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Lsdreams 4 Edition


Phase 5
Final delivery of the project


I. Report phase 1 of the project

II. Report phase 2 of the project III. Report phase 3 of the project IV. Report phase 4 of the project V. Activities implemented until this report

Lsdreams 4 Edition


Phase 1
Presentation of the workgroup

Report phase 1 of the project

At this stage, the project team has developed the following activities: Establish project theme Developing a project logo to mark the project's visibility and its specific activities Carrying out a presentation video of the project team Develop your blog's structure for the project Sending documents in electronic format in Phase 1 of the competitions online

Lsdream26_P01_Presentation_About WEEE Management Team

Adress of our blog : Adress of our youtube channel: Adress of our video presentation from youtube :

Lsdreams 4 Edition


Phase 2
Approach to the problem


I.a. Scientific exploration, pollution, recycling and reconditioning
The concept of recycling Recycling and refurbishment waste electrical and Electronics What are the waste electrical and electronic equipment? Why electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed to the landfill?



Phase 2 Approach to the problem


I.a. Scientific exploration, pollution, recycling and reconditioning The concept of recycling includes three categories: natural transformation; open circuit transformation; closed loop transformation.

Natural transformation:
The natural environment is guided by the dictum "Nothing is lost, everything is transformed". Plants perform photosynthesis using the carbon dioxide absorbed by leaves with the aid of solar energy and releases oxygen. In order to survive, plants transform inorganic compounds in proteins and organic substances. These are the main supporters of life on Earth. Other creatures get their food and oxygen through plants. Animals and humans consume plants and use organic substances in the creation of utilities. Animals make up the food chain, herbivores are eaten by carnivores and in turn are killed by humans. Small animals, insects, bacteria decompose fallen trees, plants and dead animals in inorganic substances and so the circuit is resumed. The ecosystem is composed of five components: solar energy, inorganic matter, organic substances producers, consumers of organic substances, disintegrates. This natural transformation circuit continues for millions of years in the most perfect balance, independently of the rise and fall of civilizations. In the natural environment everything is processed without loss. If one of the five major components disappear major imbalances occur. Thus, if there were only green plants, it is estimated that they would consume carbon dioxide in 26 years.

Open circuit transformation:

Natural resource depletion, acid rain, global warming, ozone destruction, water contamination are generated from outside the ecosystem. Thus it is noted that problems arise when human activities create an artificial movement of substances out of the ecosystem. Open circuit transformation is possible when the environment is able to accept waste for recycling. If waste is accepted by the environment problems dont occur and such a substance can be manufactured further without causing imbalance in the environment. An example is biodegradable plastics decomposed naturally.

Closed loop transformation:

Some wastes from human activities do not decompose naturally in the ecosystem. Thus it was concluded that artificial substances must be transformed artificially. This type of transformation is often identified as a proper recycling. Substances that cannot be integrated into the natural cycles of the ecosystem, should be discharged outside of this. If the first two types of human transformation

task were absent or reduced, closed circuit transformation requires its exclusive concern. The recovery of non-degradable waste is a serious problem in the last century and the concern for this topic has grown rapidly. The types of waste generated in construction activities, operation and maintenance are: Not dangerous Household - solid - Liquid: waste water from septic tanks industrial - recyclable: metals (aluminum, copper, iron, etc..), paper, wood, plastic; - not recyclable inert : glass and porcelain from isolators, ground from constructions and assembly work, concrete, debris, materials from plants. Dangerous used oil sludge from oil-water separators batteries of condensers batteries of lead accumulators batteries with nickel and cadmium small batteries fluorescent tubes earth contaminated with oil containers in that were stored dangerous substances absorbing substances filter materials textiles and protective clothing contaminated by dangerous substances silica gel Currently there are four methods of solving pollution problems : 1. Reducing the amount of material or energy discharged into the environment through alternative technologies. For example, reducing fossil fuel sulphides and Pb from oil. 2. Recycle or reuse waste products. For example Cr recovery from wastewater. 3. Residue decomposition in harmless components. For example municipal wastewater treatment. 4. Storage in special places. For example, obtaining fuel gas from livestock manure. Concerning environmental problems such solutions are applied unevenly, but we must always look for new nontraditional solutions. Environmental problems are interrelated with other major problems of mankind: energy crisis, limited sources, population growth. There are achievements in monitoring the environment and the air. However, wastewater facilities, solid waste and air pollution, should be effective without prohibitive costs. Unfortunately there are no standards or regulations adopted in all countries. There are currently no general solutions available to solve problems of water pollution, air and solids. So there will be studied solutions for each area separately.

The recycling and refurbishment of waste electrical and electronic devices

The recovery and reuse of renewable resources means to resolve the contradiction between the requirements of economic growth and the character of restricted resources. Recycling is a concept of the twentieth century and emerged as one of the possibilities to limit waste and to use resources more

efficiently. It has become increasingly clear that industrialization and sustained population growth led to the consumption of quantities of resources increasingly higher. Why has this happened? Because modern society is based on the philosophy "the cosmos is infinite and also the E arth and its resources. In this way, the industry has developed based on the axiom that resources are infinite. If a mine is exhausted, a new one enters into operation. If a nation's reserves are exhausted, the population could emigrate. If resources are exhausted in Europe, Europeans could discover new territories. Thus, at this rate very soon appeared the problem of waste and limited resources. Modern industry is focused on how to produce inexpensive, not how to preserve the ecosystem. Across the world more and more are observed the effects of malnutrition and poverty. Even if in many developing or underdeveloped countries would impose a more judicious resource management, recycling is practiced mostly only in developed countries. Unfortunately the recycling process also requires certain technologies and expenses. We all face the problem of bulky waste, that of big and heavy , waste which cannot be considered normal trash. There are objects that do not fall into a bag, in a basket or even a rubbish bin. In this category are: quilts and duvets, large appliances, furniture, carpets, bicycles, construction waste in the house or garden. Because it occupies a large volume, such waste shouldnt be disposed of in landfills. We risk cover much of our space with all sorts of broken objects. In the case of large waste, there are two options to be followed: reuse objects that still work or can be reconditioned; selecting only the objects that are really broken. A way to select this waste is by their nature: furniture, electrical and electronic equipment, textiles, sports equipment. Big masses of waste contain many types of materials: wood, metal, plastic, textiles. Therefore, their recycling is difficult and expensive. What is waste electrical and electronic equipment? Any device that runs on electricity (outlet or battery), any bulb, neon or battery when breaks or gets old, becomes a waste electrical and electronic equipment. In each of our houses there is such equipment, from batteries and light bulbs, household appliances and communication technologies of all kinds. If, when we no longer can use them, we keep them at home or we throw them in the trash, on the street or in the field, they become a very dangerous source of pollution because of the toxic components that are contained by them. There is only one right and friendly way for the environment to get rid of this waste - to collect them selectively. Only then they will be recycled with care - polluting components will be removed without damaging nature and will be returned as the recoverable secondary materials in industry, protecting the planet's natural resources. Unfortunately, many people still do not know or do not follow these rules, even if they are imposed by law. Certainly you've seen, even in your area, electrical waste discarded along with household waste or kept in the house for a long time, even if it is no longer useful. EU rules require us to collect at least 4 kg WEEE / inhabitant each year. In Romania, the average collection is less than 1 kg WEEE / inhabitant / year. What does this mean? First, we risk paying a penalty. Then we show that we d ont care. And last but not least, it shows that we do not know the law and that we have responsibilities towards the environment.

Why shouldnt electrical and electronic equipment be disposed at the landfill? From computers to refrigerators, microwaves to televisions, all electrical and electronic equipment becomes waste at the end of their life . What effects do they have upon us? They take up more space in landfills. The waste from electrical and electronic equipment contribute to pollution and t he greenhouse effect. A cathode ray tube of a television pollute s 50 square meters of land for 30 years. If recycled, from the same cathode ray tube you can get two pounds of lead. Substances from old style fridges (containing CFCs - chloro-fluoro-carbon) destroy the ozone layer. Computers and cell phones contain heavy metals and rare metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium. Cathode ray tubes from monitors sold worldwide in 2002 contain approximately 10 000 tons of lead. Exposure to lead is extremely harmful, especially to children. If painted or varnished the timber from furniture should be burned in an incineration of toxic products. What can we do? We can recondition old furniture. Do not be a slave to fashion, you should not buy furn iture or new equipment just because they are trendy. Choose less polluting equipment with a longer life. Do not buy disposable electric items. Buy items that consume less energy. Do not throw your old stove on the field or at the landfill. Shop s that sell such products are obliged to take back the old ones when you buy new ones. Give what you dont need to your relatives in need. Ask the mayor to set up bulky waste collection points. Most of bulky waste can be recycled. Isnt it a shame to waste them? Require health services to establish one day a month where they can pick up large objects on the street or next to dumpsters. What happens to the collected bulky waste? In other European countries, the solutions for the collection of bulky waste are: Establishing a day in which sanitation services raise the waste on the street. Calling sanitation services firms to collect bulky items right from home. informal pathway: raising such wastes by individuals who use them or refurbish them to second hand stores. Practical advice If you have an old TV that still works, you can give it to someone who has no TV at all. If it doesnt work anymore, do not throw it in the garbage, but call the sanitation services in your city to find out how to proceed. Sanitation services might provide lifting bulky waste from the customers home. Starting this year, the stores that sell electrical and electronic equipment are required to receive an old appliance when you purchase a new one when the customer requests it. This measure was taken to prevent poisoning the soil and water with hazardous substances from electrical and electronic items disposed of in landfills. The benefits of collecting and recycling reducing pollution; saving of natural resources; reusing the materials.

I.b. Social exploration

To identify community needs on environmental pollution with waste electrical and electronic equipment we developed a questionnaire investigation that we shared to a number of 100 people : 30 people in the Scout organization and 70 people in the school (students, parents). Through these questionnaires we want to identify the awareness level of the risk of pollution through improper storage or disposal of WEEE, and the attitudes and behaviors of saving and recycling resources for people in our community. We applied the most questionnaires to the youth because we considered them messengers of the habits acquired in the families from which they originate, regarding the storage / disposal of WEEE. The results of this questionnaire are: 1. When we asked "What are you doing with household electrical fault or that you no longer use?" a. throw them in the trash- 64% b. burn them - 12% c. store them in the attic - 20% d. keep them in the yard / shed - 4% 2. What dangers do you think this kind of waste has? a. pollutes the environment - 26% b. destroys soil and groundwater - 3% c. is not dangerous - 48% d. destroys the ozone layer- 5% e. I dont know - 16%

3. How many pounds of waste electrical equipment per person should Romanian citizens collect under European norms? a. 10 kg-14% b. 4 kg -6% c. 1 kg- 45% d. 0 kg 35%
4. Do you want to learn more about WEEE and the way of recycling them ? a. Yes - 66% b. No - 22% c. I dont know - 14% the 100 respondents are aged between 14 and 52 years as follows: 12 years 18 years - 68% 19 years 25 years - 15% 26 years - 40 years - 12% > 40 years -5% reached the following

After the analytical interpretation of the questionnaire we have conclusions:

WEEE are thrown away or stored in the attic by most people in the community ( > 80%) The majority of the population believes that these wastes are not dangerous (48%) and only 26% believe that they pollute the environment but they dont take any measure.


Approximatively 45% of Romanian citizens think that they must collect 1 kg of WEEE according to European norms (although the European norm is 4 kg). 66% of respondents would like to find out more about WEEE recycling and the ways of recycling them.

Images of the social survey work: Questionnaires to school

Questionnaires among young people in the community:

a. Geographical area of action: community of Pildesti and Cordun commune. b. The area of social action: students, parents and citizens from Pildesti and Cordun c. Technological Area Action: environmental protection, selective collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment, informing people about the harmful effects of WEEE on the environment, educating people on WEEE.



Problem identified: The citizens of Pildesti community are not informed about the danger of WEEE on the environment, do not realize the risk of pollution through improper storage or disposal of WEEE, dont know how to collect such waste and they dont have attitudes and behaviors of resource -saving and recycling.


The definition of the solution found for the problem to be solved: Analyzing the environmental pollution in our community with WEEE we concluded that we must overcome the school border to educate the entire community. We can help those around us to understand why we need to collect WEEE selectively. In this way, they will become more aware of the impact that our every gesture has on our environment. Also, we help them to realize that electrical waste has its place: only at points or recycling centers, not in our homes or offices, not on the field or on the waterfront, not in the garden or in the attic. By solving this problem will become promoters of an important ecologically gesture : collecting and recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and will be able to significantly influence our communitys environmental responsible behavior. Thus, this project will help develop the habit of selectively collecting waste electrical and electronic equipment among young people and children from nursery school and high school to seniors in the community. Polluting components will be removed without damaging nature and will be returned as the recoverable secondary materials industry, protecting the planet's natural resources. We will also capitalize on the technical skills of students in our school to select categories of recycling for the waste resources that are at their disposal. Through this project we try to change behaviors and especially to change attitudes among citizens regarding improper disposal of WEEE. We will work mostly with young people because they are more open to change and in turn they will change the attitudes and behaviors among the families from which they come. If we succeed to take active and responsible young people in this project we will achieve two major goals: ensuring a clean environment without pollution caused by WEEE and practice active citizenship in our community which for us, the project team, means employability and leadership in solving a social problem in our community. Already at this stage of identifying the problem we sought partners to support future activities of the project and these partners could be found only in the community, partners who are decision makers on human resources (direct beneficiaries or volunteers involved in solving the problem ) or the material resources (space, facilities, transportation, logistics, etc.) or financial resources.

Project management will be based on community and social partnership, social volunteering, youth involvement in social of



- Identifying the problem WEEE - Cooperation of citizens in achieving social investigation - Support decision makers in the community (PIMAR, church, school) - Community support (parents) - Desire to inform and involve young - Desire of young people from the community to practice social volunteering - Harnessing social entrepreneurship ideas for solving our community WEEE - Support of businesses in setting up collection points for WEEE STRATEGIES-existence of a national WEEE recycling


- the community funds are reduced - the lack of local or regional project on WEEE recycling - the low level of citizens awareness regarding the risk of pollution through improper storage or disposal of WEEE - improper attitudes and behavior regarding the saving and recycling of resources from people in our community.

various institutions that can support the project: - Technological High School St. John de La Salle Pildesti - School with classes I-VIII Pildesti - Village Hall Cordun - The Catholic Church in Pildesti - The Scout Movement from Pildesti - Signum Fidei Family Group - Kindergarten Pildesti - managerial and entrepreneurial skills among young people from the community - involvement of decision makers in ensuring the sustainability of the project to ensure a healthy environment without pollution of WEEE an NGO or company to handle the collection and / or recycling of WEEE - capitalizing on technical skills of the students in our school who have the professional development in the field of electronics and automation.


regarding the storage / disposal of WEEE the indifferent attitude of citizens towards the environment


VI: Bibliography
1. Angelescu Anca, Ponoran Ileana: Environment and sustainable development 2. Bran Florina, Rojanschi Vladimir: Protection and Environmental Engineering, Economic Publishing House 1997 3. Bran Florina, Simon Tamara : World Economic Geography, Economic Publishing House 1996 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Report phase 2 of the project

At this stage the project team has developed the following activities: Establishment of a scientific investigations relating to WEEE waste pollution Carrying out an investigation in the community Pildeti Carrying out a brainstorming within the project team Elaboration of the SWOT analysis Identification of the problem requiring solving based on scientific inquiry, social investigation and SWOT analysis Sending documents in electronic format in Phase 2 of the competitions online


Lsdreams 4 Edition


Phase 3
Definition of the project and action plan. Business Plan.



I. Definition of the project

Purpose . Objectives
The general objective Purpose Educational benefits

Specific objectives II. Definition of the action plan Project activities

Desription activities


Business Plan
a) Marketing plan b) Organizational plan c) Economic and financial plan


Phase 3 Definition of the project and action plan. Business Plan.

I. Definition of the project
The project aims to eliminate environmental pollution in our community with WEEE by educating citizens and students on selective waste collection of WEEE. We want to help those around us to understand why we need to collect WEEE selective. Thus, they will become more aware of the impact that our every gesture has on our environment. We help also note that electrical waste have their place: only at points or recycling centers, not in our homes or offices, not on the field or on the waterfront, not in the garden or in the attic. By solving this problem we will become promoters of a gesture ecologically important: collection and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and will be able to significantly influence environmentally responsible behavior of our community. The project will help develop the habit of selectively collected waste electrical and electronic equipment among young people and children from nursery school and high school to seniors in the community. Polluting components will be removed without damaging nature,and some of them will be returned as the recoverable secondary materials industry, protecting the planet's natural resources. Through this project we try to change attitudes, to change behaviors and especially to change attitudes among citizens regarding improper disposal of WEEE. We will work mostly with young people because they are more open to change and change in their attitudes and behaviors among families from which they come. If we will succed to take an active and responsible young people in this project will achieve two major goals: ensuring a clean environment without pollution due WEEE and practice active citizenship in our community which for us means the project team, while employability and leadership in solving a social problem in our community. Period: November 2013 - March 2014 Purpose. Objectives The general objective is to develop responsible behavior patterns on selective waste collection type WEEE environmental protection, important goals regarding education for sustainable development of society. Purpose: to educate the local community (students, parents, authorities) about recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment to ensure a healthy environment and by implementing strategies for selective collection of electronic waste through volunteering and youth entrepreneurship Technology High School "St. John de La Salle" Pildesti.


Educational benefits: This major project aims to change the attitudes and skills training action. Educational activities creates preconditions for: Formation of responsible behavior to self, to others, to the natural and social environment; Developing practical spirit, intelligence and creativity to respond to individual and community needs; The development of respect for quality work; valuing their potential and strengthen self-esteem. Data collected by students in scientific and social investigations, practical activities, workshops and thematic seminars will allow deepening the scientific content and the formation of attitudes, skills working in environmental issues. The project supports a practical manner, promoting the concepts of inter-and transdisciplinary, fostering communication and teamwork (teacher-teacher, teacher-student, student-student, parents, students, parents and teachers). Specific objectives: O1: awareness by students, staff participating schools and the society that waste electrical and electronic equipment may contain dangerous substances that have a negative impact on the environment and human health if not collected selectively; O2: awareness of the need for collection of electronic waste; O3: implementation of strategies for selective collection of electronic waste through volunteering and youth social entrepreneurship Technology High School "St. John de La Salle" Pildesti; O4: creating feedback mechanisms in the community by involving students, teachers, parents and community members. Target group: 130 students in the school community of Technology High School St John de La Salle Pildesti; 200 students of Secondary School with classes I-VIII Pildesti; 30 high school teachers from Technology High School St. John de La Salle Pildesti and community; 1000 parents and citizens in the local community;

II. Definition of the action plan

Project activities: A1: Conference to launch the project; A2: Organizing a Corner of WEEE in our school; A3: community awareness campaign on the harmful effects of waste on the environment of the community Pildesti; A4: Week WEEE selective collection ";


A5: "ECO-Creative" - creativity workshop for making green costumes made of waste WEEE. A6: Project promotion . Description of activities: Activities: A1: achievement of a conference to launch the project in the community of teachers and students from Technology High School St. John de la Salle Pildesti. Type of business: local conference Date / Period: November 2013 Location: High School Technology "St. John de La Salle" Pildesti The number of participants for each category (students, teachers, parents, community representatives, etc.): - students - 90 - teachers - 10 - parents 4 Responsible: Project team Beneficiaries: student community, the community of teachers, parents community from Technology High School St. John de la Salle Pildesti Methods of realization: - presentation -case study Means of achievement: Power Point presentation posters Assessment methods: - monitoring reports - photo gallery Description of activity: The event takes place in the festivity hall of Technology High School "St. John de La Salle" Pildesti. It will present the project, insisting on emphasizing the purpose and general objective. Team members will take a thematic presentation about WEEE, definition, classification, danger for the environment and current legislation regarding the collection of WEEE. We will present the activities to be conducted and how the school's students will be involved in its development. Activities A2 : Organizing a corner of WEEE in the Technology High School St. John de la Salle Pildesti. Type of business : educational volunteer Date / Period: December 2013 Location: Technology High School " St. John de La Salle " Pildesti The number of participants for each category ( students, teachers, parents, community representatives , etc. ) : - students - 3 - Teachers - 1 - Parents 2 Responsible : Project team


Beneficiaries : student community , the community of teachers, parents community Technology High School St. John de la Salle Pildesti. Methods of realization: -practical activity Means of achievement: materials and tools needed Assessment methods: - monitoring reports - photo gallery Description of activity : The event takes place in the workshop at the Technology High School " St. John de La Salle " Pildesti . It will carry three different labeled containers of various sizes and selective collection of waste WEEE: 1 container for batteries, 1 container for IT devices and electrical and electronic equipment smaller and one larger container for household appliances . Activities A3: community awareness campaign on the harmful effects of waste on the environment of the community Pildesti Type of business : local campaign Date / Period: January 2014 to February 2014 Location: Technology High School " St. John de La Salle " Pildesti, Gymnasium School Pildesti, School from Cordun , Catholic Church Pildesti. The number of participants for each category ( students , teachers , parents, community representatives , etc. ) : - students - 400 - teachers - 30 - Parents / community citizens -1000 Responsible : project team, lasallian school leadership Beneficiaries : student community , the community of teachers, parents community of Pildesti. Methods of realization: - presentation -informative seminars Means of achievement: Power Point presentation Assessment methods: - monitoring reports - photo gallery Description of activity: The event take place in the partner schools. It will have partners with community organizations and schools. It will present the project, insisting on emphasizing the purpose and overall objective. Team members will take a thematic presentation WEEE definition, classification, danger for the environment and current legislation regarding the collection of WEEE. We will present the activities to be undertaken and how students will be involved in running the school . The partnership will highlight the main activities will take place: information and awareness campaign and the work week collection of WEEE.


Activities A4 : The week of selective collection of WEEE Type of business : local campaign Date / Period: February 2014 to March 2014 Location: Technology High School " St. John de La Salle " Pildesti, gymnasium School Pildesti, School of Cordun, Catholic Church Pildesti. The number of participants for each category ( students , teachers , parents, community representatives , etc. ) : - students - 400 - teachers - 30 - parents / community citizens -1000 Responsible : project team Beneficiaries: students community , the community of teachers, parents community of Pildesti. Methods of realization: -social voluntary -practical activities collection - social responsibility Means of achievement: informative flyers containers Assessment methods: - monitoring reports - amount of WEEE collected - photo gallery Description of activity: The event will take place in the partner schools. Will be held in each institution - corner WEEE for collection of WEEE. The project team will advise each institution for organizing this corner and will help achieve the posters and custom labels . Team members will monitor the amount of WEEE collected. Each institution participating in this activity will receive a certificate of volunteering to support sustainable development in our community and civic responsibility on the need for the collection of WEEE . Each student and citizen who will contribute to this endeavor will be evidenced by a certificate of volunteering in the local community . The waste collected will be handed over to the county or regional center for the recycling of WEEE . Each institute will hold in this period a week for collection of WEEE. Activities A5: ECO Creative - creativity workshop for making costumes / mascots made of WEEE . Type of business: creativity workshop for students empowerment on WEEE Date / Period: February 2014 to March 2014 Location: Technology High School " St. John de La Salle " Pildesti, gymnasium School Pildesti, School of Cordun, Catholic Church Pildesti. The number of participants for each category ( students , teachers , parents, community representatives , etc. ) : - students - 150 - teachers - 10 - parents / community citizens -50 Responsible : project team


Beneficiaries: students community , the community of teachers, parents community of Pildesti. Methods of realization: -tailoring practical activities of mascots / costumes WEEE -brainstorming - debate Means of achievement: WEEE Assessment methods: - monitoring reports - number of students involved - number of mascots / costumes made - photo gallery - business Plan Description of activity : The event will take place in the partner schools. Will be held in each institution , creativity workshops for manufacturing of mascots / costumes WEEE. For this activity will be involved teachers from each school volunteers who will coordinate the workshop. The project team will award diplomas for the most original works . In our school project team will create a business plan for the collection and selection of WEEE. Activities A6: Promoting the project Type of business : advertising and marketing Date / Period: November 2013 to March 2014 Location: Pildesti community The number of participants for each category ( students , teachers , parents, community representatives , etc. ) : - students - 30 - teachers -8 - parents 4 Responsible : Project team Beneficiaries: students community , the community of teachers, parents community Technology High School St. John de la Salle Pildesti and from schools in the local community. Methods of realization: -presentations - information in the virtual and real environment Means of achievement: Power Point presentation material promotion blog / website regular news Assessment methods: - monitoring reports - promotional material - photo gallery Description of activity :


The event will take place in Technology High School " St. John de La Salle " Pildesti . Team members will carry out promotional materials of the project in the community - logo design , posters , banners, leaflets , flyers , calendars, custom badges . It will also build a blog of the project and will develop a regular - Green news dissemination for project.

III. Business Plan

a) Marketing plan: o Define the need or needs that our product/service wants to fulfill. The project team \"WEEE Management\" will solve a problem of community Pildesti on selective DEEE, namely: lack of informing the general public of the community on the dangers of WEEE on the environment and the lack on specific WEEE legislation at national and European level lack of awareness on risks of environmental contamination by improper storage or disposal of WEEE lack of information on population about selective waste disposal of WEEE o Describe the most important characteristics of our product/service The result of our project will consist in: services - advising people on the need for selective collection of WEEE - informing citizens of the community regarding the danger to the environment of WEEE - the practice of active citizenship by the Technological high school students of la Salle St John Pildeti products - informative seminars - launch campaign - information materials and promotion materials - specific educational activities - blog/site Long-term impact: Will improve students ' behavior in school and in society and will add new valences interpersonal relations between students, teachers, parents concerning sustainable development and healthy living environment provided by the recycling of WEEE. Through involvement in the Organization and conduct of activities, young people will become aware of the role that they have in their own education process. It will evaluate the role of the school in the education of young people and sensitize the community to support educational institutions in their approach. It will open new channels of communication between the institutions responsible for the education of young people at local and regional level regarding WEEE. o Detail the general environment, the market and the beneficiaries where the project will perform its principal activity and if it is defined as a company, the potential clients and competition.

General environment The village Pildesti forms part of the commune Cordun located less than 1 km northwest of the town Roman, on the left bank of the river Moldova. It is a compact, specific plain area and borders the following municipalities: to the East by Lutca and Tamaseni villages; to


the West with the villages of Horia, Trifeti and Dulceti; Roman town to the South and the North and in the South with Simioneti and Sabaoani villages. Administratively, until 1968, the village was part of the Romanian County, County with an ancient tradition, known as "Roman Forest". At this time it is part of Neam County, making it one of the 347 village s of the County. Pildeti is a compact village, specific areas of the plains, whose inhabitants deals with familiar-type agriculture, livelihoods, but some families have a standard of living fairly high due to the large number of people who have worked or are working abroad. The main feature of the population is technical nature, village people are known to be good craftsmen in construction. At present Pildeti village include s about 4000 inhabitants and has 1300 families. Like many other villages, closer or more distant to urban centers, this village has witnessed major transformations in all areas of public and private life. An essential contribution to these transformations has had the industry's development and have found the job very many people, and increasingly high degree of technicality resulted in higher qualifications and training. With the raising of professional and cultural education have become available and have an account of living as more civilized. Community Technological Saint John high school de La Salle Pildeti: Our school currently has a number of 130 students and providing training for technological area, technical Department for two areas: - Electronics and automation, qualification: Technician operator computers - Buildings, and public works facilities, qualification: Draftsman for construction and installations Mission We are a school "La Salle", a Catholic educational and social initiative, inspired by lasallian educational tradition, based its action in an educational Christian conception of man and of the world and watching the real needs of the person and of society to serve everyone, especially the poor and needy. Our school works on non-discriminatory principles and nonprofit, is trying, on the one hand, to provide quality vocational training where we believe it is more appropriate: in rural areas. At the same time, we insist on the full and harmonious development of all the capacities of our students, their training in respect for fundamental rights and freedoms and prepare them to participate actively, competently and in professional life, social and cultural. Our mission is to train people to live by the values of humanistic and Christian, with an emphasis on respect, solidarity, tolerance, honesty and professionalism. School Vision We want our Center to be for everyone, but especially for students who attend this school classrooms, a happy and positive experience from which to emerge with the necessary resources to become really people do and to live with dignity. We aim to provide a quality education. We believe that teacher education is a priority in that it pays to invest in order to develop and renew the methodological, didactic, pedagogical and technological developments. We strive to be increasingly more focused on the economic level and find new sources of funding. We want to provide effective answers the needs of human and Christian education, of each person who comes to us. Our goal is to become a community with spirit ecumenical Christian to be point of reference in the evangelic process and model for growth in faith.


Market We propose that our products and services to value and distribute both in Pildesti and the village community Cordun. From the social investigation carried out in phase 2 of the project I could conclude that the students and citizens of this community are not informed of the dangers to the environment of WEEE and do not have any knowledge of these selective waste. Also the citizens are unaware of the benefits of recycling of WEEE and any legislation relating to the collection and recycling of WEEE. Analyzing data on how the system works for the collection and recycling of WEEE in Romania, it can be concluded that national WEEE management have a number of deficiencies because: population does not (yet) realize the importance of recycling electrical and electronic equipment; collection infrastructure is poor and there is nt a market for finished products resulting from recycling; informal system of collection of WEEE is not regulated; due to frequent changes of decisions mechanism of the Central and local

authorities, on the background of political incoherencies, long-term solutions are difficult to implement.
The Beneficiaries students, teachers, parents and citizens from Pildeti village and Cordun a significant share of the direct beneficiaries of our services are students because changing their attitudes and behavior through correct information regarding WEEE, we can change attitudes and behaviors more easily into families in which these students are coming. Educating the young generation in maintaining a clean, unpolluted environment of WEEE, we hope that future generation will be a step forward in addressing attitudes and decision-making on sustainable development, and healthy living environment, energy saving and reuse of materials that can be recovered from WEEE. a segment of beneficiaries consisting of teachers will help us to reach more easily to the students because teachers can facilitate the completion of the activities that we want to achieve with the students and teachers can be the main promoters of the goals that our project is aimed at. a very important segment is that of his parents, who may get easier attitudes and can influence their children's behavior through education on the selective waste disposal of WEEE. a segment that we want to develop into a very large proportion are the citizens of the community and we hope that we will start with their representatives who have greater decision making power in our community: the representatives of the Town Hall, the Church, schools and NGOs, representatives of companies in the community. Competitive environment As regards the issue of WEEE self - definition, danger, separate collection, recycling, we cannot speak of the existence of potential competitors the services we want to achieve through this project. We believe that in addressing this issue and resolution in our community


we are promoters. We will be glad if our initiative will have a real impact and sustainability for years to come. Threats/risks:

people's unwillingness about storing/disposing WEEE indifferent attitude of citizens towards the environment
Marketing strategy: Principal means used for communication between online and offline communication online : blog, e-mail, site communication offline: posters, leaflets, flyers, logo, banners, calendars, flags interlocutors : flyers, email, blog, partnership agreements containers for selective collection of WEEE The main marketing strategies will be : market study/social investigation: questionnaire investigation direct information through: presentation face to face discussions campaigns/information seminars Launch Conference scientific debate indirect information: blog e-mail web page Metrics objectives: We aim to inform at least 70% of the community population regarding to the WEEE and their threat to the environment for raising awareness about the need for separate collection of electrical and electronic waste. Expected results: the participation of a large number of citizens in the work - Week selective of WEEE collection. Through this blog we hope to inform as many people from our community and from other communities. Expected results: a larger number of visitors to the blog project SMART results: the marketing strategy - investigative questionnaires 100 pieces - project logo - 1 piece - banner- 2 pieces - poster project -30 pieces - project badges 10 pieces - flags 50 pieces - personalized calendars-project -100 pieces - leaflets project 500 pieces - WEEE recycling containers - 3 pieces the project's objectives: - No. students informed through local campaigns and seminars - 400 - No. teachers informed and involved in the project-specific activities - 30 - No. informed citizens 1000 - 1500


No. students who attend selective collection of WEEE - 400 No. citizens who will participate in the selective collection of WEEE -500 No. partnerships signed - 5

b) Organizational plan: Organizing the project team was based on the specific project management activities and achievement of the proposed activities. Specific project management activities: Establishment of responsibilities within the project team Achieving social and scientific investigations to identify the problem that requires resolution in your community Elaboration of the SWOT analysis Determining the solutions to solve the problem identified Determination of activities that facilitate the achievement of the objectives of the project Action plan development Business plan development Conclusion of partnerships with organizations that can support the achievement of the proposed objectives Preparation of materials for the training of the target group Development of educational materials Materials to promote the activities and objectives of the project Implementation of project activities Monitoring the progress of implementation of the proposed activities Photo Gallery of the project realization Drafting of the final report Tasks within the team: The project team consisting of one teacher and three students divided tasks: Tutor Professor- Lcrmioara Ploni will get involved in solving the following tasks: advice in carrying out each stage of the project realization of social inquiry (drafting and interpreting questionnaire) advice in the development of marketing materials (project logo, poster, flyer, leaflets) developing educational partnerships A1-Conference for the launching of the project introduction - purpose and objectives Didactic activity design A5 - Eco Creative Drafting of the final report Certified volunteer development and diploma The team coordinator - Gabriel Dmoc will get involved in solving the following tasks: team presentation blog development project realization of social investigation realization of scientific inquiry marketing materials development (project logo, poster, leaflets, flag) elaboration of the SWOT analysis


monitoring the progress of the project elaboration of the plan of action and financial plan A1-Conference for the launching of the project-presentation PPT on WEEE A2 - A corner of WEEE in our school-manufacturing containers A3 - Campaign for community awareness of the harmful effects of waste on the environment of the Pildesti community and A4-selective collection of WEEE Weekcommunity Scout and Technological high school La Salle Pildesti A5: ECO-Creative creativity workshop for eco-friendly swimwear made from waste WEEE - organization and realization in the Scout and Technological high school La Salle Pildesti Drafting the final report Member 1- Eduard Mrtic will get involved in solving the following tasks: team presentation realization of social inquiry realization of scientific inquiry drafting marketing materials (logo design, flyer, poster, leaflets) distribute questionnaires elaboration of action plan and financial plan realization of photo gallery for the project A2: A corner of WEEE in our school-manufacturing containers A3: Campaign for community awareness of the harmful effects of waste on the environment of the community Pildesti and A4: selective collection of WEEE Week in Technological high school La Salle Pildesti A5: ECO-Creative creativity workshop for eco-friendly swimwear made from waste WEEE organization and realization in Technological high school La Salle Pildesti A6 promotion of the project (the development folder and calendar) Drafting the final report Member 2 Enoaie Adriana - will get involved in solving the following tasks: team presentation realization of social inquiry drafting and interpretation of questionnaire investigation realization of informational materials (PPT presentation) drafting marketing materials (logo design, flyer, poster, leaflets) translation project materials in English elaboration of action plan and financial plan A6 promotion of the project (drafting leaflets) A2: A corner of WEEE in our school customizing container with project-specific logos and destination A3: Campaign for community awareness of the harmful effects of waste

on the environment of the community Pildesti and A4: selective collection of WEEE Week - kinder garden Pildesti community and Cordun
A5: ECO-Creative creativity workshop for eco-friendly swimwear made from waste WEEE organizing and monitoring activities in kinder garden Pildesti community and Cordun Drafting the final report


c) Economic and financial plan: Nr. Crt. Project management costs Consumables and supplies Other services (Internet, phone) Type of expenditure Cost (lei) 130 100 30 330 40 200 100 460 Price (Euro) 30 24 6 80 8 48 24 110

Expenses necessary for the implementation of activities Materials recycling containers Expenses for materials promoting / marketing Diploma / Certificates of volunteer Total expenditure

The amount required for the activities of the project will be ensured: the community of parents, two local businesses and necessary expenses of project management will be provided by the school and the project team.

Report phase 3 of the project

At this stage of the project team has developed the following activities : Defining goals and objectives targeted in this project Definition and description of the project activities that will facilitate the achievement of objectives Development of Business plan Setting SMART results Carrying out Tasks within the team Developing an economic plan Sending documents in electronic format in Phase 3 of the competitions online


Lsdreams 4 Edition


Phase 4
Time planning. Gantt chart



a) General objectives of the project b) Form to evaluate that the objectives have been reached Logical framework matrix for specific objective O1 Logical framework matrix for specific objective O2 Logical framework matrix for specific objective O3 Logical framework matrix for specific objective O4 c) Techniques applied d) Resources necessary for the project e) Calendar (Gantt chart of tasks)


Phase 4 Time planning. Gantt chart

a) General objectives of the project
The general objective is to develop responsible behavior patterns on selective waste collection type WEEE environmental protection, important goals regarding education for sustainable development of society. Purpose: to educate the local community (students, parents, authorities) about recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment to ensure a healthy environment and by implementing strategies for selective collection of electronic waste through volunteering and youth entrepreneurship Technology High School "St. John de La Salle" Pildesti. Specific objectives: O1: awareness by students, staff participating schools and the society that waste electrical and electronic equipment may contain dangerous substances that have a negative impact on the environment and human health if not collected selectively; O2: awareness of the need for collection of electronic waste; O3: implementation of strategies for selective collection of electronic waste through volunteering and youth social entrepreneurship Technology High School "St. John de La Salle" Pildesti; O4: creating feedback mechanisms in the community by involving students, teachers, parents and community members.

b) Form to evaluate that the objectives have been reached

To identify how to assess the objectives of our project we use the logical framework analysis of intervention for each specific objective proposed and develop logical framework matrix. In addition to this tool we relied on the following considerations: If preliminary conditions are met, it may start implementation of activities. If the activities are implemented and assumptions at this level are met, then the proposed results are obtained. If these results were obtained in full and assumptions at this level are met, then the purpose of the project is reached. If the project is achieved and the level given the assumptions is met, then the project contributes to the general objectives.


Logical framework matrix for specific objective O1

The intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators Sources and means of verification - statistics about the extent of information and involvement of the population in the Pildesti community on the need for selective collection of WEEE Assumptions/Risks

The general objective


Specific objectiv O1

is to develop responsible behavior patterns Formation of responsible on selective waste collection type WEEE behavior to self, to others, to the environmental protection, important goals natural and social environment regarding education for sustainable Developing practical spirit, development of society intelligence and creativity to to educate the local community (students, respond to individual and parents, authorities) about recycling waste community needs electrical and electronic equipment to ensure a - No. students informed through healthy environment and by implementing local campaigns and seminars strategies for selective collection of electronic 400 waste through volunteering and youth - No. teachers informed and entrepreneurship Technology High School "St. involved in the project-specific activities - 30 John de La Salle" Pildesti -No. informed citizens 1000 1500 -No. students who attend selective collection of WEEE - 400 -No. citizens who will participate in the selective collection of WEEE 500 No. partnerships signed - 5 awareness by students, staff participating -No students who have schools and the society that waste electrical participated in the seminars, and electronic equipment may contain conferences and theme dangerous substances that have a negative information release impact on the environment and human health if - No parents or teachers who not collected selectively; participated in the activities of informing about the danger to the environment, WEEE

- the interest of citizens for information on WEEE environmental hazard prevention


- the interest of the citizens and of the other Community institutions for the selective collection of WEEE

- organization of a conference for the launching of the project materials for promoting the project - photo gallery with activities carried out - monitoring report - update blog project

- The interest of pupils, parents and teachers for the selective collection of WEEE - the positive attitude of the school and other institutions for the selective collection of WEEE

Expected results

- a conference to launch the project; - information materials of WEEE a PPT presentation - a project logo -a banner project -a poster project

- No of participants at conference to launch the project: 104 persons - project logo - 1 piece - banner- 2 pieces - poster project -30 pieces - project badges 10 pieces - flags 50 pieces - personalized calendars-project 100 pieces - leaflets project 500 pieces Mijloace Power Point presentation posters material promotion blog / website regular news

final report photo gallery

Promotion of project in community

the the

Costs 50 Ensure materials and logistics necessary for carrying out the activities


A1: Conference to launch the project; A6: Project promotion .

The necessary preconditions

Logical framework matrix for specific objective O2

The intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators -No students who have participated in the seminars, conferences and theme information release -No parents or teachers who participated in the activities of informing about the danger to the environment, WEEE -No of participants for each category : - students - 400 - teachers - 30 - parents / community citizens 1000 Sources and means of verification - the organization of a conference for the launching of the project materials for promoting the project - photo gallery with activities carried out - monitoring report - update blog project Final report Photo gallery activities Assumptions/Risks

Specific objective O2

awareness of the need for collection of electronic waste;

Expected results


a campaign to raise awareness of the population through information seminars on the theme of selective collection of WEEE in the community PPT presentation on the WEEEdefinition, danger, the need for selective collection A3: community awareness campaign on the harmful effects of waste on the environment of the community Pildesti

-the interest of pupils, parents and teachers for the selective collection of WEEE - the positive attitude of the school and other institutions for the selective collection of WEEE Promotion of the project in the community


Means Power Point presentation posters material promotion blog / website regular news

Costs 6

Ensure materials and logistics necessary for carrying out the activities

The necessary preconditions

Logical framework matrix for specific objective O3

The intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators -No students, parents and teachers who participated at the corner of the WEEE -No sample collection containers are made Sources and means of verification - a corner for WEEE within the school -materials for promoting the project - photo gallery with activities carried out - monitoring report - update blog project Assumptions/Risks

Specific objective O3

implementation of strategies for selective collection of electronic waste through volunteering and youth social entrepreneurship Technology High School "St. John de La Salle" Pildesti;

Expected results

No of participants for each a corner of WEEE in the Technology category High School "St. John de La Salle" Pildesti; - students - 3 3 containers made for pre-collection of - Teachers - 1 WEEE in the Technology High School "St. - Parents 2 John de La Salle" Pildesti; - WEEE recycling containers 3 pieces A2 : Organizing a corner of WEEE in the Technology High School St. John de la Salle Pildesti Mijloace materials and tools needed practical activity

Final report Photo gallery activities

- the interest of pupils, parents and teachers for the selective collection of WEEE - the positive attitude of the school and other institutions for the selective collection of WEEE Promotion of the project in the community



Costs 8

Ensure materials and logistics necessary for carrying out the activities The necessary preconditions

Logical framework matrix for specific objective O4

The intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators Sources and means of verification materials for promoting the project - photo gallery with activities carried out - monitoring report - update blog project - activities organised in the framework of the project Assumptions/Risks

Specific objective O4

creating feedback mechanisms in the community by involving students, teachers, parents and community members

-No students, parents and teachers who participated in the activities of the project -No activities for the creation of mechanisms of feedback in Pildesti community

Expected results

No of participants for each category within

- a selective collection of WEEE in Pildesti The week of selective collection of community organized in each partner WEEE institution - students - 400 a type workshop organized by each - Teachers - 30 institution involved in the project - Parents 1000
WEEE recycling containers - 3 pieces number of participants for each category within creativity workshop - students - 150 - Teachers - 10 - Parents 50

-Final report -Photo gallery activities -No kg WEEE collected -No workshop organized

-- the interest of pupils, parents and teachers for the selective collection of WEEE - the positive attitude of the school and other institutions for the selective collection of WEEE Promotion of the project in the community The active and responsible involvement of the community in the precollection of WEEE



A4 : The week of selective collection of Mijloace informative flyers WEEE containers WEEE A5: ECO Creative - creativity workshop for making costumes / mascots made of WEEE

Costs 46

Ensure materials and logistics necessary for carrying out the activities

The necessary preconditions

c) Techniques applied Objective

The general objective is to develop responsible behavior patterns on selective waste collection type WEEE environmental protection, important goals regarding education for sustainable development of society

Techniques applied

- presentation -case study -scientific investigation -social investigation -active partnership -social volunteering O1: awareness by students, staff participating - presentation schools and the society that waste electrical - case study and electronic equipment may contain - local conference dangerous substances that have a negative impact on the environment and human health if - scientific debate not collected selectively; O2: awareness of the need for collection of - presentation electronic waste; -informative seminars - decision making information -local campaign



- face to face discussions

O3: implementation of strategies for selective collection of electronic waste through volunteering and youth social entrepreneurship Technology High School "St. John de La Salle" Pildesti; -practical activity - the active and responsible involvement of youth -educational volunteer

O4: creating feedback mechanisms in the -social voluntary community by involving students, teachers, -practical activities collection parents and community members. -social responsibility -tailoring practical activities of mascots / costumes WEEE -brainstorming - debate - local campaign

d) Resources necessary for the project Material resources required:

School spaces: 1 celebrations Hall, 1 room space for the corner of the WEEE; Logistics: 1calculator, 1 projector, 1 scanner, 1 printer, 1 phone/fax Spaces required for each partner within your own institution: 1 organizing informative seminar room, 1 room for the corner WEEE

Financial resources: 110 39

Human resources:
Project team: 3 students and 1 teacher tutor Students from each school involved in the project: a minimum of 5 students Teachers from each school: at least 2 teachers Partner institutions: 5

e) Calendar (Gantt chart of tasks)

For the organisation of activities of the project in relation to temporal resource I have used the Microsoft Office package Visiotech with that we obtained the Gantt chart in simplified form:


Gantt Chart of Project -WEEE Management Duration/ week 4w 4.4w 7.8w 8w 8w 21w
Nov 2013 Dec 2013 Jan 2014 1/12 1/19 1/26 2/2 Feb 2014 2/9 2/16 2/23 3/2 Mar 2014 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30




11/3 11/10 11/17 11/24 12/1 12/8 12/15 12/22 12/29 1/5

A1-Achievement of a conference to 11/4/2013 launch the project

12/2/2013 1/6/2014 2/3/2014 2/3/2014 11/4/2013

11/29/2013 12/31/2013 2/27/2014 3/28/2014 3/28/2014 3/28/2014

2 A2-Organizing a corner of WEEE 3 4

A3-Community awareness campaign

A4- The week of selective collection of WEEE A5-ECO Creative - creativity 5 workshop
6 A6-Promoting the project

With the help of we developed the Gantt chart complete our project.

Project properties


Description of activities in Gantt chart


Resource description in the Gantt chart

The Gantt chart form 1


The Gantt chart- form 2

Report phase 4 of the projec t


In this phase of the project team has developed the following activities : Define the purpose and objectives in this project Development of the logical framework matrix for each specific objective of the project Establishment of the techniques used to achieve the objectives proposed Determining the resources required for the implementation of project activities Gantt chart project development Sending documents in electronic format in Phase 4 of the competitions online repository.


Activities: A1: achievement of a conference to launch the project in the community of teachers and students from Technology High School St. John de la Salle Pildesti. Type of business: local conference Date / Period: 15 November 2013 Location: High School Technology "St. John de La Salle" Pildesti The number of participants for each category (students, teachers, parents, community representatives, etc.): - students - 90 - teachers - 10 - parents 4 Responsible: Project team Description of activity: The event took place in the festivity hall of Technology High School "St. John de La Salle" Pildesti. It presented the project, insisting on emphasizing the purpose and general objective. Team members were took a thematic presentation about WEEE, definition, classification, danger for the environment and current legislation regarding the collection of WEEE. We presented the activities to be conducted and how the school's students will be involved in its development. The slogan of the Conference was: Collects what does not work! Photo gallery:


Activities A2 : Organizing a corner of WEEE in the Technology High School St. John de la Salle Pildesti. Type of business : educational volunteer Date / Period: December 2013 Location: Technology High School " St. John de La Salle " Pildesti The number of participants for each category ( students, teachers, parents, community representatives , etc. ) : - students - 3 - Teachers - 1 - Parents 2 Responsible : Project team Beneficiaries : student community , the community of teachers, parents community Technology High School St. John de la Salle Pildesti. Methods of realization: -practical activity Means of achievement: materials and tools needed Description of activity : The event took place in the workshop at the Technology High School " St. John de La Salle " Pildesti . It carried three different labeled containers of various sizes and selective collection of waste WEEE: 1 container for batteries, 1 container for IT devices and electrical and electronic equipment smaller and one larger container for household appliances . Photo gallery:


Activities A3: community awareness campaign on the harmful effects of waste on the environment of the community Pildesti Type of business : local campaign Date / Period: January 2014 to February 2014 Location: Technology High School " St. John de La Salle " Pildesti, Gymnasium School Pildesti, School from Cordun , Catholic Church Pildesti. The number of participants for each category ( students , teachers , parents, community representatives , etc. ) : - students - 400 - teachers - 30 - Parents / community citizens -1000 Responsible : project team, lasallian school leadership Beneficiaries : student community , the community of teachers, parents community of Pildesti. Methods of realization: - presentation -informative seminars Means of achievement: Power Point presentation Description of activity: The event took place toghether with the project partners. Were signed documents of cooperation with schools in the community, the Mayor's Office and the Catholic Church . It presented the project, insisting on emphasizing the purpose and overall objective. Team members took a thematic presentation WEEE definition, classification, danger for the environment and current legislation regarding the collection of WEEE. The partnership aimed at achieving the following activities : information and awareness campaign and the work week collection of WEEE. During the February 10-16 the project team distributed in the Community (on the street and at the exit of the Church) regarding WEEE collection of informative flyers and have informed the population that in the week 17-23 February in community activity will take place at "selective collection of the Week" Photo gallery:


Activities A4 : The week of selective collection of WEEE Type of business : local campaign Date / Period: February 2014 to March 2014 Location: Technology High School " St. John de La Salle " Pildesti, gymnasium School Pildesti, School of Cordun, Catholic Church Pildesti. The number of participants for each category ( students , teachers , parents, community representatives , etc. ) : - students - 400 - teachers - 30 - parents / community citizens -1000 Responsible : project team Beneficiaries: students community , the community of teachers, parents community of Pildesti. Methods of realization: -social voluntary -practical activities collection - social responsibility Means of achievement: informative flyers containers Assessment methods: - monitoring reports - amount of WEEE collected - photo gallery Description of activity: The event will take place in the partner schools. Will be held in each institution - corner WEEE for collection of WEEE. The project team will advise each institution for organizing this corner and will help achieve the posters and custom labels . Team members will monitor the amount of WEEE collected. Each institution participating in this activity will receive a certificate of volunteering to support sustainable development in our community and civic responsibility on the need for the collection of WEEE . Each student and citizen who will contribute to this endeavor will be evidenced by a certificate of volunteering in the local


community . The activity will take place in the week 17-23 February in community activity will take place at "selective collection of the Week" The waste collected will be handed over to the county or regional center for the recycling of WEEE . Each institute will hold in this period a week for collection of WEEE.In the Pildesti community was launched during this activity: 17-23 February 2014 Activities A5: ECO Creative - creativity workshop for making costumes / mascots made of WEEE . Type of business: creativity workshop for students empowerment on WEEE Date / Period: February 2014 to March 2014 Location: Technology High School " St. John de La Salle " Pildesti, gymnasium School Pildesti, School of Cordun, Catholic Church Pildesti. The number of participants for each category ( students , teachers , parents, community representatives , etc. ) : - students - 150 - teachers - 10 - parents / community citizens -50 Responsible : project team Beneficiaries: students community , the community of teachers, parents community of Pildesti. Methods of realization: -tailoring practical activities of mascots / costumes WEEE -brainstorming - debate Means of achievement: WEEE Assessment methods: - monitoring reports - number of students involved - number of mascots / costumes made - photo gallery - business Plan Description of activity : The event will take place in the partner schools. Will be held in each institution , creativity workshops for manufacturing of mascots / costumes WEEE. For this activity will be involved teachers from each school volunteers who will coordinate the workshop. The project team will award diplomas for the most original works . In our school project team will create a business plan for the collection and selection of WEEE. Because this activity to involve students in a more responsible way, the project has accomplished a tutor seminar on multimedia application use Comic Life by means of which students have learned to make comics, and the topic was the use of specific WEEE characters


Photo gallery: development of mascots


making comics


Activities A6: Promoting the project Type of business : advertising and marketing Date / Period: November 2013 to March 2014 Location: Pildesti community The number of participants for each category ( students , teachers , parents, community representatives , etc. ) : - students - 30 - teachers -8 - parents 4 Responsible : Project team Beneficiaries: students community , the community of teachers, parents community Technology High School St. John de la Salle Pildesti and from schools in the local community. Methods of realization: -presentations - information in the virtual and real environment Means of achievement: Power Point presentation material promotion blog / website regular news Description of activity : The event took place in Technology High School " St. John de La Salle " Pildesti . Team members carried out promotional materials of the project in the community - logo design , posters , banners, leaflets , flyers , calendars, custom badges . They also builded a blog of the project and developed a regular - Green news dissemination for project.

Photo gallery: project Calendar



Flyer project

leaflets project


project logo



poster project


The documents signed in the project partnership





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