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Gum Flavor Lasting Test Micah R. Carey 7th Grade Mrs. Cunha St.

Isaac Jogues 2013/2014

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Table of Contents

Page Number(s)

Abstract .3 Research Question.3 Purpose3 Background Research..3-4 Hypothesis..4 Materials4 Procedure4-5 Results..5 Conclusion5 Bibliography..5 `

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Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to find out if gum flavor determined how long the flavor lasts. My hypothesis was that gum brand will determine how long the flavor lasts because the gum brand Extra won various awards on long-lasting flavor but the other gum brands didnt. To test this I go three different brands of gum with the same flavor, chewed one piece at a time, and recorded when I started chewing and when the flavor ended. After chewing each brand I compared their times and put them in order from least to greatest. My experiment proved that gum brand does determine how long the flavor lasts. Extra had the longest flavor than the other gum brands.

Research Question: Which gum brands flavor lasts the longest?

Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to see which gum brands flavor lasts the longest.

Background Research: There are many different kinds gum brands. Some brands say that their gum has long lasting flavor and some gum brands flavor naturally lasts longer than others because of the type of flavor. Mint would probably last longer than bubble gum flavor because mint is a little stronger flavor and taste than bubble gum does. The gum flavors that I will be testing are: Extra, Orbit, and Doublemint. They all will be the same flavor, but Extra is the only gum that says their gum is long-lasting flavor. Extra is also one of the most-advertised gums as having long-lasting flavor. My experiment will show which brand has the longest flavor. Extra is famous because it uses is BHT which is what they use to keep a long flavor.
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The other gum brands Im testing dont specifically say what ingredient they use to personalize and benefit their gum. Orbit is a very popular gum because it was the first gum brand to win the American Dental Associations seal of Acceptance because of leaving your teeth clean and your breath fresh. Doublemint is popular because of its strong mint flavor and its low prices for a large amount of prices given. They are all having the same basic flavors to form and flavor gum but, they all have at least two different ingredients from each other to make their gum original. These are very popular gum brands but have very different benefits to make their gum stand out. ` Extra uses no sugar in their gum, and has only five calories per piece. Doubblemint uses

two gallons of sugar and only ten calories per piece . Orbit uses 1 gallon of sugar and is only seven calories. I think this will have a very big impact on the ending result. I think this because Extra uses the least sugar and has the least calories. I think that because of that it will have more flavor which will last longer than orbit and Double mint. Also I think Extra will win because it says that is has long-lasting flavor and has won various awards for having long flavor.

Hypothesis: I think the gum brand, Extra, will have the longest lasting flavor because it says It has long-lasting flavor and has one various awards for long-lasting flavor. Materials: Procedure: 1. Get three different gum brands with the same flavor from any store 2. Get three pieces from each brand and lay them out 3. Pick the piece you want to start with
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Three different gum brands that have the same flavor A data chart divided into 12 squares Some type of clock to look at and record the time and when the flavor ends Your mouth or someone elses to chew the gum

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Results:

Once you beginning chewing write down the time When the flavor ends write down the time it ends Then repeat it with the other brands Once youve done all the brands once do it at least two more times Record your data each time you chew the gum and the flavor ends

The results of the experiment were that Extra had the longest lasting flavor, followed by Orbit, followed by Doubblemint. Extra had a very strong flavor, and the flavor ended between thirty-two and thirty-six. Orbit was strong at first but began to slowly fade away and ended between nineteen and twenty-one minutes. Doubblemint was also really strong but began to fade away very fast and ended between fourteen and sixteen minutes. Extra kept its flavor the longest and when its flavor began to end it didnt taste dull or bland. Conclusion: In my experiment my hypothesis, does gum brand determine how long the gums flavor lasts was proven. The experiment went along very smooth and theres nothing I would change. In the future I think I will test a wider selection of gum to see if I get the same answer. In the experiment I learned that gum brand determines how long the flavor lasts. I think that can help people choose a gum flavor that lasts long and that it will help them make sure they get their moneys worth.

Bibliography: Different Gum Brands. 2010. Gum Brands. November 12th, 2013. Certain Gum Lasts Longer Than Others. 2011. Gum Brands and Flavors. November 11th, 2013 Gum Ingredients. 2009. Ingredients. November 20th, 2013

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