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284. Due t;-a frien'd you will be freed from calamity.

faith in Shrefi'Sai. 298. Give up egoism. Surrender to God then everything will

285. be right.
You will be free from.calamity. You will get co-operation
from many. You wilfbe convinced of the unfathomable 299. Do wha't you are capable of. Do not test others
miracle of Shree Sai. . otherwise you will be deceived. Surrender to Shree Sai
" "-

286. Calamity will be cleared automatically. You will get without dou~ting then all work will be done right.
success in work.;- ", 300. Do not be trapped in the false ideas of happiness. Find
287. Remember Shree Sai, then you will recover from the way out. Remember Shree Sai, then you will get true
disease, get success. You will feel thatthese calamities happiness.
have come due to forgetting Shree Sai. "- 301. Do not be afraid of calamity and sickness. Go to Lord
288. Work as desired will be done after nine' months. Shiva's temple and pray, then you will feel alright.

Remember Shree Sai.
" '.
302. There is a danger of unexpected death. Let one night
pass. Do not sleep at night. Remain awake, then you
Without your fault calamity has come on you. It is known
to Shree Sai, surrender to him then it will end. will be free from calamity and' g~t success ..
290. Calamity which has come without your fault will end. 303. Calamities will come from all directions. Do not worry.
Remember Shree Sai. Remember Shree Sai.

291. 304. Do not worry. Though you have trespassed the law a
You will be free from .calamity...:, S~ Baba knows
everything. little, still Baba is with you. You will get success in work.
292. Vicious/wicked people are around you. Talk nicely with 305. Do only what ever is possible. Be satisfied. Have faith
them but keep yourself away from them. that God is with yo!.l. __ ._
293. Thing which has not happened for a long time will take 306. Surrender to Shree Sai knowing that you are in a difficult
placen. Read Ramayana. .situation. Your status in society will land you in trouble.
294. Do not doubt. Read Ramayana. With other person's 307 .. Do not get angry while taking meals. Work will be done
help your calamity will be removed and success in work through the guidance of a person coming to your house.
will be gained. Donate food. of Rs. 50/- then you will succeed in all
295. Arguments will increase controversy. Keep faith,
calami!>, which has come will go away. 308. Act as per orders of the preceptor. This is a testing time.
'\.. You will be saved from a very difficult situation.
296. Give. up:<arguments. Keep faith and wait. Very soon
good d~s'will come. God has control of good and bad. 309. Obey order of the preceptor. Time is difficult. Keep faith
'-. . in Shree Sai, you will be free from calamity.
297. Believe in Shree Sai. You will be free from calamity.

Unexpected death will be avoided.
310. Time is bad. Remember Shree Sai then you will come
out successfully from difficult' situations .
30 ' ... 311. Death will be avoided. Remember Shree Sai.
312. Observe the order of preceptor. Remember Shree Sai, .127. Your work will be completed on the birthday of Lord
you will get success. Rama (in the month of April). The thing which you have
313. The miracles of Shree Sai are unfathomable, you will be waited for years will now happen.
convinced about it. 328. You 'Ifill get a letter from a friend. Remember Shree Sai.
314. Do your work presuming that Shree Saibaba knows Keep away from gambling business. Take a decision
everything. tomorrow after 6 p.m.
315. An incident will happen on Sunday afternoon.. Even if 329. There is a difference between what we see and hear. Act
you hide anything it will be disclosed. You will get watchfully. Keep away from gambling business. Do not
success by remembering Shree Sai. trust any letter. Accept the situation as it is.
316. Take your share after proportionate distribution 130. As mother knows what is good and bad so does Shree
otherwise people will laugh at you. Saibaba. Be satisfied with whatever you have.
Otherwise you will suffer a loss.
317. Surrender in full to God, then everything will be alright. '13 1. Baba does not want anything from you except devotion.
318. Give up discrimination. if you devote with pure mind, Do not be deceived by false news. You will gain through
things will happen as you desire.
, liquid things.
319. You alone can't complete the~work.Take the help of two 332. You will be saved from loss. Remember Shree Sai. Gift
persons. Treat all equally then you will get success. will come from Southern direction. You will have good
320. Give up bluffing and misbehaviour. Devote to Lord news. Donate food.
Krishna. Donate food. Then all things will happen ..133. Every body will get what he belongs. If anybody else
automatically. Gain will be through a woman.
tries to grab it, he will die. You will be happy. Very soon
321. Presume that you are in a company of a hot tempered son/daughter will be born.
person. Behave truthfully. Remember Shree Sai, then ;J34. You have to do your duty. Friends and relatives will not
you will get success.
help you. Blessings of Shree Sai are with you. Do not
322. Your service is great, but people take it in wrong way. worry .
323. Act with love instead of anger. Shree Saibaba is with ~135. Give up fickleness of mind and go for darshan of Shree
you. Soon yoo will get success. Sai,. Everything will be alright. Two persons will come to
324. Trouble wiRbe unbearable. You will be free from the meet you. You will recover from sickness.
calamity to the extent you love Shree Sai. '136. Ignorance will vanish. Act thoughtfully. You will come to
325. Worries will end. know about your profit and loss. Remember Shree Sai.
326. There are blessings of God, remember Shree Sai .. You 337. Presume that everything happens only through the
will get success.• blessings of God.


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