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Minutes of meeting held on the 20th January 2014

Date Time Meeting Present 20th January 2014 2pm 4pm The meeting was organised by the project manager (Utsav Dhakal) Client: Harith Mbos Senior Manager: Dean Walker Peer reviewer x2- Daniel Coutinho, Abraham Smith End User x2- Tomas Taujanskas, Abimbola Osidele Subject Handover and Final Review

Agenda Item (number) Apology

Details of Notes from meeting

All members of the meeting were able to attend the meeting on time, so it wasnt applicable to anyone else as everyone else was on time so the meeting went smoothly without any interruption. The product and the user guides have now been completely finished and the project is drawing to a close with this and the final last meeting so there are no matters that arose at this point in time so the Project Manager asks all members of the meeting if there are any matters arising but there is a response of a unanimous no. In this section of the meeting the Project Manager(Myself) showed all members including the Client the final completed Multimedia Product Hp Laptop flash product and the two user guides (Technical and Novice). I presents the multimedia on an interactive white board showing all members the multimedia product going through every single page and showing every interactive feature that it has, for all members to see for the first time together, I then passed the interactive pen round so that all members could have a brief experience of navigating and using the product. The project then explains every stage of the development and ever motion tween, button and multimedia aspect that I had kept into the product referencing the feedback they was given to me in the various different emails and meetings showing how each stakeholder helped me shape and form this final product. Once every member of the meeting have had a brief go of using the multimedia product including the end users I then handed out a printed copy of the Novice guide to each and every

Matters arising

Handover Presentation

Minutes of meeting held on the 20th January 2014

member of the meeting reading out load what it said, when I finished reading the Novice guide I then did the exact same thing for the Technical guide reading out load step by step how I was able to use action script to enhance the multimedias interactivity. After showing all members of the meeting the all of the deliverables I then asked if they had any questions, and everyone agreed that they did not have any questions and they could continue to the next stage of the meeting.

Final Review

This section is the main purpose of the meeting focusing on the subject of the meeting the final review of the Multimedia Product, the subject of the meeting was based on the review of both the project throughout the entire time from the initial brainstorm to the final testing of the final product covering all areas of development and also all methods of communication outside of meetings, the second area that is being reviewed and the main purpose of this meeting is the final multimedia product. The review is to see how well the Stakeholders preformed their roles in the project most importantly focusing on how well the product was carried out by the Project Manager (Myself), additional to this the review will highlight the resources used and whether or not they were the correct resources to used and whether or not they were used to their maximum potential. I started the final review by presenting the final version of the product. This way they all would be able to navigate around the multimedia product one last time so that they will have clear evidence of what to review. I then gave a final explanation of the product for each of the members around the product showing every detail of every page and also showing them the final deliverable of the project. I talked on brief on basic technical user guide of how to install. During the process of talking I showed everyone how I was able to uses action script to create more interactive features in the multimedia product. After this section of the meeting took place the I then proceeded to the topic of reviewing the entire project the main purpose of the meeting, to being this the Client (Harith Mbos) firstly handed out to all the stakeholders a copy of the evaluation of our performance, explaining to all the members of the meeting that this was an overall evaluation of the product as well as my performance throughout the project. The Senior Manager was the last to give his comments of the overall review of the project. After all members of the meeting had given their views of the Project Manager and the project as a

Minutes of meeting held on the 20th January 2014

whole the last section of the meeting was to discuss any possible improvement that could be made if they were to redo this course, it was agreed that all members of the meeting thought that too much time was spent on the design production stage and perhaps they should have just done all of the product designs should have been made in two meetings and by them working together it would cut out the need for email communication and reduce the time spent on the product design stage by a significant number of weeks and then that time could be spent on the implementations on flash or even finishing the project before the deadline time.

Thank you statement

I thank all the stake holder on the success of the project. All their hard work was not missed out each and every feedback was taken into consideration and I kindly respect on their contribution and input towards the project to make it a huge success.

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