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EU Directive

94/9/EC (ATEX 95)

for Pneumatic Components
ATEX (Atmosphres explosibles)
When and where can an explosion occur?
Potentially explosive
Explosions can always occur
where combustible gases,
vapours, liquids or dusts are
produced, stored or
transported and can under
certain conditions combine
with air to form an explosive
mixture. In such potentially
explosive atmospheres a
small spark is often enough to
trigger an explosion.
Potentially explosive
atmospheres occur for
example in chemical plants,
refineries, tank installations,
paint factories and other
places where dust-forming
bulk goods are processed or
transported, e.g. in flour mills,
animal feed factories and
cement works.
Pneumatic Components in -Atmospheres
ATEX 95 and ATEX 137
What are potential
ignition sources?
Electrical ignition sources can
- Arcing when contacts are
- Transient electric currents
- Electrostatic discharge
- Hot surfaces on coils
Examples of mechanical
ignition sources:
- Hot surfaces caused by
- Adiabatic compression
- Sparks created by impacts
Examples of other ignition
- Open fire
- Hot-running bearings
- Auto-ignition
- Lightning strike
Directive 94/9/EC is designed
to harmonize the laws of the
EU Member States concerning
equipment and protective
systems intended for use in
potentially explosive
Previously known as ATEX
100a, the Directive now has
the working title ATEX 95 and
defines the unified safety
requirements needed for free
The Directive has been
incorporated into the national
law of the Member States and
applies to the sales of
equipment, components and
protective systems for use in
potentially explosive
atmospheres with effect from
1st July 2003. Therefore this
Directive mainly affects the
Directive 1999/92/EC defines
the minimum requirements for
the improvement of the health
protection and safety of
employees who may be
endangered by explosive
atmospheres. It was previ-
ously known as ATEX 118a
and is now called ATEX 137.
This Directive applies to
operators of plant with
explosive atmospheres and
applies to the building of new
plant, also with effect from 1st
July 2003. For the adaptation
of existing plant there is a
transitional phase up to 31st
December 2005.
The abbreviation ATEX covers two European Union Directives: 94/9/EC and 1999/92/EC.
What products are affected by ATEX 95?
What changes have been made by ATEX?
Application of ATEX to Manufacturers and Operators
The application of ATEX has
basically made the following
- The Directive now also
applies to non-electrical
equipment (e.g. pneumatic
drives) as well as to
electrical equipment.
- It defines fundamental safety
requirements and also
applies to complete
protective systems.
- Equipment is divided into
Groups and Categories.
These are then related to
corresponding danger Zones
which have to be defined by
the operator in accordance
with ATEX 137.
- Depending on the
Equipment Category, a type
approval is required.
- Marking with the CE mark is
now compulsory.
Application to Manufacturers and Operators
- A declaration of conformity
must accompany each
product as well as the
operating instructions.
- The Directive now also
applies to potential dust
explosion atmospheres.
- It now applies to under-
ground mining operations as
well as to all other potentially
explosive atmospheres.
All electrical equipment for use
in potentially explosive
atmospheres was already
covered by the existing law on
explosion protection. ATEX 95
however additionally applies to
non-electrical equipment, such
as piston rod cylinders, rodless
cylinders and valves.
It therefore applies to all equip-
ment for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres which
have any intrinsic potential
source of ignition, including
sources such as hot surfaces
or adiabatic compression.
What products do not fall under ATEX 95?
With effect from 1st July 2003 the responsibility for newly built plant with potentially explosive
atmospheres lies not only with the manufacturer of explosion-proof equipment but also with the
operator and builder of the plant.
The following product
examples have no intrinsic
sources of ignition and
therefore do not fall under
ATEX 95.
- Pneumatic accessories
- Mechanical accessories
- Tubing
- Fittings
- Check/ flow control valves
Such products can be used in
specified potentially explosive
atmospheres in accordance
with the manufacturers
ATEX 95 for the Manufacturer
Under ATEX 95 the manufacturer has to evaluate his products and to mark them
- Division into Equipment Groups and Categories for use in different Zones
- Division into Temperature Classes
- Division into Explosion Groups
- Determination of permissible ambient temperatures
The Equipment Groups and Categories are defined as follows. You will find
further information on the Temperature Classes and Explosion Groups on page 6.
Category 1
This equipment is designed to
ensure a very high level of
safety. It must ensure the
required level of safety even in
the event of rare equipment
malfunctions. Therefore its
explosion protection system
must ensure that:
- in the event of the failure of
one means of protection, at
least one second, independent
means provides the required
level of protection
- or in the event of two faults
occurring independently of
each other, the required level
of safety is still ensured.
Category 2
This equipment is designed to
ensure a high level of safety.
Its explosion protection
system must ensure the
required level of safety even in
the event of frequently
occurring incidents or
equipment malfunctions
which normally have to be
Equipment Group II
Equipment in Group II is divided into Categories 1, 2 and 3 according to its suitability for use in the
different Zones defined by ATEX 137.
Equipment Group I
Equipment in Group I is divided into Categories M1 and M2. This equipment is used in
mining, where there is the danger of explosions caused by firedamp or flammable dust.
HOERBIGER-ORIGA do not manufacture Group I Equipment
Pneumatic Components in -Atmospheres
ATEX for Manufacturers and Operators
Category 3
This equipment is designed to
ensure a normal level of safety
so that it provides the requisite
level of safety in normal
7 3 1 X E T A y b d e n i f e D 7 3 1 X E T A y b d e n i f e D 7 3 1 X E T A y b d e n i f e D 7 3 1 X E T A y b d e n i f e D 7 3 1 X E T A y b d e n i f e D 5 9 X E T A y b d e n i f e D 5 9 X E T A y b d e n i f e D 5 9 X E T A y b d e n i f e D 5 9 X E T A y b d e n i f e D 5 9 X E T A y b d e n i f e D
r o f e n o Z r o f e n o Z r o f e n o Z r o f e n o Z r o f e n o Z
s e s a G s e s a G s e s a G s e s a G s e s a G
r o f e n o Z r o f e n o Z r o f e n o Z r o f e n o Z r o f e n o Z
s t s u D s t s u D s t s u D s t s u D s t s u D
e c n e r r u c c O f o y c n e u q e r F e c n e r r u c c O f o y c n e u q e r F e c n e r r u c c O f o y c n e u q e r F e c n e r r u c c O f o y c n e u q e r F e c n e r r u c c O f o y c n e u q e r F
e r e h p s o m t A e v i s o l p x E f o e r e h p s o m t A e v i s o l p x E f o e r e h p s o m t A e v i s o l p x E f o e r e h p s o m t A e v i s o l p x E f o e r e h p s o m t A e v i s o l p x E f o
t n e m p i u q E t n e m p i u q E t n e m p i u q E t n e m p i u q E t n e m p i u q E
p u o r G p u o r G p u o r G p u o r G p u o r G
t n e m p i u q E t n e m p i u q E t n e m p i u q E t n e m p i u q E t n e m p i u q E
y r o g e t a C y r o g e t a C y r o g e t a C y r o g e t a C y r o g e t a C
/ e r e h p s o m t A / e r e h p s o m t A / e r e h p s o m t A / e r e h p s o m t A / e r e h p s o m t A
e s U e s U e s U e s U e s U
I 2 M , 1 M g n i n i m n i g n i s U
, y l t n e u q e r f , y l t n a t s n o C
s d o i r e p g n o l r o f
I I G 1 s t s i m , s r u o p a v , s e s a G
0 2 I I D 1 t s u D
l a m r o n n i y l l a n o i s a c c O
n o i t a r e p o
I I G 2 s t s i m , s r u o p a v , s e s a G
1 2 I I D 2 t s u D
y l f e i r b y l n o , m o d l e S
I I G 3 s t s i m , s r u o p a v , s e s a G
2 2 I I D 3 t s u D
Allocation of Equipment Groups and Categories to Zones
ATEX 137 for the Operator
Under ATEX 137 the operator must assess his plant, identify dangers, evaluate the risks (e.g. within
the framework of an explosion protection document) and define appropriate protective measures:
- Division of the plant into Zones according to the assessed danger potential
- Determination of Temperature Classes
- Determination of Explosion Groups
- Determination of ambient temperatures experienced
The Zones are defined under ATEX 137 as follows. You will find further information on the
Temperature Classes and Explosion Groups on page 6.
Anwendung der ATEX durch Hersteller und Betreiber
Zone 0 (Gases)
An area in which an explosive
atmosphere occurs as a
mixture of air and flammable
gases, vapours or mists
constantly, frequently or for
long periods. Such conditions
are found for example inside
storage tanks or pipework.
Zone 1 (Gases)
An area in which an explosive
atmosphere can occur as a
mixture of air and flammable
gases, vapours or mists
occasionally. Such areas can
be for example in close
proximity to a Zone 0 or to
filling and emptying
Zone 2 (Gases)
An area in which an explosive
atmosphere as a mixture of air
and flammable gases,
vapours or mists does not
normally occur in normal
operation, or occurs only
briefly. Such areas might be
for example near a Zone 1,
near pipework connections or
in storage areas.
Zone 20 (Dusts)
An area in which an explosive
atmosphere occurs as a dust
cloud or dust layer consisting
of air and flammable dust
particles constantly, frequently
or for long periods.
Zone 21
An area in
which an
can occur as a dust cloud or
dust layer consisting of air and
flammable dust particles
occasionally in normal
Zone 22 (Dusts)
An area in which an explosive
atmosphere as a dust cloud or
dust layer consisting of air and
flammable dust particles does
not normally occur in normal
operation, or occurs only
Type Marking of Equipment for Use in -Atmospheres
Mechanical Electrical Description
Equipment Equipment
CE mark
Ex mark. Approved for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
II II Equipment Group I Use in mining
II Use in all other Ex-atmospheres
2GD 2GD Equipment Category G = gas, D = dust
2G Use in Zone 1
2GD Use in Zone 21
3G Use in Zone 2
3GD Use in Zone 22
E Equipment is approved to the CENELEC European Standard
Ex Equipment is explosion-proof
c ib Type of ignition protection ia Intrinsically safe, in normal operation will not cause
ignition in the event of 1 or 2 faults in the unit
ib Intrinsically safe, in normal operation will not cause
ignition in the event of 1 fault in the unit
b Ignition source monitoring k Liquid encapsulation
c Safe design m Cast encapsulation
d Pressure-tight encapsulation o Oil encapsulation
e Enhanced safety p Overpressure encapsulation
fr Vapour-inhibiting q Sand encapsulation
IIC Explosion Group Different gases have different ignitability:
Group Typical gas (example) Minimum ignition energy
IIA Propane 180 J
IIB Ethylene 60 J
IIC Hydrogen, acetylene 20 J
T4 T5 Temperature Class Highest permissible surface temperature for use in gas-explosion-
(Gas) protected atmospheres
T-class Max. surface Min. ignition temperature
temperature of the gas
T1 450C > 450C
T2 300C > 300C -
T3 200C > 200C -
T4 135C > 135C -
T5 100C > 100C -
T6 85C > 85C -
T135C T100C Maximum surface temperature for use in dust-explosion-protected atmospheres. If no
Temperature Class is specified (e.g. T5), this value also applies to gas-explosion-protected
+60C -20C
+75C Permissible temperature range for the use of the equipment in explosion-protected
IP65 Housing protection system for electrical equipment (e.g. IP65 = dust-tight and
water-jet-proof from all directions)
Examples of type markings:
Mechanical equipment: II 2 GD c T4 T135C -10C
Electrical equipment: II 2 GD E Ex ib IIC T5 T100C -20C
+75C IP65
Pneumatic Components in -Atmospheres
Type Marking of Equipment
HOERBIGER-ORIGA Products for -Atmospheres
Equipment Group II Category 2GD
Piston Rod Cylinders: II 2GD c T4 T135C 10C
Series Size Stroke Range Accessories Illustration
AZ Series 5000 32 .. 100 1 .. 2000mm Mountings programme,
AZV Series 5000 32 .. 100 1 .. 2000mm Mountings programme,
AZV3D Series 5000 32 .. 100 1 .. 2000mm Mountings programme,
AZV4D Series 5000 32 .. 100 1 .. 2000mm Mountings programme,
DZ Series 5000 125 .. 250 10 .. 2000mm Mountings programme
NZK Series 6000 32 .. 100 1 .. 500mm Mountings programme,
NZK Series 7000 32 .. 100 1 .. 25mm Mountings programme,
NZKV Series 6000 32 .. 100 1 .. 80mm Mountings programme
R Series 3000 10 .. 25 1 .. 50mm Mountings programme, FEUG
R Series 6000 10 .. 25 1 .. 500mm Mountings programme, FEUG
R Series 5000 20 .. 25 1 .. 500mm Mountings programme, FEUG
SZ Series 6000 12 .. 100 1 .. 80mm Mountings programme
SZ Series 7000 12 .. 100 1 .. 25mm Mountings programme
SZV Series 6000 20 .. 63 1 .. 80mm Mountings programme
Sensors: II 2GD EEx ib IIC T5 T100C 20C
S9 For dust-EX-atmospheres on request
Anwendung der ATEX durch Hersteller und Betreiber
Equipment Group II Category 2G
Rodless Cylinders: II 2G c T4 T135C 10C
Series Size Stroke Range Accessories Illustration
OSP-P 10 .. 80 1 .. 6000mm Mountings programme
Slideline 16 .. 80 1 .. 6000mm
Valves: II 2G c T4 T135C 10C
Series Size Accessories Illustration
S9 pneumatically G1/8, G1/4, G1/2 P-/RPS-manifolds
S9 manually G1/8, G1/4, G1/2 P-/RPS-manifolds
S9 electrically G1/8, G1/4, G1/2 P-/RPS-manifolds
Solenoids Category of Solenoid Comments
GS24V-3m-ATEX II 2G EEx m II T5 -20C
+50C Individual use
GS24V-5m-ATEX II 2G EEx m II T5 -20C
+50C Individual use
GS24V-10m-ATEX II 2G EEx m II T5 -20C
+50C Individual use
GS24V-1.2m-ATEX II 2G EEx m II T5 -20C
+50C Individual use
WS230V-3m-ATEX II 2G EEx m II T5 -20C
+50C Individual use
WS230V-1.2m-ATEX II 2G EEx m II T5 -20C
+50C Individual use
WS110V-1.2m-ATEX II 2G EEx m II T5 -20C
+50C Individual use
WS24V-1.2m-ATEX II 2G EEx m II T5 -20C
+50C Individual use
Ambient temperature II 2G EEx m II T5 -20C
+40C Manifold mounting
HOERBIGER-ORIGA Products for -Atmospheres
Pneumatic Components in -Atmospheres
Anwendung der ATEX durch Hersteller und Betreiber
E EE EEquipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Group II C oup II C oup II C oup II C oup II Cat at at at ategory 2G egory 2G egory 2G egory 2G egory 2G
Air P Air P Air P Air P Air Pr rr rrepar epar epar epar eparation E ation E ation E ation E ation Equipment: quipment: quipment: quipment: quipment: II 2G c II B X - Use in Z II 2G c II B X - Use in Z II 2G c II B X - Use in Z II 2G c II B X - Use in Z II 2G c II B X - Use in Zone 1 one 1 one 1 one 1 one 1, 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2
Series Series Series Series Series Siz Siz Siz Siz Size ee ee A AA AAc cc ccc cc ccessories essories essories essories essories Illustr Illustr Illustr Illustr Illustration ation ation ation ation
Filter-regulators G1/4
airfit light airfit light airfit light airfit light airfit light
Pressure regulators G1/8, G1/4 Pressure gauges, mountings, couplings
airfit swing airfit swing airfit swing airfit swing airfit swing
Shut-off valves G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings, lock
Filter-regulators G1/4, G3/8 Pressure gauges, mountings, couplings
Filter-water-separators G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators G1/4, G3/8 Pressure gauges, mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators with through-p1 G1/4, G3/8 Pressure gauges, mountings, couplings
Oil mist lubricators G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators, pilot-operated G1/4, G3/8 Pressure gauges, mountings, couplings
Submicrofilters G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings
Activated carbon filters G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings
Soft start valves G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings
Stop valves G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings
SDR-E ( II 2G EEx m II T5)
Series Series Series Series Series Siz Siz Siz Siz Size ee ee A AA AAc cc ccc cc ccessories essories essories essories essories Illustr Illustr Illustr Illustr Illustration ation ation ation ation
airfit c airfit c airfit c airfit c airfit comf omf omf omf omfort ort ort ort ort
Shut-off valves G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings, lock
Filter-water-separators G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
Dust filter G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
Filter-regulators G3/8, G1/2 Pressure gauge, mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators G3/8, G1/2 Pressure gauge, mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators with through-p1 G3/8, G1/2 Pressure gauge, mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators, pilot-operated G3/8, G1/2 Pressure gauge, mountings, couplings
Oil mist lubricators G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
Submicrofilters G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
Activated carbon filters G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
Soft start valves G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
Stop valves G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
CDR-E ( II 2G EEx m II T5)
airfit pr airfit pr airfit pr airfit pr airfit prestige estige estige estige estige
Shut-off valves G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings, lock
Filter-regulators G3/4, G1 Pressure gauge, mountings, couplings
Filter-water-separators G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings
Dust filters G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators G3/4, G1 Pressure gauge, mountings, couplings
10 9
E EE EEquipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Group II oup II oup II oup II oup II
P PP PPneumatic A neumatic A neumatic A neumatic A neumatic Ac cc ccc cc ccessories: Use in Z essories: Use in Z essories: Use in Z essories: Use in Z essories: Use in Zone 1 one 1 one 1 one 1 one 1, 2, 21 , 2, 21 , 2, 21 , 2, 21 , 2, 21, 22 , 22 , 22 , 22 , 22
Check & flow control valves
Logic valves
Anwendung der ATEX durch Hersteller und Betreiber
E EE EEquipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Group II C oup II C oup II C oup II C oup II Cat at at at ategory 2G egory 2G egory 2G egory 2G egory 2G
Air P Air P Air P Air P Air Pr rr rrepar epar epar epar eparation E ation E ation E ation E ation Equipment: quipment: quipment: quipment: quipment: II 2G c II B X - Use in Z II 2G c II B X - Use in Z II 2G c II B X - Use in Z II 2G c II B X - Use in Z II 2G c II B X - Use in Zone 1 one 1 one 1 one 1 one 1, 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2
Series Series Series Series Series Siz Siz Siz Siz Size ee ee A AA AAc cc ccc cc ccessories essories essories essories essories Illustr Illustr Illustr Illustr Illustration ation ation ation ation
Filter-regulators G1/4
airfit light airfit light airfit light airfit light airfit light
Pressure regulators G1/8, G1/4 Pressure gauges, mountings, couplings
airfit swing airfit swing airfit swing airfit swing airfit swing
Shut-off valves G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings, lock
Filter-regulators G1/4, G3/8 Pressure gauges, mountings, couplings
Filter-water-separators G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators G1/4, G3/8 Pressure gauges, mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators with through-p1 G1/4, G3/8 Pressure gauges, mountings, couplings
Oil mist lubricators G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators, pilot-operated G1/4, G3/8 Pressure gauges, mountings, couplings
Submicrofilters G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings
Activated carbon filters G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings
Soft start valves G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings
Stop valves G1/4, G3/8 Mountings, couplings
SDR-E ( II 2G EEx m II T5)
Series Series Series Series Series Siz Siz Siz Siz Size ee ee A AA AAc cc ccc cc ccessories essories essories essories essories Illustr Illustr Illustr Illustr Illustration ation ation ation ation
airfit c airfit c airfit c airfit c airfit comf omf omf omf omfort ort ort ort ort
Shut-off valves G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings, lock
Filter-water-separators G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
Dust filter G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
Filter-regulators G3/8, G1/2 Pressure gauge, mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators G3/8, G1/2 Pressure gauge, mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators with through-p1 G3/8, G1/2 Pressure gauge, mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators, pilot-operated G3/8, G1/2 Pressure gauge, mountings, couplings
Oil mist lubricators G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
Submicrofilters G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
Activated carbon filters G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
Soft start valves G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
Stop valves G3/8, G1/2 Mountings, couplings
CDR-E ( II 2G EEx m II T5)
airfit pr airfit pr airfit pr airfit pr airfit prestige estige estige estige estige
Shut-off valves G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings, lock
Filter-regulators G3/4, G1 Pressure gauge, mountings, couplings
Filter-water-separators G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings
Dust filters G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators G3/4, G1 Pressure gauge, mountings, couplings
10 9
E EE EEquipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Group II oup II oup II oup II oup II
P PP PPneumatic A neumatic A neumatic A neumatic A neumatic Ac cc ccc cc ccessories: Use in Z essories: Use in Z essories: Use in Z essories: Use in Z essories: Use in Zone 1 one 1 one 1 one 1 one 1, 2, 21 , 2, 21 , 2, 21 , 2, 21 , 2, 21, 22 , 22 , 22 , 22 , 22
Check & flow control valves
Logic valves
Series Series Series Series Series Siz Siz Siz Siz Size ee ee A AA AAc cc ccc cc ccessories essories essories essories essories Illustr Illustr Illustr Illustr Illustration ation ation ation ation
Pressure regulators, G3/4, G1 Pressure gauge, mountings,
pilot-operated couplings
Oil mist lubricators G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings
Submicrofilters G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings
MF110, MF185
Activated carbon filters G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings
MC110, MC185
Start/stop valves G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings
airfit A50 airfit A50 airfit A50 airfit A50 airfit A50
Filter-water-separator G11/2, G2 Mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators G11/2, G2 Pressure gauge, mountings,
A50R couplings
Submicrofilters G11/2, G2 Mountings, couplings
Activated carbon filters G11/2, G2 Mountings, couplings
Start/stop valves G11/2, G2 Mountings, couplings
airfit dry airfit dry airfit dry airfit dry airfit dry
Membrane dryer G1/4, G1/2, G1 Mountings, couplings
Pneumatic Components in -Atmospheres
Definitions according to Directive 94/9/EC
12 11
Definitions ac Definitions ac Definitions ac Definitions ac Definitions acc cc ccor or or or ording t ding t ding t ding t ding to Dir o Dir o Dir o Dir o Directiv ectiv ectiv ectiv ective 94/9/EC e 94/9/EC e 94/9/EC e 94/9/EC e 94/9/EC
E EE EEquipment quipment quipment quipment quipment
Equipment means machines,
apparatus, fixed or mobile
devices, control components
and instrumentation thereof
and detection or prevention
systems which, separately or
jointly, are intended for the
generation, transfer, storage,
measurement, control and
conversion of energy for the
processing of material and
which are capable of causing
an explosion through their own
potential sources of ignition.
P PP PPr rr rrot ot ot ot otectiv ectiv ectiv ectiv ective S e S e S e S e Syst yst yst yst ystems ems ems ems ems
Protective systems are all
devices with the exception of
the components of the
equipment defined above
which are designed to halt
incipient explosions
immediately and/or to limit
the area affected by the
explosion. They are marketed
separately as autonomous
C CC CComponents omponents omponents omponents omponents
Components are items which
are essential for the safe
operation of equipment and
protective systems but which
fulfil no autonomous function.
Explosiv Explosiv Explosiv Explosiv Explosive A e A e A e A e Atmospher tmospher tmospher tmospher tmosphere ee ee
A mixture of air and
flammable gases, vapours,
mists or dusts under
atmospheric conditions in
which, after ignition has
occurred, the combustion
process spreads to the entire
unburnt mixture.
E EE EEquipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Groups and oups and oups and oups and oups and
C CC CCat at at at ategories egories egories egories egories
The Equipment Groups and
Categories define the level of
protection of a piece of
equipment and thus its
permissible use in potentially
explosive atmospheres. You
will find further information on
page 4.
P PP PPot ot ot ot otentially Explosiv entially Explosiv entially Explosiv entially Explosiv entially Explosive ee ee
A AA AAtmospher tmospher tmospher tmospher tmosphere ee ee
An atmosphere which could
become explosive due to local
and operational conditions.
Int Int Int Int Intended Use ended Use ended Use ended Use ended Use
The use of equipment,
protective systems and
devices in accordance with
the Equipment Group and
Category and in compliance
with all the manufacturers
information required for the
safe operation of the products.
Z ZZ ZZones ones ones ones ones
Under Directive 1999/92/EC,
potentially explosive
atmospheres must be divided
into Zones (Zones 0, 1, 2), in
accordance with the
requirements for safe
operation of explosion-proof
equipment in these
atmospheres. You will find
further information on page 5.
Series Series Series Series Series Siz Siz Siz Siz Size ee ee A AA AAc cc ccc cc ccessories essories essories essories essories Illustr Illustr Illustr Illustr Illustration ation ation ation ation
Pressure regulators, G3/4, G1 Pressure gauge, mountings,
pilot-operated couplings
Oil mist lubricators G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings
Submicrofilters G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings
MF110, MF185
Activated carbon filters G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings
MC110, MC185
Start/stop valves G3/4, G1 Mountings, couplings
airfit A50 airfit A50 airfit A50 airfit A50 airfit A50
Filter-water-separator G11/2, G2 Mountings, couplings
Pressure regulators G11/2, G2 Pressure gauge, mountings,
A50R couplings
Submicrofilters G11/2, G2 Mountings, couplings
Activated carbon filters G11/2, G2 Mountings, couplings
Start/stop valves G11/2, G2 Mountings, couplings
airfit dry airfit dry airfit dry airfit dry airfit dry
Membrane dryer G1/4, G1/2, G1 Mountings, couplings
Pneumatic Components in -Atmospheres
Definitions according to Directive 94/9/EC
12 11
Definitions ac Definitions ac Definitions ac Definitions ac Definitions acc cc ccor or or or ording t ding t ding t ding t ding to Dir o Dir o Dir o Dir o Directiv ectiv ectiv ectiv ective 94/9/EC e 94/9/EC e 94/9/EC e 94/9/EC e 94/9/EC
E EE EEquipment quipment quipment quipment quipment
Equipment means machines,
apparatus, fixed or mobile
devices, control components
and instrumentation thereof
and detection or prevention
systems which, separately or
jointly, are intended for the
generation, transfer, storage,
measurement, control and
conversion of energy for the
processing of material and
which are capable of causing
an explosion through their own
potential sources of ignition.
P PP PPr rr rrot ot ot ot otectiv ectiv ectiv ectiv ective S e S e S e S e Syst yst yst yst ystems ems ems ems ems
Protective systems are all
devices with the exception of
the components of the
equipment defined above
which are designed to halt
incipient explosions
immediately and/or to limit
the area affected by the
explosion. They are marketed
separately as autonomous
C CC CComponents omponents omponents omponents omponents
Components are items which
are essential for the safe
operation of equipment and
protective systems but which
fulfil no autonomous function.
Explosiv Explosiv Explosiv Explosiv Explosive A e A e A e A e Atmospher tmospher tmospher tmospher tmosphere ee ee
A mixture of air and
flammable gases, vapours,
mists or dusts under
atmospheric conditions in
which, after ignition has
occurred, the combustion
process spreads to the entire
unburnt mixture.
E EE EEquipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Gr quipment Groups and oups and oups and oups and oups and
C CC CCat at at at ategories egories egories egories egories
The Equipment Groups and
Categories define the level of
protection of a piece of
equipment and thus its
permissible use in potentially
explosive atmospheres. You
will find further information on
page 4.
P PP PPot ot ot ot otentially Explosiv entially Explosiv entially Explosiv entially Explosiv entially Explosive ee ee
A AA AAtmospher tmospher tmospher tmospher tmosphere ee ee
An atmosphere which could
become explosive due to local
and operational conditions.
Int Int Int Int Intended Use ended Use ended Use ended Use ended Use
The use of equipment,
protective systems and
devices in accordance with
the Equipment Group and
Category and in compliance
with all the manufacturers
information required for the
safe operation of the products.
Z ZZ ZZones ones ones ones ones
Under Directive 1999/92/EC,
potentially explosive
atmospheres must be divided
into Zones (Zones 0, 1, 2), in
accordance with the
requirements for safe
operation of explosion-proof
equipment in these
atmospheres. You will find
further information on page 5.
Umsetzung der ATEX in nationales Recht
Anwendung der ATEX durch Hersteller und Betreiber
ATEX : Incorporation into National Law
Directives for the US Market
f o e c n e r u c c O
e v i s o l p x e
e r e h p s o m t a
7 3 1 X E T A ) 0 0 5 C E N ( A S U ) 5 0 5 C E N ( A S U
s e s a G
, s r u o p a v
s t s i m
s t s u D
, s r u o p a v , s e s a G
s d i u q i l
s t s u D s r u o p a v , s e s a G
, y l t n a t s n o C
g n o l r o f , y l t n e u q e r f
s d o i r e p
0 e n o Z 0 2 e n o Z
1 n o i s i v i D , I s s a l C
, I I s s a l C
1 n o i s i v i D
0 e n o Z , I s s a l C
n i y l l a n o i s a c c O
n o i t a r e p o l a m r o n
1 e n o Z 1 2 e n o Z 1 e n o Z , I s s a l C
y l f e i r b , m o d l e S 2 e n o Z 2 2 e n o Z 2 n o i s i v i D , I s s a l C
, I I s s a l C
2 n o i s i v i D
2 e n o Z , I s s a l C
In the USA, potentially
explosive atmospheres are
divided into two Divisions and
combustible materials are
divided into three Classes. In
NEC Article 505 the ATEX
requirements for Zones 0, 1
and 2 were taken over for
Class I.
The following table shows a
comparison of the
classification of potentially
explosive atmospheres
according to the US and
European Directives.
Division 1
An explosive atmosphere
exists constantly, for long
periods or occasionally.
Division 2
An explosive atmosphere
exists only seldom or briefly.
Incorporation of ATEX into the National Law
of the EU Member States
All European Directives have
to be incorporated into the
national law of the EU
Member States. In Germany
the Directive 94/9/EG was
incorporated into law by the
11th Ordinance of the
Equipment Safety Statute
(Explosion Protection
Ordinance - 11. GSGV) of 12th
December 1996.
The Directive 1999/92/EG was
incorporated into German law
by the Ordinance on Safety
and Health Protection in the
Construction and Operation of
Equipment, Safety in the
Operation of Equipment
Requiring Monitoring, and
Organisation of Operational
Work Protection (Operating
Safety Ordinance - BetrSichV)
of 27th September 2002.
Class I
Combustible gases, vapours
and liquids.
Class II
Combustible dusts.
Class III
Slightly combustible particles
and materials.
A5P060E-August 2003 A5P061E61HAD20X
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