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An International Academic Magnet

Planning for Expeditionary Learning

InsideiAM and Course Fair Showcase Tuesday February 25, 2014

iAM #IrmoSTRONG; I Can Explore, Discover, Create

Robert S. Jackson, Ed.S., Principal

! Introductions & Welcome - Mr. Jackson! ! InsideiAM - Mrs. McKenzie! ! New Courses - Mr. Hutto! ! Registering for Courses - Mrs. Inabinet! ! Questions - Audience! ! Experience iAM

Inside iAM
Caitlin McKenzie, M.Ed., Lead Teacher

New Courses
Glenn Hutto, M.Ed., Assistant Principal for Instruction

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Algebra Academy Lab

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Registering for Courses

Sheila Inabinet, M.Ed., Guidance Director

The Registration Process

Course Guide & Exploratory Registration Form home February 25, 2014.
! !

Return Registration Forms by Monday, March 3, 2014.

Registration/ Course Selection

Selecting your courses. !

Mark six course choices from the options provided. Number in order 1 to 6 1 for your first choice, 2 for your second choice, 3 for your third choice and so on.

! !

Registration Form
Please be sure to read all instructions on the form.

7th Grade Year Long Electives

(You may only choose 1)

(Side 1) If you auditioned for a Fine Arts Elective and was Selected, you may mark one of the year long courses as a selection.

! _______ ! _______ ! _______ !


Band 7 Woodwinds Band 7 Brass Band 7 Percussion Honors Chorus 7 (Audition/Acceptance Required) Concert Orchestra 7 Honors Orchestra 7 (Audition/Acceptance Required) Advanced Dance (Audition/Acceptance Required)

! !

! _______ !

This course is Option 1 in your selection. Place the number 1 on the line next to the course for which you were accepted.

! !



Registration Form"
Please be sure to read all instructions on the form.

7th Grade Semester Electives

(Side 2) Please mark your course selections from the options provided.

If you were not selected for one of the year long Fine Arts Courses on the previous slide, make your six selections from this list of semester electives.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

__X____ PE/Health 7 (Required for all 7th Grade) _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Art 7 Honors Art 7 (Audition/Acceptance Required) Chorus Beginning Dance Intermediate Dance Keyboarding (0.50 High school credit) Computer Apps (0.50 High school credit) Pre-Requisite Keyboarding Gateway to Technology I Intro to Multimedia Leadership/Service Learning Music Technology Lab French Prep German Prep Mandarin Chinese Prep Spanish Prep

If you were selected for one of the Fine Arts Courses, make your five selections from this list of semester electives.

Students will be placed in PE, 1 year long elective and 1 semester elective, or PE, 1 year long elective and 3 semester electives.

Registration Form" Please be sure to read all instructions on the form. (Side 1)

! !

! !

8th Grade Year Long Electives

______ Art 8 Honors (Audition/Acceptance Required) ______ ______ ______ ______ Band 8 Woodwinds Band 8 Brass Band 8 Percussion Chorus 8 Honors (Audition/ Acceptance Required)

If student auditioned for a Fine Arts Elective and was Selected, please mark that as number 1 selection.

______ Advanced Dance (Audition/Acceptance Required)

! ! !

______ ______ ______ ______

Concert Orchestra 8 Honors Orchestra 8 (Audition/Acceptance Required) PE for Life (Recommendation Required) Intro to STEM and Technology Systems (1.0 High school credit) Chinese 1 (1.0 High school credit) French 1 (1.0 High school credit) German 1 (1.0 High school credit) Spanish 1 (1.0 High school credit)

Place the number 1 on the line next to the course you were accepted for. As an 8th grader, students can take two year long electives. If a student does not have two year long electives, he/she will be placed in PE/ Health.

______ ______ ______ ______

! !

Please be sure to read all instructions on the form.

Registration Form !

8th Grade Semester Electives

Chorus Beginning Dance Intermediate Dance

______ Art 8 ______ ______ ______

______ Gateway to Technology I ______ Gateway to Technology 2 (Pre Requisite - Gateway I) ______ Keyboarding (0.50 High school credit) ______ Computer Applications (0.50 High school credit) pre-requisite - Keyboarding ______ Leadership/Service Learning ______ Intro to Multimedia ______ Multimedia 2 (Pre-requisite Intro to Multimedia) ______ ______ Music Technology Lab PE/Health 8

(Side 2) Please mark your course selections from the options provided. If you were not selected for one of the year long Fine Arts Courses on the previous slide, make your six selections from this list of semester electives.

If you were selected for one of the Fine Arts Courses, make your five selections from this list of semester electives.

______ French Prep ______ German Prep ______ Mandarin Chinese Prep

______ Spanish Prep

Frequently Asked Questions!!

When do I turn the form back in? Forms are due by March 3, 2014.

! ! ! !

What exactly do I need to turn in? Make sure to sign the form, parents may keep the yellow copy for their records. Students should turn in the signed form with both student and parent signature by March 3, 2014. What if I have a question about one of the classes? Please feel free to contact Irmo Middle School Guidance Department at (803) 476-3605. Or one of the counselors directly. I changed my mind about my course selections, what can I do? Parents can complete a change form available at CRMS Guidance or in the Main Office at Irmo Middle School. The last day to request a change is June 1, 2014. How do I register for my Core courses? Current teachers will make recommendations and send home the forms to students on April 22, 2014. They are due back by April 26, 2014.

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