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Exemplos de uma Carta Convite ao Visitar a Inglaterra Modelo para Visita como Turista xxx (nome do anfitrio) xxx

(endereo do anfitrio) xxx (telefone do anfitrio) xxx (e-mail do anfitrio) xx xx xx (data) Re: Issuance of tourist visa to my xx friend (name) / Mum and Dad / sister / cousin / etc. (name) Dear Honourable Immigration Officer, I, xx (nome completo do anfitrio), a xx (citizen of / resident of / student* in) the United Kingdom, xx (working as / studying) xx (profisso ou estudo do anfitrio) at xx (nome da empresa de trabalho ou escola / colgio / universidade), would like to invite my xx (friend / Mum and Dad / sister / cousin) xx (nome completo), passport number (00000), to visit England for tourism purposes. xx (He / She / They) will stay with me as my guest during xx (his / her /their) holiday from (work / school / college / university), at the above mentioned address for a period of xx (nmero de meses), from xx (data de chegada) to xx (data de sada). During xx (his / her / their) stay in England, I will bear all responsibilities including, but not limited to, financial responsibilities, housing and food. XX (nome do convidado) will be presenting this letter to you, together with xx (his / her / their) return ticket to Brazil and passport to assure you that xx (he / she / they) will return prior to the expiration of xx (his / her / their) stay in England. So, I respectfully request you to grant my xx (friend / Mum and Dad / sister / cousin) xx (nome) a tourist visa for xx (his / her / their) visit to this country.

Your kind consideration to this request will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, Xx (nome e assinatura do anfitrio) Modelo para Estadia como Estudante** xxx (nome do anfitrio) xxx (endereo do anfitrio) xxx (telefone do anfitrio) xxx (e-mail do anfitrio) xx xx xx (data) Re: Issuance of student visa to my xx friend (name) / sister / cousin (name) Dear Honourable Immigration Officer, I, xx (nome completo do anfitrio), a xx (citizen of / resident of / student* in) the United Kingdom, xx (working as / studying) xx (profisso ou estudo do anfitrio) at (endereo do trabalho ou estudo), would like to invite my xx (friend / sister / cousin) xx (nome completo), passport number (000000), to stay with me during xx (his / her) study in England. xx (He / She) will be living with me at my house during xx (his / her) stay, at the above mentioned address for a period of xx (nmero de meses), from xx (data de chegada) to xx (data de sada). During xx (his / her) stay in England, I will bear all responsibilities including, but not limited to, financial responsibilities, housing and food. XX (nome do convidado) will be presenting this letter to you, together with xx (his / her) return ticket to Brazil and passport to assure you that they will return prior to the expiration of xx (his / her) stay in England. So, I respectfully request you to grant my xx (friend / sister / cousin) a student visa for the duration of xx (his / her) studies in England. Your kind consideration to this request will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours,

Xx (nome e assinatura do anfitrio) * Se o anfitrio for um estudante ele deve mandar uma carta da escola juntamente com a carta convite como comprovante de estudo no Reino Unido. ** A carta convite para estudante no substitui a carta da escola.

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