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Almonds and other nuts

Superpowers: Building muscle, fighting food cravings Secret weapons: Protein, monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, folate (in peanuts), fibre, magnesium, phosphorus Fights against: Obesity, heart disease, muscle loss, cancer Sidekicks: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, avocados Imposters: Salted or smoked nuts !igh sodium spikes blood pressure How to use them: " #se almonds as a topping for oatmeal, salad, cereal, yoghurt or ice$cream

Benefits # # # # # $ui%&s mus'%e (e%ps promote )eig*t %oss +ig*ts *eart &isease +ig*ts 'an'er ,o)ers b%oo& pressure

" %or a &uick meal, toss a handful with one cup whole$wheat bowtie pasta, ' cup cooked shredded chicken and ( tbsp crumbled cheese )

Moong sprouts
Sprouts are the most ine*pensive of superfoods +ou can grow these ,living foods- from any beans or seeds in your kitchen, or you can buy them year round from your local supermarket .they are an e*cellent source of protein and vitamin /c 0itamin /c is a well$known antio*idant that fights off free radicals, giving you protection from cancer .he process of sprouting also increases the en1yme concentration of the beans tremendously, making them easier to digest .he good thing with sprouts is that you can use them in different recipes, which will make sure you are never bored of consuming them 2moong sprouts are most popular in several 3ndian recipes as well as 4asian stir$fries

Moong Sprouts are better than... Dried moong Alfalfa sprouts beans Dietary fibre: Vitamin C: 4.8mg/100gm 0.8gm/ser ing (Moong sprouts (Moong sprouts 13.2mg/100gm) 1.!gm/ser ing) Green beans "rotein: 2gm/100gm (Moong sprouts 3gm/100gm)

Debug your dinner

5o away with dirt and slay the bacteria !ave a clean and healthy kitchen 4 friend, single and sovereign in the city, has gladly taken on the chore of shopping for fruits and vegetables on weekends 4fter learning to make a three$course 3talian dinner, cooking has become his way of unwinding from the trials of the week

6ith malls selling farm$fresh fruits and vegetables from most parts of the world with displays that can beat any fashion house, it)s not surprising that the guys are taking to this one %resh produce, &uite like currency, has passed through 7od$knows$how$many hands 6hen it comes to produce, unlike currency notes, cleaning your hands as well as the produce is important because it)s finally going inside your body 8uite a few of us succumb to the temptation of biting into an apple on the way back home from the market 6hile it may be fun, you would have 9ust eaten a dose of pesticides, besides certain unmentionables that have settled on the surface of the fruit during its stay in the market /hopping the vegetables bought from the hypermarket without washing is also common, especially because the veggies on the shelves are kept fresh with sprayed water :owadays, with men diving headlong into gourmet shopping as well as cooking, 2en)s !ealth presents a simple guide to cleaning fresh produce and generally ensuring that you do a )neat) 9ob of the prep work

Why must fresh produce be cleaned thoroughly?

!armful bacteria that may live in the soil or water where produce grows may come into contact with the fruits and vegetables and contaminate them /ontamination can also happen after harvest, during storage or preparation Eating contaminated produce (or 9uices made from such produce) can lead to serious infections, at times fatal

The right ways to clean

Root egetables like potatoes! carrots and beets Scrub them under clean water with a firm toothbrush specially reserved for this .he brush helps you remove all traces of the mud that comes with the root vegetables .hen you can either cook them with their skins or scrape the outer fibrous layer as in the case of carrots "elicate herbs like coriander /oriander is usually sold in bunches with its roots and a lot of accompanying soil +ou can chop off the roots and stems before storing a bunch in airtight containers in the fridge 5ue to their perishable nature, coriander leaves should be washed 9ust before use .ake the re&uired &uantity out of the bo*, place it in a bowl of cold water, swish it around gently with your hands .his action will dislodge the dirt /hange the water and repeat until the dirt is all gone 5ry these leaves with a dish towel or on a clean tissue before chopping #abbage ;emove the thick fibrous outer leaves and make sure that the insides are clean /ut the cabbage into &uarters and wash under running water 3f you spot any worms, soak the head in salt water or vinegar water for <=$(> minutes .o preserve its vitamin / content, cut and wash the cabbage right before cooking or eating it %or the cousins of cabbage$cauliflower and broccoli$buy a compact head with no discolouration 3f the florets are coming loose, it means the cauliflower has been sitting around for a while Store the head in the vegetable crisper of your fridge in a paper or thick plastic bag 6hile preparing, cut off the surrounding leaves /ut the florets at the base where they meet the main stem and immerse the florets in a large bowl of salted tap water .his will draw out any worms that are lodged in the crevices 5rain the florets, wipe dry and cook $ushrooms %resh mushrooms will have caps tightly attached to their stems .he wider the gap, the less fresh they are 3f soaked, they become tasteless, so rub them clean with wet paper towels +ou can cut off the very end of the stem if it is woody and use the rest of the stem and head %eans Select beans that have a smooth feel and a vibrant green colour .hey should have a firm te*ture and snap when broken ?ust before using them, wash them under running water and then cut off the two ends 6ipe them dry and cut into desired si1e

&eafy egetables Spinach or fenugreek (methi) leaves must be bright green and not wilted while buying 3f you see any slimy spots, the leaves are already decayed 5o not wash until use as they spoil very &uickly Store them loosely packed in paper or plastic bags in the crisper tray of your fridge Before use, cut off the roots and thick stems Swish the leaves in a large bowl of tepid water to get rid of the dirt ;epeat until clean water is left behind 'inger and fresh turmeric roots 4lways choose firm, smooth pieces 3t is best to clean ginger under running water, scrubbing with a toothbrush 6ipe dry with a clean cloth before it sits in the fridge 2ature ginger needs to be peeled before use

#itrus fruits 4ll fruits with peels must be washed, scrubbed under clean water and then wiped dry before storing in the fridge 3f the peel is needed for citrus 1est, it must be scrubbed clean $elon family fruits .he bacteria on the surface go right into the fruit if it is cut without washing .he surface of melons must be scrubbed with a kitchen brush and wiped dry (omegranate Scrub the pome with a brush @eep a bowl of clean water at hand /ut the fruit in half and turn each half inside out into the bowl .he seeds will sink in while the membranes float /ollect the membranes and drain the seeds in a colander 5ry and store %erries Berries are as delicate as they seem to be Besides, if you soak them in water, they)ll get soggy @eep berries in a plastic or paper bag when they go into the fridge 6ash 9ust before use, under clean water 5ry immediately with a clean towel Pluck out the crowns with your fingers or a paring knife

Fruits with thin skin, like grapes, can't stand scrubbing. For them, a inegar soak is an effecti e wa! to kill bacteria.

'rapes 3n a large bowl, pour A cup of white vinegar Put in the grapes and swish them around Bet them soak for five minutes or so ;emove and drain on a clean towel 0inegar soak works for other produce, too

"o#sweat ideas to beat the heat

# -*ro) in a ripe banana. pee%e& an& )rappe& in p%asti' fi%m. into t*e free/er. 0fter a fe) *ours. mi'ro)a e for 30 se'on&s. C*op it into a fe) pie'es an& b%it/ t*em in a b%en&er )it* some *oney for 30 se'on&s. 1'oop it out an& your banana s%u&ge is rea&y. # 2emo e 'u'umbers an& tomatoes from t*e fri&ge. 3as* )e%% an& pee% t*e 'u'umbers. C*op t*em roug*%y a%ong )it* t*e tomatoes. $%en& )it* 'rus*e& gar%i'. '*oppe& be%% peppers. sa%t. pepper. garnis* )it* 'orian&er %ea es an& '*i%% t*oroug*%y. 4our ga/pa'*o is rea&y5 # -*ere6s not*ing %i7e a )aterme%on granita to beat t*e *eat. "uree fi e 'ups of )aterme%on 'ubes in a b%en&er. 8n a %arge &eep tray. pour t*e pu%p. mi9 in one 'up sugar syrup an& t)o tab%espoons fres* %emon :ui'e. +ree/e for four *ours or unti% fro/en so%i&. 1'rape out t*e granita )it* a %arge spoon an& ser e in bo)%s )it* s%i'es of fres* )aterme%on as garnis*. # Ma7e a s%us* )it* your fa ourite fruits an& pour it into popsi'%e mou%&s to ma7e a 'oo% %o);'a% &essert.

Mood foods
@eep your brain in top$notch condition by munching on these snacks +our brain depends on a variety of nutrients to keep itself balanced 4nd guess what, chips and beer are nowhere to be seen on that list !ere)s the scoop on si* snacks that will help kick your mind into gear Easy to prepare and easier to munch on, these superfoods will help you deal with your mood$swings and keep your brain going strong )our mood: *n+ious +ou need to stay sharp through a gruelling 9ob interview )our meal: !alf a grilled$chicken wrap at lunch !old the mayo Here,s why: Eating <<=$<C>gm of protein daily helps the brain create dopamine and norepinephrine$both of these are neurochemicals that keep you alert )our mood: Stressed +ou have to meet a deadline without being overwhelmed )our meal: 4 handful of sesame seeds while you are working Here,s why: Stress hormones can deplete your body)s supply of magnesium, reducing your stress$coping abilities and increasing your risk of developing high blood pressure )our mood: Restless +ou need some sleep before the big day )our meal: :on$fat popcorn half an hour before you go to bed Here,s why: .he carbs will induce your body to create serotonin, a neurochemical that makes you feel rela*ed 2ake sure it)s fat$free, because fat will slow the process of boosting serotonin levels )our mood: "epressed Problems at home are doing you in )our meal: 7rilled fish or sushi for dinner Here,s why: 4 study in %inland found that people who eat more fish are D< per cent less likely to suffer from depression 4nd skip sweet, simple carbs$the inevitable sugar crash can actually deepen depression

)our mood: Insecure +ou)re not confident of performing in bed )our meal: 4 snack$si1e chocolate bar when she)s in the bathroom Here,s why: /hocolate contains many chemicals that brighten your mood, including anandamine, which targets receptors in your brain that produce a co1y, euphoric feeling )our mood: Flummo+ed +ou)ve forgotten your last two deadlines )our meal: Pineapple chunks for a snack or a cup of berries in your oatmeal Here,s why: 4ntio*idants from the most colourful fruits and vegetables help pick off the free radicals that wear away at your memory$ o*idants do heavy damage in your brain

Food for thought

Bisten up, smart guy .hat brain of yoursE Every day, you rack it, ta* it, and let other people pick it, but there-s one thing you don-t doFfeed it Sure, you eat plenty, but you never whip up anything for your grey matter 3n fact, we-d say that your cerebrum is starving, based on the trouble you-ve had focusing at work, remembering birthdays (your own) and answering @B/-s &uestions without using a lifeline 5on-t recall any of that happeningE Our point e*actly +ou need emergency help .hat-s why, like #:3/E% for your malnourished mind, we-ve prepared a relief package and parachuted it onto these pages Each food has an immediate benefit (improved memory, sharpened concentration, wittier pickup lines) that-ll give you a brain boost anytime, but especially when you need it mostFon the 9ob 6e call it G.he .hinking 2an-s 5iet,H and frankly, you-d be an idiot not to try it $onday! -:.. */$/ 0 (owerpoint presentation )ou need to eat: Oatmeal with cinnamon and brown sugar #niversity of .oronto researchers recently found that eating certain carbohydrate$rich foods like oatmeal is the same as having a shot of glucose, aka blood sugar, in9ected into your brain (without having to e*plain why there-s a syringe sticking out of your head) G+our body &uickly takes glucose out of the carbohydrates and feeds it to your brain to help it function,H says 4rnold Scheibel, 25, former director of #/B4-s Brain ;esearch 3nstitute 3n other words, the higher the concentration of glucose in your blood, the better your memory and concentration :o oatmeal, or can-t stand the stuff even with cinnamon and brown sugarE 7rab a banana or a bun insteadI they turn into glucose fast, too Tuesday! 1:1. (/$/ 0 $idafternoon slump )ou need to ha e: One cup of coffee and two choco$chip cookies .he original fresh$brewed brain fuel 3n one study, British researchers found that those people consuming the caffeine e&uivalent of appro*imately one cup of coffee e*perienced improved attention and problem$solving skills .ry downing your 9oe with two chocolate$chip cookies, a samosa, or a cheese patty G.he fat in foods like these triggers the release of cholecystokinin, a hormone that slows stomach emptying, which may help ma*imise your absorption of caffeine,H says :eeru 7era, endocrinologist at 2a* !ealthcare !ospital

$he higher the amount of glucose in !our blood, the better !our memor!.

!owever, drinking coffee within nine hours of bedtime could disrupt sleepI calculate accordingly when your afternoon coffee break should be 4nd stop at one cupI another study found that men given more caffeine did worse on attention tests Wednesday! 2.:1. */$/ 0 3mergency meeting With the boss )ou need to eat: Some raisins Skip the e*otic fruitsI raisins are loaded with old$fashioned boron #S54 researchers found that sub9ects taking in the most boronFD ( milligrams a dayFperformed about <> per cent better on attention and memory tests than those eating the least G!alf of all men get only about < ( mg of boron a day,H says ?ames Penland, Ph5, a #S54 research psychologist ;aisins help you make up the difference with < J mg in a half cup 4pples and nuts pack boron, too Thursday! 4:56 (/$/ 0 (utting in o ertime )ou need to ha e: 4n egg$salad sandwich and a glass of milk Eggs and milk are the richest sources of choline, a nutrient that-ll make

for a memorable evening Studies have shown that college students given three to four grams of choline one hour before taking memory tests scored higher than those %ood for thought who didn-t receive the choline supplements G6e believe choline increases the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps your brain store and recall information,H says Steven Keisel, 25, Ph5, a professor of nutrition at the #niversity of :orth /aro$lina 4lthough studies have used supplements, 5r Keisel says that eating your choline should do the trick 9ust as well Friday! 7oon 0 Working through lunch )ou need to eat: 4 few chicken tikkas Every order comes supersi1ed with the amino acid tyrosine #S military researchers found that soldiers did better on a multitasking and memory test when they had eaten a tyrosine$enriched food like chicken wings an hour earlier G.yrosine may help your body maintain brain levels of dopamine, one neurotransmitter important to working memory,H says Patricia 5euster, Ph5, the study author @athi rolls are also high in tyrosine, but hold the parathaI carbohydrates can interfere with the absorption of the amino acid

%i&&a with egetables "ossib%y better t*an forma%&e*y&e for preser ing your brain (an& better;tasting. too). <ust as7 t*e rats. -ufts =ni ersity resear'*ers 7ept rats on a &iet of anti;o9i&ant;ri'* egetab%es an& fruits. >ine a'tua%%y s*o)e& a turnaroun& in t*eir age;re%ate& menta% &e'%ine. ?0ntio9i&ants s*ou%& repair o9i&ati e &amage in t*e *uman brain t*e same )ay t*at t*ey &o in t*e rat brain.@ says <ames <osep*. "*D. '*ief of t*e =1D0 neuros'ien'e %aboratory at -ufts =ni ersity. -ry sna'7ing on &ar7;'o%oure& fruits. su'* as stra)berries an& b%ueberries. in bet)een your s%i'es of egetab%e pi//a.

.he truly 3ndian guava is hardly considered fashionable to eat or a )supermarket) fruit, but the nutrition facts definitely give it a spot among the superfoods 3t is a winner all the way when it comes to vitamins and fibre content 7uavas are also one of the richest sources of vitamin / among fruits, beating even the oranges 0itamin / plays an important role in preventing the two big /s$cancer and cardiac disease$due to its antio*idant action .he edible thin skin and the edible seeds provide a whole lot of dietary fibre to keep your mornings smooth

Pink guavas are rich in lycopene, an antio*idant that will keep cancer away from your prostate 7uavas better than

(range Apples "otassium 121mg/100gm %otassium in Gua a' 2!0mg/100gm)Dietary fibre 2.Ag/100gm Dietar! fibre in Gua a' Bg/100gm Vitamin C : 4!mg/100gm )itaminm * in Gua a' 218mg/100gm

$omatoes ,y'opene in 'oo7e& tomatoes: 3A m'g/gm +!copene in %ink Gua a' B4 m'g/gm

Menu translator' Gauge the health ,uotient of -ndian food

Dishes .ogan /osh C C*un7s of meat in 'reamy. re& sau'e. (ig* in protein. .aita C 4og*urt )it* s*re&&e& 'u'umber. fruit. (ig* in protein.

Aloo gobhi C Dry potato an& 'au%if%o)er. (ig* in 'arbs. Drinks Dal makhani C ,enti%s 'oo7e& )it* butter. (ig* in protein D fat. *hai C -ea boi%e& )it* mi%7 an& sugar. (ig* in sugar.

Dum aloo C "otato 'urry )it* spi'y yog*urt. tomato an& onion sau'e.(ig* in 'arbs D fat. +assi C Co%& yog*urt an& )ater. sa%ty or s)eet. 0hichdi C 2i'e an& %enti%s )it* turmeri'. (ig* in fibre. (ig* in protein D fat. .asam C C%ear pepper soup. (ig* in protein.

Nutrition Bulletin
*dd two years to your life Eating a salad a day may help you live longer, according to Bouisiana State #niversity researchers 3n a study of more than <L,>>> people, scientists found that those who ate 9ust one serving of garden salad daily consumed significantly more folate and vitamins B, /, and E than those who didn-t down a bowl of mi*ed greens :o surprise, rightE But here-s the pay$offM the amount of raw vegetables in one serving of salad, if eaten every day, is estimated to increase life span by two years .o get the most health benefits, build your salad with vegetables rich in antio*idantsF dark leafy greens, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots and red and green bell peppers Tomatoes: The new aspirin? .urns out, they-re not 9ust good for prostate healthI tomatoes may help prevent a heart attack or stroke, too #@ scientists found that drinking a daily tomato e*tract beverage e&uivalent to two tomatoes has a blood thinning effect similar to that of aspirin 3n fact, the tomato drink inhibited blood$clot formation by up to (C per cent Food for thought )our fridge! bacteria free 5o you know how cold your fridge isE 3f you-re like JN per cent of 3ndians, the answer is noFbut here-s why you shouldM in order to halt bacterial growth, the temperature of your fridge needs to be set to CO/elsius or colder, report @ansas State #niversity researchers Star e the heartburn 4dopting a new diet could e*tinguish that fire in your chest /utting out carbs helps relieve heartburn, according to a recent study from the #niversity of :orth /arolina Sugar kills /holesterol isn-t your only cardiac worry /hinese researchers discovered that as your blood sugar creeps upward, so does your risk of heart disease 3n a study of <>,>>> people, scientists observed that blood pressure, triglycerides and /$reactive proteinFall strong

predictors of future heart troubleFconsistently increased with rising levels of fasting glucose, the standard measure of blood sugar Fact of life Three 0 :umber of times more likely that people who drink ( ' cans of soft drink daily are to be depressed and an*ious, compared with those who drink less Source: American Journal of Public Health

Are !ou consuming enough calcium1

2ni ersit! of 3awaii scientists sa! instead of aiming for the recommended 4,555mg of total calcium a da!, focus on absorbable calcium, of which 655mg is !our target. Ser ing 1' 1' 1 G o/ 1' 1' G' G' G' G' G' Food 4og*urt 17im Mi%7 C*eese Hrange <ui'e 3*o%e Mi%7 ,ig*t 8'e Cream Cottage C*eese Ii&ney $eans $ro''o%i 1pina'* $otal Absorbable *alcium 7mg8 448/144 31F/101 310/100 300/!0 2AF/8! 122/3! A8/2B 2B/F 31/1! 122/F Nutrition Bulletin
Sidestep knee pain Eating papaya today can save your knees in the future, say 4ustralian scientists who studied the diets and knees of nearly D>> adults for <> years 2;3 scans proved that the people who ate the most vitamin /$rich fruits e*perienced significantly less knee wear and tear, slashing their risk of osteoarthritis 4ntio*idants help prevent cartilage damage, while vitamin / strengthens bone, says %lavia /icuttini, Ph5, one of the study)s authors Especially if you)re a runner, make sure to add papayas, oranges and apricots$all high in /$to your diet Food for thought 8)our guide to eating right9 &ube a weak stomach 2ake sure your gut is a well$oiled machine 4 new Spanish study found that e*tra$virgin olive oil may prevent stomach ulcers .he benefit may stem from the high content of compounds called polyphenols that are found in olive oil :uiced foods #niversity of %lorida researchers have genetically engineered a tomato that contains a full day)s worth of folate, which is (= times more than is found in normal tomatoes 5eficiency in folate levels increases your risk of heart disease and certain cancers

%ercentage (f Dail! "eed 48E 34E 33E 30E 30E 13E 8E 2E FE 2E

(eel appeal 3t)s old news that apples are great for you But it turns out that the apple)s peel may be its most valuable part /ornell #niversity scientists treated liver$, breast$ and colon$cancer cells with triterpenoids$antio*idants in apple peels$ and found the compounds inhibited cancer growth ;esearchers don)t yet know how potent triterpenoids are, but they believe the antio*idants have the cancer$fighting properties attributed to the whole fruit Fact of life = >= $ :umber of days 3ndian men eat breakfast per week (SourceM 2en)s !ealth 3nternational !ealth Survey (>>L

Turn your blender into a health0boosting food factory/

5epending on what you toss into them, smoothies offer a range of heart$saving, muscle$ building, brain$9uicing, mood$improving benefits 6e give you the building blocks and the blueprintsFall you need to do is li&uefy 2/ %rain booster Berries are not 9ust great superfood for your brainI they offer an important cancer$fighting bonus ' cup fresh or fro1en blueberriesI ' cup fresh or fro1en raspberriesI ' cup low$fat yoghurtI < cup pineapple$orange 9uiceI < cup ice ;/ $uscle builder .his features the brawn$building power of protein from both peanut butter and whey (tbsp peanut butterI ' cup whey proteinI ' cup low$fat yoghurtI < bananaI < cup fat$free milk 1/ Heart helper %ibre from the fruit teams with the artery$protecting antio*idants and healthy monounsaturated fats of the peanut butter to keep your ticker ticking <tbsp peanut butterI < bananaI ' cup low$fat yoghurtI ' cup raspberriesI < cup fat$free milk 5/ Tummy soother .he yoghurt in this recipe aids digestion while the mango and pineapple$orange 9uice boost immune response ' cup pitted cherriesI ' cup mangoI ' cup low$fat yoghurtI < cup pineapple$orange 9uiceI < cup ice 6/ $ood maker 4n all$fruit smoothie, packed with carbs to boost your serotonin levels 4dd a handful of fla*seeds for an e*tra dose of omega$D fatty acids ' cup blueberriesI ' cup mangoI < cup pineapple$orange 9uiceI < cup ice The *d antages %lueberries: 4ntio*idants such as anthocynanins in blueberries slow brain decline and reverse memory loss &ow0fat yoghurt: +oghurt is cache of calcium and digestion$aiding probiotics Fat0free milk: 4ll the calcium and protein, none of the fat Raspberries: 4n antio*idant powerhouse bursting with fibre, manganese and vitamin /, these berries will keep your heart and brain in top shape (ineapple0orange <uice: O? has vitamin / and pineapple contains bromelain, a cancer$inhibiting, inflammation$reducing en1yme

#herries: 3n addition to their vitamin and fibre content, cherries can reduce arthritis pain %ananas: !eavy on potassium, fibre and vitamin BP, bananas do wonders for your heart and provide good carbs to keep you full and energised (eanut butter: Packed with protein, manganese and niacin, peanuts can help stave off heart disease and, in moderation, promote weight loss Whey protein: 3ts essential amino acids help pack on the muscleFmaking whey the best friend of athletes and gym rats $angoes: .o their stock of vitamins 4 and /, mangoes add a healthy dose of beta$carotene, which helps prevent cancer and promotes healthy skin

One of the best vegetarian sources of omega$D fatty acids, walnuts improve your good cholesterol levels Because of their rich omega$D content, which is important for brain cells to function optimally, they are also known as brain food 4 study also proved that people who eat nuts at least twice a week are less likely to gain weight than those who almost never eat nuts Being a good source of manganese, copper as well as ellagic acid, walnuts provide good antio*idant protection against cancers 4 diet that includes walnuts also helps keep bones strong 6alnuts can be added into salads and baked items +ou can eat them with yoghurt or add into your breakfast cereal

9alnuts are better than...

%eanuts Ca%ories ; 20F in J 'up ()a%nuts;1F3) Ca%ories from fat ; 1F1 ()a%nuts;14F)

*ashews Hmega;3 fatty a'i&s ; 2.4E DV ()a%nuts ; !0E) Dietary fibre ; 1gm ()a%nuts ; F.A2gm)

Almonds Ca%ories ; 20B in J 'up ()a%nuts;1F2) Hmega;3 fatty a'i&s ; 0 ()a%nuts ; !0E DV)

6 things you should know about sandwi hes

2 3asy on the cheesy Steer clear of cheese sandwiches with mayonnaise 4 cheddar sandwich with mayo dressing and salad cream packs fat that-s close to the amount contained in a couple of chocolate bars ; Fa ourite fillings Bike chickenE But are you sure it-s the real clucking thing between the slicesE 2ost sandwiches don-t have <>> per cent pure chicken /ommon additives include water, potato starch and lactose 1 (erk it up G4s much as L> per cent of the nutrients are removed from white bread during refining,H says Patrick !olford, author of .he Optimum :utrition Bible Eat some fruitFdried apricots, bananas or kiwiFwith your sandwich to boost your nutrient intake 5 $arg=better than butter? :o 2ost margarine is high in trans fats, which are far worse for your health than the saturated fats found in butter Olive oil spreads have only (> per cent of the cardio$protective properties of olive oil 7oing dry is the best option 3f you can-t keep it dry, opt for an organic unsalted butter

6 Shelf life Pasteurised sandwich fillings can be kept intact for over five months .his level of GfreshnessH isn-t via preservatives but by a process of long preparation 4 %rown is better ;ural 4fricans eat up to ==gm of fibre daily and have e*tremely low levels of bowel cancer .he Satiety 3nde*, composed by 5r Susanne !olt, from the #niversity of Sydney, shows that wholemeal breads are nearly => per cent more filling than white bread .his is because fibre increases your levels of cholecystokinin, a hormone that slows the rate at which your stomach digests food and makes you feel fuller for longer $ake your own " Eat your sandwich with mint chutney or yoghurt dip Besides the flavour, they are great appetisers " 2aking an open sandwichE Put in chunks of paneer or chicken tikka " Put aloo tikkis between slices of bread and grill them

!he " best foods

6ant to do your body a world of goodE 3t-s as easy as e*panding your grocery list .here are many superfoods that never see the inside of your shopping cart Some that you-ve never heard of, and others that you-ve simply forgotten about .hat-s why we have rounded up the best of the bunch 2ake a place for these superfoods on your table and you-ll be able to instantly upgrade your healthFwithout a prescription %eets .hese grungy$looking roots are naturally sweeter than any other vegetable, which means they pack tons of flavour underneath their rugged e*terior Why they>re healthy : .hink of beets as red spinach ?ust like Popeye-s powerfood, this crimson vegetable is one of the best sources of both folate and betaine .hese two nutrients work together to lower your blood levels of homocysteine, an inflammatory compound that can damage your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease Plus, the natural pigmentsF called betacyaninsFthat give beets their colour have been proved to be potent cancer fighters in laboratory mice How to eat them : %resh and raw !eating beets decreases their antio*idant power %or a simple single$serving salad, wash and peel one beet and grate it .oss with < tbsp of olive oil and the 9uice of half a lemon .he leaves and stems are packed with vitamins, minerals and antio*idants %or a salad, cut off the stems 9ust where the leaves start and wash thoroughly Or, for a side dish, sautQ the leaves, along with a minced clove of garlic and < tbsp olive oil over medium heat /ook until the leaves wilt and stems are tender Season with salt and pepper and a s&uee1e of lemon 9uice and sprinkle with fresh Parmesan cheese #abbage .his cruciferous vegetable is a ma9or player in European and 4sian diets Why it>s healthy : One cup of chopped cabbage has 9ust (( calories, and it-s loaded with valuable nutrients 4t the top of the list is sulforaphane, a chemical that increases your body-s production of en1ymes that disarm cell$damaging free radicals and reduce your risk of cancer Stanford #niversity scientists determined that sulforaphane boosts your levels of cancer$fighting en1ymes higher than any other plant chemical How to eat it : Put cabbage on your burgers to add a satisfying crunch Or, for a better sandwich topping or salad, try this slaw !ere-s what you-ll need

" C tbsp peanut or canola oil " ?uice of two limes " < tbsp sriracha, an 4sian chili sauce " < head cabbage, chopped " A cup toasted peanuts " ' cup shredded carrots " A cup chopped cilantro 6hisk together oil, sriracha and lime 9uice /ombine rest of the ingredients in a mi*ing bowl and toss with the dressing ;efrigerate for (> minutes before serving .he slaw will keep in your fridge for two days 'ua a 7uava, that humble fruit, is subtly acidic, with sweetness that intensifies as you eat your way to the centre Why it>s healthy : 7uava has a higher concentration of lycopeneFan antio*idant that fights prostate cancerFthan any other plant food, including tomatoes and watermelon One cup provides PJJmg of potassium, which is PD per cent more than in a medium banana 4nd guava may be the ultimate high$fibre foodM there-s almost Ngm of fibre in every cup How to eat it : 5own the entire fruit, from the rind to the seeds 3t-s edibleFand nutritious .he rind alone has more vitamin / than in the flesh of an orange #innamon .his old$world spice usually reaches most men-s stomachs only when it-s mi*ed with sugar and stuck to a croissant Why it>s healthy : /innamon helps control your blood sugar, which influences your risk of heart disease 3n fact, #S54 researchers found that people with .ype ( diabetes who consumed <gm of cinnamon a day for si* weeks significantly reduced not only their blood sugar but also their triglycerides and B5B (bad) cholesterol /redit the spice-s active ingredients, methylhydro*ychalcone polymers, which increase your cells- ability to metabolise sugar by up to (> times How to eat it : ?ust sprinkle the stuff on your spice rack into your coffee or on your oatmeal (omegranate <uice 4 popular drink for decades in 6est 4sia, pomegranate 9uice is widely available now Why it>s healthy : 3sraeli scientists discovered that men who downed 9ust P>ml of pomegranate 9uice daily for a year decreased their systolic blood pressure by (< per cent and significantly improved blood flow to their hearts 6hat-s more, <(>ml provides => per cent of your daily vitamin / needs How to drink it : .ry <>> per cent pomegranate 9uiceI it contains no added sugars 'o<i berries .hese raisin$si1e fruits are chewy and taste like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry .hey have been used as a medicinal food in .ibet for over <,L>> years Why they>re healthy : 7o9i berries have one of the highest O;4/ ratingsFa method of gauging antio*idant powerFof any fruit, according to .ufts #niversity researchers 2odern scientists have found that the sugars that make them sweet reduce insulin resistance Fa risk factor of diabetesFin rats How to eat them : 2i* dried or fresh go9i berries with a cup of plain yoghurt, sprinkle them on your oatmeal or cold cereal or en9oy a handful by themselves "ried plums +ou may know these better by the moniker GprunesH Why they>re healthy : Prunes contain high amounts of neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids, antio*idants that are particularly effective at combating the Gsupero*ide anion radicalH .his nasty free radical causes structural damage to your cells, which is thought to be a primary cause of cancer How to eat them : 6rap a slice of lean meat around each dried plum and secure with a toothpick Bake in a C>>O% ((>=O/) oven for <>$<= minutes, until the plums are soft and the meat is crispy (umpkin seeds

.hese 9ack$o-$lantern waste products are the most nutritious part of the pumpkin Why they>re healthy : 3t-s the easiest way to consume more magnesium %rench researchers determined that men with the highest levels of magnesium in their blood have a C> per cent lower risk of early death than those with the lowest levels On an average, men consume D=Dmg of the mineral daily, well under the C(>mg minimum recommended by the #S54 How to eat them : 6hole, shells and all (.he shells provide e*tra fibre ) ;oasted pumpkin seeds contain = D=mg of magnesium per gramI add them to your regular diet and you-ll easily hit your daily target of C(>mg

Antio:idants, e:plained -*e s'ien'e is '%ear: p%ant foo&s are goo& for you. 0n& t*e 're&it often goes to '*emi'a%s t*ey pro&u'e 'a%%e& antio9i&ants. <ust as t*e name suggests. antio9i&ants *e%p prote't your 'e%%s against o9i&ation. -*in7 of o9i&ation as rust. -*is rust is 'ause& by free ra&i'a%s. )*i'* are unstab%e o9ygen atoms t*at atta'7 your 'e%%s. in&u'ing D>0 &amage t*at %ea&s to 'an'er. -*an7fu%%y. antio9i&ants *e%p stabi%ise free ra&i'a%s. )*i'* 7eeps t*e rogue atoms from *arming your 'e%%s. 1o by eating more antio9i&ant;ri'* foo&s. youK%% boost t*e amount of t*e &isease;fig*ting '*emi'a%s f%oating in your b%oo&stream. -*e resu%t: e ery bite fortifies your bo&y )it* a%%;natura% pre enti e me&i'ine. Nutrition Bulletin
"e0 ining the truth 4lthough tasty and nutritious, tomatoes may not be the wonderfood we might think ;esearch in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention found that lycopene, an antio*idant found in tomatoes, does not effectively prevent prostate cancer 3n fact, beta$carotene, an antio*idant related to lycopene, could even increase the risk of prostate cancer R3t is disappointing, since lycopene might have offered a simple and ine*pensive way to lower prostate cancer risk in men,R said 5r #lrike Peters of the %red !utchinson /ancer ;esearch /entre in Seattle !owever, tomatoes are still packed with cancer$fi ghting antio*idants Food for thought 8 )our guide to eating right9 Fight off cancer Eating fla*seed (alsi) may protect your se* gland from cancer, say researchers at 5uke #niversity 3t)s loaded with a form of omega$D fatty acid that may inhibit cancer cells from forming %anish bacteria ;utgers #niversity scientists have created an edible, tasteless powder that disables Salmonella and E coli 2ade of antibacterial compounds e*tracted from cloves, oregano, thyme and paprika, this potent powder could be protecting produce as early as this year $elt migraines 2ove the red pepper to your medicine cabinet /ayenne can make your headache vanish Scientists at Seattle)s Bastyr #niversity report that capsaicin, which gives chillies their heat, cuts off the neurotransmitters in the brain that trigger headache pain Eating spicy foods won)t do the trick, though .he study authors suggest dissolving S tsp of cayenne powder in <(>ml warm water 5ip a cotton swab into the spicy solution and apply it to the inside of your nostrils Fact of life 1?5 0 4mount in rupees the average urban 3ndian spends on processed food every month (Source: National ample urvey !rganisation"

One of the fruits from the berry group that is readily available in 3ndia, strawberry is truly one of a kind in terms of looks and &ualities .he presence of phenol (from the anthocyanin pigment that gives it the fl ush red colour) and ellagic acid in strawberries protects your heart, fi ghts cancer and acts as an anti$infl ammatory agent as well +ou can get some protection against arthritis by eating fruits rich in vitamin / ;egular consumption of strawberries is also proven to lower risk of age$related macular degeneration or vision loss +ou can en9oy this fruit for much longer after the season is gone, by free1ing batches of it while in season 4dd chopped berries to your breakfast cereal or smoothie 3t can even add a sweet touch to your lunch salad

Strawberries are better than...

*ranberries Vitamin CL13 mg/'up (1tra)berriesL81mg/'up) ManganeseL0.14 mg/'up (1tra)berriesL0.42 mg/'up) Go green

Grapefruits Vitamin CL48.8mg/ser ing (1tra)berriesL81 mg/ser ing) Dietary fi breL1.Fgm/'up (1tra)berriesL3.3 gm/'up)

.aspberries Ca%oriesLF0 'a%/'up (1tra)berriesL43 'a%/'up) Vitamin CL30.Amg/'up (1tra)berriesL81mg/'up)

/homp on this nutritious palak and paneer dish after a workout P*&*@ (*733R HAT0(AT Ingredients " <tbsp refi ned oil " <(=gm paneer (cottage cheese), cubed " Dtbsp tomato puree " A tsp ginger$garlic paste " ' onion, sliced " D handfuls baby palak (spinach) leaves " 4 pinch of garam masala " Salt to taste $ethod " !eat oil in a non$stick shallow pan " Put in the onion and stirfry for few seconds " :ow add the spinach and keep on stiring till the leaves become soft " Put in the mi*ture of tomato puree and ginger$garlic paste " 4dd salt and spices 4llow it to boil once " 4dd the cottage cheese cubes and stir for a couple of minutes, or till the cheese cubes get coated with the sauceTgravy n Serve hot with rice, roti or toasted %rench bread C(> calories, (=gm protein, D>gm fat, Cgm carbohydrates Ather options 3f you are out of paneer or you want a dairy$free option, you can also use tofu or a vegetable like cauliflower instead .ofu is low in calories, contains beneficial amounts of iron and has no cholesterol

%ound abundantly in 3ndia almost through the year, this fruit is a nutritional goldmine 3t is considered an e*otic tropical treat in most countries :o wonder /hristopher /olumbus called it ,the fruit of the angels!aving papaya in your breakfast provides the re&uired daily levels of 4/E vitamins, giving you antio*idant protection .he hearty dose of folic acid keeps your arteries in good shape .he fibre$rich papaya helps keep your cholesterol levels down En1ymes like papain and

chemopapain in papaya are believed to have anti$inflammatory effects 3t makes a delicious salsa to go with grilled fish /ombine finely diced papaya with some grated ginger, chillies and coriander and your salsa is readyU 5iced papaya in fresh yoghurt can be served as raita

%apa!a is better than...

%ineapple Dietary fibre :1.8gm/'up ("apaya:2.8gm/'up) Vitamin C:24mg/'up ("apaya:!4mg/'up)

*antaloupe +o%i' a'i&:2Am'g/'up ("apaya:BAm'g/'up) Vitamin C:BBmg/'up ("apaya:!4mg/'up) %ot deals

9atermelon Vitamin C:14.Bmg/'up ("apaya:!4mg/'up) "otassium:1AFmg/'up "apaya:3!0mg/'up)

!ere)s are <> things you should know about your beloved beverages 2 'reen for gold 7reen tea boosts your athletic endurance by (C per cent, says a study in the 4merican ?ournal of Physiology$;egulatory, 3ntegrative and /omparative Physiology %our cups a day will up your chances of nabbing a medal ; #old sweat! hot choc /ornell #niversity has found three times more antio*idants, which mop up free radicals created during e*ercising, in cocoa than in green tea 4dd milk to your choc to aid recovery 1 Tea0stress 4 #niversity /ollege Bondon study found that men who drank black tea had lower cortisol (a hormone causing muscle breakdown) levels than guys who drank any other tea 5 3spresso in pill form .he ?ournal of Strength and /onditioning found that guys who took caffeine tablets bench$pressed ( < per cent more than abstainers 6 #offee to go 3t might make you recover slower, but caffeine will make you speedier 4 study in the ?ournal of Strength and /onditioning found that coffee lovers ran faster Big results from a little bean 4 'o potty .he traditional teapot outperforms bags .he ;owett ;esearch 3nstitute in 4berdeen found that people who drank a five$minute teapot brew had P> per cent more antio*idants than those who did a one$minute cup brew B (ain stay ;ela*ing with a coffee will mean 9ust that for your muscles +ou)ll halve the amount of muscle pain after your workout with one strong cup of brew, found researchers at the #niversity of 7eorgia ? Soolong to fat 4 few sips of oolong tea can be the e&uivalent to a treadmill session .he 4merican ?ournal of /linical :utrition reported that during a study, men who drank (=>ml of the tea daily reduced their B23, waist si1e and body$fat mass - Tea0hydrate !ot drinks get a bad rep for leaving you dehydrated But the British 5ietetic 4ssociation has found that tea counts towards your daily water intake 2. Take it easy

Everything seems easier after a cuppa$e*ercise included ;esearch in the ?ournal of 2edicine and Science in Sports found that caffeine makes e*ercise seem = P per cent easier

&iver let live

Biver let live Been battering your drinking organE !ere)s how to send it back on the road to recovery 2/ Wake up and smell the coffee 4ccording to a study in the ?ournal of the :ational /ancer 3nstitute, drinking one to two cups of the black stuff halves your risk of liver cancer British researchers also found that medium$roasted coffee has higher antio*idant activity than dark$roasted 4nd no, 3rish coffee doesn)t count ;/ &earn from lager lo ers 7ermans$no strangers to drenching their bodies with boo1e$swear by a lame sounding herb for liver stability 2ilk thistle capsules, loaded with silymarin, help patch up liver damage 1/ @now how to take a <ab !epatitis 4 could leave you in bad shape 4sk your 7P for a !ep 4 vaccination four to si* weeks before you travel to Southern or Eastern Europe, 4frica, 6est or South East 4sia 5/ Shake it up .ests on rats have shown that protein supplements help repair damages livers R.his may also apply to humans,R says Prof !arihara 2ehendale of the #niversity of Bouisiana 4fter your visit to 5r 5umb$bells, neck a protein shake containing whey and glutamine 6/ 'o green ;emember the green stuff that used to make Popeye hardE :o, not Olive$spinach #S research suggests a daily helping will boost your liver)s immunity to the effects of alcohol 3f you don)t fancy spinach, kiwi fruit and asparagus are also e*cellent sources of liver aid 4/ Waist not! want not Sporting a lard cummerbundE 3t could be more than 9ust your trousers that are suffering /ut the likelihood of liver disease by eating (>>gm of yoghurt a day 3t could reduce your chance of developing a fatty liver

Nutrition Bulletin
SCueeDe your cancer risk 4 little red sauce 3sraeli researchers say that eating tomatoes may decrease your risk of colon cancer, one of the more common types of cancer amongst 3ndian men 3n the study, =P coloncancer patients infused their diets with D>mg of lycopene, a tomato$derived antio*idant, every day for <> days .he upshotM their levels of insulin$like growth factor (37%), a hormone linked to cancer growth, decreased significantly FAA" FAR THAE'HT 8)our guide to eating right9 Sack your sadness Omega$Ds may calm your neurotic side, says a study in Psychosomatic 2edicine ;esearchers found that men with the lowest blood levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EP4) and docosahe*aenoic acid (5!4) were more likely to be at risk of depression *n ounce of pre ention :orthwestern #niversity researchers found that magnesium may prevent the onset of metabolic syndrome, making you a target for diabetes and heart disease /hew on a few sunflower seeds every morning Fruit recall 2emory grows on trees .he antio*idants in bananas, apples and oranges may help protect you from 4l1heimer)s, report @orean scientists 3n a test$tube study, the researchers discovered that plant chemicals known as polyphenols helped shield brain cells from o*idative stress, a key cause of the disease 4dd more fruit to your diet by slicing an orange into a tossed salad

Fact of life ;!4B5 0 4verage number of calories consumed per capita per day in 3ndia in (>>L Source: #N $ood and Agriculture !rganisation

;:plore !our kitchen cabinet -*ere6s a *ospita% in your 7it'*en 'upboar&. 0%% you nee& to &o is rea'* out for ai&... G-"G;. ; -reats )in& Do what1 >ibb%e a ginger nut )it* your afternoon 'uppa or pee% an& boi% fres* ginger an& &rin7 as a refres*ing bre). 3ow so1 Minger stimu%ates many &igesti e en/ymes in t*e pan'reas. +;M("; -reats greasy s7in Do what1 3as* your fa'e )it* a so%ution ma&e from 1tspn of %emon :ui'e an& )arm )ater for a matte finis*. 3ow so1 -*e a'i& 'ontaine& in t*e %emon *e%ps to brea7 &o)n t*at ref%e'ti e grease. GA.+-*; -reats at*%ete6s foot Do what1 Crus* a gar%i' '%o e an& app%y to a '%ean. &ry foot before be&. >ot t*e most a%%uring fragran'e. t*oug*. 3ow so1 0mong gar%i'6s many *ea%t* benefits are its strong anti;funga% properties. (A$S; -reats e'/ema Do what1 3arm up a 'up of oats an& )ater. t*en app%y to t*e irritate& area. 2emember to %o'7 t*e bat*room &oor. 3ow so1 Hats *a e goo& s7in soot*ing properties &ue to t*eir itamin an& minera% 'ontent.

's your (health( food healthy)

4re you the kind who would swap your regular cola for a diet versionE Or prefer margarine to butter on your morning toastE !ealth food$from low$fat to sugar$free and probiotic to organic$holds the key not 9ust for a healthy diet, but is becoming synonymous with lifestyle 6ith 3ndia topping the chart in the number of diabetics, the increasing awareness of what we eat is a good thing But some foods we think of as healthy aren)t necessarily good for us Babels can be deceptive .o give you a clearer picture, we got together a checklist of items you would find in the health food aisle

2 3nergyFgranola bars .his may sound like a great idea, especially if you skip breakfast or have it on the go .hough marketed as )highfibre), )high$protein) and )lowcarb), most of them range from <=> to D=> calories and contain added sugars, saturated fat and even trans fats in some cases !ere)s the nutritional analysis of oneM a C>gm bar contains <J> calories, Pgm fat, <P>gm sodium, (Ngm carbohydrates and Cgm protein Since one small bar can hardly make you feel sated, chances are that you 9ust might end up eating three and landing on a sugar highU

R.hese bars should not be used as meal replacements,R says 5r Sonia @akar, nutrition consultant at the weight management programme, Sitaram Bhartia 3nstitute of Science and ;esearch, :ew 5elhi 6hile they may be good as a postworkout carb replacement for athletes or those into heavy training, for a normal person, they trigger insulin and later hunger pangs when the sugar levels go down *lternati es: 4 wholegrain sandwich, a banana or a handful of mi*ed nuts with dried fruits ; (robiotics 8ice0cream! dahi! supplements9 Probiotics are your body)s friendly bugs that keep the growth of harmful bacteria under check in your gut .hey aid in digestion and absorption of nutrients, lower bad cholesterol, regularise bowel movement and stop the growth of infection$producing bacteria R.raditional 3ndian foods resort to natural fermentation and are, therefore, rich in probiotics, for e*ample, idlis, dosas, dhoklas and homemade dahi,R says Sheela @rishnaswamy, dietician and founder$managing partner of nutrition consulting firm :3/!E, Bangalore R3t)s not really necessary to buy probiotic dahi R 3f you rely on supermarkets for your &uota of dahi, the key words you must look for are )live cultures) R3t)s difficult to compare the probiotic efficacy of different brands of yoghurt and ice$cream as the number of bacteria is rarely mentioned on the pack,R says 5r !aritha Shyam, nutritionist, 4pollo !ospitals, !yderabad 3f you are looking for a supplement, choose one with a daily dosage of C$<> billion viable organisms Ensure that the manufacturing date on the pack is as near as possible since these good fellows start losing their edge with time, say P$<> months !owever, there is also something called prebiotics, which are catalysts for the growth of the bacteria 5ietary fibre and fructooligosaccharides are e*amples of prebiotics *lternati es: 4 smoothie from homemade dahi, a high$fibre diet, idlis, dosas, uthapam, dhokla 1 &ow0fat cheese 4s long as you eat cheese in moderation, there)s nothing wrong with it 4 study published in the 4merican ?ournal of /linical :utrition shows that a calcium$rich diet can actually help burn fat .he /aerphilly study in (>>L showed that men eating cheese e&uivalent to > =l milk reduced their risk of metabolic syndrome by P( per cent Bow$fat cheeses and spreads claim to have its goodness sans the calories from fat R.his may not be as great as it sounds 6hen authentic nutrition labels aren)t displayed, one can)t tell whether the fats removed are replaced by trans fats,R points out 5r @akar R3n the run after low fat, the salt intake goes up, putting you at risk of hypertension .he synthetic emulsifiers with high omega$P fatty acid ratio increase bad cholesterol R *lternati es: %eta, /hevre, 7ouda or Edam (lower saturated fat varieties) !ave hung yoghurt or paneer made from skimmed milk 5 (rotein shake Protein shakes might be fashionable, but they can cause health problems in the long run, particularly relating to kidneys and thinning bones .hough they may be recommended for sportspersons and people on high$protein diets, they are not advisable for people who have balanced diets 4 person with normal activity re&uires > Jgm protein per kg of ideal body weight, which translates to roughly <>$<( per cent of daily calorie intake Protein above the prescribed limit thickens your waistline instead of building your biceps 2any trainers push their clients to have a protein shake as a post$workout drink R4 person who e*ercises for about an hour does not re&uire any e*tra supplementation 4 natural, wellbalanced diet will take care of the nutritional re&uirements,R says @rishnaswamy *lternati es: %resh fruit 9uice without sugar or a fresh fruit 6 $argarine 6hile you have been en9oying the taste of golden yellow salty butter for several years, margarine is promoted as )cholesterol free) and better than butter R2argarine could be higher in )good) fats than butter is,R says 2ayo /linic cardiologist 2artha 7rogan, 25 2ade from vegetable oils, margarine is cholesterol free but this does not reduce the total calories or calories from fat !owever, it)s the trans fats that come from the hydrogenation process that makes margarine harmful #ntil the popular brands disclose that they are free from trans fats, it)s safer to stick to butter in small portions

*lternati es: 0egetable or herb chutneys, like tomato chutney, mintcoriander chutney or hummus 4 "iet sodas and sugar substitutes 3f you want to keep off the unwanted calories from sugar, you may be well$ac&uainted with the two key players in this arenaM aspartame and sucralose 6hile the former is forever looming in controversies blaming it for health problems ranging from brain damage to male infertility, the latter is promoted as a )natural) substitute RSucralose is closer to natural than aspartame and leaves no metallic aftertaste Plus, sucralose is heat$proof and can be used in baking or cooking,R says 5r Shyam !owever, even sucralose has not been proven safe and industry sources say that the chemical composition of sucralose is closer to pesticides than to sugar due to the presence of chlorine 4rtificial sweeteners have no calories because they don)t nourish your body in any way$they)re to*ins your body either struggles to clear or stores away *lternati es: :atural sources of sugar like honey, maple syrup and molasses B Fat0free desserts @nowing the 3ndian sweet tooth and the ever$increasing population of diabetics, it)s no wonder that sugar$free desserts are flooding the market 6hile sorbets made from fruit 9uice or yoghurt are usually fat$free or low in fat percentage, gelatos and premium ice$cream are not far in terms of fat and calorie content 3n fact, some ice$creams could actually have lesser calories and fat content per scoop because of higher overrun (which is the &uantity of air incorporated into the icecream to make it more )scoopable)) .he economy ice$ cream brands have a higher overrun (more air), premium brands have an overrun ranging from minimal to 1ero and a gelato has none absolutely !owever, the gelatos promoted as NN per cent fat$free are made from skimmed milk and are, hence, lower in calories *lternati es: !omemade ice sticks made of fruit puree

Fuel the for e

%ind answers to your &ueries about mayonnaise and milk, vitamins, vegetables and more 2 Is burnt food harmful? Probably Swedish research has found that burnt bits of toast and chips have high levels of acrylamide$a chemical that has been found to be harmful to animals) reproductive organs Studies are inconclusive as to whether charred food is harmful to humans Either way, over$cooking your food dramatically reduces its nutritional value, not to mention the taste, so watch that toast ; What is the best type of milk to drink? Pasteurisation kills all bacteria in milk$good and bad .he more processed the milk, i e skimmed, the less calcium is used by your body R5o1ens of en1ymes are destroyed by pasteurisation .he pancreas is not always able to produce these en1ymes, which can lead to diabetes,R says 5r ?ohn 2ercola, author of the .otal !ealth Program ROrganic milk is the best kind to drink for a healthy balance, but be careful to drink it in moderation,R says 5r Sandhya Pandey, a :ew 5elhi$based consulting dietician 1 "o cordial and tea count towards eight glasses of water a day? .ea is a diuretic and both are stimulants .hey dehydrate you so the more tea or cordial you drink, the more water you are likely to need 5 What will happen to you if you don,t eat any fruit at all? 3f you replace the nutrients that you need with vegetables, then you can still be healthy 3f you don)t like to eat fruit, try drinking freshly$s&uee1ed fruit 9uice as it introduces valuable natural sugars into your system .hese are important for balancing proteins in your liver Egyptians drew the correlation with scurvy as early as <==> B/, but it)s still a real problem if you)re not eating your five$a$day 6 Is there an alternati e to mayonnaise? :atural yoghurt with live and active cultures as well as heavy cream with buttermilk are versatile alternatives 2ashed avocado is also as good because it)s loaded with healthy fats 4 "oes steaming egetables help retain itamins and minerals?

4ny manner of heating depletes a vegetable)s nutrients, but some methods more so than others By far the best way to consume vegetables is by eating them raw, but when cooking them, steaming is better than boiling Steam them so they are still firm to the bite .his way they will still retain most of their nutrients B *re itamin pills a waste of money? :o R;esearch has found that the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables today are dramatically lower compared to => years ago,R says 6illiam 6olcott, author of .he 2etabolic .yping 5iet .ake a li&uid multivitamin (or a pill) to cover all your bases ? What fruit is the best for you? .here is no one fruit that)s good for everybody Each person has individual acidic or alkaline tendencies in his stomach and eating the wrong fruit could upset that delicate balance .ry them all (one by one, geniusU) to see which you best respond to 2alai kulfi has lesser calories and sugars .hough vanilla ice$cream has more carbohydrates and protein, the 3ndian dessert boasts a lower fat content

;at this...Malai kulfi

"ot that... )anilla ice#cream

# Ca%ories 140 # -ota% fat Agm # C*o%estero% 10mg # 1o&ium F0mg # Carbo*y&rates 1Fgm # Dietary fibre 0gm # 1ugars 1Bgm # "rotein 3gm Dude(s diet FA*s # C*o%estero% 44mg # 1o&ium 80mg # Carbo*y&rates 24gm # Dietary fibre 1gm # 1ugars 21gm # "rotein 4gm

# Ca%ories 201 # -ota% fat 11gm

+ou)re a regular guy on a$shhhhh$diet +ou figured you could lose that beer belly, those love handles, or even worse, those unsightly boobs So you)ve started watching your carb intake and doing your cardio workout 3t)s not a big deal, of course, and you certainly don)t want to make a big deal of it, lest your fried chicken$chomping, beer$gu11ling buddies call you a metro$something 7uys can be so cruel at that (readM any) age But you)ve got &uestions$ some of them silly, others &uite serious$and they)re gnawing at you, keeping you from a nutrition plan that really works 6ell, we)ve got answers Even to the silly ones, likeM The sounds my stomach makes when I,m hungry 0 is that! like! gas that,s looking for a way out? +ou)re half$right 3t is gas, but Rthose rumbles are air bubbles moving around in your stomach and upper intestines as they begin to undergo muscle contractions in anticipation of a meal,R says 5r 2anish 2ohil, consultant, internal medicine, 72 2odi !ospital 3n other words, your stomach is telling you that you need to eat real soon so there)s no need to clear the room +ou can stave off the seismic rumbles for <= minutes by drinking waterI it temporarily fools your body into thinking that it)s full $y mind knows when I,m hungry 8when I start thinking about burgers with a side order of fries and onion rings9/ %ut how does my body know that I,m hungry? 6hen you haven)t eaten for a while, your stomach and your intestines secrete a hormone called ghrelin, which sends Rfeed meR signals to your brain, which is why you start thinking 2c5onald)s Scientists at Bondon)s 3mperial /ollege found levels of the ghrelin hormone drop once you)ve chewed your way through lunch, and your body can go back to doing regular stuff (like work) and your mind can think about more important things (like whether the girl from marketing has a boyfriend) Is it possible to trick my body and brain into thinking I,m full so I,ll eat less?

+es, it is Eating air$filled foods comsuch as popcorn will cause your stomach wall to stretch, which sends satiation messages to your brain 4lternatively, to eat less, you can simply, well, eat less ;esearch has found that eating smaller portions makes you feel 9ust as full as bigger ones 3n e*periments, people were given varying amounts of macaroni and cheese, sandwiches and bags of popcorn Participants given smaller portions felt as satisfied as those who were given up$si1ed meals, even though some of them had eaten => per cent less RPeople)s satiety levels ad9ust depending on how much is on offer,R says 5r 2uffa1al Bakdawala, head of department, bariatrics, B! !iranandani !ospital and an e*pert on the 2en)s !ealth advisory board R.hey also eat more if they pile different flavours on their plate$ more variety e&uals more appetite and lower satiety R .hat e*plains why, at barbecue, you can)t stop tucking into dips and salads even though you)ve already had three helpings of chicken curry "ieting makes me feel hungry! ob iously/ "oes it mean that I will ha e to feel hungry for the rest of my life if I watch my calorie intake? That,s a long time to feel hungry! isn,t it? 4t the beginning of a diet, you)ll feel ravenous because your ghrelin levels rise in response to the lack of food RBut stick with it and within 9ust three or four days your body$and your hunger$hormone levels$will ad9ust to your schedule,R says nutritionist /arina :orris I hear certain foods in my diet plan will keep me full while I,m dieting? What are these foods and are French fries one of them? R/arbohydrates and protein cause the best suppression of ghrelin,R says sports nutritionist :eil %oster 4nd fats are, unsurprisingly, the least effective 6holegrain products high in fibre and protein will keep you feeling fuller for longer periods, so if you)re chowing down on sandwiches, pick one with wholegrain bread with lean chicken But skip the fries$the deep$frying preparation methods add grams of fat What? 7o more French fries?G 4gain, no, fries shouldn)t be a side order of every meal +ou can eat them sparingly (once or twice a week, and go easy on the sodium), but a better way to eat your spud is to have your potatoes anything but fried 4ccording to an 4ustralian study, where participants ate different foods and rated their satiety over two hours, white potatoes kept stomachs &uiet longest R.hanks to the 4tkins diet, potatoes have a bad rep$they have a high glycaemic inde*, meaning they raise blood sugar levels &uickly,R says 5r Bakdawala But their high fibre content$( Pgm or <C per cent of our daily recommended &uota from a single medium spud baked in its 9acket$means that they)re one of the most satisfying foods .hey)re thrice better than white bread, and at the top of the so$ called satiety inde*$a measure devised by scientists at the #niversity of Sydney Why is it okay to eat baked potatoes but not fries? +ou really like your fries, don)t youE %ried potatoes fare badly on the satiety inde* because the fat levels make you want more R%atty foods aren)t satisfying,R says 5r Bakdawala R.he body sees fat as fuel for emergencies and stores it in cells, instead of breaking it down immediately Because it)s not recognised as )now) energy, the brain doesn)t tell the body to cut hunger signals, so we go on wanting more R Ane last tip to get me on my way? /hew your food thoroughly @eep chomping until what)s in your mouth is a total mush, like baby food R:ot only will it give your body time to release leptin, the )satisfaction) hormone, it will smooth the digestive process, getting ma*imum goodness from your food and leaving you less gassy,R says :orris :ow get eating +ou)ll lose weight in no time

<our diet essentials

;at this and that at e er! meal and ne er feel hungr! again ;at an egg in the morning 8n a stu&y in t*e <ourna% of 0meri'an Co%%ege of >utrition. resear'*ers fe& o er)eig*t o%unteers eit*er eggs or a bage% for brea7fast. -*e eggeaters fe%t fu%%er. ate fe)er 'a%ories at %un'* an& %ess in t*e fo%%o)ing 3F *ours. -*e protein from t*e egg )i%% 7eep your %un'* portions &o)n )*i%e t*e sugar surge from t*e bage%s )i%% %ea e you fee%ing star e& by noon. ;at beans for lunch 8n t*e same )ay. be'ause beans 'ontain p%enty of fibre an& protein. t*ey6%% 7eep you fu%%er for mu'*

%onger an& %ast you ti%% &inner time. N-*ey6re pro'esse& more s%o)%y by your bo&y. resu%ting in a fee%ing of fu%%ness %ong after t*ey6 e been eaten.N says >orris. (0n&. unfortunate%y. ba& o&ours t*at %inger %ong after you6 e %eft t*e room.) ;at fish for dinner NCoo7e& )*ite fis* is pro en to 7eep you fu%%.N says >orris. -*e %ig*ter t*e fis*. t*e %ess fat it usua%%y 'ontains. N+or best resu%ts. steam or gri%% a )*ite fis*.N 0n& if you &inner is %ate (after 8pm). s7ip t*e mas*e& potatoes. Snack on an apple 1o e en )it* t*e beans an& t*e soup. you6re sti%% pe'7is* by 3pm. (ere6s )*at you &o: 'run'* on an app%e. 0n app%e a &ay 'an 7eep t*e &o'tor a)ayO an& your *unger at bay. (ig* )ater 'ontent may be t*e reason. N+oo&s t*at 'ontain )ater *a e more bu%7 an& %o)er &ensity ; meaning you get more foo& for %ess 'a%ories.N says Dr 2%isa Pie&. aut*or of 1o 3*at Can 8 QatR. 0n& app%es are *ig* in fibre an& you a%rea&y 7no) )*at fibre &oes for you. And ha e soup, too 1)ap san&)i'*es for soup. "ennsy% ania 1tate =ni ersity resear'*ers foun& &ieters )*o ate soup t)i'e a &ay )ere better at %osing )eig*t an& maintaine& on a erage. a tota% )eig*t %oss of more t*an A7g after a year;soup is &ense but not 'a%orifi'. $ut 7eep t*e 'ream 'ontent %o)S ru%e; of;t*umb is;t*e '%earer t*e soup. t*e %ig*ter its effe't on your )aist%ine. Qat minestrone. not 'ream of '*i'7en. %ave a safe sna k
.he combination of food and monsoon gets a little tricky .he wet weather causes an urge to binge on hot bha9ias, washed down with masala chai, but what)s that going to do to the weighing scaleE 4nd what about those germs, then, the kind that can give you the mother of all diarrhoea attacksE 3t is possible, though$if you diligently follow 2! advice$ to make the most of the rainy days, snack on your favourite chaat, not feel heavier and not fall ill Be your own health inspector with these simple steps 2 4t home, tell your cook to wash her hands with soap and warm water 2ake sure that the food to be prepared is washed thoroughly and the final rinse is in purified water 3t)s safer to assume that tap water is contaminated Even if you are not a man who likes to step into the kitchen, give your countertop and kitchen towels regular health checks 3f your cook is not keeping these clean, chances are she is not careful with your food 4 &uick way to get germ$free kitchen towelsM microwave them with some water in a bowl for two minutes ; 5o not keep leftover food on your kitchen countertop .his attracts flies, the biggest carriers of infection Even in the fridge, don)t keep food for more than one or two days, and reheat to a boil before serving food taken out the fridge 1 6ater is the commonest cause of infections 6hen you are outdoors, drink bottled water from reputed brands .he 6!O 2anual on 3nternational .ravel and !ealth emphasises that Rbringing water to a rolling boil is the most effective way to kill all disease$causing pathogensR %or use at home, water filters that perform reverse osmosis and ultra$filtration are safe as they can theoretically remove all pathogens 5 6ater purification tablets are useful to render drinking water safe, but they must be used with caution as they usually contain chlorine or iodine #se them in 9uices or milk shakes from roadside vendors, advises 5r 4tul @othari, clinical microbiologist, 2a* !ealthcare 6 6hen you eat something outside, ask the vendor to wash his hands in front of you (it may upset him, but it)s worth it) 4nd check how clean the water is 3f in doubt, don)t eat there 3f the vendor is serving food on steel plates, as they often do, check to see where and how his plates

Do men en/o! street food1 8t turns out t*at yes. most men &o en:oy street foo&. e en t*oug* t*ey a&mit t*ey are prompte& by t*e )omen in t*eir %i es to go get some. Men %i7e t*e 6toug*6 stuff; '*o%e b*ature. papri '*aat an& su'* sna'7s. +or some reason. go% gappas see %itt%e ent*usiasm.

are being washed 3f he dips dirty plates in the same bucket of water again and again, 9ust walk away (.his holds true for any time of the year, but more so in monsoon ) 4 6hile we all swear by our neighbourhood paani puri seller, it)s best to break off with him during this season .his is when he would be generously$ albeit unintentionally$doling out typhoid$causing germs in the tangy waters Ever seen soap or a clean rag around a chaatwallahE 3f you still have to eat street food, have something cooked in front of you, rather than something that has been kept for a while B ;emember to boil your milk even if it comes in a sealed plastic pouch 2ilk adulteration is not uncommon, and more often than not, it is adulterated with impure water

Qn:oy but ensure it6s safe to eat

? Okay, we don)t e*pect the 2! 7uy to gorge himself on deep$fried snacks, but 9ust to let you knowM the deepfried stuff is somewhat better than the fruit salad served by the roadside vendor or even in restaurants 5eep$frying involves cooking foods in oil at smoking point, in which most bugs give up and die 3t)s the healthy raw stuff that you have to watch when the bugs are hyperactive in wet, muggy weather 5r @othari, however, clarifies that deep$frying does not do anything to sterilise the filling of the samosa, which is shaped with bare hands and can carry loads of bacteria or viruses - 4void dipping your fingers into the peanut bowl that)s being shared by other people at the bar +ou can)t ask others to wash their hands, at least keep yours under control What *yur eda says/// 4yurveda e*plains the feelings of sluggishness and inertia that you e*perience during the monsoonM poor digestion weighs down the body with to*ic waste

C*us7i is ni'e. but min& t*e i'e

.his ancient 3ndian science recommends lifestyle changes as per the season .he monsoons aggravate the vaata dosha in our system, which causes gas formation and bloating alongwith loss of appetite 4ll three doshas$ vaata (wind), pitta (bile) and kapha (phlegm)$can get aggravated if your diet is not correct .ake these steps to maintain the right balance 2 Easily digestible meals are best at these times Eating raw produceE 2ake sure it is scrubbed in purified water Otherwise, steam the veggies or sautQ them lightly on high flame ; Bightly spice foods with ginger, especially, tea, dal and vegetables .his aids digestion and whets your appetite 0egetables like bottle gourd and lady)s finger are gentle on the stomach 1 4ncient 4yurvedic te*ts advise against the use of milk and curd during the rains, probably because in those days, people didn)t have the benefit of pasteurisation Buy milk and milk products only from the best brands +our street$corner lassiwallah is likely to have added unfiltered water to pump up the volume and make a profit .he loss will be yours 5 3nstead of buying ready sprouts, you can sprout most beans like moong, black$eyed peas, chick peas, ra9ma and seeds like mustard, fenugreek Soak them overnight, then in the morning, cover them in muslin and leave them on a strainer (not in the fridge) for a day or two 6 Sipping lukewarm water instead of cold water keeps the agni (digestive fire) burning %reshly$prepared hot food is easily digested and assimilated 4 Pippali is one herb that can be eaten or added to soups for relief from colds

What(s the differen e)

5o you know how a white egg is different from a brown oneE :oE Bet us e*plain White eggs and brown eggs .hey-re the same on the inside, 9ust like you and me 6hite eggs come from white$feathered, white ear$lobed hens Brown eggs come from red$feathered, red$earlobed hens (+es, chickens do have earlobes ) %ottom line : :o nutritional or taste difference Brown eggs cost a bit more because they come from slightly larger birds, which need more food

Wheat bread and whole0wheat bread +ou know white bread is a nutritional mistake, so you grab brown bread /areful 6hole$wheat is what you actually want 3t-s full of fibre because it-s made from the entire wheat kernel, germ, bran and endosperm .he label should say ,whole$wheatand the first item on the ingredient list should be whole$wheat flour Other brown breads are usually made with a mi*ture of about L= per cent white flour and (= per cent whole$wheat %ottom line : Book at the label to see how much goodness you-ll get from each slice Raisins and golden raisins :o, the dark ones are not from red grapes .hey-re both from seedless ,white- grapes (actually light green) 5ark raisins are dried in the sun, hence the tan 7olden raisins are dried in warm air indoors and treated with sulphur dio*ide (it-s relatively harmless) to retain their light colour %ottom line : .he goldens tend to be moister, plumper and more e*pensive

Salmon steak and salmon fillet 4 fillet is boneless, sliced lengthwise off the vertebrae 4 steak is cut in cross$sectionFso it includes both sides of the fish, plus the bones .hat means a bit more flavour (from the bones) and lots of the heart$healthy under the skin 4 steak is best for grilling because the bone holds it together and helps lock in moisture %ottom line : %illets are sometimes served without the skin +ou want skin

"ark meat and white meat 5ark meat is mostly slow$twitch muscle fibres, used for slow, continuous activities like walking around the chicken pen wondering if this is all there is to life 6hite meat is made up of fast$twitch muscle fibres, such as in the breast 3t-s used for sudden bursts of activity, like flapping your wings when that scary man grabs you %ottom line : %ast$twitch muscles don-t need the stored fat that slow$twitch muscles do, so white meat has less than half the fat of dark

3igh energ! eggies "on#meat#eaters ha e a lower risk of cancer. *armfu% '*o%estero% %e e%s an& toi%et troub%es. $ut e9perts re'7on t*at )*en it 'omes to e9er'ise. egetarians nee& to top up on energy;fue%%ing nutrients. (ereKs *o) to &o it. # Mun'* regu%ar%y on *a/e%nuts to ma7e sure you &onKt be'ome /in';&efi'ient. # Drin7 minera% )ater )it* a *ig* 'a%'ium an& magnesium 'ontent. # Ma7e sure you get p%enty of *ig*;protein foo&s in your &ietLsu'* as nuts an& tofu if you are not a erse to t*em. An energ! boosting non#meat breakfast 1 s%i'e )*o%emea% brea& T 2tsp peanut butter (10gm protein) T 3 egg ome%ette of one egg )*ite an& t)o )*o%e eggs (20gm protein)

Morning filler
!ere)s a list of <> things you should know about breakfast 2 3ggcellent Egg protein helps you build muscles while keeping you ripped 3n a recent study, people ate an e&ual number of calories for breakfast

but the first group got theirs from eggs and the second from bread .he egg group felt the need to eat less throughout the day, which helped keep them leaner ; Sugar buff 2om was right +ou should eat all your breakfast if you want to be big and strong Eating fortified cereals lowers your levels of homocysteine, a chemical that increases your risk of cardiovascular diseases and decreases your ability to build muscles 1 Fibre of your being 6heat flakes not only keep you healthy but they can also help you run ;esearch has now found that eating wheat flakes as a pre$run breakfast will help you run an e*tra eight minutes longer than if you had eaten corn flakes 5 7o pain again 4 tough training session can leave your muscles battered, but a dose of vitamin E is proven to specifically reduce this kind of muscular pain +ou can get this by munching your favourite cereal because you absorb (P times more vitamin E from fortified cereals than you get in pill form, according to the 4merican ?ournal of /linical :utrition 6 #enturies of life People who lived longer (more than N> years) had breakfast on a regular basis, according to research by 4tlanta)s Stress 3nstitute .his could be because by eating a wholegrain cereal you can keep your weight down by hindering fat getting into your blood 4 Spoon off your belly 7uys who eat breakfast burn an e*tra <=> calories +ou burn the same calories climbing stairs for D> minutes 5oesn)t that wonderful spread seem a tad more appetisingE B Smell the coffee 3f you find it difficult to stomach food before an early morning training session, then neck a cup of coffee ;esearch shows the caffeine hit will help you e*ercise longer and harder than if you drank nothing 4nother cup post$session will reduce the soreness ? #old man mountain Only a healthy body will add muscle and a case of sniffles can undo weeks of gym work .he fi* is some muesli Scientists at /ardiff #niversity found that regular breakfast eaters were less likely to suffer colds and fl u - %read winner People eating sugary cereals or refined carbs had lower B23 than those who skipped breakfast Stick to low glycaemic inde* (73) snacks like nuts to release energy slowly and keep you lean 2. 3at more! weigh less Bleary$eyed scoffers are a step ahead 4 <D$year study found men who eat breakfast are <( per cent less likely to be overweight

World(s best mus le meals

5id you know there-s an all$natural, muscle$building snack that-s freeE 3t-s called Onthophagus ga1ella %abricius, and a big handful contains <Lgm protein, 9ust Cgm fat and almost no carbohydrates .he downsideM you know it better by its common nameFthe dung beetle But don-t be disappointed 6e-ve found si* better$tasting (and vegetarianU) ways to help you boost your protein intake 4nd, specifically, at the times when you need it the mostM breakfast, lunch and the snacks between meals 6hyE Because most men consume two$thirds of their daily protein after Ppm, says 5onald Bayman, Ph5, a professor of nutrition at the #niversity of 3llinois 2ake sure you get your proteins anytime of the day, by using the following recipes Aatmeal and whey " < cup rolled oats " < cup low$fat milk " ' cup berries (fresh or fro1en, your choice of berries) " 5ash of salt " 5ash of ground cinnamon " Splenda to taste " < scoop ((Jgm) vanilla whey protein powder

/ombine the oats and milk in a large bowl 2icrowave for one minute, stir, then microwave for an additional minute 2i* in the berries, salt, cinnamon as well as Splenda Bet the oatmeal cool slightly, then stir in the protein powder (0ery hot oatmeal can damage protein powder, causing it to turn lump and sour ) $akes one ser ing/ Per servingM =J> calories, C=gm protein, Lgm fat, JDgm carbohydrates, <Cgm fibre 7utty beans " (=>gm fresh %rench beans " ( tbsp olive oil " ( cloves garlic, slightly crushed " < yellow or red capsicum " ( tbsp roasted peanuts " Salt and freshly$ground black pepper to taste " Bemon slices for garnish /lean and string the beans Place them in a strainer and pour boiling water over them 4fter about five seconds, drain them well and set aside 6ash the capsicum and slice it into thin strips !eat oil in a pan for (> seconds 4dd garlic and capsicum and stir$fry for <> seconds 4dd beans and peanuts and stir$fry for D> seconds ;emove from heat Sprinkle salt and black pepper to taste Serve immediately, garnished with slices of lemon $akes two ser ings/ Per servingM C<> calories, <=gm protein, D>gm fat, (>gm carbohydrates, Pg fibre $atar dhokla " <>>gm gram flour (besan) " <>>gm rawa (su9i) " <=>gm yoghurt =>gm boiled green peas " ' tsp black mustard seeds " < tbsp oil " ;ed chilli powder and salt to taste " 2i*ed herbs " Sprigs of fresh curry leaves " =>gm boiled red beans (ra9ma) " < small onion, chopped " < small capsicum, chopped " ( tbsp brown vinegar " < tbsp olive oil 2i* besan, su9i and peas 4dd yoghurt and mi* well to a thick scooping consistency 4dd salt and chilli powder to taste Put the mi*ture aside, letting it stand for <= minutes Soak the onion and capsicum in vinegar for <> minutes Scoop out the mi*ture into the dhokla bowls and microwave for four minutes !eat the oil, put in the mustard seeds till they start crackling, add the curry leaves and temper the dhoklas with this mi*ture .oss in the onioncapsicum mi*ture and olive oil with the boiled ra9ma, adding the mi*ed herbs and salt to taste Serve the cold bean salad with the steaming hot pea dhoklas $akes two ser ings/ Per servingM <,(>> calories, =>gm protein, C=gm fat, <=>gm carbohydrates, Pg fibre #heesy baked potatoes " ( large potatoes, boiled " < spring onion, chopped " < small carrot, peeled, shredded " < small cucumber, peeled, chopped " C tbsp yoghurt " < tsp chopped fresh mint or A tsp dried mint " =>gm processed cheese, grated " ( tsp butter " A tsp mustard powder " %reshly$ground black pepper and salt to taste " %resh coriander for garnish

/ombine onion, carrot, cucumber and mint Stir in the yoghurt, mi* well and set aside /ut each potato into two halves /arefully scoop out the pulp and reserve the shells 2ash the potato pulp with grated cheese (keeping aside a little for garnish), butter, salt and mustard powder Stuff the potato mi*ture into the shells Sprinkle the grated cheese on top and grill till golden brown 7arnish with fresh coriander leaves and serve hot with the yoghurt mi*ture (adding salt and pepper before serving) $akes two ser ings/ Per servingM =J> calories, <Jgm protein, D=gm fat, =>gm carbohydrates, Pgm fibre Strawberry cheesecake #rust " < cup digestive biscuit crumbs " A cup milled fla*seeds " A cup raw oat bran " (Jgm fat$free cream cheese " VTW cup water Filling " ( cups low$fat cottage cheese " (Jgm powdered instant pudding, cheesecake flavour " J=gm fat$free cream cheese " D scoops strawberry or vanilla whey or casein protein powder Topping " < cup sliced strawberries " C tbsp strawberry 9am .o make the crust, mi* ingredients in a large bowl Stir this mi*ture until it-s the same consistency, then press it into a pie pan coated with cooking spray, easing the crust up the sides of the pan %or the filling, blend the ingredients in a blender on high until smooth and creamy Pour the blended mi*ture into the crust and refrigerate for an hour .op with strawberries %aneer = %otatoes > %ower and 9am $akes si+ slices/ Per sliceM (C> calories, (Lgm protein, (Lgm carbohydrates, Dgm fibre $inty paneer tikka " (>>gm cottage cheese (paneer), cubed " < tbsp honey " ( tbsp lemon 9uice " ( tbsp yoghurt " C tbsp chopped fresh mint " Salt and garam masala to taste " < red tomato, sliced Place the paneer cubes in a bowl 2i* the lemon 9uice, honey, yoghurt, garam masala and half the mint Spoon the marinade over the paneer and leave to marinate for D> minutes /ook the paneer tikkas under a moderately hot grill until thoroughly cooked and golden brown or alternatively, roast them in a non$stick pan Sprinkle with remaining mint and serve with tomato slices Per servingM =J> calories, (Jgm protein, C=gm fat, <Pgm carbohydrates, Cgm fibre

3*en you ma7e 'ottage '*eese by 'ur&%ing mi%7. t*e %iUui& t*atKs straine& a)ay 'ontains fat an& t*e remaining so%i& part *as a%% t*e protein. 0s %ong as t*ey are not frie&. potatoes 'an be 'onsi&ere& eUui a%ent to any 'erea%. $a7e&. boi%e& or gri%%e&. t*ey are a great sour'e of 'arbs. 0 F0g potato )ou%& *a e as mu'* 'arbs as a norma% '*apatti.

+,tra-virgin territory

Olive, says the legend, was a goddess)s gift to mankind Planted by the 7reek deity 4thena, olive, useful for food, medicine and perfume, first grew on the rocky hill now known as the 4cropolis Olive oil today is a bonafide superfood$widely used in the 2editerranean regions for its remarkable variety of health benefits, and increasingly making inroads into the health$conscious 3ndian kitchen Studies suggest that olive oil decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer 3ts consumption may control body fat distribution, too, with less fat stored around the stomach .hat makes it an important ingredient for men, who generally tend to go apple$ shaped when they put on weight 2ost doctors advocate lowering the total fat and calories in your diet, and substituting butter, margarine and tropical territory oils with healthy fats like olive oil .his does not mean you have to live on pasta and never have your pakoda 4lmost all 3ndian dishes can be made with olive oil, including rice dishes like biryani and pulao .raditionally, these dishes are made with ghee, but simply substituting the ghee with olive oil not only makes it healthier, but you also don)t need to sacrifice any of the 3ndianness$simply pick a variety of olive oil that does not have a strong flavour Since 3ndians like fried stuff, olive oil can be your staple for frying fish, eggs, pancakes (chillas), pakoras and cutletsI or sautQing vegetables as in stir$fry dishes or /hinese cooking .he most effective way, though, is to use it as salad dressing Studies show that people who eat antio*idant$rich foods such as vegetable oils, fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer One tablespoon of olive oil would provide J per cent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin E, a natural antio*idant Olives are also high in polyphenols, a broad class of antio*idants including flavonoids and catechins (found in red wine, chocolate and tea as well) %resh pressed olive oil retains the flavours, vitamins, minerals, antio*idants, and other healthy &ualities of the ripe olive fruit .he oil has a high smoking point, (<> degree /elsius, and doesn)t degrade as &uickly as many other oils do with repeated high heating !eating olive oil only robs it of the organic compounds that lend it taste and odourI its healthful properties are not affected Types of oli e oil .he oil is e*tracted by pressing or crushing olives .he varieties depend on the amount of processing involved 3+tra irgin: /onsidered the best, this oil comes from the first pressing of the olives Hirgin: %rom the second pressing By some standards, the e*tras must have less than one per cent acidityI virgins, less than three or four per cent PureM #ndergoes some processing, e g filtering and refining E*tra lightM Processed a good deal, with 9ust a mild flavour

*hef sa!s... Do use oli e oil in curries, but in bir!ani and pulao, it won't gi e !ou the same fla our as mustard oil. Davide Cananzi, executive chef, The Park, Kolkata

How to work oli e oil into your diet Raw Tomato Sauce 8Ser es ;9 " ;ipe red tomatoes (=>g " 7arlic, crushed ( cloves

" Black pepper, coarsely ground ' tsp " Salt to taste " ParsleyTcoriander leaves, chopped < tbsp " Basil leave =$P " Olive oil =>ml /hop the tomatoes and mi* all the ingredients and leave in a bowl for ($D hours Blend and use it as a sauce with poached eggs, grilled chicken or fish or as a dip with any finger snacks .o make tomato fish, fry pomfret ((=>gm) in olive oil till light golden, then cook in the sauce, till it simmers once 7arnish with coriander sprigs +ou can also use the sauce as topping for brin9al slices fried lightly in olive oil 4dd a dash of oregano or mi*ed herbs *ssorted (akodas 8Ser es ;9 " 7ram flour (besan) <>>gm " Bread slices ( " Potato < small " Okra (bhindi) =$P " .omato sauce " /heese slice < " .urmeric powder ' tsp " Salt, chilli powder, garam masala powder, chaat masala to taste " Eno fruit salt < tsp " Olive oil to fry

$he %ope!e %lan Bu! two kinds ;:tra# irgin' -*e ra). f%a ourfu% oi% is for )*en you )ant to taste it (&ipping brea&. 'oating pasta an& egetab%es). +ight' 0 refine&. re%ati e%y b%an& oi%. it is for )*en t*e f%a our nee&s to anis* ('oo7ing. ba7ing) or )*en t*e *eat is *ig* (frying). Measure well =se o%i e oi% for any ot*er. spoon for spoon. $ut for re'ipes )it* margarine or butter. ta7e V t*e amount of so%i& fat.

Slit each bhindi into four vertical slices Sprinkle one tablespoon of besanI salt, chilli and masala to taste 2i* and keep aside Peel and cut the potato into thin slices and keep in a bowl of water Smear a little tomato sauce on the bread slices, put the cheese slice in and make a sandwich /ut this into four triangles 2ake a batter with besan and water, adding turmeric, garam masala, chilli powder and salt

.he batter must be of pouring consistency 4dd Eno and stir !eat the oil in a pan Put in a drop of the batter 3f it comes up instantly, the oil is ready 5ip the potato slices in the batter and fry till golden brown /oat the bread triangles in batter and fry till golden brown %ry the bhindi till crispy golden Sprinkle chaat masala on the pakodas

.ipe for the pi king

%ive fruits that come with free health insurance inside People are always comparing apples to oranges :ot us 6e compare passion fruit to kiwifruit .he five fruits here are filled with life$ lengthening nutrients !ere-s why you should try them and how to choose them $ango Why: ?ust one provides almost N> per cent of your daily allowance of vitamin 4, more than any other fruit .hat-ll protect your skin and maybe even help fend off liver cancer caused by alcohol abuse Tastes: 0ery sweet with 9ust a dash of sourness &ook for: One that has a strong, sweet smell (apaya Why: 3t-s over$thecounter stroke medicine, with vitamin E and folate Tastes: Bike nothing elseI light and delicately sweet &ook for: .he yellowest ones

(assion fruit Why: /ontains more phytosterolsFcompounds similar to cholesterolFthan any other fruit ;esearch shows that phytosterols crowd B5B cholesterol (the bad variety) out of arteries, lowering levels by as much as <L per cent Tastes: Bike sweet and sharp berries &ook for: 4 small, wrinkled, dark purple ball @iwifruit Why: 4ll the vitamin / of an orange, about half the potassium of a banana and a cache of potentially cancer$ preventing cholorophyll Tastes: 0aguely strawberry$ish &ook for: %irmness, no shrivellin

Star fruit Why: 2ore antio*idants than in big$name fruits like avocados and pineapples 4nd antio*idants are a great weapon against age$related illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes Tastes: Bike an apple with a shot of pineapple &ook for: .ips with a light brown colouring

/arbo-load your protein

6e)re pretty sure that if you)ve ever even dreamt of muscle, you)re savvy to the fact that protein is its building blocks Eat protein, get big muscles$ simple But what if your raging appetite is the reason you)re failing to beef upE @eep reading to find out how to harness the power of protein by giving it up Too much of a good thing R2ost men trying to add muscle e*ceed their daily re&uirement of protein because it lurks in surprising foods, like a burger, which you)d never e*pect to find any protein in,R says 2umbai$based nutritionist 4n9ali 2uker9ee REating too much protein will fill you up but if you)re trying to muscle up it)s not simply a case of more is better,R she adds +our body will always have a control measure to stop you being a glutton R6hen you demolish that big plate of chicken, your body gets so much protein that it has to work twice as hard to break down all the e*cess protein and amino acids,R says 2uker9ee .o buffer the e*tra acidity, the body may have to take calcium out of your bonesI it will also release en1ymes to destroy the e*tra protein to protect the bones 4 study in the ?ournal of :utrition found that a diet overly high in protein has a very acidic effect on the body, especially if you also have a diet lacking in alkaline foods 4s your system tries to stem the calcium loss by destroying protein, Ryour body doesn)t absorb the good stuff, much the same way that insulin works when we eat too much sugar and carbs,R says 2uker9ee R+ou should aim to eat (gm of protein per kilo of body weight per day 3t should be spread evenly through the day with a ma*imum of =>gm of protein per serving By staggering your intake you)ll have a constant supply of amino acids for muscle growth R (rotein protection +our body is highly adaptable and capable of storing nutrients, which athletes, like runners, have used to their advantage RBefore a race they)ll deplete their levels of muscle and liver glycogen by eating less carbs and training heavily for five days, then have a )carbo$ loading) phase where they eat heaps of carbs like potatoes then they don)t train,R says ;ob Spedding, deputy editor of ;unner)s 6orld .he carbs get stored in their muscles giving them more energy R6hen you deprive your body of a nutrient for a while it thinks it)s starving and goes into storage mode,R says 2uker9ee R.hen when you return that nutrient to your body, it gets absorbed rapidly +ou need an ade&uate amount of carbs to ensure the release of insulin and utilise the protein correctly for muscle growth R .he trick is to lure your body into thinking the drought is near by limiting protein intake but keeping your calories the same R.he foundation behind protein cycling is eating more protein for several days than eating much less for several more days,R says /hris 4ceto, author of /hampionship Bodybuilding R.his coa*es the body into retaining more of this muscle$building nutrient than it would by consuming the same amount day in and day out R How to do it

(hase 2: (acify your protein R;educe the protein you eat to < =gm per kg of your body weight,R says 4ceto 4 study in the .he Strength ?ournal found that you can maintain muscle mass while eating <$< =gm of protein per kilo of body weight per day R+ou)ll need to replace the missing protein &uantity with e*tra calories %or this, you can add an e*tra <J calories and Pgm of carbohydrates per kilo of body weight per day 3f you don)t eat enough calories in Phase <, your body will cannibalise your muscles for energy,R says 4ceto (hase ;: (ump your protein 4 (>>C study in the ?ournal of Sports Sciences found that a high$protein diet, not e*ceeding D =gm of protein per kilo of body weight, is recommended if you want your muscles to grow REating Dgm of protein per kilo of body weight doubles the intake of Phase <,R says 4ceto R3t)s during this phase that you can use protein like a drug rather than 9ust a food +ou have tricked your body into thinking it)s starving, so the protein$destroying en1ymes are limited and your body is better absorbing and storing the protein,R states 4ceto 4nd the storage depots, your muscles, will swell with si1e (lan your protein Bodybuilders have been known to do the protein restriction phase for as long as a month but there)s no tangible research, aside from their otherworldly$si1ed arms, to back up their claims But follow the two$phase strategy for as long as you keep getting results 6hen your improvements start to taper off, usually after about eight weeks, switch back to your old gra1ing habits of (gm of protein per kilo of body weight for two months 4fter a month, 9ump back on your bike and get into the cycle again

$3; *A.B(#+(AD-"G %+A" $r! this plan 7for a ?5kg man "ant $ansa%) %3AS; %rotein pacif!ing

($y 1unita

Meal 4 Hne s'ramb%e& egg. Hne 'up sa%te& &a%ia()it*out mi%7) D -)o bananas Meal @ Hne app%e. one pear

Meal 6 1B0gm gri%%e& '*i'7en. 1B0gm boi%e& ri'e. 30gm beans/)*o%e &a% D Appro:imate 2B0gm '*oppe& tomato totals # 2800 Meal A Hne brea& ro%% )it* butter 'a%ories Meal B 80gm gri%%e& fis*. -)o ba7e&/boi%e& potatoes D ,arge sa%a& )it* &ressing # 110gm protein # B2Bgm Meal C Hne s%i'e fruit 'a7e. 'arbs %3AS; -%rotein pumping Meal 4 -)o s'ramb%e& eggs. -)o s%i'es of )*o%emea% toast D Hne banana Meal @ Hne 'up buttermi%7/%assi. 100gm seasona% fruit D 0 *an&fu% of nuts

Meal 6 B0gm gri%%e& mus*rooms. 100gm 'ottage '*eese D -)o ba7e& potatoes Appro:imate totals Meal A 1B0gm su:i upma or 200gm &*o7%a # 2800 Meal B 2B0gm see7* 7ebab D Hne ba7e& potato 'a%ories # 2A0gm protein Meal C "rotein s*a7e. Hne g%ass banana mi%7 s*a7e )it* i'e;'ream # 3A0gm 'arbs # rambled fre0uen y
@nock together the perfect post$workout snack in the same time it)ll take your toast to pop )ou will need

" " " " " "

.hree large eggs (=g feta cheese .hree large handfuls of baby spinach leaves .wo thick slices of wholewheat bread /ayenne pepper or onion salt Olive oil

Why you should eat this .he recipe was designed by British nutritionist 5ale Pinnock, who runs .he :atural Solutions /linic R.he spinach is packed full of iron and beta$carotene, which is an antio*idant that will help repair free radical damage,R says Pinnock %ree radicals are the pesky things blamed for muscle damage and premature ageing, so banishing them from your body is a good idea R.he feta cheese gives you calcium for strong bones,R adds the nutritionist, Rwhile the eggs are a rich source of protein that will help you build strength and recover from e*ercise &uicker R

Step @ Step 6 Step 4 Step A 0&& some o%i e oi% an& 0&& t*e eggs an& t*e feta to Cra'7 t*e eggs into a 1er e on )*o%e)*eat spina'* to a pan on t*e pan. Ieep stirring unti% bo)% an& beat unti% t*ey toast an& season )it* me&ium *eat an& )i%t t*e s'ramb%e&. -*e feta )i%% are mi9e& )e%%. Di'e t*e 'ayenne pepper or spina'*. "ut your brea& in me%t partia%%y. gi ing a ri'*. feta into sma%% 'ubes. onion sa%t. t*e toaster. intense mi9ture. %arvest health
6hole grains not only help you lose weight but also supply necessary nutrients Secret weapons %ibre, protein, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyrido*ine, vitamin E, calcium, iron,magnesium, potassium, 1inc Fights against Obesity, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease Sidekicks 6hole$grain breads, brown rice, whole$grain pasta How to use them Rip up those last two or three slices of about0to0go0stale bread/ Soak them in a mi*ture of two beaten eggs, ' cup of milk and ( teaspoons of honey overnight in an oven$safe covered bowl (.oss in a handful of berries, too ) #ncover and bake for (> minutes at <P>O/ $ake an open0faced breakfast booster by spreading natural peanut butter and a few dabs of honey on a piece of whole$grain bread %or e*tra credit, add some almonds Stuffed cinnamon French toast What you,ll need " " " " " " " " (tbsp part$skim ricotta cheese ( slices whole$grain bread <tsp honey Pinch X 'tsp ground cinnamon 'tbsp sliced almonds < egg <tbsp low$fat milk !andful of fresh berries


D 3elps promote weight loss D Fights heart disease D Fights cancer

How to make it Spread the cheese on a slice of whole$grain bread 5ri11le the honey on it and sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon .op with the sliced almonds and another slice of bread 6hisk together the egg, milk and ' teaspoon cinnamon 5ip the bread into the mi*ture and cook over medium heat, until the bread is lightly browned Serve with the berries 2akes < serving (er ser ing DC> calories, <Lgm protein, C<gm carbohydrates, <Cgm fat, Jgm fibre, DN>mg sodium

1live oil
.he secrets of Olive oil, the power food are decoded for you Secret weapons 2onounsaturated fat, vitamin E Sidekicks /anola oil, peanut oil, sesame oil How to use them "ress up a salad : 2aking your own salad dressing is only slightly harder than boiling water #se one part olive oil and two parts lemon 9uice, orange 9uice, vinegar or wine Stir them together to blend or 9ust pour each one on the salad %oost fla our : 2icrowave a couple of tablespoons of oil with red pepper flakes, a crushed garlic clove or chopped fresh herbs, then filter out the solids with a strainer /ongratulationsFyou-ve 9ust made unartificial flavouring #se it in place of butter %enefits : Olive oil figths cancer 3t helps promote weight loss 3t fights heart diseases for you 2ore olive oil means lower blood pressure and better immunity Beans and other legume are power foods that help you lose your girth !ere)s how The benefits Builds muscle !elps promote weight loss %ights cancer Bowers blood pressure %ights heart disease How to use it 4dd a handful to a salad to boost its protein .oss a (drained) can)s worth with a little olive oil, salt, pepper and your favourite spices (try paprika and cilantro), then toast them in the oven on high heat for (> minutes as an all$purpose snack Three0bean chili What you,ll need < tbsp olive oilI < small onion, dicedI =>>gm lean ground chicken breastI D>>gm diced tomatoes with 9alapeYosI D>>gm each of chickpeas, black beans and kidney beansI C>>ml low$sodium chicken brothI ' tsp each salt and cuminI < J tsp each cinnamon and cayenne How to make it !eat the oil on medium$low 4dd the onion and saute until soft for D$= minutes 4dd the chicken and brown it for = minutes 4dd the remaining ingredients Stir and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for (> minutes 2akes si* servings

Superpowers $ui%&ing mus'%e. burning fat Secret weapons +ibre. protein. iron. fo%ate +ig*ts against Hbesity. *eart &isease. 'o%on 'an'er. *ig* b%oo& pressure Sidekicks ,enti%s. peas. '*i'7peas. bean &ips. *ummus

(er 1?6gm ser ing D>> calories, (Cgm protein, D>gm carbs, <<gm fat (( =gm saturated), <>gm fibre, =P>mg sodium

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