Desert Magazine 1938 June

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1510 S. Los Angeles Street ADDRESS
Los Angeles, Calif. CITY OR STATE
MAY 28—Six months trout season
opens in Arizona.
MAY 28-29—Cowhands of Yava- Vol.1 JUNE, 1938 No. 8
pai districts to compete in "Sports
of the Rangeland" at Seligman, COVER Joshua Tree in blossom
Arizona. Photo b y J. P. KNIPP
MAY 30—Pioneer Days celebration CALENDAR Important events on the desert in June . . . 1
begins at Clovis, New Mexico. POETRY Best contributions of the month 2
JUNE 2-5—Sixth annual conven- PHOTOGRAPHY Prize contest winners 3
tion of Federation of Natural PERSONALITY Trail-Blazer to Rainbow Bridge
Sciences of Southern California
at Pacific Palisades. By JOHN STEWART MacCLARY 4
TRAVELOG Hidden Valley—Temple of Mystery
JUNE 11—Annual flower show in By WALTER FORD 6
high school auditorium in Vic- PRIZES Announcement of amateur photograph contest . 8
torville, California.
CAMERA ART "Feel" of the Desert
JUNE 12—Annual Smoki dance at Photo b y W. M. PENNINGTON 9
Prescott, Arizona. CACTI Queen of the Desert Night
JUNE 13 - - Summer sessions to By RUBY BOWEN 10
open at University of Arizona at FANTASY Gift of the Genii
JUNE 14-18—Golden Jubilee pro- GEMS Desert "Roses" That Never Fade
gram to be held at Manti, Utah, By JOHN W. HILTON 13
observing 50th anniversary of the
completion of Manti Temple PAGEANTRY Smoki Clan of Prescott
which was dedicated by Brigham By OREN ARNOLD 15
Young in 1888. CONTEST Prizes to story tellers 17
DEVELOPMENT They Defied the Devil-God of San Jacinto
NATURE "Ghost Tree" of the Desert
In the Center of Downtown By DON ADMIRAL 21
REPTILES S a g a of the Walking Rock
WEATHER Reports of the Meteorologists 23
SPRING STS. CONTRIBUTORS Writers of the Desert 25
DOWNTOWN' BOOKS Reviews of past a n d present literature . . . . 26
MINING Highlights of the month . . 28
FICTION Hard Rock Shcrty
NEWS Here a n d There on the Desert 30
LANDMARKS Prize contest announcement 32
COMMENT Just Between You a n d Me—By the Editor . . . 36
The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Publishing Company, 597
State Street, El Centro, California. Entered as second class matter October 11, 1937 at the
post office at El Centro, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Title registered No. 402,937 in U. S. Patent Office, and contents copyrighted 1938 by
the Desert Publishing Company. Permission to reproduce contents must be secured from
the editor in writing. Subscription rate $2.50 per year in U. S. A. or possessions. Single
Right in the center of activities. . copy 25 cents.
. . . . a quiet, comfortable hotel RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor
TAZEWELL H. LAMB, Associate Editor
home . . 200 rooms J j oc
From $2wi<h
Private Bath
from .
1 J. WILSON McKENNEY, Business Manager
National advertising representatives: S. H. WILLIAMS & CO., INC.: Los Angeles,
Western Pacific Bldg.; San Francisco, 220 Montgomery St.; Chicago, Wrigley Bldg.; New
York, 507 Fifth Ave.
Staff representatives: Los Angeles, JOHN 0. PUTMAN, Phone FEderal 9495; Phoenix,
Stephen C. Shadegg, 14 E. Culver St.; Palm Springs, Don Admiral, Desert Museum.
Angelus De Anza Manuscripts and photographs submitted must be accompanied by full return postage.
The Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for damage or loss of manuscripts or photo-
H O T E L graphs although due care will be exercised for their safety. Subscribers should send notice
of change of address to the circulation department by the fifth of the month preceding issue.

MAY, 1938
By Lois Elder Steiner By Marty Hale
Salome, Arizona Steubenville, Ohio
Even a desert a heaven can be A barren field of sandy waste.
Without so much as the shade of a tree, The desert stretched with blinding glare—
I! love is there. For miles the heat-waves spiraled up,
A smile and a kiss at the close of the day; No cooling breath of life seemed there;
Heaven just can't be far away, Yet God had not forgotten . . . for
Not if you care. Where grassless sod and vastness loomed,
That we might know, and ever feel
There's heaven in even the sand at your feet; His hand . . . He placed a cactus-bloom.
It's not always in places where angels CREED OF THE DESERT
meet— My dusty trail along life's path,
I t s ANYWHERE! By J U N E LE M E R T PAXTON So like the desert did it seem,
The years stretched out in emptiness,
Nature is Peace, and in blessing Anci scorched and seared was every dream;
For those who have gone astray. But God remembered once again . . .
CALICO—1885—1905 Like jewels in a rosary.
By Alice Richards Salisbury She covers with sand in graceful Mote wonderful than cactus-bloom.
Daggett, California waves Sweet as your song—YOU came to me!
The mistakes of yesterday.
Bare mountains rise, deep-dyed in lusty hues—
Chrome yellow, turquoise, russet, rose and
green !
Dark crag and shadowed mesa, deep ravine DESERT MOON
Am! peak parade across horizon blues. By Sheila O'Neill
By Doris I. Bateman Winnemucca, Nevada
Benign they brood, nor note the far-flung Redondo Beach, California
news The desert moon rides low tonight,
Of treasure-trove. Now MEN are here, men I see his eyes—this man who knows the hills Great golden globe of mystery,
lean And calls them Mother—blue, they are, and Above the purple hills she peers
And hard and eager. A score of years they pale Across a gray-green sagebrush sea.
glean As if long staring in the sun distils
The metal Ages stamped from primal ooze. For him the sparse-flung beauty of the trail; The desert moon rides low tonight,
And then the tumult of their warring lives And in their half-translucent depths two As far as awakened eye can see
Dissolves. The bite of drill no longer rives points Her magic glory filters down
Red hills. Shy lizards man the ramp Of light pierce far into the mystery And banishes reality.
Where that intrepid band once came to camp Of his beloved desert which anoints
In cave and tent and hovel walled from mud. His nomad soul and sets it reaching, free.
Across their burial-ground, coyotes scud! Baffling, his eyes, for while their nameless RAIN IN THE DESERT
Lies still unanswered in his pallid gaze, By Alwilda S. Draper
SURCEASE The) take unto themselves a manifest Artesia, California
Communion with the ageless nights and days:
By Zee Leland All mountain lore is his, yet wordless Rain in the desert.
Fitful, gusty spray,
Ajo, Arizona speaking
Over dune and canyon,
Turns inward, while his eyes are seeking—
From teeming haunts of men I came— seeking. Master for a day.
Heart-sick and ill— • • • Rain in the desert,
From river, lake, and trees, and green Gray mists bending low,
Low-sloping hill. PEGLEG MINE
Caress the shifting sand dunes
M.'le after mile—through city, town, and plain K. V. Bennis Veiling the sun's hot glow.
I sped—and wept, and prayed aloud with pain Temecula, Calif. Tempest of little waters
Nor found surcease. Well, stranger, you put an ide' in my head, Never find the sea
Long hours of night and then the morning Or leastwise it come to me 'count of you said Rushing madly for a moment
came. Somewhere, in these parts, was a mighty rich Then lost eternally.
The waking sun stretch'd rosy fingers up,
Grasped firm the mountain top, and pulled ledge
herself Just lousy with gold from the heart to the
To look towards the west, edge.
Shrugging aside soft downs of gray, and pink, Discovered, way back in the pioneer days,
By a feller named Smith, so the old story says. HOUSE OF 'DOBE
And orchid—bound with gold.
To west—the mountains slipped o'er reaching It seems to me, stranger, right careless of you By Louise C. Rutz
To tell me all this, for shucks, if it's true
I reckon I'd better be looking around. Las Cruces, N. M.
Soft underthings of hazy blues and reds,
That doggoned old ledge might be right on
Then cast o'er all a cloak of purple mist It's a house of earth in New Mexico
my ground.
To wear throughout the day. Where the sun beats down and the dust clouds
Well folks, I've sure hunted a heap for that
Below and far beyond my weary feet rock. blow
The golden desert sands, with shift and swell, My wife's plum disgusted; she don't take no Where fluted peaks of the Rockies rise
Whispered of things untold and ages past, stock With purple spires to pierce the skies.
And long since gone from man. In them kind of yarns, says it's only a myth,
There never was nobody called Pegleg Smith. A house of adobe with mud troweled walls,
Minute blue blossoms smiled and laid a mat Now I've got a notion that story is true; Rough hewn vigas and cool dark halls.
On which they bade me stay a while and rest. I've met lots of fellows that think the same, Hand carved beams, a blanket gay
Lite-giving sunlight flooded all the world too. And a louvred door in the entry-way.
Warming my inmost chill. Somf of them's hunted a heap more than me
Soriows, and ills, and heartbreak slipped away; But nobody's found it and no two agree. A house of clay and straw and sand
Peace bathed my weary soul! Now I'm goin' at it in the way, instead But fashioned with patience and skill of hand
No trace of man defaced this wondrous spot. Of usin' my feet, I'll be usin' my head. To the firm content of the earth itself
All nature chimed sweet morning notes of One of these days when I have some more gas In sage-brush and sun on a mesa shelf.
praise, I'll fill my old truck and go out thru the pass.
Of Hope, and Love, and Strength, and Peace When I hit the city I'll start lookin' 'round The massive walls turn the desert heat
—ALWAYS. To see if some kin of old Peg can be found. And hold back the worry and cares that beat
I stood alone with God— I'm goin' to find out what they have to say, From the outside world like winds that blow
Surcease! IF I find a Smith in that town of L. A. On my house of earth in New Mexico.

J. P. Knipp, Long Beach, "Joshua Bloom" GoaclveUa
Nicholas N. Kozloff, Riverside, First prize picture in the amateur photographers' contest held
"Painted Canyon" by Desert Magazine in April. Picture taken by A. Wieder-
John E. Lanz, Glendale, seder of 153 Manor Street, Altadena, California, with 5x7
"Hedgehog Cactus" Cycle Graphic camera, one second exposure, stop 15, K-2
filter, at four p. m.

This picture of the " S k y City" of N e w Mexico w a s a w a r d e d s e c o n d prize in the April contest. P h o t o g r a p h e d
b y R a l p h H. A n d e r s o n of Yosemite National Park. T a k e n with 31/2x41/4 Graflex, 1/25 sec. at fll K-2 filter.

JUNE, 1938
/ " ^ N a blistering mid-August day in
I T 1909 a little cavalcade threaded
its way along an obscure Indian
trail which led across northern Arizona
and into southern Utah.
John Wetherill was the guide who rode
ahead. Behind him came Dr. Byron Cum-

to Rainbow Stidae mings, then of the University of Utah,

and W. B. Douglass of the U. S. General
Land office. There were others in the
party, and pack animals to carry the
camping equipment.
John Wetherill led the first white expedition to Rainbow Vague stories had reached the outside
Natural bridge in southern Utah in 1909. In the years before world of a strange rock formation of such
and since that date he has played a leading role in many colossal proportions as to excite wonder
other important discoveries and explorations in the scenic Four and interest. So far as was known, no
Corners region of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona. white man ever had seen it.
But Wetherill, seasoned guide and ex-
In the accompanying text, John Stewart MacClary has given plorer, had undertaken to lead Dr. Cum-
the readers of the Desert Magazine an intimate picture of one mings to see this natural phenomenon.
of the outstanding pioneers in the desert Southwest. Douglass and members of his party had


joined the expedition in northern Ari- part in many important explorations in wafted out through the door of the din-
zona. American archeology. ing room—
The air was chilly and it was growing "Bring in your bags," Wetherill in-
Probably no other white man knew this
dark as we stopped before the vine- sisted, "You're just in time for dinner."
wild northern Arizona region as well as
Wetherill, but eventually the trail led covered stone home of the Wetherills. We removed the topsoil from our sun-
into an area where he had not gone be- Bright lights shining through the win- baked skin in a civilized bathroom. Our
fore. He knew, however, he could de- dows revealed a tree-bordered lawn and luggage was taken to a cozy guest room
pend on the directions given by his In- a lawnmower—here in the Arizona des- equipped with modern twin beds and
dian friends, and so he led the way with-ert, nearly 200 miles from a railroad. warmed by an inviting grate fire. When
out thought of failure. And as the sun "Guess they're at home," surmised my the dinner bell rang we were ready to do
was dropping down toward the western trailmate, "I'll ask John about a good full justice to the appetizing meal.
horizon the party reached its goal—the place to pitch our tent. Then we can One impression I recall was the quiet
Rainbow Natural Bridge of southern pay him a call after we make camp and efficiency of Fanny and Betty Wetherill
Utah. eat our supper." who served us. These two Navajo girls
A big black dog signalled the arrival —adopted and reared by John and Mrs.
It was a momentous day for John Wetherill after their own two children
of visitors. His bark didn't sound like
Wetherill as well as for the men who ac- had matured and established their homes
a challenge. More like a cordial "How-
companied him. That great span of rock —showed interest and consideration for
dy, pard." Another light flashed on and
which arches over Bridge canyon at a guests that often is lacking in more so-
the massive front door swung open.
height of 309 feet probably has stood phisticated dining rooms. There was no
White haired, white bearded, dressed in
there for a hundred thousand years—but nervous clattering of dishes—no spilling
riding clothes, John Wetherill stood in
it has never failed to bring a gasp of awe of soup and beverages—no frantic tap-
the doorway.
from the visitor who sees it for the first ping of hard heels on the wooden floor.
time—just as it inspired countless genera- "Howdy, Will," I heard him say in
cordial tones, "Long way from home, The Indian girls of the desert exhibited
tions of Indians with a feeling of super- the poise of cultured hostesses.
stitious reverence. aren't you? Come in—and bring your
friend." There are people who think desert In-
I wanted to meet the man who had led Bewhiskered after ten days neglected dians are doomed to lives of savagery—
that first party of explorers to the site of
shaving, trail-dusty and weary, we felt that it is impossible for them ever to ab-
this great scenic masterpiece. And so, hardly fit to enter the orderly home with- sorb understanding of white men's cus-
with my trailmate Will Evans, I paid a out first cleaning up a bit. But the sin- toms. I have come to the conclusion that
xnid-November visit to the Wetherill cere hospitality of our host and his wife it all depends upon the skill and under-
home at Kayenta, Arizona. induced us to abandon our plan of mak- standing of the teacher. The adopted
As pioneer traders on the Navajo res- ing dry camp and brewing mulligan. The daughters of John Wetherill brightly re-
ervation, Evans and Wetherill already rhythmic tunk-tunk-tunk of the electric flect the personality of Mrs. Wetherill.
were acquaintances. I first had heard power plant's engine, the burning logs in During the dinner hour Mrs. Wetherill
the stone fireplace, the appetizing smells discussed an interest of hers which may
John Wetherill's name mentioned in
connection with the discovery and exca- contribute valuable knowledge in fields
vation of certain ruins in the Mesa Verde Wetherill home at Kayenta, Arizona of scientific research. Over a period of
group in 1888. I knew that he had taken —a tree-bordered lawn and a lawn- Continued on page 34
mower in the heart of the Navajo

IUNE, 1938
Last December Walter Ford was awarded a
prize by the Desert Magazine for a picture
taken in Hidden Valley in the Joshua Tree Na-
tional Monument of Southern California. When
the picture was published inquiries began to
come in "Where is Hidden Valley and how
may I find it?" The answer is given by Ford
himself in the accompanying article. It is an
answer which will interest all those who like to
get away from the paved highways and visit
the remote corners of the undisturbed desert.

Ridden I/a//,
—Temp u
ojj Muitetij
Visitors to Hidden Valley have the choice o\ By WALTER FORD
scaling the rocky walls which surround it, or
crawling through a tunnel, the entrance of
which is shown in the accompanying picture.

JJ T *O\J have to crawl through a scene. Galleta grass grew in abundance. of the precipitous trail over which they
IF narrow tunnel to reach the val- The water problem was solved by build- drove their stolen cattle, but a narrow
' y ley." The speaker gazed reflec- ing reservoirs or "tanks" to catch the tunnel still affords access to one of the
' tively at the campfire and con- rainfall. As the cattle operations spread most picturesque spots in the Southwest.
tinued, "I reckon it's pretty safe to go in out it was inevitable that the gentry whose From the huge stone figure of a bird
there nowadays, but back in the 70 s a livelihood was gained by extra - legal which appears to stand guard over the
feller that wanted to remain healthy gave methods should make their entry. Inac- outside entrance, to the granite bull high
the valley a wide berth!" cessibility of the region made it ideal for upon a rocky abutment at the western
We had camped for the night at Quail their calling. Here stolen livestock could end of the valley, a fantastic array of
Springs in the Joshua Tree National be kept from the eyes of the law until it stone figures meets the eye of the visitor.
Monument of Southern California. In the could be driven across the Arizona border Foremost among these is the "Trojan,"
little group seated around our campfire and sold. a grim-visaged resemblance to a warrior
was one of those hopeful patriarchs of the "I said that you have to crawl through of ancient Troy, which adorns the inside
desert whose strike is always just one day a tunnel to reach the valley," the old wall at the right of the entrance. A few
ahead—tomorrow, and tomorrow. From prospector resumed, "but when those rus- feet away another figure appears in the
tales fanciful and real of lost mines, bo- tler fellers were active they built a regu- making, crude as yet, but sharply enough
nanza strikes and frontier justice, the talk lar stairway for their cattle on the south defined as an iceman with a block of ice
turned to cattle, cattle rustlers, and to the side of the valley. There is a steep wash on his shoulder. Because of its perfect
activities of the thieving fraternity in the cut through the rocky walls from the outline and the commanding position it
area in which we were then camped. floor of the valley to the desert outside. occupies, the stone bull presents perhaps
Although it was overlooked by the When they were moving their stolen the most startling figure in the area and,
Forty-Niners during the first gold rush, plunder those rascals would move enough incidentally, a challenge to those who take
the territory which comprises the newly boulders to make it passable, and then pride in their ability as mountain climb-
created Joshua Tree playground drew roll them back into place." ers. Access to the figure is not easy. The
many gold seekers during the following This was my introduction to Hidden way leads over huge boulders with spaces
years. After the miners had dispersed to Valley. The rustlers are no more. Time up to several feet between them. But if
other fields, cattlemen appeared on the and the elements have removed all traces one has the sure-footedness of a mountain


sheep, he should be able to reach the top
without much difficulty.
Only from such a vantage point as the
stone bull affords can the remoteness of
Hidden Valley and its advantages as a
rendezvous for early-day cattle rustlers be
fully appreciated. Not more than a few
hundred feet apart, the two piles of gran-
ite boulders comprising the walls of the
valley extend parallel for a distance of
approximately one-half mile, then con-
verge to form the western end. So decep-
tive are these walls when viewed from the
outside that they appear as a single ridge
of granite. Attesting this fact is the ex-
perience of a friend of the writer, who ig-
noring definite directions as to how to
reach Hidden Valley, came back with the
vehement assertion that no such valley ex-
isted! He had viewed both walls from
the outside and had decided that nothing
larger than a kangaroo rat could pass be-
tween them. Recently the Sierra Club of California spent a weekend exploring Hidden
The region surrounding Hidden Valley Valley. This picture shows a group of Sierrans who made the difficult climb to
has been a fertile field for archeological the top of Bull Rock, one of the many odd formations found in the enclosing
explorations for the past decade, but the trails of the valley.
valley has been overlooked. That it may
have been inhabited by some aboriginal the prehistoric life of this region or the campsites. Upon being shown some writ-
race in times past is indicated by the colored earthenware was brought in ings incised in the rocks adjacent to Hid-
fragmentary pieces of pottery which have through barter with tribesmen residing at den Valley he made no comment, but
been found on the floor of the valley. Of distant points. over pieces of thick pottery he grew quite
added significance is the fact that in the Seeking to learn more about the abo- voluble. They were, he indicated, left by
area surrounding the valley crude thick riginal inhabitants of Hidden Valley, 1 members of his tribe, the Cahuillas. After
pottery has been found along with the engaged one of the numerous Indians entering Hidden Valley, Old John be-
thin highly decorated type, while only who drift down into Banning from the came sullen and morose. A fragment of
pieces of the latter have been found in reservation to accompany me into the val- highly decorated pottery brought forth
the valley. Archeologists who have ley. Old John, as he was known, came the cryptic remark, "Injun no live here."
worked in the surrounding territory are well recommended. He could read pet- Undismayed, I led him to where some pet-
not sure whether these two types of pot- roglyphs, it was said, and even determine roglyphic figures showed faintly through
tery mark definite and separate periods in the tribe of Indians that occupied certain a covering of moss. Again the curt re-
The "Trojan" The "Bull"



* W F o VI 0

JUNE, 1938
One might easily imagine that a race of prehistoric giants piled boulder on
ply, "Injun no live here." Whether the boulder in the creation of the granite walls which surround Hidden Valley.
failure of my guide to reveal the history
of the valley was due to some ancestral ta-
boo, or to just plain ignorance of his sur- TO A M A T E U R
roundings, I was not able to determine. If
the former, it may be affirmed that Old
John did nobly in keeping the taboo in-
Increasing numbers of camera
ert Magazine office by June 20.
For those lovers of the desert to whom fans are entering pictures each 2—Not more than four prints
the beaten path has become common- month in the contest conducted by may be submitted by one person in
place, and who feel that there are no new the D e s e r t M a g a z i n e . These one month.
trails, a trip into Hidden Valley should monthly contests are open to all 3—Winners will be required to
prove a revelation. With its bizarre ex- amateurs and the range of subjects furnish either good glossy enlarge-
amples of Nature's handiwork, its thrill- includes close-ups of plant and ani- ments or the original negatives if
ing possibilities of additional discoveries, mal life, desert homes and gardens, requested.
and the restful isolation that its location odd rock formations, landscapes, 4—Prints must be in black and
affords, the valley will undoubtedly take unusual personal pictures with a white, 2Vix3Vi or larger.
its place as one of the most attractive desert slant. 5—Pictures will be returned only
spots in the whole desert area. Prizes are $5.00 for first and when postage is enclosed.
Hidden Valley may be reached by fol- $3.00 for second place winners. For non-prize-winning pictures
lowing the Quail Springs road where it Composition, lighting, focus and accepted for publication $1.00 will
branches off to the right from the Twen- other fine points of photography be paid for each print.
ty-Nine Palms highway, 29.2 miles from are no less important than subject. Winners of the June contest will
U. S. highway 99. Six and three-tenths Recently the Desert Magazine ob- be announced and the pictures pub-
miles beyond Quail Springs the road forks tained two fine cover pictures from
lished in the August number of the
to the left to join the Twenty-Nine Palms among the prints submitted by the
amateurs. magazine.
to Mecca road. Continue along that road Address all entries to:
seven-tenths of a mile where the car may Following are the rules govern-
be parked and the rest of the journey ing the contest: CONTEST EDITOR,
made afoot. The tunnel entrance may be 1—Pictures submitted in the June DESERT MAGAZINE,
found approximately 600 feet from the contest must be received at the Des- El Centra, Calif.



ok tin

MOTHER-LOVE Photo by W. M. Pennington

Mother-love is the same in metropolitan penthouse and in humble hut of

the desert Navajo.
The cradle which holds the Navajo papoose is of a type long known in the
desert Southwest. Ancient cradle boards unearthed in the ruins of cliff dwell-
ings are much the same as those used by modern pueblo mothers to carry
their infants.
In childhood and maturity most Navajos are straight-limbed and erect in
posture. The nose is strongly arched. The lips are firm and naturally shaped.
It seems probable that the early months in the papoose cradle may have con-
tributed to these characteristics.
Sheltered from direct sun rays by the canopy above its head, tiny feet
supported on a board that is part of the cradle, the Navajo baby rides back-
ward in this prehistoric rumble seat.

JUNE, 1938
ueen o\fitke a UT on my desert homestead west
of Tucson, Arizona, as I watch my
Night-Blooming Cereus cacti de-
velop and make ready for another blos-
soming, I am inclined to agree with the
Papagos that, truly, a Great Spirit walks

"Peiett A/iqkt these sands. Those who live in an arid,

sun - parched region the whole year
Ihrough inevitably come to regard the ex-
By RUBY BOWEN quisite flowering of this plant with some-
thing of the awe reserved for birth, death,
Papago Legend of the Desert Queen and other of Life's mysteries.
Long ago, says a Papago legend, there lived a wrinkled and bent, kind- For months our desert Queen appar-
ly old Papago grandmother, who all her life had yearned to be beautiful. ently was just a bundle of rather dry non-
When it came time for her to set her burden basket down, Great Spirit heard
her and granting her life-long wish he touched her shriveled arms, so like descript-looking sticks growing obscurely
dried sticks, and wherever he touched them flower buds appeared. Once in the sand, quite like the plain, wrinkled,
each year thereafter the little brown Papago grandmother is permitted to bent old grandmother of Papago lore.
reign for one magic night as the beautiful Flower Queen over all other desert Near the blooming time the plant
blossoms. stalks grow plumper and the buds with
On a warm June evening as that haunting perfume of the Night-Bloom- their white hairs begin to develop. Last
ing Cereus which Indians call the "Ghost Smell" drifts across the desert year I watched my Night-Blooming Cere-
sands knowing Papagos will tell you that Great Spirit's promise has again us buds for a week for tell-tale signs of
reached fulfillment, and she who carried beauty unrequited in her heart their opening. During the last four nights
those many years reigns again in floral loveliness. they seemed unchanged, and then one
Thus the desert Indians explain simply and beautifully that which has evening suddenly the lovely petals began
baffled botanists for many years, the presence of the indescribably lovely to unfold.
Queen of Night on our southwestern deserts, fragantly blooming, inexplica-
bly carrying on her traditions during one of the hottest, driest seasons of the It takes the Night-Blooming Cereus
year. about an hour to open fully, but during

the night the blossom continues to widen trast accent the extreme delicacy of the shade in my cactus garden, and by screen-
and elongate until it is said to reach its flower. ing them well, I find that I may enjoy
maximum size and the fullest perfection Silvery pollen, powdery as star dust, the blossoms in all their loveliness until
of its beauty in the hour before dawn. rests lightly on the stamens which extend about 8:30 to 9:00 o'clock in the morn-
Watching the blooming of a Cereus is an inch above the blossom to form a ing before they begin to droop.
a wonderful and never-to-be-forgotten ex- corona about which moths hover. As the petals start to close, the en-
perience. The large white petals sweep Like its near-relative, the Giant Sahua- chanting nectar, as if drawn out by the
back in amazingly wide arcs before one's ro, the flowers are funnel-shaped; but sun, increases in quantity, attracting wild
very eyes. Large, white moths flutter out with the petals infinitely more graceful desert bees which take the place of the
of the desert moonlight, hover near and and recurved. The cactus stems are also night moths in continuing the pollinating
drink the nectar of that exquisite fra- fluted, as in the case of its giant relative. process.
grance, making of our patio an enchanted When the first rays of the rising sun I have often wondered why someone
place. touch our Cereus, she begins to droop doesn't give us the perfume of the Night-
The blossom, measuring from three and like a sleepy child, and her petals close. Blooming Cereus so that we might enjoy
one-half to almost six inches across and The blossoms, normally, are tight-shut it the whole year through, instead of on
before noon. just the magic night. Perhaps the rela-
from seven to nine inches long, is a soft
tive rarity of the cactus may preclude this.
waxen white with slender gracefully- My finest photographs are not taken at The Night-Blooming Cereus is so very
pointed petals. The lovely white under- night, but shortly before the rising sun fragrant that one blossom will perfume a
petals are faintly tinged with shadowy peers over the mountain. By transplant-
lavender, blending to soft maroon tints ing my Night-Blooming Cereus in the Continued on page 35
near the stem, which gives the flower a
distinctive, rather exotic appearance.
These tints merge into the brown of the
ovary and calyx tube and into the brown-
ish-green fluted stems. A few slight pink-
ish bracts grow on the under side of the
blossom. The dark, spiny stems by con-

There is neither beauty nor sym-

metry about the Night-Blooming
Cereus until that eventful night
when it bursts jorth in radiant blos-
som. Because of its scraggly growth
good pictures of the plant are not
easily obtained. The Desert Maga-
zine is indebted to George Cham-
bers for this photo.

By the author of the
decompanyina article

Refuged in purple shadows

Of desert mountains
In midnight darkness
On the desert . . .
A Cereus blooms.

Waxen petals, virgin petals lifted

To pale desert starlight
In the silence,
A slow measured silence . . .
A Cereus blooms.

All is still
As in death . . . quiet
Only a perfume,
A perfume seeping through darkness,
A hidden perfume
Haunting us, telling us
A Cereus has bloomed.

Putting on white robes

In unison; mysteriously,
In the quiet, hidden sanctity
Of desert altars;
Like virginal girls, veiled;
Veiled nuns taking final vows
In white robes,
Vows of purity, chastity, constancy
A desert Cereus blooms.

JUNE, 193 11
iifit ofi the Q

/ ^ N THE beginning of time, an Earth Magician sat —each veil tenuous and illusive, so that man may see
y in his enchanted grotto surrounded by the Seven it always as a pageant of mysterious color."
Fairies of Creation. They were pondering their The sixth Fairy Genius considered sadly: "What is
next gift to man. Many beautiful projects had been there left for me to do? You have done everything;
considered, but none seemed suitable to the moment. nothing else can be added, unless . . . ah! I will cast
Finally the Earth Magician spoke: over all a profound silence, so that man may find
"I will cleave a great chasm deep in the earth, peace in his soul as he stands at the brink of the preci-
deeper than any other earthly gorge, that man may pice."
have something to wonder at." They turned then to regard the seventh one, who sat
"And I," said the first Fairy Genius, "will write on in silent contemplation, undismayed. They wondered
the walls of this gorge the Story of Geology, that man what might be his final contribution. At last the Fairy
may learn the history of our work." Genius spoke:
"I," said the second Fairy Genius, "will toil with in-
finite pains with the Chisel of Erosion, so that man may "And I will give to this Beauty, Grandeur and Mys-
learn the architecture of the elements." tery a dream quality, so that none can capture its exact
The third Fairy Genius proposed: "Let me put in the image to take away with him for the purpose of barter
bottom of this wonderful chasm a silver stream, more or trade."
beautiful in its setting than any precious metal, so that Thus the making of the gift began. Year followed
man may be humble in his desires." year, to the hundred, to the thousand, to the million.
"Then," said the fourth Fairy Genius, "I will put Perennial floods cut their way down through the sleep-
along the glorious rim of this gorge a purple garland ing strata. Snows and frost expanded minute particles
of cedar and pine with their silhouetted tips reaching on the shoulders of the cliffs, thaws crumbled them,
mutely toward the violet canopy of the sky, a symbol and rain washed them away. Contributing to the task
of hope, for man to see." was the sun1 s everlasting smile, while always at their
After a moment of thought, the fifth Fairy Genius lacework were the careful fingers of the wind. And
said: "When you have done all this work, I will grace when it was done, man came and gazed at all this ma-
its breadth and depth with morning and evening veils jestic loveliness, and called it the GRAND CANYON.


This photograph, natural
size, shows a "petrified
flower" in its original ma-
trix, this specimen was
picked out of an exposed
fissure in the rocks.

In one of her artistic moments, Nature created

a waxen flower - like gem which has been given
the common name of "chalcedony rose." Gen-
erally they occur in fissures in the rock, but dis-
lodged specimens frequently are picked up on the
slopes of the desert mountains and in the arroyos.
They are valued mainly for display and souvenir
I hat Arevet purposes. The gem-cutting fraternity admits frank-
ly that it cannot improve on the natural craftsman-
ship of these stones.


*< / H PETRIFIED flower!" That is there were areas on the desert where they where they are deposited after having
/ / what the old prospector called are not at all uncommon. weathered out of rocks. Although they
' it and little wonder that he did, Later, in the library I learned that chal- were formed in rock which was very hot
for it resembled nothing so much as a cedony is a fine grained or cryptocrystal- and their general shape resembles the
camellia. This stone (for stone it was) line form of quartz and gets its name melted wax they were named for, it is
had the appearance of having been carved from a Greek word meaning wax. highly improbable they were a molten
by some expert oriental craftsman. It had mass themselves. The evidence points
As a lad in school, the idea of roaming rather to the theory that as the lavas be-
the fine silky polish of an old piece of over the desert described by my prospec- gan to solidify, hot silica jell condensed
jade. tor friend and seeking these strange and out of the gases and formed these odd
He had brought it to me from the Ari- beautiful stones had a great fascination shaped masses in the cavities and seams
zona desert. He knew that such an odd for me. From that day I have been deep- of the rock.
and pretty stone would be a welcome ad- ly interested in these graceful little rose-
ates of chalcedony. After reading every- Although no two of them are ever
dition to my collection. shaped alike, still their composition is
thing available in the school library I felt
The next day at school my chemistry that I knew all about how they were quite similar, indicating that some defi-
teacher identified it as a chalcedony formed. But today I would not care to nite law of crystallization is involved in
"rose" and explained that the concentric venture an opinion on the subject. There their formation. I have noticed that dif-
arrangement resembling petals was due to is an element of mystery that has never ferent localities run to definite types,
an attempt at crystallization on the part of been explained to my satisfaction. showing that these laws must have been
the silica of which it was composed. She I do know they are found in igneous modified by varying temperatures and
had seen others of this type and said rock, or in alluvial fans and washes other conditions. One notable variation

JUNE. 193 8 13
seems to hold true. Those found in the tract rather than add to their individual west and north sides except to the most
fissures of rock are of the very smooth character. A small diamond drill-hole to skilled climbers.
type, showing little if any actual crystals attach them to a chain is all the prepara- Occasionally a pretty roseate may be
on their surface. Those found in the tion necessary to make an interesting and picked up far down on the slopes of the
floors of gas pockets, although they may beautiful piece of jewelry. mountain. Specimens also are found on
resemble in general shape the fissure the gravel slopes at the south and east
In my wandering about the desert I base of the Cargo Muchacho mountains
stones, have a tendency toward definite have encountered this mineral in perhaps in eastern Imperial county, California, al-
crystallization. These crystals range in 20 or 30 localities. There are probably though they are by no means plentiful
size from microscopic crusts resembling hundreds more that have not been re- there.
frost, to brilliant little gems a quarter of corded or studied. I would be interested
if any of my desert readers would send The value of this form of chalcedony
an inch long. Whether the crystals are depends largely on its attractiveness for
large or small they are arranged in con- me information about chalcedony roses
in their vicinity. I would like to use this display and souvenir purposes. Gem cut-
centric form following the general out- ters prefer other forms of chalcedony for
material to compile a map of our south-
line of the rose. marketable stones. Nature has done such
west desert area, shading the portions
where they are known to occur. a lovely job of casting these roseates it
There also seems to be quite a color would be rather presumptuous for man to
variation but so far I have not examined One of the places where fissures in the seek to improve their natural beauty.
any of a very bright hue. Most of them rock yield very beautiful specimens of
are either white or just off white running chalcedony roseates is along the ridge at
through pale pinks, orchids, greens, blues the top of the Kofa (S. H.) mountains in NEW GEODE FIELD IS
and light tans. A few have markings in Arizona between Yuma and Quartzsite. FOUND NEAR 29 PALMS
concentric lines of light orange or rust Since it requires a strenuous 2500-foot
color but these are not common. climb to reach the ridge, it is not likely A new geode field in which some of
this field will be over-crowded with col- the stones contained crystals ranging from
It is surprising what a beautiful and lectors. For those who are interested, pale green to black green recently was
interesting collection could be made of however, the ascent of the Kofa massif discovered by a group of gem-hunters re-
just this one mineral formation. Single should be undertaken from the northeast siding in the 29 Palms area of Southern
pieces may also be used for paper weights, approach. Kofa is inaccessible on the California.
ash trays, match holders or other decora- Following up arroyos 25 miles north of
tive objects, depending upon their size 29 Palms where specimens of agate have
Typical chalcedony roseates found been found, members of the party came
and shape. Some of the small smooth in many places on the desert. At the to embankments of pink clay conglomer-
specimens make lovely charms or pen- left a specimen taken from a fissure ate and discovered the geodes in their
dants. These do not require polishing or and at right one which had been dis- original matrix. A number of fine speci-
cutting as in most cases this would de- lodged and was picked up in an mens were collected by those in the group.


Once each year certain business and
professional men of Prescott, Arizona, don
the paint and feathers of savage tribes-
men and present a program of weird In-
dian ritual, including a modified version
of the famous Hopi Indian Dance. The
Desert Magazine asked Oren Arnold,
Arizona writer, to go behind the scenes of
this strange spectacle and find out just
what kind of spiritual overhauling is nec-
essary to bring a civilized white man to
the point of dancing with a writhing ser-
pent in his mouth, merely for the love of
doing it. Here is the answer—an answer
which will give you an intimate under-
standing of one of the strangest pageants
on earth.

Smoki <?Lan


Date of Smoki Dance in 1938, Sunday, June 12

Prescott youths are being trained to carry on the traditional

Smoki Dances in future years.

PRESIDENT Roosevelt were to zona, known as the Smoki People. They generation of Indians were dying, and
offer me a place in his cabinet and are world renowned; the chamber of young Redskins were taking more to pale-
a million dollars to dance publicly or commerce there has seen to that. But face ways. Aboriginal art would die with
otherwise while holding live snakes in my they do not thus make savages of them- the old timers. The white folk of Pres-
hands and mouth, I would turn him selves just for advertising. Nor is their cott set about the difficult task of pre-
down and join the Republican party. But performance any sort of travesty. It is serving this art before it was too late.
I know at least 40 or 50 otherwise nor- quite unlike anything else anywhere in Two dozen or so of the whites signed
mal white Americans who do dance pub- the whole world of the dance. up for it. They had an idea it might be
licly with reptiles in their hands and fun. It was. But it was exacting work,
The Smoki Snake Dance was originated
mouths—and call it art! too. They thought of dropping it, but
in 1921 as a little Trades Day entertain-
Moreover, I have no doubt it is art. It ment on the village green. But the trad- western folks are not quitters; tradition
certainly isn't letters. Or science. Or ing that day was forgotten because of the will not permit that.
horseplay. It is an extremely serious non- bizarre nature of the entertainment, and Next they made it even harder on
profit matter to them, and they make imaginative citizens straightway set out to themselves by imposing the mask of
preparations and rehearse for weeks in make the dance an institution to perpetu- anonymity. That is, each Smoki swore
advance. They are sensible business and ate ancient American Indian ceremonials. never to reveal his membership in con-
professional men — salesmen, doctors, nection with his personal business, never
"Let us study the rituals of Southwest- to try to capitalize on it, never to claim
lawyers, grocers, dry goods merchants, car ern Indians," they said, "and do what we prestige because of affiliation with the
dealers, neighbors all. They go to church can to preserve them, recording the chants strange clan. To this day the full mem-
and honor the flag and love little chil- and songs, studying and re-enacting the bership list has been published only once,
dren. In short, they apparently are quite dance rhythms ourselves; otherwise these —and a storm of protest followed.
American and sane. manifestations of real American art soon Look at the base of the left thumb of
Very likely you will know I refer to will be lost forever." a man in Prescott. If you see a blue tat-
that amazing citizenry in Prescott, Ari- It was a meritorious plan. The older tooed dot there, he has danced one year

JUNE, 19 3 8 15
in the Smoki Snake Dance. If two dots, The Hopi Indians in their age-old really the superficial part of this amazing-
two years. dances use venomous rattlesnakes with dance ceremony. The rhythm and intri-
Some now have six or eight dots and poison fangs intact, but that's another cate pattern of the dance itself demand
story. The Prescott Smoki handle only the practice. The first Smokis had to be self-
are very proud of them. These are the
non-poisonous bull or gopher snakes, taught. No Broadway dancing master
only badges of membership. Question
coach whips, chicken snakes, and some- could be hired, because these were reli-
one of these men, and he will answer you times an old rattler which has been doc- gious dances of the Indians, and even yet
impersonally. They appoint a clan chief tored. Those Smoki snakes do bite, how- the Indians resent the white man's adopt-
to answer questions. For such publicity ever. Incensed, frightened, they strike ing their rites. Persons who have seen
as the chamber of commerce considers in- their men at every rehearsal and every an Indian dance under the stars will know
dispensable mimeographed releases are is- dance, puncturing naked shoulders, arms, that it is a long, rhythmical, complicated
sued to the press. This is one show that is chests, occasionally a man's cheeks. I thing, with intricate steps by individuals,
better than the ballyhoo; those who maintain that takes—let us say, fortitude and with strange routines by what pale-
motor 100 or 200 or 500 miles to seethe —on the part of the men. faces would term the ensemble or the
Dances feel that they have made a pil- Novices in the Smoki clan of course chorus. The group moves in perfect
grimage infinitely worth while. In these are squeamish. They are told, though, unison, with no orchestral accompani-
columns recently, Virginia Duncan lauded that a snake is really clean. He may be ment save that of tom-toms and chanting.
the Dons of Phoenix for their unselfish washed, and become more sanitary than A man cannot go out before breakfast and
contribution to southwestern culture in a cat or dog, or than human fingers which learn to do that. He must work at it,
the annual Superstition Mountain Lost are eternally in germs! He is cold to the slave at it, skip lodge to practice it, for-
Gold Trek, and urged that more enter- touch, which is the first shock, but this sake the family fireside to rehearse it, ne-
prises of this nature be sponsored. Ap- "snakiness" is a god-given thing just as glect his business to travel around and
plauding that, I would like to add the is the dancer's warmth. Come to think of steep himself in it. That's why my hat's
Smoki People of Prescott to the hall of it, the snake probably imagines that the off to the Smoki. They are GOOD, and
honor reserved for those who are preserv- man is obnoxious too; and it is absolute- they didn't get that way by accident.
ing the finest traditions of the desert ly certain that the snake is more afraid of
the man than the man is of the snake. In Occasionally some hypercritical specta-
time, doubtless, they evolve a mutual re- tor is heard lamenting this "travesty on
The amazing circumstance of staid busi- spect. the Indian dances." He will look unctu-
ness men turning savage always evokes Membership in the Smoki People has ously at the program, fleck a bit of honest
discussion. What spiritual overhauling is become the highest social honor that a dust off his Manhattan lapel, and ask,
required for a civilized white man to strip Prescott citizen can have. Almost anybody "How would you like it if some foreign
off his clothing, dress and paint him- with a friend can join the Rotary, the Ki- race mocked your Catholic High Mass, or
self like a savage, and hop around with wanis, the Lions, the Country Club. But your Protestant ritual of the Lord's Sup-
a snake in his mouth. only a man willing to devote long hours per?"
to reading and rehearsing his dance part Well, he would have something there
The answer is not easy. The genus ho-
can join the Smoki. Sometimes young- —if the Smoki People were MOCKING.
mo has been desperately afraid of snakes sters are admitted to the rehearsals, so
since Adam and Eve had their encounter But they aren't. They are re-enacting.
that they may start training early and de-
with one. Even the utterly harmless velop exceptional skill. If the whites' High Mass or Commun-
grass snakes cause terror in most yards, ion ceremony were in danger of being lost
and a man must rationalize himself force- Because, you see, handling snakes is
and forgotten, then the Hopi Indians
fully before he will handle one of the To the cadence of Indian Tom- would be rendering a service to civiliza-
things. But the men of Prescott do it. toms the Smokis stage the Arrow tion and human knowledge by trying

\\\ V \


faithfully to copy them and preserve them. Indian architecture provides a real- was enacted in an auditorium near Inde-
You see? istic stage for the Smoki dancers pendence Hall, and in a football stadium
One common error, on the part of peo- at Phoenix .
ple who have not seen the performance, top near Prescott, once at Philadelphia It all boils down, I think, to the fact
is to assume that the Smoki do nothing and once at Phoenix. A great deal of love that—except for color of skin and the
but snake dances. Actually, there is a and a great deal more money, probably actual worship—these "Indian" dances of
two-hour program of 12 or 14 dances, will be required to move them again. the white Smoki People in Prescott are
only one of which includes snakes. Something was lacking when the ritual REAL.
The Fire Dance, the Buffalo Dance,
and many others are shown first, and
many are more beautiful than the snake
rhythm. All in authentic costume, the
men of Prescott, abetted by their cos- LIARS! HERE'S A PRIZE CONTEST
tumed squaws and by harmonizing chant-
ers, do the things that have constituted In order to settle a long-standing Here are the rules:
a good time on the high mesas of Navajo dispute as to which community has Stories may be submitted by any
land or Zuni land, or the wilderness the highest temperatures, the Des- reader of the Desert Magazine re-
camps of the Apaches and Comanches, ert Magazine will conduct a contest gardless of place of residence.
for at least a thousand years. during the summer months for hot- Yarns must be about the heat, and
weather story tellers. applicable to the desert region of
But the grand finale is the Snake
The first contest starts with the Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah
Dance copied from the Hopis, and so
publication of this announcement or New Mexico.
profound is the white American love of
the spectacular, the sensational, that we and will end June 30, 1938. For Stories may be either truth or fic-
tend to forget the other rituals and center the best hot air yarn submitted dur- tion—preferably fiction.
on this. Lou Gehrig at a baseball game ing that period a cash prize of $5.00 The prize winning answer in the
will command all the applause and inter- will be awarded. For non-prize June contest will be published in
est because of three lucky home runs, winning stories accepted for publi- the August number. Address entries
when maybe eight other players really cation the rate will be one cent a to Hot Air Contest, Desert Maga-
won the game. word. zine, El Centro, California.
The Smoki People have performed
twice away from their pine-guarded hill-

JUNE, 1938 17
Here's one spot on the edge of the desert
where it is always raining—in the San Jacinto
tunnel of the Colorado river aqueduct. Water
pouring in from the roof and walls in parts of
the 13-mile bore has been a terrific obstacle to
engineers and workmen. It was no simple
problem for Will N. Fox, photographer for the
Metropolitan Water District, to secure this and
other pictures accompanying this story.

on San y>aclnto By J. WILSON McKENNEY

—^-AHQUITZ, devil-god of the Ca- first rock on the mountainside south of work remain on the three plants. On
/ huillas, hides in his cave among the Banning as the Metropolitan Water Dis- May 15 it was estimated that the aque-
high peaks of San Jacinto mountain trict of Southern California began the gi- duct was 85 per cent completed. But the
and grumbles. Many years ago, accord- gantic task of bringing Colorado river San Jacinto tunnel, first to be started, will
ing to legend, he warned his dusky neo- water to the Pacific coast. Every day since be the last section finished. Nearly 80
phytes who occupied the desert canyons that blast in May, 1933, old Tahquitz has
to the east that any who dared transgress rumbled his protest, and every day the miles of tunnel have been completed on
the sanctity of the mountain would come white men have battled their way against other parts of the aqueduct but only a lit-
to grief. tle over 11 miles have been penetrated in
seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
Indians still believe in the legend of San Jacinto. Is it any wonder that the
Practically all the work on the 2 42-mile
Tahquitz. But the white men, in defiance aqueduct and the upper feeder system on Cahuillas speak of the supernatural pow-
of the pagan admonition, are drilling a the Southern California coastal plain has ers of Tahquitz?
tunnel straight through the heart of the been completed—with the exception of What is the reason for this slow prog-
devil-god's sacred domain. the pumping plants and the San Jacinto ress through the mountain? The Indians
Five years ago engineers blasted the tunnel. Only a few weeks of cleanup say it is the wrath of Tahquitz. The en-


13.04 Miles-
U -2.93 mi. *\* 3.35 mi. 5.08 m i . — •>}-*- 1.68 mi.—>
Ground surface overt of tunnel

Excavation Progress
Concretin* >>

PI O N_E_ER I I I r U N_N_E _1L_.

14,953 - Lined--

I080O IO75O IO7OO IOS5O IO5OO IO45O I04O0 10300 IO2OO

This progress profile chart teas prepared especially for the Desert Magazine under the direction of Don. }.
Kinsey, Assistant to the General Manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. It shows the
state of construction work on the San Jacinto tunnel of the Colorado river aqueduct as of April 15, 1938. // is ex-
pected the tunnel bore will be finished before next fall. It will be completely lined and ready for operation in 1939.

gineers say it is due to unexpected inflow count in February, 1935, installing huge the original plans and the location
of underground water. pumping systems capable of lifting changed to accommodate it. The change
Progress of construction work along 16,200 gallons a minute by way of the in course increased the length of the tun-
the aqueduct and in San Jacinto tunnel is 815-foot Potrero shaft. It would be vir- nel from 12.7 miles to 13.04 miles. At
reported in a news bulletin published tually impossible to drive a tunnel this present the tunnel is being advanced at
every week by the District. But it is im- length from only two working faces: four faces.
possible to draw from these sources the fresh air must be forced in, foul air The distance originally planned be-
tenseness of the underground drama, the drawn out, muck carried out, and excess tween Cabazon and Potrero shafts—8.22
reality of physical combat, the romance of water drained away. When ground con- miles—was the longest ever attempted
men achieving over great odds. ditions were found to be worse than an- without adits. Engineers believe that it
Determined to see and hear, for my- ticipated, the Lawrence adit was added to would have been possible to drive this
self, I interviewed General Superinten-
dent B. C. Leadbetter and received from c • " •

. •
. .
" • ' .
' ,
- ' " -



him permission to visit the project. Office ' ' , ' •' • " :
• ' " f-

Engineer Dick Stephens took me in hand ; - , •

«>'- frrss .1 --, - -,

and related the story of conquest from be- • ^ •.'•.;.:. - ^ K
ginning to end.
From the headquarters in Banning,
: • i'--, . '--..r ' -4
Leadbetter phoned to Don DeWitt, chief
inspector at Potrero, and sent me on my ^ ;
way, giddy with facts and figures. In a
few minutes I had driven south over roll-
ing hills to Potrero camp, nestled in the
San Jacinto range. I parked in the only "*A ^~ ic »-«-"*-^»
available spot, where the sign read "No
• \Cik '•*&;' '•»**«^- • f» * , # J
Parking," and entered the frame shack
labeled "Engineers." - • ':•• r • • ; • • ; • ; ; -

DeWitt traced the history of the job for

me on outspread blueprints and charts.
The accompanying sketch shows dis-
tances, elevations, and progress of con-
Contractors who started the tunnel at ' • • ^ 1 . • ' ' •

the west portal were flooded out at Potre-

ro shaft. Declaring that the company had
made unsatisfactory progress, District en-
gineers took over the job on force ac-
View of a small portion of a "Face"
in San ]acinto tunnel, shoiving wa-
ter pouring from fissures and drill-
holes. Larger streams under tre-
mendous pressure are sometimes
opened when the face is blasted. Fox
photo. •••' • • • V ^ H q H B I ? ' •

• •'••" L

- ^ &

...-(. . • ' **!.;' v ^i;'?

JUNE, 1938 19
A tremendous amount of wood and
steel is used in supporting the roofs
and walls of the tunnel. The miners
will work in the "rain" until the ce-
ment arch is completed. Fox photo.

brief glimpse of the troubles which con-

front him daily. Down in the tunnel I
began to understand what those problems
are. The tunnel pierces dozens of ancient
slanting faults, places where the rock
mass has slipped in some prehistoric age.
Melting snows above seep down to these
faults and flow into the cracks. When a
blast makes an opening in the fault, wa-
ter spurts forth under pressure ranging
from 100 to 600 pounds to the square
inch. Miners work day after day in a
heavy rain from the roof of the heading.
The sight of new outpourings from the
face just opened sometimes strikes terror
to the heart of even the most seasoned un-
derground man. But electric pumps drone
endlessly behind him and a 30-inch pipe
boosts the water out of the way.
Water rose 500 feet in Potrero shaft
after the contractor was flooded out in
1934. Miners began to repeat an old In-
distance if they had encountered only dry good water is the curse of Tahquitz. As dian legend about a great underground
rock. But they did not count on the curse we rolled swiftly along on our 9400-foot lake. Fear that the tunnel had encoun-
of Tahquitz. ride, I turned over in my mind a strange tered it—or certainly would soon—threat-
At the point in the discussion where I paradox: here is a great desert project, an ened for a time to break down the morale
was nearing danger of statistical indiges- aqueduct laid across the most arid lands of the workers. Since the District has
tion, DeWitt asked me the size of my hat, of the continent, yet its builders find their completed the tunnel from Potrero west-
shoes and coat. For the trip underground Nemesis in the very element it is destined ward, the gravity drain has dissipated the
I was garbed in hard-fiber helmet, hip eventually to transport. the lake legend.
boots, and rubber raincoat. The District does not want the moun- The "quicksand" scare about a year
We waited at a tower of girders and tain water. As fast as possible the tun- ago was in reality due to a quantity of
cables until the last load of muck came nel is being sealed with stout cement fine material known technically as
up the shaft. A watchman swung open a walls and the crevices behind them are "gouge" which lies on the under side of
steel gate and we stepped into a small being grouted with liquid cement under the old faults. Although impervious to
elevator cage. Quickly and quietly the pressure. The walls must be absolutely water, it flows when penetrated. A miner
car dropped, dim lights flashed by, damp smooth and impervious to outside intru- with a handful of excelsior can "plug
air struck our faces. In a little over a min- sion. the dike" against a flood if he acts quick-
ute we had passed 815 feet, the equiva- The miner who sat next to me on the ly. The roof and floor of the tunnel are
lent of an elevator ride from roof to base- car borrowed a cigarette. He started dig- built on a firm foundation and no quick-
ment of a 60-story building. Another ging five years ago with the sun on his sand has been encountered.
gate swung open and we stepped into the back at the top of Potrero shaft. Not all I asked the inspector about the arsenic
tunnel, a well-lighted world of metallic the men underground have been on the water which was said to have been a
noises and musty odors. Everything was job that long but his experience expresses menace to stock along the San Jacinto
dripping wet. There was the sound of the spirit of the District, "We can't quit; river. For answer, he invited me to drink
running water. the job must be finished." From Chief from a small pipe which had been stuck
A train was ready for the eastward trip Engineer Frank E. Weymouth down to in a flowing fissure. The water was de-
and we climbed on the front end of the the lowest greenhorn track-layer that licious. Chemists test it regularly. There
squat electric power car. As we moved spirit prevails. If modern engineering can has never been any contamination.
off into the tunnel I had the expectant overcome the doubtful power of an an- Farmers who rely on pumped water in
thrill of a youngster embarking on a cient superstition, the Colorado river the nearby valleys complained that the
roller coaster ride. The inspector shouted aqueduct will be ready to deliver water to tunnel was tapping their irrigation supply
in my ear and pointed downward. We the 13 member cities of the District in and that the water level was lowering.
were riding on an elevated track and un- 1939 in spite of Tahquitz or hell 'n high- Geologists proved, however, that the
der us a dark river was flowing toward water. 20,000 gallons a minute coming from the
the west portal. Above the noise of The San Jacinto is not the longest of mouth of the tunnel is less than one per
clanking cars, he shouted that the flow the tunnel series in the aqueduct: east cent of the available water supply in the
reached maximums of over 20,000 gal- Coachella bore is 18 miles in length. mountain. Incidentally, heavy rains raised
lons a minute. Why should this excavation under the the water table in the valleys this season.
The mountain seems to be literally sat- snowy crown of Mt. San Jacinto be more The most interesting point of all the
urated with water, the good clear moun- difficult than the others? The Cahuillas complex mechanism of construction is at
tain variety that municipal councils would have their answer: the engineers have the working face, where men advance
give their eye-teeth to have in city water other convictions. into unknown rock. Three shifts every
mains. But to the District engineers this Engineer Leadbetter had given me a Continued on page 29


! • • • • • - • > ' V v . . - / • • • • • . • • • • ; ' •

Cfltoit 'Ttee" ft th
of the ancient empires are By DON ADMIRAL ticeable, and soon fall off. Generally the
reported to have worn gorgeous tree has the appearance of being entirely
costumes, but it is doubtful if old leafless.
King Solomon himself ever was arrayed Originally the tree was named Dalea
in the regal splendor of a desert Smoke spinosa. Later the name Parosela spino-
tree at blossom time in June. sa was given. Recently, however, Dalea
Smoke tree's display of color is especial- spinosa has again returned to favor. The
ly conspicuous because it comes at a sea- genus name is in honor of Thomas Dale,
son of the year when most of the other an English botanist. Spinosa, the species
plants and all of the creatures of the des- name, refers to the sharp pointed twigs
ert are in retreat from the withering rays or branches.
of the summer sun. Habitat of the tree is the dry wash beds
Writers have never agreed as to whether in the deserts of Southern California,
the flower is indigo, purple or deep vio- Arizona, and Sonora and Lower Califor-
let-blue, but it is a colorful blossom and nia in Mexico.
grows in such dense clusters as to change The tree in its native state is protected
the entire color scheme of the desert arroy- by law. It is difficult to transplant, and
os during the period when it is in flower. those who wish to secure Smoke tree for
Smoke tree is another of the desert gardens or exhibition purpose will have
shrubs favored with a common name better success in growing it from seed.
which accurately describes the aspect of The plant grows rapidly under favorable
the plant. Seen at a distance, the pale conditions and becomes a fair-sized tree
gray-green tops of the trees may readily in three years' time. Its mature height
be mistaken for the smoke wisps of a dry is from 12 to 15 feet. Mature trees may
campfire. Among Mexicans it has been be pruned severely if new growth is de-
called "ghost tree." Tiny leaves appear sired. Pruned trees should be given plen-
on the stems at times but are hardly no- ty of water.

JUNE, 1938 21
Tortoise eggs are buried in shallow holes scooped in the desert sand by the reptiles. This jemale is about to cover her egg with
sand. It will be hatched by the sun. Tortoise eggs vary in size, the larger ones being very similar to bantam eggs.

Saga oj\ the Walking


/] RISE in defense of the desert tor- agassizi is commonest in the California of moisture. Tortoises may have died
\J toise. With the world pock mark- drv lands. of thirst, but there are no cases of it
ed by war and tumult, a little con- Brother agassizi has a high backed on record.
sideration of the calm visage and philo- shell which will take a beautiful polish. Nor has the desert sun any terror for
sophical habits of the strangest reptile By pulling in his armored front legs, Serior Tortoise. The reptiles are prac-
on earth seems rather in order. he presents a united front that would tically inactive until the temperature
The desert tortoise has good reason turn a labor leader green with envy. rises to around 80°, and the higher it
for being philosophical. Behind him Not only is the tortoise built for goes the more lively they become. One
is an unbroken heritage of 100,000,000 maximum protection, but he has become woman puts her pet tortoises in the
years. In the Mesozoic period when adapted to the desert climate to a truly oven for a few minutes on winter days
there was scarcely an animal alive marvelous degree. For food he loves to make them active enough to amuse
which would be recognizable today, young cactus. Tougher varieties of her guests.
tortoises existed which were practically desert plants are too much for him.
Instead of teeth he has horny ridges But if the tortoise likes lots of heat
identical to those now crawling about
the California deserts. The dinosaur that look like petrified gums. and little water, it can't stand to have
tramped and ranted, the flying reptiles Once anything goes down a tortoise's things reversed. Although they can
beat the air with their twenty-foot throat the problem of digestion is swim for a few minutes, they soon
wings, the sloth slithered indolently solved. A tortoise's stomach can digest drown or die of a kind of pneumonia
through the jungle—but they have long anything. One member of the family caused by getting water into their lungs.
been relegated to quiet corners in the was found to be able to digest small There is a high tortoise mortality
museums. Meanwhile, the tortoise plods wire nails in forty-eight hours. caused by well meaning pet collectors
on, unchanged and tireless. He can go weeks, probably even who put them in fish ponds, under the
The most advanced species of the months, without drinking. Rain water impression that they are over-sized
tortoise family inhabit the Southwestern puddles, small springs, and certain turtles.
deserts. Among these, the Gopherus desert plants provide sufficient sources Tortoises and turtles belong to the


same order, but the tortoise is the land stores his in bins, while a Los Angeles stopped, and started twice as fast the
branch of the family. man with over fifty allows them to bury opposite way. That didn't seem right
In the mating season they perform a themselves in his cactus garden. either, so he turned around again.
courtship rigamarole which is a com- At present the desert tortoise's cash- In the meantime Jack Dempsey was
bination of a war dance and a sort of money usefulness is limited to making plowing along in a line as straight as
head wagging bee. When a male sees ideal material for novelty baskets. The a surveyor could draw. He finished in
a likely pick-up, he goes over to her, commercial tortoise shell comes from high, while the rabbit was still trying
sticks out his accordion neck and waves another source. The California Indians, to make up its mind.
it back and forth. If this brings any however, ate the tortoise meat as a kind
response in kind, he gets up on his of early day caviar. It is said to have
feet and starts swaying his body in a rich twangy flavor, similar to Chinese
rhythm to his neck. The young lass smoked pork.
(she may be close to fifty) does like-
wise. This goes on for an hour or so, In song, story, and legend—even in
and they're ready for the honeymoon. music—the tortoise has starred. Three
of Aesop's best known tales center
It all ends up with a number of eggs,
around it. The god, Vishnu, Hindu
about the same size and appearance as Metal Recovery Process, Inc.
deity of creation, is believed to assume
bantam eggs. These are buried in a
the form of a tortoise. In ancient MINING AND MINERAL RESEARCH
shallow hole and covered with sand. LABORATORY
Egypt the tortoise was sacred. Cleo-
The desert sun does the rest. Assaying Gold and Silver $1
patra is said to have had two, studded
Around about the end of October,
with precious stones. The earliest Greek Telephone Rochester 5510
a tortoise selects a suitable piece of 3703 S. Vermont Ave.
lutes were modeled after tortoises and
desert, and begins to dig. The result Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
named for them.
is a slanting burrow, roughly conform-
ing to the size of the excavator. When How much the intelligence of the
the job is done, the tortoise crawls in tortoise justifies this attitude is rather
and sleeps until spring. a moot question. Many are known to
In captivity they may be bedded answer their master's call. One of mine
down in a number of ways. Mine sleep remembered the location of his house
under the water heater in the basement. through a hibernation period of six
A woman in Inglewood, California, months.
puts hers in a barrel, with padding be- Raymond L. Ditmars in Reptiles of
tween them. Another tortoise owner the World states that "to the tortoise
we must award the highest intelligence
among reptiles. They appear to exhibit
reasoning powers equal to the warm
OjfJ t^fl* Ji blooded animals."
The popular belief in long life span
APRIL REPORT FROM ° f ^ CTf a t U r < * » n ° " ^ T h
been k 0Wn
U. S. BUREAU AT PHOENIX ^ " \°r r e a ? h , an _ a S e ° j
Temperatures- Degrees f 0 3? a i S - °-V een V l 1 C . t 0 , n a l h a d ° " e ° f
Mean for month 69.0 g i a n t variety, which differs little
Normal for April 67.0 except in size from our desert tortoise,
High on April 18 99.0 which was 250 years old.
Low on April 1 38.0
Rain— Inches Perhaps it is inevitable that this
Total for month Trace defense of the "walking rocks" should
Normal for April .. 0.40 c l o s e w ; t n the story of Jack Dempsey.
Weather— j a ^ w a s f o u n ( j j n t he d e s e r t near Vic-
This evaporative water recirculating
Days panfy•cloudy':::;:;:::::;:::;::::::::::::;;;:;:;;8 frviiie b y c a d j . Hoffman of L O S cooler is economical and easy to
Days cloudy 3 Angeles. Hoffman collects tortoises. install and maintain.
W. B. HARE, Meteorologist. He has about a hundred.
FROM YUMA BUREAU From the first Hoffman took a fancy From $45.00 up
Temperatures— Degrees to Jack Dempsey, so named because •
of his d( ht in
S^^O.=ZZZZZIISJ u % Pickh?s fishts with For further information write
Ace Metal Products Co.
High on April 24 102.0 other tortoises and turning them over
Low on April 1 43.0 with his powerful "ram," a bony pro- "Everything in the Sheet Metal Line"
Rain— Inches jection just under the neck. After a Los ANGELES, CALIF.
Total for month Trace year or so of training, Jack Dempsey
69-yea^average for April 0.10 l e a r n e d tQ r u n (yes> ^ {n a ^ ^
line w h e n calIed bv nis
Days" clear 26 master. Then
Days partly cloudy ... 4 one day Hoffman made the final test.
Days cloudy.... B e f o r e fiye h u n d r e d j ehe d
sunshine 97 per cent (377 hours out of pos- • rr j T, * . T° ,
sible 390 hours) g e n u m e H a r e a n d Tortoise race. Jack
Colorado river— Dempsey and a large rabbit were let
April discharge at Grand canyon, 1,550,000 loose in the center of a ring, the object
acre feet. Discharge at Parker 558,000 acre being to see which would get out of
feet. Estimated storage behind Boulder dam j n e r-ina- b
May 1—16,440,000 acre feet.
JAMES H. GORDON, Meteorologist. The rabbit started first. Then he
JUNE, 1938 23
DESERT PLACE NAMES . . . Compiled by TRACY M. SCOTT . . .
For the historical data contained in this department, the Desert Magazine is indebted to
the research work done by Miss Scott; to the late Will C. Barnes, author of "Arizona
Place Names"; to Frances Rosser Brown of New Mexico and to Hugh O'Neil of Ogden,
AMARGOSA (ah mar go'sa) Inyo county BLANCHARD CROSSING Navajo county
Sp. for "bitter," referring to mineral wa- Rock crossing on Little Colorado river, 8
ter. Mountains, river and mine near Death miles east of Winslow. Blanchard was one
Valley. First desert gold mine was found by of the firm of Breed and Blanchard who had
Mormons near Amargosa in 1854. a store here 1878-1883. Stage station on two
routes, one through Chavez Pass and the
EDOM Riverside county second going west through Sunset pass.
Hebrew word for "red." Once applied to Blanchard and Joe Barrett were found dead
area from Dead sea southward. Supposed to in the store, December 1881. A posse fol-
KEEP KOMFORTABLE have been given as name for this California lowed the murderers' trail, captured "Thick
Lipped Joe" Waters and William Campbell.
and KOOL with . . . settlement because the district resembles the At St. Johns they were taken from the jail
territory in Palestine. and hanged by "unknown parties."
HAFER JULIAN San Diego county
One of the early stations along the Emi-
LAVA Yuma county
Station S. P. R. R. about 93 miles east of
House Kooler grant trail. Formerly the Julian ranch house
was here, the place shown as Julian's ranch
Yuma. "Country near station is covered with
lava rock, hence the name."—Letter from
on San Antonio-San Diego mail stage route Paul Shoup.
• INEXPENSIVE in 1859; also station for Butterfield stages SAAVEDRA SPRINGS (sah vay'd rah)
from Yuma. Gold mining district since 1870. Mohave county
• EFFECTIVE Highway through Julian was made from old After one of his Mexican guides of whom
mine tailings, said to contain more than Beale says, "He was absolutely worthless as
Send today for new $7,000 gold per mile. Kunzite, mined near a guide or anything else." Shows on Beale's
Julian, is found elsewhere only in Madagas- map (1847-58). They were suffering for
descriptive folder! car. water when the guide discovered this spring
on the west side of the Corbat range at its
Hafer Sheet Metal Wks. MUSCUPIABE (mus cue pie' a bee)
northern end.
San Bernardino county
Shoshonean Indian place name. Literally
"the pinon pine." Original word mus-ku-
pia-bil. NEVADA
GOSIUTE Elko county
Mountains sometimes written Gosh Ute.
Spend 1/044*, Stunmesi with a From Gossip, Go Shute or Go-ship, an In-
dian chief; also a Shoshonean tribal name.
TIMPAHUTE Lincoln county
LOW COST Range (town name spelled Tern Piute)
OF OPERATION Tarn Pahute, local subtribal name. They
formerly inhabited the valley of the Utah
The SEA BREEZE com- Lake. Original name was Tim-paiavats
fort COOLER is operat- (Timpanagatzis). The Spanish name of
ed with the minimum of "fish eaters" was probably literal translation
cost by small, efficient of the Indian word.
motors and delivers the
maximum efficiency and TOQUIMA (To kee' mah) Nye county
comfort. Mountains. Literally "black backs." Mono
Indian tribe formerly living in lower Reese
MOTOR river valley.
Westinghouse m o t o r s TRUCKEE Washoe county
are quiet in their op- River. Indian chief with Fremont in 1844.
eration and are the best Died October 1860.
of their respective make. MINDEN Douglas county
Settled January 1907. Named after Min-
BLOWER den, Germany, home town of prominent
SEA BREEZE is equip- farmer, H. F. Dangberg.
ped with a California
Centrifugal Blower (not
a propeller fan), which NEW MEXICO
is quiet in its operation
and delivers air under ELIZABETHTOWN Colfax county
pressure. The bearings Named for daughter of John Moore, one
are self-lubricating and of the discoverers of gold in 1866. Name
are mounted in rubber later abbreviated to E'Town, although most
for quiet operation.
maps show the original spelling.
JEMEZ (hem mez) Sandoval county
Mountains, Indian reservation, pueblo,
See it on display at your dealer's or write to:- town, springs, state park. Peak 8589 elev.
From ha-mish, Keresian word of uncertain
FRENCH Colfax county
LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA From Capt. William French, author of
"Some Recollections of a Western Ranch-
1866 W. Washington Blvd., Telephone REpublic 9064 man," who came to the United States from
Ireland in 1883.

OREJAS DEL OSO (oh ray' hahs del o' so)
San Juan county
Mountain ridge. Means literally "ears of
the bear," perhaps from peculiar outline of
the summit.
PARAGONAH (par-ah go' nah) Iron county
is your
The Pi Ede name for "little salt lake." unwanted
WALTER FORD, whose Hidden Valley
Settlement formed in 1852. motorlog in this number of the Desert Maga- summer
ASHLEY zine makes one want to climb right in the car furnace - -
Lake, river and fort. Named for William and go out and explore that mysterious hide- INSTALL
Ashley, American trapper who built a fort away, is an engineer by profession. He has TURBINE
there in 1825. traveled widely and is a member of the Ad- VENTILATORS
WAH WAH Beaver county venturers' Club of Los Angeles. Ford is one
of those triple-threat writers who not only turn POSITIVE PERPETUAL PERFORMANCE
Mountains and valley. May be "Wa-wah,"
"the people; the Indians, strangers." Pahute out readable copy, but also take the photo-
word for Indians of the Sacramento valley. graphs and furnish the art work to go with NO POWER COST
(CORRECTION) their manuscripts.
• • • Ideal in conjunction with air condi-
ESCALANTE (es cah lahn' tay) Iron county tioning . . . Also equipped with ex-
Town and valley. Literally "scaling or Another writer new to Desert Magazine haust fan.
climbing a slope." Also Sp. surname. De- readers this month is RUBY BOWEN of Tuc- O
rived from Franciscan Father Silvestre Velez son, Arizona. Material for her interesting
Escalante, who, with Fray Francisco Atana- story about Night-Blooming Cereus was gath- Consult your local sheet metal con-
sio Dominguez, made their celebrated jour- ered largely from actual observance of the cac- tractor or write for catalog.
ney from Santa Fe, New Mexico, into Utah ti at the desert homestead west of Tucson Engineering Service Free.
in 1776 and gave name to El Vado de los where she and her husband have resided for
the last eight years. Mr. Bowen is night editor
Padres, the "Crossing of the Fathers," of the
Colorado river. of the Arizona Daily Star at Tucson. Western Rotary Ventilator Go.
Note—The Desert Magazine is indebted to INCORPORATED
F. W . Hodge of The Southwest Museum Mrs. Bowen has made "desert living" a
hobby and her spare time has been devoted to 1720 E. 14th St., Los Angeles, Calif.
for the above correction in data published
last month. many phases of study and recreation—among
them, cactus gardening, desert cookery, bee-
keeping, bird study and coyote taming. Her
excursions out into the untamed desert are
often made on the back of a burro. Refrigeration and

GEORGE CLAYTON, whose prize winning

photo appeared in last month's edition is a Air Conditioning
linotype operator at Long Beach, California,
and follows photography as a hobby. Clayton's
employer is Raymond G. Green now serving Systems
as district governor for the 100th district of
Rotary International.
J. P. KNIPP, whose Joshua Bloom photo installed and repaired
appears on the cover of this number, is an
officer of the Farmers & Merchants bank of o
Long Beach, California. He and Mrs. Knipp
are interested in photography as a hobby, and General Machine Work
bring their camera to the desert whenever they
have the opportunity. Gear Cutting

WILFRED PARKS, who wrote the Grand O

Canyon feature, Gift of the Genii, for this
number of the Desert Magazine, is to be sta-
tioned at the Canyon as a guide during the
coming summer. Wide travel over the desert
region has given Parks an intimate knowledge
L. A.
of many phases of desert lore. Automotive Works
1020 TOWNE Ave., Los ANGELES
the April Landmarks contest conducted by the

P Desert Magazine, is general supervisor of Inyo

county schools and her home is at Lone Pine,
a5 low as ZEE LELAND of Ajo, Arizona, whose
poem "Surcease" is printed this month, writes
$35 "These verses were written 10 years ago
when my first desert morning dawned. I came EQUIPMENT
to spend a year—and hope to remain always." COMPANY
Manufacturers of
Ventilating Fans and Blowers
Chee Dodge, grand old man of the Nava- Equipment Parts and Repairs
jos, will be the subject of a character sketch
written by MRS. WHITE MOUNTAIN Phone TUcker 7080 CAVCO
SMITH for the July number of the Desert
Magazine. OREN ARNOLD will also be in 509 East Ninth Street
the July number with a story of the annual In- Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
dian Powwow held at Flagstaff, Arizona.

JUNE, 1931 25
—a monthly review of the best literature
of the desert Southwest, past and present.

A DRAB LITTLE H O M E - Water, 100 miles from the railroad at Gallup.

Main room was the store, the other room was
BUT LIFE WAS INTERESTING living quarters. The building had walls of
Telling the story of a "Desert Wife" (Little, rough boards set on end and held together by
Brown and company) Hilda Faunce paints a horizontal strip of box boards at top and bot-
clearly her four years at a remote trading post tom. For furniture there was a bed, a stove, a
on the Navajo Indian reservation in Arizona sewing machine and dry goods boxes converted
into a window seat and dressing table. Only

and her finished work is the portrait too, of a
woman of courage, loyalty and fine sensibility. neighbors were Indians who had a way of ma-
terializing, apparently out of the thin desert
In a prefatory acknowledgment, Mrs. Faunce air, astride wiry ponies. At first it was a "ter-
says a series of letters she wrote to her cousin, rifying loneliness of yellow rim rock, gray
FORMER PACIFIC COAST MANAGER Ruth Wattles, form the kernel of the book. sand, red buttes, black streaks of volcanic ash,
CARBONDALE MACHINE COMPANY The author pays a graceful tribute to Miss and waterwashed clay hills." It was "an im-
Wattles for her "guidance and literary aid." mense world of sand and sunshine."
Louis has designed and installed Her desert-bred husband had never been hap-
py in the fogs and rains of the Oregon coast. And at first, too, the Indians were not
refrigeration plants in: He felt that "all man's ownership of earth was friendly. The trader who had preceded the
Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel gone, where there were so many to claim it." Faunces at Covered Water had not been popu-
When financial worries were piled on top of lar.
Los Angeles Ambassador Hotel annual rainfall of 97 inches, homesickness for How they made friends with the Indians—
Good Samaritan Hospital the desert caused the Faunces to set out in a ways and wiles of the redman—stories of birth,
wagon drawn by two horses to return to a life and death in the hogans — humor and
Jonathan Club country of little rain and few people. tragedy in trading post days and nights—and
finally how the Faunces saved to buy a farm
Pioneer Hotel-Tucson Mrs. Faunce's love of home and loyalty to on the San Juan river in New Mexico—(she
her husband are shown in the attachment she says it was like planning for paradise) are
AND MANY OTHERS felt for her garden and all the little, strong ties chapters in Mrs. Faunce's book. Summing it
of association which tugged at her heart-strings up, she writes, as she tells of departure from
Specializing in used air-condition- when they loaded their few possessions into Covered Water in the same camp wagon they
ing and refrigeration equipment. the wagon. She had been married seven years had used when they moved from Oregon "I
to a taciturn man, considerably older than her- had not realized we had woven so many
self, but "I had been willing to go anywhere, threads of friendship that it hurt to break them.
anyhow, with Ken—and I still was." In all my life these four years were the most
3634 BEVERLY BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. isolated and the most colorful."
P H O N E EXPOSITION 6303 They drove 1300 miles in the camp wagon,
their destination a two-room shack at Covered TAZEWELL H. LAMB.

DRY by Dorothy Quids Hogner with illustra-
tions by Nils Hogner we have a travel story
that is truly modern—a sort of motorlog in
diary effect, so popular in these days of drive-
out, look-over and rush-on. These two New
Englanders, aware that the West is no longer
wild, have undertaken a motor trip of 15,000
miles, to include the real West as they have
learned about it from the libraries.
They have the happy faculty of observation;
and have seen beyond the rough surface that
so often sends tourists scurrying back to the
ew nearest filling station. There is a pleasant
humanness about their travels—the accidents,
the usual incidents of long-distance motoring,
with none of the rush and dither so common
You will be thrilled with the power of the 85-horse to tourist traffic. It is obvious that this writer
power engines and with the economy of the new "60." and artist husband are real people who actual-
ly hoped to enjoy their outing, and were not
The streamlined body makes Ford the queen of the undertaking it simply to make the neighbors
highways . . . the quality car in the low priced field. jealous.
In Imperial Valley, let Edgars' demonstrate the new A new view is presented of some of the old
well-known places — Grand Canyon, Death
Ford without obligation to you. Ford sells itself. Valley, Arizona, the Giant Cactus forests, the
All-American canal, Imperial valley, and re-
mote outposts and ghost towns. W e find new
interest in some of the things we regarded as
My streak of thrift rebels at the price of
$3.75 for this volume, although the print is
BRAWLEY EL CENTRO CALEXICO easy to read and the illustrations are distinctly
novel—albeit a bit heavy and not too pretty.
Published by Dutton, 1937, 310 pp.


Snakes have a definite place in Nature's
scheme of life, says James M. Dannaldson, and
none but venomous reptiles should ever be
killed. In the United States there are only
four species poisonous to man — the rattler,
copperhead, water moccasin and coral snake.
Dannaldson's 72-page book, SERPENT
TRAILS, is a practical handbook for those
whose work or recreation may bring them in
contact with members of the reptile family.
Chapters are devoted to the rattler, gopher and
king snakes, lizards, Gila monsters, sidewinders
and the desert tortoise.
Many of the so-called remedies for treatment
of rattlesnake victims are foolish and ineffec-
tive, says the author. Among these "absurd
cures" he lists alcohol, potassium permanganate
crystals, hot branding iron, turpentine and ker-
osene. The most effective treatment is in-
cision of the wound and suction of the poison.
As a result of scientific research in this field
the mortality rate among victims has been
greatly reduced in recent years.
Dannaldson's book is illustrated with a num-
ber of unusual reptile pictures. It was pub-
lished in 1937 by Kellaway-Ide of Los Angeles,
$1.00. Dannaldson's home is 14710 Green-
leaf Ave., Van Nuys, California.


"Songs from the Land of the Yucca," writ-
ten and published by Anna B. Stevenson of Las
Vegas, New Mexico, is truly a book of song,
although only a few of the author's verses ac- SERVES the N A T I O N ' S
tually have been scored to music.
The versatility of the author is disclosed in
the wide range of subject matter. There is a
song for every mood and fancy. The beautiful
"Call of the Canyon Resort" is followed by a
realistic little jingle "I'd Hate to Be a Man—
and How!" Delicious Imperial Valley cantaloupes are rolling to markets
Mrs. Stevenson is musician as well as author all over the United States. From the
and has written the music for two of her num-
bers. The song of her own state, "New Mex-
ico" she regards as her best. "Wud&i Qandeti oj America rr
comes a summer crop known far and wide as the choicest melon
HANDBOOK WRITTEN FOR on the American breakfast table.
VISITORS TO PETRIFIED FOREST While cantaloupes lead in quantity the many fine melon var-
For visitors to the Petrified Forest National ieties grown in the county, watermelons, honeydews, and honey-
Monument in Arizona who desire to know balls are also sought in the market-places. The melon growing
more about this strange geological forma- and marketing industry in Imperial County presents agriculture's
tion than can be learned during a casual visit, finest example of scheduled production.
Mrs. White Mountain Smith has written an in-
formative little handbook.
Because of the dependability of climate
Mrs. Smith's story takes the reader back and reliable irrigation, harvesting may be reg-
millions of years to the probable origin of the ulated to provide a constant flow of good mel-
colorful petrified wood and other fossils found
in the park area, and then describes briefly the ons to all parts of the country.
wide range of scenic wonders found in this na-
tional reserve. The books are sold at the Na- Melons offer only one of many diversified fields for investment
tional Monument headquarters near Holbrook in Imperial County. While cantaloupe growing and shipping re-
at 25 cents each.
quires considerable financing and marketing connections, other
crops offer profitable openings for small farms and limited equip-
READY FOR DISTRIBUTION For further information regarding
Bulletin No. 114 of the California division Scenic Attractions . . Dairying . . Agriculture
of mines is ready for distribution according to write today to B. A. HARRIGAN, Secretary
the announcement of Walter W . Bradley,
state mineralogist. The bulletin contains data
concerning the state's mineral resources, infor-
mation as to the use and treatment of many
Imperial County Board of Trade
mineral substances. It may be obtained from
Court House El Centro, Calif.
Sacramento, price 80 cents.

JUNE, 1938 27
Written by Dr. B. S. Butler, head of the geology department of
the University of Arizona, a bulletin recently has been issued by the
R I . university covering the mineral possibilities of the Tombstone area.
Associated with Dr. Butler in the preparation of the book were Dr.
DESERT COOLERS Eldred Wilson and Dr. C. A. Rasor.
Although Tombstone already has yielded $37,000,000 in gold, sil-
ver, copper and lead, the ore bodies are by no means exhausted, ac-

Save. cording to the survey.

Rumors that an ore body assaying $100,000 had been encountered
by Holmes and Nicholson, operating at the old Padre-Madre mine in
Cargo Muchacho mountains, were denied by M. A. Holmes, father
LOW-COST of Kenneth Holmes, who is one of the owners. The father stated
that a very rich pocket had been struck, but added that a pocket does
Evaporative not constitute a gold mine. It was explained that the rumor was
started when the owners placed an armed guard to watch over the
COOLING newly discovered pocket for one night.

No installation GOLDFIELD. NEVADA . . .

costs — One of the largest gold nuggets to be taken out of the placer fields
at Osceola in recent years was discovered a few days ago by George
Grabe Jr. The nugget weighs 7.84 ounces and contains gold worth
MODEL SIZE Cu. Ft. Capacity PRICE approximately $250. Grabe picked the lump of gold off a conveyor
A Portable belt as gravel was being put through the recovery plant.
800 CFM $ 37.50
B 46x24x23 2000 CFM 49.50
C 48x36x23 3000 CFM 69-50 WINNEMUCCA, NEVADA . . .
D 48x48x23 4000 CFM 87.50 Discovery of an ore body which runs $1,000 to the ton near Union-
M 34x34x34 2100 CFM 119-50 ville, was reported recently by Roy B. Whitman, Nevada mining man.
Blower type The values are 60 percent gold and 40 percent silver and are on the
If there is no dealer in your neighborhood, mail this coupon: Otto Cline property, Whitman said.
Manufactured and sold by Please send me folder describing
your desert coolers.


Golden Rod
Units and
Compressors Discover the mountain magic of mile-high Lake
Arrowhead, California's famous mountain lake
resort that lives up to its birthright "Swiss Alps
combine to produce of America." Magnificent scenery...all sports...
the latest, most and new features galore to make your stay at Lake
efficient and Arrowhead more enjoyable than ever. Stay at
THE LODGE or THE TAVERN, American Plan,
economical . . .

suitable for any space . . . any climate VILLAGE ENTRANCE FEE $]

Cost—far less than you would expect REFUND TO HOTEL GUESTS


P H O N E LA 1188

Condensing Units

I N C.


Lflffl flflflOWtKflD
PHONE RO 8595 IX Hours from Los Angeles, Scenic High Gear State Highway


Devil-God of San Jacinto . .
Sez Hard Continued from page 20

Rock Shorty 24 hours go into the heading and each

crew advances from one to seven feet, de-
pending on the conditions.
of With water swirling around my knees
I watched a shift at work while DeWitt
Death marked the center point in the face for
the drill carriage. This contraption is an
ungainly framework on which miners KOOLER
operate seven jack - hammers simultan-
By LON GARRISON eously. It is pushed up to the face, holes
are drilled from 10 to 12 feet deep, dyna-
mite is placed and fused. Then men and
H IJ SELL, it's just like this," machines evacuate the heading while the
blast is touched off by electricity. Back
r^/announced H a r d R o c k
into the face goes a mucking machine, an
Shorty, "Speakin' o' burros, adaptation of shovel and conveyor-belt
lemme tell you about Panamint loader. Over an ingenious system of track
Pete an' Doleful." switches, empty cars are brought up to the
Hard Rock scrooched up and mucker and carried away without appre-
down three or four times against ciable loss of time.
the porch post, took a look to see After the loose rock has been removed
how much longer he'd be in the the track-laying crew goes to work. When
shade, and settled down to his dis- the rails again reach the face, the drill
sertation. carriage comes into place and the same
routine is repeated. Ordinarily a shift will
"I guess ever'body's hear tell o complete a cycle in its allotted eight hours. When you feel all petered out
Panamint Pete an' that Jackass mine This explanation sounds simple enough, with the heat . . . when sweltering
o' his, but not so many know about but words do not convey the odor of wa- days and sleepless nights have
Doleful. Pete had this Doleful ter-soaked timbers, the sound of running sapped your vitality and frazzled
burro for about 20 year, an no water, and the hiss and clamour of pneu- your nerves, it's time to buy
tellin' how old he was when he got matic drills. Nor can I describe adequate- Eskimo Air Kooler.
'im—I mean the burro, not Pete. ly the speculative gaze of a young track- L o w Cost o f Operation
layer as he looked up at a fresh outburst The tremendous cooling effect
"OF Doleful tagged along while of water. is produced by a small motor
Panamint prospected the hull of the It was something of a triumph last with a positive type blower,
Panamints an' Death Valley. Come month when a little pilot tunnel was for a few cents a day.
late years, he started havin' trouble pushed through the treacherous Goetz The water consumption cost
with his teeth — Doleful, not Pete fault, one of the worst spots encountered is so small that you will not
—they was plumb wore out from on the Potrero-Lawrence section. When notice the amount on your
gnawin' on ham bones an' coffee it appeared impossible to penetrate it, water bill.
grounds. So Pete starts fixin' 'im engineers made a crosscut into a smaller Low Cost o f Maintenance
hotcakes an' beans. parallel "pioneer" tunnel, attacked the Filter pads are easily replaced
fault from a different angle, and were each season at a cost that is
"One day Pete was chasin' a lead successful. Then the fault was worked less than the amount you
that petered out right to nothin' from two headings—on the east and west.
spend each week for cold
when he seen ol' Doleful pick up a The pilot drift, much smaller than the
drinks and refreshments dur-
rock an' start chewin' on 'er. He final excavation, is now "holed through"
ing the summer.
spits it out an' picks up another'n and another major fault has been con-
quered. Easy to Own
an' does the same thing, an' keeps You may enjoy your Eskimo while
that up for some time. Pete was We took the electric train back to Po- paying for it on easy terms.
too bothered about that lead to fig- trero shaft and were soon standing in the
ger much on Doleful's antics, but sunlight again. As I took off the hip- SEE OUR DEALER IN YOUR NEICH-
boots I thought of those fellows down BORHOOD OR WRITE FOR DETAILS
in a day or two he sees ol' Doleful
there doing their routine job over and
is doin' better in his eatin'. So he
pries his mouth open, an' there was
over again, pecking away at the "sacred
ground," confident that they would keep
a full set o' gold fillin's in Dole- at it until the day when they hole through Radiator Company
ful's teeth! Pete run for his pick to to the crew coming from the opposite di- 649 Ceres St. Los Angeles, Calif.
start extractin' gold teeth, but he rection. Then I saw this serious business
just happened to think about the touched with humor. Won't old Tahquitz
donk a chewin' on them rocks an' be angry when that tunnel is finished and
a billion gallons a day pass through his ESKIMO AIR COOLERS
he gallups over there an' found the DISTRIBUTED I N
Jackass Mine! sacred mountain? Perhaps he will con- IMPERIAL AND Y U M A VALLEYS B Y
tinue to grumble and growl but so far as
"Richest mine around here. True the white men are concerned, the story of IV. HARDWARE CO.
story, too!" the old devil-god will remain just a leg-
end. 30 years successful service

JUNE, 1 9 3 8 29
t/ete and lltete
ARIZONA Tucson . . .
Dr. Andrew E. Douglass, through whose ef-
Holbrook . . . forts the work of tree ring analysis has de-
Navajo Indians under the leadership of veloped into a recognized science, is to retire
Spencer Murphy, president of the Indian Wells as director of the Steward observatory and de-
tribal chapter, have threatened to stage a sit- vote only part time to duties at the University
down strike at the central agency at Window of Arizona in the future. At a recent meeting
Rock as a protest against the stock reduction of the board of regents Dr. Douglass was
program sponsored by the Indian Bureau. named director emeritus of the observatory in
recognition of his fine service over a period of
Nogales . . . more than 30 years. Dr. Edwin F. Carpenter,
Recent sale of the Joe Menager ranch along assistant in the observatory since 1930, will
the Mexican border to the United States gov- assume the post left vacant by Dr. Douglass.
ernment will add over 50,000 acres and valu-
U.S. GRAMT able water rights to the Papago reservation of
Arizona. Friends of the Papagos had been
working years for the government's acquisition
of this ranch which takes out the last great Lone Pine . . .
"salient" in the reservation.
Sequoia National Park officials announce
DRIVE-IN GARAGE that within the boundaries of the park 300
LOBBY-LEVEL Fort Apache . . . lakes and 650 miles of streams will be avail-
Dr. Byron Cummings, University of Arizona
able to fishermen during the 1938 season.
RATES archeologist, is spending his seventh summer
Only three per cent of available fishing wa-
excavating the Indian pueblo ruins of Kinishba
on the White Mountain reservation near Fort ters have been closed to use and large plant-
Apache. John D. Fletcher, a former Univer- ings of Rainbow, Golden, Eastern Brook and
sity of Arizona student will assist him. Loch Leven have been made, which should af-
ford many a thrill for the angler. Limits on
F*mou» tor COMFORT Quartzsite . . . catches will be 15 fish per day, caught or in
SERVICE. CONVENIENCE Work of restoring old Fort Tyson by WPA possession, or seven pounds, except Wolverton
workers will soon be completed according to Reservoir where the special limit of five fish, re-
J. P. Thurman, foreman. The grounds sur- gardless of size shall apply. A California State
rounding the fort are being landscaped and fa- Fishing License is required of all persons over
cilities installed for picnic parties. The project 18 years of age.
is sponsored by the Arizona State Highway de-
partment and Felix Sefcovic is in charge for Needles . . .
the state. W. B. Carty, civic leader in Needles for
many years, was elected governor of the 111th
Willcox . . . district of Rotary International at the recent
In order to protect scenic rock formations district convention held at Tucson, Arizona.
which are now outside the Chiricahua Nation-
al Monument, the federal park service is spon- Thermal . . .
soring a plan to annex 10 additional sections One of the three known specimens of white
of land to the present reserve. This would Ocotillo growing in the Southwest is now in
double the present area of the monument. As blossom (May 15) in the cactus gardens of
the new area already is in the national forest John W. Hilton at Valerie's corner on U. S.
reserve, state authorities in Arizona have indi- highway 99.
cated they will not oppose the move.
El Centro . . .
Flagstaff . . . Imperial valley legionnaires are planning to
Coconino county supervisors recently passed present a pageant of the Juan Bautista de Anza
a resolution asking that Grand Canyon be trek across the desert as part of the parade to
abandoned as a national park and the area be held in connection with national Legion
turned back to the county for supervision and convention in Los Angeles next September. Dr.
management. Reasons given were that "the O. H. Van Eman is chairman of the commit-
TwENTY-TWO square miles of existence of said National Park within the tee which is preparing costumes and securing
landlocked bay around which boundaries of this county has resulted in de- properties for the parade event.
crescent-shaped S a n D i e g O lies priving this county of a large source of taxable
. . . afford just one more notable wealth, and has hindered the development of Palm Springs . . .
the mineral resources of this county." Following the election on April 12 at which
asset to this lovely Southern
Palm Springs electors voted to incorporate the
California community where a per- Kingmcm . . . village, George Welwood Murray, New York
ennial balmy climate coaxes sub- attorney, presented the new city officials with
tropical blooms in anybody's garden Field men for the Northern Arizona Muse-
um report they located more than 70 sites of a site for a public library. The donor is the
the whole year through. son of Dr. Welwood Murray who founded a
prehistoric Indian settlements in the Kingman
Come and enjoy San Diego, and Seligman area during a recent archeologi- sanitarium at Palm Springs in 1886 and re-
cal survey. Lyndon Hargraves of the Museum mained there until his death in 1914. The
where ...' California began and property given for library purposes is valued
was in charge of the survey.
Mexico beo'"*'. at $25,000 and is now occupied by a memorial
FREE BOOKLET Yuma . . . to Dr. Murray.
Address - Room 476 Setting a new high record, 36,208 gophers
San Diego-California Club were trapped in Yuma county during the an- Blythe . . .
nual contest sponsored by the Yuma Valley Through the efforts of the 20-30 club of
ALIFORNIA Water Users' association. The contest ended
last month. Prizes were offered by the asso-
Blythe, the state fisheries have arranged to
stock Palo Verde lagoon and other water chan-
include S A N D I E G O ciation as a means of ridding fields and canal nels along the Colorado river with 20,000 bass,
on y o u r t i c k e t banks of the rodents. Winner of the contest blue gill and crappie. The bass season opens
was Juan Castillo with 4,046 gopher tails. in this area May 29-


Blythe . . . Boulder City . . .
Ed. F. Williams, veteran rancher and civic Flood waters pouring into Mead Lake from
worker in the Palo Verde valley, was re-elected the upper watershed raised the water level in
president of the chamber of commerce at the the reservoir 3.75 feet during the last four
annual reorganization last month. Directors days in April, according to figures given out
of the chamber decided to launch a campaign by the Reclamation Bureau. On April 27 the
to regain tourist travel which has been diverted water in storage in the lake reached 16,000,000
from U. S. highway 60 to other routes. acre feet. When filled to capacity it will have
30,500,000 feet.
Indio . . .
California State Highway commission has Boulder City . . .
let a contract for the elimination of the much St. Thomas, historic old Mormon settlement
maligned "bottleneck" in U. S. highways 99, in the Moapa valley, will be submerged by the
60 and 70 at Indio, and the work is expected rising waters of Lake Mead early this summer,
to be completed during the coming summer. according to the estimate of government offi- Pancho Contento on his way to
The project is designed to eliminate the nar- cials. The 11 inhabitants of the town already Calexico, where he alwaysfindsthe
row crook in the highway in the center of the have left, and material worth salvaging is be- best for the least.
Indio business district and give motorists a ing removed from the old buildings.
straight boulevard through the town. Si, Si, the
Austin . . .
Coachella . . . Dismantling of the old Nevada Central rail-
Coachella valley dates will bring the grower road has been started, and the rails are to be HOTELDEANZA
approximately 5V2 cents a pound this season transported to Battle Mountain and shipped to
according to estimates quoted at the annual San Francisco, This is one of Nevada's oldest on the border of
meeting of the United Date Growers of Cali- local railroads. Mariana Land
fornia. The association elected the following • • •
directors for the next year: Dr. Harry W. CALEXICO, CALIF.
Forbes, William W. Cook, H. L. Cavanagh, UTAH
Bryan Haywood and Leonhardt Swingle. Rates from $3.50
Monticello . . . Roland L. Still, Mgr.
Barstow . . . Anthropologists from the University of Utah
The 2,000-acre alfalfa ranch developed by have located a hitherto unknown "sky house"
Arthur Brisbane, who until his death was edi- on an almost inaccessible table rock near Nine
torial writer for the Hearst publications, has Mile canyon. Evidently an ancient Indian
been sold to Robert W. Wilson of Pasadena, structure, the house is well adapted for either
according to information received here. The lookout or defense purposes.
ranch is located on the Mojave desert and has
a 17-room house. It is understood the new Moab . . .
owner will change the name to San Carlos Under the leadership of James M. Sargent,
Guest ranch. president, and T. W. Jensen, advertising chair-
man, the Associated Civic clubs of southern
Utah are arranging to have highway markers
erected to point the way to scenic points in the
NEVADA southern part of the state.
Las Vegas . . . Provo . . .
Ralph Lowry, engineer on Boulder dam
project since 1930 and chief of construction
Fifty Utah Boy Scouts are being enrolled for
a 10-day camping and exploring trip to be HOTEL LAFAYETTE
since 1935, has been transferred to Shasta dam made into the Northwest where three of the BROADWAY AND LINDEN
of the Central Valley project of California national parks will be visited.
where he will be in charge of building opera- LONG BEACH
tions. Delta . . . CALIFORNIA
Clifford Ashby recently found a 3 1 /2- mc ' 1 A Distinctive Hotel reflecting the
Overion . . . spearhead made of brown obsidian. The relic utmost in refinement and comfort.
New recreational area will be opened with was in perfect condition and is especially All outside rooms with combina-
construction of a road in the Overton district prized because of the rarity of obsidian of this
according to Supervisor Guy Edwards. The tion tub and shower bath.
color. TARIFF FROM $2.50
road will lead from Overton along the border
of the Valley of Fire state park to the shore of
Boulder Lake near the former site of St. NEW MEXICO
Thomas. Boat docks and a bathing beach will with its chaste decorations provides
be constructed. Work is going ahead on a Shiprock . . . the Cafe par excellence serving the
highway to Detrital Wash, on the Arizona side choicest of foods prepared for
Longest structure of its kind in the state of those who are accustomed to better
of the lake, where fishermen are said to make New Mexico, the new bridge over the San
good catches. than the average.
Juan river was christened on April 23 by Mrs.
W. W. McClellan of Shiprock. The bridge Modest Prices Prevail
Carson City . . . has six spans of 165 feet each. The dedication EARL R. MILTON, MANAGER
Out-of-state visitors to Nevada this summer was sponsored by the Farmington Lions club.
will be given two types of windshield stickers.
Both are printed in red, black and white. One
shows silhouette of a prospector with burro
and pick and carries the words: "Visitors to - • - ' !
Nevada, 1938." The second sticker is a sil-
houette of the statue of John W . Mackay in
front of the school of mines. Reverse sides CHANCELLCC
give suggestions for safe driving, pictures of 3191 WEST SEVENTH ST.
driving signals.


Lovelock . . . O
While Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vannoy and Mr. 1 Block East of Ambassador

and Mrs. Doman were hunting Indian arrow- GARAGE IN CONNECTION
heads recently a sudden rainstorm converted Rates per Day, European Plan
the dry flats of Carson sink into an impassable
bog. Result, the party became hopelessly mired It Single, $2.50 to $5 -- Double, $4 to $6
in the mud on the return trip. A rescue par-
ty on horseback finally reached the motorists
while an airplane reported the progress of the
pi gjjflr Write for Special Monthly Rates
Phone: FEderal 1183

J U N E , 1931 31
Dorothy C. Cragen of Lone Pine, California, is
AinGooledJloiek CAMEL the winner of the $5.00 cash prize offered by
the Desert Magazine for the best letter identify-
« IN . ing and describing the landmark below. Mrs.
ROCK Cragen's winning manuscript is printed below.

. . . when traveling by auto through
Imperial Valley this summer, stop
at one of Brawley's modern air-con-
ditioned hotels.
. . . while here visit the melon pack-
ing sheds. This is the shipping
point for thousands of carloads of
cantaloupes every summer . . . this
agricultural industry is an interest-
ing and spectacular sight.

. . . Brawley is a logical stopover

point between Phoenix and Los An-
geles . . . every comfort is avail-
able to the traveler.



Chamber of Commerce
W. H. Tyler, Jr. J. W. Tyler
^ H E scenic picture in the "Who
"DESERT Complete Insurance Service*- Realtors
/ Can Name This Landmark" section Phone 660 520 Main St.
STEVE" of the April Desert Magazine is EL CENTRO, CALIF.
RAGSDALE known as the "Camel Rock" and is lo-
invites you cated at the northeast edge of Red Rock
to visit
canyon on the Mojave desert of Califor- >RTSM
him at . . .
This odd rock formation which resem-
bles a kneeling camel is not far from the
little store known as Ricardo which is in Just a Little Different
Red Rock canyon about twenty-two miles We have at this time, in our larder,
Desert Center north and east of Mojave on the Three freshly caught
On U. S. Highway 60-70-93 Camel Rock looks down from the WILD MALLARD DUCK
north into Red Rock canyon. So real does Ready to be deliciously cooked and daintily
Hotel service, cabins, cafe, store, gar- Served.
age, free swimming pool and showers, it seem at times, that one can imagine the Meals such as the above can neither be
largest landing field between Los An- camel resting after a weary trek across the prepared nor served in haste; therefore it is
geles and Phoenix, lighted all night. most important that we know when you will
Good mechanic, tow car service. Every-
desert sands; and as it rests there motion- arrive and how many there will be in party.
less, head lifted, it gazes down into that Our Tavern is located eleven miles east
thing for you and your car day and of downtown Pasadena, 4 miles directly east
night. strangely beautiful canyon whose wall of Santa Anita Race Track, on the southerly
side of Huntington Dr. (Route 66).
WE HAVE LOST OUR KEYS time and erosion have carved into intri- LILLIAN M. WADSWORTH, ADELINE E.
BAKER, Hostesses. Not Open Mondays
—WE CAN'T CLOSE cate and strange designs. So enigmatic 1452 Huntington Dr., Monrovia, California
are these carvings at eventide that they For Reservations, PHONE MONROVIA 3211
The sky is our limit, hell is our depth. look not unlike Egyptian obelisks and
We have sunshine the whole year
round. colossi of the Ancient World.
If you wish to get fat, or wish to be
lean, Camel Rock is east of the Three Flags
Jordan Hot Springs
Not on an Auto Road
D. C. is the best place to be found. highway, but is quite discernible as one
leaves the canyon and goes north to the
50 MILES W E S T OF BLYTHE. Owens valley country, or, as one enters • • •
the canyon from the north. J. N. HOLLIDAY, Olancha, Calif.


NEW—Just Out—Greeting or souvenir cards
Somewhere in western flrizona made from genuine Joshua tree wood. Your
friends will treasure them. Send dollar for
dozen or dime for sample. C. E. WATERS,
656 Seventh St., San Bernardino, California.
• • •
DON ADMIRAL'S new 56-page booklet "Des-
ert of the Palms" gives colorful descriptions
of Colorado desert life and background.
Sent postpaid in U. S., ea. 50 cents. Desert
Crafts Shops, 597 State St., El Centro, Calif.
• • •
GEM CUTTING—Send your rough desert
gemstones to F. H. Wallace, Box 344, El
Centro, Calif., for expert facet and cabochon
cutting and polishing. Gems and gem min-
erals for sale. Prices on request.
• • •
FOR SALE—White Star Cafe at junction U.
S. 80 and State Hwy 94. Five acres. Busi-
ness established 19 years. Sacrifice at
$10,000. Write Adam Witcher, Boulevard,
• • •
descriptive pamphlets to help you plan your
vacation. No obligation. Desert Magazine
Travel Bureau, El Centro, California.
• • •
ROCKWOOD'S own story of the reclamation
of the Imperial valley. Beautifully printed
book with art paper cover also includes Dr.
W. T. Heffernan's "Reminiscences." Post-
paid 50c. Desert Crafts Shops, 597 State St.,
El Centro, California.
long-abandoned structure shown in the • • •
PRIZE IS OFFERED above picture. Evidently it is the ruin of ARMY SADDLES—(McClellan) leather cov-
ered wood stirrups complete with luggage
Along one of the well-graded gravel a building erected many years ago by straps $5 ea. Work harness (U. S. Army
roads in western Arizona the observing white pioneers. It is not Indian architec- Wheel) complete with bridles, lines and
motorist will see a sign pointing to the ture. collars $30 per set. TENTS N E W 8x10
$8, 10x12 $11, 14x16 $20. All merchan-
This picture is being used in the Land- dise in good condition. Mail orders filled
mark contest this month in the hope that same day received. Sam Robinson, direct
much hitherto unpublished data bearing buyer of U. S. Gov't since 1925—2612 So.
San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Calif.
on the origin and history of this old
building will be brought to light.
To the person who writes the best
story identifying and describing this ruin
i cash prize of $5.00 will be paid. The
manuscript should be limited to 300
words and should include all available in-
formation as to exact location, identifica-
tion of the builders if possible, age and
any other data available. Talk over accommodations
This contest is open to all entrants by telephone! Save time,
without restriction as to age, race or place miles, disappointment.
of residence. Answers must be in the of- The cost is small.
fice of the Desert Magazine at El Centro,
California, by the evening of June 20,
1938. The name of the winner together
with the prize winning answer will be
published in the July number of this
SWIMMING . . . DANCING magazine.
Relaxation or R e c r e a t i o n COLORADO FLOOD DISCHARGE
45 miles west of TO BE HIGHER THAN NORMAL
El Centro on U. S. 80 Flood discharge from the Colorado 10 Minutes jrom the Ocean
MODERN ACCOMMODATIONS river during the annual runoff this season
A T REASONABLE RATES will be 15 per cent above normal and 23 MEMBER UNITED MOTOR
HOTEL,AUTO COURT,COTTAGES per cent more than the 1937 discharge, O
APARTMENTS according to the report of E. B. Gittings,
U. S. Meteorologist at Denver. This fore- MR. AND MRS. P. D. STOGKWELL
cast is dependent, of course, on normal 3932 Long Beach Blvd.
BERT L. VAUGHN, MGR. weather conditions on the watershed fol- LONG BEACH, CALIF.
lowing the date of the report.

JUNE, 1 938 33
4 Continued from page 5
THE CALIFORNIA 4 years she has collected and preserved looking at the Bridge—gauging its size
DESERTS 4 specimens of native plants—particularly and admiring its graceful proportions -
4 the herbs whose medicinal qualities are the Rough Rider said in a solemn voice,
A visitor's handbook that tells * known and employed by Navajo medi- 'It's the greatest natural wonder in the
cine men. Her work in this field has at- world!'
all about the desert and its
plants and animals.
4 tracted the attention of botanists in Ari- "Another expression I can't forget
Illustrated $2.00 4 zona and California. Her collection— came from a cowboy: When I seen it I
Stanford University Press
4 numbering more than 300 specimens couldn't swear!' '
4 —now is being studied and classified in
the laboratories of Harvard university.
Although his name perhaps will al-
ways be linked with the Rainbow Bridge,
Clyde A. Colville — partner in the John Wetherill denies credit for its dis-
Wetherill & Colville Guest Ranch—was covery. "Not that I didn't try to find it,"
one of our little group in the dining he admitted. "I did hunt for the Bridge,
room. Like most men whose days are but I was led away from the search by
spent in studying the moods of the des- the discovery of three groups of hitherto
ert, Clyde Colville spoke little and lis- unknown cliff ruins—Betatakin, Inscrip-
tened much. I somehow felt he was tion House, and Kietsiel. After all, arche-
gauging the caliber of my trailmate and ology is my line. Nasja and Nasja-begay
. . . of the desert myself—estimating our wavelengths, so —the Pahutes — led us to Rainbow
to speak. When he joined our little semi- Bridge. The Indians found it long be-
Since 1913 circle in front of the living room fire fore the white men came."
after dinner, I felt sure we had been ad-
EL CENTRO, CAL mitted into his friendly regard. Pioneers in Archeology
Phone 34 To catalog the contents of that fas- Reared on his father's ranch in the fer-
cinating room would require the skill of tile Mancos river valley at the northern
a trained museum curator. The splendid base of Mesa Verde near the southwest-
Navajo blankets and rugs alone—among ern corner of Colorado, John Wetherill's
them some valuable bayetas—would pro- interest in archeology was born in the
vide material for a sizable volume. Fron- potsherd found in the soil beneath his
tier weapons and an old Spanish kettle on feet. With his brothers he explored, ex-
the wide mantel of the fireplace, vases cavated and collected—exhibiting a large
and bowls of prehistoric Cliff Dwellers, assortment of relics at the Chicago
more than a score of pictures on the World's Fair in 1893.
walls—each telling a story. Mrs. Wetherill also was reared in the
Mancos valley. There she and John were
Many Autographed. Volumes married. In collaboration with Frances
The library of John and Mrs. Wetherill Gillmor, Louisa Wade Wetherill has writ-
contains hundreds - - perhaps thousands ten and published a book: "Traders to
— of volumes. I noticed works ranging the Navajos." In this book is the true
from autographed novels of Zane Grey story of a half-century's struggle with the
and Harold Bell Wright to the numerous southwestern desert — colored with ad-
bound reports of the Bureau of American venture and romance, tragedy and happi-
Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution. ness, disaster and triumph.
And the books are not merely on display
HILTON'S as bits of background. They had been
During their long years spent in the
heart of the Indian country the Wetherills
Art and Gem Shop read, studied, discussed. have gained real understanding of the
John W. Hilton, Otcner To me the most interesting volume of problems faced by Stone Age Americans
You are invited to stop and see all was the Guest Register which we were in becoming adjusted to Steel Age Am-
our 40-foot wall of semi-precious invited to sign. Covering a period of erican civilization. Having the confidence
gems and minerals. many years, the pages of that book carry of the shy native desert-dwellers, they are
Desert Paintings—Cactus the names of hundreds of persons who in position to interpret strange laws and
Gems—Pottery are well known in the world-beyond-the- regulations—gaining loyal co-operation
Cutting and Polishing desert. Scientists, artists, actors, bankers, where strangers might find stubborn re-
HIGHWAY 99 authors, health seekers, adventurers — sistance.
Acro3s from Valerie Jean Date Shop nearly all have contributed something. They are pioneers who have helped
P. O. Address, Thermal, Calif.
I turned to my host, smoking his pipe establish goodwill in a region where pre-
and listening as my trailmate described vious generations of white men had
our journey from Shiprock. "What are brought misunderstanding and bloodshed.
the reactions of visitors who view the Trail-blazer to Rainbow Bridge? Yes,
Rainbow Bridge for the first time?" I John Wetherill was that.
More important, Mr. and Mrs. John
Wetherill took the pipe from his Wetherill have been trail-blazers of cour-
mouth: "I'll always remember the words age and integrity on a frontier where
Write R. C. NICOLL, Prop., Thermal. Calif. of my friend Teddy Roosevelt,"—strok- there was a very great need for that type
ing his closely trimmed beard—"After of character.


in western cactus gardens. The Mexican
QUEEN OF THE SNAKE CACTUS (Nyctocereus Serpen-
DESERT NIGHT tinus), a prolific bloomer and climber;
Continued from page 11
where it flowers in the Night-Blooming
considerable area, not only on the open- Cereus hedge at Punahu College, Hono-
ing night but into the afternoon of the lulu; and PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT,
following day. a dainty South American variety, are
among those more frequently seen.
Each blossom opens but once. Other
buds on the same plant may bloom the NOTE: Night-Blooming Cereus cacti (Penio-
succeeding night. This is especially true cetetts greggii) are fully protected by state
if there are several buds on one plant, law as a conservation measure lest they disap-
pear entirely from our deserts. However, they
about half opening one night and half may be procured through the usual channels
the next. A latent bud may flower weeks from cactus fanciers and nurserymen.
later. But such an occurrence is rare.
Tradition that the Night-Blooming
Cereus (Peniocereus gf'eggii), no matter
where it may be, has a single flowering Fruit of the Night - Blooming
l/ight each year was carefully checked Cereus matures in October. It is
near Tucson in recent years. It was found relished by the Papago Indians, but For business and professional
that it would be more nearly accurate to is never plentiful. people wanting
say that the greatest profusion of bloom- • STATIONERY
Photo by F. S. Wartman.
ing takes place within a period of two or • BOOKLETS
three nights, the whole arid desert coun- • CARDS
may weigh as much as 100 pounds. It is • MAILING PIECES
try about Tucson and the carefully wa-
so bitter as to be practically immune to
tered and tended cactus gardens in town Suggestive of the desert.
attacks by desert rodents, but native In-
being perfumed simultaneously with that dians sometimes use it for medicinal pur- WE SUPPLY ART WORK,
delightful, spicy fragrance during this poses. Old specimens of this cactus some- ENGRAVING AND PRINTING
brief flowering time. It was also noted times attain a height of six to eight feet Dummies and quotations gladly
that the blooming was especially heavy with as many as 19 or more blossoms. furnished,
in specific neighborhoods during each ELITE PRINTING COMPANY
In its native habitat the Night-Bloom-
one of those nights, about 98 per cent of 597 State Street
ing Cereus asks little of nature, growing
the plants flowering on one night and the EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA
in the shelter of creosote bushes or climb-
rest on the succeeding night.
ing into the sturdy branches of mesquite
Has Religious Significance trees, seeking protection from devastating
winds and scorching sun. Good drain-
Because of the frequent proximity of its Hold twelve copies—Attractive and Durable.
age and a sandy loam soil also seem es-
blooming to San Juan's Day (June 24th Delivered, each $1
sential. The cactus itself is delicate. The
—the birthdate of John the Baptist) and
to Indian tribal events, the flowering is
woody stem connecting the top of the tu- Imperial Valley Bindery
ber to the main body of the plant is its 129 No. 6th St. El Centro, Calif.
of a deep religious significance to rever-
most vulnerable point, being so brittle
ent Mexicans and Indians wRo refer to
and fragile that it snaps off easily at this
their "La Reina de la Noche," Queen of
juncture. When this happens the cactus
Night, also as "Night Goddess," "God-
sends up a new shoot from the tuber but
dess of the Night," with the white ethe-
like all cacti it is of slow growth. Older
real blossoms sometimes spoken of as
specimens are found usually as cultivated
"Angels of the Night."
plants growing in cactus gardens, since
It is also traditional that no matter the in their wild state these plants break off
degree of drought or extremity of heat so easily.
upon our deserts, the Night-Blooming
Cereus always blooms. I have found this The gay fruit of the Night-Blooming
holds true on our homestead; but one Cereus is bright red, egg-shaped and
cannot help notice how much larger and much relished by man as well as by birds,
finer the blossoms are and how much rodents and other native fauna. It is
earlier they bloom in years of adequate never plentiful, a cactus seldom bearing
rainfall. more than a few fruits. This picturesque
The Arizona Night-Blooming Cereus fruit ripens in late October, the only time
grows from a bulb-like tuber resembling of year except its blooming night that
a large overgrown turnip. This tuber is this cactus is at all conspicuous on the Finest Saddles, Polo and Racing
located from 15 to 18 inches below the desert. Equipment
surface, with small rootlets climbing up- Besides QUEEN OF THE NIGHT
ward in search of moisture which it
stores. It grows along the sandy washes
{Peniocereus greggii) native to our own Lichtenberger- Ferguson Co.
Southwest, other varieties of Night- SINCE 1900
of the desert where moisture is more Blooming Cereus from the deserts of the 352-354 So. Los Angeles Street
often available. In older plants this tuber Los Angeles
world may be found growing side by side

JUNE, 1938 35

/ O S I write this, early in May, the desert landscape is citizens for "home, cabin, camp, health, convalescent, recrea-
/ /daubed with the golden blossoms of a million Palo tion and business sites."
Verde trees. In another month the bright hue of the The land would be sold at nominal cost and the purchaser
Palo Verde will have given way to the rich purple —or is it would obtain title without the loss of time and expense in-
deep blue? — of the Smoke Tree. And some time during the volved in the regular homestead procedure. The act is de-
intervening period the Desert Willow will put on its robes signed primarily for those who would go to the desert for
of white, tinged with pink. health rather than financial profit. It is understood that irri-
gable lands which may come under reclamation projects are
When it comes time for these desert trees to blossom they not to be sold under this act.
hold nothing back. Every tree is a masterpiece of color.
For city dwellers who dream of owning a little cabin on
I am rather partial to the Smoke Tree. Along toward the the desert where there will be neither telephones, traffic sig-
middle of June I will take the road which leads south from nals, gossipy neighbors nor high taxes, this seems a partial
Coyote Wells on Southern California's sector of Highway 80. answer at least.
Eight miles from the paved highway the road comes to a The limited area of habitable land which still remains in
gravel bluff overlooking Pinto Wash where there is one of the the public domain needs to be guarded well. But I can think
finest forests of Smoke Trees to be found in the Southwest. of no better way of utilizing it than as cabinsites for men and
The natural elements carved out this arroyo before there was women who are seeking relaxation between rounds in the
an international boundary line, and today part of it lies on fierce competitive battle in which the whole business world
the Mexican side of the border and the remainder in United is engaged.
States. * * *

Pinto Wash is a place of regal splendor when the pale Writing about Beavertail cactus in the April number of the
ghost-like branches of Dalea spinosa put on their annual Desert Magazine, Don Admiral stated that he had counted
237 blossoms in various stages of maturity on a single plant.
flower show. It is worth noting that the flowers are not less
Well, I'll have to award second prize to Don. Mary Beal of
colorful on the Mexican side of the line than the American Daggett, California, recently wrote: "I have a photograph of
side. The political boundaries we humans worry so much one with 250 blossoms, and counted 267 on another." Until
about just do not mean a thing to old Mother Nature. some one comes along with evidence of bigger and more pro-
lific Beavertails, we'll award the championship to the Mojave
This month's problem in the office of the Desert Magazine * * *
is to find a common name for the fruit which grows on the
various species of cacti. Some writers use the name "cactus We have had a cool spring on the desert this year - - too
apples", and others just call it cactus fruit. Cactus really de- cool for the good of the cantaloupe industry. But the hot
days are coming. I will guarantee that. It really wouldn't
serves something more distinctive than either of these terms.
be much of a desert if we did not have a blistering sun pour-
Perhaps the Papago Indians or the Mexicans have the an- ing down on us for a few months of the year.
swer. I will be interested, if any of the readers can throw any
light on this subject. If we had a perfect climate 12 months in the year, the ex-
ploiters soon would have a road in every canyon and a cock-
And after I learn what to call those delicately flavored edi- tail resort at every waterhole — and the desert would become
bles which are found later in the season on many species of as snooty a place as Hollywood. Thank heaven for the heat!
the cactus family, I will be ready for a feast — as soon as I Those who can afford it and have the time, will migrate to
learn how to pick and eat them without getting my fingers the mountains or coast when school is out. And the other
and tongue full of splinters. Probably my Indian neighbors three-quarters of us will remain at home and cuss the weather
can tell me something about that too. and with few exceptions be just as happy as we would be
elsewhere. Hot weather is not a serious annoyance to people
with good health and active minds.
Congressman Izac of San Diego is sponsoring a federal As my old friend Slim Wallace of Dixieland remarks: "Yes,
measure, H. R. 1876, which would authorize the Secretary it does go up to 115 degrees in the shade some days — but
of Interior to sell five-acre tracts of public land to American you don't have to stay in the shade if you don't want to."



The "FABREEZE" cabinet is the

neatest, best designed and most stur-
dily built unit on the market.
Made of galvanized iron,
aluminum painted. Well
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able trough for distribu-
ting water on excelsior.
No clogged pipes.
Cabinet easy to install.
Excelsior pads may be
easily removed for ser- AMERICAS
Water flow is regulated by valve of ultra-modern
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Dimensions—51" high, 36" wide,
24" deep. Pan at the bottom is 5"
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Distributed by
Manufactured by
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700 So. DATE ST. ALHAMBRA, CALIF. This fleet, the very latest in
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• Six New Streamlined Chiefs,
finest, fastest and only first class
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only all-chair-car transcontinental
In the first seven editions of the Desert Magazine you can find no less train. Economy in every part of the
service. Speed of the Super-Chief.
than 71 nuggets: 16 personality sketches, 9 articles on desert plants, Diesel locomotive.
9 travelogs with maps, 4 mining stories, 7 landmarks pictures, 5 fea- • Other daily through trains
tures on the Indian country, 3 desert home sketches, 8 historical sket- without extra fare to Chi-
cago, Kansas City, Denver,
ches, 4 gem-hunter's features, and 6 articles on development of the Houston and New Orleans.
desert. Then there are more riches you can "pan out" . . . poetry,
editorial comment, the Pennington photos, humor, news . . . items of
interest and value to any desert lover.
We will give you an interest in this gold mine for only $2.50 a year.
Send us the attached postage-paid card and mark it "start with No-
vember issue". Or if you have been buying the Desert Magazine on
the newsstands and want to be sure you will not miss a copy for the
next year, mark it to start any month you wish.

The DESERT fflAGAZINE . . El Centre, Calif.

PARTS AND SERVICE He has faith in steady performance from his "CAT-
When They're ERPILLAR" because he knows that within easy reach
of his ranch is a complete stock of genuine parts, made
and recommended by the manufacturer of the tractor.

Needed . . Skilled mechanics are available for immediate repair

if necessary. The operator is assured of a minimum of
A "CATERPILLAR" operator in Imperial Valley finds Serving the 604,000 acres of Imperial Valley are
that his tractors stand up longer than his neighbor's three strategically placed Ben Hulse service and parts
who uses another type of power machinery. His "CAT- stores. The photo above shows the parts store at Braw-
ERPILLAR" tractor operates more economically in the ley. Equally well-stocked stores are in El Centro and
long run. But better than that, it works regularly with Calexico. A fourth serves the 69,000 acre Yuma valley.
fewer stops for repair and part replacement.
Practically every demand for parts or service on
"CATERPILLAR" equipment is met at the counters of
these four Ben Hulse stores. This is an added assur-
ance to "CATERPILLAR" owners . . . knowledge that
Ben Hulse's interest does not cease when he sells new
"CATERPILLAR" equipment.

Ben Hulse
T r a c t o r and Equipment Co.

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