster <ohn' E""ective 6riting S%ills5 Vol me!;' Girst Edition /111' Instit te o" & blic Relations *I&R+ >eebe' >eebe and Redmond@ Interpersonal )omm nication' .IIA@ Allyn and >acon & blishers#

"(E:C< ? 9A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable st dents5 To develop strategies o" comprehension o" texts o" di""erent origin To present "acts' pro4ects' plans $ith precision

BTM 444

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module C: 55> '&4 '/4: 8nitH! 3I 4 Contenu le$ical: 8nitH 3: DHcou.rir le 5a!!H .# parler d passR' des habit des et des changements# /# parler de la "amille' raconter ne s ite dJRvRnements8prRciser le r date et le r d rRe# 0# connadtre C elC es moments de lJhistoire 8nitH 4: Entre5rendre .# "aire n pro4et de la rRalisation5 *exprimer n besoin' prRciser les Rtapes dJ ne rRalisation+ /# parler dJ ne entreprise /# parler d " t r Contenu grammatical: .# Impar"ait /# &ronom T en U 0# G t r 2# (isco rs rapportR a prRsent 3# &assR rRcent A# &rRsent progressi"

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

le livre Y s ivre 5 )amp s5 Tome .

*E(MA: ? 9A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse' read and $rite in the lang age $ith the help o" the basic r les o" grammar' $hich $ill later help them to strengthen their lang age# To give the st dents an insight into the c lt re' geography' political sit ation and economic opport nities available in ?ermany# Introd ction to Advanced ?rammar ,ang age and &ro"essional <argon

BTM 440

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Pre!ent 5erfect ten!e &resent per"ect tense' sage and applicability Usage o" this tense to indicate near past Universal applicability o" this tense in ?erman Module 99: )etter Briting To acC aint the st dents $ith the "orm o" $riting in"ormal letters# Module 999: 9nterchanging 5re5o!ition! Usage o" prepositions $ith both acc sative and dative cases Usage o" verbs "ixed $ith prepositions Emphasi:ing on the action and position "actor Module 9A: Pa!t ten!e Introd ction to simple past tense ,earning the verb "orms in past tense Ma%ing a list o" all verbs in the past tense and the participle "orms Module A: (eading a "airy Tale )omprehension and narration Rot%\ppchen Groschprin:essin (ie Gremdsprache Module A9: *eniti.e ca!e ?enitive case E Explain the concept o" possession in genitive Mentioning the str ct re o" $ea% no ns Module A99: *eniti.e 5re5o!ition! (isc ss the genitive propositions and their sage5 *$\hrend' $egen' statt' trot:+ Module A999: Picture De!cri5tion Girstly recogni:e the persons or things in the pict re and identi"y the sit ation depicted in the pict re@ Secondly ans$er C estions o" general meaning in context to the pict re and also tal% abo t the personal experiences $hich come to yo r mind pon seeing the pict re#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

6ol"gang -ieber' ,ern:iel (e tsch -ans!-einrich 6angler' Sprach% rs (e tsch Sch l: ?riesbach' (e tsche Sprachlehre "[r A sl\nder &#, Ane4a' (e tsch Interessant ! .' / D 0 Rosa!Maria (allapia::a et al' Tangram A%t ell A.8.'/ >ra n' Nieder' Schm]e' (e tsch als Gremdsprache .A' ?r nd% rs

#PA:9#< ? 9A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable st dents acC ire $or%ing %no$ledge o" the lang age@ to give them vocab lary' grammar' voice mod lations8intonations to handle everyday Spanish sit ations $ith ease#

BTM 441

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Revision o" eaSrlier semester mod les Introd ction to &resent )ontin o s Tense *?er nds+ Module 99 Translation $ith &resent )ontin o s Tense Introd ction to ? star' &arecer' Apetecer' doler Module 999 Imperatives *positive and negative commands o" reg lar verbs+ Module 9A )ommercial8b siness vocab lary Module A Simple conversation $ith help o" texts and vocab lary En la recepcion del hotel En el resta rante En la agencia de via4es En la tienda8s permercado

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Espa_ol Sin Gronteras *Nivel E Elemental+

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to com"ortably interact sing basic <apanese# :ote: Teaching is done in roman as $ell as <apanese script' st dents $ill be ta ght %atan%ana *another "orm o" script+ in this semester i#e# to be able to $rite all the "oreign $ords in <apanese#

BTM 442

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 )omparison sing ad4ectives' ma%ing reC ests Module 99 See%ing permission Module 999 &ractice o" conversations on5 Visiting people' &arty' Meetings' a"ter $or%' At a tic%et vending machine etc Module 9A Essays' $riting "ormal letters

)earning +utcome
St dents can spea% the lang age describing above!mentioned topics#

Method! of Pri.ate !tudy D#elf hel5

-ando ts' a dio!aids' and sel"!do assignments' role!plays# St dents are also enco raged to attend <apanese "ilm "estival and other s ch "airs and $or%shops organi:ed in the capital "rom time to time#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Teach yo rsel" <apanese References: Shin Nihongo no %iso .

C<9:E#E 9A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
-o$ many characters are thereZ The early 9ing dynasty dictionary incl ded nearly 31'111 characters the vast ma4ority o" $hich $ere rare acc m lated characters over the cent ries# An ed cate person in )hina can probably recogni:e aro nd A111 characters# The co rse aims at "amiliari:ing the st dent $ith the basic aspects o" spea%ing ability o" Mandarin' the lang age o" Mainland )hina# The co rse aims at training st dents in practical s%ills and n rt ring them to interact $ith a )hinese person#

BTM 443

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 (ialog e &ractice =bserve pict re and ans$er the C estion &ron nciation and intonation )haracter $riting and stro%e order# Electronic items Module 99 Traveling E The Scenery is very bea ti" l 6eather and climate ?rammar C estion $ith E Lb shi ^# MaZM The constr ction Lyao ^ leM *Used to indicate that an action is going to ta%e place+ Time $ords LyiCianM' Lyi$aiM *>e"ore and a"ter+# The adverb LgengM# Module 999 ?oing to a "riend ho se "or a visit meeting his "amily and tal%ing abo t their c stoms# Gallen sic% and going to the (octor' the doctor examines' ta%es temperat re and $rites prescription# Aspect particle Lg oM sho$s that an action has happened some time in the past# &rogressive aspect o" an actin L:heng:aiM Also the se i" L:heM $ith it# To $elcome someone and to see o"" someone ^# I cant go the airport to see yo o""^ etc# Module 9A Shipment# Is this the place to chec%ing l ggageZ >asic dialog e on E 6here do $or%Z >asic dialog e on E This is my address >asic dialog e on E I nderstand )hinese >asic dialog e on E 6hat 4ob do doZ >asic dialog e on E 6hat time is it no$Z Module A >asic dialog >asic dialog >asic dialog >asic dialog e on E 6hat day *date+ is it todayZ e on E 6hat is the $eather li%e here# e on E (o li%e )hinese "oodZ e on E I am planning to go to )hina#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

LElementary )hinese Reader' &art!/M ,esson 0.!0B

MAC<9:E DE#9*: ? 9
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" this co rse is to help st dents apply concepts learned in the mechanics' str ct re' material and man "act ring co rses# This co rse o""ers $or%ing %no$ledge in the se o" proper "ail re theories nder steady and variable loading' design o" mechanical elements' s ch as sha"t' co pling' po$er scre$s' and detachable' permanent and $elded connections#

BTM 0&'

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Aaria,le !tre!!e! in Machine Part! Gatig e and End rance ,imit' Gactor o" Sa"ety "or Gatig e ,oading' Stress concentration' Notch sensitivity' ?erber Method' ?oodman Method and Soderberg Method "or combination o" stresses# Module 99: PoBer #creB! Types o" scre$ threads' TorC e reC ired to raise and lo$er the load' E""iciency o" sC are threaded scre$' overha ling and sel" loc%ing scre$' stresses in po$er scre$' design o" scre$ 4ec%# Module 999: Cotter and ;nuc=le Goint! Types o" cotter 4oints' design o" soc%et and spigot 4oint' design o" sleeve and cotter 4oint' design o" 4ib and cotter 4oint' (esign proced re o" Hn c%le 4oint# Module 9A: (i.eted and 6elded Goint Types o" Riveted 4oint' ,ap 4oint ' > tt <oint' )a l%ing and G llering' Gail re o" Riveted 4oint' Strength o" Riveted 4oint' E""iciency o" Riveted 4oint# Advantages and (isadvantages o" $elded 4oint over Riveted 4oint' Strength o" Gillet 4oint' strength o" > tt 4oints# Module A: ;ey! and Cou5ling! Types o" Heys' Splines' Strength o" S n% Hey' types o" sha"t co pling' Sleeve and m "" co pling' Glange co pling' Glexible co pling' =ldham co pling' Universal co pling# Module A9: Dri.e! Types o" >elt drives' Glat >elt drives' Velocity ratio' Sleep' )reep o" >elt' ,ength o" open >elt' length o" cross belt' po$er transmission by belt' Maxim m tesion in the belt# Types o" V belt and & lleys' advantages and disadvantages o" V belt over Glat >elt' Ratio o" (riving tensions "or V belt' Rope drives# )hain drives' advantages and disadvantages o" )hain drives#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

<#E# Shigley' Mechanical Engineering (esign# Sadh Singh' Machine (esign R#S# Hh rmi D <#H# ? pta' Machine design (#H# Aggar$al D &#)# Sharma' Machine (esign

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The main ob4ective o" this co rse is to give the st dent5 a basic nderstanding o" the physical loss governing metrology and tolerance design# ?ain and appreciation "or the capabilities and applications o" metrology thro gh hands o$n experiences#

BTM 0&%

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Princi5le! of mea!urement (e"inition o" Metrology' di""erence bet$een precision and acc racy# So rces o" errors5 )ontrollable and Random Errors' E""ects o" Environment and Temperat re' E""ects o" s pport' alignment errors# )ength #tandard!: ,ine standards' end standards and $avelength standards' trans"er "rom line standards to end standards# N merical based on line standards# Slip ga ges E its se and care' methods o" b ilding di""erent heights sing di""erent sets o" slip ga ges# )imit!I fit! and tolerance!: Vario s de"initions' di""erent types o" "its and methods to provide these "its# N merical to calc late the limits' "its and tolerances' IS= system o" limits and "its@ ?a ges and its types' limit ga ges E pl g and ring ga ges# ?a ge (esign E TaylorJs &rinciple' $ear allo$ance on ga ges# Module 99: Com5arator! &rinciples and $or%ing o" Mechanical' Electrical' =ptical and &ne matic )omparators# Angular Mea!urement: Sine >ar E di""erent types o" sine bars' se o" sine bars in con4 nction $ith slip ga ges' Use o" angle ga ges' spirit level' errors in se o" sine bars# N mericals# &rinciple and $or%ing o" a tocollimator# Module 999: #traightne!! and flatne!! (e"inition o" Straightness and Glatness error# N mericals based on determination o" straightness error o" straight edge $ith the help o" spirit level and a to collimator #creB Thread Mea!urement: Errors in threads' Meas rement o" elements o" scre$ threads Ema4or diameter' minor diameter' pitch' "lan% angle and e""ective diameter *T$o and three $ire methods+# E""ect o" errors in pitch and "lan% angles *ear Mea!urement: Meas rement o" tooth thic%ness E ?ear tooth vernier caliper' )onstant chord method' base tangent method and derivation o" mathematical "orm lae "or each method# &ar%inson ?ear Tester# Module 9A Machine Tool Alignment: Machine tool tests and alignment tests on lathe# Alignment tests on milling machine# Alignment tests on a radial drilling machine' Inter"erometry# #urface te$ture: Introd ction' types o" irreg larities' Elements o" s r"ace Text re' Meas rement o" s r"ace "inish' Examination o" s r"ace Ro ghness#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: R#H# <ain' LEngineering MetrologyM' Hhanna & blishers' (elhi I#)# ? pta' LEngineering MetrologyM' (hanpat Rai & blications' (elhi References: G#6# ?alyer D )#R# Shotbolt' LMetrology "or EngineersM' E,>S edition#

MEA#8(EME:T# A:D C+:T(+)#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
Hno$ledge o" Meas rement D )ontrol in any engineering branch is vital in designing and ind strial prod ction8application# The co rse covers the characteristics and classi"ications o" meas rement related to mechanical D a tomation as $ell as recent development in meas rement D control engineering applications# S ccess" l completion o" this co rse $ill be very help" l "or the st dents $ho $ish to 4oin challenging ind stry#

BTM 0&/

Credit 8nit!: &4

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Introd ction to generali:ed meas rement system and their " nctional elements# >asic characteristics o" meas ring devices' Standards D )alibration# Acc racy' &recision' Sensitivity' Resol tion' ,inearity D Errors in meas rement# Module 99 Transd cers' Stages D their classi"ication' Resistive transd cers' Strain ga ges' Rosettes' Ind ctive transd cers' (isplacement meas rement' ,V(T# Module 999: A55lication! Miscellaneo s instr ments in Ind strial D Environmental Applications' Meas rement o" viscosity D "lo$' Transient Time D (opplerJs "lo$ meter' Meas rement o" liC id level' h midity' hair hygrometers# Module 9A )ontrol engineering applications' Introd ction to type o" control Systems' =pen loop D close loop )ontrol Systems@ Examples D their bloc% diagrams# Trans"er " nction' Stability o" )ontrol System' - r$it: &olynomialD Ro th - r$it: )riterian# >loc% diagram representation D red ction# Module A: Mode! of Control & Controller Mechani!m &' &I and &I( )ontroller# &ne matic D -ydra lic )ontroller' ?eneral &r# o" generating vario s )ontrol Actions# )oncept o" )ontrol Valves#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Sa$hney A# H /111' LA co rse in Electrical D Electronics Meas rement D Instr mentationM' (hanpat Rai D SonJs# >#) Na%ra' H H )ha dhary# /112'MInstr mentation' Meas rement D AnalysisM# TM-# M =gata' LModern )ontrol EngineeringM &-I# References: -#S Halsi' .III' Electronic Instr mentationM' TM-# ># ) H o' LA tomatic )ontrol SystemM' &rentice -all#


Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
(atabase applications have gro$n enormo sly in n mber and importance in the past t$o decades# They are sed to store' manip late and retrieve data in nearly every type o" organi:ation# The applications are sed by individ als on &)s' by $or%gro ps on net$or% servers and by all employees sing enterprise!$ide distrib ted systems# (atabase technology $ill ass me even greater importance in the " t re d e to the highly competitive environment and the explosive se o" the internet in > siness!to!)lient and > siness!to!> siness applications and the need to store more data# That is $hy a co rse database management is a core co rse in the )SDIT c rric l m#

BTM 0&4

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction )oncept and goals o" (>MS' (atabase ,ang ages' (atabase Users' (atabase Abstraction# >asic )oncepts o" ER Model' Relationship sets' Heys' Mapping' (esign o" ER Model Module 99: <ierarchical model & :etBor= Model )oncepts' (ata de"inition' (ata manip lation and implementation# Net$or% (ata Model' (>T? Set )onstr cts' and Implementation Module 999: (elational Model Relational database' Relational Algebra' Relational D T ple )alc l s# Module 9A: (elational Data,a!e De!ign and Euery )anguage S9,' 9UE,' 9>E' Normali:ation sing G nctional (ependency' M ltival ed dependency and <oin dependency# Module A: Concurrency Control and :eB A55lication! ,oc% >ased &rotocols' Time Stamped >ased &rotocols' (eadloc% -andling' )rash Recovery# (istrib ted (atabase' =b4ective =riented (atabase' M ltimedia (atabase' (ata Mining' (igital ,ibraries#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Horth' Silberschat:' L(atabase System )onceptsM' 2th Ed#' TM-' /111# Steve >obro$s%i' L=racle B Architect reM' TM-' /111 References: (ate )# <#' LAn Introd ction to (atabase SystemsM' ;th Ed#' Narosa & blishing' /112 Elmsari and Navathe' LG ndamentals o" (atabase SystemsM' 2th Ed#' A# 6esley' /112 Ullman <# (#' L&rinciples o" (atabase SystemsM' /nd Ed#' ?algotia & blications' .III

M9C(+P(+CE##+( # #TEM
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
This co rse deals $ith the systematic st dy o" the Architect re and programming iss es o" B1B3!microprocessor "amily# The aim o" this co rse is to give the st dents basic %no$ledge o" the above microprocessor needed to develop the systems sing it#

BTM 0&0

Credit 8nit!: &4

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction to Microcom5uter #y!tem! Introd ction to Microprocessors and microcomp ters' St dy o" B bit Microprocessor' B1B3 pin con"ig ration' Internal Architect re and operations' interr pts' Stac%s and s bro tines' vario s data trans"er schemes# Module 99: A)P and timing diagram! Introd ction to B1B3 instr ction set' advance B1B3 programming' Addressing modes' )o nters and time (elays' Instr ction cycle' machine cycle' T!states' timing diagram "or B1B3 instr ction# Module 999: Memory #y!tem De!ign & 9D+ 9nterfacing Inter"acing $ith B1B3#Inter"acing $ith inp t8o tp t devices *memory mapped' peripheral I8=+' )ache memory system# St dy o" "ollo$ing peripheral devices B/33' B/30' B/3;' B/33' B/3.# Module 9A: Architecture of '1?Bit Micro5roce!!or (i""erence bet$een B1B3 and B1BA' >loc% diagram and architect re o" B1BA "amily' pin con"ig ration o" B1BA' Minim m mode D Maxim m mode =peration# Internal architect re o" B1BA' > s Inter"ace Unit' Register =rgani:ation' Instr ction &ointer' Stac% D Stac% pointer' merits o" memory segmentation' Exec tion Unit' Register =rgani:ation# Module A: Pentium Proce!!or! Internal architect re o" B1B;' =perational overvie$ o" B1B;' Introd ction to B1.BA' B1/BA' B10BA D B12BA processors' &enti m processor#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Ramesh# S# ?aon%ar' LMicroprocessor architect re &rogramming and Application $ith B1B3M &enram International & blishing' 2th Edition >#Ram' LG ndamentals o" microprocessors and microcomp terM (hanpat Rai' 3th Edition# (o glas V -all# References: M# Ra"iC ::aman' LMicroprocessor Theory and ApplicationM &-I E .1th Indian Reprint# Naresh ?rover' LMicroprocessor comprehensive st dies Architect re' &rogramming and Inter"acingM (hanpat Rai' /110# ?osh'M 1111 to B1B3M &-I#

MAC<9:E DE#9*: )AB ? 9

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!:
De!ign of: *i+ )otter <oint *ii+ Hn c%le <oint *iii+ &ipe <oint *iv+ Scre$ <ac% *v+ Rigid and Glexible co pling *vi+ Sp r ?ear Train

BTM 0%&

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

MET(+)+* )AB
Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: :ame of E$5eriment!:
. Set p a dimension by slip ga ges *example 0A#I0A@ .2#;/;^##+ Meas re this set p by micrometer *least co nt 1#1.+ several times and read dimensions# Gind statistical mean and record the expected variation bet$een the act al dimension and dimension meas red by micrometer# To chec% the ro ndness o" a circ lar bar $ith the help o" dial ga ge# Mill a component to dimension */0' 3;#A'^+# Set p a comparator by slip ga ge set to this dimension# )hec% component deviation by the comparator and record the deviation# Meas re several times and obtain the mean val e# )hec% the bore in a component by a bore!indicator# Set the bore indicator by micrometer and meas re the deviation in the bore# Meas re several times and obtain the mean val e at three positions along the length o" the bore# Set E p a sine bar "or meas ring the angle o" an inclined s r"ace *o" a brac%et' milling c tter arbor $ith ;8/2 taper' ^#+# Meas re the angle several times and record the mean val e# Use height ga ge $herever necessary#

BTM 0%'

Credit 8nit!: &'

/ 0

A )hec% ang lar dimension o" a dovetail g ide $ay by meas ring across rollers# )hec% the incl ded angle o" a V E bloc% *I1i' A1i' ^+ 8 or a machined groove by meas ring over a roller sing height ga ge and parallel bloc%s8slip ga ges# ; Meas re the straightness o" a s r"ace *s r"ace plate@ g ide $ay o" machine tool+ by sing straight edge and dial ga ge and dial ga ge stand# Set p straight edge on 4ac%s s ch that dial reading at each end coincide# Move the dial stand along the straight edge# Record readings at 31 mm interval and dra$ a plot# =btain maxim m deviation $hich is the straightness# Meas re straightness sing a spirit level# &lace spirit level at an initial position and note level reading# Move the level on a straight line and ta%e readings at 31 mm intervals# &lot the di""erence "rom the original reading and obtain the straightness val e# (ra$ a trape:oidal and any other pro"ile in A to)A( to .5. scale# =n a steel plate ma%e the pro"ile by "itting and "iling# Set p the dra$ing on pro"ile pro4ector# )hec% the component and note deviations# )orrect the pro"ile and rechec%# Ma%e the pro"ile as close to the reC ired one# To machine a given s r"ace and st dy its ro ghness characteristics To meas re the geometry o" a scre$ sing pro"ile pro4ector To st dy the c tting tool geometry sing tool ma%ers microscope

.1 .. ./

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

MEA#8(EME:T# A:D C+:T(+)# )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: )i!t of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# Meas rement o" resol tion and sensitivity o" thermoco ple *st dy o" vario s thermoco ples <' H' T' etc#+ *)alibration+ Meas rement o" resol tion' sensitivity and non linearity o" termistor# *termistor instability+ Meas rement o" thic%ness o" ,V(T# Meas rement o" resol tion o" ,V(T *and displacement meas rement+ St dy o" proportional control and o""set &roblems# St dy o" proportional integral control# St dy o" proportional integral derivative *&I(+ control# Vibration meas rement by stroboscope *nat ral "reC ency o" a cantilever+ Ang lar "reC ency *speed o" rotating ob4ects+ meas rement by stroboscope#

BTM 0%%

redit 8nit!: &'

.1# &ress re transd cer st dy and calibration# ..# &roving ring *"orce meas rement+ ./# TorC e cell# .0# )losed loop st dy o" an electric circ it# .2# Yo ngJs mod l s o" a cantilever# .3# Yo ngJs mod l s and poisonJs ratio o" tensile test piece o" M#S#

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

M9C(+P(+CE##+( # #TEM )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: )i!t of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# A,& "or B bit addition $ith and $itho t carry A,& "or B bit s btraction $ith and $itho t borro$ A,& "or B bit m ltiplication and division A,& "or sorting an array o" n mbers in ascending and descending order A,& $ith additional instr ctions St dy o" programmable peripheral inter"ace *B/33+ board St dy o" programmable interval timer *B/30+ board St dy o" programmable (MA controller *B/3;+ board St dy o" programmable interr pt controller *B/3I+ board

BTM 0%/

redit 8nit!: &'

.1# St dy o" programmable serial comm nication inter"ace *B/3.+ board ..# St dy o" .A bit Microprocessor *B1BA+ Hit

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

P(+*(AMM9:* )AB ? 99 (MAT )AB)

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
It is matrix based sim lation so"t$are $hich $or%s on algorithms# It carries vario s tool boxes $hich is help" l "or day !to!day accessibility to real $orld# It helps in designing graphic ser inter"ace' provides tools "or ne ral net$or%# -ard$are $hich are not economical "or general p rpose' this so"t$are tool box helps to minimi:e the cost ability#

BTM 0%4

redit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!: #oftBare (eCuirement: MAT ,A> A#3 :ame of E$5eriment!:

. To dra$ the time response "or "irst order trans"er " nction

+(S) =

second order trans"er " nction

A S +I

+(S) =
+(S) =

third order trans"er " nction

23 S + AS + 2I

BS S ( S + /)( S + 0)

/ To reali:e the time response in sim lin% by importing the system parameters "rom the $or% $indo$ "or given trans"er " nction

+(S) =

2S S ( S + I )( S + 3)

To dra$ the bode plot "or "ollo$ing " nction

+(S) =

2AS ( S + /)( S + 2) ( S / + /S + 2)
sing inp t arg ments that represents the contin o s state space system5

and dra$ the bode plot

. 1 . x. 1 x = x + u / 0 2 x / . x y = [.1 1] . + [ 1]u x/
2 To dra$ the NyC ist plot "or "ollo$ing " nction

+(S) =

2AS ( S + /)( S + 2) ( S / + /S + 2)
sing inp t arg ments that represents the contin o s state space system5

and dra$ the NyC ist plot

. 1 . x. 1 x = x + u / 0 2 x / . x y = [.1 1] . + [ 1]u x/
3 To dra$ the root loc s plot "or "ollo$ing trans"er " nction

+(S) =

S ( S + / )( S + 2 )


6rite a program to determine the val es o" the (TGT o" a real seC ence described as a rational " nction in

- e , =

1#11B 1#100e , + 1#13e , / 1#100e , 0 + 1#100e , 2 . + /#0;e , + /#;e , / +.#Ae , 0 + 1#2.e , 2

$here Hj /3A ; 6rite a program to determine the M!point (GT u[. ] o" the "ollo$ing N!points seC ence u [ n ] = {.'1 n / . {1' =ther$ise here NjB and Mj.A Express the "ollo$ing K! trans"orm in "actored "orm ' plot its poles and :eros' and then determine its R=)s
/ 0 2 +.A 0 0 + 22 0 / + 3A 0 + 0/ 0 0 2 + 0 0 0 .3 0 / +.B 0 ./

#( 1 ) =

6rite a program to test the stability o" the trans"er " nction . +(1 ) = 2 0 2 0 + 00 + / 0 / + 0 + .

.1 (esign a (AS o" given "o r signals $ith signal conditioning eC ipments in SIMU,INH

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#


Cour!e Code: BTM 0%0 Credit 8nit!: &'

#oftBare (eCuired: =racle Ii Cour!e Content!:

To5ic! co.ered in )a, Bill include: .# /# 0# 2# 3# A# (atabase (esign (ata (e"inition *S9,+ (ata Retrieval *S9,+ (ata Modi"ication *S9,+ Vie$s Triggers and &roced res

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

C+MM8:9CAT9+: #;9))# ? 999

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To eC ip the participant $ith ling istic s%ills reC ired in the "ield o" science and technology $hile g iding them to excel in their academic "ield#

BTM 04'

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Reading )omprehension S mmarising &araphrasing Module 99 Essay 6riting (ialog e Report Module 999 6riting Emails >roch re ,ea"lets Module 9A: 9ntroduction to Phonetic! Vo$els )onsonants Accent and Rhythm Accent Ne trali:ation Spo%en English and ,istening &ractice

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 CA" /3 A .1 *D .1 *P .1 A 3

)AG E )omm nication Assessment Gile ?( E ?ro p (isc ssion ?& E ?ro p &resentation

Te$t & (eference!:

E""ective English "or Engineering St dents' > )a veri' Macmillan India )reative English "or )omm nication' Hrishnas$amy N' Macmillan A Textboo% o" English &honetics' >alas bramanian T' Macmillan

BE<AA9+8(A) #C9E:CE ? A (*(+8P D :AM9C# A:D TEAM B89)D9:*)

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To inc lcate in the st dents an elementary level o" nderstanding o" gro p8team " nctions To develop team spirit and to %no$ the importance o" $or%ing in teams

BTM 04/

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: *rou5 formation (e"inition and )haracteristics Importance o" gro ps )lassi"ication o" gro ps Stages o" gro p "ormation >ene"its o" gro p "ormation Module 99: *rou5 "unction! External )onditions a""ecting gro p " nctioning5 A thority' Str ct re' =rg# Reso rces' =rgani:ational policies etc# Internal conditions a""ecting gro p " nctioning5 Roles' Norms' )on"ormity' Stat s' )ohesiveness' Si:e' Inter gro p con"lict# ?ro p )ohesiveness and ?ro p )on"lict Ad4 stment in ?ro ps Module 999: Team! Meaning and nat re o" teams External and internal "actors e""ecting team > ilding E""ective Teams )onsens s > ilding )ollaboration Module 9A: )eader!hi5 Meaning' Nat re and G nctions Sel" leadership ,eadership styles in organi:ation ,eadership in Teams Module A: PoBer to em5oBer: 9ndi.idual and Team! Meaning and Nat re Types o" po$er Relevance in organi:ation and Society Module A9: End?of?#eme!ter A55rai!al Viva based on personal 4o rnal Assessment o" >ehavio ral change as a res lt o" training Exit ,evel Rating by Sel" and =bserver

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) #AP /1 A 13 Mid Term Te!t (CT) /1 A9AA 01 Gournal for #ucce!! (G+#) /3

Te$t & (eference!:

=rgani:ational >ehavio r' (avis' H# -oover' < dhith (# E""ective Small ?ro p and Team )omm nication' /11/'-arco rt )ollege & blishers (ic%' Mc )ann D Margerison' )harles5 Team Management' .II/ Edition' viva boo%s >ates' A# &# and < lian' <#5 Sociology ! Understanding Social >ehavio r (ressers' (avid and )ans' (onald5 The St dy o" - man Interaction ,apiere' Richard# T E Social )hange ,ind:ey' ?# and >orgatta' E5 Sociometric Meas rement in the -andboo% o" Social &sychology' Addison E 6elsley' US#

Rose' ?#5 =x"ord Textboo% o" & blic -ealth' Vol#2' .IB3# ,aGasto and ,arson5 6hen Teams 6or% >est' /11.' Response >oo%s *Sage+' Ne$ (elhi < 6illiam &"ei""er *ed#+ Theories and Models in Applied >ehavio ral Science' Vol /' ?ro p *.IIA+@ &"ei""er D )ompany Smither Robert (#@ The &sychology o" 6or% and - man &er"ormance' .II2' -arper )ollins )ollege & blishers

"(E:C< ? A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To " rnish some basic %no$ledge o" Grench c lt re and civili:ation "or nderstanding an a thentic doc ment and in"ormation relating to political and administrative li"e#

BTM 044

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module D: 55> '/' '01 8nitH! '&I '' Contenu le$ical: 8nitH '&: &rendre des dRcisions .# Gaire des comparaisons /# dRcrire n lie ' le temps' les gens' leambiance 0# rRdiger ne carte postale 8nitH '': faire face au$ 5ro,lOme! .# Exposer n problXme# /# parler de la santR' de la maladie 0# interdire8demander8donner ne a torisation 2# connadtre la vie politiC e "ranfaise Contenu grammatical: .# /# 0# 2# comparati" ! comparer des C alitRs8 C antitRs8actions s pposition 5 Si F prRsent' " t r adverbe ! caractRriser ne action pronom VYV

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

le livre Y s ivre 5 )amp s5 Tome .

*E(MA: ? A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse' read and $rite in the lang age $ith the help o" the basic r les o" grammar' $hich $ill later help them to strengthen their lang age# To give the st dents an insight into the c lt re' geography' political sit ation and economic opport nities available in ?ermany Introd ction to Advanced ?rammar and > siness ,ang age and &ro"essional <argon

BTM 040

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: *eniti.e ca!e ?enitive case E Explain the concept o" possession in genitive Mentioning the str ct re o" $ea% no ns Module 99: *eniti.e 5re5o!ition! (isc ss the genitive propositions and their sage5 *$\hrend' $egen' statt' trot:+ Module 999: (efle$i.e .er,! Verbs $ith acc sative case Verbs $ith dative case (i""erence in sage in the t$o cases Module 9A: Aer,! Bith fi$ed 5re5o!ition! Verbs $ith acc sative case Verbs $ith dative case (i""erence in the sage o" the t$o cases Module A: Te$t! A poem NMaxiJ A text Roc%o Module A9: Picture De!cri5tion Girstly recogni:e the persons or things in the pict re and identi"y the sit ation depicted in the pict re@ Secondly ans$er C estions o" general meaning in context to the pict re and also tal% abo t the personal experiences $hich come to yo r mind pon seeing the pict re#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

6ol"gang -ieber' ,ern:iel (e tsch -ans!-einrich 6angler' Sprach% rs (e tsch Sch l: ?riesbach' (e tsche Sprachlehre "[r A sl\nder &#, Ane4a' (e tsch Interessant ! .' / D 0 Rosa!Maria (allapia::a et al' Tangram A%t ell A.8.'/ >ra n' Nieder' Schm]e' (e tsch als Gremdsprache .A' ?r nd% rs

#PA:9#< ? A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable st dents acC ire $or%ing %no$ledge o" the lang age@ to give them vocab lary' grammar' voice mod lations8intonations to handle everyday Spanish sit ations $ith ease#

BTM 041

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Revision o" earlier semester mod les Module 99 G t re Tense Module 999 &resentations in English on Spanish spea%ing co ntriesJ ) lt re Sports Good &eople &olitics Society ?eography Module 9A Sit ations5 En el hospital En la comisaria En la estacion de a tob s8tren En el banco8cambio Module A ?eneral revision o" Spanish lang age learnt so "ar#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Espa_ol Sin Gronteras' ?reen"ield

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse' read and $rite lang age com"ortably and be able to converse sing di""erent patterns and "orms ta ght thro gh o t# St dents are ta ght and trained eno gh to get placed themselves in <apanese companies# :ote: Teaching is done in roman as $ell as <apanese script#

BTM 042

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 (ictionary "orm o" the verbs' <oining o" verbs Negative "orm o" verbs &otential "orm Module 99 <oining o" many actions together Usage o" dictionary "orm o" the verbs in sentences Introd cing colloC ial lang age# Module 999 (irect "orm o" the speech' C otations' Expressing tho ghts Actions and reasoning Module 9A )oncl sion Receiving and giving things' "avo r etc# (i""erent "orms li%e NtaraJ "orm# Module A Revision o" the $hole syllab s

)earning +utcome
St dents can spea% and se di""erent patterns' $ays to describe a partic lar sit ation and can converse com"ortably in mentioned sit ations thro gh o t# St dents can appear in the intervie$s "or placements in <apanese companies#

Method! of Pri.ate !tudy D#elf hel5

Teaching $ill be s pported by hando ts' a dio!aids' and sel"!do assignments and role plays# Use o" library' visiting and $atching movies in <apan and c lt re center every Griday at Apm#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Teach yo rsel" <apanese References: Shin Nihongo no %iso .

C<9:E#E A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
6hat English $ords come "rom )hineseZ Some o" the more common English $ords $ith )hinese roots areginseng' sil%' dim s m' "engsh i' typhoon' yin and yang' TJal chi' % ng!" # The co rse aims at "amiliari:ing the st dent $ith the basic aspects o" spea%ing ability o" Mandarin' the lang age o" Mainland )hina# The co rse aims at training st dents in practical s%ills and n rt ring them to interact $ith a )hinese person#

BTM 043

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 (rills (ialog e practice =bserve pict re and ans$er the C estion# &ron nciation and intonation# )haracter $riting and stro%e order Module 99 Intonation )hinese "oods and tastes E to" ' cho$mian' noodle' >ei4ing d c%' rice' s$eet' so r^#etc# ,earning to say phrases li%e E )hinese "ood' 6estern "ood' delicio s' hot and spicy' so r' salty' tasteless' tender' n tritio s' god "or health' "ish' shrimps' vegetables' cholesterol is not high' pi::a' mil%' vitamins' to be able to coo%' to be sed to' coo% $ell' once a $ee%' once a month' once a year' t$ice a $ee%^^ Repetition o" the grammar and verbs ta ght in the previo s mod le and ma%ing dialog es singit# )ompliment o" degree LdeM# Module 999 ?rammar the complex sentence Ls iran ^ danshi^#M )omparison E It is colder today than it $as yesterday^##etc# The Expression Lch le^#yi$aiM# *>esides+ Names o" di""erent animals# Tal%ing abo t ?reat 6all o" )hina Short stories Module 9A Use o" Lh o:heM and LhaishiM Is he8she marriedZ ?oing "or a "ilm $ith a "riend# -aving a meal at the resta rant and ordering a meal# Module A Shopping E Tal%ing ab t a thing yo have bo ght' ho$ m ch money yo spent on itZ -o$ many %inds $ere thereZ 6hat did yo thin% o" othersZ Tal%ing abo t a day in yo r li"e sing compliment o" degree LdeM# 6hen yo get pZ 6hen do yo go "or classZ (o yo sleep early or lateZ -o$ is )hineseZ (o yo en4oy yo r li"e in the hostelZ Ma%ing p a dialog e by as%ing C estion on the year' month' day and the days o" the $ee% and ans$er them#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

LElementary )hinese Reader M &art!II ,esson 0I!2A

P(ACT9CA) T(A9:9:* ? 9
Cour!e Code: Methodology
&ractical training is based on the theoretical s b4ects st died by st dents# It can be arranged $ithin the college or in any related ind strial nit# The st dents are to learn vario s ind strial' technical and administrative processes "ollo$ed in the ind stry# In case o" on!camp s training the st dents $ill be given speci"ic tas% o" "abrication8assembly8testing8analysis# =n completion o" the practical training the st dents are to present a report covering vario s aspects learnt by them and give a presentation on same#

BTM 00&

Credit 8nit!: &/

E$amination #cheme:
Geedbac% "rom ind stry8$or% place Training Report Viva &resentation Total /1 21 .3 /3 '&&

MA:A*EME:T +" MA:8"ACT8(9:* # #TEM#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The overall ob4ective o" this co rse is to provide high caliber engineering st dents $ith an in!depth nderstanding o" strategic' tactical and operational iss es relating to man "act ring ind stries $orld$ide# =n completion o" the co rse the st dents $ill be eC ipped $ith the state!o"!the!art concepts' methods' techniC es and tools to allo$ them to contrib te to$ards the competitiveness o" man "act ring organi:ations#

BTM 1&'

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction &rod ction " nctions' &lant =rgani:ation5 &rinciples o" organi:ation' =rgani:ation str ct re!line and sta"" =rgani:ation &lant ,ocation' ,ayo t5 &rocess layo t prod ct layo t and combination layo t E methods o" layo t' economics o" layo t# Module 99: Production Planning & Control Types o" prod cts' demand' demand "orecasting' mar%eting strategies' sched ling and control o" sched ling' prod ction control# Module 999: 6or= and method !tudy (e"inition and concepts' method st dy proced res' symbols' advantages' Glo$ process charts' Motion st dy' micro motion' SIM= charts' system concepts' classi"ication' analysis techniC es# Module 9A: 9ndu!trial maintenance Types' organi:ation "or maintenance department' >rea%do$n and preventive maintenance# Module A: 9n.entory control and re5lacement analy!i! Introd ction replacement policy and method adopted' E=9# Module A9: Management conce5t! (evelopment o" management principles' scienti"ic management' h man relation aspects# &ro4ect Management E )&M and &ERT#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: S#H# Sharma' LInd strial Engg# D =peration ManagementM' S#H# Hataria D Sons# (r# Ravi Shan%ar' LInd strial Engg# D ManagementM' ?algotia & blications M# Maha4an' LInd strial Engg# D &rod ction ManagementM' (hanpat Rai D )o# < Moore' Man "act ring Management' &rentice -all > ""a' Modern prod ction and operations management' E#S# 6iley eastern# References: <oseph S# Martinich' L&rod ction D =peration ManagementM' <ohn 6iley D Sons#

MAC<9:E DE#9*: ? 99
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The co rse aims at developing concepts as to ho$ to analy:e mechanical systems and select proper machine elements *bearing' gears' belts' chains+# It prepares the st dents ho$ to design machine element by speci"ying their type' geometry' material and ho$ to integrate these elements to b ild a mechanical systems#

BTM 1&%

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Mechanical Dri.e! Selection o" transmission' helical' bevel and $orm gears' belt and chain drives# Module 99: "riction Clutche! & Bra=e! )ommon "riction materials' shoe' band' cone and disc bra%e their characteristics and design' "riction cl tches# Module 999: Bearing! and )u,rication Types o" sliding bearing' materials' type o" l brication' design o" sliding bearing' selection and application o" rolling bearing' seals# Module 9A (esign o" spring' helical spring' ,ea" spring Module A: Engine 5art! &iston' connecting rod and cran%sha"t#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Maleeve -artman and =#&# ?rover' LMachine (esignM' )>S & blication D & blishers# V#> >handari' LMachine (esignM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill# &#)# Sharma and (#H Aggar$al#' LMachine (esignM' S#H# Hataria D Sons# References: Mahadevan' L(esign (ata >oo%M' )>S & blication D & blisher

")89D P+6E( # #TEM#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
Gl id po$er systems cover generation' transmission' and control applications o" po$er by sing press ri:ed "l ids# This co rse imparts the %no$ledge o" di""erent "l id po$er systems *pne matic and hydra lic+ $hich are sed in ind stries and hydropo$er plants#

BTM 1&/

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction E lerJs eC ations "or t rbo machines@ imp lse and reaction "orces d e to "l id systems on stationery and moving system o" vanes@ 4et prop lsion# Module 99: 6ater Tur,ine! )lassi"ication5 &elton' Grancis' &ropeller and Haplan t rbines@ velocity triangles@ e""iciency@ dra"t t bes' governing# Module 999: Pum5! )entri" gal p mps' velocity triangles' e""iciency' t rbine p mps' axial and mixed "lo$ p mps# Module 9A: Performance of "luid Machine! Similarity la$s applied to rotodynamic machines@ speci"ic speed' nit C antities@ characteristic c rves@ se o" models@ cavitations and attendant problems in t rbo machines@ selection o" t rbines hydroelectric plants# Module A: <ydraulic PoBer Tran!mi!!ion Transmission o" hydra lic po$er thro gh pipe lines@ $ater hammer@ preca tions against $ater hammer in t rbine and p mp installations5 hydra lic ram# Module A9: PoBer <ydraulic! &ositive p mps5 gear' vane' scre$' p mp' variable delivery valves5 "lo$ control' press re control' direction control' solenoid operated valve' hydra lic circ its' "l id co pling and torC e converter# &ne matic &o$er5 >asic principles' comparison o" pne matic and hydra lic Systems#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: ? pta' S# )#' Gl id Mechanics and -ydra lic Machines' &earson Ed cation' /11; R#H# >ansal' LGl id Mechanics D -ydra lic MachinesM' ,axmi & blications *&+ ,td#' /11/# References: (r# (#S# H mar' LGl id Mechanics D Gl id &o$er EngineeringM' S#H# Hataria D Sons'/11. (#R# Malhotra D N#H# Malhotra' LThe Gl id Mech# D -ydra licsM' Satya &ra%ashan' /11. V#&# ? pta' Alam Singh' Manish ? pta' LGl id Mechanics' Gl id Mechanics D -ydra licsM' )>S & blishers@ .III#

META) C8TT9:* A:D T++) DE#9*:

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
Metal c tting involves removing metal thro gh machining operations# Machining traditionally ta%es place on lathes' drill presses' and milling machines $ith the se o" vario s c tting tools# S ccess" l machining also reC ires %no$ledge abo t the material being c t# This co rse is designed in s ch $ay that it explains all aspects *process and tools+ o" metal c tting# The co rse also covers the common tooling set ps and operations as $ell as speciali:ed applications "or the more experienced sers#

BTM 1&4

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction >asic shape o" c tting tools' G nction o" di""erent angles o" c tting tools' tool geometry and Nomenclat res! ASA' =RS systems' )onversion o" angles' Tool Materials# Module 99: Mechani!m of chi5 formation Gract re D yielding mechanism' Types o" chips' Gactors involved in chip "ormation analysis' shear plane in "lat chips' chip "ormation in drilling and milling# Module 999: Mechani!m of metal cutting Gorce system d ring t rning' merchant circle diagram' velocity relationship' stress in conventional shear plane' Energy o" c tting process' ErnstD merchant angle relationship' ,ee!Sha"er relationship' meas rement o" "orces' -eat generation and temperat re distrib tion in metal c tting# Module 9A: Theory of Tool Bear! )riteria o" $ear' mach inability and tool li"e' Glan% $ear' )rater $ear' TaylorJs tool li"e eC ation' ca ses and mechanism o" tool "ail re' c tting "l id' Economics o" metal machining# Module A: De!ign for !heet metal Bor=! &ress $or%ing Terminology' press operation' types o" dies' clearance' c tting "orces' methods o" red cing c tting "orces' minim m diameter o" piercing' center o" press re' (ra$ing dies!blan% diameter' dra$ing "orce# Module A9: Gig! and "i$ture de!ign Important considerations in 4ig and "ixt re design' ,ocating and clamping' principles "or location p rposes' principles "or clamping p rposes' design principles "or 4igs and "ixt res#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: A >hattacharya ' LMetal c tting theoryD practiceM' )#># & blication References: ?eo""rey >oothroyd' LG ndamentals o" Metal Machining D Machine ToolsM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill Hoga% sha ,td# &#N# Rao' LMan "act ring TechnologyM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill & blication ,td# (r# &#)# &andey D )#H# Singh' L&rod ction Engg# SciencesM' Standard & blisher# (istrib tors# (r# >#<# Ranganath' LMetal ) tting D Tool (esignM Vi%as & blishing -o se &vt# ,td#

9C E:*9:E A:D *A# T8(B9:E

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
This co rse provides an in!depth %no$ledge o" the " nctioning o" I) Engine D ?as T rbine' and also deals $ith the comb stion techniC es sed "or vario s " els# This co rse "inds immense application in a tomobile ind stry and gas!operated po$er plants#

BTM 1&0

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: "undamental! (evelopment o" I) engine' )lassi"ication' 6or%ing )ycles' Indicator diagram' comparison o" SI Engine and )I Engine' t$o stro%e and "o r!stro%e engine' Valve timing diagram o" SI and )I engine# Module 99: Air #tandard Cycle Ass mptions in air standard cycle D " el!air cycle' " el!air cycle calc lations' "actors in"l encing " el!air cycle' e""ects o" variable speci"ic heats' dissociation# Module 999: "uel and Com,u!tion )omb stion o" SI engine' ignition limits' normal comb stion' abnormal comb stion' e""ect o" engine Variable in ignition lag' spar% advance and "actors a""ecting ignition timing' pre!ignition' theory' and "actors a""ecting detonation' &N' -U)R# )omb stion in )I engine' " ndamentals o" comb stion process in (iesel engine' delay period' diesel %noc%' and cold starting o" )I engine# I) engine G el' comb stion eC ations' theoretical air and excess air' stoichiometric air " el ratio' desirable &roperties o" good I) engine " els %noc% rating o" SI engine " el# Module 9A: Performance & Te!ting Testing and per"ormance o" I) engine' per"ormance parameters' basic meas rement' engine &er"ormance c rve' " el cons mption' load o tp ts' engine po$er' heat balance# Module A: *a! Tur,ine ?eneral aspect o" gas t rbine' < les cycle' >rayton cycle' classi"ication' merits o" gas t rbine' open! cycle gas t rbine' closed cycle gas t rbine' Inter cooling' Reheating' Re!generation in gas t rbine#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: ?anesan' V# Internal )omb stion Engine' Tata Mc?ra$!-ill# Math r' M#,# and Sharma' R#&# Internal )omb stion Engine# (hanpat Rai & blication

Vladimir ,eonidas Maleev# Internal!comb stion Engines' Theory and (esign# Mc?ra$!-ill#

References: ,ester )lyde ,ichty' Robert ,eroy Streeter# Internal )omb stion Engines' Mc?ra$!-ill

6allace , d$ig ,ind# Internal!comb stion Engines5 Their &rinciples and Applications to A tomobile' Aircra"t' ?inn# Ed$ard Grederic =bert' > rgess -ill <ennings' Internal )omb stion Engines5 Analysis and &ractice <oseph Albert &olson# Internal )omb stion Engines' )hapman D -all' limited Rolla )linton )arpenter' -erman (iederichs# Internal )omb stion Engines' Their Theory )onstr ction and =peration# Van Nostrand companies <ohn >en4amin -ey$ood# Internal )omb stion Engine G ndamentals# Mc?ra$!-ill

C+MP8TE( :ET6+(;#
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" this co rse is to gain an nderstanding o" the " ndamentals o" data comm nications net$or%s# The co rse provides a ni"ied and " ndamental vie$ o" the broad "ield o" data comm nications net$or%s# The ma4or areas are covered5 .+ Introd ction to comp ter net$or%s /+ (ata transmission' 0+ (ata )omm nication' 2+ Net$or% layer 3+ Application layer and Advanced N8$#

BTM 1&1

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction Introd ction to )omp ter Net$or%s# )omp ter Net$or%s5 evol tion' ses' hard$are and so"t$are# =SI D T)&8I& re"erence models' $ith " nctionality and design iss es o" all layers presented in the models# (i""erent topologies# Module 99: Data Tran!mi!!ion Analog and (igital transmission' transmission media' line con"ig ration' data comm nications codes' error detection and correlation methods# M ltiplexing techniC es *T(M' G(M+# (ata encoding methods5 analog to digital' digital to analog etc# Module 999: Data Communication Method! (ata comm nication inter"ace' line control nit' UART' USRT' Serial inter"ace' terminal types# S(,)' -(,)' Addressing S$itched net$or%s' circ it s$itching' pac%et s$itching' broadcast net$or%s# IEEE B1/ ,AN Standards' "raming' error control' "lo$ control# Module 9A: :etBor= layer and Tran!5ort )ayer (esign iss es o" Net$or% ,ayer and Transport ,ayer' Ro ting algorithms' Virt al circ it and datagram# T)&' U(&' Ip2' I)M&' introd ction o" IpA# S bnet' Virt al &rivate Net$or%s' Repeaters' - b' Ro ters' di""# types o" >ridges' S$itches' ?ate$ays etc Module A: A55lication )ayer! and Ad.anced :DB Application layers5 (NS' E!Mail' -TT&' 666# Advanced N8$5 ATM' Grame relay' IS(N' >l etooth#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: 6illiam Stallings' L(ata D )omp ter )omm nicationsM' Ath Edition' &-I' /111# Goro :an' L(ata )omm nication D Net$or%ingM' /nd Edition' Mc?ra$ -ill' /110# References: 6# Tomasi' LAdvanced Electronic )omm nication SystemsM' /111 <ames Martin' LTelecomm nications D The )omp terM' 0rd Edition' &-I# /11. &# )# ? pta' L(ata )omm nications' &-I' /11.#

MAC<9:E DE#9*: )AB ? 99

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!:
(esign and dra$ing based pon the co rse Machine (esign II s ch as a tomotive transmission' bra%es' cl tches connecting rod' I#)# engine piston' connecting rod' hydra lic rivet' mechanical hoist etc#

BTM 1%&

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

")89D P+6E( # #TEM# )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: :ame of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# To cond ct a test on )entri" gal & mp and plot its characteristics To &lot the characteristics o" &elton t rbine# To cond cts an experiment on Grancis t rbine# To st dy the e""ect o" a dra"t t be on reaction t rbines# To "ind the "riction "actor "or "lo$ thro gh pipes To st dy the hydra lic controls rig# To cond ct an experiment "or veri"ying model la$s# To st dy the cavitations phenomenon in t rbines# St dy o" hydra lic co plings and torC e converters#

BTM 1%'

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

META) C8TT9:* A:D T++) DE#9*: )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: :ame of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# Step and taper t rning on lathe machine To ma%e a hexagonal headed bolt on a milling machine# To ma%e a 4ob on a shaper# To st dy the Hinematics design o" $or%shop machines# To ma%e a 4ob on drilling machine as per given speci"ications# To meas re c tting "orces on a single point c tting tool To meas re c tting parameters "or m ltipoint c tting tool# St dy o" a p nch and die set# St dy o" a 4ig and "ixt re#

BTM 1%%

Credit 8nit!: &'

.1# Gixt re "abrication $ith case st dy# ..# St dy o" "ormation o" chips d ring t rning and shaping operations on samples o" )#I#' M#S#' >rass' ) D al min m# ./# (etermination o" the li"e o" the c tting tool sed on lathe "or vario s c tting speeds' "eeds and di""erent $or% piece materials#

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

C+MP8TE( A9DED D(A"T9:* A:D DE#9*: )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# >asics o" A to )A( Modeling o" machine )omponents s ch as )onnecting Rod' &iston etc# /( modeling "or di""erent ?eometrics s ch as -exagon' &entagon etc# 0( modeling "or N ts and >olts# Modeling o" ?ear# Modeling o" )ompo nd ?eometrics s ch as -ollo$ )ylinder containing Sphere' Triangle etc#

BTM 1%/

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

C+MM8:9CAT9+: #;9))# ? 9A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enhance the s%ills needed to $or% in an English!spea%ing global b siness environment#

BTM 14'

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Bu!ine!!DTechnical )anguage De.elo5ment Advanced ?rammar5 Syntax' Tenses' Voices Advanced Vocab lary s%ills5 <argons' Terminology' )olloC ialism Individ alised pron nciation practice Module 99: #ocial Communication > ilding relationships thro gh )omm nication )omm nication' ) lt re and )ontext Entertainment and )omm nication In"ormal b siness8 Technical )omm nication Module 999: Bu!ine!! Communication Reading > siness8 Technical press ,istening to > siness8 Technical reports *TV' radio+ Researching "or > siness 8Technology Module 9A: Pre!entation! &lanning and getting started (esign and layo t o" presentation In"ormation &ac%aging Ma%ing the &resentation

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 CA" /3 A .1 *D .1 *P .1 A 3

)AG E )omm nication Assessment Gile ?( E ?ro p (isc ssion ?& E ?ro p &resentation

Te$t & (eference!:

> siness Vocab lary in Use5 Advanced Masc ll' )ambridge > siness )omm nication' Raman E &ra%ash' =x"ord > siness )omm nications' Rodgers' )ambridge 6or%ing in English' <ones' )ambridge Ne$ International > siness English' <ones8Alexander' )ambridge

BE<AA9+8(A) #C9E:CE ? A9 (#T(E## A:D C+P9:* #T(ATE*9E#)

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To develop an nderstanding the concept o" stress its ca ses' symptoms and conseC ences# To develop an nderstanding the conseC ences o" the stress on oneJs $ellness' health' and $or% per"ormance#

BTM 14/

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: #tre!! Meaning D Nat re )haracteristics Types o" stress Module 99: #tage! and Model! of #tre!! Stages o" stress The physiology o" stress Stim l s!oriented approach# Response!oriented approach# The transactional and interact ional model# &ress re E environment "it model o" stress# Module 999: Cau!e! and !ym5tom! of !tre!! &ersonal =rgani:ational Environmental Module 9A: Con!eCuence! of !tre!! E""ect on behavio r and personality E""ect o" stress on per"ormance Individ al and =rgani:ational conseC ences $ith special "oc s on health Module A: #trategie! for !tre!! management Importance o" stress management -ealthy and Unhealthy strategies &eer gro p and social s pport -appiness and $ell!being Module A9: End?of?#eme!ter A55rai!al Viva based on personal 4o rnal Assessment o" >ehavio ral change as a res lt o" training Exit ,evel Rating by Sel" and =bserver

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) #AP /1 A 13 Mid Term Te!t (CT) /1 A9AA 01 Gournal for #ucce!! (G+#) /3

Te$t & (eference!:

>lonna' Richard@ )oping $ith Stress in a )hanging 6orld5 Second edition &eston4ee' (#M' &aree%' Udai' Agar$al Rita@ St dies in Stress and its Management &eston4ee' (#M#@ Stress and )oping5 The Indian Experience )legg' >rian@ Instant Stress Management E >ring calm to yo r li"e no$

"(E:C< ? A9
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To strengthen the lang age o" the st dents both in oral and $ritten so that they can5 i+ express their sentiments' emotions and opinions' reacting to in"ormation' sit ations@ ii+ narrate incidents' events@ iii+ per"orm certain simple comm nicative tas%s#

BTM 144

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module D: 55> '02 '13 8nitH '% 8nitH '%: !PH.ader .# prRsenter' caractRriser' dR"inir /# parler de livres' de lect res 0# prRparer et organiser n voyage 2# exprimer des sentiments et des opinions 3# tRlRphoner A# "aire ne rRservation Contenu grammatical: .# proposition relative avec pronom relati" VC iV' VC eV' VoWV ! po r caractRriser /# "aire F verbe

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

le livre Y s ivre5 )amp s5 Tome .

*E(MA: ? A9
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse' read and $rite in the lang age $ith the help o" the basic r les o" grammar' $hich $ill later help them to strengthen their lang age# To give the st dents an insight into the c lt re' geography' political sit ation and economic opport nities available in ?ermany Introd ction to Advanced ?rammar and > siness ,ang age and &ro"essional <argon

BTM 140

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Ad-ecti.e ending! Ad4ective endings in all the "o r cases disc ssed so "ar (e"inite and inde"inite articles )ases $itho t article Module 99: Com5arati.e,! )omparative adverbs as and li%e Module 999: Com5ound Bord! To learn the str ct re o" compo nd $ords and the correct article $hich they ta%e Exploring the possibility o" compo nd $ords in ?erman Module 9A: 9nfiniti.e !entence Special sage o" NtoJ sentences called : F in"initive sentences Module A: Te$t! A (ialog e5 NEin sch$ieriger ?astJ A text5 NAbgeschlossene VergangenheitJ Module A9: Com5rehen!ion te$t! Reading and comprehending vario s texts to consolidate the sage o" the constr ctions learnt so "ar in this semester# Module A99: Picture De!cri5tion Girstly recogni:e the persons or things in the pict re and identi"y the sit ation depicted in the pict re@ Secondly ans$er C estions o" general meaning in context to the pict re and also tal% abo t the personal experiences $hich come to yo r mind pon seeing the pict re#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

6ol"gang -ieber' ,ern:iel (e tsch -ans!-einrich 6angler' Sprach% rs (e tsch Sch l: ?riesbach' (e tsche Sprachlehre "[r A sl\nder &#, Ane4a' (e tsch Interessant! .' / D 0 Rosa!Maria (allapia::a et al' Tangram A%t ell A.8.'/ >ra n' Nieder' Schm]e' (e tsch als Gremdsprache .A' ?r nd% rs

#PA:9#< A9
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable st dents acC ire $or%ing %no$ledge o" the lang age@ to give them vocab lary' grammar' voice mod lations8intonations to handle everyday Spanish sit ations in &resent as $ell as in &resent &er"ect Tense $ith ease#

BTM 141

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Revision o" the earlier mod les Module 99 &resent &er"ect Tense Module 999 )ommands o" irreg lar verbs Module 9A Expressions $ith Tener Cue and <ay Cue Module A En la emba4ada Emergency sit ations li%e "ire' illness' accident' the"t

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Espa_ol' En (irecto I A Espa_ol Sin Gronteras

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse in the lang age $ith the help o" verbs and the sage o" di""erent sentence patterns' $hich help them to strengthen the lang age# St dents are ta ght and trained eno gh to get placed in <apanese companies# :ote: The teaching is done in roman as $ell as <apanese script# .1 more %an4is are introd ced in this semester#

BTM 142

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Polite form of .er,! Expressing "eelings $ith the polite "orms o" verb# Module 99: Potential form Ability o" doing or not doing something Module 999: Con-unction! <oining t$o sentences $ith the help o" sh% and mo Module 9A: 9ntran!iti.e Aer,! Sentence patterns o" indirect speech Module A: "eeling! and e$5re!!ion! Regret' existence etc#

)earning +utcome
St dents can spea% the lang age $ith the se o" di""erent "orms o" verb#

Method! of Pri.ate !tudyD #elf hel5

-and!o ts' a dio !aids' assignments and role!plays $ill s pport classroom teaching# St dents are enco raged to $atch <apanese movies at <apan ) lt ral and in"ormation center#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Shin Nihon!go no Hiso ,esson No# /A to 01# All vocab lary and topics ta ght are "rom the above!mentioned boo%#

C<9:E#E A9
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
)hinese emperor 9in Shi - ang E Ti $ho b ilt the great $all o" )hina also b ilt a net$or% o" /;1 palaces' lin%ed by t nnels' and $as so a"raid o" assassination that he slept in a di""erent palace each night# The co rse aims at "amiliari:ing the st dent $ith the basic aspects o" spea%ing ability o" Mandarin' the lang age o" Mainland )hina# The co rse aims at training st dents in practical s%ills and n rt ring them to interact $ith a )hinese person#

BTM 143

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 (rills (ialog e practice =bserve pict re and ans$er the C estion# &ron nciation and intonation# )haracter $riting and stro%e order# Module 99 ?oing o t to see a science exhibition ?oing to the theatre# Train or &lane is behind sched le# Indian Economy!)hinese Economy Tal%ing abo t di""erent Seasons o" the Year and 6eather conditions# ,earning to say phrases li%e!spring' s mmer' "all' $inter' "airly hot' very cold' very h mid' very st ""y' neither hot nor cold' most com"ortable' pleasant ^# etc# Module 999 Temperat re E ho$ to say E 6hat is the temperat re in May hereZ -o$ is the $eather in s mmer in yo r areaZ Aro nd 01 degrees -eating' air!conditioning Is $inter is Shanghai very coldZ Tal%ing abo t birthdays and $here yo $ere bornZ The verb Lsh oM *spea%+ saying se" l phrases li%e spea% very $ell' do not spea% very $ell' i" spea% slo$ly then nderstand i" spea% "ast then donJt nderstand' di""ic lt to spea%' di""ic lt to $rite' spea% too "ast' spea% too slo$' listen and can nderstand' listen and cannot nderstand ^ etc# Tell the "ollo$ing in )hinese E My name is ^# I $as born in ^ *year+# My birthday is ^^^ Today is ^ *date and day o" the $ee%+# I go to $or% *school+ everyday# I s ally leave home at # *=Jcloc%+# In the evening' I s ally ^^^# *do $hat+Z At $ee% end' I ^^^# =n S ndays I s ally ^^^^^ It is today^## It $ill soon be my yo nger sisters birthday# She $as born in ^## *year+# She lives in ^^^# *$here+# She is $or%ing *or st dying+^^ $here^ She lives in ^^## *$here#+

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Elementary )hinese Reader &art!/' 0@ ,esson 2;!32

+PE(AT9+:# (E#EA(C<
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
In a rapidly changing environment an nderstanding is so ght $hich $ill "acilitate the choice and the implementation o" more e""ective sol tions' $hich' typically' may involve complex interactions among people' materials and money# =rgani:ations may see% a very $ide range o" operational improvements ! "or example' greater e""iciency' better c stomer service' higher C ality or lo$er cost# 6hatever the b siness' engineering aim' =peration Research can o""er the "lexibility and adaptability to provide ob4ective help# This co rse introd ces st dents to the principles o" operational research#

BTM 2&'

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: )inear Programming Gorm lation o" problem# ?raphical and simplex method "or maximi:ation and minimi:ation# ( ality theory and sensitivity analysis Module 99: Tran!5ortation Model! Stepping stone algorithm' M=(I method and VogelJs Approximation Method *VAM+ "or sel"ing balanced' nbalanced transportation problems and problems o" degeneracy and maximi:ation# Module 999: A!!ignment Model! Assignment model "or maximi:ation and traveling salesman problems' Ind strial &roblems Module 9A: Eueuing Theory >asic str ct red' Terminology' classi"ication# >irth and death process# SeC encing5 &rocessing in 4obs thro gh machines $ith the same processing order# &rocessing o" / 4obs thro gh machines $ith each having di""erent processing order# Module A: :etBor= Model! Introd ction to &ERT and )&M# G ndamental concept o" Net$or% models and constr ction o" net$or% diagrams# &ERT activity' time estimate# )ritical path and pro4ect time d ration# &robability o" completing the pro4ect on or be"ore speci"ied time# Gloat o" a activity# Module A9: *ame! Theory Kero S m t$o person competitive games' Minimax and maximini principle Arithmetic' algebraic' matrix algebra method'# Sol tion by dominance' s b game' ?raphical and linear programming method#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

-M 6agner' &rinciples o" =perations Research' &rentice -all -ei:er' <# D Render >#' =perations Management' &earson Ed cation *B8e+' /11A &H ? pta and (S -ira' =perations Research' S# )hand D )o# Taha' Introd ction to =peration Research G#S# -iller and ?#I# ,ibermann' Introd ction to =peration Research' -olden Ray#

C+MP8TE( A9DED MA:8"ACT8(9:*

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The aim o" the co rse is to impart the st dents the basic and essential concepts in sing )omp ter Assisted Man "act ring *)AM+ and )omp ter N merical )ontrol *)N)+ machines# St dents $ill learn the basic concepts o" man "act ring planning and control# They $ill be o""ered hands on experience in sing )AM so"t$are to design' sim late and $rite )N) programs#

BTM 2&%

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Introd ction to N merical control# &rogrammed a tomation# Nomenclat re' type and "eat res o" N) machines tools# Axes designation# &oint to point' straight and contin o s control systems# Module 99 Machining centre and T rning centre' A tomatic tool changer' Machine Tool beds and a tomated pallet changers> Module 999 Machine )ontrol Unit' Act ation Systems' open and close loop systems' transd cers "or N) Systems' revolves' encoders and ind ctosyn# Module 9A Man al &art &rogramming5 &rocesses planning' ?DM codes# S bro tines' Introd ction to )omp ter Aided &art &rogramming# Interpolation )ycles# Tool compensation'

Module A Tooling and tool presetting# )omp ter Aided inspection ! )ontact Inspection *)oordinate Meas ring Machine+ D Non )ontact Inspection#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Mi%ell &# ?roover' LA tomation' &rod ction Systems and )omp ter!Integrated Man "act ringM' / nd Edition' &entice -all' /11.# Rao' H ndra D Ti$ari' L)omp ter aided Man "act ringM Tata Mc?ra$ -ill' /11;# N merical )ontrol5 by Horen' Hhanna & blisher# References: Mi%ell &# ?roover' Emory 6# Kimmers' L)A(8)AMM' &earson Ed cation' /11A# &#N# Rao' L)A(8)AM &rinciples and ApplicationsM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill' /11A#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
Mechatronics is basically combination o" mechanical and electronics engineering# 6ith gro$ing demands o" a tomation o" di""erent mechanical operation this s b4ect " l"ills the needs# Main ob4ective o" this co rse is to provide %no$ledge o" di""erent combinations o" mechanical and electronics processes and vario s so"t$are sed in it#

BTM 2&/

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction Meas rement systems' control systems' Microprocessor!based controllers' Sensors and trand cers' Signal conditioning processes# Module 99: Actuation #y!tem! &ne matic and hydra lic act ation systems' (irectional control valves' press re control valves' process control valves# Module 999: #y!tem Model! Mathematical models' Mechanical system b ilding bloc%s' modeling dynamic systems' Girst order systems' Second order systems# Module 9A: Princi5le! of "eed,ac= & 9ntelligent Control )ontrol Systems' =pen D )losed loop control Systems' )ontrollers' Arti"icial Ne ral Net$or%#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: 6# >olton' LMechatronicsM' &earson Ed cation ,td#' /110# References: Mohammad Ali Ma:idi <anice ?illispier Ma:idi' LThe B13. MicrocontrollerM' &earson Ed cation Inc#' /112# ?ary ( nning' LIntrod ction to &rogrammable ,ogic )ontrollersM' Thomson Asia &# ,td#' Singapore' .IIB# ?opal H# ( bey' LG ndamentals o" Electrical (rivesM' Narosa & blishing -o se' /11.# )harles -# Roth' L<r# G ndamentals o" ,ogic (esignM' <aico & blishing -o se' /11.# V-MT MechatronicsM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill & blishing )o# ,td#' /11.# (evdas Shetty' Richard A# Hol% LMechatronics System (esignM' Thomson Asia &vt# ,td#' Singapore' /11.# A#H# Tayal' LInstr mentation D Mechanical Meas rementsM' ?algotia & blication &vt# ,td#' /110# (# Rana ( rgaiah' LGl id Mechanics D MachineryM' Ne$ Age Int# & blishers' /112# Nitaigo r &remchand Mahali%' LMechatronics &rinciples' )oncepts D ApplicationM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill & blishing )o#,td' /110# Mi%ell &# ?roover' LA tomation' &rod ction Systems and )omp ter!Integrated Man "act ringM' / nd Edition' &rentice -all' /11.#

+PE(AT9+:# (E#EA(C< (P(+*(AMM9:*) )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# &rogram on ) or )FF "or ,inear &rogramming# &rogram on ) or )FF "or Simplex &roblem# &rogram on ) or )FF "or Assignment &roblem# &rogram on ) or )FF "or Transportation &roblem# &rogram on ) or )FF "or &ART' )&M &roblem# &rogram on ) or )FF "or SeC encing &roblem#

BTM 2%&

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

C+MP8TE( A9DED MA:8"ACT8(9:* )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: :ame of E$5eriment!:
.# Ma%e a s%etch o" )N) lathe sho$ing ma4or assemblies and indicate the )N) axes $ith designations# Ma%e a s%etch o" the conventional lathe and' i" it is considered as a )N) lathe' sho$ the axes $ith designations# Ma%e a Hinematics diagram o" )N) ,athe sho$ing all machine s b!assemblies# arrangements' ball scre$ arrangements $ith si:es' $herever available# Repeat *.+ on )N) machining centre and conventional milling machine# Repeat */+ "or )N) machining centre# St dy the )N) lathe# &repare a bloc% diagram o" controls# Identi"y location and type o" transd cers and indicate on an o tline o" the machine# (escribe ho$ they " nction# Repeat *3+ on machining centre# St dy the $or% holding and tool holding devices in the )N) lathe and machining centre and dra$ p their speci"ications and capacities# &repare part programs "or / speci"ied components "or )N) lathe by man al part programming# Girst $rite the machining technology in " ll@ then prepare part program and then enter in the machine# Test the program in dry r n and by tool path graphic sim lation# Machine the component# (o the above $or% "or machining centre# Indicate bearing

BTM 2%'

Credit 8nit!: &'

/# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B#


E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

MEC<AT(+:9C# )AB
Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: :ame of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# .1# ..# ./ To ma%e the seC ential operation AF >F A! >! @ AF' >F' >! A! sing &ne matic trainer Gor the above $rite a ladder logic giving time delays (esign a &ne matic )irc it "or clamping type D operated by &,) To ma%e the seC ential operation AF' >F' A!' >! @ AF' >F' >! A! sing -ydra lic trainer %it# Gor the above $rite a ladder logic giving time delays (esign a -ydra lic )irc it "or clamping type D operated by &,) To ma%e the ladder logic "or $ater level control D reaction vessel to detect di""erent levels o" $ater and s$itch o"" the $ater s pply# Starter )ontrol D Star (elta Starter "or k -& A)# Motor to demonstrate the se o" &,) Motor Starting (esign Gan operation sing &,) (esign n a ,i"t )ontrol (esign a pic% D &lace (esign SeC ential S$itching Motors

BTM 2%%

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

C+MM8:9CAT9+: #;9))# ? A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To "acilitate the learner $ith Academic ,ang age &ro"iciency and ma%e them e""ective sers o" " nctional lang age to excel in their pro"ession#

BTM 24'

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Introd ction to & blic Spea%ing > siness )onversation E""ective & blic Spea%ing Art o" &ers asion Module 99: #5ea=ing for Em5loyment Types o" Intervie$ Styles o" Intervie$ Gacing Intervie$s!G ndamentals and &ractice Session )ond cting Intervie$s! G ndamentals and &ractice Session 9 estion Ans$er on Vario s (imensions Module 999 Res me 6riting )overing ,etters Intervie$ Gollo$ Up ,etters Module 9A: Ba!ic Tele5hony #=ill! ? idelines "or Ma%ing a )all ? idelines "or Ans$ering a )all Module A: 6or= Place #5ea=ing Negotiations &articipation in Meetings Heynote Speeches

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 CA" /3 A .1 *D .1 *P .1 A 3

)AG E )omm nication Assessment Gile ?( E ?ro p (isc ssion ?& E ?ro p &resentation

Te$t & (eference!:

<ermy )om"ort' Spea%ing E""ectively' et#al' )ambridge Hrishnas$amy' N' )reative English "or )omm nication' Macmillan Raman &ra%ash' > siness )omm nication' =x"ord# Taylor' )onversation in &ractice'

BE<AA9+8(A) #C9E:CE ? A99 (9:D9A9D8A)I #+C9ET A:D :AT9+:)

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
This co rse aims at enabling st dents to$ards5 Understand the importance o" individ al di""erences >etter nderstanding o" sel" in relation to society and nation Gacilitation "or a meaning" l existence and ad4 stment in society Inc lcating patriotism and national pride

BTM 24/

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ndi.idual difference! & Per!onality &ersonality5 (e"initionD Relevance Importance o" nat re D n rt re in &ersonality (evelopment Importance and Recognition o" Individ al di""erences in &ersonality Accepting and Managing Individ al di""erences *ad4 stment mechanisms+ Int ition' < dgment' &erception D Sensation *M>TI+ >I?3 Gactors Module 99: Managing!ity (e"ining (iversity A""irmation Action and Managing (iversity Increasing (iversity in 6or% Gorce >arriers and )hallenges in Managing (iversity Module 999: #ocialiQation Nat re o" Sociali:ation Social Interaction Interaction o" Sociali:ation &rocess )ontrib tions to Society and Nation Module 9A: Patrioti!m and :ational Pride Sense o" pride and patriotism Importance o" discipline and hard $or% Integrity and acco ntability Module A: <uman (ight!I Aalue! and Ethic! Meaning and Importance o" h man rights - man rights a$areness Val es and Ethics! ,earning based on pro4ect $or% on Script res li%e! Ramayana' Mahabharata' ?ita etc# Module A9: End?of?#eme!ter A55rai!al Viva based on personal 4o rnal Assessment o" >ehavio ral change as a res lt o" training Exit ,evel Rating by Sel" and =bserver

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) #AP /1 A 13 Mid Term Te!t (CT) /1 A9AA 01 Gournal for #ucce!! (G+#) /3

Te$t & (eference!:

(avis' H# =rgani:ational >ehavio r' >ates' A# &# and < lian' <#5 Sociology ! Understanding Social >ehavio r (ressler' (avid and )ans' (onald5 The St dy o" - man Interaction ,apiere' Richard# T E Social )hange ,ind:ey' ?# and >orgatta' E5 Sociometric Meas rement in the -andboo% o" Social &sychology' Addison E 6elsley' US# Rose' ?#5 =x"ord Textboo% o" & blic -ealth' Vol#2' .IB3#

Robbins =#>#Stephen@# =rgani:ational >ehavio r

"(E:C< ? A99
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
Revise the portion covered in the "irst vol me' give proper orientation in comm nication and c lt re#

BTM 244

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module A: 8nitH! ' /: 55> &1 ? 41 Contenu le$ical: 8nitH ': RRdiger et prRsenter son c rric l m vitae Exprimer ne opinion )aractRriser' mettre en vale r &arler des rencontres' des lie x' des gens 8nitH %: Imaginer ? Gaire des pro4ets &roposer ! conseiller &arler des C alitRs et des dR"a ts Gaire ne demande Rcrite Raconter ne anecdote AmRliorer son image 8nitH /: Exprimer la volontR et lJobligation Gorm ler des so haits Exprimer n manC e8 n besoin &arler de lJenvironnement' des anima x' des catastrophes nat relles Contenu grammatical: .# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# ,e passR 5 passR composR8impar"ait &ronoms complRments directs8indirects' y8en *idRes8choses+ &ropositons relatives introd ites par C i' C e' oW )omparati" et s perlati" ,e conditionnel prRsent Sit er dans le temps GRminin des ad4ecti"s ,a prise de paroles 5 expressions ,e s b4oncti" 5 volontR' obligation

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

le livre Y s ivre 5 )amp s5 Tome /

*E(MA: ? A99
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse' read and $rite in the lang age $ith the help o" the basic r les o" grammar' $hich $ill later help them to strengthen their lang age# To give the st dents an insight into the c lt re' geography' political sit ation and economic opport nities available in ?ermany Introd ction to Advanced ?rammar and > siness ,ang age and &ro"essional <argon

BTM 240

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Da!!? #RtQe Explain the se o" the con4 nction L!thatM' $here verb comes at the end o" the sentence Module 99: 9ndire=te "rage!RtQe To explain the sage o" the L9 estion &rono nM as the Relative &rono n in a Relative Sentence' $here again the verb "alls in the last place in that sentence# Module 999: 6enn? #RtQe EC ivalent to the conditional LI"!M sentence in English# Explain that the verb comes at the end o" the sentence# Module 9A: 6eil? #RtQe Explain the se o" the con4 nction Lbeca se!M and also tell that the verb "alls in the last place in the sentence# Module A: Com5rehen!ion te$t! Reading and comprehending vario s texts to consolidate the sage o" the constr ctions learnt so "ar in this semester# Module A9: Picture De!cri5tion Girstly recogni:e the persons or things in the pict re and identi"y the sit ation depicted in the pict re@ Secondly ans$er C estions o" general meaning in context to the pict re and also tal% abo t the personal experiences $hich come to yo r mind pon seeing the pict re#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

6ol"gang -ieber' ,ern:iel (e tsch -ans!-einrich 6angler' Sprach% rs (e tsch Sch l: ?riesbach' (e tsche Sprachlehre "[r A sl\nder &#, Ane4a' (e tsch Interessant! .' / D 0 Rosa!Maria (allapia::a et al' Tangram A%t ell A.8.'/ >ra n' Nieder' Schm]e' (e tsch als Gremdsprache .A' ?r nd% rs

#PA:9#< ? A99
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable st dents acC ire $or%ing %no$ledge o" the lang age@ to give them vocab lary' grammar' expressions sed on telephonic conversation and other sit ations to handle everyday Spanish sit ations $ith ease#

BTM 241

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Revision o" earlier semester mod les Module 99 Kodiac signs# More ad4ectives^to describe sit ations' state o" minds' s rro ndings' people and places# Module 999 Vario s expressions sed on telephonic conversation *"ormal and in"ormal+ Module 9A >eing able to read ne$spaper headlines and extracts *Material to be provided by teacher+ Module A Negative commands *AR ending verbs+ Module A9 Revision o" earlier sessions and introd ction to negative ER ending commands' introd ction to negative IR ending verbs

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Espa_ol En (irecto I A' .> Espa_ol Sin Gronteras Material provided by the teacher "rom vario s so rces

GAPA:E#E ? A99
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse in the lang age $ith the help o" di""erent speech' possibilities' probabilities etc# :ote: The teaching is done in roman as $ell as <apanese script# .1 more %an4is *<apanese characters+ are ta ght in this semester#

BTM 242

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Thought Expressing oneJs tho ght and intentions on di""erent sit ations# Module 99: ?iving advice' probability' possibility and s ggestions# Module 999: 9nformal #5eech Addressing "riends and close people sing in"ormal $ays# Module 9A: #imultaneou! Aer,! (escribing t$o sit ations sim ltaneo sly# Module A: Po!!i,ility Explaining the probability and possibility o" any sit ation#

)earning +utcome
St dents can interact in a "ormal as $ell as in"ormal $ay on above!mentioned topics#

Method! of Pri.ate !tudyD #elf hel5

-and!o ts' a dio!aids' assignments and role!plays $ill s pport classroom teaching#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Shin Nihon!go no Hiso ,esson No#!0. to 03# All vocab lary and topics ta ght to the st dents are "rom the above mentioned boo%#

C<9:E#E A99
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The story o" )inderella "irst appears in a )hinese boo% $ritten bet$een B31 and BA1 A#(# The co rse aims at "amiliari:ing the st dent $ith the basic aspects o" spea%ing ability o" Mandarin' the lang age o" Mainland )hina# The co rse aims at training st dents in practical s%ills and n rt ring them to interact $ith a )hinese person#

BTM 243

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 (rills (ialog e practice =bserve pict re and ans$er the C estion# Abo t china part EI ,esson .'/# Module 99 &ron nciation and intonation )haracter 6riting and stro%e order# Module 999 As% someone $hat he8she s ally does on $ee%endsZ Visiting people' &arty' Meeting' A"ter $or%^#etc# Module 9A )onversation practice Translation "rom English to )hinese and vise!versa# Short "ables# Module A A brie" s mmary o" grammar# The optative verb Ly anyiM# The prono n L:i4iM#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

LHan t sh o h aM &art!I ,esson .!;

9:D8#T(9A) T(A9:9:*
Cour!e Code: Methodology:
&ractical training is based on the theoretical s b4ects st died by st dents# It can be arranged $ithin the college or in any related ind strial nit# The st dents are to learn vario s ind strial' technical and administrative processes "ollo$ed in the ind stry# In case o" on!camp s training the st dents $ill be given speci"ic tas% o" "abrication8assembly8testing8analysis# =n completion o" the practical training the st dents are to present a report covering vario s aspects learnt by them and give a presentation on same#

BTM 20&

Credit 8nit!: &4

E$amination #cheme:
Geedbac% "rom ind stry8$or% place Training Report Viva &resentation Total /1 21 .3 /3 '&&

A8T+M+T9AE E:*9:EE(9:*
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
This co rse emphasi:es on constr ctional details o" a tomotive vehicles $hich incl des E >asic str ct re' engine' transmission systems' s spension systems' steering system' bra%ing systems and $heels D tyres##

BTM 2&4

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Introd ction' )omponents o" an a tomobile' basic engine terminology' engine cycles' $or%ing o" an I) engine# >asic engine design considerations' constr ctional details o" )#I# and S#I# engines# cran% sha"ts' connecting rod' piston' val es' cams' mani"olds' air cleaners' m ""lers' radiators' and oil "ilters# Module 99: Tran!mi!!ion #y!tem (escription and $or%ing o" man ally operated gearboxes li%e sliding mesh' constant mesh' synchromesh and epicycle@ hydra lic torC e convertor and its constr ction $or%ing and per"ormance' sem!a tomatic and " lly a tomatic transmission' -ydramatic transmission' analysis o" di""erentials' live axles' constr ction $or%ing and reC irements o" overdrive# Module 999: #teering #y!tem Introd ction' Gront axle' $heel alignment' Steering geometry' steering mechanisms' Ac%erman steering' center point steering' po$er steering# Module 9A: #u!5en!ion =b4ective' reC irement' " nction' types Shoc% absorbers' Independent s spension' Stabili:er' air s spension' -ydroelastic s spension' -ydragas interconnected s spension# Module A &rinciple' bra%ing reC irements' bra%e e""iciency' "ading o" bra%es' types o" bra%es' bleeding o" bra%es' bra%e "l id#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Hirpal Singh' LA tomobile Engg#M' Vol# I D II' Standard & blishers' /112 N#H# ?iri' LA tomotive MechanicsM' Hhanna & blishers Narang ?#>#S#' LA tomobile Engg#M' Hhanna & blishers Srinivasan' LA tomotive EnginesM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill H#H# <ain D R#># Asthana' LA tomobile EngineeringM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill References: <ames (# -alderman and )hase (# Mitchell <r#' A tomotive Engines! Theory and Servicing' &earson Ed cation' /11; <oseph -aitner' LA tomotive MechanicsM' )#>#S# & blications

C+MP8TE( A9DED DE#9*:9:*

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" this co rse is to impart st dents an in!depth expos re to methods in geometric modeling and its applications in )A(8)AM# This co rse introd ces integrated approach to )A( incl ding5 =vervie$ o" )A(' n merical techniC es "or )A(' )omp ter graphics and design' &rinciple and management o" design data base system' "inite element analysis and )A(' (esign optimi:ation# Along $ith the theoretical presentations' commercial )A( so"t$are are also introd ced and applied to create Engineering components and assemblies#

BTM 2&0

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Introd ction to )A(# (esign process' Introd ction to solid modeling and aided design o" some elements8 components' hard$are reC irements' conc rrent engineering# Module 99 Elementary )omp ter ?raphics# Trans"ormations' Mappings' &ro4ections E orthographic' isometric' perspective# Module 999 Representation o" s r"aces# &lane s r"aces' R led s r"aces' S r"aces o" revol tion' S$eep s r"aces' >e:ier s r"ace' >ic bic s r"ace patch' Approximation > E spline s r"ace' composite s r"aces# Module 9A: #olid Modeling Set theory' ?raph theory' Reg lari:ed >oolean operations' >!rep modeling' S$eep representations' Spatial occ pancy en meration# Module A: Ad.anced CAD Mechanical assembly' ?eometric property "orm lation! c rve length' s r"ace are calc lations' vol me calc lation' centriod calc lation' Tolerances representations' Animation' Sim lation' Strategic "actors in prod ct design' Rob st design "or prod ct' Introd ction to Ginite element modeling and analysis #

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Ibrahim Keid' L)A(8)AM Theory and &racticeM' Tata Mc?ra$!-ill & blishing )ompany ,imited' A th Edition .IIB# (avid G# Rogers and <# Alan Adams' LMathematical Elements "or )omp ter ?ra&rentice -all IndiacsM' Tata Mc?ra$!-ill' /nd Edition /11/# References: Ibrahim Keid' LMastering )A(8)AMM' Tata Mc?ra$!-ill & blishing )ompany ,imited'

A8T+M+T9AE E:*9:EE(9:* )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: )i!t of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# (ra$ing Valve Timing (iagram (etermination o" Giring =rder o" engine Speci"ication o" engine St dy o" di""erent parts o" engine St dy o" )l tch St dy o" -ydra lic >ra%e System St dy o" )arb retor St dy o" vario s parts o" A xiliary systems St dy o" 6heel

BTM 2%/

Credit 8nit!: &'

.1# St dy o" emission system ..# St dy o" steering system

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva

C+MP8TE( A9DED DE#9*:9:* )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: )i!t of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# Analysis and design sing ANSYS8&ro!E so"t$are "or5 Glange )o pling# (esign Sha"t# (esign "or Hey# (esign "or Sp r ?ear# (esign "or -elical ?ear# &arts o" Thin )ylinder &ress re Vessels#

BTM 2%4

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The co rse aims at ma%ing st dents nderstand concepts' philosophies' process and techniC es o" managing mar%eting operations o" a "irm#

BTM 2&1

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction to Mar=eting Meaning' nat re and scope o" mar%eting@ Mar%eting philosophies@ Mar%eting management process@ )oncept o" mar%eting mix# Module 99: Mar=et Analy!i! Understanding mar%eting environment@ )ons mer and ind strial b yer behavio r@ Mar%et meas rement@ Mar%et segmentation' selection and positioning# Module 999: Product Planning and Pricing &rod ct concept@ Types o" prod cts@ Ma4or prod ct decisions@ >rand management@ &rod ct li"e cycle' Ne$ prod ct development process@ &ricing decisions@ (eterminants o" price@ &ricing process' policies and strategies# Module 9A: Promotion and Di!tri,ution deci!ion! )omm nication process@ &romotion tools E advertising' personal selling' p blicity and sales promotion@ (istrib tion channel decisions E types and " nctions o" intermediaries' Selection and management o" intermediaries@ ,ogistics decisions E inventory management' $areho sing' transportation and ins rance# Module A: Mar=eting +rganiQation and Control Emerging trends and iss es in mar%eting E )ons merism' r ral mar%eting' social mar%eting@ direct and online mar%eting@ green mar%eting#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

>a%er' Michael <#' Mar%eting5 An Introd ctory Text' McMillan &ress ,td# ):in%ota' Michael R#' Massa%i' Hotabe and (avid Mercer >#' Mar%eting Management5 Text and )ases' >lac%$ell & blishers' Massach setts# Hotler' &hilip' Mar%eting Management5 Analysis &lanning' Implementation and )ontrol' Ith Ed#' &rentice -all o" India &vt# ,td# ' Ne$ (elhi# Hotler' &hilip and Armstrong' ?ary' &rinciples o" Mar%eting' A th ed#' &rentice -all o" Indi' &vt# ,td#' Ne$ (elhi# Mc )arthy' E#<erome and &essa lt' 6illiam (# <r#' >asic Mar%eting' Richard (# Ir$in Inc#' -ome$ood' Illinois# Saxena' Ra4an' Mar%eting Management' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill & blishing )ompany' Ne$ (elhi# Stanton' 6illiam <#' Ei:el' Michael <# and 6al%er >r ce <#' G ndamentals o" Mar%eting' .1 th ed#' Mc?ra$ -ill#

#+)A( E:E(*
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" this co rse is to introd ce materials relevant to the engineering o" solar electric and thermal systems# St dents $ill develop the s%ills to calc late the amo nt o" incident solar "l x' the amo nt o" se" l energy collected' the amo nt stored and the amo nt ltimately sed# Many o" these calc lations $ill be based on solar applications in di""erent area# Ginally the concepts o" engineering economics applied to solar energy $ill also be introd ced#

BTM 2&2

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: #elected to5ic! in <eat Tran!fer -eat trans"er modes' properties and radiation characteristics o" opaC e and partially transparent media# Module 99: Model #olar (adiation =rigin' nat re and availability o" solar radiation' meas rements o" solar radiation data and its estimation' e""ects o" receiving s r"ace orientation and motion# Module 999: Com5onent!I 5roce!! and !y!tem mode! (esign consideration and per"ormance o" "lat plate and "oc ssing collectors@ energy storage components' $ater storage' pac%ed bed and phase!change energy storage@ mathematical models o" vario s solar systems and components# Module 9A: A55lication Solar $ater heating' solar air heaters' solar space heating and cooling' solar p mps' solar thermal po$er' solar " rnaces and solar distillation#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

-#&# ?arg and <# &ra%ash' LSolar Energy " ndamental and ApplicationsM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill & lishing )o# ,td# Magal' LSolar &o$er EngineeringM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill & blishing )o# ,td


Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" this co rse is that the st dents come to %no$ di""erent $ays o" prod cing energy s ch as thermal energy "rom gas and steam' hydra lic energy n clear energy' non conventional so rce o" energy "rom $ind' solar and tidal# And their di""erent ses in prod ctive $or%s#

BTM 2&3

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: #team *enerator Plant G el handling systems' Indian coals' comb stion o" coal in " rnaces@ "l idi:ed bed comb stion@ -igh press re heavy d ty boilers' S per critical and once thro gh boilers in"l ence o" operating conditions on layo t o" evaporator' s perheated' reheated and economi:er@ d st collectors@ ash disposal' "ans and dra"t systems# Module 99: Tur,ine Plane ,ayo t o" t rbine plant room' corrosion in condensers and boilers' "eed $ater treatment@ "eed heating and de aeration system@ cooling $ater systems and cooling to$ers# Module 999: Control Important instr ments on steam generator and t rbine@ dr m $ater level control' comb stion control and s per heat temperat re control@ testing o" po$er plants and heat balance# Module 9A: +ther PoBer Plant ?eneral layo t o" I#)# Engines and t rbine po$er plants' types' gas t rbine plants' "ields o" application' N clear po$er plants' po$er reactors and n clear steam t rbines@ handling o" n clear $aste and sa"ety meas res' pea% load po$er generation methods# Module A: Economic! &lanning "or po$er generation in India' s per thermal po$er plants' estimation o" cost o" po$er generation@ choice o" plant site#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Arora D (om% nd$ar' LA co rse in &o$er &lant EngineeringM' (hanpat Rai D Sons References: >lac% Veatch' L&o$er &lant EngineeringM' )>S & blisher

C+MB8#T9+: E:*9:E EM9##9+:#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The main ob4ective o" this co rse is to introd ce st dents the " ndamentals' =perations and per"ormance o" internal comb stion engines and their di""erent types@ to provide them $ith the theoretical and experimental ability to operate' analy:e and design internal comb stion engines@ to assess the relation bet$een engine po$er o tp t to the reC ired po$er "or vehicle prop lsion@ to ma%e them nderstand the " el metering systems and assembling and dismantling internal comb stion engines#

BTM 2&4

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Engine "undamental! )ycle analysis' " els' and types o" hydrocarbons' gasoline speci"ications' e""ect o" engine parameters on per"ormance' carb retion' engine vehicle road per"ormance' road per"ormance and " el economy# Module 99: Emi!!ion and Air Pollution A tomotive emissions and their role in air poll tion' photochemical smog' )hemistry o" smog "ormation' )omb stion in homogeneo s mixt res' emission "ormation' Incomplete comb stion "ormation o" -ydrocarbons *-)+' carbon monoxide and oxides o" nitrogen' Aldehyde emissions o" nreg lated toxic poll tants s ch as ben:ene' .' 0' b tadiene etc# Module 999 In"l ence o" engine design and operating parameters on S#I# engine exha st emissions# -ydrocarbon Evaporative Emissions' Vario s so rces and method o" their control' )anisters "or controlling evaporative emissions' emission control system "or S#I# engines' >lo$ by control closed &)V system' Red ction o" exha st emissions 8 Vario s methods' " els system design# Module 9A: E$hau!t Treatment! Air in4ection into exha st system' Thermal reactors' )atalytic converters# Strati"ied charge engines' -onda )V)) engine# (iesel engine emissions5 So rce o" emissions d ring comb stion' E""ect o" Air in4ection timing on per"ormance and "ormation# (#I# and I#(#I# engines emissions' (iesel smo%e' &M and RS&M emission# Module A Methods o" red cing emission' Exha st gas re!circ lation smo%e emission "orm diesel engines' &artic late Traps' )ontin o s regeneration Traps *)RT+# Emission "rom )N? and ,&? engines# Emission Instr ments5 Non!dispersive in"rared analy:er' ?as chromatography' Glame ioni:ation (etector' )hemil minescent analyser#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: R#&# Sharma and M#,# Math r' LInternal )omb stion EngineM' (hanpat Rai & blications V# ?aneshan' LInternal )omb stion EngineM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill References: Angli M )o rse#' LA tomotive EnginesM' )>S & blications -arper' LG el Systems Emission )ontrolM' )>S & blications

E8A)9T C+:T(+) A:D E8A)9T A##8(A:CE

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
In engineering and man "act ring' C ality control and C ality ass rance is a set o" meas res ta%en to ens re that de"ective prod ct or services are not prod ced' and that the design meets per"ormance reC irements# )o rse incl des the reg lation o" the C ality o" ra$ materials' assemblies' prod cts and components@ services related to prod ction@ and management' prod ction' and inspection processes#

BTM 3&'

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction Meaning o" 9 ality and C ality improvement' need o" 9 ality' Statistical methods "or C ality control' &rocess capability# Module 99: Euality Control Statistical 9 ality )ontrol' control charts' )ontrol charts "or attrib tes D variables' Moving average chart# Module 999: Production Control Acceptance Sampling' =) c rve' Sampling &lan' &rod cerJ ris%' )ons merJs ris%' Average 9 ality ,evel' A=9,' (esign o" Single D do ble sampling plan# Module 9A: Euality A!!urance Need o" 9 ality Ass rance' 9 ality A dit' )oncept o" Kero de"ect' IS= I111 C ality systems' total C ality management#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: E, ?rant D RS ,eaven$orth' LStatistical 9 ality )ontrolM' Mc?ra$ -ill D )o# M# Maha4an' LStatistical 9 ality )ontrolM' (hanpat Rai D )o# =#&# Hhanna' LStatistical 9 ality )ontrolM' (hanpat Rai D )o# R#)# ? pta' LStatistical 9 ality )ontrolM' Hhanna & lishers References: Amitav Mitra' LG ndamentals o" 9 ality )ontrolM' &earson Ed cation Geigenba m' LTotal 9 ality )ontrolM' Mc?ra$ -ill D )o# S resh (alela' L9 ality SystemsM' Standard & blishers D (istrib tors Montgomery ()' LIntrod ction to Statistical 9 ality )ontrolM' <ohn 6iley D Sons Inc# Stephan ># Vardeman' < Marc s <obe' LStatistical 9A Methods "or EngineersM' <ohn 6iley D Sons Inc# Taylor <#R#' L9 ality )ontrol systemsM' Mc?ra$ -ill Int# Ed cation H#)# Arora' LTotal 9 ality ManagementM' S#H# Hataria D Sons#

(E"(9*E(AT9+: A:D A9( C+:D9T9+:9:*

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The aim o" this co rse is to provide the st dents $ith the nderstanding o" the basic principles o" Re"rigeration and Air )onditioning s ch that they co ld b ild simple mathematical models representing the conditioned space and its components sed to control environmental conditions# The application o" thermodynamics' heat trans"er' and "l id mechanics incl des an nderstanding o" re"rigerants and re"rigeration systems' psychometrics' h man com"ort and air C ality' calc lation o" heating and cooling loads' and heat and mass trans"er processes and associated R D A) components and systems#

BTM 3&%

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: (efrigeration Air re"rigeration systems' air cycle re"rigeration o" aircra"t' vario s compression re"rigeration cycles' basic components o" the plant# Module 99 &roperties and choice o" re"rigerants' Eco!"riendly re"rigerants m ltiple compression and evaporation system' cascading# Module 999 Vapo r absorption cycle' electrol x system steam 4et re"rigeration' vortex t be' application o" re"rigeration systems cascading' vapo r absorption cycle Module 9A: Air?conditioning &sychometric processes' applied psychometric' com"ort air!conditioning' ventilation reC irements' cooling and deh midi"ication system' estimation o" cooling and heating loads' air handling' air distrib tion' d ct design' ind strial air conditioning#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

)& Arora' Re"rigeration and )onditioning' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill Manohar &rasad' Re"rigeration and )onditioning ' 6iley Eastern ,imited <ordan and &riester' Re"rigeration and )onditioning' &rentice -all o" India 6G Stoec%er' Re"rigeration and )onditioning' Mc?ra$ -ill#

(E"(9*E(AT9+: A:D A9(?C+:D9T9+:9:* )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: )i!t of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# St dy o" re"rigeration testing# St dy o" Air!)onditioning testing# To calc late the )=& o" Re"rigerator# St dy o" e""ect o" s perheating# To calc late the e""iciency o" )ompressor# To calc late total -eat ,oad "or Air!)onditioning nit# To calc late the )=& o" -eat & mp#

BTM 3%&

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

ADAA:CED MET<+D# +" MA:8"ACT8(9:*

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The aim o" the co rse is to provide the st dents $ith the nderstanding o" the basic principles nderlying the design' analysis' and synthesis o" robotic systems pl s machine vision technology in a tomation# In partic lar' the co rse $ill start "rom simple problem in trans"ormations' %inematics and inverse %inematics' dynamics and control# ,ater in the semester more complex problems in sensing' "orce control' mobile robots and robot programming $ill be disc ssed#

BTM 3&/

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: ;inematic! Analy!i! of (o,ot Matrix algebra or coordinate trans"ormation' %inematics analysis@ geometric and dynamic analysis o" robot manip lators# Module 99: (o,ot Control Robot )ontrol' RobotVision' Robot)ontrolled' )NN)' &athplanning' =bstr ction Avoidance Module 999: Material <andling )omp ter aided Materials Management!inventory control' materials reC irements planning# )omp ter )ontrolled parts handling and eC ipments# Module 9A: Automation Protocol Man "act ring A tomation protocol' cross " nctional implementation Technology "or system integration#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: Ragh vanshi' Man "act ring &rocess# &#N# Rao' Man "act ring Technology' TM- p blications References: -a:ra!)ho$dhary ' 6or%shop Technology R#H# <ain' &rod ction Engineering

*EA( TEC<:+)+*
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The ob4ective o" gear technology is to provide in"ormation on gears' gear man "act ring' and the gear ind stry in general# This co rse incl des in"ormation abo t hobbing' shaping' shaving' broaching and other gear man "act ring processes# It also covers gear design' gear engineering and related topics

BTM 3&4

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: 9ntroduction to gear! Types o" gears' ?eometric and Hinetics characteristics' Underc tting and inter"erence!correction' Non!)irc lar gears# Module 99: *ear de!ign (esign o" tools to ma%e gear teeth' Hinds and cases o" gear "ail res' Special (esign &roblems@ )enter distance problem' pro"ile modi"ication# Module 999: *ear train! &roblem )ombined bending and Torsion o" pinions $ith large length to diameter ratio' high speed gearing# ?eneva Mechanisms *Analysis D Synthesis+' ?ear Trains *Analysis D Synthesis+ Module 9A: *ear #et de!ign Some example o" optimal %inematics system (esign@ ?ear Set design (esign o" s b!system consisting o" ?eneva $heel and elliptical gears "or red ction o" maxim m acceleration o" the $heel#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: (#6# ( dley' L&ractical ?ear (esignM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill )o# Inc# S#S# Rattan' LTheory o" MachinesM' Tata Mc?ra$ -ill' /111 References: A?MA *American ?ear Man "act ring Association+ Standards

A(T9"9C9A) 9:TE))9*E:CE A:D (+B+T9C#

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To develop semantic!based and context!a$are systems to acC ire' organise' process' share and se the %no$ledge embedded in m ltimedia content# Research $ill aim to maximise a tomation o" the complete %no$ledge li"ecycle and achieve semantic interoperability bet$een 6eb reso rces and services# The "ield o" Robotics is a m lti disciplinary as robots are ama:ingly complex system comprising mechanical' electrical' electronic -86 and S86 and iss es germane to all these#

BTM 3&0

Credit 8nit!: &/

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: #co5e of A9 ?ames' theorem proving' nat ral lang age processing' vision and speech processing' robotics' expert systems' AI techniC es! search %no$ledge' abstraction# &roblem solving State space search@ &rod ction systems' search space control5 depth!"irst' breadth!"irst search' he ristic search ! -ill climbing' best!"irst search' branch and bo nd# &roblem Red ction' )onstraint Satis"action End' Means!End Analysis Module 99: ;noBledge (e5re!entation &redicate ,ogic5 Uni"ication' mod s ponens' resol tion' dependency directed bac%trac%ing# R le based Systems5 Gor$ard reasoning5 con"lict resol tion' bac%$ard reasoning5 se o" no bac%trac%s# Str ct red Hno$ledge Representation5 Semantic Nets5 slots' exceptions and de"a lt "rames' concept al dependency' scripts# Expert Systems Need and 4 sti"ication "or expert systems' %no$ledge acC isition' )ase st dies5 MY)IN' RI# ,earning5 )oncept o" learning' learning a tomation' genetic algorithm' learning by ind ctions' ne ral nets# Module 999: Mani5ulator =inematic! Hinematics5 Introd ction' solvability' algebraic sol tion by red ction to polynomial' standard "rames' repeatability and acc racy' comp tational considerations# Module 9A: Mani5ulator dynamic! Introd ction' acceleration o" rigid body' mass distrib tion' Ne$tonJs eC ation' E lerJs eC ation' Iterative Ne$ton!E ler dynamic "orm lation' closed dynamic eC ation' ,agrangian "orm lation o" manip lator dynamics' dynamic sim lation' comp tational consideration# Module A: Tra-ectory *eneration Introd ction' general considerations in path description and generation' 4oint space schemes' )artesian space schemes' &ath generation in r ntime' &lanning path sing dynamic model# Module A9: )inear control of mani5ulator! Introd ction' "eedbac% and closed loop control' second order linear systems' control o" second!order systems' Tra4ectory "ollo$ing control' modeling and control o" a single 4oint' sensor and vision system# Robot &rogramming lang ages D systems5 Introd ction' the three level o" robot programming' reC irements o" a robot programming lang age' problems pec liar to robot programming lang ages#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 6eightage (7) 3 .1 B ; ;1 )T5 )lass Test' -A5 -ome Assignment' S8V895 Seminar8Viva89 i:' EE5 End Semester Examination@ Att5 Attendance

Te$t & (eference!:

Text: E# Rich and H# Hnight' LArti"icial intelligenceM' TM-' /nd ed#' .II/# N#<# Nilsson' L&rinciples o" AIM' Narosa & bl# -o se' .II1# <ohn <# )raig' LIntrod ction to RoboticsM' Addison 6esley p blication Richard (# Hla"ter' Thomas A# )hmiele$s%i' Michael Negin' LRobotic Engineering E An integrated approachM' &-I & blication

Ts neo Yoshi%a$a' LGo ndations o" RoboticsM' &-I & blication

References: (#6# &atterson' LIntrod ction to AI and Expert SystemsM' &-I' .II/# &eter <ac%son' LIntrod ction to Expert SystemsM' A6&' M#A#' .II/# R#<# Schal%o""' LArti"icial Intelligence ! an Engineering ApproachM' Mc?ra$ -ill Int# Ed#' Singapore' .II/# M# Sasi% mar' S# Ramani' LR le >ased Expert SystemsM' Narosa & blishing -o se' .II2#

ADAA:CED MET<+D# +" MA:8"ACT8(9:* )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!:
.# &ractice o" part programming and operations o" i+ T rning )enter# ii+ Machining )enter# Tool planning and selection "or i+ T rning )enter# ii+ Machining )enter# Tool (esign "or a plastic component# i+ )ore and )avity Extraction o" Ind strial s$itch Hnob# ii+ ?ating (esign# Assembly o" vario s die components "or the above# &attern design "or a casting component i+ )ope and (rag design o" a b tter"ly valve# ii+ ?ating design# Assembly o" vario s pattern components "or the above# ?eneration o" ? and M codes "or the above assemblies and electrodes# &rogramming and st dy o" Robots "or material handling#

BTM 3%'

Credit 8nit!: &'



2# 3#

A# ;# B#

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva#

*EA( TEC<:+)+* )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: )i!t of E$5eriment!:
.# /# 0# 2# 3# A# To st dy the di""erent elements o" 6orm ?ear# To st dy the di""erent elements o" >evel ?ear# To st dy the di""erent elements o" -elical ?ear# To st dy the (i""erential ?ear System# )alc lation o" train ratio and velocity ratio "or compo nd ?ear )alc lation o" train ratio and velocity ratio "or S n and &lanet ?ear#

BTM 3%%

Credit 8nit!: &'

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva

A(T9"9C9A) 9:TE))9*E:CE A:D (+B+T9C# )AB

Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: :ame of E$5eriment!:
.# /# Robot Arm *Model .133+ 6rite a prolog program to de"ine a relations %no$ledge base as "ollo$s 5 Ass me the "ollo$ing in the %base 5 Male *person+' "emale *person+' h sband *person' person1' $i"e*person' person+' "ather *person' person+' mother *person' person+# (e"ine the predicates "or &arent >rother Sister ?rand"ather Ancestor 6rite a prolog program to sim late a non deterministic "inite a tomation *NGA+ A comp ter system accepts a serJs name and pass$ord $hich are stored as "acts in the %base# Validate this in"ormation thro gh a predicate login# I" not valid' display a s itable message# 6rite prolog predicates to per"orm list manip lation as "ollo$s 5 ,ist membership relation ,ength o" a list )oncatenate / list to prod ce a third list Reverse a list S bset o" a list Appending an element to a list S mming the element o" a list 6rite a prolog program to implement (epth "irst search algorithm# 6rite a prolog program to sim late the To$ers o" -anoi problem# There is a gold treas re hidden inside a cave# The cave is a ma:e o" galleries connecting di""erent rooms in $hich there are dangero s beings li%e monsters and robbers# The gold treas re is all in one room# (etermine a ro te by $hich a person can get to the treas re and escape $ith it nh rt# Enclosed is a photocopy o" the cave lay o t# 6rite the corresponding prolog program# 6rite a prolog program to sim late the xor logic circ it# In this program ma%e se o" the predicate de"initions "or AN(' N=T and =R gate#

BTM 3%/

Credit 8nit!: &'

0# 2# 3#

A# ;# B#


.1# A h ngry mon%ey "inds himsel" in a room in $hich a b nch o" bananas is hanging "rom the ceiling# The mon%ey cannot reach the bananas# In the room there is a chair and a stic%# The ceiling is 4 st the right height so that a mon%ey standing on a chair co ld %noc% the bananas do$n $ith the stic%# The mon%ey %no$s ho$ to move aro nd' carry other things aro nd' reach "or the bananas and $ave a stic% in the air# 6rite prolog predicate that de"ine the mon%eyJs legal moves' the di""erent legal states and enable the mon%ey to got to the bananas# ..# In the bloc% $orld problem' ass re a seC ence o" 0 bloc%s a' b' c on a table# 6rite prolog predicates to de"ine valid states in the bloc%s $orld domain and also to de"ine valid legal moves in the system#

E$amination #cheme:
9A EE A P( )( A P( A 3 .1 .1 3 03 03 Note5 IA EInternal Assessment' EE! External Exam' &R! &er"ormance' ,R E ,ab Record' V E Viva

C+MM8:9CAT9+: #;9))# ? A9
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
The mod les are designed to enhance the comm nicative competence o" the learners to eC ip them $ith e""icient interpersonal comm nication#

BTM 34'

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Dynamic! of *rou5 Di!cu!!ion Introd ction' Methodology Role G nctions Mannerism ? idelines Module 99: Communication through Electronic Channel! Introd ction Technology based )omm nication Tools Video )on"erencing 6eb )on"erencing Selection o" the E""ective Tool E!mails' Gax etc# Module 999: Effecti.e Pu,lic #5ea=ing Types Essentials S ccess in & blic Spea%ing (os and (onJts

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 CA" /3 A .1 *D .1 *P .1 A 3

)AG E )omm nication Assessment Gile ?( E ?ro p (isc ssion ?& E ?ro p &resentation

Te$t & (eference!:

<ermy )om"ort' Spea%ing E""ectively' et#al' )ambridge Hrishnas$amy' N' )reative English "or )omm nication' Macmillan Raman &ra%ash' > siness )omm nication' =x"ord# Taylor' )onversation in &ractice'

BE<AA9+8(A) #C9E:CE ? A999 (PE(#+:A) A:D P(+"E##9+:A) E@CE))E:CE)

Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
Importance o" &ersonal and &ro"essional excellence Inc lcating the components o" excellence

BTM 34/

Credit 8nit!: &'

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Com5onent! of E$cellence &ersonal Excellence5 Identi"ying long!term choices and goals Uncovering the talent' strength D style Analy:ing cho%e points in yo r personal processes by analysis in area o" placements' events' seminars' con"erence' extrac rric lar activities' pro4ects etc# Module 99: Managing Per!onal Effecti.ene!! Setting goals to maintain "oc s (imensions o" personal e""ectiveness *sel" disclos re' openness to "eedbac% and perceptiveness+ Integration o" personal and organi:ational vision "or e""ectiveness A healthy balance o" $or% and play Managing Stress creatively and prod ctively Module 999: Per!onal #ucce!! #trategy Time management -andling criticism and interr ptions (ealing $ith di""ic lt people Mapping and eval ating the sit ations Identi"ying long!term goals Module 9A: Po!iti.e Per!onal *roBth Understanding D (eveloping positive emotions &ositive approach to$ards " t re Resilience d ring loss and challenge Module A: Profe!!ional #ucce!! > ilding independence D interdependence Red cing resistance to change )ontin ed re"lection *&lacements' events' seminars' con"erences' pro4ects extrac rric lar Activities etc#+ Module A9: End?of?#eme!ter A55rai!al Viva based on personal 4o rnal Assessment o" >ehavio ral change as a res lt o" training Exit ,evel Rating by Sel" and =bserver

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) #AP /1 A 13 Mid Term Te!t (CT) /1 A9AA 01 Gournal for #ucce!! (G+#) /3

"(E:C< ? A999
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
&rovide st dents $ith the necessary ling istic tools to "ace p to di""erent sit ations o" comm nication to enhance their capacity in oral8$ritten comprehension8expression

BTM 344

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module B: 8nitH! 4I 0I 1: PP> 43 ? 31 Contenu le$ical: 8nitH 4: .# /# 0# 2# .# /# 0# .# /# 0# .# /# 0# 2# 3# A# ;# B# I# &rRsenter ne in"ormation8les circonstances dJ n RvRnement Exprimer la possibilitR8la probabilitR Exprimer ne C antitR indR"inie )omprendre et raconter n "ait div &arler dJ ne passion' dJ ne avent re )hoisir8crRer Exprimer la s rpirse8des sentiments Exprimer la ca se et la consRC ence Exprimer la crainte et rass rer Gaire ne dRmonstration la constr ction passive la "orme impersonnelle lJinterrogation les ad4ecti"s et les pronoms indR"inis les pronoms interrogati"s et dRmonstrati"s la constr ction avec de x pronoms le s b4oncti" dans lJexpression des sentiments' de la crainte' d b t constr ctions permettant lJexpression de la ca se et de la consRC ence lJenchadnement des idRes 5 s ccession et opposition

8nitH 0:

8nitH 1: Contenu grammatical:

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

le livre Y s ivre 5 )amp s5 Tome /

*E(MA: ? A999
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse' read and $rite in the lang age $ith the help o" the basic r les o" grammar' $hich $ill later help them to strengthen their lang age# To give the st dents an insight into the c lt re' geography' political sit ation and economic opport nities available in ?ermany Introd ction to Advanced ?rammar and > siness ,ang age and &ro"essional <argon

BTM 340

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: (eading and com5rehen!ion Reading texts and comprehending them Module 99: 9nformation a,out *erman <i!tory AcC iring in"ormation abo t ?erman -istory thro gh appropriate texts and stories Module 999: Bio dataDCurriculam .itae 6riting a bio!data in the proper "ormat $ith all essential components Module 9A: 9nformal letter! Reading and $riting in"ormal letters Module A: Bu!ine!! etiCuette > siness etiC ette in ?ermany and types o" companies Module A9: 9nter.ieB !=ill! To learn to "ace intervie$s Read a text NIntervie$spielJ Module A99: Picture De!cri5tion Girstly recogni:e the persons or things in the pict re and identi"y the sit ation depicted in the pict re@ Secondly ans$er C estions o" general meaning in context to the pict re and also tal% abo t the personal experiences $hich come to yo r mind pon seeing the pict re#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

6ol"gang -ieber' ,ern:iel (e tsch -ans!-einrich 6angler' Sprach% rs (e tsch Sch l: ?riesbach' (e tsche Sprachlehre "[r A sl\nder &#, Ane4a' (e tsch Interessant! .' / D 0 Rosa!Maria (allapia::a et al' Tangram A%t ell A.8.'/ >ra n' Nieder' Schm]e' (e tsch als Gremdsprache .A' ?r nd% rs

#PA:9#< A999
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable st dents to deal $ith Spanish sit ations p tting things in perspective' sing &ast Tense# Enabling them to comprehend and "orm slightly complex sentences# ?ive st dents vocab lary o" vario s sit ations#

BTM 341

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 Sit ational exercises8&ict re (escription5 At the cine At the )hemistJs8-ospital Module 99 At a corporate clientJs in"ormal8"ormal meeting8gathering ,oo%ing "or accommodation Module 999 &ast Tense *Inde"inido+ o" reg lar verbs &ast Tense *Inde"inido+ o" irreg lar verbs Exercises related to the above Module 9A &ast Tense *Imper"ecto+

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Espa_ol En (irecto I A' .> Espa_ol Sin Gronteras Material provided by the teacher "rom vario s so rces

GAPA:E#E ? A999
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
To enable the st dents to converse in the lang age $ith the help o" di""erent "orms as volitional "orms' active and passive voice and decision ma%ing etc# :ote: The co rse and teaching in Roman as $ell as <apanese script# Also introd cing next .1 to /1 %an4is#

BTM 342

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9: Aolitional form! Explaining the sit ation $hen one is thin%ing o" doing something# Module 99: Acti.e and Pa!!i.e .oice (irect and indirect $ays o" speech# Module 999: Plain "orm! Sentence patterns sing plain "orms o" verb# Module 9A: Cau!e! and effect! Explaining ca ses and e""ects $ith di""erent "orms o" verb# Module A: Deci!ion ma=ing Expressing di""erent occ pations and ho$ to ma%e decision#

)earning +utcome
St dents can spea% the lang age and $ill be able to express their vie$s and opinions com"ortably#

Method! of Pri.ate !tudyD #elf hel5

-and!o ts' a dio!aids' assignments and role!plays $ill s pport classroom teaching#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

Shin Nihon!go no Hiso ,esson No#!0A to 21# All vocab lary and topics ta ght to the st dents are "rom the above mentioned boo%#

C<9:E#E A999
Cour!e Code: Cour!e +,-ecti.e:
&aper $as "irst invented n )hina in .13 A(# It $as a closely g arded secret and didnJt reach E rope ntil the B th )ent ry# The co rse aims at "amiliari:ing the st dent $ith the basic aspects o" spea%ing ability o" Mandarin' the lang age o" Mainland )hina# The co rse aims at training st dents in practical s%ills and n rt ring them to interact $ith a )hinese person#

BTM 343

Credit 8nit!: &%

Cour!e Content!:
Module 9 (rills (ialog e practice =bserve pict re and ans$er the C estion# The aspect particle LleM and the modal particle LleM# Module 99 =ptative verbs Texts based on di""erent topics Enriching vocab lary by dealing $ith vario s daily scenarios and sit ations# Module 999 Sentences $ith s b4ect predicate constr ction as its predicate &ron nciation and intonation )haracter $riting and stro%e order Module 9A Abo t china &art I ,esson /' 0 )hinese to English and English to )hinese translations "rom the ne$s paper# Module A 9 estions $ith an interrogative prono n Essays' $riting "ormal letters# )onversation practice#

E$amination #cheme:
Com5onent! 6eightage (7) CT' /1 CT% /1 C /1 9 /1 A .3 A 3

) E &ro4ect F &resentation I E Interaction8)onversation &ractice

Te$t & (eference!:

LHan t sh o h aM &art!I ,esson B!.0

Cour!e Code: Methodology
Topics o" pro4ect are to be based on the latest trends' veri"ying engineering concepts 8principals and sho ld involve elementary research $or%# The pro4ects may involve design' "abrications' testing' comp ter modeling' and analysis o" any engineering problem# =n completion o" the practical training the st dents are to present a report covering vario s aspects learnt by them and give a presentation on same#

BTM 31&

Credit 8nit!: '0

E$amination #cheme:
,iterat re st dy8 Gabrication8 Experimentation 6ritten Report Viva &resentation Total 21 /1 .3 /3 '&&

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