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Aircraft Design Analysis 0

Aircraft Design Analysis

ME2605 Principles of Aircraft Design
Stephen Thuita Wanjihia [1022600]

ME2605 Principles of Aircraft Design

Aircraft Design Analysis

Introduction & Task 1 In this assignment we will be looking at the design of three unmanned air vehicles with a common mission. By this I mean analysing the process involved design to compare the layout chosen between the various UAVs while analytically evaluating the consequences of those layouts. Ultimately this will assist in completing the following criteria; Comparing the performance characteristics with the chosen mission. To better understand what benefits and drawbacks each layout carries.

Explained well from Raymer 1992, design is simply creating the geometric description of a thing to be built. [Raymer 1992]. The term UAV stands for unmanned air vehicle, i.e. an aerial vehicle without an on board pilot. General unmanned air vehicles can be divided into two subsections; Autonomous Following commands to complete a required mission(s) RPV (remotely piloted vehicle) Pre-programmed to complete a specific mission(s)1

When various specialists in the engineering field are asked for the origin of a design, each one of them will give a different answer. This is because of the varied degree of importance that different criteria mean to us. For example, in the eyes of a sizing specialist the initial weight estimates place most importance in the initial design whereas when speaking to a designer one might say that the initial concept is of most importance. In the case of a customer however, be it civilian or military, it is agreed that the mission(s) / requirement is what dictates the design. Therefore when designing a UAV for civil or military use we must direct all queries such as weight specifications, size, arrangement, etc. to the mission(s) at hand. The mission can be classified it into two sub categories; Single mission e.g. cruise missiles Multi mission Proteus UAV

Once decided on this the UAVs can then be subdivided even further into even more categories depending on their mission capabilities. The following is a small list of the types of missions that UAVs today carry out; Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance Combat (UCAV) Aerial delivery and resupply Multi-purpose Logistics Vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) Radar and communication relay Surveillance

For this assignment the mission I have chosen to look at specifically is surveillance reconnaissance. In this type of mission, the main objective is the acquiring of data or information about the activities of an enemy or the characteristics of a certain area. Unmanned aerial vehicles use sophisticated detection equipment and methods to carry out this mission. The lack of a human within the aircraft enables various performance parameters such as weight and safety to be altered to benefit the mission. For instance the strategic reconnaissance mission based UAV undergoes massive weight saving by lack of a pilot on board. That weight saving is then used to assist the mission by ensuring that the bulk of the payload includes sophisticated surveillance systems such as electro-optical daylight cameras and infrared cameras. ME2605 Principles of Aircraft Design

Aircraft Design Analysis

For the mission of surveillance reconnaissance I would expect the following key performance parameters to be most prominent; Altitude The ability to be undetectable when performing a reconnaissance mission is key therefore the more altitude a drone can attain when on station (during a mission) the less detectable it makes itself. Even in the event that it is detected, the higher its ceiling is, the less likely it is to be shot down. Endurance As the mission is specifically to survey a certain area and the most crucial thing is now the information / video rather than the aircraft itself, the longer a drone can loiter over a certain position as needed the more beneficial it is to the mission. Payload As this is the sophisticated monitoring systems that the drone will be carrying to enable it to complete its mission successfully I would expect this to prove of substantial importance when performing my analysis.

Chosen Unmanned Aerial Vehicles The three drones I chose for my recon mission are the; RQ-4B Global Hawk MQ-1 Predator Boeing ScanEagle

MQ-1 Predator

Global Hawk

Boeing ScanEagle

ME2605 Principles of Aircraft Design

Aircraft Design Analysis

UAV Data The following table shows the data for each of the drones chosen and shown on the previous page. The data will now assist to support the QFD and mission/ design /performance analysis in the upcoming sections. More specifically, the section of the data highlighted in blue. RQ-4B Global Hawk Rolls Royce Turbofan 7,050lbft kW kN kN Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg m^2 M kg/m Deg Kg/m^2 kW/kg kN/kg kW/m^2 kN/m^2 291.5686665 0 0.002310637 0 0.673709388 12.67687143 145.7142857 0.086998137 25.13888889 0.102994475 0 2.589166667 0 1360 6577 50.17 39.9 366.6165414 14628 5851 4173 1020 1020 18.1 33.8




Boeing ScanEagle


Turbocharged Four-cylinder 105hp 88.7381

Piston Engine 1.9hp 1.8642

Max Take-Off Power Thrust Max Take Off Thrust Max Take Off Weight Max Landing Weight Operational Empty Weight Useful Load Max Payload Max Fuel Weight Wing Area Wing Span Span Loading Wing Sweep (Quarter Chord) Wing Loading(MTOW) Power-to-Weight Ratio Thrust-to-Weight Ratio Power Loading Thrust Loading

762 340 340 249.5 7 16.76 60.85918854


4.3 7 0.72 2.9 6.24137931

ME2605 Principles of Aircraft Design

Aircraft Design Analysis

Useful Load Fraction Take Off Distance (MTOW,SL) Landing Distance (LTOW,SL) Max Atitude (Service ceiling) Never Exceed Speed (VNE) Stall Speed Max Rate of Climb Cruise Speed (Long Range) Range Endurance fuselage width Length Height Loiter Speed Loiter Altitude On-station Endurance (During Mission) M 0.714725185 10 0.252941176 0.386740331







Km/h Km/h m/s Km/h Km h m M M Km/h m

639 176

222.24 100


2.5 573 22,779 36 1.46 14.5 4.7 574 15240-19810 24 8.23 2.1 135 1.2 0.5 76

135 6482 40

89 104 15

ME2605 Principles of Aircraft Design

Aircraft Design Analysis

Task 2 Using the interrelationships analysis of criteria vs. criteria using a scale of 1:3:9 1 Being equally important 3 Being more important 9 Being much more important Loit er Spe ed 1.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 3.00 1.00 0.33 3.00 0.33 3.00 0.11 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.11 3.00 0.33 0.33 Loiter Altitu de 3.00 1.00 0.33 0.33 1.00 0.33 Landi ng Distan ce 3.00 3.00 9.00 9.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 Max Fuel Weig ht 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.33 3.00 3.00 0.33

Paramet ers to Compar e Enduran ce Altitude Stability Range Payload Loiter Speed Loiter Altitude Landing Distance Max Fuel Weight Launch

Endura nce

Altitu de 3.00

Stabil ity 3.00 9.00

Ran ge 0.33 9.00 0.11

Paylo ad 0.11 0.33 1.00 0.33

Laun ch 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 ` Gran d Total

Raw Total 19.444 4 29.000 0 17.222 2 28.111 1 23.666 7 28.333 3 26.333 3 5.0000 11.000 0 2.7778 190.88 89

Relati ve 0.10 0.15 0.09 0.15 0.12 0.15 0.14 0.03 0.06 0.01

0.33 0.33 3.00 9.00 1.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.11 0.11 3.00 3.00 1.00 0.33 0.33 0.33

9.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.11 0.33 0.33 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.11 0.33 0.33

By Ranking for QFD Altitude Loiter Speed Range Loiter Altitude Payload Endurance Stability Max Fuel Weight Landing Distance Launch

Raw Total 29.00 28.33 28.11 26.33 23.67 19.44 17.22 11.00 5.00 2.78

Relative 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.06 0.03 0.01

Using this interrelationship tool, we are able to obtain a table as shown here on the right thus giving us a hierarchy of important performance criteria that are crucial to the mission. This speeds up the design process by knowing what aspects to allocate more time to and therefore is more efficient and cost effective.

ME2605 Principles of Aircraft Design

Aircraft Design Analysis

QFD Analysis By using the important factors within the interrelationship analysis (The WHATs) and analysing them within the house of quality, we are able to identify HOW these parameters become of such importance. By altering and improving these characteristics we are able to increase the efficiency of the design process.

Criteria Altitude Loiter Speed Range Loiter Altitude Payload Enduranc e Stability Max Fuel Weight Landing Distance Launch Total

Weight s 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.06 0.03 0.01 1.00

Wing Area Ranke Weighted d 1.36728754 9 4 0.44528521 3 5 0.44179278 3 2 0.13795110 1 6 0.37194412 3 1 0.91676367 9 9 0.09022118 1 7 0.05762514 1 6 0.23573923 9 2 0.01455180 1 4 4.08

Engine Ranke d 9 3 9 9 9 3 1 3 3 9 Weighted 1.36728754 4 0.44528521 5 1.32537834 7 1.24155995 3 1.11583236 3 0.30558789 3 0.09022118 7 0.17287543 7 0.07857974 4 0.13096624 6.27

Wing Layout Weighte Ranked d 0.45576 3 3 1.33585 9 6 0.14726 1 4 0.13795 1 1 0.37194 3 4 0.91676 9 4 0.81199 9 1 0.51862 9 6 0.23573 9 9 0.04365 3 5 4.98

Fuel Capacity Ranke Weighte d d 0.45576 3 3 0.14842 1 8 0.44179 3 3 0.41385 3 3 0.12398 1 1 0.91676 9 4 0.09022 1 1 0.51862 9 6 0.02619 1 3 0.01455 1 2 3.15

ME2605 Principles of Aircraft Design

Aircraft Design Analysis

Task 3

ME2605 Principles of Aircraft Design

Aircraft Design Analysis

Bibliography Janes Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Targets National Aerospace Library (Farnborough)


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