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EGR 105 Intro to Engineering I Week 14 Lecture: Bill of Materials o!

a": Bill of Materials Balloons Working #ra$ings #ocu%entation of t&e itle Block 'lass Work an! (o%e$ork )ssign%ent

Fall 2013

EGR 105 Intro to Engineering I Bill of Materials or *arts List+ Recall...An asse%,l" !ra$ing is only one of the complete set of drawings that should be packaged together to form a set of $orking !ra$ings. In addition to assembly and subassembly drawings, this set includes !etail !ra$ings (multiview drawings) which show the specific size and shape of each part.
!ain Assembly "rawing
## $hows relationship between all parts and subassemblies. ## %ists and identifies individual parts and subassemblies. ## &ives assembly instructions. ## 'omplete %ist of !aterials

$ubassembly "rawings ## $hows how one piece of the $ubassembly "rawings overall structure isof assembled ## $hows how one piece the overall structure is assembled and lists parts used to make it. and lists parts used make it. ##Includes anyto assembly ##Includes any assembly instructions re(uired for instructions re(uired manufacture of for subassembly.
manufacture of subassembly.

"etail "rawings ). "etail "rawing * "etail "rawing + "etail "rawing ,

##$hows the specific shape and size information of one part. $ome companies may show several simple parts on one detail drawing. ## ypically a multiview drawing

hese drawings, used together, create a complete and clear record of all the information needed to manufacture and assemble the device.

In addition to the drafted views of an ob-ect, most drawings re(uire additional notes and details to present a complete picture of the parts and the materials that make up the assembly.

.ne standard way this type of information is documented is by use of a tabular !aterials or /arts %ist (sometimes called 0ill of !aterials). 1hen used on an assembly or subassembly drawing, the /arts list can include2 "escriptive 3ame of /art or $ubassembly 4uantity of /art used in Assembly 'omposition or !aterial (if not a stock part) Reference 3umber for Inventory "etail or !anufacturing "rawing 3umbers /art $upplier or any number of other important descriptive items.

"emo ,5.,2 6ow to make an e7ploded view. 6ow to make a drawing of an assembly 6ow to make a parts lists on a drawing 6ow to add documentation to the parts list

Making an E-.lo!e! /ie$2 1hen you add an e7ploded view, the original constrained assembly view is not destroyed8 the constraints are still there. 9ou can reclaim the une7ploded view by collapsing the e7ploded view using the :eature !anager. ;7ploded views may be more helpful showing how the parts of an assembly fit together than the fully mated assembly view. ;7ploded views are made by use of the ;7ploded <iew tool in the Assembly file. After starting the ;7ploded <iew tool, you simply select a part of interest (or multiple parts) and then move the part by dragging the colored a7is arrow.

!ove multiple parts simultaneously by first $hift#'licking each part before dragging the arrow.

)sse%,l" #ra$ing: 1hile the e7ploded view is created in the assembly file, documentation of an Assembly "rawing will be added in the drawing file made of the assembly. 'ommon additional documentation or annotations include item balloons, a parts list, and=or additional title block information herefore the ne7t step toward a completed assembly drawing is to create a drawing which shows views of the assembly. his is completed in similar fashion to that of making a drawing of a part.

Adding an ;7ploded <iew to the "rawing2 o show the e7ploded view of the assembly, the appropriate checkbo7 of a view>s /roperties dialog bo7 is selected. ?

Adding 0alloons2 0alloons are added using the 0alloon or Auto 0alloon tool on the Annotation tab. 1hile $olid 1orks can create the balloons automatically, it doesn>t do a very good -ob of placing them. It is up to the user to drag the balloons to an aesthetically pleasing position. 0alloons can be moved by dragging the balloon end with the mouse. he leader end of the balloon can be moved by dragging the grip bo7.

balloon grip

Adding a /arts %ist and ;diting %ist2 An assembly drawing should also have a complete list of the parts that appear in the assembly. .ther relevant information about the parts such as 4uantity used, !aterial, /art description, /art number, "rawing number, and=or $upplier may also be placed in the /arts %ist. A table containing the 0ill of !aterial may be easily created using the able option under the Insert menu.

E!iting t&e Bill of Materials: he bill of materials may be edited in several ways. ,) (Recommended) 9ou can add information about each part in the original part file that will be used to update the bill of materials. File0*ro.erties)(fill in specified information) +) (%ess recommended, but easier to do) 'lick on individual cells of the 0.! and type in the information. his may be overwritten if the 0.! is automatically updated. *) $ome features of the 0.! are controlled by the options listed and edited through the :eature !anager. 5) he 0.! template and structure can be changed to include more and different columns and categories. @sually, a company will have a drawing policy about how changes to a 0ill of !aterial will be made and how they be documented.

EGR 105 Week 14: Bill of Materials 'lass Work 14+1: 1ork through the ;7ploded <iew tutorial in your 0eginner>s &uide to $olid 1orks +A,* which is on pages 5,*#5,B and the Assembly and "esign able "rawings on pages 5+C#5*5. 'omplete and turn in a hard copy of the e7ploded view of the assembly. his will show the e7ploded view with each part identified by a numbered balloon. Also include a completed 0ill of !aterials table and fill in the appropriate information on the title block.

(o%e$ork 14+1: 'reate a set of working drawings of one of the three assemblies presented on the following pages. he set of working drawings will include a) A separate detailed drawings for each individual part including dimensions. b) An assembly drawing which shows how the parts fit together and includes a 0ill of !aterials. $how both an e7ploded and une7ploded view of the assembly. 0alloons should be used to identify items by number. c) All drawings should have complete information in the title block,

(o%e$ork 14+1 1.tion 1: #ou,le Bearing Re(uires2 "etailed drawings of part ,, +, and * Assembly drawing with material list and balloons

(o%e$ork 14+1 1.tion 2: W&eel 2u..ort Re(uires2 "etailed drawings of 0ase, $upport, 0ushing, 1heel, and $ocket 6ead $houlder $crew Assembly "rawing with !aterial list and balloons

Assembly Problems taken from Fundamentals of Graphic Construction by Bertoline and Wiebe.

(o%e$ork 14+1 1.tion 3: $ist 'la%. Re3uires: #etaile! #ra$ings of *arts 1 t&roug& 10 )sse%,l" #ra$ing $it& %aterial list an! ,alloons

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