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FORECLOSURE Constructive Force Constructive Fraud CONSTRUCTIVE FORCE defined: As regards robbery, a taking by force is the gist of the crime, but the force may be either actual or constructive. Constructive force is anything, which produces fear sufficient to suspend the power of resistance and prevent the free exercise of the will. Actual force is applied to the body; constructive is by threatening words or gestures and operates on the mind. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 314) CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD defined: Exists where conduct, though not actually fraudulent, has all actual consequences and all legal effects of actual fraud. Agair Inc. v. Shaeffer, 232 Cal.App.2d 513, 42 Cal.Rptr. 883, 886. Breach of legal or equitable duty, which irrespective of moral guilt, is declared by law to be fraudulent because of its tendency to deceive others or violate confidence. Daves v. Lawyers Sur. Corp., Tex.Civ.App., 459 S.W.2d 655, 657. See also Fraud. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 314) CONSTRUCTIVE MALICE defined: That type of malice which the law infers from the doing of an evil act; sometimes known as implied malice. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 314) CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST defined: Trust created by operation of law against one who by actual or constructive fraud, by duress or by abuse of confidence, or by commission of wrong, or by any form of unconscionable conduct, or other questionable means, has obtained or holds legal right to property which he should not, in equity and good conscience, hold and enjoy. Davis v. Howard, 19 Or.App. 310, 527 P.2d 422, 424. A constructive trust is a relationship with respect to property subjecting the person by whom the title to the property is held to an equitable duty to convey it to another on the ground that his acquisition or retention of the property is wrongful and that he would be unjustly enriched if he were permitted to retain the property. Restatement, Second, Trusts lee). Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 314, 315) CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST EX DELICTO defined: A constructive trust, which is imposed on property, which a fiduciary has claimed or received in violation of his duties. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 315) CONSTRUCTIVE TAKING defined: A phrase used in the law to characterize an act not amounting to an actual appropriation of chattels, but which shows an intention to convert them to his use; as if a person intrusted with the possession of goods deals with them contrary to the orders of the owner. With respect to constructive condemnation, see Condemnation (Inverse condemnation). Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 314) CONSTRUCTIVE WILLFULNESS defined: Intentional disregard of a known duty necessary to the safety of a person, and an entire absence of care for the life, the person, or the property of others, such as exhibits a conscious indifference to consequences. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 315)

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CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE defined: Such notice as is implied or imputed by law, usually on the basis that the information is a part of a public record or file, as in the case of notice of documents, which have been recorded in the appropriate registry of deeds or probate. Notice with which a person is charged by reason of the notorious nature of the thing to be noticed, as contrasted with actual notice of such thing. That which the law regards as sufficient to give notice and is regarded as a substitute for actual notice. In re Fahle's Estate, 90 Ohio App. 195, 105 N.E.2d 429, 431. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 314) CONSTRUCTIVE KNOWLEDGE defined: If one by exercise of reasonable care would have known a fact, he is deemed to have had constructive knowledge of such fact; e.g. matters of public record. Attoe v. State Farm Mutual Auto. Ins. Co., 36 Wis.2d 539, 153 N.W.2d 575, 579. See also Constructive notice. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 314) Legal Title is in the Secretary Of State as Trustee Holding Legal Title For Beneficiary of Cestui Que Trust/Estate FILING OFFICER defined: The person in charge of the office responsible for receiving legal papers and documents that are required to be publicly filed (e.g., office or department of Secretary of State in which a financing statement must be filed to perfect a security interest under the Uniform Commercial Code. U.C.C. 9-401). Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 628) FILE defined: n. A record of the court. Milton v. United States, C.C.A.La., 105 F.2d 253, 255. A paper is said to be filed when it is delivered to the proper officer, and by him received to be kept on file as a matter of record and reference. But, in general, "file," or "the files," is used loosely to denote the official custody of the court or the place in the offices of a court where the records and papers are kept. The "file" in a case includes the original complaint and all pleadings and papers belonging thereto. See also Docket; Record. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 628) FILE defined: v. To lay away and arrange in order, pleadings, motions, instruments, and other papers for preservation and reference. To deposit in the custody or among the records of a court. To deliver an instrument or other paper to the proper officer or official for the purpose of being kept on file by him as a matter of record and reference in the proper place. It carries the idea of permanent preservation as a public record. City of Overland Park v. Nikias, 209 Kan. 643, 498 P.2d 56, 59. See also Record. Constructive filing. See that title. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 628) FILING WITH THE COURT defined: Delivery of legal document to clerk of court or other proper officer with intent that it be filed with court. Fed.R.Civil P. 5 requires that all papers after the complaint required to be served upon a party shall be filed with the court (i.e., clerk or judge) either before service or within a reasonable time thereafter. Filed. See File. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 628)

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CONSTRUCTIVE FILING defined: The filing of a document with a person who is the only one available to receive it, though he is not the designated person to receive it, is a constructive filing. People v. Spencer, 193 Cal.App.2d 13, 13 Cal.Rptr. 881, 883. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 313, 314) All real property (homes) in the 50 Union states are in Trust by Trustee the Secretary of State (Fiduciary Capacity) in respect to the trust and confidence involved in it and the scrupulous good faith and candor which it requires. A person having duty, created by his undertaking, to act primarily for another's benefit in matters connected with such under taking. The Secretary of State of each of the 50 Union states is the Archivist of legal titles of the People the Beneficiaries of said Cestui Que Trust/Estate. LEGAL defined:. That which is according to law. It is used in opposition to equitable, as the legal estate is, in the trustee, the equitable estate in the cestui que trust. Vide Powell on Mortg. Index, h.t. 2. The party who has the legal title has alone the right to seek a remedy for a wrong to his estate, in a court of law, though he may have no beneficial interest in it. The equitable owner is he who has not the legal estate, but is entitled to the beneficial interest. 3. The person who holds the legal estate for the benefit of another is called a trustee; he, who has the beneficiary interest and does not hold the legal title, is called the beneficiary, or more technically, the cestui que trust. 4. When the trustee has a claim, he must enforce his right in a court of equity, for he cannot sue any one at law, in his own name; 1 East, 497; 8 T. R. 332; 1 Saund. 158, n. 1; 2 Bing. 20; still less can he in such court sue his own trustee. 1 East, 497. A Law Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union by John Bouvier Revised Sixth Edition, 1856 LEGAL ESTATE defined: One, the right to which may be enforced in a court of law. It is distinguished from an equitable estate, the rights to which can be established only in a court of equity. 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1688. A Law Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union by John Bouvier Revised Sixth Edition, 1856 CESTUI QUE TRUST defined: He who has a right to a beneficial interest in and out of an estate the legal title to which is vested in another. 2 Washb. Real Prop. 163. The person who possesses the equitable right to property and receives the rents, issues, and profits thereof, the legal estate of which is vested in a trustee. Bernardsville Methodist Epis- copal Church v. Seney, 85 N.J.Eq. 271, 96 A. 388, 389; Moore v. Shifflett, 187 Ky. 7, 216 S.W. 614, 616. Beneficiary of trust, Ulmer v. Fulton, 129 Ohio St. 323, 195 N.E. 557, 564, 97 A.L.R. 1170. Black's Law Dictionary Fourth Edition (page 289) CESTUI QUE USE defined: He for whose use and benefit lands or tenements are held by another. The cestui que use has the right to receive the profits and benefits of the estate, but the legal title and possession

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(as well as the duty of defending the same) reside in the other. 2 Bla.Comm. 330; 2 Washb. Real Prop. 95. Black's Law Dictionary Fourth Edition (page 289) FIDUCIARY defined: The term is derived from the Roman law, and means (as a noun) a person holding the character of a trustee, or a character analogous to that of a trustee, in respect to the trust and confidence involved in it and the scrupulous good faith and candor which it requires. A person having duty, created by his undertaking, to act primarily for another's benefit in matters connected with such undertaking. As an adjective it means of the nature of a trust; having the characteristics of a trust; analogous to a trust, relating to or founded upon a trust or confidence. A term to refer to a person having duties involving good faith, trust, special confidence, and candor towards another. A fiduciary includes such relationships as executor, administrator, trustee, and guardian. ABA Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 3C(3)(b). A lawyer is also in a fiduciary relationship with the client. A person or institution who manages money or property for another and who must exercise a standard of care in such management activity imposed by law or contract; e.g. executor of estate; receiver in bankruptcy; trustee. A trustee for example, possesses a fiduciary responsibility to the beneficiaries of the trust to follow the terms of the trust and the requirements of applicable state law. A breach of fiduciary responsibility would make the trustee liable to the beneficiaries for any damage caused by such breach. The status of being a fiduciary gives rise to certain legal incidents and obligations, including the prohibition against investing the money or property in investments, which are speculative or otherwise imprudent. Many states have adopted the Uniform Fiduciaries Act, and Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 625) FIDUCIARY CAPACITY defined: One is said to act in a "fiduciary capacity" or to receive money or contract a debt in a "fiduciary capacity," when the business which he transacts, or the money or property which he handles, is not his own or for his own benefit, but for the benefit of another person, as to whom he stands in a relation implying and necessitating great confidence and trust on the one part and a high degree of good faith on the other part. The term is not restricted to technical or express trusts, but includes also such offices or relations as those of an attorney at law, a guardian, executor, or broker, a director of a corporation, and a public officer. Black's Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 625) FIDUCIARY BOND defined: Type of surety bond required by court to be filed by trustees, administrators, executors, guardians, and conservators to insure proper performance of their duties. Black's Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 625) FIDUCIARY DUTY defined: A duty to act for someone elses benefit, while subordinating ones personal interests to that of the other person. It is the highest standard of duty implied by law (e.g., trustee, guardian). Black's Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 625) ACT OF STATE defined: An act done by the sovereign power of a country, or by its delegate, within the limits of the power vested in him. An act of state cannot be questioned or made the subject of legal

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proceedings in a court of law. Black's Law Dictionary Fourth Edition (page 44) ARCHIVES defined: Ancient charters or titles, which concern a nation, state, or community, in their rights or privileges. The place where the archives are kept bears the same name. Jacob, L. D. h.t.; Merl. Rep. h.t. A Law Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union by John Bouvier Revised Sixth Edition, 1856 ARCHIVIST defined: One to whose care the archives have been confided. A Law Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union by John Bouvier Revised Sixth Edition, 1856 ACT OF MAN defined: Every man of sound mind and discretion is bound by his own acts, and the law does not permit him to do any thing against it; and all acts are construed most strongly against him who does them. Plowd. 140. 2. A man is not only bound by his own acts, but by those of others who act or are presumed to act by his authority, and is responsible civilly in all such cases; and, in some cases, even when there is but a presumption of authority, he may be made responsible criminally; for example, a bookseller may be indicted for publishing a libel which has been sold in his store, by his regular salesmen, although he may possibly have had no knowledge of it. A Law Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union by John Bouvier Revised Sixth Edition, 1856 ACT defined: evidence. The act of one of several conspirators, performed in pursuance of the common design, is evidence against all of them. An overt act of treason must be proved by two witnesses. See Overt. 2. The terra. acts, includes written correspondence, and other papers relative to the design of the parties, but whether it includes unpublished writings upon abstract questions, though of a kindred nature, has been doubted, Foster's Rep. 198 ; 2 Stark. R. 116, 141. 3. In cases of partnership it is a rule that the act or declaration of either partner, in furtherance of the common object of the association, is the act of all. 1 Pet. R. 371 5 B. & Ald. 267. 4. And the acts. of an agent, in pursuance of his authority, will be binding on his principal. Greenl. Ev. Sec. 113. A Law Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union by John Bouvier Revised Sixth Edition, 1856 VALID defined: An act, deed, will, and the like, which has received all the formalities required by law, is said to be valid or good in law. A Law Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union by John Bouvier Revised Sixth Edition, 1856 ACCOUNT defined: practice. A statement of the receipts and payments of an executor, administrator, or other trustee, of the estate confided to him. 2. Every one who administers the affairs of another is required at the end of his administration to render an account of his management of the same. Trustees of every description can, in general, be compelled by courts of chancery to settle accounts, or otherwise fully execute

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their trusts. Where there are no courts of chancery, the courts of common law are usually invested with power for the same purposes by acts of legislation. When a party has had the property of another as his agent, he may be compelled at common law to account by an action of account render. 3. An account is also the statement of two merchants or others who have dealt together, showing the debits and credits between them. A Law Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union by John Bouvier Revised Sixth Edition, 1856 ACCOUNTANT defined: This word has several significations: 1. One who is versed in accounts; 2. A person or officer appointed to keep the accounts of a public company; 3. He who renders to another or to a court a just and detailed statement of the administration of property which he holds as trustee, executor, administrator or guardian. Vide 16 Vin. Ab. 155. A Law Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union by John Bouvier Revised Sixth Edition, 1856 BREACH OF DUTY defined: In a general sense, any violation or omission of a legal or moral duty. More particularly, the neglect or failure to fulfill in a just and proper manner the duties of an office or fiduciary employment. Every violation by a trustee of a duty which equity lays upon him, whether willful and fraudulent, or done through negligence or arising through mere oversight or forgetfulness, is a breach of duty. See Non-support. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 189) BREACH OF COVENANT defined: The nonperformance of any covenant agreed to be performed, or the doing of any act covenanted not to be done. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 189) BREACH OF TRUST defined: Any act done by a trustee contrary to the terms of his trust, or in excess of his authority and to the detriment of the trust; or the wrongful omission by a trustee of any act required of him by the terms of the trust. Also the wrongful misappropriation by a trustee of any fund or property, which had been lawfully committed to him in a fiduciary character. Every violation by a trustee of a duty which equity lays upon him, whether willful and fraudulent, or done through negligence, or arising through mere oversight and forgetfulness, is a "breach of trust." The term, therefore, includes every omission and commission in carrying out the trust according to its terms, of care and diligence in protecting and investing the trust property, and of using perfect good faith. A violation by the trustee of any duty, which he owes to the beneficiary. Bruun v. Han son, C.C.A.ldaho, 103 F.2d 685, 699. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 189) BREACH OF TRUST WITH FRAUDULENT INTENT defined: Larceny after trust. State v. Owings, 205 S.C. 314, 31 S.E.2d 906, 907. Blacks Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 189)

Fictio cedit veritati. Fictio juris non est ubi veritas - Fiction yields to truth. Where truth is, fiction of law does not exist.

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These documents should all be filed as public records. see 5 usc 2906 for requirements concerning filing oaths of office. In the event you do not have a personal surety bond, you may provide a copy of your financial statement, which you are required to file annually. Your financial statement will be construed as a private treaty surety bond in the event that you exceed lawful authority. Every contract on a negotiable instrument is incomplete and revocable until delivery of the instrument for the purpose of giving effect thereto. As between immediate parties, and as regards a remote party other than holder in due course, the delivery, in order to be effectual, must be made either by or under the authority of the party making, drawing, accepting, or indorsing, as the case may be; and, in such case, the delivery may be shown to have been conditional, or for a special purpose only, and not for the purpose of transferring the property in the instrument. But where the instrument is in the hands of a holder in due course, a valid delivery thereof by all parties prior to him, so as to make them liable to him, is conclusively presumed until the contrary is proved. I hereby revoke all defective contracts not authorized, authenticated, executed, signed, sealed and delivered. Any false representation of material facts made with knowledge of falsity and with intent that it shall be acted on by another in entering into contract, and which is so acted upon, constitutes fraud, and entitles party deceived to avoid contract or recover damages. Barnsdall Refining Corn, v. Birnam Wood Oil Co., 92 F 26 817. Sui Juris, known as: John, of the genealogy of Doe, freeborn spiritual being on the land state the facts contained herein are true, correct, complete, and not misleading, to the best of my personal first hand knowledge and belief. Being of sound mind, competent, over the age of 18. This my free will, voluntary act and deed to make, execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver under my hand and seal with explicit reservation of all my un-a-lien-able rights and my specific common law right not to be bound by any contract or obligation which I have not entered into knowingly, willingly, voluntarily, and without misrepresentation, duress, or coercion, whereby I did not sign nor consent. I am not now nor have ever been a CITIZEN nor a U.S. Citizen nor a Fourteenth Amendment Federal Citizen nor Employee, I am not bound by sworn oath or oath of office. Whereas I hereby disclaim Clauses One and Two of Section One to the Fourteenth Amendment, together with Article Four Section Three Clause Two. I do hereby certify, verify, state, claim and declare forever without abandonment; Real Property (on Earth); Personal Property (body); and Ecclesiastical Property (soul) together with all trusts, probate, rights, titles, interests droit, droit both absolute and contingent, Without the U.S. Should this not be true then let the record be corrected or it will stand as truth. Time is of the essence. Veracity; In my Private Capacity as General Executor/Eecutrix of said Cestui Que Trust account Droit, Droit, This serves Notice that your offer has been Accepted as Valuable Consideration and Returned for Value. This property is Exempt from Levy. Please Adjust this Account

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for the Proceeds, Products, Accounts and Fixtures and Release The Order(s) of The Court to Me Immediately. Make adjustment and close this account immediately, with prejudice. I accept your Oath, Oath of Office Security Agreement, Constitutions as by-laws, and Malfeasance Bond and place you in the Private commencing this self-executing binding contract between you and I. Further, I appoint you trustee Fully Personally Liable Now on your honor and solemn Oath to perform your obligations and duties to Protect My un-a-lien-able Rights in your Fiduciary Capacity against any and all claims, legal actions, orders, warrants, judgments, demands, liabilities, losses, foreclosure, depositions, summonses, lawsuits, costs, fines, liens, levies, penalties, taxes, damages, interests, and expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, as are due and as might become due, now existing and as might hereafter arise, and as might be suffered by, imposed on, and incurred by Debtor for any and every reason, purpose, and cause whatsoever. Please honor Obligation of Good Faith in Performance of your Duties. Quid Pro Quos, an equal exchange or substitution. This my free will, voluntary act and deed true and lawful attorney-infact to make, execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver under my hand and seal, explicitly reserving all rights without prejudice; By:__________________________________________
Sui Juris known as; John of the genealogy of Doe Bailor for JOHN DOE Bailee

Ran, Roe Third Party Witness "Sealed and delivered in the presence of us."

James, Roe Third Party Witness "Sealed and delivered in the presence of us."

STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS: COUNTY OF COO ) CERTIFICATE OF AC NO!LE"#MENT On t$is date t$e indi%idual named abo%e& in $is'$er stated (a)a(it*& )ersonall* a))eared be+ore me to e,e(ute t$is a(-no.ledgement t$at t$is instrument .as signed& sealed& and deli%ered as t$eir +ree .ill& %oluntar* a(t and deed to ma-e& e,e(ute& seal& a(-no.ledge and deli%er under t$eir $and and seal %eri+ied and aut$enti(ated +or t$e uses and )ur)oses t$erein mentioned/ 000000000000000000000 "ATE AFFI3 NOTARY SEAL IF RE4UIRE" 000000000000000000000000000000000 Signature o+ NOTARY 1U2LIC "ate Commission E,)ires 000000000000000000

NOTICE: 1ubli( a(ts de+ined: are t$ose .$i($ $a%e a )ubli( aut$orit*& and .$i($ $a%e been made be+ore )ubli( o++i(ers& are aut$ori5ed b* a )ubli( seal& $a%e been made )ubli( b* t$e aut$orit* o+ a magistrate& or .$i($ $a%e been e,tra(ted and been )ro)erl* aut$enti(ated +rom )ubli( re(ords/ 2la(-6s La. "i(tionar* Si,t$ Edition 7)age 89)

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No ZIP (Zoning Improvement Plan) Code in General Delivery DMM 602 1.3e (2) United States Postal Service Domestic Mail Manual 600 Basic Standards for All Mailing Services 602 Addressing 1.0 Elements of Addressing 1.1 Clear Space A clear space must be available on all mail for the address, postage (permit imprint, postage stamp, or meter stamp), postmarks, and postal endorsements. 1.2 Delivery Address The delivery address specifies the location to which the USPS is to deliver a mail piece. Except for mail prepared with detached address labels under 4.0, the piece must have the address of the intended recipient, visible and legible, only on the side of the piece bearing postage. 1.3 Address Elements All mail not bearing a simplified address must bear a delivery address that contains at least the following elements in this order from the top line: a. Intended recipients name or other identification. b. Private mailbox designator (PMB or alternative #) and number if the mail piece is addressed to a commercial mail receiving agency (CMRA) address. c. Street and number. (Include the apartment number, or use the Post Office box number, or general delivery, or rural route or highway contract route designation and box number, as applicable.) d. City and state (or state abbreviation). The city is any acceptable mailing name for the 5-digit ZIP Code serving the intended recipient as shown in the USPS City State Product. e. ZIP Code where required: 1.ZIP Codes are required on Priority Mail Express, commercial FirstClass Mail, First-Class Package Service, Periodicals, Standard Mail,

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Package Services and Parcel Select mail pieces, all mail sent to military addresses within the United States and to APO and FPO addresses, official mail, Business Reply Mail, and merchandise return service mail. 2. Unless required above, ZIP Codes may be omitted from single-piece price First-Class Mail (including Priority Mail), single-piece price Standard Post, and pieces bearing a simplified address.

Foreign Letters* Regulated by UPU** Franking Machine Impressions, Address of Destination, address of foreign senders are Regulated by Universal Postal Union as shown in following items: - 1. In so far as the UPU Acts have regulated a question, such regulations shall take precedence over any national legislation which conflicts with it. - UPU Constitution Article 24 Commentary - 2. Impressions shall bear the name of country of origin in roman letters - Art 8; RL 115.3.1 - 3. All postage stamps valid for prepayment shall be cancelled - Art 8; RL 117.3 - 4. Items not compliant with UPU regulations shall not be admitted Art 15 Section F 1.1 - 5. Items sent in furtherance of a fraudulent act shall not be admitted. - Art 15 Section F 1.1 - 6. Violations Prepayment impressions - Art 11 Violations 2..2 violations committed with the intention of obtaining illegitimate gain for oneself or for a third party. The following acts shall be punished: falsifying, imitating or counterfeiting any means of postal prepayment - 7. Poste restante (general delivery) Art 12; RL 123.8 - 8. The addressees address shall be worded in a precise and complete manner. very legibly in roman letters The name of the country of destination shall be written in capital letters together with the correct postcode number or delivery zone number, if any. preferably in the language of the country of origin to avoid any difficulty in the countries of transit, it is desirable for the name of the country of destination to be added in an internationally known language required for address of destination Article 12; RL 123.3.3 - 9 the town, the country of destination, and, if possible, the post office at which the item is to be collected. The indication Poste restante: shall be written in bold letters on the address side. The use of initials, figures, forenames only, fictitious names or code marks of any kind shall not be permitted for these items. - Art 12; RL 123.8 - 10. In the case of bulk postings, the senders address must be located in the country of posting of the item. Art 12; RL 123.10; see Art 12; RL 120,5 and Art 12; RL


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*all of the cites are taken from the Universal Postal Union (UPU) letter Post Manual Berne 2005 Letter Post Conv Art or the UPU Constitution **Universal Postal Union Unidentified Foreign Jurisdiction- Fraud If senders foreign jurisdiction, code mark _______ ,which is not a country name, will not re post this letter with a UPU compliant postage stamp* of the USA or other country, then sender is a pirate without a country sending letters in furtherance of a fraudulent act. (Items 1, 5, 6 Foreign Letters) - Letter Post Conv Art 11 Violations 2..2 violations committed with the intention of obtaining illegitimate gain for oneself or for a third party. The following acts shall be punished: falsifying, imitating or counterfeiting any means of postal prepayment *The term postage stamp shall be protected and shall be reserved exclusively for stamps which comply with the conditions of this article and the Regulations. Universal Postal Union Letter Post Conv Art 8.1

RETURN TO SENDER labels for foreign Postal Union Mail The term postage stamp shall be protected and shall be reserved exclusively for stamps which comply with conditions of this article and of the Regulations. (UPU Letter post Conv Art 8 Postage stamps) The more that you do know, the more you can know. Stop living in the world of assumptions, and find the truth! Here is simple conclusion: In both the outgoing and the return address: Do not use zip codes, nor 2 letter state codes. Write out all words in full, not Rd. but Road, etc. General Delivery + Stamp = De jure Republic U.S.A preserves and protects un-a-lien-able rights through organic constitution. Always, always, always use stamps on your mailings, no exceptions! Return to: General Delivery Sui Juris known as John of the genealogy of Doe c/o Main Post Office Non-Domestic Tucson Arizona united States of America (U.S.A.) without the U.S. "Private and Confidential" c/o Secretary State d/b/a/ Arizona Secretary of State 123 State Street Non-Domestic Tucson Arizona U.S.A. united States of America zip not required [DMM 602 1.3e (2)] without the U.S. on the back flap "Priority"


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"Private and Confidential" c/o Pat Donahoe d/b/a/ united States Postmaster General 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW Non-Domestic Washington District of Columbia U.S.A. united States of America zip not required [DMM 602 1.3e (2)] without the U.S. on the back flap "Priority" Forward carbon copy to: Universal Postal Union International Bureau Case postale 3000 BERNE 15 SWITZERLAND Tel: +41 31 350 31 11 Fax: +41 31 350 31 10 E-mail: Forward carbon copy to President of Title Insurance Company where closing took place. Always keep copies of letter and registered mail receipt. To contact the Postmaster General's office directly, it is necessary to put your suggestion, request, complaint, or comment in writing and mail it to: The USPS Washington headquarters also has a Consumer Affairs Department. You can contact them at: Policy and Program Development USPS Headquarters 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW Washington DC 20260-0004 The United States Postal Service also has a Consumer Advocate to respond to consumer needs and requests. It's address as of 2011 was: United States Postal Service Office of the Consumer Advocate 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, RM 4012 Washington DC 20260-2200 The 2-letter with a zip code jurisdiction is not within the country united States of America. The 2-letter with 5 number code is a pirate jurisdiction that dares not ever use a postage stamp of the united States of America. If it can't use a postage stamp with USA on it, does it have its own postage stamp? No. A postage stamp is a term reserved for stamps of UPU member countries, but only those, which comply with UPU regulations. (The term postage stamp shall be protectedand shall be reserved exclusively for stamps which comply with the conditions of this article


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and the Regulations. Universal Postal Union Letter Post Conv Art 8.1) Does this pirate jurisdiction have a country? No. Does it have a stamp? No. Take a look at what the USPS (United States Postal Service) is selling as a stamp. It is okay to use it as long as the (pirate jurisdiction) does not send letters outside of its jurisdiction (similar to inter-office mail). The UPU only regulates mail sent over borders. The pirate jurisdiction does not dare send letters to the united States of America or the letters would fall under the Universal Postal Union Regulations and international rules not their own (domestic mail) rules. This two-letter code mark pirate jurisdiction is not a country and its senders are fleecing the people of the united States of America by deceiving them into accepting these pirate letters. The UPU states that Postal items shall remain the property of the sender until delivered to the rightful owner. (UPU Letter Post Conv Art 5; Prot 1 Ownership of Postal Items. at 1 "A postal item shall remain the property of the sender until it is delivered to the rightful owner, ") This is important. Whether or not they get someone to keep their bills may be the key to whether or not they can exact a tax. Keeping them is a contract. No acceptance. No contract! The bill has to be delivered to the rightful owner or the sender retains ownership of the bill. Simple. Yes. Any mail to general delivery would have to be to a real person in a real country with a name spelled in full in roman letters with no initials. A letter addressed to a fictitious person at some fictitious jurisdiction like NJ or TX couldn't possibly be delivered to the rightful owner as only real people and real countries exist in general delivery. Regarding postal impressions: Member countries shall prevent, prosecute, punish the following: illegitimate gain for oneself or a third party. If their gain was legitimate why then are they afraid to address letters to real people in general delivery without attempting to tack on the two letter jurisdiction and a code mark. A county attempted this with me. Further, the UPU says postal items sent in furtherance of a fraudulent act shall not be admitted. (See Foreign Letters Regulated by UPU") It states persons using falsified, imitation, and counterfeit impressions shall be punished. Virtually no metered stamps are cancelled, and both Universal Postal Union and National legislation say all stamps must be cancelled. The UPU says all stamps valid for prepayment shall be cancelled. Therefore all stamps must be cancelled. In the united States of America there is the post office which has postage stamps and then there is the USPS which has things they substitute and meters or permits. Only the post office* can carry and deliver mail. The USPS is not the post office. Title 39CFR 310.2(a) says that only the post office service can carry the letters lawfully. All others (such as USPS carry letters out of the mail unlawfully and carries


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injunction fines imprisonment for anyone who assists in this activity). The above regulation at (b) says that the activity in (a) will be lawful if some things are done. One of which is a stamp on the envelope and at (b) (v) it says that the stamps shall be cancelled in ink by the sender UPU regulations for over border mail (called Postal Union Mail) requires a name of a country spelled out in roman letters in franking machine or printing press impressions. Remember NJ, TX, NY are not the united States of America (the member of the UPU by treaty). These pirates are sending mail to the people of united States of America from a pirate jurisdiction (such as NJ 07601). This is a jurisdiction without country name; only numbers and code letters are used here. They (pirates) accomplish circumvention of UPU regulations for over border letters by switching the people into their code numbered jurisdiction. For example the state in the united States of America, New Jersey, abbreviated N.J., is switched to NJ and the people are to believe that this 2-letter code is just another abbreviation for N.J. How dumb are we? The numbers after NJ in an address are coded numbers, probably a substitute for a country name, of which there is none, in this NJ jurisdiction. This pirate jurisdiction has no allegiance to any country and therefore has no postage stamp. A postage stamp is a term created by the Universal Postal Union, UPU, and reserved for stamps of member countries that are compliant with the UPU requirements. INTEROFFICE defined:(adj.) functioning or communicating between the offices of a company or organization. Random House Webster's College Dictionary INTEROFFICE defined: (Verb) To send something between different offices in an organization. I was interofficed the memo. Wiktionary INTEROFFICE defined: (Adjective) Taking place between different offices of a single organization or company. Wiktionary INTEROFFICE defined: Transmitted or taking place between offices, especially those of a single organization: an interoffice memo; interoffice confrences. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. INTEROFFICE defined: functioning or communicating between the offices of a company or organization. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved INTEROFFICE defined: adjective functioning or communicating between the offices of a company or organization; within a company: an inter office memo. Origin 193035; inter- + office Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2014.


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