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Calasicas, John Ray E. I, _______________________________, a student of the School/Department of 2011122417 AR-ID-BE ____________________________________________, with Student No. _________________, and a resident Walled City Dormitory, Muralla St. Intramuros, Manila of ______________________________________________________________, hereby agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of Mapua Institute of Technology including all policies involving Academic Honesty that the Institute has adopted or may adopt in the future.

I hereby promise to do the following acts and deeds, and undertake not to violate any of them or any similar rule that may be promulgated by the Institute in the future, nor cause any student, employee, or any third person to violate them, throughout the duration of my stay as a student of the Institute and even after graduation, as long as such act may to any extent affect adversely the policies of the Institute on Academic Honesty: 1. I shall not cheat in examinations, quizzes, projects, reports, home works, problem sets, machine problems, and in any required course works; 2. I shall not receive or give information to another student during examinations and quizzes; 3. I shall not do unauthorized collaboration with another student in the preparation and completion of academic requirements; 4. I shall not ask another person to do a course requirement and represent it as my own work; 5. I shall not copy computer codes, whether or not the variable names have been changed; however, open-sourced codes can be used for major computer projects as long as citations have been made indicating authorship; 6. I shall not submit any material that is wholly or substantially identical to that created or published by another person or persons, without adequate citations indicating authorship (plagiarism); 7. I shall not alter or insert any academic grade or rating so as to obtain unearned academic credit; 8. I shall not deliberately falsify a written or verbal statement of fact so as to obtain unearned academic credit; 9. I shall not be busy browsing the internet or doing things unrelated to the course during course sessions; 10. I shall not do anything to disturb the Instructor/Professor or any other student in the classroom or laboratory room during course and laboratory sessions. I understand that, by signing this Agreement, I shall be bound by the foregoing promises and stipulations with regard to Academic Honesty. I also understand that any violation of the policies of the Institute on Academic Honesty shall be meted with a penalty of either suspension, exclusion, or expulsion, depending on the facts and the gravity of the acts committed. I acknowledge that the Instructor/Professor of the course has full authority to determine if there is any probable violation of this Agreement, and that, in such case, the Instructor/Professor can elevate the case to the Prefect of Discipline for further proceeding.

Calasicas, John Ray E. __________________________________ Signature Over Printed Name of Student

October 4, 2012 Date: ___________________


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