Text Comprehension 1 Ano e Eja

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TEXT COMPREHENSION CAMPING Today many people go camping not only in the United States, but also in other

countries. Campers can camp everywhere. Some go to the mountains, others go to the beach, and others prefer the woods or the countryside. They like to go camping with their friends and families. It is not very comfortable to sleep in a tent, but it is a lot of fun. Some people prefer camping in a trailer because it is more comfortable. Campers usually get up early to have breakfast. Then they take long walks or swim in a lake. In the afternoon, they play ball or read a good book. In the evening they sit around the fire and sing. Then they go to sleep. Real campers love life and freedom. They dont cause any harm to animals and nature.

01. Escreva (V) verdadeiro ou (F) falso. a) Um trailer muito confortvel, mas uma tenda mais confortvel. ( b) Acampar muito popular em vrios lugares. ( c) As pessoas levantam tarde quando acampam. ( ) ) ) )

d) As pessoas que acampam no gostam de liberdade. ( e) As pessoas podem acampar em qualquer lugar. ( 02. Find in the text. a) a country - ______________________________ b) an adjective - ____________________________ )

c) the verbs in the simple present tense - _______________________________________________________ 03. Look at the chart and circle the right adverbs of frequency. DAYS OF THE WEEK NAMES Henry Naomi Nancy Helen a) Henry (always) (never) listens to music. b) Naomi (usually) (seldom) works in the garden. c) Nancy (sometimes) (always) reads comic books. d) Helen (often) (never) writes letters. e) 04. Complete the sentences using do, does, dont or doesnt. a) ______ you eat sandwiches? - No, I ________________. b) ______ Jeannie like pumpkins? - Yes, she ________________. c) ______ your cat drink milk? - No, it ________________. d) ______ Mary and John study English every day? - Yes, they ________________ 05. Fill in with the Simple Present Tense in the affirmative form. a) Jane and Jeff ___________________ to the club every day. (to go) b) Linda ___________________ her mother in the morning. (to help) c) Peter always ___________________ his car on Saturdays. (to fix) d) I usually ___________________ the bus at 7 oclock. (to take) SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT

06. Look at the pictures and write their names in English.








07. Complete the sentences using some or any. a) My father is not going to buy ______________ candies. b) There are ______________ apples in the basket. c) Gina has ______________ friends. d) Is there ______________ sugar in the pot? e) I dont have ______________ cheese in my fridge. 08. Write the words from the box under the correct category. time bread cell phone candy oil banana spaghetti cracker magazine money carrot milk bread biscuit chocolate sandwich Countable Nouns ___________________, ___________________ ___________________, ___________________ ___________________, ___________________ ___________________, ___________________ Uncountable Nouns ___________________, ___________________ ___________________, ___________________ ___________________, ___________________ ___________________, ___________________

09. Complete using the verb there to be (there is / there are) in the affirmative, interrogative and negative forms. a) _________________ a car in front of my garage? Yes, _____________________. b) _________________ a car in front of my garage.. c) _________________ any books in your bag? No, _____________________. d) _________________ some books in my bag. 10. Match the pictures with the imperative sentences. (a) ( ) Dont be late!

(b) ( ) Turn right!


( ) Swim here!

(d) ( ) Dont close the door!

11. Mark with an X the correct plural of the words below. a. man b. baby c. biscuit ( ) mans ( ) babys ( ) biscuits ( ) toies ( ) boxes ( ) men ( ) babies ( ) biscuites ( ) toys ( ) boxs

d. toy e. box

12. Fill in the sentences using and ( e) or but. (mas) a. I live in a small ________ nice city, _________ there isnt a shopping there. b. John plays the piano _________ the violin. c. I live in a big city ________ there arent any parks. d. We sometimes play soccer _________ volleyball on Saturdays, _______ we dont play tennis.

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