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Antwerp , New York 13608

Antwerp Community Newsletter

MARCH 2014
Mark Your Calendar
March 12th- Village Board Meeting @ 7PM @ Fire/ Village Hall. March 13th - Antwerp Primary School Literacy Fair 6-7PM. product or requesting March 13th- Antwerp your service. Primary School Parent You can compile a mailing /teacher conferences list from business reply + cards, customer Book Fair. 12noon early information dismissal.sheets, Business cards collected 14th or Firemens atMarch trade shows, Fish Fry (info on back) membership lists. You might consider March 15th purchasing Karaoke with a mailing list from a Mr. Big 8-12pm. company. March 17th- St. Patricks Next, establish how much Day - American time and money youLegion can Ham &your Corned Beef spend on newsletter. These factors will help Dinner (Info on back)
determine how frequently you publish the newsletter and its length.

March 29th Town Board Moments Karaoke 1. Citizen Concerns a.

Legislator Al Drake addressed the board about the countys financial situation for this year. Budget cut short. The Coolidge Bridge was asked about and Mr. Drake will look into this further. A brief discussion followed concerning other county projects going on.
2. Communications- a. A monthly report from Assessor Cindy Shaw, reporting on activity for the past two months, working on STAR renewals and collecting data on new construction projects around the Town. B. A monthly report from zoning Officer Bruce Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell has been working with the assessor familiarizing himself with the Towns zoning laws and setting up his computer with the zoning programs. Mr. Mitchell issued two zoning permits for the month. 3. Motion was approved and carried to name the new cemetery, The Coolidge Cemetery. 4. New business on the agenda was a new copier for the Town offices. The clerk will contact and obtain information and prices for next months meeting. 5. A discussion concerning the repairs that needs to be done on the front of the Town Hall building. A list of repairs will be made for next months meeting.

Next Town Board meeting will be on March 10th, 2014 @ Town Hall @ 7PM.
Village Board Moments 1.Citizen Concerns a. Legislator Al Drake was present to address any questions/concerns regarding the County. The Board informed Legislator Drake that they have received many complaints regarding the work done on Main Street and will be addressing the matter with the County once all the snow is melted this spring. 2. DPW Report-RBC #2 is currently being torn down and the replacement is scheduled for delivery February 21. Supt. Pitts added that there is nothing wrong with the water in the Village, we have air in our lines and he really doesnt want to open a hydrant at this time of year to correct the problem. 3. Sewer Project- RBC #1 is now online. The Village is still continuing talks with Senator Schumers office regarding RD grant funding. P.S. There is a leash law and you can be ticketed.

Next Village Board th meeting is March Village Moments - 12 , 2014 Momentsnewsletter @ Village/ Fire is to provide specialized Hall @7PM. information to a targeted ++++++++++++++++++ audience. Newsletters can Mark your way Calendar be a great to market your product or service, March 1st Antwerp and also create credibility Legion Karaoke with and build Mr. Big from 8-12pm. y March 3rd-7th HS Parent Visitation Week. March 5th- Ash identity our organizations among peers, members, Wednesday employees, or vendors. March 7th- MS- End of First, determine the 25 weeks. audiencethof the March 7 - IRIS School newsletter. This could be dismissal @12noon due anyone who might benefit from the information it to staff training. contains, for example, March 7th Karaoke employees or people Night @ Antwerp interested in purchasing a American Legion with Jim March 8th- Art Celebration Day @ HS 10am to 12 noon. March 9th- Daylight Savings Time begins. (Put Clocks ahead 1 hour) March 9th- May 22ndIndian River District Student Art Show @ Salmon Run Mall. March 10th Town Board Meeting @7PM @ Town Hall. March 12th- HS Open House with Parent conferences, College Night.

March 17thSuperintendents conference day- No student attendance. March 18th- MS Parent/ teacher conferences March 21st- Karaoke Night @ Antwerp American Legion with Jim from 8-12PM. March 26th- 6th Grade Concert.
March 28th Firemens Fish Fry- (info on this side.) March 29th - Karaoke Night with Mr. Big from 8-12PM.

Special Thanks to Carol laurs A Countryman, Pat Ketterman and her helpers for their efforts to the Antwerp Recreation Committee Valentines Day Dance. THANK YOU! **************************
Happy Birthday Debbie Sibley 3/04 Aylssa Sands 3/07 Nicole McCauley 3/10 Tyler McCauley 3/15 Fred Cook, Dave Dean, Tony Hull, George Turner

Church News- First Congregational Church UCC is taking orders for Pizza Sale during March. To be made and delivered on April 5th. 1 for $7 and 2 for $13. Cheese or Pepperoni. POC Myra & Jerry LaClair 659-8657

Whats Up in Antwerp?
Antwerp Fire Dept. Fish Fries

Look out for future dates

April 1st- April Fools Day

April 1st-3rd ELA State Testing Grades 3-8th. April 8th-10th- Author Cynthia DeFelice visits IRIS. April 9th Village Board Meeting @ 7PM @ Village / Fire Hall. April 11th- 3rd Quarter Ends/ K-12 grades. April 12- Easter Egg Hunt April 13th Palm Sunday April 14th Town Board Meeting @ 7 PM @ Town Hall. April 14th- 21st Spring Recess NO SCHOOL.

March 14th & 28th Price: $8.00 for seniors, $9.00 eat in, and $10.00 for takeout, Time 5?PM.

+++++++++++++++++ Methodist Church For more info Call Wanda Daniels 6599426
******************************* Village Market Sunday 9AM-9PM Monday 9AM- 9PM Tuesday 9AM- 9PM Wednesday9AM- 9PM Thursday 9AM- 9PM Friday 9AM- 9PM Saturday 9AM-9PM Also subs, sandwiches, garden & anti pasta salads available. 659-8981 ++++++++++++++++++++

McPhersons Boarding Kennel - Going on Vacation and need to board your dog?? McPhersons Boarding Kennel @ 38172 Ore Bed Road, Philadelphia. Call 642-0540 for info and rates.
Crosby Public Library List of some new books. Adult Fiction The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt The Cedar Cove Series by Debbie Macomber The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer Sycamore Row by John Grisham The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom Come in to see the rest!! +++++++++++++++++++++

++++++++++++++++++++ Antwerp American Legion Corned Beef and Ham Dinner on Monday March 17th for the St. Patricks Day celebration. Dinner starting at 5PM. Adults $8.00 and Kids 5-12 yrs.$5.00 ++++++++++++++++++
Easter Egg Hunt Saturday April 12th @ Ball Diamond from 11AM to 12. Lunch is from 12noon @ Fire Hall. (Can bring a dish to pass.) Sponsored by Village of Antwerp Recreation. 2,000 Eggs. All kids and parents are welcome.

April 18th Good Friday

April 20th - Easter Sunday April 22nd Earth Day April 24th- Board of Education Mtg. 7PM in Board Room. April 29th- HS Band / Orch. Concert @ 7 PM April 30th-May 2nd Math State Testing Grades 3-8th.
Hello Antwerp. Well, we still have our cold days and nights. Keep tabs on your supplies before any winter storms approach.
As always, I am here for your news. Call me @ 659-8213 or email me @ laurahancock@earthlink. net Take care and God Bless you all.

Do you recycle?? Recyclables can be picked up on the first and third Friday of the month. However, they must be clean and sorted. Contact the village clerk (659-8661) for a list of recyclable items and sorting instructions. List is also available on village website.

Just a reminder to check out the Village Website. ++++++++++++++++++ Safety- Have you checked your smoke detectors lately?? Do you need a new battery for it??

Head Start is looking for children who will be 3 or 4 years old by Dec.1st. If interested, call 782-4900 or 659-5099 for information. (Head Start is in Antwerp Primary.)

Any and all home repair and landscaping. Contact Greg Scano 659-8526/ (315)7784586.

+++++++++++++++++++++ Old Home Day will be on August 2, 2014 We are in planning stages now. ORA will be holding their annual run/walk details will be coming soon. Old Home Day will be having its 2nd annual frog jumping contest, Pie Baking contest and Cubby T Clown. Anyone or organization that wishes to participate in anyway that day should contact Barb @ 6592419 or Amy @ 659-8661.

Laura Hancock


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