Mental Status Assessment

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Mental Status Assessment

LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS Alert Drowsy Cooperative Eye contact AFFECT Flat Blunted Inappropriate MOOD Appropriate Anxious Agitated Elated Depressed DRESS Appropriate Neat !"IENE Good Poor ORIENTATION Time Place Person ituation MEMOR! !ecent "Dinner#Brea$%ast& !ecent "Current Events& Immediate " 'ort Term& !emote "(ong Term& DEFENSE MEC ANISM Displacement Denial Intellectuali)ation Intro*ection Pro*ection !ationali)ation Day 1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6

!eaction Formation !egression !epression u+limation uppression Identi%ication Isolation ,t'ersE#TRA $!RAMIDAL S!M$TOMS $SEUDO$AR%INSONISM A&'nes'a .as$/li$e %ace No swinging o% arms 0esitancy o% speec' Decrease muscle strengt's 'u%%ling gait Drooling Fine intention tremors ACUTE D!STONIC REACTION .uscle spasm o% t'e *aw1 nec$1 tongue1 eyes (aryngeal spasm A&at(es'a !estlessness Tenseness Ina+ility to sit still !oc$ing +ac$ and %ort' o% %eet Crossing legs %re2uently Ina+ility to relax Ta)*'+e Dys&'nes'a Involuntary movements o% mout'1 tongue1 %ace and may extend to %inger arms and trun$ T IN%IN" COMMUNICATION L,,se Ass,-'at',n Neologism

3ord alad Ec'olalia Ec'opraxia Clang Association Illogical T'in$ing Al,.'a C,n-)ete T('n&'n. La-& ,/ Ins'.(t $ERCEIVIN" AND INTER$RETIN" Delus',ns !e%erence Persecutions External in%luence omatic Grandiose allu-'nat',ns 4isual ,l%actory Gustatory Auditory Tactile Summa)y ,/ Mental Status Assessment ,ur client is a 5paranoid sc'i)op'renia6 +ut according to 'im 'e is 78 years old +ut appears older9 0e is neat and co'erent on our %irst meeting9 At times o% interview1 client seldom 'as eye contact and seemed to watc' ot'er people t'oug' 'e answers our 2uestions compre'ensively9 0e spea$s moderate in pace and voice9 0e answers are +rie% and concrete9 It seems t'at 'er t'oug'ts were on ot'er t'ings aside %rom our su+*ect9 ,ur client slouc'es w'en seated +ut stands and wal$s erectly9 'e wal$s slowly wit' 'ands swinging at sides9 All 'er movements are coordinated9 A%ter a day or two o% interaction t'e client seemed to +e in +etter mood and continuously eac' day9 T'ere were times also t'at client spea$s uninterruptedly and even tells stories relevant to t'e su+*ect we are tal$ing a+out9 T'oug' s'e seldom 'ave eye contact and seemed to +e aloo% during nurse patient interaction1 t'e client participated actively to group activities and seemed to +e always interested in our daily group activities9

T'e only unrelia+le t'oug't t'at our clients said was 5'indi a$o engot sila lang ang engot69 'e ex'i+ited grandiosity eac' time9 ''e 'as good memory also9

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