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The wave Linear Investigation 1.

) Complete the table to the right with the data collected from your class. 2.) Plot each of the ordered pairs: (number of students, total time) on your graph paper. Be sure to label your axes.

Name ___________________ Period ______ Date________ Number of Students Total Time

3.) make a best fit line through these points 4.) Select two points on your line, and write them below. (_____, _____) (_____, _____) 5.) Show work to algebraically calculate the slope of your line.

6.) Is your slope positive or negative? _____________ What does this mean in relation to this problem?

7.) Show work to write the equation of your line in slope intercept form.

8.) What does x represent? _________________________________ What does y represent? _________________________________ 9.) What is the y-intercept of your line? _______________ What does that mean in relation to this problem?

10.) Using your equation, determine how long it would take for 30 people to do the wave?

11.) Using your equation, determine how long it would take for all 107 students at Aspen Valley to do the wave.

12.) Using your equation, determine how long it would take for 1457 students at Liberty High School to do the wave.

Convert this number to minutes.

Does this amount of time seem reasonable? Why or why not?

13.) If it took 10 minutes (600 seconds) for a group of people do the wave, about how many people would be in the group? Show your work.

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