Diagnostic Laparos

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REASON FOR VISIT Abdominal pain Pelvic inflammatory disease Tumors of the ovaries Abdominal trauma Metastatic disease Endometriosis Ectopic pregnancy Ovarian cysts Adhesions Uterine fibroids Tumors Ovarian cysts. Acute salpingitis Perforated uterus RISK ASSESSMENT Bleeding disorders Heart diseases Hypertension iabetes

Allergies to medication Allergies to anesthesia PREPARATION OF THE PATIENT Blood tests

Urinalysis !erum electrolytes !erum creatinine "hest #$ray #$ray abdomen U!% Transvaginal U!% "T scan M&' Barium #$ray !top using blood thinning medication prior to the surgery o not eat and drin( ) hrs before surgery

Part *as prepared *ith antiseptic solution ANESTHESIA %eneral anesthesia +ocal anesthesia !pinal anesthesia POSITION OF THE PATIENT !upine position +ithotomy position THE PROCEDURE "ompression bandage *as used on leg during the operation to prevent thromboembolism !mall incisions *ere given belo* the umbilicus The ,eress needle *as inserted into the area

"arbon dio-ide gas. /itrous o-ide gas *as passed into the area to through the ,eress needle help move the abdominal *all and any organs out of the *ay0 creating a larger space to *or( in. +aparoscope *as inserted through the incision Pelvic organs *ere inspected for any pathology Uterus0 ovaries *ere inspected Pelvic cavity *as inspected for fluids. !amples *ere ta(en for laboratory tests 1chemistry0 cytology or bacteriology2 ye *as in3ected into the cervi- area

4allopian tubes *ere e-amined under the guidance of dye After the e-am0 the laparoscope *as removed 'ncisions *ere closed *ith sutures. staples ressing *as done

AFTER PROCEDURE !amples *ere sent for histopathological study FINDINGS /O&MA+ &E!U+T! The uterus0 fallopian tubes0 and ovaries are of normal si5e0 shape0 and color. There are no adhesions AB/O&MA+ &E!U+T! Endometriosis in 66666666 areas are present Ectopic pregnancy in 666666 Pelvic inflammatory disease is present "ancer of the 66666 is present *ith stage of Ovarian cysts are 6666 in mm.cm in si5e Adhesions are present in 666666 areas Uterine fibroids *ith si5e of 66666mm

Tumors are present in 6666666 areas Metastatic cancer is spread to the 66666 !igns of trauma in 6666666 areas Acute salpingitis is present POSTOPERATIVE CARE Ta(e pain medication as prescribed Ta(e antibiotics as prescribed COMPLICATIONS Puncturing an organ 'nfection

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