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NEGROS ORIENTAL STATE UNIVERSITY College of Engineering and Architecture Main Campus II, Bajumpandan, Dumaguete City

A partial fulfillment in ME 423: Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 3

Performance of an Automotive Diesel Engine

Submitted to: Engr. MarilouTomentos Submitted by: Bernardino R. Paguican

November 20, 2013


I. OVERVIEW II. TEST PROCEDURE A. B. C. D. Apparatus Determinations Results Comparisons

III. SAMPLE TESTING WORK A. Apparatus 1. Dynamometer 2. Exhaust Emission Analysis 3. Additional Equipment and Data Acquisition B. Baseline Testing C. Hydrogen Assist Testing D. Comparison IV. Works Cited

OVERVIEW In an Otto cycle automotive engine, the speed at a given load is controlled by a simple process of throttling the flow of air-fuel mixture at the entrance to the intake manifold by means of a butterfly valve. On the other hand, the diesel engine is governed by the control of fuel flow only, and almost the same amount of air is taken in at each intake stroke, irrespective of the load. A governor is incorporated into the fuel system and controls the maximum speed of the engine. If at any given load, the speed is less than that for which the governor is set, the governor will open to allow more fuel to be injected and the increased power will tend to increase the speed to the governor-set maximum. The governor is actuated either by flyball weights or by a venturi-vacuum device located at air intake. When the diesel throttle is advanced, the fuelinjection system is opened by the governor and causes the engine to deliver more power and increase its speed. The chief practical difference of the two systems of control is that the diesel throttle setting imposes control of the maximum speed, while the automotive throttle does not. Therefore, it is easier to test the performance of a diesel engine because you can make constant-speed runs on various loads.

TEST PROCEDURE 1. Apparatus It is assumed that a multicylinder automotive diesel is mounted to drive a suitable dynamometer for this test and that instruments and measuring equipment similar to those used in the SAE automobile-engine tests are available. 2. Determinations Make a series of five or more constant-speed tests, with five or more loads at each speed. Approximately equal increments of load and of speed should be used, with one run at maximum torque at each speed. Make monitoring tests for determining friction horsepower. 3. Results Plot first the results of each constant-speed test against load. Also cross plot to secure the usual SAE standard curves of horsepower, torque, mechanical efficiency,

specific fuel consumption, thermal efficiency, and brake mep, all plotted against speed. Other useful curves are heat rejection against indicated horsepower and friction horsepower against speed, both curves on logarithmic coordinates, also exhaust temperature, mep, and fuel consumption plotted against fuel-air ratio. 4. Comparisons

SAMPLE TESTING WORK (This test is conducted by Matt R. Davis of Diesel Engine Research and Development at Northern Illinois University, Illinois, USA). 1. Diesel Engine Test Lab (Apparatus) Engine - To begin to understand the performance characteristics of a large scale diesel engine, a smaller scale diesel engine was acquired, tested, and understood. The engine choice was aimed to be similar to the engines used in locomotives. For these reasons, the test engine chosen is a donated Briggs and Stratton 4-cycle diesel engine. It is an 18 horsepower, inline 3-cylinder engine that will be tested and monitored thoroughly for all possible variables. The engine along with all other components was mounted on a steel test frame that allows complete mobility of the testing apparatus.
Briggs and Stratton 4-Stroke Diesel Engine Engine Valve Mechanism Displacement (cc) Bore x Stroke (mm) Timing Compression Ratio Gross HP @ 3600 RPM Gross Torque @ 2400 RPM (ft. lbs.) In-Line 3 Cylinder Gear-Driven Overhead Valve 700 68 x 64 1-2-3 ( Front, Center, Back ) 24.0 : 1 18 32.5

Dynamometer - To conduct engine experiments with accurate results, a load must be placed on the engine. Creating a load will simulate the actual working conditions of the engine. If the engine is tested without a load, the data collected will show results similar to accelerating the

engine of a car while it is neutral. A dynamometer will be used to create the load on the engine. The dynamometer is a water- brake style loading mechanism that reacts against the rotation of the input shaft. An impeller is rotated by water flowing against the natural rotation of the flywheel, thus creating the load on the engine. Furthermore, it also monitors the torque and horsepower, and allows the load to vary as needed. The load can fluctuate for different engine speeds, because the engine will need to be tested for all similar situations to the diesel locomotive. The graph illustrates the maximum torque and horsepower allowed for the dynamometer. The Briggs and Stratton engine falls under both curves, making the dynamometer appropriate for experiments application. To adapt the dynamometer to the engine, an input shaft will be machined to a 3 and 4 degree taper. The taper is needed so the dynamometer can be securely attached to the shaft. The shaft will then be pressed into a circular flange with the correct hole locations, and then be attached to the engine. Exhaust Emission Analysis - During engine testing, the emission content will need to be monitored. The individual gases most important to the research are CO, CO2, HCs, O2, NOx (NO+ NO2). A Nova five gas diesel emission analyzer will be able to provide real time monitoring of each gas, and enable data collection on a PC. The information can be related to the engine speed and load placed on the engine by the dynamometer.

Additional Equipment & Data Acquisition - To correctly identify any reasoning behind results, the engine operation must be monitored. There will be sensors to monitor all temperature issues of the engine. This includes the temperatures of intake air, exhaust air, individual cylinder head, and coolant. Also, the intake air flow and exhaust air flow will have sensors to help determine the total volumetric and mass air flow. The test stand has been equipped with a scale to measure the mass loss of the fuel tank over time. This will allow for calculations of fuel consumption rates during each engine RPM and load. To correctly understand the overall efficiency of the engine, the fuel consumption and power output of the engine will be compared. All of the above will be correlated to the engine rotational speed, horsepower, and torque of the engine. A data acquisition module will collect real time data of the engine, and sort the information in a type of spreadsheet. The software enables the data collection, allows multiple environment simulations, graph overlaying, data averaging, histograms from previous tests, and an oscilloscope type screen that can be monitored during testing. 2. Baseline Testing Before an accurate comparison could be made regarding the hydrogen assist, an engine baseline was needed for petrol diesel. The testing procedure consists of multiple 20 minute runs that exert a 100% load at different RPM ranges. Each test was designed to maintain the engine speed and load to reach a constant torque and horsepower. Since the

test was conducted under steady state conditions, an accurate conclusion could be made about the fuel consumption. These conditions were also chosen over other conditions due to the greater fuel consumption rate at higher loads. The data was then complied for the average inputs and outputs at the different engine speeds. The average horsepower, torque, exhaust composition, and fuel consumption was then broken down to illustrate 95% confidence intervals for the mean. Test Modes
Mode RPM Torque % Number of Runs 1 3500 100 7 2 3000 100 7 3 2500 100 7

Recorded Inputs
Engine Speed (RPM) 3500 3000 2500 Fuel Consumption (GAL/HR) 0.99 0.861 0.694 Air Intake Flow (CFM) 34.19 30.54 25.54 Air Intake Temp (F) 71 71 71 Coolant Flow (GPM) 4.3 2.82 1.67 Coolant Temp (F) 131.24 123.86 110.67 Coolant Pressure (PSI) 7.29 6.71 7.16

Recorded Outputs
Engine Speed (RPM) 3500 3000 2500 Horsepower 14.29 12.82 11.05 Torque (FT-LBS) 21.43 22.44 23.21 Exhaust Flow (CFM) 92.33 81.4 67.37 Exhaust Temp (F) 998 978 965 Coolant Flow (GPM) 4.3 2.82 1.67 Coolant Temp (F) 169.31 160.68 152.8 Coolant Pressure (PSI) 6.89 6.35 6.73

After gathering all the data during each run, the average overall engine efficiency for each RPM range and load was calculated. This was done by relating the energy content in the fuel consumed to the overall power output by the engine. Understanding the baseline engine efficiency for each RPM range will help illustrate any positive or negative changes while testing the hydrogen assist generator. The average overall baseline efficiency reached 26.84%.
Calculated Engine Efficiencies for Each Run 3500 RPM 3000 RPM 2500 RPM Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 0.2638 0.2658 0.2697 0.2684 0.2702 0.2579 0.2702 0.2887 0.2677 0.2651 0.2636 0.2608 0.2722 0.2766 0.2781

Run 6 Run 7 Average Standard Deviation

0.2728 0.2691 0.2685 0.0030

0.2722 0.2709 0.2675 0.0094

0.2684 0.2636 0.2691 0.0068

Since the overall baseline efficiency of the engine was 26.84%, it must be known that energy had dissipated in areas other than the dynamometer. There was heat rejection by means of the exhaust, coolant (assuming ethylene glycol), and other content losses due to free convection to the room. The total energy content lost to the exhaust, coolant, and dynamometer was then subtracted from the total average energy content from the fuel consumed. Theoretically the value should be zero, but because of the additional heat loss from the engine, the result shows a slight error.
Energy Balance from Inputs and Outputs Input 2500 RPM 3000 RPM (BTU) (BTU) Energy Content of Fuel Consumed 34588.50 41262.86 Outputs Heat Rejection to Exhaust 10058.89 12903.49 Heat Rejection to Coolant 9240.97 13849.67 Energy absorbed by Dyno 9353.99 11138.75 Summation of Energy Outputs 28653.85 37891.91 3500 RPM (BTU) 45019.05 13855.10 17612.85 12088.50 43556.45

Energy Balance Showing Content Loss

2500 RPM (BTU) 34588.50 28653.85 5934.65 17.16% Loss 3000 RPM (BTU) 41262.86 37891.91 3370.95 8.17% Loss 3500 RPM (BTU) 45019.05 43556.45 1462.60 3.25% Loss

Total Energy Content In Total Energy Content Out Other Energy Content Loss

Exhaust Composition During the engine testing, a sample probe was installed into the exhaust system to take exhaust composition readings. The readings were from a Nova five gas diesel emission analyzer. The individual gases monitored are CO, CO2, HCs, O2, NOx(NO+ NO2). The results are also important to the baseline testing, because it will allow any changes in exhaust composition to be noticed while testing other emission reducing techniques, such as the hydrogen assist. Below are the average exhaust gas samples for each RPM range. The more noticeable trends are the increases in O2 and NO emissions and the decreases in CO2 emissions as the engine RPM increases from 2500 to 3500.

Average Exhaust Composition

O2 (%) 2500 RPM 3000 RPM 3500 RPM 5.393 6.073 7.671 CO2 (%) 11.813 11.318 10.231 HC's (PPM) 4.964 3.393 3.923 NO2 (PPM) 257.929 240.786 255.648 NO (PPM) 3.518 7.250 13.538

3. Hydrogen Assist Testing After the baseline results of the diesel engine were analyzed, the testing could begin on the hydrogen assist. In order to have accurate results the testing procedure was identical to the baseline tests consisting of multiple 20 minute runs that exert a 100% load at different RPM ranges. Only this time the hydrogen assist generator was installed, which required an electrical source to operate. This is because the hydrogen assist uses electrolysis to produce hydrogen. The housing was hooked up to the 12 volt battery and outlet side of the generator was routed into the intake. Since the hydrogen generator must have an electric source, the power consumption was monitored to measure the energy loss. Test Modes
Mode RPM Torque % Number of Runs 1 3500 100 7 2 3000 100 7 3 2500 100 7

Recorded Inputs
Engine Speed (RPM) 3500 3000 2500 Fuel Consumption (GAL/HR) 0.945 0.873 0.767 Air Intake Flow (CFM) 32.36 29.30 24.76 Air Intake Temp (F) 71 71 71 Coolant Flow (GPM) 3.71 2.87 1.77 Coolant Temp (F) 134.37 126.45 113.16 Coolant Pressure (PSI) 10.16 10.24 9.43

Recorded Outputs
Engine Speed (RPM) 3500 3000 2500 Horsepower 14.21 13.44 11.61 Torque (FT-LBS) 21.64 23.53 24.40 Exhaust Flow (CFM) 85.50 79.33 66.60 Exhaust Temp (F) 966.95 1001.41 992.36 Coolant Flow (GPM) 3.72 2.88 1.78 Coolant Temp (F) 176.16 174.73 172.40 Coolant Pressure (PSI) 9.35 9.45 8.72

This time the power consumption from the hydrogen generator was subtracted from the output power of the engine. The average overall baseline efficiency reached 27.35%. Calculated Engine Efficiencies for Each Run
Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 Run 7 Average Standard Deviation 3500 RPM 0.2692 0.2729 0.2745 0.2715 0.2664 0.2696 0.2721 0.2709 0.0027 3000 RPM 0.2628 0.2806 0.2809 0.2796 0.2776 0.2799 0.2816 0.2776 0.0066 2500 RPM 0.2614 0.2779 0.2764 0.2761 0.2726 0.2790 0.2626 0.2723 0.0073

Similarly to the baseline tests, an energy balance with the hydrogen assist was calculated. The total energy content lost to the exhaust, coolant (assuming ethylene glycol), and dynamometer is calculated and then subtracted from the total average energy content from the fuel consumed. The result shows error from the heat lost through the engine. Energy Balance from Inputs and Outputs
Input Energy Content of Fuel Consumed Outputs Heat Rejection to Exhaust Heat Rejection to Coolant Energy absorbed by Dyno Summation of Energy Outputs 2500 RPM (BTU) 35739.03 10137.13 12873.48 9884.98 32895.59 3000 RPM (BTU) 40625.34 12105.43 16010.19 11433.05 39548.67 3500 RPM (BTU) 43969.61 12680.14 17538.93 12077.34 42296.41

Energy Balance Showing Content Loss

2500 RPM (BTU) 35739.03 32895.59 2843.44 7.96% Loss 3000 RPM (BTU) 40625.34 39548.67 1076.67 2.65% Loss 3500 RPM (BTU) 43969.61 42296.41 1673.20 3.81% Loss

Total Energy Content In Total Energy Content Out Energy Content Loss

Exhaust Composition - The averages can be directly compared to the baseline exhaust readings to see any increase or decrease with the addition of the hydrogen generator.

Average Exhaust Composition

O2 (%) 2500 RPM 3000 RPM 3500 RPM 6.605 6.612 7.541 CO2 (%) 10.768 10.833 10.196 HC's (PPM) 3.897 2.808 3.744 NO2 (PPM) 225.359 236.154 249.744 NO (PPM) 11.949 10.115 15.167

4. Comparison After both sets of test were completed, the data was compiled and analyzed. All the calculations were made assuming that each test mode was conducted at the same steady state conditions for both the baseline and hydrogen assist tests. The tables below contain the mean values and comparisons for horsepower, torque, fuel consumption, efficiency, and exhaust temp at each designated RPM. The tables contain the differences between overall mean values for the baseline diesel runs and the hydrogen assisted runs. Comparisons at 2500 RPM
2500 RPM Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 Run 7

Horsepower Diesel H2 11.244 11.993 11.052 11.453 11.052 11.673 10.753 11.396 10.559 11.605 11.503 11.737 11.281 11.470 11.063 11.618 0.555

Torque (Ft-lbs) Diesel H2 23.604 25.184 23.208 24.045 23.209 24.509 22.601 23.934 22.173 24.371 24.156 24.680 23.691 24.087 23.235 24.402 1.167

Fuel Consumption (Gal/hr) Diesel H2 0.780 0.827 0.775 0.740 0.742 0.759 0.711 0.742 0.694 0.766 0.783 0.756 0.750 0.785 0.748 0.768 0.020

Efficiency Exhaust Temp (F) Diesel H2 Diesel H2 0.264 0.261 967.551 1037.317 0.261 0.278 959.219 976.655 0.272 0.276 965.037 997.459 0.277 0.276 926.773 966.017 0.278 0.273 893.787 977.909 0.268 0.279 1022.385 1025.045 0.275 0.263 1002.581 966.148 0.271 0.272 962.476 992.364 0.002 29.888

Comparisons at 3000 RPM

Fuel Consumption (Gal/hr) Diesel H2 0.947 0.948 0.861 0.882 0.789 0.865 0.896 0.869 0.915 0.864

3000 RPM Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5

Horsepower Diesel H2 13.366 13.822 12.731 13.727 12.466 13.485 13.281 13.483 13.269 13.315

Torque (Ft-lbs) Diesel H2 23.604 24.191 22.282 24.042 21.818 23.603 23.242 23.606 23.222 23.319

Efficiency Diesel H2 0.258 0.263 0.270 0.281 0.289 0.281 0.271 0.280 0.265 0.278

Exhaust Temp (F) Diesel H2 1063.951 1083.139 986.536 1034.954 954.083 996.367 1034.160 999.367 1043.246 978.208

Run 6 Run 7 Average Difference

12.819 13.590 13.075 0.367

13.117 13.144 13.442

22.435 23.799 22.915 0.620

22.969 23.011 23.535

0.861 0.928 0.885 -0.012

0.844 0.841 0.873

0.272 0.268 0.270 0.007

0.280 978.853 958.589 0.282 1047.191 959.222 0.278 1015.432 1001.407 -14.025

Comparisons at 3500 RPM

3500 RPM Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 Run 7 Average Difference Horsepower Diesel H2 14.288 14.904 14.119 14.403 13.963 14.122 14.458 13.975 13.766 14.025 14.629 13.936 14.199 14.107 14.203 14.210 0.007 Torque (Ft-lbs) Diesel H2 21.434 22.698 21.192 21.924 20.946 21.511 21.690 21.272 20.651 21.370 21.980 21.206 21.301 21.480 21.314 21.637 0.324 Fuel Consumption (Gal/hr) Diesel H2 0.990 0.998 0.971 0.952 0.946 0.927 0.985 0.928 0.931 0.949 0.980 0.932 0.965 0.935 0.967 0.946 -0.021 Efficiency Diesel H2 0.264 0.269 0.266 0.273 0.270 0.275 0.268 0.271 0.270 0.266 0.273 0.270 0.269 0.272 0.269 0.271 0.002 Exhaust Temp (F) Diesel H2 998.009 1015.839 970.114 977.506 958.393 963.684 993.894 959.192 967.645 949.934 1010.138 938.117 980.867 964.365 982.723 966.948 -15.774

Comparison of Exhaust Composition at Designated RPM

Diesel O2 (%) 5.393 6.073 7.671 H2 O2 (%) 6.605 6.612 7.541 Diesel CO2 (%) 11.813 11.318 10.231 H2 CO2 (%) 10.768 10.833 10.196 Diesel HC's (PPM) 4.964 3.393 3.923 H2 HC's (PPM) 3.897 2.808 3.744 Diesel NO2 (PPM) 257.929 240.786 255.648 H2 NO2 (PPM) 225.359 236.154 249.744 Diesel NO (PPM) 3.518 7.250 13.538 H2 NO (PPM) 11.949 10.115 15.167

2500 RPM 3000 RPM 3500 RPM

Differences of Exhaust Composition at Designated RPM ([-] indicates decrease)

O2 (%) 2500 RPM 3000 RPM 3500 RPM 1.212 0.538 -0.130 CO2 (%) -1.045 -0.485 -0.035 HC's (PPM) -1.067 -0.585 -0.179 NO2 (PPM) -32.570 -4.632 -5.905 NO (PPM) 8.431 2.865 1.628

WORKS CITED Briggs and Stratton Commercial Power. Website: Dunn Davis, Matt R. (August 7, 2009). Diesel Engine Testing To Investigate Exhaust Emission Reduction and Engine Efficiency. Diesel Engine Research and Development, Northern Illinois University. Retrieved from

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