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of meeting held on the 12th September 2013

Date Time Present

12th September 2013 12pm2pm

ProjectManager:UtsavDhakal Client:HarithMbos SeniorManager:DeanWalker Peerreviewerx2DanielCoutinho,AbrahamSmith EndUserx2TomasTaujanskas,AbimbolaOsidele

AgendaItem(number) Apology

Everyone except The client (Harith Mbos) is on time and attends themeeting.Irepliedtohisemailthathesentmeasanapology. There was no matter arising in this first meeting because the project has just begun the progress. However, due to the absence of our client our meeting was delayed for 510minutes just in case. As this is the first meeting of the project it begun with an introduction of all the members of the meeting as this was the first time they would be meeting in person and it is unclear which members of the group is responsible for what, each stakeholder introduced themselves individually and explained both there project title as well as the roles and responsibilities they will be playingwithinthebusiness. In this time we started with showing the project scope to all the stakeholders. Due to the absence of the client the meeting couldnt go much further. All the stakeholders had to agree with theprojectproposalmade.Iwillbesendingemailofallthedetails that happened to our client so that he will know what the next meetingwillbeabout. Anyotherbusinessstartsoffwiththeriskwewillbedealinginthe future and if the problem occurs how could we prevent it from happening. This topic was brought be project manager (myself). The problem that we talked about was uploading the multimedia


Introductionofthe StakeholderstoProject



Minutes of meeting held on the 12th September 2013

online. We disused about the people having different operating system in their PC and people uses different web browser. For example, people might use Windows Xp, Vista, 7 or 8 also people with apple computer (Macs) they all could use Google chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera or Fire Fox. For this problem we manage to came with an agreement, the online multimedia will be designed so that it can be viewed by any operating system or any webbrowserwithoutanydisturbances. The problem that rose during this time was of theft. This is a common problem that many projects might have. To reduce this problem every PCs where all stockholders works should be passwordprotectedandmustbecompactablewithAntivirus.

Dateandtimefornext meeting

The time and date for the next meeting will be the 19th September2013.Atthesametimeof2pm4pm.

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