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2:46:00 AM Vikash Choudhary No comments



*#06# IMEI (Internationa Mo!i e E"ui#ment Identity$ in%ormation *#0000# &st 'ine: so%t(are )ersion* 2nd ine: date o% so%t(are re ease* +rd ine: #hone ty#e *#,4602-62-# Checks i% the .IM c ock can !e sto##ed* It is a kind o% stand!y mode that (i sa)e !attery* /o(e)er0 the c ock automatica y 1ets acti)ated (hen the #hone is s(itched o%% and on *#22,02632# /ere is a !i1 one4 A menu (i come u# (ith si5 choices* 6irst0 it7 dis# ay the seria num!er* .econd0 the month and year o% manu%acture* 8hird0 the date o% #urchase* 6ourth0 the ast re#air date* 6i%th0 the o#tion to trans%er user data i% you ha)e the hard(are %or it* .i5th0 the num!er o% hours the #hone has !een on* .ome o% these dates mi1ht not !e dis# ayed i% the in%ormation doesn7t e5ist *++,0# Enhanced 6u 9ate (E69$ codec acti)ation #++,0# E69 codec deacti)ation *4+,0# /a % 9ate codec acti)ation #4,+0# /a % 9ate codec deacti)ation E69 1i)es !etter )oice "ua ity com#ared to the ha % rate codec0 !ut can cut do(n on the !attery i%e* :our #hone (i automatica y restart a%ter you %eed in any o% the a!o)e codecs 55# /ere is a harm ess itt e one* 8his (i automatica y dis# ay the num!er at the ;557 #osition in your #hone !ook

Be !-Sie"e #
.o%t(are )ersion: *#06# to see more in%o0 #ress so%tkey a1ain En1 ish menu: *#000&# <eutsch menu: *#0042#

L$ Se%&e' Co(e#
'= a mode s test mode: 8y#e 224-#*# on the main screen* 224-*#0&*# .ecret menu %or '= IMEI (A''$: *#06# IMEI and .> ('= -&0$: *#0,# .o%t(are )ersion ('= ?&200$: *3+,-# 9ecount cheksum ('= ?&200$: *636&# 6actory test (?&200$: #@>9 663 .im ock menu ('= ?&200$: &24-#*-&0&# .im ock menu ('= -&0>0 -200$: 224-#*-&0&# .im ock menu ('= ,0200 ,0&0$: 224-#*,000&#

Sa"#) * Se%&e' Co(e#

.o%t(are )ersion: *#2222# IMEI num!er: *#06# .eria num!er: *#000&# ?attery statusA Memory ca#acity : *#2223*246# <e!u1 screen: *#2223*+24# A *#3222*+24# 'C< kontrast: *#2223*-2+#

Mo'o&o+a Se%&e' Co(e#

IMEI num!er: *#06# Code to ock keys* @ress to1ether *, Note: BC (#ause$ means the * key he d in unti !o5 a##ears* .e ect #hone ine A (use this to (rite thin1s !e o( the #ro)ider name$: BC BC BC 0 0 3 BC & BC

Add #hone!ook to main menu: BC BC BC & 0 - BC & BC Add messa1es to main menu: BC BDC

So , E&i%##o Se%&e' Co(e#

.ony Ericsson .ecret Menu: AE * FA FA * FA * (AE means #ress Goystick0 arro( keys or Go1dia to the ri1ht and FA means e%t*$ :ou7 see #hone mode 0 so%t(are in%o0 IMEI0 con%i1uration in%o0 sim ock status0 9EA' time c ock0 tota ca time and te5t a!e s* :ou can a so test your #hones ser)ices and hard(are %rom this BDC

Nokia Se%&e' Co(e#

Hn the main screen ty#e *#06# %or checkin1 the IMEI (Internationa Mo!i e E"ui#ment Identity$* *#,,30# reset to %actory settin1s* *#6,,0-646# 8his (i c ear the 'C< dis# ay(o#erator o1o$* *#0000# 8o )ie( so%t(are )ersion* *#2320# ? uetooth de)ice address* *#,4602-62-# .im c ock a o(ed status* *#62202-26# A <is# ay the MAC address o% the >'AN ada#ter* 8his is a)ai a! e on y in the ne(er de)ices that su##orts >'AN BDC IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII =enera Nokia 33&0 .ecrets Codes IMEI num!er *#06# .o%t(are Version *#0000# more %or nokia *#4+-,# .#e in1 out the (ord /E'@ you 1et customer ser)ice0 kinda coo more o% nokia Hn the main screen ty#e

*#06# %or checkin1 the IMEI (Internationa Mo!i e E"ui#ment Identity$* *#,,30# reset to %actory settin1s* *#6,,0-646# 8his (i c ear the 'C< dis# ay(o#erator o1o$* *#0000# 8o )ie( so%t(are )ersion* *#2320# ? uetooth de)ice address* *#,4602-62-# .im c ock a o(ed status* *#62202-26# A <is# ay the MAC address o% the >'AN ada#ter* 8his is a)ai a! e on y in the ne(er de)ices that su##orts >'AN ike N30 ##(J&2+4-6,320J&# .ho(s i% sim ha)e restrictions* *#22,02632# A takes you to a secret menu (here you may %ind some o% the in%ormation !e o(: &* <is# ays .eria Num!er* 2* <is# ays the Month and :ear o% Manu%acture +* <is# ays (i% there$ the date (here the #hone (as #urchased (MM::$ 4* <is# ays the date o% the ast re#air A i% %ound (0000$ -* .ho(s i%e timer o% #hone (time #asses since ast start$ *#++,0# A Enhanced 6u 9ate Codec (E69$ acti)ation* Increase si1na stren1th0 !etter si1na rece#tion* It a so he # i% u (ant to use =@9. and the ser)ice is not res#ondin1 or too s o(* @hone !attery (i drain %aster thou1h* *#++,0* A (E69$ deacti)ation* @hone (i automatica y restart* Increase !attery i%e !y +0K !ecause #hone recei)es ess si1na %rom net(ork* *#4,20# A /a % 9ate Codec acti)ation* *#4,20* A /a % 9ate Codec deacti)ation* 8he #hone (i automatica y restart I% you %or1ot (a et code %or Nokia .60 #hone0 use this code reset: *#,+,022--+3# Note0 your data in the (a et (i !e erased* @hone (i ask you the ock code* <e%au t ock code is: &2+4@ress *#+22--+3# to de ete the contents and code o% (a et*

*#,+23,4326++,+,+3# resets security code* <e%au t security code is &2+4Ln ock ser)ice #ro)ider: Insert sim0 turn #hone on and #ress )o u#(arro( keys$ %or + seconds0 shou d say #in code* @ress C0then #ress * messa1e shou d % ash0 #ress * a1ain and 04*#in*#in*#in# Chan1e c osed ca er 1rou# (settin1s Esecurity settin1sEuser 1rou#s$ to 00000 and ure #hone (i sound the messa1e tone (hen you are near a radar s#eed tra#* .ettin1 it to -00 (i cause your #hone 2 set o%% security a arms at sho# e5its0 1r3 %or #ractica Gokes4 ((orks (ith some o% the Nokia #hones*$ @ress and ho d M0N on the main screen to o#en (a# !ro(ser* Nokia NAM #ro1ramm menu *+00&#&2+4-# More ?en" stu%% *&202224+&2& is code %or o d .iemens mode 0 ike C+-0 M+- 0 .+- etc* 8hat code not (orkin1 (ith ?enOA.iemens mode * A so you can chan1e an1ua1e in .iemens and ?enOA.iemens to any an1ua1e( i% you ha)e that an1ua1e su##ort in mo!i e #hone0 o% course$ i% you #ut !et(een *# and # your country code (ith Peros !e%ore country code (Peros and counry code must ha)e to1ether %our di1its$* >hen you use code %or an1ua1e that not su##ort an1ua1e in mo!i e #hones turn to automatic* E5am# es: *#00++# %rench *#0+3-# croatian *#00+0# 1reek *#00+2# ita ien etc*

/ereQs a cou# e o% e5tras %or you A a#o o1ies %or any re#osts

IMEI num!er: * # 0 6 # .o%t(are )ersion: * # 0 6 #

Net Monitor: 0 0 0 0 0 0 * ?osch IMEI num!er: * # 0 6 # <e%au t 'an1ua1e: * # 0 0 0 0 # Net Monitor: * # + 2 6 2 2 - - * 3 + , 3 # # <anca IMEI num!er: * # 0 6 # .o%t(are )ersion: * # 2 2 2 2 # .IM card seria num!er: * # 2 2 2 4 # In%ormation a!out !attery status: * # 2 2 2 0 # .e %test (on y <anca /@2,+&$: * # 2 2 2 , # .ho( )ersion con%i1uration: * # 2 2 2 3 # Net Monitor: * # 2 2 2 + #

So , E&i%##o
IMEI num!er: * # 0 6 # .o%t(are )ersion: E * F F * F * <e%au t 'an1ua1e: F 0 0 0 0 E Enter to #hone menu (ithout .imCard A a%ter >ron1 @IN: #ress NH: * * 0 4 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 000*0000# In%ormation a!out .IM'HCR: F * * F Motoro a IMEI num!er: * # 0 6 # Net Monitor HN: * * * & & + * & * BHRC Net Monitor H66: * * * & & + * & * BHRC * A #ress this unti !o5 sho(n u#

IMEI num!er: * # 0 6 # .o%t(are )ersion: * # 0 0 0 0 # 'u! * # 2 2 2 2 # .im ock in%o: * # 2 2 , 0 2 6 3 2 # Enhanced 6u 9ate: * + + , 0 # B # + + , 0 # o%%C /a % 9ate: * 4 , 2 0 # @ro)ider ock status: # # ( J & 2 + 4 - 6 , 3 2 0 J & Net(ork ock status: # # ( J & 2 + 4 - 6 , 3 2 0 J 2 @ro)ider ock status: # # ( J & 2 + 4 - 6 , 3 2 0 J +

.imCard ock status: # # ( J & 2 + 4 - 6 , 3 2 0 J 4 &2+4-6,320 A MasterCode (hich is 1enerated %rom IMEI *#22,02632# B*#(ar0anty#C >arranty code*

IMEI num!er: * # 0 6 # .im ock in%o: * # 3 + , , # .ecurity code: * # & 2 + 4 # (6iPP$ or * # , 4 3 2 # .amsun1 (Most mode s$ IMEI num!er: * # 0 6 # .o%t(are )ersion: * # 2 2 2 2 # A !o* # 0 3 + , # Net Monitor: * # 0 + 2 4 # Chan1in1 'C< contrast: * # 0 - 2 + # Memory in%o: * # 0 + , , # A !o * # 0 2 4 6 # 9eset CL.8HM memory: * 2 , 6 , * 2 3 , 3 # ?attery state: * # 2 2 2 3 * 2 2 3 # A arm !ee#er: * # 2 2 2 3 * 2 3 2 # Vi!ra test: * # 2 2 2 3 * 3 4 2 #

Sa"#) * (T/00 S.e%i1i% Co(e#)

?attery status (ca#acity0 )o ta1e0 tem#erature$: * # 3 2 2 2 * 2 2 3 # @ro1ram status: * # 3 2 2 2 * 2 4 6 # Chan1e A arm ?uPPer 6re"uency: * # 3 2 2 2 * 2 3 2 # <e!u1 screens: * # 3 2 2 2 * + 2 4 # >atchdo1: * # 3 2 2 2 * + 6 4 # EE@9HM Error .tack: * # 3 2 2 2 * + , , # 8race >atchdo1: * # 3 2 2 2 * 4 2 , # Chan1e 'C< contrast: * # 3 2 2 2 * - 2 + # Si1 detect: * # 3 2 2 2 * - 4 4 # Memory status: * # 3 2 2 2 * 6 + 6 # .IM 6i e .iPe: * # 3 2 2 2 * , 4 6 # .IM .er)ice 8a! e: * # 3 2 2 2 * , , 3 # 98R (9un 8ime Rerne $ errors: * # 3 2 2 2 * , 3 - # 9un0 'ast L@0 'ast <H>N: * # 3 2 2 2 * , 3 6 # .o%t(are Version: * # 3 2 2 2 * 3 + , # 8est Vi!rator: * # 3 2 2 2 * 3 4 2 # Vocoder 9e1: * # 3 2 2 2 * 3 6 2 # <ia1: * # 3 2 2 2 * 3 , 2 # 9eset Hn 6ata Error: * # 3 2 2 2 * 2 4 , #

'astTChk: * # 3 2 2 2 * 2 2 2 #2 2 * 2 2 2 #

IMEI num!er: * # 0 6 # .er)ice Menu access: MENL - & & #

Sie"e #
IMEI num!er: * # 0 6 # .o%t(are )ersion: 8ake out .IM U enter: * # 0 6 # (U #ress 'HN= RE:$ ?onus screen: in #hone !ook: J & 2 0 2 2 2 4 + & 2 & Net Monitor (.4 @o(er$: Menu 2 30 e%t .o%tRey0 , 6 3 4 6 6 60 9ead #hone0 Menu - 6

So ,
IMEI num!er: * # 0 6 # .o%t(are )ersion: * # 3 + , , 4 6 6 # .ho( ist o% #roduct creator names: J & 2 0 2 2 2 4 + & 2 &

So ,E&i%##o
IMEI num!er: * # 0 6 # .o%t(are )ersion: E * F F * F * <e%au t 'an1ua1e: F 0 0 0 0 E Enter to #hone menu (ithout .imCard A a%ter >ron1 @IN: #ress NH: * * 0 4 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 000*0000# In%ormation a!out .IM'HCR: F * * F

Code <escri#tion *#06# <is# ay the IMEI (=.M standard$ *#0000# <is# ay the %irm(are )ersion and date *#!ta0# <is# ay the ? uetooth MAC address (mode s (ith !ui dAin ? uetooth radio0 acti)ate %irst to sho( address$ *#mac0( an# <is# ay the >'AN MAC address (mode s (ith !ui dAin >iA%i radio$ *#o#r0 o1o# C ear the o#erator o1o (++&0 and +++0 on y$

*##ca0# Acti)ate the =@9. @CCC/ su##ort (ear y =@9. mode s$ *##cd0# <eacti)ate the =@9. @CCC/ su##ort (ear y =@9. mode s$ *#res0(a et# 9eset the mo!i e (a et (mode s (ith mo!i e (a et$ *#res0# .o%tA%ormat the memory (.ym!ian mode s on y$ *#rst0# 9eset to %actory de%au ts0 con%irmation re"uired (<C84 or ne(er$ *#sim0c ock# <is# ay the .IM c ock status (<C8+ on y$ *#ssn0# <is# ay the manu%acturin1 seria num!er (midAran1e and #remium0 nonA .ym!ian mode s0 and those de)ired %rom them$ *#(ar0anty# <is# ay the manu%acturin1 and re#air in%o (no e5it on <C8+$ *e%r0# Ena! e E69 encodin1 (#reA200+ mode s$ #e%r0# <isa! e E69 encodin1 (#reA200+ mode s$ *hra0# Ena! e /9 encodin1 (#reA200+ mode s$ #hra0# <isa! e /9 encodin1 (#reA200+ mode s$ ##(J&2+4-6,320Jn# <is# ay the .IM ock status: (#reA200+ mode s$ n V &: #ro)ider ock n V 2: net(ork ock n V +: country ock n V 4: .IM ock #hannhatn1hi is o%% ine Add to #hannhatn1hiQs 9e#utation 9e#ort @ost 9e# y >ith Ouote EEEEEEEEEE MH?I'E LN'HCR C/EA8 CH<E FFFFFFFFFF VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

Code: *#06# <is# ays IMEI BCBCBC &&2 BC & BC HR Ena! e E69 BCBCBC &&2 BC 0 BC HR <isa! e E69

Sa"#) * S$H-2/003400
Code: *#06# <is# ays IMEI *#2222# .o%t(are )ersion *#0+24# 8echnica menu *#0-2+# 'ets you adGust the screen contrast

*#0223# ?attery status (ca#acity0 )o ta1e0 tem#erature

S-a&. Se%&e' Co(e#

*0&,6+*3+,&# (*0&,6+*VE90#$ W 6irm(are Version* *0&,6+*+64&# (*0&,6+*EN=&#$ W Ena! e En1ineer Mode ho d #(r key to ea)e then disa! e* *0&,6+*+640# (*0&,6+*EN=0#$ W <isa! e En1ineer Mode* *0&,6+*3,3&# (*0&,6+*8.8&#$ W 8est #& (test ear y (dt oo#in1 to dum#0 need to remo)e !attery %rom #hone$ *0&,6+*3,32# (*0&,6+*8.82#$ W 8est #2 (test ir" dis oo#in1 to s(itch0 resets itse %$

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