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Songgwang-sa Daily Chanting Book

First Edition - 2013

I take refuge in the Three-Jewels (Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha)

Table of Contents
Introd !tion " "Cere#onial For#s ""Se$ en!e of !hants " %erse of &ater 'ffering ""Fi)e-*art In!ense 'ffering " "+o#age to The Three ,ewels !"#$%&'(")*+,-. /0 " Seon .aster Isan +yeyeon/s %ow 123456789:";<=>?@ABC" The .aha *ra0na *ara#ita +rdaya 1+eart2 S tra DEF"GHI"'ffering Cere#ony to 4ll B ddhas 1.idday Chanting2 JK:"LMC"The Tho sand-+ands S tra NO3456:"PQ=>R@AC"The Dia#ond S tra ST"*art 1 SU"*art 15 VWX"YZ["The Three 6ef ges \]^("._0 The Fo r %ows 7otes Credits 5( 33 12( 125 12128 1 2 3 ( ( 10 13 22 3(

Chanting is an integral as9e!t of e)eryday 9ra!ti!e thro gho t all B ddhist traditions: It is a for# of #editation; as o r #inds settle and be!o#e one with the so nd: It is a re#inder to s of the B ddha/s #essage; as we re!ite the tea!hings: It is also a 9ra!ti!e whi!h g ides s ba!k to o r tr e sel)es; as we e<9ress o r sin!ere intention to follow the B ddha/s 9ath of kindness and wisdo#: For foreigners who en!o nter !hanting in B ddhist te#9les; it !an be diffi! lt to follow along at first: This book was #ade to introd !e !hanting; translate and e<9lain the #eaning behind the !hants; and ser)e as a 9ron n!iation g ide in order to allow the reader to follow along: The daily !hanting ser)i!es also !ontain a series of standing bows and 9rostrations: These 9ost res sho ld not nderstood as a for# of idolatry; b t rather; like !hanting itself; as e<9ressions of gratit de and h #ility: First; while bowing and 9rostrating; we e<9ress o r thankf lness to the B ddha for tea!hing s that we all ha)e the !a9a!ity to awaken; and that we and the B ddha are not se9arate=that all reality is non-d al: Se!ond; as a 9ra!ti!e of h #ility; these 9ra!ti!es hel9 s to let go of o r selfishness and arrogan!e: Be!a se o r li)es e<ist only within inter!onne!tion with e)erything in the ni)erse; we bow and 9rostrate to let go of o r s#all sel)es; and ! lti)ate res9e!t for all: This book !ontains the !hants sed at Songgwang-sa/s !hanting ser)i!es; whi!h are held three ti#es daily: The sele!tion and se$ en!e of these !hants is si#ilar to what wo ld be fo nd in B ddhist te#9les thro gho t >orea: &ith the hel9 of this book; we sin!erely ho9e the 9ra!ti!e of !hanting #ay hel9 yo find 9ea!e of #ind; wisdo#; and dire!tion in life: `<ab Seong bul hase o! 1.ay yo attain B ddhahood2: Songgwang-sa; De!e#ber 2013

/ /Ceremonial Forms

+a9!hang 9ost re 1* tting 9al#s together2

F ll 9rostration

/ /Sequence of Chants
c"de"Daybreak 1*g: 4) ""%erse of &ater 'ffering 1*g: 42 " "+o#age to the Three ,ewels 1*g: 62 !"#$%&'(")*+,-. /0 "Seon .aster Isan +yeyeon/s %ow 1*g: 102 123456789:";<=>?@ABC"The .aha *ra0na *ara#ita +rdaya 1+eart2 S tra 1*g: 182 NO3456:"PQ=>R@A"The Dia#ond S tra 1*g: 54/882 fg".h".idday 1*g: 222 JK:"LMC"The Tho sand-+ands S tra 1*g: 342 DEF"GHI"'ffering Cere#ony to 4ll B ddhas 1*g: 222 123456789:";<=>?@ABC"The .aha *ra0na *ara#ita +rdaya 1+eart2 S tra 1*g: 182 i"jk"E)ening 1*g: 42 l""Fi)e-*art In!ense 'ffering 1*g: 42 " "+o#age to the Three ,ewels 1*g: 62 123456789:";<=>?@ABC"The .aha *ra0na *ara#ita +rdaya 1+eart2 S tra 1*g: 182 JK:"LMC"The Tho sand-+ands S tra 1*g: 342

mnopq rstu

vPIwM xyz{ a-geum "heong-#eong-su b eon-wi gam-ro-da

|}V~ (q

Y 0MM bong-heon sam-bo-#eon won-su ae-nab-su

(q (q

0MM 0MM won-su ae-nab-su won-su #a-bi ae-nab-su


w + g e-h ang #eong-h ang h e-h ang h e-tal-h ang h e-tal-#i-g eon-h ang

x h - kwang-m eong un-dae #u-b eon beob-g e gong- ang shi-bang mu-r ang bul-beob-seung

heon-h ang #in-eon Rv@ > 13 2 om ba-a-ra do-bi- a hum ($%)

!a"#rea$ Chant
%erse of &ater 'fferin( &e are now offering this sweet tea #ade fro# 9ristine water before the three 0ewels: *lease a!!e9t it with !o#9assion *lease a!!e9t it with !o#9assion *lease a!!e9t it with kindness and !o#9assion:

)*enin( Chant
Fi*e+,art Incense 'fferin( .ay the fragran!e of o r )irt e; o r #editation; o r wisdo#; o r liberation; and the knowledge of o r liberation-.aythis wisdo# and !o#9assion -- 9er#eate the dhar#a real#; and th s 9ay ho#age to the inn #erable B ddhas; Dhar#a; and Sanghas: -antra for offerin( Incense &m baara dobi a hum &m baara dobi a hum &m baara dobi a hum

9Wl V& \


BZ Y. . hv. #i-shim gwi-m eong-n e sam- g e do-sa sa-saeng #a-bu shi- a bon-sa seok- ka-mo-ni-bul
9Wl UV T

BZ hYa G > #i-shim gwi-m eong-n e shi-bang sam-se #e-mang "hal-hae sang-#u il-"he bul-ta- a-#ung
9Wl UV T 1

BZ hYa G ;> #i-shim gwi-m eong-n e shi-bang sam-se #e-mang "hal-hae sang-#u il-"he dal-ma- a-#ung
9Wl &

BZ M. a #i-shim gwi-m eong-n e dae-#i mun-su sa-ri bo-sal dae-haeng bo-h eon bo-sal dae-bi kwan-se-um bo-sal
( 12

0 ;< dae-won bon-#on #i-#ang bo-sal ma-ha-sal

9Wl "g U U

BZ *h M G ` ` #i-shim gwi-m eong-n e eong-san dang-shi su-bul bu-"hok shi'-dae #e#a shim-n uk-seong o-baek-seong
J D6

M` L) Gv@ -` dok-su-seong nae-#i "heon-i-baek #e-dae a-ra-han mu-r ang #a-bi seong-#ung

.oma(e to the /hree+0e1els1

&e de)o tly 9ay ho#age to the Tea!her of the three worlds; lo)ing father of all beings; o r original tea!her; Sakya# ni B ddha: &e de)o tly 9ay ho#age to the eternal asse#bly of all B ddhas in all dire!tions? of the 9ast; 9resent; and the f t re; as !o ntless as lands and seas in Indra/s 7et: &e de)o tly 9ay ho#age to the eternal Dhar#a in all dire!tions? of 9ast; 9resent; and f t re? as !o ntless as lands and seas in the Indra/s 7et: &e de)o tly 9ay ho#age to all Bodhisatt)as and .ahastt)as@ .an0 shri; of great wisdo#? Sa#antabhadra; of great a!tion? 4)alokitesh)ara; of great !o#9assion? and >sitigarbha; of great )ow: &e de)o tly 9ay ho#age to the n #berless !o#9assionate #e#bers of the Sangha? to those who re!ei)ed the B ddha/s tea!hings at % lt re *eak? the ten #a0or dis!i9les? the 1- 4ttained 'nes; the 500 4ttained 'nes; her#it sages; and the 1200 great 4rhats:


D& &

BZ v G. L<. #i-shim gwi-m eong-n e seo-geon dong-#in geub-a hae-dong eok-dae #eon-deung #e-dae #o-sa "heon-ha #ong-sa
T !" D#$%

&M G-' il-!he #i-0in-s 0e-dae seon-0i-shik

9Wl () *+, -%& (. /01 2

BZ 3. 4 +5-. 06M 7 #i-shim gwi-m eong-n e "ha-sa- "hang-geon-#u h e-rin seon-sa wol-l eok su-saeng #ung-hung #o-do he-dong bul-il
89& :;S U9& s< =

>. ?h3G >. y@ A bo-#o guk-sa eo-shi "ha-#e shi'-o guk-sa wi-#ak #eung-m eong

. IJ -K YL beob-sa #i-gong na-ong mu-hak sam-dae-hwa-sang

9Wl UV T M

BZ hYa G > #i-shim gwi-m eong-n e shi-bang sam-se #e-mang "hal-hae sang-#u il"he seung-ga- a-#ung
N( OV~ mPl QRST.

U0 -Y Mvw VW6 u-won mu-#in sam-bo dae-#a dae-bi su-a #eong-n e m eong-hun ga-'i-r eok
(XD YZTg[1

0G h` won-gong beob-gye 0e-0 ng-saeng 0a-ta il-shi seong-b l-do

&e de)o tly 9ay ho#age to the great 9rede!essors; who; fro# the &est to the East; to the shores of this land; trans#itted the Aa#9 of the Dhar#a thro gh generations? to the awakened tea!hers thro gho t the world? and to all great s9irit al #asters: &e de)o tly 9ay ho#age to Seon .aster +yerin ; the fo nder of this te#9le? the 7ational .aster B lil Bo0o ; who restored the an!estral way with the strength of his )ow? the 15 7ational .asters? and the )erifying tea!hers; the three great #asters@ ,igong; 7aong; and . hak: &e de)o tly 9ay ho#age to all !o#9assionate #e#bers of the Sangha; eternally e<isting in all dire!tions; of 9ast; 9resent; and f t re? as !o ntless as lands and seas of Indra/s 7et: ' r sole wish is that the infinite Three-0ewels will !o#9assionately re!ei)e o r de)otion and e#9ower s s9irit ally? and that we; together; with all beings thro gho t the Dhar#a 6eal#; #ay attained the the awakened way:

!"#$%&'( )*+,-. /0

hYa \] ^_.L `a shi-bang sam-se bu"heonim-kwa 'al-man sa-"heon keun-beob bo-wa ` b]cd `Z[ <eI bo-sal seong-mun su-nim-ne-kke #i-seong gwi-ui ha-om-na-ni <f 06g{ hij ek #a-bi ha-shin wol-l eok-eu-ro gubeo-sal-' eo #u-ob so-seo jlm) #eo-hui del-i no`p eq -rs timi "hamdoen seong'um deung#i obgo mum eong sok-e ttwi-eo deul-eo Iquv wxy@ zk w)mq na-go #ung-neun mul-g eol tta-ra bit-kwa so-ri muli deul-go B{|q }Bi ~ g shim-sul gut-go ok-shim nae-eo on-gak beon-noe ssah-a sseu-m eo qq g{ v i bo-go deud-go mat-'om-eu-ro hal-l ang eob-neun #oe-leul #i-eo o .q #ar-mot doen-gil gal'ang #il'ang saeng-sa go-hae he-mae m eon-seo Ia <q _ v na-wa nam-eul #ib-"hak ha-go geu-reun gil-man "ha-#a-da-n eo ?s q@ w eo-reo saeng-e #i-eun ob-#ang keu-go #a-geun manheun-heo-mul Ys 06i Bn <eI sam-bo #eon-e wol-l eok bireo il-shim "ham-hoe ha-om-na-ni R@e ba-ra-ob-geon-dae \]) )hq ]c We bu"heonim-i i-kkeu shi-go bosalnim-ne sal-'i-ob-seo qHR iI = .) go-tong ba-da he-eo na-so eol-ban eon-deok ga-sa i-da

Seon -aster Isan ."e"eon2s %o12

To the ten dire!tions/ B ddhas; the 9rofo nd and stainless Dhar#a; and the liberated Sangha; we sin!erely go for ref ge: &ith great lo)e and kindness; 9lease look 9on s with !o#9assion:

T rning o r ba!ks to o r tr e nat re; swe9t away by ill sion; tra99ed in birth and death; defiled by !ra)ing so nds and for#s? Del ded in o r si< senses; weC)e a#assed affli!tions? atta!hed to self and others; #aking too #any offenses? lost on this sea of s ffering; weC)e long been on a dark 9ath: For o r #isdeeds and kar#i! hindran!es; we h #bly re$ est the Three ,ewels@ 4s we sin!erely #ake re9entan!e; bestow 9on s yo r !o#9assion:

&e 9ray the B ddhas g ide s and Bodhisatt)as wat!h 9on s; that we #ay !ross the sea of s ffering; rea!hing the shore of 7ir)ana:

)as )) 4`<q i-se-sang-e m eong-kwa-bok-eun giri-giri "hang-seong ha-go va + -- @I o-neun se-sang bul-beob-#i-h e mureong-mureok #a-ra-na-seo ; > b _I nal-#eong-ma-da #oh-eun guk-to balkeun-seu-seung man-na-o-m eo RfB -a v){ <? ba-reun shin-shim gud-ke-se-wo a-i-lo-seo "hul-ga ha- eo Za) <q ) < gwi-wa nun-i "hong-m eon ha-go mal-kwa tteushi #in-shil ha-m eo as wmq Iw qv se-sang i-le mulan-deul-go "heong-#eong beobhaeng dakko-dakka ) m < seo-ri-ka"hi eomhan-g e- ul teol-kkeut"hin-deul beomha-ri-kka g{ .<? #eom-#anheun geo-dong-eu-ro mo-deun saeng-m eong sarang ha- eo ) i `g{ < i-nae mok-sum beo-ri eo-do #i-seong eu-ro bo-ho ha-ri Y^ _Iq , < sam-#ae 'allan manna-#angho bul-beob in eon gu-#ok ha-m eo =>+ Iq ; q<? ban a-#i-h e deu-leo na-go bosal-ma-eum g eon-go ha- eo Gw #e-bul #eong-beob #ar-baewo-seo dae-seung-#illi kkae-dareun-dwi R@A v v tiq uk-baramil haeng-eul-dakka aseung-#i-geob ttwi-eo-neom-go ; g{ L_ [Bq gotgom-mada seolbeob-eu-ro "heon-g eom-man-geob uishim-kkeun-gho ; q Y .G ma-geun #ung-eul hang-bok-'ad-go sambo-leul boeb-sa-ol-#e hG v m shi-bang #e-bul seom-gi neun-il #am-kkan-in-del swi-o-ri-kka

.ay the health and fort ne of all i#9ro)e; and #ay the seeds of good a!tions s9ro t and grow; bloo#ing in the fr it of wisdo#: In li)es to !o#e; #ay we be born into good lands; #eet awakened tea!hers; and establish !orre!t faith: &ith o r fa! lties bright; #ay o r s9ee!h and tho ghts be 9 re? while yo ng; reno n!e to enter the &ay: Free fro# worldly stains; #aintaining the holy life? kee9ing the 9re!e9ts stri!tly; and tainted kar#a far away? dignified in s9ee!h and !ond !t; let s 9rote!t and lo)e all beings: Free fro# the eight diffi! lties and three disasters; we will realiDe 9ra0na-wisdo#: 4d)an!ing towards Bodhi; 9ra!ti!ing the !orre!t Dhar#a; #ay we awaken to the tr th of the (aha ana: C lti)ating the si< 'aramitas for kal9as; raising the Dhar#a banner in all 9la!es; #ay we destroy the net of do bts; and defeat the hordes of #ara? seeing the Three Treas res 9ros9er; diligently ser)ing the ten dire!tionsC B ddhas:


~ H <e on-gat-beobmun da-baewo-seo mo-du-tong-dal ha-ob geo-deun + di - G< bok-kwa #i-h e ham-kke neuleo mu-r ang-#ung-saeng #e-do ha-m eo ? fHq - )s eo-seot ka-#i shin-tong eod-ko mu-saeng beob-in i-run-dwi-e { h kwaneum-bosal dae-#abi-ro shi-bang beob-g e da-ni-m eon-so 0g{ G boh eon-bosal haeng-won-eu-lo manheun-#ung-saeng geon-#i ul-#e ? I & ,<q eo-leo gal-lae momeul-na-tuo mi-m o beom-mun eon-seol ha-go vZ I q fH? #i-ok a-gwi na-''eun go-sen gwang-m eong no-kho shin-tong bo- eo v)I ) v)v nae-mo ang-eul bo-neun i-na nae-ireum-eul deun-neun i-neun ; i q iI bo-ri ma-eum mo-du nae-eo unhoe-go-leul beoseo-na-doe L vw z{M{ xq hwa-tang #i-ok kkeul-leun mul-eun gam-ro-su-lo b eon-hae-#i-go M* ,g{ L<? geom-su do-san nal-sen kal-lal eon-kkot-"heu-ro hwa-ha- eo-seo qH jm a < go-tong bat-deon #eo-#ungsaeng-deul geung-nak se-g e wang-saeng ha-m eo Ivda v 0Mq )m na-neun sae-wa gi-neun #im-seung won-su maet-go bit-#in-i-deul qH iI ga#eun-go-tong beoseo-na-seo #oh-eun bong-nak nu-r eo #i-da sv i <q mo-#in #il-b eong dol-#eok e-neun ak-'ul doe-eo "hi-r o ha-go v asv )i G< h ong-n eon deu-neun se-sang-e-neun ssahi-doe-eo gu-#e-ha-doe

.astering all Dhar#a gates; de)elo9ing #erit and wisdo# to benefit the d sty world; #ay we attain s9irit al 9owers and the fr it of B ddhahood: .anifesting 4)alokites)ara/s !o#9assion thro gho t the dhar#a-real#? 9ra!ti!ing Sa#antabhadraCs )ows; s9reading the wondro s Dhar#a:

4s we bring light to the hell and h ngry ghost real#s; #ay those who see o r for# or hear o r na#e gi)e rise to bodhi!itta; fore)er lea)ing the 9ains of samsara: &ith its boiling water !hanged to hea)enly ne!tar; the kni)es of hell to lot s flowers; #ay all beings !a ght in s ffering be reborn in the 9 re land:

Bringing 0oy to birds and beasts; freeing those with debt and bitterness fro# 9ain? let s be!o#e #edi!ine to ! re disease; be!o#e grain to feed the h ngry;


? ) m eo-reo #ung-saeng i-ik han-il han-ga #in-deul ''ae-o-ri-kka L_ 0MI )I "heon-geob man-geob nae-r eo-o-deon won-su-geo-na "hin-han-i-na )a[ rm ) i-se-sang-e kwon-sok-deul-do nu-gu-nu-gu har-keot-eob-shi wq Yq tiI eolkhi-eot-deon ae-#eong-kkeun-kho sam-g e go-hae ttwi-eo-na-seo ha m) ` <.) shi-bang se-g e #ung-saeng-deuli mo-du seong-bul ha-sa-i-da ) .~m )k0 < heo-gong kkeu-"hi issa-on-deul i-nae-so-won da-ha-ri-kka Uwm -wm )i) u-#eong deul-do mu-#eong deul-do il-"he #ong-#i i-ru-eo-#i-da I- I- I-hv. na-mu seok-ka-mo-ni-bul na-mu seok-ka-mo-ni-bul na-mu shi-a-bon-sa seok-ka-mo-ni-bul
WU&p V\ ( !"#Y $%&'()*+,-./012345U6U78[9:;<=> =!?<@;A)BCDEFGHmIJK'LMNOPTQRS TV~-UT93VW X(YZ[\#]^_`ab;Dcd^; ef (ghij(klmnopqrs tu9vw&xy `z{%(1=>EVO|G}5~!O} }t}\~3-^93}x =;V;+// lV~UD9 FTQE<g! =n;-ET;$}(!;9 ;(Z(0+1 C1u D-r9mm'^9`C; r<;p O 3/g3<D!9}0 ;N`\;;6[1 C 9Om(pn


and de)elo9 skillf l #eans to benefit li)ing beings: 7o #atter friend or foe; #ay all within the world !o#9letely se)er !ra)ing/s bonds; and together attain the B ddha/s &ay:

4s e#9ty s9a!e has no li#it; let o r )ows too be nending: .ay all beings; sentient and insentient; f lly realiDe all-knowing wisdo#: +o#age to Sakya# ni B ddha; +o#age to Sakya# ni B ddha; +o#age to Sakya# ni B ddha; the 'riginal Tea!her:


123456789: ;<=>?@ABC ) #a-ha ban-ya ba-ra-#il-ta shi# gyeong

Y D345678 g8 C TC B=>R@A h ~ q

kwan-#a-#ae bo-sal haeng shim ban- a ba-ra-mil-ta shi #o-g eon o-on gae-gong do il-"he go-aek
1}C C}1 1C C1 . ) ) h h

sa-ri-#a saek-bul-i-gong gong-bul-i-saek saek-#euk-shi- gong-#eukshi-saek

% : M' ?h

su-sang- haeng-shik eok-bu- eo-shi

DC }} }p r} . hG w Az

sa-ri-#a shi-#ae-beob-gong- sang bul-saeng-bul-m eol bul-gu-bu-#eong bu-#ung-bul-gam

Cu1 % hq - -M' -)f[ shi-go gong-#ung-mu-saek mu su-sang-haeng-shik mu an-i-bi-seol-shin-ui 12 % -`& - -['

mu saek-seong-h ang-mi-"hok-'eo' mu-an-g e nae-#i mu-ui-shik-g e

O , ,O -- -- -. -.

mu-mu-m eong eong-mu-mu m eong-#in nae-#i mu-no-sa eong-mu-no-sa-#in

C1 -X -q -- )-kq

mu go-#im-m eol-do mu-#i eong-mu-deuk-i mu-so deuk-ko

^ X345678 9 [=>R@A qB-

bo-ri-sal-ta ui ban- a ba-ra-mil-ta go-shim-mu ga-ae


/he -aha ,ra3na ,aramita .rda"a .eart) Sutra3

4)alokites)ara Bodhisatt)a when dee9ly 9ra!ti!ing the *ra0na *ara#ita 9er!ei)ed that all fi)e skandhas are e#9ty and was sa)ed fro# all s ffering and distress: Shari9 tra; for# does not differ fro# e#9tiness; e#9tiness does not differ fro# for#: That whi!h is for# is e#9tiness; that whi!h is e#9tiness for#: The sa#e is tr e of feelings; 9er!e9tions; i#9 lses; !ons!io sness: Shari9 tra; all dhar#as are #arked with e#9tiness? they do not a99ear or disa99ear; are not tainted or 9 re; do not in!rease or de!rease: Therefore; in e#9tiness no for#; no feelings; 9er!e9tions; i#9 lses; !ons!io sness: 7o eyes; no ears; no nose; no tong e; no body; no #ind? no !olor; no so nd; no s#ell; no taste; no to !h; no ob0e!t of #ind? no real# of eyes and so forth ntil no real# of #ind !ons!io sness: 7o ignoran!e and also no e<tin!tion of it; and so forth ntil no old age and death and also no e<tin!tion of the#: 7o s ffering; no origination; no sto99ing; no 9ath; no !ognition; also no attain#ent with nothing to attain: The Bodhisatt)a de9ends on *ra0na *ara#ita and the #ind witho t hindran!e:

9 ! "#$ %&'( -q -U) 0 * C=

mu-ga-ae-go mu- u-gong-'o wol-li #eon-do mong- sang gu-g eong eol-ban
VD X 345678 +86V,V^ YaG [ =>R@A q v-@Y.Y

sam-se #e-bul-ui ban- a-ba-ra-mil-ta go-deuk a-n uk-da-ra sam- m ak sam-bo-ri

$ 345678 -/ / 0/ / q =>R@A hf h h- h-

go-#i ban- a ba-ra-mil-tta shi-dae-shin-#u shi-dae- m eong-#u shi-mu-sang-#u shi-mu-deung deung-#u

Y1TC 2} 3 345678/ 4Gq q =>R@A

neung-#e-il-"he-go #in-shil bul-heo go-seol ban- a ba-ra-mil-da-#u

3/5 6

7 7 567 567 ^ 89: vG vG R@vG R@vG .R< 13 2

a-#e a-#e ba-ra-a-#e ba-ra-seung-a-#e mo-#i sa-ba-ha ($))


&itho t any hindran!e; no fears e<ist: Far a9art fro# del ded tho ghts; one dwells in 7ir)ana: In the three worlds ; all B ddhas de9end on *ra0na *ara#ita and attain 4n ttara Sa#yak Sa#bodhi: Therefore know that *ra0na *ara#ita is the great trans!endent #antra; is the great bright #antra; is the t#ost #antra; is the s 9re#e #antra whi!h is able to relie)e all s ffering and is tr e; not false: So 9ro!lai# the *ra0na *ara#ita #antra; 9ro!lai# the #antra whi!h goes@ gate gate 'aragate 'arasamgate bodhi s*aha 13E2 Fgone; gone; gone beyond; gone !o#9letely beyond; an awakening; so be itG



mnTu O @V~ TT"l

vPf -f xY -M a-geum il-shim-#ung #euk-h eon mu-#in-shin b eon-#ae sambo-#eon il-il-mu-su-l e Rv@ ; 13 2 om ba-a-ra mik 13E2

J K : L M C) < )
= > ?@

I- A na-mu bul-ta bu-#ung kwang-nim beob-hoe

= 1> ?@

I- ; A na-mu dal-ma bu-#ung kwang-nim beob-hoe

= M> ?@

I- A na-mu seung-ga bu-#ung kwang-nim beob-hoe


k I bo-so "heong #in-eon I- G v> 12 na-mu bo-bo #e-li ga-li da-li da-ta a-da- a ($%)

'fferin( Ceremon" to 4ll 5uddhas

-antra to 6a" homa(e to all 5uddhas 6ight now; this single body #anifests infinite bodies? ea!h #aking !o ntless offerings to the Three ,ewels: om-baramik om-baramik om-baramik /he /housand+hands Sutra 19g: 3(2 In*ocation of the /hree 0e1els &e 9ay ho#age to all B ddhas honoring o r gathering with their 9resen!e: &e 9ay ho#age to all Dhar#as honoring o r gathering with their 9resen!e: &e 9ay ho#age to all Sanghas honoring o r gathering with their 9resen!e: -antra to in*ite all 5uddhas to the ceremon" namu bobo#eli galidali data ada a namu bobo#eli galidali data ada a namu bobo#eli galidali data ada a


w C
1h@2 = V& \ m&

I- Y. . hv. na-mu sam-g e do-sa sa-saeng #a-bu shi-a bon-sa seok-ka-mo-ni-bul D seok-ka-mo-ni-bul seok-ka-mo-ni-bul seok-ka-mo-ni-bul +,
12 0: UE

LL<-? ha- "heon-sang "heon-ha mu- eo-bul shi-bang se-g e eong-mu-bi

FX9mO T9:G

aHkUv -U? se-gan so- u a-#in-g eon il-"he mu- u eo-bul-"ha

p w )

#eong-beob-g e #in-eon 18 2 om-nam (-%)

UI op V\

hi. ,Iw& Y. gong- ang shi-bang #o-eo-sa eon- ang "heong-#eong mi-m o-beob sam-seung sa-gwa hae-tal-seung
( ( (

0MM 0MM 0MM won-su-ae-nab-su (.%) won-su #a-bi ae-nab-su

; STS;r


MI ` }0 MxL h ang-su na- eol #ae-#a geon-seong uk-gu gong- ang #i-#u-won su #ang ga-#i-#i b eon-hwa

7ecitation of 2Sa$"amuni2 5uddha

&e go for ref ge to the g iding Tea!her of the three real#s; the !o#9assionate father of all beings; o r original Tea!her@ Sakya# ni B ddha; Sakya# ni B ddha Sakya# ni B ddha Sakya# ni B ddha H: In the hea)ens and on earth; there is no one like the B ddha: Thro gho t the the ten-dire!tions world; there is no !o#9arison Tho gh we #ay sear!h the whole world; we find none like the 4wakened 'ne:

-antra to 6urif" the !harma 7ealm

o# na#; o# na#; o# na#; o# na#; o# na#; o# na#; o# na#

%erse of offerin(s
&e 9resent these offerings to the ten-dire!tions/ B ddhas; the wellta ght; 9rofo nd and stainless Dhar#a; and those of the three )ehi!les and fo r fr its; the liberated Sangha: *lease a!!e9t these with !o#9assion 12E2 *lease a!!e9t these with kindness and !o#9assion:

-antra for in*itin( the 5uddha to recei*e the offerin(

&e offer this array of fragrant food with earnestness and sin!erity: &ith this o r desire to offer be!o#e in!reasingly 9 re:






WUY X. I-h I-h I-h 13 2 ang- u sam-bo teuk-sa ga-#i namu shi-bang-bul namu shi-bang-beo' namu shi-bang-seung ($%)
Y Y Z . r 1-y 6 x'2

mur ang wi-deok #a-#ae kwangm eong seung-m or eok b eonshik #in-eon

I[ R v R{G YR@ YR@ 13 2 na-mak sal-ba da-ta a-da ba-ro gi-#e om-sam-ba-ra sam-ba-ra hum($%)
\ tuq 1hz{M2

shi-ga#-ro-s 0in-eon I- k{R> v> ] k{k{ R@k{ namu so-ro ba- a da-ta a-da- a da-n a-ta om so-ro so-ro ba-ra-so-ro R@k{ .R< 13 2 ba-ra-so-ro sa-ba-ha ($%)
T ^ q 1M_2

il-!ha s -ry n-kwan 0in-eon ` ` `` 13 2 om bam-bam bam-bam ($%)

a 1U2

u-hae #in-eon I- ._ ` 13 2 na-mu sa-man-da mot-da-nam om-bam ($%)

V n)
9Pl V& \ m&

Bw Y. . hv. #i-shim #eong-n e gong- ang sam-g e do-sa sa-saeng #a-bu shi-a bon-sa seok- ka-mo-ni-bul


*lease bestow 9on s the 9ower of the Three-,ewels as a 9rote!tion and a g idan!e: +o#age to the B ddha; Dhar#a; and Sangha in ten-dire!tions 13E2 -antra to im6lore the 5uddha2s ine8hausti#le9 unim6eded9 radiant9 and most e8cellent 6o1er to ta$e and transfer this food offerin( /amak salbadata ada barogi#e om sambara sambara hum (3E2 -antra to offer am#rosia 1ater /amu soro ba a data ada a dan ata om soro soro barasoro barasoro sabaha 13E2

-antra of one+character made #" the 1ater 1heel to e8tin(uish the fire of #ad $arma om bam bam bambam13E2

-antra for im6lorin( the s6readin( of the !harma to sa*e sentient #ein(s /amu samanda motdanam om bam 13E2

&e de)o tly 9ay ho#age and #ake offerings to the Tea!her of the three worlds; lo)ing father of all beings; o r original tea!her; Sakya# ni B ddha:




Bw hYa G > #i-shim #eong-n e gong- ang shi-bang sam-se #e-mang "hal-hae sang-#u il-"he bul-ta- a-#ung
9Pl UV T 1

Bw hYa G ;> #i-shim #eong-n e gong- ang shi-bang sam-se #e-mang "hal-hae sang-#u il-"he dal-ma- a-#ung
9Pl &

Bw M . #i-shim #eong-n e gong- ang dae-#i mun-su sa-ri bo-sal dae-haeng bo-h eon bo-sal
( 12

a 0 ;< dae-bi kwanseum bosal dae-won bon-#on #i-#ang bosal ma-ha-sal

9Pl b"g U U

Bw *h M G ` ` #i-shim #eong-n e gong- ang eong-san dang-shi su-bul bu-"hok shi'-dae #e- #a shim-n uk-seong o-baek-seong
J D6

M` L) Gv@ -` dok-su-seong nae-#i "heon-i-baek #e-dae a-ra-han mu-r ang #a-bi seong-#ung
9Pl m D& &

Bw v G. L<. #i-shim #eong-n e gong- ang seo-geon dong-#in geub-a hae-dong eok-dae #eon-deung #e-dae #o-sa "heon-ha #ong-sa
T !" D#$%

&M G-' il-"he mi-#in-su #e-dae seon-#i-shik


&e de)o tly 9ay ho#age and #ake offerings to the eternal asse#bly of B ddhas in all dire!tions? of 9ast; 9resent; and f t re; as !o ntless as lands and seas in Indra/s 7et: &e de)o tly 9ay ho#age and #ake offerings to the eternal Dhar#a in all dire!tions? of 9ast; 9resent; and f t re? as !o ntless as lands and seas in Indra/s 7et: &e de)o tly 9ay ho#age and #ake offerings to all Bodhisatt)as and .ahastt)as@ .an0 shri; of great wisdo#? Sa#antabhadra; of great a!tion? 4)alokitesh)ara; of great !o#9assion? and >sitigarbha; of great )ow: &e de)o tly 9ay ho#age and #ake offerings to the n #berless !o#9assionate #e#bers of the Sangha who re!ei)ed the B ddha/s tea!hings at the % lt re *eak? the ten #a0or dis!i9les? the 14ttained 'nes; the 500 4ttained 'nes; her#it sages; and the 1200 great 4rhats: &e de)o tly 9ay ho#age and #ake offerings to the great 9rede!essors who; fro# the &est to the East; to the shores of this land; trans#itted the Aa#9 of the Dhar#a thro gh the generations? to the awakened tea!hers thro gho t the world? and to all great s9irit al #asters:



() *+, -%&

(. /01

Bw 3. 4 +5-. 06M 7 #i-shim #eong-n e gong- ang "ha-sa- "hang-geon-#u h e-rin seon-sa wol-l eok su-saeng #ung-hung #o-do
2 89& :;S U9& s< =&

>. ?h3G >. y@ A. he-dong bul-il bo-#o guk-sa eo-shi "ha-#e shi'-o guk-sa wi-#ak #eung-m eong beob-sa

IJ -K YL #i-gong na-ong mu-hak sam-dae-hwa-sang

9Pl UV T z

Bw hYa G > #i-shim #eong-n e gong- ang shi-bang sam-se #e-mang "hal-hae sang-#u il-"he seung-ga- a-#ung
N( OV~ ( ( D

U0 -Y M3 0G u-won mu-#in sam-bo dae-#a dae-bi su-"ha gong- ang m eong-hun ga-'i-r eok won-gong beob-g e #e-#ung-saeng

h` #a-ta il-shi seong-bul-do


bo-gong- ang #in-eon vvI YRR Rv@ 13 2 om a-a-na sam-ba-ba ba-a-ra hum ($%)
cd 12

bo-hoe-hyang 0in-eon Y;@ Y;@ &_I .@;< @ R 13 2 om sammara sammara mi-man-na sa-ra-ma-ha #a-ga-ra ba hum ($%)

&e de)o tly 9ay ho#age and #ake offerings to Seon .aster +yerin the fo nder this te#9le? the 7ational .aster B lil Bo0o; who restored the an!estral way by the strength of his )ow? the 15 7ational .asters and the )erifying tea!hers; the three great #asters@ ,igong; 7aong; and . hak: &e de)o tly 9ay ho#age and #ake offerings to all !o#9assionate #e#bers of the Sangha; eternally e<isting in all dire!tions of 9ast; 9resent; and f t re? as !o ntless as the lands and seas of Aord Indra/s 7et: ' r sole wish is that the infinite Three-0ewels will !o#9assionately re!ei)e o r offerings and e#9ower s s9irit ally? and that we; together; with all beings thro gho t the Dhar#a real#; #ay attain the awakened way:

-antra for 6resentin( offerin(s to all #ein(s &m aana sambaba baara hum &m aana sambaba baara hum &m aana sambaba baara hum -antra for distri#utin( accrued merits to all #ein(s &m sammara sammara mimanna saramaha #agara ba hum &m sammara sammara mimanna saramaha #agara ba hum &m sammara sammara mimanna saramaha #agara ba hum


( [ e 10`f2

won-seong-!hwi 0in-eon vg R@ .> hh 13 2 om a-mo-ka sal-ba-da-ra sa-da- a shi-be hum ($%

ij 1k2

bo-gwol 0in-eon {{ .>l .R< 13 2 om ho-ro ho-ro sa- a mok-ke sa-ba-ha ($%)
O9mn"$ uqnoO

fpM M "har-#in shin-n eom ga-su-#i dae-he #ung-su ga-eum-#i

Cnqnr YO3sY

t -4 heo-gong ga-r ang 'ung-ga-g e mu-neung #in-seol bul-gong-deok

u ( vw ) 123 9 6 x 89: ;<=>?@ABC ) 19g: 132


-antra for reali:in( our *o1s &m amoka salbadara sada a shibe hum &m amoka salbadara sada a shibe hum &m amoka salbadara sada a shibe hum -antra for ad3ournin( the ceremon" &m horo horo sa a mokke sabaha &m horo horo sa a mokke sabaha &m horo horo sa a mokke sabaha Aike trying to !o nt the tho ghts of beings in endless lands; drinking 9 the water of the great sea; fatho#ing e#9ty s9a!e; or !a9t ring the wind; so too one !annot e<9o nd the e<!ellen!e of B ddha/s )irt es

5lessin(s and *o1 /he .eart Sutra 19g: 132


J K :

L M C)

p y O 1w2

#eong-gu-eob #in-eon MM ;<M MM .R< 13 2 su-ri-su-ri ma-ha-su-ri su-su-ri sa-ba-ha

z{|} D - 1~yGf2

o-bang nae-woe an-wi #e-shin #in-eon I- ._ {{ & .R< 13 2 na-mu sa-man-da mot-da-nam om do-ro-do-ro #i-mi sa-ba-ha ($%)
: 1C2

gae-g eong-ge
0D Jw

-BB& L_ mu-sang shim-shim mi-m o-beob baek-"heon man-geob nan-#o-u

mn (:m2

vP M 0?[ a-geum mun-g eon deuk-su-#i won-hae eo-rae #in-shil-ui


gae-beob-#ang #in-eon v@ v@ 13 2 om a-la-nam a-la-da ($%)

JKJ Y 9 6 F

1LML 0_ -B @ I 2 "heon-su "heon-an kwan-#a-#ae-bo-sal kwan-dae-won-man mu-ae-dae-bi-shim dae-da-ra-ni g e-"heong

/ (.]D J J8

M 06_B L Lx

g e-su kwan-eum-dae-bi-#u wol-l ok hong-shim sang-ho-#in "heon-bi #ang-eob bo-ho-#i "heon-an kwang-m eong b eon-kwan-#u

/he /housand+hands Sutra(

-antra that cleans a1a" all #ad $armas created #" mouth Suri Suri (ahasuri Susuri Sabaha 13E2

-antra that consoles the s6irits of the fi*e directions; /amu Samanda (ot Danam &m Doro Doro Jimi Sabaha 13E2

Sutra o6enin( *erse The Dhar#a; infinitely 9rofo nd and s btle; Is rarely en!o ntered e)en in a #illion kal9as: 7ow we are able to hear; st dy; and follow it; .ay we f lly realiDe the TathagataCs tr e #eaning:

-antra to o6en the !harma Storehouse &m alanam alada &m alanam alada &m alanam alada &e request 4*alo$ites*ara #odhisatt*a9 com6assionate sa*ior of the 1orld9 1ith "our thousand hands and e"es (rant us "our all+em#racin(9 6erfect dharani< &e bow before yo ; Bodhisatt)a of !o#9assion: &ith yo r 9rofo nd strength and gra!ef l a99earan!e; yo r tho sand hands 9rote!t and brighten the world ; and yo r tho sand eyes ill #inate endless real#s:

2u7 s9z9 DqR 71DAO:

i-Ai -yBB r_Gl .GG

#in-shil-eo #ung-seon-mil-eo mu-wi-shim-nae gi-bi-shim song-n eong man-#ok #e-hui-gu eong-sa-m eol-#e #e-#oe-eob
p JVR 9-E


!heol-l ong #ung-seong dong-#a-ho baek-"heon sam-mae don-hun-su su-#i shin-shi kwang-m eong-dang su-#i shim-shi shim-tong-#ang
!( =^ mn^WX X(9:

a{0G A


Z[ k0B0_

se-"heok #il-lo won-#e-hae "ho-#eung bo-ri bang-' eon-mun a-geum "hing-song seo-gwi-ui so-won #ong-shim shil-won-man
= (m$T = (m

I-a 0vr I-a 0v+

na-mu dae-bi kwan-se-um won-a sok-#i il-"he-bob na-mu dae-bi kwan-se-um won-a #o-deuk #i-h e-an
= (mT = (m#

I-a 0vr I-a 0v-

na-mu dae-bi kwan-se-um won-a sok-do il-"he-#ung na-mu dae-bi kwan-se-um won-a #o-deuk seon-bang-' eon
= (m34 = (mC

I-a 0vr=>- I-a 0vq

na-mu dae-bi kwan-se-um won-a sok-seung ban- a-seon na-mu dae-bi kwan-se-um won-a #o-deuk wol-go-hae
= (m1 = (m"

I-a 0vrw I-a 0v0*

na-mu dae-bi kwan-se-um won-a sok-deuk g e-#eong-do na-mu dae-bi kwan-se-um won-a #o-deung won-#eok-san
= (m@s = (mp&

I-a 0vr-y. I-a 0v`f

na-mu dae-bi kwan-se-um won-a sok-hoe mu-wi-sa na-mu dae-bi kwan-se-um won-a #o-deung beob-seong-shin


&ithin tr e s9ee!h are hidden #eanings? in the n!onditioned #ind arises great !o#9assion: Satisfa!tion $ i!kly !o#es to all who seek? nwholeso#e kar#a finally !o#es to !essation: 4s the hea)enly dragons and holy beings !o#9assionately 9rote!t s; a h ndred tho sands sa#adhis are attained: This )ery body is a banner of bright light; this #ind a treas ry of s9irit al 9owers * rifying defiled affli!tions; let s !ross the sea of s ffering; attaining the skillf l #eans of bodhi: 4s we 9raise yo and take ref ge; all o r wishes are f lfilled: Taking ref ge in 4)alokitesh)ara/s great !o#9assion; we )ow to $ i!kly attain knowledge of all dhar#as: Taking ref ge in yo r great !o#9assion; we )ow to swiftly o9en the eye of wisdo#: Taking ref ge in yo r great !o#9assion; we )ow to $ i!kly sa)e all beings: Taking ref ge in yo r great !o#9assion; we )ow to $ i!kly attain all e<9edient skills: Taking ref ge in yo r great !o#9assion; we )ow to swiftly board the shi9 of wisdo#: Taking ref ge in yo r great !o#9assion; we )ow to $ i!kly !ross the sea of s ffering: Taking ref ge in yo r great !o#9assion; we )ow to swiftly attain the 9ath of )irt e and #editation: Taking ref ge in yo r great !o#9assion; we )ow to $ i!kly attain the s ##it of nir)ana: Taking ref ge in yo r great !o#9assion; we )ow to $ i!kly rea!h the the n!onditioned: Taking ref ge in yo r great !o#9assion; we )ow to swiftly #anifest the Dhar#a Body:


md" "Y md Y

v* * vL Lk

a- ak h ang-do-san do-san #a-"hoe-#eol a- ak h ang-hwa-tang hwa-tang #a-so-m eol

md- -Y md Y

v q vvZ vZ)_

a- ak h ang-#i-ok #i-ok #a-go-gal a- ak h ang-a-gwi a-gwi #a-'o-man

md6 9Y md Y

vM@ B vv +

a- ak h ang-su-ra ak-shim #a-#o-bok a- ak h ang-"huk-saeng #a-deuk dae-#i-h e

=12 =12 =JK12

I-a;< I-a;< I-LM;<

na-mu kwan-se-um bo-sal ma-ha-sal na-mu dae-se-#i bo-sal-ma-ha-sal na-mu "heon-su bo-sal ma-ha-sal
=:12 =12 =Y12

I-?[_;< I-_;< I-;<

na-mu eo-ui-r un bo-sal ma-ha-sal na-mu dae-r un bo-sal ma-ha-sal na-mu kwan-#a-#ae bo-sal ma-ha-sal
=x12 =12 =q12

I-wf;< I-_;< I-M;<

na-mu #eong-"hwi bo-sal ma-ha-sal na-mu man-wol bo-sal ma-ha-sal na-mu su-wol bo-sal ma-ha-sal
=12 =UT12 =D12

I-;< I-;< I-G;<

na-mu gun-da-ri bo-sal ma-ha-sal na-mu shib-il-m eon bo-sal ma-ha-sal na-mu #e-dae bo-sal ma-ha-sal

I-.v& 13 2

na-mu bon-sa a-mi-ta-bul ($%)0


If I !onfront a #o ntain of swords in the hells; .ay the #o ntain of swords shatter of itself: If I !onfront the boiling !aldron in the hells; .ay the boiling !aldron be destroyed of itself: If I !onfront the hells; .ay the hells e)a9orate of the#sel)es: If I !onfront the h ngry ghosts; .ay their a99etites be satiated: If I !onfront the fighting s9irits; .ay they s rrender their e)il hearts If I !onfront the ani#als; .ay they attain great wisdo# by the#sel)es:
+o#age to Bodhisatt)a .ahasatt)a 4)alokites)ara: +o#age to Bodhisatt)a .ahasatt)a .ahIsthI#a9rI9ta: +o#age to Bodhisatt)a .ahasatt)a with a Tho sand-+ands 1Sahasrahasta2: +o#age to Bodhisatt)a .ahasatt)a Cinta#ani!akra 1&ish-f lfilling ,ewel &heel2: +o#age to Bodhisatt)a .ahasatt)a .aha!akra 1Jreat &heel2: +o#age to Bodhisatt)a .ahasatt)a Ji)er of Freedo# : +o#age to Bodhisatt)a .ahasatt)a 6ight *ath: +o#age to Bodhisatt)a .ahasatt)a F ll-.oon: +o#age to Bodhisatt)a .ahasatt)a .oon-6efle!ting-in-&ater : +o#age to Bodhisatt)a .ahasatt)a > ndali 1&ater Base2: +o#age to Bodhisatt)a .ahasatt)a Ekadasa# kha 1Ele)en-Fa!e2: +o#age to all the great Bodhisatt)a .ahasatt)a: +o#age to ' r 'riginal tea!her 4#ita B ddha 13E2


- 6 f @ ) shim-m o #ang-gu dae-da-ra-ni

I@ I@ >> I[ R{G dR@> .R>

na-mo-ra da-na da-ra a- a na-mak ar- a ba-ro-gi-#e sae-ba-ra- a mo-#i sa-da-ba- a

;<.R> ;<{ > R RM @I @>

ma-ha sa-da-ba- a ma-ha ga-ro-ni-ga- a om sal-ba-ba- e su da-ra-na ga-ra- a

. I[ R ) > R{G dR@ R @H

da-sa-m ong na-mak-ka-ri-da-ba i-mam ar- a ba-ro-gi-#e sae-ba-ra da-ba ni-ra-gan-ta

I[ <I> ;/ ).& / . M= v

na-mak ha-ri-na- a ma-bal-ta i-sa-mi sal-bal-ta sa-da-nam su-ban a- e- om

R RRv &Mz ] v{ v{

sal-ba bo-da-nam ba-ba-mar-a mi-su-da-gam da-n a-ta om a-ro-g e a-ro-ga

;{ G ++ < ;< .R .;@ .;@

ma-#i-ro-ga #i-ga-ran-#e h e-h e-ha-r e ma-ha mo-#i sa-da-ba sa-ma-ra sa-ma-ra

<I> { { ; .> .> { { &,G

ha-ri-na- a gu-ro-gu-ro gal-ma sa-da- a sa-da- a do-ro-do-ro mi- on-#e

;< &,G @ @ 5 I dR@ @ @ ;@

ma-ha mi- on-#e da-ra da-ra da-rin na-r e sae-ba-ra #a-ra-#a-ra

&;@ v;@ G ++ { dR@ @v&.& I.>

ma-ra-mi-ma-ra a-ma-ra mol-#e- e h e-h e ro-g e sae-ba-ra ra-a mi-sa-mi na-sa- a

Ih .&.& I.> <@ &.& I.> { {

na-b e sa-mi sa-mi na-sa- a mo-ha #a-ra mi-sa-mi na-sa- a ho-ro-ho-ro ma-ra-ho-ro
;@{ < RI; IR .@.@ hh k{k{

ha-r e ba na-ma-na-ba sa-ra sa-ra shi-ri shi-ri so-ro so-ro


/he =reat !harani 1ith -"stical and -ar*ellous Stan:as and %erses /ama 1r 1*alokite-2*ar1 a bodhisatt*1 a mah1-satt*1 a mah1k1runik1 a 14doration to the noble Aord who looks down; the enlightened sentient being; the great being; the #er!if l oneK2 &m sar*a-bha a-2odhan1 a tas a namaskrt*1 imu 3r a-*alokite2*ar1 ta*a namo /4lakantha 1'#K +a)ing 9aid adoration to 'ne who dis9els all fears; the noble 4)alokiteL)arI; adoration to the bl e-ne!ked oneK2 5rda am *arta is 1mi sar*1rtha-s1dhanam 2ubham a#e am sar*a-bh6t1n1m bha*a-m1rga-*i2odhakam 1I shall en n!iate the heart dharani whi!h ens res all 9 r9ose; is 9 re and in)in!ible for all beings; and whi!h 9 rifies the 9ath of e<isten!e:2 Tad ath17 &m 3lok1dhi'ati lok1tikr1nta 1Aike this@ '#K Aord of Eff lgen!e; the &orld-Trans!ending 'ne:2 8h mah1-bodhisatt*a sar'a-sar'a smara smara hrda am 1Co#e; great bodhisatt)a; des!end; des!end: *lease re#e#ber 1s#ara2 #y heart dharani:2 9uru-kuru karma dhuru-dhuru *i#a ate mah1-*i#a ate 1Do; do the work: +old fast; hold fast; %i!tor; the great %i!tor2 Dhara-dhara dh1rin4-r1#a "ala-"ala mama *imal1-m6rtte 1+old on; hold on; >ing of the Dharani: .o)e; #o)e onto #y s9otless i#age:2 8hi ehi "hinda "hinda aras 'ra"ali *a2a-*a2am 'ran12a a 1Co#e; !o#e; the )ow; the )ow of the ad#antine king; destroy; destroy e)ery 9oison:2 5ulu-hulu smara hulu-hulu sara-sara siri-siri suru-suru 1M i!k-$ i!k; 9lease re#e#ber; $ i!k-$ i!k: Des!end-des!end; des!end-des!end; des!end-des!end2


> > > @H ;. .

mot-"ha mot-"ha mo-da- a mo-da- a mae-da-ri- a ni-ra-gan-ta ga-ma-sa nal-sa-nam

R@ <I> ;.R< > .R< ;<> .R<

ba-ra-ha-ri-na- a ma-nak-sa-ba-ha shid-da- a sa-ba-ha ma-ha-shid-da- a sa-ba-ha

U dR@> .R< @H> .R< R@<

shid-da- u- e sae-ba-ra- a sa-ba-ha ni-ra-gan-ta- a sa-ba-ha ba-ra-ha

g <g> .R< RI; <y> .R< @ }>

mok-ka shing-ha mok-ka- a sa-ba-ha ba-na-ma ha-tta- a sa-ba-ha #a-ga-ra ok-da- a

.R< g I I> .R< ;<@ @>

sa-ba-ha sang-ka seom-na-n e mo-da-na- a sa-ba-ha ma-ha-ra gu-ta da-ra- a

.R< R;.H ).h I )I> .R<

sa-ba-ha ba-ma-sa gan-ta i-sa-shi "he-da ga-rin-na i-na- a sa-ba-ha

@ ; )R .I> .R<

m a-ga-ra #al-ma ni-ba sa-na- a sa-ba-ha

I@ I@ >> I[> R{G dR@> .R< 13 2

na-mo-ra da-na-da-ra a- a na-mak ar- a ba-ro gi-#e sae-ba-ra- a sa-ba-ha ($%) \ . )

T1 =o Vp \|

x )I Yw .Q

il-sae dong-bang g ol-do-r ang i-sae nam-bang deuk-"hong-n ang sam-sae seo-bang gu-#ong-to sa-sae buk-'ang ong-an-gang


Bodhi a-bodhi a bodha a-bodha a maitri a /4lakantha :dehi me; darsanam 1Being enlightened; being enlightened? enlighten #e; enlighten #e: .er!if l Bl e-ne!ked 'ne a99ear F nto #eG:2 <rahar1 am1n1 a s*1h1 siddh1 a s*1h1 mah1-siddh1 a s*1h1 siddha og42*ar1 a s*1h1 1To yo who sees s; hailK To the S !!essf l one hailK To the Jreat S !!essf l one hailK To the S !!essf l Aord of the yogis; hailK2 /4lakanth1 a s*1h1 *ar1ha-mukh1 a s*1h1 narasimha-mukh1 a s*1ha 1To the Bl e-ne!ked one 17Nlakantha2 hailK To the Boar-fa!ed 'ne hailK To .an-Aion fa!ed 'ne hailK2 =ad1-hast1 a s*1h1 "akra-hast1 a s*1h1 'adma-hast1 a s*1h1 1To one who bears the #a!e 1gadI2 in his hand; hailK To the holder of dis! s in his hand; hailK To 'ne who s9orts a lot s 19ad#a2 in his hand; hailK2 /4lakantha-'1ndar1 a s*1h1 (ah1tali >ankara a s*1h1 1To Bl e-ne!ked 'ne s#eared 1with holy ashes2; hailK To the #ighty a s9i!io s one; hailK2 /amo ratna-tra 1 a /ama 1r 1*alokite-2*ar1 a bodhisatt*1 a s*1h1 14doration to the Tri9le Je#; adoration to the noble O)alokiteL)arI 1Aord who looks down2; the enlightened being; hailK2 13E2 Chant to >aud the Four !irections First; a Bodhi-#andala has been established by wi9ing away del sions in the east: Se!ond; !oolness has been attained by wi9ing away distress in the so th: Third; an elysi # has been attained by wi9ing away desires in the west: Fo rth; e)erlasting tran$ ility has been attained by wi9ing away lewdness in the north:

1 )
1op V~( mn (7S

Iw-< YLQ3 vP 0.A

do-r ang "heong-#eong mu-ha- e sam-bo "heol-l ong gang-"ha-#i a-geum #i-song m o-#in-on won-sa #a-bi mil-ga-ho VW n )
mXDO 4 y;X TmnVW

vk U-h f[k vPn

a-seok so-#o #oe-ag-eob gae- u mu-shi tam-#in-"hi #ong-shin gu-ui #i-so-saeng il-"he-a-geum gae-"ham-he = V 1 OP U I - n G ) )
=V1OP~Z ~8 TY.

I-nG L L6

na-mu "ham-#e eob-"hang bo-seung #ang-bul bo-gwang-wang hwa- om #o-bul il-"he h ang hwa #a-#ae r eong-wang-bul



baeg-eok hang-ha-sa g eol-"heong-bul #in-wi dok-'ul geum-gang g eon-gang so-bok-goe-san-bul

1~8 OZ

l; -

bo-gwang-wol-"heon m o-eum #on-wang-bul hwan-hui-#ang ma-ni bo-#eok-'ul mu-#in-h ang seung-wang-bul


l G;

sa-#a wol-bul hwan-hui #ang-eom #u-wang-bul #e-bo-dang ma-ni seung-gwang-bul


Chant to >aud the 5odhi+mandala 7ow that e)ery 9art of the Bodhi-#andala is free of d st; the three treas res and the sky dragon !o#es down to it: Sin!e I now 9ossess and !onstantly re9eat the #ar)elo s #antra; I will be 9rote!ted by great !o#9assion: %erse of 7e6entance 4ll o r nwholeso#e kar#a was !reated by beginningless greed; hatred; and ignoran!e: Born o t of o r body; s9ee!h; and #ind; &e re9ent all of it wholeheartedly: /1el*e >ines of 7e6entance Chant and ?ames of /1el*e 5uddhas +o#age to !ha#-0e eob-!hang bo-se ng-0ang B ddha Bo-gwang-wang hwa-yo# 0o B ddha Il-!he hyang hwa 0a-0ae ryeong-wang B ddha Baeg-eok hang-ha-sa gyeol-!heong B ddha ,in-wi dok B ddha Je #-gang gyeon-gang so-bok-goe-san B ddha Bo-gwang-wol-!heon #yo-e # 0on-wang B ddha +wan-h i-0ang #a-ni bo-0eok B ddha . -0in-hyang se ng-wang B ddha Sa-0a wol B ddha +wan-h i 0ang-eo# 0 -wang B ddha ,e-bo-dang #a-ni se ng-gwang B ddha


U VW n )
/An2VW /An2VW F/An2VW

Pn Pn .Pn

sal-saeng #ung-#oe geum-il "ham-hoe tu-do #ung-#e geum-il "ham-hoe sa-eum #ung-#oe geum-il "ham-hoe
?/An2VW /An2VW /An2VW

iPn iPn Pn

mang-o #ung-#oe geum-il "ham-hoe gi-o #ung-#oe geum-il "ham-hoe ang-sol #ung-#oe geum-il "ham-hoe
y/An2VW 4/An2VW /An2VW

Pn Pn Pn

ak-ku #ung-#oe geum-il "ham-hoe tam-ae #ung-#oe geum-il "ham-hoe #in-h e #ung-#oe geum-il "ham-hoe


"hi-am #ung-#oe geum-il "ham-hoe

8A Tm1 : O9

p ?Lq -U?

baek-keob-"heok-"hi'-"hoe il-l eom don-tang-#in o-hwa bun-go-"ho m eol-"hin mu- u- eo

AY&9 9gA A9C sVW

-`B Bh B hyn

#oe-mu #a-seong #ong-shim-gi shim- ang m eol-shi #oe- eong-mang #oe-mang shim-m eol ang-gu-gong shi-#eung m eong-wi #in-"ham-hoe VW n ) "ham-hoe #in-eon
R .> .R< 13 2

om sal-ba mot-"ha mo-#i sa-da- a sa-ba-ha ($%)


7e6entin( of the /en @n1holesome 4ctions I now re9ent for killing sentient beings: I now re9ent for stealing: I now re9ent for se< al #is!ond !t: I now re9ent for de!e9ti)e s9ee!h: I now re9ent for i#9ro9er flattering s9ee!h: I now re9ent for trea!hery: I now re9ent for ab si)e s9ee!h: I now re9ent for !o)et o s: I now re9ent for getting angry: I now re9ent for being ignoran!e:

' r kar#a #isdeeds whi!h a!! # lated o)er #illions of kal9as !an !ease in a single #o#ent; 0 st as a dry b sh set on fire is b rned away witho t a tra!e: ' r kar#i! #isdeeds ha)e no self-nat re? they arise only fro# #ind: If that #ind disa99ears; the kar#a also !eases: 6ealiDing the !essation of the #ind and o r #isdeeds; this; is !alled tr e re9entan!e: -antra for 7e6entance &m Sal Ba (ot ?ha (o Ji Sada a Sabaha &m Sal Ba (ot ?ha (o Ji Sada a Sabaha &m Sal Ba (ot ?ha (o Ji Sada a Sabaha


^sY 9 TD YJ

Gf wB G -4h

#un-#e gong-dok-"hwi #eok-"heong shim-sang-song il-"he #e-dae-nan mu-neung "him-shi-in

0JF g: w(:

LH M? 3?[ w-

"heon-sang geub-in-gan su-bok- eo bul-deung u-"ha eo-ui-#u #eong-hoeng mu-deung-deung

= ^

I- G 13 2

na-mu "hil-gu-#i bul-mo-dae #un-#e bo-sal ($%) p w ) #ong beob-g e #in-eon

13 2

om nam ($%) f ) ho shin #in-on

A 13 2

om "hi-rim ($%)
9 ^

a B & kwan-se-um bo-sal bon-shim mi-m o uk-"ha dae-m eong-wang #in-eon

; = 13 2

om ma-ni ban-me hum ($%) ^ G ) #un-#e #in-eon

I- . Y.Y ]

na-mu sa-da-nam sam-m ak sam-mot-da gu-"hi-nam da-n a-ta

G .R< A 13 2

om #a-r e #u-r e #un-#e sa-ba-ha bu-rim ($%)


If yo re9eat the 9io s a!ts of Chandi bodhisatt)a with a !lear #ind; no diffi! lty will arise; and whether yo are reborn in hea)en or as a h #an being; B ddhaCs fort ne will always be with yo : &hoe)er #eets this wish-f lfilling 0ewel will s rely obtain the s 9re#e and !o#9lete enlighten#ent: +o#age to the Boddhisatt)a Chandi; the #other of se)en billion B ddhas: -antra to ,urif" the !harma 7ealm &m nam &m nam &m nam -antra for Self ,rotection &m "hirim &m "hirim &m "hirim /he mantra of Si8+S"lla#les 1hich Illustrates the 'ri(inal -ind and &onders of A1an Se @m 5osal &m mani 'adme hum &m mani 'adme hum &m mani 'adme hum -antra of Chandi 5oddhisatt*a /amu sadanam samm ak samotda gu"hinam dan ata &m #ar e #ur e #un#e sabaha burim &m #ar e #ur e #un#e sabaha burim &m #ar e #ur e #un#e sabaha burim


mn^ '^( (m

vPG /0 0vw+r0

a-geum #i-song dae-#un-#e #euk-'al bo-ri gwang-dae-won won-a #eong-h e sok-won-m eong
(msY[e (mZg (X[1

0v`f 0vx 0`

won-a gong-dok kae-song-"hwi won-a seung-bok b eon-#ang-eom won-gong #ung-saeng seong-bul-do : m U'( ? /0 o-rae shib-tae bal-won-mun )

(m!V1 (m4 (m (m

0vY 0vr 0v

won-a eong-ni sam-ak-do won-a sok-dan tam-#in-"hi won-a sang-mun bul-beob-seung won-a geun-su g e #eong-h e
(m+DF (m^9 (m| (m

0vMGK 0vB 0vxw 0vrv&

won-a hang-su #e-bul-hak won-a bul-toe bo-ri-shim won-a g eol-"heong saeng-an- ang won-a sok-k on a-mi-ta
(m! (mD

0vfx 0vG

won-a bun-shin b eon-#in-"hal won-a gwang-do #e-#ung-saeng '\]^( /._0 ) bal sa-hong seo-won
@^( abO^( ^(F 10^([

-x0 -0

-0K -0`

#ung-saeng mu-b eon seo-won-do beon-noe mu-#in seo-won-dan bom-mun mu-r ang seo-won-hak bul-to mu-sang seo-won-seong
Y&^( Y&ab^( Y&^(F Y&1^([

`0 `0 `

0K `0`

#a-seong #ung-saeng seo-won-do #a-seong bon-noe seo-won-dan #a-seong bom-mun seo-won-hak #a-seong bul-to so-won-seong


I now )ow to re!ite the great Chandi Boddhisatt)a .antra and gi)e rise to the great )ow to attain Bodhi-#ind: .ay I !o#9letely realiDe #editation and wisdo#; .ay I attain all )irt es; .ay this #erit 9er)ade and adorn e)erywhere with e<!ellent blessings; and #ay all sentient beings together attain the B ddha &ay: /he /en =reat %o1s of the /atha(ata I will always stay far fro# the three e)il ways: I will $ i!kly ! t off desire; anger; and ignoran!e: I will always listen to B ddha; dhar#a; and sangha: I will diligently ! lti)ate 9re!e9ts; #editation; and !ognition: I will !onstantly ! lti)ate B ddhaCs tea!hing: I will ne)er abandon the enlighten#ent-#ind: I will always be reborn nder fa)orable !onditions: I will $ i!kly see B ddha-nat re: I will 9ro0e!t #yself thro gho t the ni)erse: I will freely sa)e all beings: /he four *o1s Sentient beings are n #berless? I )ow to sa)e the# all: *assions are endless? I )ow to e<ting ish the# all: The tea!hings are infinite? I )ow to learn the# all: The B ddha way is in!on!ei)able? I )ow to attain it: I )ow to sa)e all the sentient beings within #yself: I )ow to abandon all the del sions within #yself: I )ow to learn all the B ddha/s tea!hings within #yself: I )ow to attain the way of the B ddha within #yself:


'( WlV~ /0) ZY ) bar-won-i gwi-m eong-n e sam-bo

=U =U =U

I-h I-h I-h 13 2

na-mu sang-#u shi-bang-bul na-mu sang-#u shi-bang-beob na-mu sang-#u shi-bang-seung ($%) pV O wY ) #eong-sam-eob #in-eon
.RRR MR ;.RRR M 13 2

om sa-ba ba-ba su-da sal-ba dal-ma sa-ba ba-ba su-do-ham ($%) ) gae-dan #in-eon
Rv@{ > Y;> R@h .> 13 2

om ba-a-ra nwa-ro da-ga da- a sam-ma- a ba-ra-be sa- a-hum ($%) + ) geon-dan #in-eon
II R .R< 13 2

om nan-da nan-da na-#i na-#i nan-da ba-ri sa-ba-ha ($%) p w ) #eong-beob-g e #in-eon
L^1 C-; :e ;P0

@- ) ?W iw

la-#a saek-seon-baek gong-#eom i-eob-#i eo-'i g e-m eong-#u "hi-#i eo-#eong-sang

p A1 T S(^

-G \ 3

#in-eon dong-beob-g e mu-r ang #ung-#oe-#e il-"he "hok- e-"heo dang-ga "ha-#a-mun
I- ._ 13 2

na-mu sa-man-da mut-da-nam nam ($%)


.a*in( esta#lished our *o1s9 1e no1 sincerel"ta$e refu(e in the /hree 0e1els +o#age to the B ddha who is always abiding in the ni)erse: +o#age to the Dhar#a who is always abiding in the ni)erse: +o#age to the Sangha who is always abiding in the ni)erse: 13E2 -antra to ,urif" /hree Aarmas 5od"9 S6eech9 and -ind) &m sabababa suda salba dalma sabababa sudoham &m sabababa suda salba dalma sabababa sudoham &m sabababa suda salba dalma sabababa sudoham -antra for Startin( the Ceremon" &m baara nwaro daga da a samma a barabe sa ahum &m baara nwaro daga da a samma a barabe sa ahum &m baara nwaro daga da a samma a barabe sa ahum -antra for Settin( u6 the Ceremon" &m nanda nanda na#i na#i nanda bari sabaha &m nanda nanda na#i na#i nanda bari sabaha &m nanda nanda na#i na#i nanda bari sabaha -antra for ,urif"in( the !harma 7ealm The brillian!e of the Dharani; an orna#entation of e#9tiness is like bright 9earl 9la!ed on forehead; This Dharani; one with the Dhar#a real# re#o)es o r inn #erable kar#i! #isdeeds: &hen en!o nter all hardshi9s; always kee9 this Dharani@ namu samanda motdanam nam namu samanda motdanam nam namu samanda motdanam nam


N O 3 4 5 6 : PQ=>R@AC )
: C ) gae-g eong-ge
0D Jw

-BB& L_ mu-sang shim-shim mi-m o-beob baek-"heon man-geob nan-#o-u

mn (:m2

vP M 0?[ a-geum mun-g eon deuk-su-#i won-hae eo-rae #in-shil-ui ) gae-beob-"hang #in-eon v@ v@ 13 2 om a-la-nam a-la-da ($%) NO34567: PQ=>R@AC ) geum-gang-ban- a ba-ra-mil-g eong
ST @< 1G U2
:m Tg9


h.y> Mq0

eo-shi a-mun il-shi-bul #ae-sa wi-guk gi-su geub-go dok-won

E JUJ gg

? L) )ha'h

eo-dae bi-gu-#ung "heon-i-baek o-shib in-gu i-shi-se-#on shik-shi

H ! ("# "u ;S#

j[/ $.y`%' i` 3G%) #eo-ui #i-bal ib-sa wi-dae seong-geol-shik eo-gi seong-#ung "ha-#e geol-i
& '( ) ! *+3,

\ ='- M[/ a) .).

hwan#i bon-"heo ban-shik-heul se-#on-i bu-#wa i-#wa


/he !iamond Sutra5

Sutra o6enin( *erse The Dhar#a; infinitely 9rofo nd and s btle; Is rarely en!o ntered e)en in a #illion kal9as: 7ow we are able to hear; st dy; and follow it; .ay we f lly realiDe the TathagataCs tr e #eaning:

-antra to o6en the !harma Storehouse &m alanam alada &m alanam alada &m alanam alada

/he !iamond of ,erfect &isdom Sutra

1: Con)o!ation of the 4sse#bly Th s I ha)e heard: 'n!e; the B ddha was staying in the 4natha9indikaCs *ark at ,eta Jro)e in Shra)asti; with a !o## nity of 1;250 bhiks s: &hen it was #ealti#e; the &orld +onored 'ne 9 t on his robe; took his al#s-bowl; and went into the great !ity of Shra)asti; going fro# ho se to ho se to beg for food: This done; he ret rned to his abiding 9la!e; finished the #eal; 9 t away his robe and bowl; washed his feet; arranged his seat; and sat down:


S #/F 1G) -I2

gv0S^ u 1+ 2345

h{M .

shi #ang-no su-bo-ri #ae-dae #ung-#ung #euk-#ong #wa-gi ' eon-dan u-g eon
46H 78 3 q9

9 C ) lUa

u-seul "hak-#i hab-"hang gong-g eong i-baek bul-eon hui- u se-#on

:m#mD #D

?-pG -G a

eo-rae seon-ho n eom-"he bo-sal seon-bo "hok-"he bo-sal se-#on

#: #;J '+86V,V^9

- -? /v-@Y.YB

seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in bal-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak sam-bo-ri-shim

<= <= 9 #>#>

?< <QB --

eung-un ha-#u un-ha gang-bok gi-shim bul-eon seon-#ae seon-#ae

S^ :@X3 :m#mD #D

M ??k ?-pG -G

su-bo-ri eo- eo so-seol eo-rae seon-ho n eom-#e bo-sal seon-bu "hok-"he

@n7A @3 #:#;J

?PI y? --?

bo-sal eo-geum "he-"heong dang-wi eo-seol seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in

'+86V,V^9 :

/v-@Y.YB ??h

bal-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak sam-bo-ri-shim eung- eo shi-#u

: 9 N$ (Q

?hQB U, a 0b}

eo-shi gang-bok gi-shim u- eon se-#on won- o ong-mun


2: S bh ti 6e$ ests the Tea!hing Then; the elder S bh ti in the asse#bly arose fro# his seat; bared his right sho lder; knelt on his right knee with his 9al#s 0oined; and res9e!tf lly addressed the B ddha@ P+ow re#arkable; &orld +onored 'ne; that the Tathagata is e)er#indf l of bodhisatt)as; 9rote!ting and instr !ting the# wellK &orld +onored 'ne; when good #en and good wo#en resol)e to attain ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent 1an ttarasa#yak-sa#bodhi2 ; how sho ld they abide their #ind; and how sho ld they s bd e their tho ghtsQR The B ddha said; PE<!ellentK E<!ellentK S bh ti; it is as yo ha)e said: The Tathagata is e)er-#indf l of bodhisatt)as; 9rote!ting and instr !ting the# well: 7ow listen attenti)ely; and I shall e<9lain it for yo @ Jood #en and good wo#en who resol)e to attain ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent sho ld th s abide and s bd e their tho ghts:R The %enerable S bh ti said@ PSes; &orld +onored 'ne: &e are listening with great anti!i9ation:R


SV x 1GY w2
BS^ D12 : 9

qM G;< ??hQB

bul-go su-bo-ri #e-bo-sal ma-ha-sal eung- eo-shi gang-bok gi-shim



so- u il-"he #ung-saeng #i-r u ang-nan-saeng ak-tae-saeng ak-seub-saeng

91 1 9

L U - U -

ak-hwa-saeng ak- u-saek ang-mu-saek ak- u-sang ang-mu-sang

I9I m('( 3;

U- v$-?= )

ak-bi- u-sang bi-mu-sang a-gae eong-im-mu eo- eol-ban i-m eol-do-#i

:"@ 2G

?h--M-x -

eo-shi m eol-do mu-l ang mu-su mu-b eon #ung-saeng shil-mu #ung-saeng deung-m eol do-#a
=- S^ 9m J

<)q M Uv

ha-i-go su-bo-ri ak-bo-sal u-a-sang in-sang #ung-saeng-sang


su-#a-sang #euk-bi bo-sal

S\ 1G. -2
K;S^ X L\

3M i ?-k ih b -!ha s -bo-ri bo-sal eo-beob e ng-# so-0 haeng-eo bo-shi

XM}1L\ }2L\

kyh `&h

so-wi bu-#u saek-bo-shi bu-#u seong-h ang-mi "hok-beob bo-shi


3: The Bodhisatt)a %ow The B ddha said to S bh ti@ PThe bodhisatt)as and #ahasatt)as sho ld th s s bd e their tho ghts@ 4ll the different ty9es of sentient beings; whether they are born fro# eggs; fro# wo#bs; fro# #oist re; or by transfor#ation? whether or not they ha)e for#? whether they ha)e tho ghts or no tho ghts; or ha)e neither tho ght nor non-tho ght; I will liberate the# by leading the# to nir)ana witho t resid e: &hen i##eas rable; !o ntless; infinite n #bers of sentient beings ha)e been liberated; in reality; no sentient beings ha)e been liberated: &hy is this soQ S bh ti; if bodhisatt)as abide in the notions of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an; they are not bodhisatt)as:R

(: Tnatta!hed *ra!ti!e of Charity PF rther#ore; S bh ti; in the 9ra!ti!e of !harity; bodhisatt)as sho ld abide in nothing whatsoe)er: That is; to 9ra!ti!e !harity witho t atta!h#ent to for#; so nd; s#ell; taste; to !h; or dhar#as:

S^ :L\ } =-

M ??hh i <)q

su-bo-ri bo-sal eung- eo-shi bo-shi bu-#u eo-sang ha-i-go

}L\ gY}nN S^

h . M

ak-bo-sal bu-#u sang-bo-shi gi-bok-deok bul-ga-sa-r ang su-bo-ri

<= CnN} }O S^


. > a M

eo-ui-un-ha dong-bang-heo-gong ga-sa-r ang-bu bul- a se-#on su-bo-ri

= \P0C nN} }O


. > a

nam-seo-bok-bang sa- u sang-ha heo-gong ga-sa r ang-bu bul- a se-#on

S^ L\ gYK:}

M -h ?h

su-bo-ri bo-sal mu-#u sang-bo-shi bok-deok eok-bu o-shi

nN S^ !:XQ

. M ??kR

ga-sa-r ang su-bo-ri bo-sal dan-eung eo-so g o-#u

S :S2 1G ?2
S^ <= n-:m} }O

M i[< )f? >

su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha ga-i shin-sang g eon eo-rae-bu bul- a

}n-:m =- :mX3

a )f? <)q ?k

se-#on bul-ga i-shin-sang deuk-g eong eo-rae ha-i-go eo-rae so-seol

1I BS^ TX9

f f qM kU

shin-sang #euk-bi shin-sang bul-go su-bo-ri beom-so u-sang

? DI 1:m

G ?

gae-shi heo-mang ak-g eon #e-sang bi-sang #euk-g eon eo-rae


S bh ti; bodhisatt)as sho ld 9ra!ti!e !harity this way; witho t atta!h#ent to anything: &hyQ If bodhisatt)as 9ra!ti!e !harity witho t atta!h#ent; their #erits are i##eas rable: S bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Is the s9a!e in the eastern dire!tion #eas rableQR P7o; &orld +onored 'ne; it is i##eas rable:R PS bh ti; is any of the s9a!e abo)e or below; in the fo r !ardinal dire!tions; or in the fo r inter#ediate dire!tions #eas rableQR PThey are i##eas rable; &orld +onored 'ne:R PS bh ti; the #erits attained by bodhisatt)as who 9ra!ti!e !harity witho t atta!h#ent are also i##eas rable like s9a!e: S bh ti; bodhisatt)as sho ld abide in this tea!hing:R

5: *hysi!al 4ttrib tes of B ddhahood PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Can one re!ogniDe the Tathagata by #eans of his 9hysi!al a99earan!eQR P7o; &orld +onored 'ne: 'ne !annot re!ogniDe the Tathagata by his 9hysi!al a99earan!e: &hy notQ The Tathagata tea!hes that 9hysi!al a99earan!es are a!t ally not 9hysi!al a99earan!es:R The B ddha said to S bh ti@ P4ll a99earan!es are ill sory: To see that a99earan!es are not a99earan!es is to see the Tathagata:R


S= xyq9 1G wflU2
S^ U9 :3

M a ?U


su-bo-ri baek-bul-eon se-#on 'a- u #ung-saeng deung-mu eo-shi eon-seol #ang-gu

2y} BS^ V<3 :m

f qM [@h ?W

saeng-shil shin-bu bul-go su-bo-ri mak-#ak shi-seol eo-rae m eol-hu

X 9gG ( Y

Wa UM i3 4

hu-o baek-se u-#i g e-su su-bok-#a eo-"ha #ang-gu neung-saeng

y9 -(2 $J }TV\

fB )3y h i)Y.

shin-shim i-"ha wi-shil dang-#i shi-in bul-eo il-bul-i bul-sam-sa

3n#> JX nD#>

)-C )i- L_k G-C

o-bul i-#ong seon-geun i-eo mu-r ang "heon-man bul-so #ong-#e seon-geun
Tm pyG S^ :m

h p wf M ? mun-shi #ang-gu nae-#i il-l eom saeng-#eong shin-#a su-bo-ri eo-rae-shil

$ D :gY =-

hG ?h- <)q

#i-shil-g eon shi-#e-#ung-saeng deuk- o-shi mu-r ang bok-deok ha-i-go


hG -vM

shi-#e #ung-saeng mu-bu a-sang in-sang #ung-saeng-sang su-#a-sang


- -

mu-beob-sang eong-mu-bi-beob-sang
=- D 9Y 1HmJJG

<)q hG Bf yjvM

ha-i-go shi-#e #ung-saeng ak-shim "hwi-sang #euk-wi-#eo-a-in #ung-saeng su-#a


-: The .erit of Tr e Faith S bh ti addressed the B ddha; P&orld +onored 'ne; will there be any sentient beings who gi)e rise to tr e faith 9on hearing this tea!hingQR The B ddha said to S bh ti; PDo not e)en say s !h a thing: 4fter #y 9assing; in the last fi)e h ndred years Fof the Dhar#a ending ageG; there will be those who obser)e the 9re!e9ts and ! lti)ate #erit; who ha)e faith that these are words of tr th: So sho ld know that these 9eo9le ha)e not #erely ! lti)ated the roots of )irt e with one b ddha; two b ddhas; three; fo r; or fi)e b ddhas? they ha)e ! lti)ated all kinds of )irt o s roots with h ndreds of tho sands; e)en !o ntless n #bers of b ddhas: T9on hearing these 9assages; S bh ti; so#e will; in an instant; gi)e rise to 9 re faith: The Tathagata f lly knows and f lly sees these beings as they attain s !h !o ntless #erits: &hyQ It is be!a se these sentient beings are free fro# the notions of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an: They are also free fro# the notions of dhar#as or nondhar#as: P&hyQ If the #inds of these sentient beings !herish these notions; then they will !ling to a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; and a life s9an:


Y 1HmJJG =-

f jvM <)q

ak-"hwi beob-sang #euk-"heo a-in #ung-saeng su-#a ha-i-go


f jvM hq?f

ak-"hwi bi-beob-sang #euk-#eo a-in #ung-saeng su-#a shi-go bul-eung "hwi beob
}YI -Z :m3 @E

?f )h[q ? ?

bul-eung "hwi-bi-beob i-shi-ui-go eo-rae sang-shim eo-deung bi-gu

$m3 :[\G ] =^I

v ?_U ?. <`

#i-a seol-beob eo-beol u-#a beob-sang eung-sa heo-hwang bi-beob

S 3 1G --2
S^ <= :m+86V,V^

M i[< ?v-@Y.Y>

su-bo-ri eo-ui un-ha eo-rae deuk a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak sam-bo-ri- a

:m9X3 S^ :mX3Z

?Uk> M ?vk[

eo-rae u-so seol-beob- a su-bo-ri-eon eo-a hae-bul so-seol-ui

9 +86V,V^ 9

-Uw v-@Y.Y -U

mu- u #eong-beob m eong a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak sam-bo-ri eong-mu- u

:mn3 =- :mX3 }nY

w ? <)q ?k f

#eong-beob eo-rae ga-seol ha-i-go eo-rae so-seol-beob gae-bul ga-"hwi


If they !herish the notion of dhar#as; they will !ling to a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; and a life s9an: &hyQ If they !herish the notion of non-dhar#as; they will !ling to a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; and a life s9an: Therefore one sho ld not !herish dhar#as or non-dhar#as: For this reason; the Tathagata often tea!hes@ Bhiks s; know that #y Dhar#a is like a raft: If e)en the !orre!t tea!hings 1Dhar#a2 sho ld be abandoned; how # !h #ore so the in!orre!t tea!hings 1non-Dhar#a2QR

8: 7o 4ttain#ent; 7o Tea!hing PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ +as the Tathagata attained ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#entQ 4nd does he e<9lain the Dhar#aQR S bh ti said@ P4s I nderstand the #eaning of what the B ddha has said; there is no fi<ed tea!hing !alled ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent: 4nd there is also no fi<ed tea!hing that the Tathagata !an !on)ey: &hyQ The Dhar#a e<9lained by the Tathagata !annot be gras9ed


}n3 I II X-G= TQ

k)< `

bul-ga-seol bi-beob bi-bi-beob so-i #a-ha il-"he h eon-seong



gae-i mu-wi beob-i u-"ha-b eol

S X` 1G^ [2
S^ <= J VJJ~

M i[< _YLLa

su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha ak-in man-sam-"heon-dae-"heon se-g e "hil-bo

-dL\ JXgY e8} S^

)fh hk y M

i- ong bo-shi shi-in so-deuk bok-deok eong-wi da-bu su-bo-ri-eon

8 =- gY 1IgY&

B a <)q h `

shim-da se-#on ha-i-go shi-bok-deok #euk-bi bok-deuk-seong

:m3gY8 K9J (:u

hq? U i3C

shi-go eo-rae seol-bok deok-da ak-bu u-in eo-"ha-g eong-#ung

\ ZJ3 gZe =-

M. y W <)q

su-#i nae-#i sa-gu ge-deung wi-ta in-seol gi-bok seung-'i ha-i-go

S^ TQD D+86V,V

M G Gv-@Y.Y

su-bo-ri il-"he #e-bul geub-"he-bul a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam

^ (:` S^ XMG

3C M ky

bo-ri-beob gae-#ong "ha-g eong-"hul su-bo-ri so-wi bul-beob-#a


#euk-bi bul-beob shi-m eong bul-beob


or e<9lained: They are neither Dhar#as nor non-Dhar#as: +ow is this soQ It is be!a se all the saints and sages are disting ished by the Tn!onditioned Dhar#a:R

3: 6eal .erit +as 7o .erit PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ If a 9erson were to fill a tri!hilio!os# with the se)en 0ewels and gi)e the# away in !harity; wo ldnCt the #erit attained by this 9erson be greatQR S bh ti said; PE<tre#ely great; &orld +onored 'ne: &hyQ The nat re of #erit is e#9ty? therefore the Tathagata says that this #erit is great:R The B ddha said@ PB t if a 9erson !o#9rehends and follows e)en a fo r-line )erse of this s tra; and tea!hes it to others; this 9ersonCs #erit wo ld e<!eed that of the for#er e<a#9le: &hyQ S bh ti; all b ddhas and all of their tea!hings on ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent originate fro# this s tra: S bh ti; that whi!h is !alled the B ddha Dhar#a is not the B ddha Dhar#a? therefore it is !alled the B ddha Dhar#a:R


Sg T 1G -2
S^ <= Sh Y<m mSh

M i[< M0 4@hp vM0

su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha su-da-won neung-#ak shi-n eom a-deuk su-da-won

} S^ }O =- Sh

M > a <)q M0

gwa-bu su-bo-ri-eon bul- a se-#on ha-i-go su-da-won

(* 3X( }(12

y$F )-k$ $`&

m eong-wi im-m u i-mu so-ib bul-ib saek-seong h ang-mi "hok-beob

Sh S^ <= i

hM0 M i[< .

shi-m eong su-da-won su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha sa-da-ham

Y<m mi} S^ }O

4@hp v. M >

neung-#ak shi-n eom a-deuk sa-da-ham gwa-bu su-bo-ri-eon bul- a

=- i Tjm 32jm

a <)q . )-

se-#on ha-i-go sa-da-ham m eong-il wang-nae i-shil mu-wang-nae

i S^ <= k

h. M i[< vI

shi-m eong sa-da-ham su-bo-ri eo-ui un-ha a-na-ham

Y<m mk} S^ }O

4@hp vvI M >

neung-#ak shi-n eom a-deuk a-na-ham kwa-bu su-bo-ri-eon bul- a

=- k}m 32}m

a <)q vIy )- hq

se-#on ha-i-go a-na-ham m eong-wi bul-rae i-shil mu-bul-lae shi-go

k S^ <= 6 Y<m

vI M i[< v@ 4@hp

m eong-a-na-ham su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha a-ra-han neung-#ak shi-n eom

m 61} S^ }O =-

v v@ M > a <)q

a-deuk a-ra-han do-b su-bo-ri-eon bul- a se-#on ha-i-go


B: The Fo r Stages of an 4rhat PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Does a srota-a9anna ha)e the tho ght@ UI ha)e attained the realiDation of the srota- a9annaCQR S bh ti said; P7o; &orld +onored 'ne: &hy notQ Be!a se Usrotaa9annaC #eans Ustrea#-enterer;C and there is in fa!t nothing to enter? one who does not enter into for#; so nd; s#ell; taste; to !h; or dhar#as is !alled a srota- a9anna:R PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Does a sakridaga#in ha)e the tho ght; UI ha)e attained the realiDation of the sakridaga#inCQR S bh ti said@ P7o; &orld +onored 'ne: &hy notQ 4ltho gh Usakridaga#inC #eans to go and !o#e one #ore ti#e; there is; in reality; no going and no !o#ing: Therefore he is !alled a sakridaga#in:R PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Does an anaga#in ha)e the tho ght; UI ha)e attained the realiDation of the anaga#inCQR S bh ti said; P7o; &orld +onored 'ne: &hy notQ U4naga#inC #eans non-ret rning Fto the h #an worldG; b t there is; in fa!t; no s !h thing as non-ret rning: Therefore he is !alled an anaga#in:R PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Does an arhat ha)e the tho ght; UI ha)e attained the realiDation of the arhatCQR S bh ti said; P7o; &orld +onored 'ne: &hy notQ


29 6 6<m

-U v@ a v@@hp

shil-mu u-beob m eon-a-ra-han se-#on ak-a-ra-han #ak-shi-n eom

m61 1HmJJG

vv@ yjvM a

a-deuk a-ra-han-do #euk-wi #eo-a in-#ung-saeng su-#a se-#on

3mlV Ju mST ST!Q

v-nY yG hG)}

bul-seol a-deung mu-#aeng sam-mae in-#ung "hoe-wi #e-il shi-#e-il i- ok

6 m}<m m!Q6

v@ a v@hp vh)}v@

a-ra-han se-#on a-bu-#ak shi-n eom a-shi i- ok a-ra-han

m<m m61 }3

a v@hp vv@ a

se-#on a- ak-#ak shi-n eom a-deuk a-ra-han-do se-#on #euk-bul-seol

S^ okG -S^2X

M hbvI )M-k

su-bo-ri shi- o a-ra-han haeng-#a i-su-bo-ri shil-mu so-haeng

3S^ ok

)M hbvI

i-m eong su-bo-ri shi- o a-ran-na-haeng

SU p 1G w2
BS^ <= :m$X

qM i[< ?,k

bul-go su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha eo-rae seok-#ae eon-deung bul-so

9X} }O :m$X

iUk > a ?,k

eo-beob u-so deuk-bu bul- a se-#on eo-rae #ae- eon-deung bul-so

2X S^ <= }

i-k M i[<

eo-beob shil-mu so-deuk su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha bo-sal #ang-eom bul-to-bu


There is; in reality; no s !h a thing !alled Uarhat:C &orld +onored 'ne; if an arhat sho ld gi)e rise to the tho ght; UI ha)e attained the realiDation of the arhatC; this #eans that he is atta!hed to the notions of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an: P&orld +onored 'ne; yo ha)e said that of all 9eo9le I a# the fore#ost in attaining the sa#adhi of non-!ontention; and the fore#ost arhat in being free fro# desires: B t I do not ha)e the tho ght that I a# an arhat who is free fro# desires: &orld +onored 'ne; if I were to gi)e rise to the tho ght that I ha)e attained arhatshi9; then yo wo ld not ha)e said that S bh ti 9ra!ti!es aranya=abiding 9ea!ef lly in non!ontention: In reality; S bh ti abides in nothing at all; therefore S bh ti is !alled one who abides 9ea!ef lly in non!ontention:R 10: Transfor#ation to a B ddha &orld The B ddha said to S bh ti; P&hat do yo thinkQ &hen the Tathagata st died nder Di9ankara B ddha; did he re!ei)e any Dhar#aQR P7o; &orld +onored 'ne; when the Tathagata st died nder Di9ankara B ddha; he did not re!ei)e any Dhar#a:R PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Does a bodhisatt)a transfor# a world into a B ddha worldQR


}O =- G 1I

> a <)q

bul- a se-#on ha-i-go #ang-eom bul-to-#a #euk-bi #ang-eom

S^ D12 :

h hqM G;< ??h

shi-m eon #ang-eom shi-go su-bo-ri #e-bo-sal ma-ha-sal eung- o shi-saeng

p9 }19 }29

IwB ?B ?`&B

"heong-#eong-shim bul-eung #u-saek saeng-shim bul-eung #u-seong h ang-mi "hok-beob saeng-shim

X39 S^ p:9J :

?-k)B M ?U f?

eung-mu so-#u i-saeng gi-shim su-bo-ri bi- eo u-in shin- eo

S" <= } S^

M&* i[< hfy M

su-mi san-wang eo-ui-un-ha shi-shin wi-dae-bu su-bo-ri-eon

=- 3I

B a <)q f hf

shim-dae se-#on ha-i-go bul-seol bi-shin shi-m eong dae-shim

SUT gZ 1G -y2
S^ :uX9" :

M ?<kU.M ?h.<

su-bo-ri eo-hang-ha #ung-so u-sa-su eo-shi sa-deung hang-ha

<= D e8} S^

i[< hG<. y M

eo-ui-un-ha shi-#e hang-ha-sa eong-wi da-bu su-bo-ri-eon

8 !D ]8" =^

B a G< -M <`.

shim-da se-#on dan-#e hang-ha sang-da mu-su ha-hwang gi-sa

S^ mn2B@ 9#:#;J

M vPq? U--?

su-bo-ri a-geum shil-eon go- eo ak- u seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in


P7o; he does not; &orld +onored 'ne: &hy notQ 'ne who transfor#s the world does not transfor# the world? that is to transfor# the world:R P4nd so; S bh ti; bodhisatt)as and #ahasatt)as sho ld gi)e rise to a 9 re #ind that is not atta!hed to for#; so nd; s#ell; taste; to !h; or dhar#as: The #ind sho ld a!t witho t any atta!h#ents: S bh ti; if there were a 9erson with a body the siDe of .t: S #er ; what do yo thinkQ &o ldnCt this body be h geQR PE<tre#ely h ge; &orld +onored 'ne: &hyQ The B ddha tea!hes s that a body is not a body; hen!e it is !alled a h ge body:R

11: .erits of this S tra PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ If there were as #any Janges 6i)ers as the grains of sand in the Janges; wo ldnCt the a#o nt of sand !ontained in all those Janges 6i)ers be greatQR S bh ti said; PE<tre#ely great; &orld +onored 'ne: If e)en the n #ber of the Janges 6i)ers is inn #erable; how # !h #ore so their grains of sandQR PS bh ti; now I tell yo tr thf lly@ If a good #an or good wo#an


-~ X" VJJ -dL\

)_)k<.MYLLa )fh

i-"hil-bo man-i so-hang-ha sa-su sam-"heon dae-"heon se-g e i- ong bo-shi

g8} S^ 8 BS^

M B a qM

deuk-bok da-bu su-bo-ri-eon shim-da se-#on bul-go su-bo-ri

#:#;J (:u \

--? i3C M.

ak-seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in eo-"ha g eong-#ung nae-#i su-#i sa-gu ge-deung

ZJ3 3(gY ZgY

y )3

wi-ta in-seol i-"ha bok-deok seung-#eon bok-deok

SU /xQ 1G) wR2
K;S^ +3: \ $(

3M MhC . 3\

bu-"ha su-bo-ri su-seol shi-g eong nae-#i sa-gu ge-deung dang-#i "ha-"heo
TQFJ6 :qr

aHLvM@ ? ?s

il-"he se-gan "heon-in a-su-ra gae-eung gong- ang eo-bul tam-m o

=^9J OYt S^ $J

<`U 4M M h

ha-hwang u-in #in-neung su-#i dok-song dang-#i shi-in

[em0STq9; :u

`fGlU hC

seong-"hwi "hoe-sang #e-il hui- u #i-beob eok-shi g eong #eong

X; 19 /

k\ yU G

so-#ae #i-"heo #euk-wi u-bul ak-#on #ung-#e-#a


filled as #any tri!hilio!os#s as the grains of sand in all those Janges 6i)ers with the se)en 0ewels; and ga)e the# away in !harity; wo ldnCt this #erit be greatQR PE<tre#ely great; &orld +onored 'ne:R The B ddha said to S bh ti@ PIf a good #an or good wo#an is able to !o#9rehend and follow a fo r-line )erse of this s tra and tea!h it to others; their #erit will be far greater:R

12: The .ost E<traordinary .erit PF rther#ore; S bh ti; where)er one tea!hes or re!ites so # !h as a fo r-line )erse of this s tra; that 9la!e sho ld be )enerated as a B ddha-shrine by hea)enly beings; h #an beings; and as ras in this world: +ow # !h #ore so is the !ase where one !an !o#9letely re#e#ber; !o#9rehend; and follow this s traK S bh ti; yo sho ld know that s !h a 9erson has a!hie)ed the highest; rarest of a!!o#9lish#ents: &here)er this s tra is 9resent; it is as if the B ddha and the B ddhaCs re)ered dis!i9les were also 9resent:R


SUV : 1GY ?M2

gS^ =(: m<

)hM a <3C v

i-shi su-bo-ri baek-bul-eon se-#on dang-ha m eong "ha-g eong a-deung-un

=| BS^ : NO356x

< qM hC yPQ=>R@A

ha-bong-#i bul-go su-bo-ri shi-g eong m eong-wi geum-gang-ban- a ba-ra-mil

-^ @| X-G= S^

)h ? k)< M

i-shi m eong-#a eo-dang bong-#i so-i #a-ha su-bo-ri

3356x 1I356x 356x

=>R@A =>R@A h=>R@A

bul-seol ban- a-ba-ra-mil #euk-bi ban- a-ba-ra-mil shi-m eong ban- aba-ra-mil
S^ <= :m9X3} S^

M i[< ?Uk M

su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha eo-rae su-seol beob-bul su-bo-ri

:mX3 S^ <=

a ?-k M i[<

baek-bul-eon se-#on eo-rae mun-so-seol su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha

VJJ X9 ! 8} S^

YLLa kU& hy M

sam-"heon dae-"heon se-g e so- u mi-#in shi-wi da-bul su-bo-ri-eon

8 S^ D ! :m3I !

B a M G& ?&

shim-da se-#on su-bo-ri #e-mi-#in eo-rae seol-bi mi-#in

! :m3 I

h& ?a a ha

shi-m eong mi-#in eo-rae-seol se-g e bi-se-g e shi-m eong se-g e

S^ <= n-VU:m}

M i[< )Y)?

su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha ga-i sam-shib-i-sang g eon- eo-rae-bu


13: 7a#ing of the S tra Then S bh ti addressed the B ddha; P&orld +onored 'ne; what sho ld we !all this s tra; and how sho ld we 9hold itQR The B ddha said to S bh ti@ PThis s tra is !alled the Dia#ond of *erfe!t &isdo#: So sho ld re)ere this title and 9ra!ti!e the s tra a!!ordingly: &hyQ S bh ti; the B ddha tea!hes that U9ra0na 9ara#itaC 19erfe!tion of wisdo#2 is not 9ra0na 9ara#ita: Therefore it is !alled 9ra0na 9ara#ita: S bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Does the Tathagata ha)e any Dhar#a to tea!hQR S bh ti said to the B ddha; P&orld +onored 'ne; the Tathagata has nothing to tea!h:R PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ 4re all the tiny 9arti!les !ontained in this tri!hilio!os# great in n #berQR S bh ti said; PE<tre#ely great; &orld +onored 'ne:R PS bh ti; the Tathagata tea!hes that tiny 9arti!les are not tiny 9arti!les: Therefore they are !alled tiny 9arti!les: The Tathagata tea!hes that worlds are not worlds: Therefore they are !alled worlds: PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Can the Tathagata be re!ogniDed by #eans of his thirty-two 9hysi!al attrib tesQR


}O }n-VU :m =-

> a )Y)? <)q

bul- a se-#on bul-ga-i sam-shib-i-sang deuk-g eon eo-rae ha-i-go

:m3VU 1I VU

?Y) h hY)

eo-rae-seol sam-shib-i-sang #euk-shi bi-sang shi-m eong sam-shib-i-sang

S^ 9#:#;J -

M U--? )<.f

su-bo-ri ak- u seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in i-hang-ha-sa deung-shi-m eong

L\ K9J (:u \

h U i3C M.

bo-shi ak-bu u-in eo-"ha g eong-#ung nae-#i su-#i sa-gu ge-deung

ZJ3 g8

y B

wi-ta in-seol gi-bok shim-da

SU\ ! 1G. 2
gS^ 3: DZ vwx


hC B[f y

i-shi su-bo-ri mun-seol shi-g eong shim-hae ui-"hwi "he-ru bi-eub

3 q9 3:D:u

) lUa ?hBBC

i-baek-bul-eon hui- u se-#on bul-seol eo-shi shim-shim g eong-#eon

mm X z{:;:

v k+ &A

?hC a

a-#ong seong-nae so-deuk h e-an mi-#eung deung-mun eo-shi #i-g eong se-#on
K9J : y9p 12

hC fBIw

ak-bu u-in deuk-mun shi-g eong shin-shim "heong-#eong #euk-saeng shil-sang


P7o; he !annot; &orld +onored 'ne: 'ne !annot re!ogniDe the Tathagata by #eans of his thirty-two 9hysi!al attrib tes: &hy notQ Be!a se the Tathagata tea!hes that the thirty-two 9hysi!al attrib tes are in fa!t not real attrib tes: Therefore they are !alled the thirty-two 9hysi!al attrib tes:R PS bh ti; if a good #an or good wo#an were to dedi!ate lifeti#es as n #ero s as the grains of sand in the Janges 6i)er to !haritable a!ts; and another !o#9rehended and followed e)en a fo r-line )erse of this s tra and ta ght it to others; the #erits gained by the latter wo ld far e<!eed that of the for#er:R

1(: 4 .ind &itho t 4tta!h#ents T9on hearing this ser#on; S bh ti was #o)ed to tears; ha)ing dee9ly nderstood its #eaning and signifi!an!e: +e said to the B ddha@ P+ow re#arkable; &orld +onored 'neK So ha)e ta ght s s !h a 9rofo nd s tra: E)en tho gh I ha)e long attained the &isdo# Eye; I ha)e ne)er heard s !h a tea!hing before: &orld +onored 'ne; if so#eone who hears this s tra gi)es rise to 9 re faith; and th s 9er!ei)es the tr e nat re of reality;


$ J [eSTq9sY 2G

h `fGlU a h

dang-#i shi-in seol-"hwi #e-il hui- u gong-deok se-#on shi-shil sang-#a

1I :m32 mn

h hq? a vP

#euk-shi bi-sang shi-go eo-rae seol-m eong shil-sang se-#on a-geum deung-mun
::u y } m

?hC fM y a W

eo-shi g eong-#eon shin-hae su-#i bu-#ok wi-nan ak-dang-nae-se hu-o

X 9 : y J

a U

hC fM h

baek-se gi- u #ung-saeng deung-mun shi-g eong shin-hae su-#i shi-in

1STq9 =- (Jm J

yGlU <)q 3-v -

#euk-wi #e-il hui- u ha-i-go "ha-in mu-a-sang mu-in-sang

JG X-G= m1I

- -M k)< vh

mu-#eung saeng-sang mu-su #a-sang so-i #a-ha a-sang #euk-shi bi-sang

J JG 1I =-

M h <)q

in-sang #ung-saeng-sang su-#a-sang #euk-shi bi-sang ha-i-go

! TQD 1D

)G G

i-il "he-#e-sang #eung-m eong #e-bul

BS^ :: K9J :

qM ?h?h U


bul-go su-bo-ri eo-shi eo-shi ak-bu u-in deung-mu shi-g eong

}|}}} $J q9 =-

C)~ h BylU <)q

bul-g eong bul-'o bul-oe dang-#i shi-in shim-wi hui- u ha-i-go

S^ :m3ST56x 1IST56x


su-bo-ri eo-rae-seol #e-il ba-ra-mil #euk-'i #e-il ba-ra-mil


we sho ld know that this 9erson has a!hie)ed the #ost e<traordinary )irt e: &orld +onored 'ne; the tr e nat re of reality is e#9ty: This is what the Tathagata !alls the tr e nat re of reality: P&orld +onored 'ne; ha)ing 0 st heard this s tra; I ha)e no diffi! lty in belie)ing; !o#9rehending; and following it: B t in the ages to !o#e; in the last fi)e h ndred years; if there are sentient beings who hear this s tra; belie)e; !o#9rehend; and follow it; they will be #ost re#arkable beings: &hyQ These beings do not abide in the notions of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an: &hyQ Be!a se a self is not a self: The a99earan!es of a 9erson; a sentient being; and a life s9an are likewise ill sory: &hyQ Those who relin$ ish all a99earan!es and notions are !alled b ddhas:R The B ddha said to S bh ti@ PSo it is; so it is: So sho ld know that if so#eone who hears the tea!hing of this s tra is neither sho!ked; frightened; nor dist rbed; this 9erson is e<tre#ely rare: 4nd whyQ S bh ti; the Tathagata says that the fore#ost 9ara#ita is not the fore#ost 9ara#ita: Therefore it is !alled the fore#ost 9ara#ita:


ST56x S^ ~56x :m3

hGR@A M }R@A ?

shi-m eong #e-il ba-ra-mil su-bo-ri in- ok ba-ra-mil eo-rae-seol

I~56x ~56x =-

}R@A h}?@A <)q

bi-in- ok ba-ra-mil shi-m eong in- ok ba-ra-mil ha-i-go

S^ :m mg

M ?vy f vi)h

su-bo-ri eo-a seok-wi ga-ri-wang hal-#eol shin-"he a-eo i-shi

m J JG =-

-v - - -M <)q

mu-a-sang mu-in-sang mu-#ung-saeng-sang mu-su-#a-sang ha-i-go

mjg 9m J

vih Uv

a-eo wang-seok #eol-#eol #i-hae-shi ak- u a-sang in-sang


M ?

#ung-saeng-sang su-#a-sang eung-saeng #in-ha

S^ m <~J

M pia @}-

su-bo-ri u-n eom gwa-geo eo-o baek-se #ak-in ok-seon-in

X m J JG

i)ka -v - - -M

eo-i so-se mu-a-sang mu-in-sang mu-#ung-saeng-sang mu-su-#a-sang

S^ !TQ '+86V,

hqM ? /v-@Y.

shi-go su-bo-ri bo-sal eung-ni il-"he-sang bal-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak

V^9 }19 }29

YB ?B ?`&B

sam-bo-ri-shim bul-eung #u-saek saeng-shim bul-eung #u-seong h ang-mi-"hok beob-saeng-shim

X9 99 1I

?-kB BU y hq

eung-saeng mu-so #u-shim ak-shim u-#u #euk-wi bi-#u shi-go


Therefore it is !alled the fore#ost 9ara#ita: S bh ti; the Tathagata tea!hes that toleran!e 9ara#ita is not toleran!e 9ara#ita:Therefore it is !alled toleran!e 9ara#ita: &hyQ S bh ti; in a for#er lifeti#e #y body was # tilated by >ing >alinga: 4t that ti#e; I had no notions of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an: &hy notQ If I had held to the notions of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an; when #y body was dis#e#bered li#b after li#b; I wo ld ha)e gi)en rise to feelings of resent#ent and hatred:

PS bh ti; I also re!all that for fi)e h ndred lifeti#es I was a rishi of toleran!e: 4t that ti#e; I was also free fro# the notions of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an: Therefore; S bh ti; bodhisatt)as sho ld relin$ ish all a99earan!es and notions in their resol)e to attain ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent: They sho ld not gi)e rise to any tho ght atta!hed to for#; so nd; s#ell; taste; to !h; or dhar#a: They sho ld gi)e rise to a #ind witho t any atta!h#ents: 4ny atta!h#ent of the #ind is errant: Therefore;


39 }1L\ S^

B ?h M y)

bul-seol bo-sal-shim bul-eung #u-saek bo-shi su-bo-ri bo-sal wi-i-ik

TQ :L\ :m3TQD

??hh ?G

il-"he #ung-saeng eung- o shi-bo-shi eo-rae seol il-"he #e-sang

1I 3TQ 1I S^

h M

#euk-shi bi-sang u-seol il-"he #ung-saeng #euk-bi #ung-saeng su-bo-ri

:m%G 2G :G }G

?hi i ?i i

eo-rae shi-#in eo-#a shil-eo-#a eo-eo-#a bul-kwang eo-#a

}G S^ :mX (2

)i M ?k 3--

bul-i eo-#a su-bo-ri eo-rae so-deuk-beob "ha-beob mu-shil mu-heo

S^ 9 3L\ :J(

M Bi )h ?$

su-bo-ri ak-bo-sal shim-#u eo-beob i-haeng bo-shi eo-in ib-am

1X 9} 3L\

-k B )h

#eung-mu so-g eon ak-bo-sal shim-bul #u-beob i-haeng bo-shi

:J9 28 nn1 S^ m;

?U M a

eo-in u-mok il-kwang m eong-#o g eon-#ong #ong-saek su-bo-ri dang-nae #i-se

9#:#;J Y(:t

U--? 4i3CM

ak- u seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in neung-eo "ha-g eong su-#i dok-song

1:m - $J J

y? )+ h h

#euk-wi eo-rae i-bul #i-h e shil-#i shi-in shil-g eon shi-in



gae-deuk seong-"hwi mu-r ang mu-b eon gong-deok


the B ddha says that a bodhisatt)a sho ld 9ra!ti!e !harity with a #ind natta!hed to for#: S bh ti; to benefit all sentient beings; a bodhisatt)a sho ld 9ra!ti!e !harity in this way: The Tathagata tea!hes that all a99earan!es and notions are not a99earan!es and notions; and that all sentient beings are not sentient beings: PS bh ti; what the Tathagata s9eaks is tr e; real; and as it is: +is words are neither de!e9ti)e nor !ontradi!tory: S bh ti; the Tr th that the Tathagata has attained is neither real nor nreal: S bh ti; if a bodhisatt)a 9ra!ti!es !harity with atta!h#ents; he is like a 9erson in the dark who !annot see anything: If a bodhisatt)a 9ra!ti!es !harity witho t any atta!h#ents; he is like a 9erson nder the bright s n with eyes o9en; seeing all things !learly: S bh ti; if in a f t re ti#e there are good #en and wo#en who are able to re!ite; re#e#ber; !o#9rehend; and follow this s tra; the Tathagata; with his B ddha-wisdo#; will !learly 9er!ei)e and re!ogniDe ea!h one of the# as they all a!hie)e i##eas rable and infinite )irt es:R


d )
(-(sY T

0)3 i

won i-"ha gong-deok bo-geub eo-il-"hae

m 9

v? >

a-deung eo-#ung-saeng dang-saeng geung-nak-kuk

pJ X[1

-M `

dong-g eon mu-r ang-su gae-gong seong-bul-do


!edication of -erits %erse .ay the #erit fro# re!iting this s tra benefit all; .ay we and all sentient beings be born in the 9 re land; Together realiDe infinite life 14#itabha B ddha2; and attain the 4wakened &ay:


: C ) gae-g eong-ge
0D Jw

-BB& L_ mu-sang shim-shim mi-m o-beob baek-"heon man-geob nan-#o-u

mn (:m2

vP M 0?[ a-geum mun-g eon deuk-su-#i won-hae eo-rae #in-shil-ui ) gae-beob-"hang #in-eon v@ v@ 13 2 om a-la-nam a-la-da ($%) NO34567: PQ=>R@AC ) geum-gang-ban- a ba-ra-mil-g eong
SU :sY 1G C2
S^ 9#:#;J 2 -

M U--? )<.

su-bo-ri ak- u seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in "ho-il-bun i-hang-ha-sa

L\ u2 K-L\ 2

fh )<.fh W

deung-shin bo-shi #ung-il-bun bu-i hang-ha-sa deung-shi bo-shi hu-il-bun

-L\ :J

)<.fh ?h-L_

eok-i hang-ha-sa deung-shi bo-shi eo-shi mu-r ang baek-"heon man-eok-geob

-L\ K9J(:u y9}

)fh U

3C fB

i-shin bo-shi ak-bu u-in "ha-g eong-#eon shin-shim bul- eok


Sutra o6enin( *erse The Dhar#a; infinitely 9rofo nd and s btle; Is rarely en!o ntered e)en in a #illion kal9as: 7ow we are able to hear; st dy; and follow it; .ay we f lly realiDe the TathagataCs tr e #eaning:

-antra to o6en the !harma Storehouse &m alanam alada &m alanam alada &m alanam alada

/he !iamond of ,erfect &isdom Sutra

15: The S tra Is a S 9re#e %ehi!le PS bh ti; if a good #an or good wo#an sho ld reno n!e their life for !harity in the #orning as #any ti#es as there are grains of sand in the Janges; and do likewise at noon and in the e)ening; !ontin ing th s for i##eas rable h ndreds of tho sands of #illions of kal9as? and if so#eone else heard this tea!hing and ga)e rise to nwa)ering faith;


gZe =^t J3

W <`.M y

gi-bok seung-'i ha-hwang seo-sa su-#i dok-song wi-in hae-seol

S^ -; :9}nN }n

M )b hCU.[

su-bo-ri i- o eon-#i shi-g eong u-bul ga-sa-ui bul-ga "hing-n ang

@sY :m'G3 'm0G3

-x ?y/ y/

mu-b eon gong-deok eo-rae wi-bal dae-seung #a-seol wi-bal "hoe-sang-seung #a-seol
9JYt J3 :m$J

U4M y ?h

ak- u in-neung su-#i dok-song kwang-wi in-seol eo-rae shil-#i shi-in

J [e}n }n 9@

h `f


shil-g eon shi-in gae-deuk seong-"hwi bul-ga-r ang bul-ga-"hing mu- u-b eon
}nNsY :J 1:m+86

.[ ?h y<?v-@

bul-ga sa-ui gong-deok eo-shi in-deung #euk-ui ha-dam eo-rae a-n uk-da-ra
V,V^ =- S^ G

Y.Y <)q M k

sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri ha-i-go su-bo-ri ak-ak so-beob-#a

mJJG 1(:

vM i3C

"hak-a-g eon in-g eon #ung-saeng-g eon su-#a-g eon #euk-eo "ha-g eong
}YAt J3 S^

4IM y M \\

bul-leung "heong-su dok-song ui-in hae-seol su-bo-ri #ae-#ae "heo-"heo

9(: TQFJ6 X

U3C aHLvM@ k?

ak- u "ha-g eon il-"he se-gan "heon-in a-su-ra so-eung gong- ang


the #erit of the latter wo ld far e<!eed that of the for#er: +ow # !h #ore the #erit of those who trans!ribe; re!ite; re#e#ber; follow; and e<9lain this s tra to othersK PIn s ##ary; S bh ti; this s tra !arries in!on!ei)able; i##eas rable; li#itless )irt e; and the Tathagata tea!hes it for the benefit of the as9irants of the great )ehi!le; and the as9irants of the s 9re#e )ehi!le: The Tathagata will know and see those; who are able to re!ite; re#e#ber; follow; and widely tea!h this s tra to others; as a!hie)ing inn #erable; i##eas rable; li#itless; and in!on!ei)able )irt es: They !arry on the work of the Tathagata in bringing beings to ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent: &hyQ S bh ti; those who are !ontent with inferior tea!hings are atta!hed to the )iews of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; and a life s9an: S !h 9eo9le are not able to hear; re!ite; re#e#ber; and e<9lain this s tra to others: S bh ti; where)er this s tra is 9resent; all the hea)enly and h #an beings and as ras in all the worlds sho ld !o#e and #ake offerings:


$( 1q 78 <l

3\ yhs ?C @yb

dang-#i "heo-"heo #euk-ui shi-tab gae-eung gong- ang #ang-nae ui- o

-D 3

)GL )*\

i-#e hwa-h ang i-san gi-"heo

SU= YpOP 1G 4w2
K;S^ #:#;J t(:

3M --? M3C

bu-"ha su-bo-ri ak- u seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in su-#i dok-song "ha-g eong
J JAO 1 -n

yCL h-a ? )Pa

ak-ui in-g eong-"heon shi-in seon-se #oe-eob eung-ta ak-do i-geum-se

J AO 1 +86

CLq -a yk v-@

in-g eong "heon-go seon-se #oe-eob #euk-wi so-m eol dang-deuk a-n uk-da-ra
V,V^ S^ mm

Y.Y M vp -v

sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri su-bo-ri a-n eom gwa-geo mu-r ang a-seung #i-geob
$ \JkZ

i, ^.L_IU

eo- eon deung-bul-#eon deuk-"hi 'al-baek sa-"heon man-eong na- u-ta


G . - U iW

#e-bul shil-gae gong- ang seung-sa mu-gong gwa-#a ak-bu- u-in eo-hu
Yt(: XsY mX

a 4M3C k ivk

mal-se neung-su-#i dok-song "ha-g eong so-deuk gong-deok eo-a so-gong- ang

So sho ld know that its 9resen!e is e$ i)alent to a 9agoda that all sho ld )enerate and 9ay ho#age to; by !ir! #a#b lating or s!attering flowers and in!ense aro nd its gro nds:R

1-: * rgation of Bad >ar#a PF rther#ore; S bh ti; if there are good #en or wo#en who re!ite; re#e#ber; !o#9rehend; and follow this s tra; b t are belittled by others; it is be!a se of their 9re)io s e)il kar#a; whi!h wo ld !a se the# to be reborn in the wret!hed destinies: B t now; by end ring the dis9arage#ent of others; this 9re)io s bad kar#a is eradi!ated; and they will e)ent ally attain ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent: S bh ti; I re#e#ber that !o ntless kal9as ago; before the ti#e of Di9ankara B ddha; I ha)e en!o ntered 3(;000 billion nay tas of b ddhas; #ade offerings to; and ser)ed all of the# witho t fail: +owe)er; if so#eone in the Dhar#aending age !an re!ite; re#e#ber; !o#9rehend; and follow this s tra; this 9ersonCs )irt e will be one h ndred ti#es; e)en a h ndred trillion ti#es greater than #ine when I #ade offerings


DsY }T J "p

G L_ *M

#e-bul gong-deok baek-bun bul-geub-il "heon-man eok-bun nae-#i san-su-bi

\X}Y S^ #:#;J

Uk4 M --? iW

u-so bul-neung-geub su-bo-ri ak-seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in eo-hu

9t(: XsY m3G

a UM3C k v

mal-se u-su-#i dok-song "ha-g eong so-deuk gong-deok a- ak gu-seol-#a

9J 91 }y S^ $

B [f M

heuk- u in-mun shim-heuk kwang-nan ho-ui bul-shin su-bo-ri dang-#i

:Z}nN }nN

hC[.[ .[

shi-g eong ui-bul ga-sa-ui gwa-bo eok-bul ga-sa-ui

SU %&m 1G C-v2
gS^ #:#;J '

)hM a --? /v

i-shi su-bo-ri baek-bul-eon se-#on seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in bal-a

+86V,V^9 <= <= 9

-@Y.YB <? <QB

n uk-da-ra sam-m ak sam-bo-ri un-ha eung-#u un-ha gam-bok gi-shim

BS^ #:#;J '+86

qM --? /v@

bul-go su-bo-ri seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in bal-a-n uk-da-ra

V,V^9G :9 mTQ

Y[YB ?hB v?

sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri shim-#a dang-saeng eo-shi-shim a-eung m eol-do il-"he #ung-saeng


to all these b ddhas: In fa!t; no s !h !o#9arison either by !al! lation or analogy is 9ossible: S bh ti; if I f lly re)ealed the )irt e attained by good #en and good wo#en in the Dhar#aending age who re!ite; re#e#ber; !o#9rehend; and follow this s tra; so#e 9eo9le; 9on hearing it; wo ld be!o#e s s9i!io s; ske9ti!al; e)en bewildered: S bh ti; yo sho ld know that the nderlying #eaning of this s tra is in!on!ei)able; and its rewards are also in!on!ei)able:R

18: 4ll Dhar#as 4re 7on-Dhar#as Then S bh ti addressed the B ddha; P&orld +onored 'ne; if good #en and good wo#en resol)e to attain ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent; how sho ld they abide their #ind; and how sho ld they s bd e their tho ghtsQR The B ddha said to S bh ti@ PJood #en and good wo#en who resol)e to attain ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent sho ld think like this@ UI will liberate all sentient beings by bringing the# to nir)ana:C


TQ 39T2G

) )-U

m eol-do- il-"he #ung-saeng-i i-mu u-il #ung-saeng shil-m eol do-#a

=- S^ 9m J

<)q M Uv

ha-i-go su-bo-ri ak-bo-sal u-a-sang in-sang #ung-saeng-sang

JG 1I X-G= S^ 2

M k)< M -

su-#a-sang #euk-bi bo-sal so-i #a-ha su-bo-ri shil-mu

9 '+86V,V^9G

U /v@Y.YB

u-beob bal-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri shim-#a

S^ <= :m$X 9

M i[< ?i,k U

su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha eo-rae eo- eon-deung bul-so u-beob

+86V,V^} }O :mX

v-@Y.Y > a ?vk

deuk-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri-bul bul- a se-#on eo-a hae-bul-so

3Z $X 9 +86

[ i,k -U v@

seol-ui bul-eo eon-deung bul-so mu- u-beob deuk-a-n uk-da-ra

V,V^ :: S^ 29

Y.Y ?h?h M -U

sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri bul-eon eo-shi eo-shi su-bo-ri shil-mu u-beob

:m+86V,V^ S^ 9

?v-@Y.Y M U

eo-rae deuk-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri su-bo-ri ak- u-beob

:m+86V,V^G $1}m

?v-@Y.Y ,?v

eo-rae deuk-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri-#a eun-deung bul-#euk bul- eo- a

- @m < -2

M ?ia @ )

su-gi eo-eo rae-se dang-deuk #ak-bul ho-seok-ka-mo-ni i-shil


Set when all sentient beings ha)e been liberated; not a single sentient being has a!t ally attained nir)ana: &hy notQ S bh ti; if bodhisatt)as abide in the notions of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an; they are not bodhisatt)as: &hyQ S bh ti; there is a!t ally no resol)e for the attain#ent of ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent: PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ &hen the Tathagata #et Di9ankara B ddha; did he obtain anything in order to realiDe ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#entQR P7o; &orld +onored 'ne: 4s I nderstand the #eaning of yo r tea!hing; when yo #et Di9ankara B ddha; there was nothing to obtain for the realiDation of ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent:R The B ddha said; PSo it is; S bh ti; so it is: There is indeed nothing that !an 9rod !e the ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent of the Tathagata: S bh ti; if there were so#ething that !o ld 9rod !e the ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent of the Tathagata; Di9ankara B ddha wo ld not ha)e foretold; USo will attain B ddhahood in the f t re; with the na#e Shakya# ni:C It is 9re!isely be!a se there is a!t ally nothing to be obtained in ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent that Di9ankara B ddha foretold; USo will attain B ddhahood in the f t re; with the na#e Shakya# ni:C


9 +86V,V^

-U v@Y.Y hq,?

mu- u-beob deuk-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri shi-go eon-deung-bul- eo

m- < @m <

vM @h ?ia @

a-su-gi #ak-shi-eon eo-eo rae-se dang-deuk "hak-bul ho-seok-ka

=- :mG 1D:Z 9J

<)q ? G?[ U

mo-ni ha-i-go eo-rae-#a #euk-"he beob- eo-ui ak- u-in

:m+86V,V^ S^ 2

?v@Y.Y M -

eo-rae euk-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri su-bo-ri shil-mu

9 +86V,V^ S^ :m

U v@Y.Y M ?

u-beob bul-euk-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri su-bo-ri eo-rae

X+86V,V^ u2

kv@Y.Y ih--

so-euk-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri eo-shi #ung-mu shil-mu-heo

:m3TQ S^ XTQ

hq? h M k

shi-go eo-rae seol-il "he-beob gae-shi bul-beob su-bo-ri so-eon il-"he



beob-#a #euk-bi il-"he-beob shi-go m eong-il "he-beob

S^ p:Jv S^ :m

M ?f M a ?

su-bo-ri bi- eo in-shin #ang-dae su-bo-ri-eon se-#on eo-rae

3Jv 1I S^

f yf hf M

seol-in shin-#ang-dae #euk-wi bi-dae-shin shi-m eong dae-shin su-bo-ri

: < m

?h @h v-

bo-sal eok- eo-shi ak-#ak shi-eon a-dang m eol-do mu-r ang #ung-saeng

&hyQ This is be!a se UtathagataC #eans Uall 9heno#ena 1dhar#as2 as they really are:C If so#eone says that the Tathagata attained ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent; S bh ti; there is in fa!t; nothing to attain in the B ddhaCs ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent: S bh ti; the ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent attained by the Tathagata is neither real nor nreal: Therefore the Tathagata tea!hes that all dhar#as are the B ddha Dhar#a: S bh ti; the so-!alled Uall dhar#asC are not dhar#as at all: Therefore they are !alled Uall dhar#as:C

PS bh ti; take the e<a#9le of a 9erson with an i##ense; 9erfe!t body:R S bh ti said; P&orld +onored 'ne; the 9erson with the i##ense; 9erfe!t body has no s !h body? therefore it is !alled an i##ense; 9erfe!t body:R PS bh ti; so it is with a bodhisatt)a: If so#eone says; UI will bring !o ntless sentient beings to nir)ana;/


1} =- S^ 29

<)q M -U y

#euk-bul m eong-bo-sal ha-i-go su-bo-ri shil-mu u-beob m eong-wi

3TQ m J

hq -v - -

bo-sal shi-go bul-seol il-"he-beob mu-a mu-in mu-#ung-saeng

JG S^ < m

-M M @h v

mu-su-#a su-bo-ri ak-bo-sal #ak-shi-eon a-dang #ang-eom bul-to

} =- :m3G 1I

h <)q ?

shi-bul m eong-bo-sal ha-i-go eo-rae seol-#ang-eom bul-to-#a #euk-bi

S^ Em

h M H-v

#ang-eom shi-m eong #ang-eom su-bo-ri ak-bo-sal tong-dal mu-a

G :m3%


beob-#a eo-rae seol-m eong #in-shi bo-sal

SU Tp 1G^ 2
S^ <= :m9} :

M i[< ?U ?h a

su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha eo-rae u- uk an-bul eo-shi se-#on

:m9 S^ <= :m9

?U M i[< ?UL

eo-rae u- uk-an su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha eo-rae u-"heon

} : :m9 S^ <=

?h a ?UL M i[<

an-bu eo-shi se-#on eo-rae u-"heon-an su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha

:m9} : :m9

?U+ ?h a ?U+

eo-rae u-h e an-bu eo-shi se-#on eo-rae u-h e-an


then he is not a bodhisatt)a: &hyQ S bh ti; there is a!t ally no s !h thing !alled a bodhisatt)a: Therefore the B ddha says that all 9heno#ena are free fro# the ideas of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an: S bh ti; if a bodhisatt)a says UI will transfor# the world into a B ddha world;C then he is not a bodhisatt)a: &hyQ The Tathagata tea!hes that one who transfor#s the world is not the one who transfor#s the world: That is to transfor# the world: S bh ti; if a bodhisatt)a realiDes the Dhar#a of non-self; the Tathagata says this is a real bodhisatt)a:R

13: 4ll Tho ghts 4re Intangible PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Does the Tathagata ha)e the 9hysi!al eyeQR PSes; &orld +onored 'ne: The Tathagata has the 9hysi!al eye:R PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Does the Tathagata ha)e the di)ine eyeQR PSes; &orld +onored 'ne; the Tathagata has the di)ine eye:R PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Does the Tathagata ha)e the wisdo# eyeQR


S^ <= :m9} :

M i[< ?U ?h

su-bo-ri eo-ui-ub-ha eo-rae u-beob-an-bu eo-shi

:m9 S^ <= :m9

a ?U M i[< ?U

se-#on eo-rae u-beob-an su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha eo-rae- u

} : :m9 S^

?h a ?U M

bul-an-bu eo-shi se-#on eo-rae u-bul-an su-bo-ri

<= uX9 3} :

i[< <kU. h. ?h a

eo-ui-un-ha hang-ha #ung-so u-sa bul-seol shi-sha-bul eo-shi se-#on

:m3 S^ <= :T

?h. M i[< ?<

eo-rae seol-shi-sa su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha eo-il hang-ha

uX9 9: DX9"

kU. U?h.< hG<kU.M

#ung-so u-sa u- eo shi-sa deung hang-ha shi-#e hang-ha so u sa-su

:e8} 8 BS^

a ?hy B a qM

bul-se-g e eo-shi n eom-wi da-bul shim-da se-#on bul-go su-bo-ri

X9u X9 n9 :m$

)k> kU HB ?

i-so guk-to-#ung so- u #ung-saeng ak-gan #ung-shim eo-rae shil-#i

=- :m3D9 I9 9

<)q ?GB yB hyB

ha-i-go eo-rae seol-#e-shim gae-wi bi-shim shi-m eong wi-shim

X-G= S^ 9}n 9

k)< M B B

so-i #a-ha su-bo-ri gwa-go-shim bul-ga-deuk h eon-#ae-shim

}n zm9}n


bul-ga-deuk mi-rae-shim bul-ga-deuk


PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Does the Tathagata ha)e the Dhar#a eyeQR PSes; &orld +onored 'ne: The Tathagata has the Dhar#a eye:R PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Does the Tathagata ha)e the B ddha eyeQR PSes; &orld +onored 'ne: The Tathagata has the B ddha eye:R PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Does the B ddha !onsider all the sand in the Janges 6i)er as sandQR PSes; &orld +onored 'ne; the Tathagata !alls it Usand:CR PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ If there were as #any Janges 6i)ers as there are grains of sand in the Janges 6i)er; and there were a B ddha world for ea!h grain of sand of all those ri)ers; wo ld the n #ber of those B ddha worlds be greatQR PJreat indeed; &orld +onored 'ne:R The B ddha said to S bh ti@ PThe Tathagata is f lly aware of the tho ghts of ea!h sentient being dwelling in all these B ddha worlds: +ow is it soQ The Tathagata says all these tho ghts are not tho ghts: Therefore they are !alled tho ghts: &hy; S bh tiQ Be!a se 9ast tho ghts are intangible; 9resent tho ghts are intangible; and f t re tho ghts are intangible:R


SUg E 1G HL2
S^ <= 9JVJJ

M i[< U_YLLa

su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha ak- u in-man sam-"heon dae-"heon se-g e

~ -dL\ J-<~ g8}

)fh h)h,

"hil-bo i- ong bo-shi shi-in i-shi in- eon deuk-bok da-bu

: (J-<~ g8 S^

?h a 3)h, B M

eo-shi se-#on "ha-in i-shi in- eon deuk-bu shim-da su-bo-ri

gY92 :m}3gY8

U ?

ak-bok-deok u-shi eo-rae bul-seol deuk-bok deok-da

-gY :m3gY8

)-q ?

i-bok deok mu-go eo-rae seol-deuk bok-deok-da

SU !1! 1G) 2
S^ <= n-1} }O

M i[< )f >

su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha bul-ga i-gu #ok-saek shin-g eon-bu bul- a

:m}-1 =- :m3

a ??)f <)q ?

se-#on eo-rae bul-eung i-gu #ok-saek shi-g eon ha-i-go eo-rae seol-gu
1 1I1 1

f f hf

#ok-saek-shi #euk-bi gu-#ok saek-shin shi-m eong gu-#ok saek-shin

S^ <= :mn-D} }O

M i[< ?)G > a

su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha eo-rae gai-i gu-#ok #e-sang-g eon-bul se-#on

:m}-D =- :m3D

??)G <)q ?G

eo-rae bul-eung i-gu #ok-#e sang-g eon ha-i-go eo-rae seol-#e-sang


1B: 7o .erit Is Jreat .erit PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ If a 9erson were to fill all the worlds of the tri!hilio!os# with the se)en 0ewels and gi)e the# all away in !harity; wo ldnCt this 9ersonCs #erit be greatQR PSes; &orld +onored 'ne; this 9ersonCs #erit fro# s !h an a!t wo ld be e<tre#ely great:R PS bh ti; if this #erit were real; the Tathagata wo ld not say that there is great #erit: It is be!a se this #erit is non-e<istent that the Tathagata says that the #erit is great:R

20: Trans!ending *hysi!al 4ttrib tes PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Can the B ddha be re!ogniDed by #eans of his 9erfe!t 9hysi!al bodyQR P7o; &orld +onored 'ne: The Tathagata !annot be re!ogniDed by #eans of his 9erfe!t 9hysi!al body: &hyQ The Tathagata tea!hes that a 9erfe!t 9hysi!al body is not a 9erfe!t 9hysi!al body; hen!e it is !alled a 9erfe!t 9hysi!al body:R PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Can the Tathagata be re!ogniDed by #eans of his 9erfe!t attrib tesQR P7o; &orld +onored 'ne: The Tathagata !annot be re!ogniDed by #eans of his 9erfe!t attrib tes: &hyQ The Tathagata tea!hes that U9erfe!t attrib tesC


1I D


gu-#ok #euk-bi gu-#ok shi-m eong #e-sang gu-#ok

SUT I3X3 1G) k2
S^ @M:m<m m9X3

M ?wy?@hp vUk

su-bo-ri eo-mul wi- eo-ra #ak-shi-n eom a-dang u-so seol-beob

V<m =- J:m9X3 1

[@hp <)q ?Uk y

mak-#ak shi-n eom ha-i-go ak-in-eon eo-rae u-so seol-beob #euk-wi bang-bul
}YmX3 S^ 3G n3

4vkq M -

bul-leung hae-a so-seol-go su-bo-ri seol-beob-#a mu-beob ga-seol

3 g S^

h )h +M a

shi-m eong seol-beob i-shi h e-m eong su-bo-ri baek-bul-eon se-#on

U9 zm 3 y9}

?U i&a

h fB

'a- u #ung-saeng eo-mi rae-se mun-seol shi-beob saeng-shin shim-bul

S^ eI I} =-

M W <)q

bul-eon su-bo-ri 'i-bi #ung-saeng bi-bul #ung-saeng ha-i-go

S^ G :m3I

M ? h

su-bo-ri #ung-saeng #ung-saeng-#a eo-rae seol-bi #ung-saeng shi-m eong #ung-saeng

SU n 1G)) -2
S^ +86V,V

M a v-@Y.Y

su-bo-ri baek-bul-eon se-#on bul-deuk a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam


are a!t ally not 9erfe!t attrib tes: Therefore they are !alled 9erfe!t attrib tes:R 21: There Is 7o Dhar#a to Tea!h PS bh ti; do not think that the Tathagata holds the tho ght UI ha)e so#ething to tea!h:C Do not e)en think s !h a thing: &hy notQ &hoe)er says that the Tathagata has a Dhar#a to tea!h slanders the B ddha; be!a se he does not nderstand #y tea!hing: S bh ti; in tea!hing the Dhar#a there is no Dhar#a to tea!h: This is !alled tea!hing the Dhar#a:R Then the wise %enerable S bh ti said to the B ddha@ P&orld +onored 'ne; will there be sentient beings in the f t re Fd ring the Dhar#a ending ageG who will generate faith 9on hearing these tea!hingsQR The B ddha said; PS bh ti; they are neither sentient beings nor non-sentient beings: &hyQ S bh ti; the Tathagata tea!hes that sentient beings; who go thro gh #any births; are not sentient beings: Therefore they are !alled sentient beings:R

22: 7o 4ttain#ent Is S 9re#e Enlighten#ent S bh ti said to the B ddha@ P&orld +onored 'ne; when the B ddha attained ns r9assed !o#9lete

^ X :: S^ m+

y-k> ?h?h M viv-

bo-ri wi-mu so-deuk- a eo-shi eo-shi su-bo-ri a-eo an-n uk

86V,V^ 9n

@Y.Y -Uk

da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri nae-#i mu- u so-beob ga-deuk



shi-m eong a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri

SUV p9# 1G)Y wB-2
K;S^ 9 +86

3M h -Uq< hv-@

bu-"ha su-bo-ri shi-beob ' eong-deung mu- u go-ha shi-m eong a-n uk-da-ra
V,V^ -m J JG

Y.Y )-v - - -M

sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri i-mu-a mu-in mu-#ung-saeng mu-su-#a

TQ# 1+86 V,V^ S^

M- v-@Y.Y M

su-il "he-seon-beob #euk-deuk a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri su-bo-ri

X#G :m31I# #

k- ?- h-

so-eon seon-beob-#a eo-rae seol-#euk bi-seon-beob shi-m eong seon-beob

SU\ gE 1G). -2


su-bo-ri ak-sam-"heon-dae "heon-se g e-#ung so- u #e-su-mi san-wang


enlighten#ent; was nothing a!t ally attainedQR PSo it is; S bh ti; so it is: 4s to ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent; I ha)e not attained the slightest thing: This is why it is !alled ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent:R

23: 4ll Dhar#as 4re E$ al PF rther#ore; S bh ti; all dhar#as are e$ al; none is s 9erior or inferior: This is !alled ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent: &hen one ! lti)ates all good witho t the notions of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a lifes9an; one attains ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent: S bh ti; the Tathagata tea!hes that good is not good; therefore it is good:R

2(: The .erits of Trans#itting the S tra PS bh ti; if a 9erson were to a!! # late the se)en 0ewels into #o nds e$ i)alent to all .t: S #er


:~ 9JdL\ J-(3

?hf Ufh )3=>

eo-shi deung-"hil bo-"hwi u-in #i- ong bo-shi ak-in i-"ha ban- a
56x: \ t ZJ3

?@AC . M y

'a-ra-mil-g eong nae-#i sa-gu-ge-deung su-#i dok-song wi-ta in-seol

gY }T J

i L_

eo-#eon bok-deok baek-bul bul-geub-il baek-"heon man-eok-bun

" p\X}Y

*M Uk4

nae-#i san-su bi- u so-bul neung-geub

SU X 1G) L-kL2
S^ <= @M :m<m m

M i[< ?wy?@hp v

su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha eo-deung mul-wi eo-rae #ak-shi-n eom a-dang

S^ V<m =- 29

M [@hp <)q -U

do-#ung-saeng su-bo-ri mak-#ak shi-n eom ha-i-go shil-mu- u

:mG 9 :mG :m1

? U? ?

#ung-saeng eo-rae do-#a ak- u #ung-saeng eo-rae do-#a eo-rae #euk

9mJJG S^ :m39mG 1I9m

UvM M ?Uv Uv

u-a-in #ung-saeng su-#a su-bo-ri eo-rae seol- u a-#a #euk-bi u-a

3T;J -9m S^ TG :m3

))yUv M ?

i-beom bu-#i in-i wi- u-a su-bo-ri beom-bu-#a eo-rae-seol


#euk-bi beom-bu shi-m eong beom-bu


in the worlds of a tri!hilio!os# and gi)e the# away in !harity; and another 9erson re!ited; re#e#bered; followed; and ta ght this 9ra0na 9ara#ita s tra or e)en a fo r-line )erse of this s tra to others; the #erit of the for#er wo ld not be a h ndredth; or e)en a billionth; of that of the latter: In fa!t; the #erit of the latter wo ld be so great that no !o#9arison; by !al! lation or by analogy; !o ld 9ossibly be #ade:R

25: There 4re 7o Beings to Aiberate PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ So sho ld not !lai# that the Tathagata has the tho ght; UI will liberate sentient beings:C S bh ti; do not ha)e s !h a tho ght: &hyQ There are in fa!t no sentient beings for the Tathagata to liberate: If there were sentient beings liberated by the Tathagata; it wo ld #ean that the Tathagata holds the notions of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an: S bh ti; when the Tathagata says UIC; there is a!t ally no UIC: Set ordinary beings think there is a real UIC: S bh ti; the Tathagata says that ordinary beings are in fa!t not ordinary beings: Therefore they are !alled ordinary beings:R


SU= I 1G) f2
S^ <= n-VU :m}

M i[< )Y)?

su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha ga-i sam-shib-i-sang kwan- eo-rae-bul

S^ :: -VU :m

M ?h?h )Y)?

su-bo-ri-eon eo-shi eo-shi i-sam-shib-i-sang kwan- eo-rae bul-eon

S^ -VU :mG

M )Y)? _`

su-bo-ri ak-i sam-shib-i-sang kwan- eo-rae-#a #el-r un seong-wang

1:m S^ :mX3Z

h? M a ?vk[

#euk-shi eo-rae su-bo-ri baek-bul-eon se-#on eo-a hae-bul so-seol-ui

}-VU :m g 33 -

?)Y)? )ha) )

b l-e ng i-sa#-shib-i-sang kwan-yeo-rae i-shi se-0on i-seol ge-an yak-i

1m -2Rm JF1 }Y:m

v )`v h. 4?

sek-g eon-a i-eum seong-gu-a shi-in haeng-sa-do bul-leung g eon- eo-rae

SU 1G) --2
S^ @<m :m}-

M ?@hp ?)q

su-bo-ri eo- ak #ak-shi-n eom eo-rae bul-i gu-#ok sang-go

+86V,V^ S^ V<m :m

v-@Y.Y M [@hp ?

deuk-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri su-bo-ri mak-#ak-shi-n eom eo-rae

}- +86 V,V^ S^

)q v@Y.Y M

bul-i gu-#ok sang-go deuk-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri su-bo-ri


2-: Seek the B ddha 7ot in For# or So nd PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ Can one dis!ern the Tathagata by #eans of the thirty-two 9hysi!al attrib tesQR S bh ti said; PSes; yes: 'ne !an dis!ern the Tathagata by #eans of the thirty-two 9hysi!al attrib tes:R The B ddha said; PS bh ti; if one dis!erns the Tathagata by #eans of the thirty-two 9hysi!al attrib tes; then a wheel-t rning sage king wo ld be a tathagata:R S bh ti said to the B ddha; P&orld +onored 'ne; as I nderstand the #eaning of what yo ha)e said; one sho ld not try to dis!ern the Tathagata by #eans of the thirty-two 9hysi!al attrib tes:R Then the &orld +onored 'ne s9oke this )erse@ Those who see #e in for#; or seek #e thro gh so nd; 4re on a #istaken 9ath? they do not see the Tathagata: 28: 4)oid 4nnihilisti! %iews PS bh ti; if yo think that the Tathagata attains ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent witho t the 9erfe!tion of all attrib tes; then; S bh ti; yo sho ld not think this way; be!a se the Tathagata does not attain ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent witho t the 9erfe!tion of all attrib tes: S bh ti;


@<m '+86 V,V^9G

?@hp /v@Y.YB

eo- ak #ak-shi-n eom bal-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri shim-#a

3D V<m =- '+86

G [@hp <)q /v@

seol-#e beob-dan-m eol mak-#ak-shi-n eom ha-i-go bal-a-n uk-da-ra

V,V^9G }3

Y.YB i

sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri shim-#a eo-beob bul-seol dan-m eol-sang

SU }}4 1G)^ M2
S^ - ~ d

M )_<.a f

su-bo-ri ak-bo-sal i-man hang-ha-sa deung-se-g e "hil-bo #i- ong

L\ K9J $TQm [~ (

h U -v `i 3

bo-shi ak-bu- u-in #i-il "he-beob mu-a deuk-seong eo-in "ha-bo-sal

Z XsY =- S^ -D

k <)q M )G

seung-#eon bo-sal so-deuk gong-deok ha-i-go su-bo-ri i-#e bo-sal

}gY S^ <=

Mq M a <

bul-su bok-deok-go su-bo-ri baek-bul-eon se-#on un-ha bo-sal

}gY S^ X<gY

M M k@

bul-su bok-deok su-bo-ri bo-sal so-#ak bok-deok

}4H 3}gY

? hqM

bul-eung tam-"hak shi-go seol-bul su-bok-deok


if yo resol)e to attain ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent with s !h a tho ght; yo wo ld be asserting the e<tin!tion of dhar#as: So sho ld not think this way: &hyQ 'ne who resol)es to attain ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent does not assert the e<tin!tion of dhar#as:R

23: Bodhisatt)as Do 7ot 4!! # late .erits PS bh ti; if a bodhisatt)a were to gi)e away eno gh of the se)en 0ewels to fill as #any world syste#s as the grains of sand in the Janges 6i)er; and another bodhisatt)a attained the forbearan!e of the selfless nat re of all 9heno#ena; the )irt e of this bodhisatt)a wo ld e<!eed that of the for#er: &hyQ S bh ti; this is be!a se bodhisatt)as do not a!! # late #erits:R S bh ti said to the B ddha@ P&orld +onored 'ne; how is it that bodhisatt)as do not a!! # late #eritsQR PS bh ti; bodhisatt)as do not !ling to the #erits they generate: Therefore I say that they do not a!! # late #erits:R


SUg 1G) y[w2

S^ 9J :mm ,

M U ? .a

su-bo-ri ak- u in-eon eo-rae ang-nae ak-go ak-#wa ak-wa

J}mX3Z =- :mG Xm

hvk[ <)q ? -k

shi-in bul-hae a-so seol-ui ha-i-go eo-rae-#a mu-so #ong-nae

X :m

-k q?

eong-mu so-geo go-m eong eo-rae

S^ #: #;J -VJJ

M --? )YLLa

su-bo-ri ak-seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in i-sam "heon-dae- "heon se-g e

! <= ! e8} S^

y& i[< h& y M

swoe-wi mi-#in eo-ui-un-ha shi-mi #in-#ung eong-wi da-bu su-bo-ri-eon

8 =- !29G

B a <)q h&U

shim-da se-#on ha-i-go ak-shi mi-#in #ung-shil u-#a

1}3 ! X-G= 3 ! 1I

h& k)< &

bul-#euk bul-seol shi-mi-#in-#ung so-i #a-ha bul-seol mi-#in-#ung #euk-bi

! ! :mX3VJ

& h& a ?kYL

mi-#in-#ung shi-m eong mi-#in-#ung se-#on eo-rae so-seol sam-"heon

J 1I =-

La a ha <)q a

dae-"heon se-g e #euk-bi se-g e shi-m eong se-g e ha-i-go ak-se-g e

29G 1T :m3T 1I

U h ?

shil- u-#a #euk-shi il-hab-sang eo-rae seol-il hab-sang #euk-bi


2B: The Th s-Co#e 'ne 7either Co#es 7or Joes PS bh ti; whoe)er says that the Tathagata 1UTh s-!o#e 'neC2 !o#es; goes; sits; or lies down does not nderstand the #eaning of #y tea!hing: &hyQ The Th s-!o#e 'ne neither !o#es nor goes: Therefore he is !alled UTh s-!o#e 'neC:R

30: The 7at re of the &orld PS bh ti; what do yo thinkQ If a good #an or good wo#an were to take all the worlds of a tri!hilio!os# and !r sh the# into tiny 9arti!les; wo ldnCt these 9arti!les be n #ero sQR PE<tre#ely n #ero s; &orld +onored 'ne: &hyQ If these tiny 9arti!les had real e<isten!e; the B ddha wo ld not !all the# tiny 9arti!les: &hat does this #eanQ &hat the B ddha !alls Utiny 9arti!lesC are nottiny 9arti!les: Therefore they are !alled tiny 9arti!les: &orld +onored 'ne; that whi!h the Tathagata !alls Uall the worlds of a tri!hilio!os#C are a!t ally not worlds: Therefore they are !alled worlds: &hyQ To the e<tent that these worlds really e<ist; they do so as a !o#9osite: The Tathagata tea!hes that U!o#9ositesC are not


T T S^ TG 1

h M h

il-hab-sang shi-m eong il-hab-sang su-bo-ri il-hab-sang-#a #euk-bi

}n3 !T;J 4H

bul-ga-seol dan-beob bu-#i-in tam-"hak gi-sa

SVUT $} 1GY 2
S^ J 3m J

M v

su-bo-ri ak-in-eon bul-seol a-g eon in-g eon #ung-saeng-g eon

JG S^ <= Jm X3Z}

M M i[< hvk[

su-#a-g eon su-bo-ri eo-ui-un-ha shi-in hae-a so-seol ui-bu

}O J} :mX3Z =- 3

> a h?k[ <)q a

bul- a se-#on shi-in bul-hae eo-rae so-seol-ui ha-i-go se-#on-seol

m J JG 1Im J

v M v

a-g eon in-g eon #ung-saeng-g eon su-#a-g eon #euk-bi a-g eon in-g eon

M hv M

#ung-saeng-g eon su-#a-g eon shi-m eong a-g eon in-g eon #ung-saeng-g eon su-#a-g eon
S^ '+86 V,V^9G TQ

M /v-@Y.YB i

su-bo-ri bal-a-n uk-da-ra sam-m ak-sam-bo-ri-#a eo-il "he-beob

:$ : :y }

??h ?h ?hf

eung- o shi-#i eo-"hi g eon eo-shi shin-hae bul-saeng beob-sang


!o#9osites: Therefore they are !alled !o#9osites:R PS bh ti; a !o#9osite is a!t ally ineffable; b t ordinary beings for# atta!h#ents to s !h 9heno#ena:R

31: E<tin!tion of the Fo r %iews PS bh ti; if so#eone !lai#s that I tea!h )iews of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an; what wo ld yo sayQ +as this 9erson nderstood the #eaning of #y tea!hingQR P&orld +onored 'ne; this 9erson has not nderstood the #eaning of the TathagataCs tea!hing: &hyQ The &orld +onored 'ne e<9lains that )iews of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an are a!t ally not )iews of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an: Therefore they are !alled )iews of a self; a 9erson; a sentient being; or a life s9an:R PS bh ti; one who resol)es to attain ns r9assed !o#9lete enlighten#ent sho ld know; 9er!ei)e; belie)e; and nderstand all dhar#as like this; 0 st as they are; witho t atta!h#ent to the attrib tes of any dhar#a:


S^ XG :m31I

M k ? h

su-bo-ri so-eon beob-sang-#a eo-rae seol-#euk bi-beob-sang shim eong beob-sang

SVU I% 1GY) ?L2
S^ 9J- ~ d

M U)_-va f

su-bo-ri ak- u in-i man-mu r ang a-seung #i-se g e "hil-bo #i- ong
L\ 9#: #;J '^9G (:

h U--? /B i3C

bo-shi ak- u seon-nam-#a seon- eo-in bal-bo-ri shim-#a #i-eo "ha-g eong
\ t J3 g

. M y,

nae-#i sa-gu ge-deung su-#i dok-song wi-in eon-seol gi-bok

Ze <=J3 }Y ::}

W <y, fi ??

seung-'i un-ha wi-in eon-seol bul-"hwi eo-sang eo- eo bu-dong

=- TQ9 :$

<)q Uy ?*)

ha-i-go il-"he u-wi-beob eo-mong hwan-'o- eong

:u: <:

?{? ?@?h

eo-ro eok- eo-#eon eung-#ak eo-shi-gwan

3: v0S^ DE E

hC) {MG

bul-seol shi-g eong-i #ang-no su-bo-ri geub-"he bi-gu bi-gu-ni

9 9 TQF J 6

Rd R) aHLvM@

u-ba-sae u-ba-i il-"he se-gan "heon-in a-su-ra

X3 y|

k l fM

mun-bul so-seol gae-dae hwan-hui shin-su bo-haeng


S bh ti; the Tathagata has e<9lained that dhar#a attrib tes are not dhar#a attrib tes; therefore they are !alled dhar#a attrib tes:R 32: 4ll *heno#ena 4re Ill sions PS bh ti; if a 9erson were to a#ass eno gh of the se)en 0ewels to fill !o ntless worlds and gi)e the# away in !harity; and if a good #an or good wo#an with the bodhisatt)a resol)e takes as few as a fo r-line )erse of this s tra; re!ites; re#e#bers; follows; and e<9o nds it to others; the latterCs #erit wo ld far e<!eed that of the for#er: +ow sho ld one tea!h it to othersQ &itho t atta!h#ent; abiding in stillness and s !hness: &hyQ 4ll !onditioned 9heno#ena 4re like a drea#; an ill sion; a b bble; a shadow; Aike dew or a flash of lightning? Th s we shall 9er!ei)e the#:R &ith this the B ddha !on!l ded the s tra: The elder S bh ti; other bhiks s; bhiks nis; 9asakas; 9asikas; hea)enly and h #an beings; as ras; and other beings of the world; ha)ing heard the B ddha; were all filled with i##ense 0oy? they a!!e9ted and followed the tea!hing faithf lly


d )
(-(sY T

0)3 i

won i-"ha gong-deok bo-geub eo-il-"hae

m 9

v? >

a-deung eo-#ung-saeng dang-saeng geung-nak-kuk

pJ X[1

-M `

dong-g eon mu-r ang-su gae-gong seong-bul-do


!edication of -erits %erse .ay the #erit fro# re!iting this s tra benefit all; .ay we and all sentient beings be born in the 9 re land; Together realiDe infinite life 14#itabha B ddha2; and attain the 4wakened &ay:


VWX /YZ[ //he /hree 7efu(es

The Three 6ef ges are !hanted at the beginning of e)ery !ere#ony and often to start any for#al B ddhist o!!asion: They are a testi#ony by B ddhists of their in!reasing tr st in the B ddha; the Dhar#a; and the Sangha: 4s we 9ra!ti!e and test the B ddha/s tea!hings for o rsel)es; o r !onfiden!e in!rease and we are able to tread the 9ath to enlighten#ent with great !ertainty:
WX ( \]d Z[) Z[ 1gwi-ui-bul ang-#ok-#on2

I take ref ge in the B ddha; re9lete in wisdo# and !o#9assion

WX!Q ( s Z[) Z[)} 1gwi-ui-beob i- ok-#on2

I take ref ge in the Dhar#a; free fro# all atta!h#ent

WXu ( b]md Z[) Z[ 1gwi-ui-seung #ung-#ung-#on2

I take ref ge in the Sangha; whi!h dwells in har#ony


\]^( /._0 //he Four %o1s

The Fo r %ows are fo r Bodhisatt)a )ows that are s ally re!ited or s ng at the !on!l sion of a !ere#ony or any B ddhist gathering: They are a reaffir#ation of ea!h indi)id alVs sin!ere intention to li)e for the welfare of all: @^( ( ) -x0 1#ung-saeng mu-b eon seo-won-do2 Sentient beings are n #berless; we )ow to free the# all: abO^( 1 g) -0 1beon-noe mu-#in seo-won-dan2 Del sions are ine<ha stible; we )ow to end the# all: ^(F ( ) -0K 1beom-mun mu-l ang seo-won-hak2 The B ddha/s Tea!hings are bo ndless; we )ow to learn the# all: 10^([ ( )) -0` 1bul-do mu-sang seo-won-seong2 The B ddha/s &ay is ns r9assable; we )ow to realiDe it:


1 +o#age to the Three Treas res is !hanted in the #orning and e)ening: It is slow and resonant; with a f ll bowl at the end of ea!h se!tion: Before the asse#bly begins to !hant together; a short )erse of &ater 'ffering or Fi)e-*art In!ense 'ffering is !hanted by the #onk leading the !hant: 2: USeon .aster +ye-SeonCs %owC !an also be !alled USeon .aster +ye-SeonCs Boddhisatt)a %ow:C It is !hanted at #any >orean te#9les d ring the daybreak !hanting: It is an e<9ression of the bodhisatt)a s9irit of .ahayana B ddhis#=the intention to be!o#e enlightened in order to benefit all li)ing beings: 3: The +eart S tra was translated d ring the (th !ent ry in China: Belonging to the body of the literat re known as the *ra0na9ara#ita; it is one of the shortest for#s of this literat re and 9 r9orts to 9ortray the )ery VheartV of 9erfe!t wisdo#: In >orea; it is !hanted at e)ery !ere#ony and regarded as the !entral tea!hing of .ahayana B ddhis#: (: The Tho sand +ands S tra was translated into Chinese by Bhaga)ad Dhar#a; a #onk fro# western India who !arried the te<t to Tang China in the 3th !ent ry: The one sed here is an abbre)iated )ersion of a longer S tra; PThe Tho sand +ands and Tho sand Eyes 4)alokites)ara S tra of Jreat and Co#9lete Co#9assion;R and !ontains !hants and #antras fro# a n #ber of other S tras: It is !onsidered to be a !o#9rehensi)e !hant !ontaining the essen!e of B ddhist tho ght with an e#9hasis on 4)alokites)ara/s !o#9assion: 5: The original na#e of the Dia#ond S tra is /%a0ra!!hedika-9ra0WI9Ira#itI-sXtra/ whi!h ro ghly translates to P%a0ra C tter *erfe!tion of &isdo# S tra:R The word P%a0raR in Sanskri #eans both th nderbolt and dia#ond@ like a th nderbolt; it ! ts thro gh ignoran!e: In English it is si#9ly !alled PThe Dia#ond S tra:R This s tra is 9art of the *ra0na9ara#ita literat re: The s tra is $ ite 9o9 lar in the .ahayana B ddhist tradition as it !ontains the !ore as9e!t of Seon 9ra!ti!e; i:e: !ontin al 9ra!ti!e of non-abiding: The message of the Diamond S6tra, es'e"iall in its aim of "alling into @uestion the *alidit of "on"e'tual labels, o*erla's signifi"antl with that of the 5eart S6tra, whi"h went as far as to sa Ano suffering, no 'ath,,, no wisdom, no attainment,A This was done to bring home to Buddhist adherents the "om'leteness of the do"trine of em'tiness, b 'ointing out that no "on"e't is 12-

sa"red, 8*en the most hallowed "on"e'tions in Buddhism7 moralit , wisdom, enlightenment, de'endent origination, are after all nothing but linguisti" "onstru"ts, and the Buddhist belie*er must e*en get rid of these, 1 4:C: . ller; Introdu"tion; The Dia#ond S tra: htt9@""www:a!# ller:net"b d!anon"dia#ondYs tra:ht#l2

.any !hanting books ha)e been !ons lted in the #aking of this book; es9e!ially the !hanting book #ade by the >wan T# S!hool of Seon 1htt9@""www:kwan #Den:org2 and the P.onasti! *ra!ti!e and Cere#onyR of ,ogye 'rder of >orean B ddhis# 1htt9@""www:koreanb ddhis#:net2: The Dia#ond S tra is ado9ted fro# the )ersion done by Ch ng Tai Zen Center 1htt9@""www:!tDen:org2: 'thers in!l de@ - Aot s Aantern International B ddhist Center 1htt9@""lot slantern:net2 - B ddhanara Te#9le 1htt9@""www:b ddhanara:net2 - &iki9edia for its entry on the Jreat Co#9assion Dharani 1htt9@""en:wiki9edia:org"wiki"7[C([4blakanthaYdh[C([31ran[C([4B2 Sele!ted translations and editing was done to ens re the !hants are !o#9rehensible and !oherent in English: 4n ele!troni! !o9y of this book !an be downloaded fro#@ htt9@""goo:gl">a6D6% 4ny !o##ents or in$ iries abo t this book !an be dire!ted )ia e#ail to@ wd9hish at g#ail:!o#


Dwelling ha''il in the 'resent moment

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