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ETE405 :: Lecture 9 Chapter 8 IP telephony in-Depth Analysis

To create a proper network design, it is important to know all the caveats and inner workings of networking technology This chapter e!plains many of the issues facing "oice over #$ %"o#$& The following issues are covered in this chapter:

'elay(latency )itter 'igital sampling "oice compression Echo $acket loss "oice activity detection 'igital*to*analog conversion Tandem encoding Transport protocols 'ial*plan design


oIP delay or latency is characteri!ed as the a"ount o# ti"e it ta$es #or speech to e%it the spea$er&s "outh and reach the listener&s ear' (hree types o# delay are inherent in today&s telephony net)or$s* +1, propagation delay* caused -y the speed o# light in #i-er or copper--ased net)or$s' +2, seriali!ation delay +3, handling delay.also called processing delay .de#ines "any di##erent causes o# delay +actual pac$eti!ation/ co"pression/ and pac$et s)itching, and is caused -y de0ices that #or)ard the #ra"e through the net)or$'

Propagation Delay
Light tra0els through a 0acuu" at a speed o# 181/000 "iles per second/ and electrons tra0el through copper or #i-er at appro%i"ately 125/000 "iles per second' A #i-er net)or$ stretching hal#)ay around the )orld +13/000 "iles, induces a one-)ay delay o# a-out 20 "illiseconds +20 "s,' Although this delay is al"ost i"percepti-le to the hu"an ear/ propagation delays in con3unction )ith handling delays can cause noticea-le speech degradation'

4andling Delay
As "entioned pre0iously/ de0ices that #or)ard the #ra"e through the net)or$ cause handling delay' 4andling delays can i"pact traditional phone net)or$s/ -ut these delays are a larger issue in pac$eti!ed en0iron"ents'

5ueuing Delay
A pac$et--ased net)or$ e%periences delay #or other reasons' ()o o# these are the ti"e necessary to "o0e the actual pac$et to the output 6ueue +pac$et s)itching, and 6ueuing delay' 7hen pac$ets are held in a 6ueue -ecause o# congestion on an out-ound inter#ace/ the result is 6ueuing delay' 5ueuing delay occurs )hen "ore pac$ets are sent out than the inter#ace can handle at a gi0en inter0al'

9i"ply stated/ 3itter is the 0ariation o# pac$et interarri0al ti"e' 8itter is one issue that e%ists only in pac$et--ased net)or$s' 7hile in a pac$et 0oice en0iron"ent/ the sender is e%pected to relia-ly trans"it 0oice pac$ets at a regular inter0al +#or e%a"ple/ send one #ra"e e0ery 20 "s,' (hese 0oice pac$ets can -e delayed throughout the pac$et net)or$ and not arri0e at that sa"e regular inter0al at the recei0ing station +#or e%a"ple/ they "ight not -e recei0ed e0ery 20 "s,' (he di##erence -et)een )hen the pac$et is e%pected and )hen it is actually recei0ed is 3itter'

ariation o# Pac$et Arri0al (i"e +8itter,

you can see that the a"ount o# ti"e it ta$es #or pac$ets A and : to send and recei0e is e6ual +D1;D2,' Pac$et C encounters delay in the net)or$/ ho)e0er/ and is recei0ed a#ter it is e%pected' (his is )hy a 3itter -u##er / )hich conceals interarri0al pac$et delay 0ariation/ is necessary'

<ean =pinion 9core

>ou can test 0oice 6uality in t)o )ays* su-3ecti0ely and o-3ecti0ely' 4u"ans per#or" su-3ecti0e 0oice testing/ )hereas co"puters. )hich are less li$ely to -e ?#ooled? -y co"pression sche"es that can ?tric$? the hu"an ear.per#or" o-3ecti0e 0oice testing' Codecs are de0eloped and tuned -ased on su-3ecti0e "easure"ents o# 0oice 6uality' 9tandard o-3ecti0e 6uality "easure"ents/ such as total har"onic distortion and signal-to-noise ratios/ do not correlate )ell to a hu"an&s perception o# 0oice 6uality/ )hich in the end is usually the goal o# "ost 0oice co"pression techni6ues'

A co""on su-3ecti0e -ench"ar$ #or 6uanti#ying the per#or"ance o# the speech codec is the "ean opinion score +<=9,' <=9 tests are gi0en to a group o# listeners' :ecause 0oice 6uality and sound in general are su-3ecti0e to listeners/ it is i"portant to get a )ide range o# listeners and sa"ple "aterial )hen conducting a <=9 test' (he listeners gi0e each sa"ple o# speech "aterial a rating o# 1 +-ad, to 5 +e%cellent,' (he scores are then a0eraged to get the "ean opinion score' <=9 testing also is used to co"pare ho) )ell a particular codec )or$s under 0arying circu"stances/ including di##ering -ac$ground noise le0els/ "ultiple encodes and decodes/ and so on' >ou can then use this data to co"pare against other codecs'

I(@-( codec <=9 9coring

"oice +ompression

()o -asic 0ariations o# 1A B-ps PC< are co""only used* C-la) and a-la)' (he "ethods are si"ilar in that they -oth use logarith"ic co"pression to achie0e 12 to 13 -its o# linear PC< 6uality in 8 -its/ -ut they are di##erent in relati0ely "inor co"pression details +C-la) has a slight ad0antage in lo)-le0el/ signal-to-noise ratio per#or"ance,' @sage is historically along country and regional -oundaries/ )ith Dorth A"erica using C-la) and Europe using a-la) "odulation' It is i"portant to note that )hen "a$ing a long-distance call/ any re6uired C-la) to a-la) con0ersion is the responsi-ility o# the C-la) country'


"oice +oding ,tandards

(he "ost popular 0oice coding standards #or telephony and pac$et 0oice include*

F'211.Descri-es the 1A B-ps PC< 0oice coding techni6ue outlined earlierG F'211-encoded 0oice is already in the correct #or"at #or digital 0oice deli0ery in the pu-lic phone net)or$ or through Pri0ate :ranch eHchanges +P:Hs,' F'221.Descri-es ADPC< coding at A0/ 32/ 2A/ and 11 B-psG you also can interchange ADPC< 0oice -et)een pac$et 0oice and pu-lic phone or P:H net)or$s/ pro0ided that the latter has ADPC< capa-ility' F'228.Descri-es a 11 B-ps lo)-delay 0ariation o# CELP 0oice co"pression'


F'22I.Descri-es CELP co"pression that ena-les 0oice to -e coded into 8 B-ps strea"sG t)o 0ariations o# this standard +F'22I and F'22I Anne% A, di##er largely in co"putational co"ple%ity/ and -oth generally pro0ide speech 6uality as good as that o# 32 B-ps ADPC<' F'223'1.Descri-es a co"pression techni6ue that you can use to co"press speech or other audio signal co"ponents o# "ulti"edia ser0ice at a lo) -it rate/ as part o# the o0erall 4'32A #a"ily o# standards' ()o -it rates are associated )ith this coder* 5'3 and 1'3 B-ps' (he higher -it rate is -ased on <P-<L5 technology and pro0ides greater 6uality' (he lo)er -it rate is -ased on CELP/ pro0ides good 6uality/ and a##ords syste" designers )ith additional #le%i-ility'


In a traditional toll net)or$/ echo is nor"ally caused -y a "is"atch in i"pedance #ro" the #our-)ire net)or$ s)itch con0ersion to the t)o-)ire local loop' Echo/ in the standard Pu-lic 9)itched (elephone Det)or$ +P9(D,/ is regulated )ith echo cancellers and a tight control on i"pedance "is"atches at the co""on re#lection points'

Echo Caused -y I"pedance <is"atch


Pac$et Loss

Pac$et loss in data net)or$s is -oth co""on and e%pected' <any data protocols/ in #act/ use pac$et loss so that they $no) the condition o# the net)or$ and can reduce the nu"-er o# pac$ets they are sending'

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