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81. Older than.. More expensive than

Shes taller than him. The Royal Hotel is more expensive than the Grand. A : We use than after comparative (older than .. / more expensive than . etc.). - Athens is older than Rome. - Are oranges more expensive than apples? - Its easier to call than to write a letter. - How are you today? Not bad. Better than yesterday? - Last night the restaurant was more crowed than usual. B : We say .. than me / than him / than us / than them: - I can run faster than him. or I can run faster than he can. - You are a better singer than me. or You are a better singer than I can. - I got up earlier than her. or I got up earlier than she did. C : more / less than .. A : How much did your shoes cost? Twenty dollars? B : No, more than that. (= more than $ 20) - The movie was very short less than an hour. - They have more money than they need. - You go out more than me. (= more often than me) D : a little / a little bit / much + older / more expensive, act. .

Box A is a little bit bigger than Box B. Box C is much bigger than Box D. Bigger - Canada is much bigger than Japan. a little older - Ann is a little bit older than Dan shes 25 and hes 24. a little bit better than - A car is much more expensive than a motorcycle. much more difficult Raymond Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use. Singapore : Cambridge University Press. 2002. more expensive

81.1 Write sentences about Liz and Ben. Use than.

1. Im 26. 2. Im not a very good swimmer. 3. Im 1 meter 68 tall. 4. I start work at 8 oclock. 5. I dont work very hard. 6. I dont have much patience. 7. Im a very good driver. 8. Im not very, friendly. 9. Im not a very good dancer. 10. Im very intelligent. 11. I speak French very well. 12. I dont go to the movie very much. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Liz is older than Ben. Ben is a better swimmer than Liz. Liz is taller ... Liz starts .. Ben Liz. Ben has

1. Im 24. 2. Im a very good swimmer. 3. Im 1 meter 66 tall. 4. I start work at 8.30. 5. I work very hard. 6. I have much patience. 7. Im not a very good driver. 8. Im very friendly. 9. Im a very good dancer. 10. Im not very intelligent. 11. I dont speak French very well. 12. I go to the movie very much. 7. Liz is a 8. Ben . 9. Ben . 10. Liz .. 11. Liz .. 12. Ben ..

81.2 Complete the sentences. Use than.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

He isnt very tall. Youre taller than him. or Youre taller than he is. She isnt very old. You are ... I dont work very hard. You work .... He doesnt smoke very much. You .. Im not a very good cook. You . We dont know many people. You ...

Raymond Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use. Singapore : Cambridge University Press. 2002.

7. They dont have much money. You have . 8. I cant run very fast. You can ... 9. She hasnt been here very long. You ... 10. I didnt get up very early. You 11. He isnt very interesting. You ..... 81.3 Complete the sentences with a little bit or much + a comparative (older / better, etc.) 1. Ann is 25. Dan is 24. Ann is a little bit older than Dan. 2. Jacks mother is 44. His father is 68. Jacks mother .... 3. My camera cost $ 100. Yours cost $ 96. My camera ... 4. Yesterday I felt terrible. Today I feel great. I feel 5. Today the temperature is 12 degrees Celsius. Yesterday it was 10 degrees. Its . today ..yesterday. 6. Mary is a fantastic tennis player. Im not very good. Mary .

Raymond Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use. Singapore : Cambridge University Press. 2002.

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