Building Use Policy

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Church 8ulldlngs,

LqulpmenL & Crounds

use ollcy

1rusLees Approval: lebruary 1, 2011
[lee Schedule formaL 8evlsed uecember 2012]
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ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc l

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Approved lebruary 20, 2011

______________________ _______________________
norm Saunders k. 1. 1arro
1rusLees Chalr Church Councll
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc ll


ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church ls a church wlLh a mlsslon for ouLreach wlLhln lLs local
nelghborhood and around Lhe world. lL ls a church LhaL Leaches and mlnlsLers Lo lLs members
and guesLs Lhrough lLs worshlp servlces, classroom sLudy, ?ouLh rogram, Muslc MlnlsLry, and
8lble sLudles. lL ls a church lnvolved ln Lhe communlLy wlLh lLs llea MarkeL and 8ouLlque, Lhe
PypoLhermla CenLer, Lhe CuLreach CenLer, and many oLher acLlvlLles. lL ls a church LhaL
supporLs communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs such as ChrlsLlan-based counsellng and communlLy
safeLy acLlvlLles. ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church also hosLs and sponsors assorLed scouLlng
programs, and vlrglnlan MeLhodlsL ulsLrlcL acLlvlLles.
1he MlnlsLerlal SLaff and Lhe 1rusLees conLlnually monlLor and assure Lhose acLlvlLles held
wlLhln Lhe Church 8ulldlng, lLs Crounds or use of properLy are wlLhln Lhe scope of Lhe Church
mlsslon. 1o ensure falrness Lo Lhose requesLlng Lhe use of Lhe Church, and Lo ensure Lhese
acLlvlLles are conslsLenL wlLh Lhe Church mlsslon, Lhls ollcy has been updaLed Lo reflecL Lhe
growlng demands and lncreased cosLs of Church usage. lL ls a ollcy LhaL provldes Lhe crlLerla
for approved usage and compensaLlon, lL deflnes Lhe process Lo requesL usage, and lL deflnes
Lhe responslblllLles of Lhe users of Lhe Church, Lhe SLaff, 1rusLees and Lhe MlnlsLerlal SLaff.
1hls ollcy and Lhe process deflned hereln requlre some [udgmenL and prudence ln lLs
execuLlon noL every concelvable slLuaLlon has been LhoughL of for Lhe use of Lhe Church.
1herefore careful overslghL by Lhe MlnlsLerlal SLaff and 1rusLees wlll ensure LhoughLful
lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhls ollcy. AddlLlonally, because of Lhe changes of Lhls ollcy from lLs
prevlous verslon, lL ls undersLood LhaL lL wlll Lake some re-orlenLaLlon of Lhe congregaLlon and
communlLy Lo Lhe new ollcy and procedures. 8ecause of Lhe scope of change, Lhe ollcy wlll
be phased ln. Compllance Lo Lhls ollcy wlll ensure Lhe mosL sulLable use of Lhe Church faclllLles
and enable maxlmum usage, whlle managlng Church resources for Lhe purpose of Lhe Church
mlsslon. 1he MlnlsLerlal SLaff and Lhe 1rusLees can change Lhe ollcy and process as Lhey deem
necessary Lo ensure conLlnued success of Lhls mlsslon aL ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church. 1hls
ollcy wlll be amended as necessary Lo ensure Lhe conLlnued success of Lhe mlsslon of ender
unlLed MeLhodlsL Church. roposed amendmenLs wlll be revlewed by Lhe 1rusLees before
approval and subsequenLly approved by Lhe Church Councll.
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc lll
0&1'+ $2 3$45+456
Approval age ................................................................................................................................................ l
Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... ll
1able of ConLenLs ......................................................................................................................................... lll
1.0. lnLroducLlon ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. 1erms and ueflnlLlons.................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. 8ackground and urpose ............................................................................................................. 2
2.0. ollcy ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1. ender 8ulldlng use Croups (See Appendlx 8) ........................................................................... 4
C8Cu 1 - uMC 8egular rograms and AcLlvlLles .......................................................................... 4
C8Cu 2 - uMC Speclal LvenLs and rograms ............................................................................... 4
C8Cu 3 - ulsLrlcL, Conference and uMC AcLlvlLles ........................................................................ 4
C8Cu 4 - uMC Sponsored Croups ............................................................................................... 4
C8Cu 3 - CommunlLy SupporL/CuLreach ....................................................................................... 4
C8Cu 6 - CuLslde CrganlzaLlons & uMC Member use ................................................................ 4
2.2. SubmlLLlng a 8esource 8equesL lorm ......................................................................................... 4
2.3. lee 1ypes ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2.4. llnanclal AccounLablllLy ............................................................................................................... 3
2.3. hase ln erlod of 1hls ollcy ...................................................................................................... 3
3.0. rocess ............................................................................................................................................. 7
4.0. Ceneral 8ules for 8ehavlor, ConducL, SecurlLy and Cleanllness .................................................... 10
4.1. Ceneral ConducL ........................................................................................................................ 10
4.2. SecurlLy ...................................................................................................................................... 11
4.3. Cleanllness and Crder ................................................................................................................ 11
4.4. uamage and LlablllLles ............................................................................................................... 12
3.0. 8ulldlng use lees and 8oom/8esource AvallablllLy ...................................................................... 14
Appendlx A - 8LSCu8CL 8LCuLS1 lC8M ................................................................................................... 16
Appendlx 8 uSL8 C8CuS ....................................................................................................................... 17
Appendlx C - 8ulLulnC uSL lLL SCPLuuLL ............................................................................................... 18
Appendlx u - 8LCC8u Cl CPAnCLS Anu 8LvlLW ..................................................................................... 19

7898 :45#$;-<5=$4
1hls documenL provldes Lhe background and conLexL of Lhe Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL & Crounds use
Policy (henceforth referred to as The Policy unless otherwise stated). It defines baslc Lerms and Lhe
purpose of 1he ollcy. lL deflnes Lhe crlLerla for Lhe Lypes of requesLs and users of Lhe Church
resources, Lhe process Lo requesL Lhe use of Lhe resource, and Lhe responslblllLles of Lhe users and
Church SLaff wlLhln Lhls process. A key aLLrlbuLe of 1he ollcy ls Lhe deflnlLlon of slx use Croups whlch
gulde Lhe prlorlLlzaLlon of uses and assoclaLed fees for use of Lhe Church properLy. 1hls ollcy applles Lo
all uslng user CrganlzaLlons and lLs leaders and parLlclpanLs, Lhe Church admlnlsLraLlve and MlnlsLerlal
SLaff, Lhe Church leadershlp, and varlous commlLLees.
1he scope of Lhls ollcy lncludes Lhe use of Lhe Church 8ulldlng and speclflc rooms, Lhe ouLslde areas
lncludlng Lhe parklng loL, and Lhe LqulpmenL of Lhe Church. lL does noL lnclude Lhe use of moLor
vehlcles whlch ls lncluded ln a separaLe pollcy. 1hls documenL ls dlvlded lnLo Lhe maln body
(lnLroducLlon, ollcy, rocess, Ceneral 8ules, and 8ulldlng use lees and 8oom/8esource AvallablllLy),
and Appendlxes LhaL lnclude !"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&,, user Croups, 8ulldlng use lee Schedule, and
8ecord of Changes and 8evlew. 1he appendlxes can easlly be changed and approved by Lhe 1rusLees
wlLhouL any changes Lo Lhe body of Lhe documenL Lhereby maklng an overall more dynamlc and
responslve ollcy and procedure.
7878 0+#.6 &4; >+2=4=5=$46
1he Church, Church, or UMC ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church Lhe Church members, all
SLaff, and governlng boards.
Church kesources
a generlc descrlpLlon of Lhe followlng,
! Church 8u||d|ngs Maln bulldlng LhaL lncludes Lhe classrooms, sancLuary, lellowshlp
Pall, and also lncludes Lhe CuLreach CenLer bulldlng. lL does noL lnclude Lhe
! Church Grounds 1he exLernal areas of Lhe Church, Lo lnclude Lhe grassed area,
playground, wooded areas, parklng loL, sldewalks, and enLry areas.
! Lqu|pment, kesource 1he furnlLure, elecLronlc and admlnlsLraLlve equlpmenL, and
muslcal lnsLrumenLs wlLhln Lhe Church. 1he use of Lhe Lerm LqulpmenL does noL
necessarlly mean lL ls Church owned because some members of Lhe Church use Lhelr
own personal equlpmenL Lo supporL Church acLlvlLles.
Church Cff|ce 1he admlnlsLraLlve offlce of Lhe Church.
1he Staff, Staff 1he pald and unpald admlnlsLraLlve and mlnlsLerlal leadershlp of uMC.
! Cff|ce Staff 1he pald professlonal and unpald admlnlsLraLlve and volunLeer sLaff of
uMC. 1he Cfflce SLaff coordlnaLes and malnLalns Lhe room usage schedule ln Lhe

The Churchs motor vehicles are not considered part of The Pollcy unless speclflcally sLaLed anoLher pollcy
esLabllshes Lhe crlLerla for Lhe use of Lhe Church moLor vehlcles.
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc 2
! Cff|ce Adm|n|strator 1he offlce sLaff supervlsor who oversees Lhe admlnlsLraLlve
sLaff and admlnlsLraLlve funcLlons of Lhe Church.
! M|n|ster|a| Staff 1he Senlor asLor, AssoclaLe asLor, Muslc ulrecLor, AsslsLanL
Muslc ulrecLor, ulrecLor of ulsclpleshlp, ?ouLh asLor, and oLher pald mlnlsLerlal SLaff
as Lhe Church may have aL any Llme.
1rustees An appolnLed group of nlne Church members responslble for Lhe malnLenance and
use of Church 8esources, Church safeLy, and securlLy. 1he 1rusLees are responslble for
creaLlng 1he ollcy and resolvlng lssues LhaL are noL addressed or deflned wlLhln 1he ollcy.
1he 1rusLees Chalr wlll arblLraLe any lssues ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe MlnlsLerlal SLaff and/or
Cfflce ersonnel.
8u||d|ng Use Group Slx caLegorles of Church users LhaL dlcLaLe Lhe prlorlLy of use Lypes and
assoclaLed fees.
kequest|ng Crgan|zat|on, User Crgan|zat|on, User, User Group Croups or lndlvlduals uslng
(or requesLlng Lo use) Lhe Church 8ulldlng, LqulpmenL and/or Crounds of uMC.
Crgan|zat|on Coord|nator 1he lndlvldual ln charge of Lhe evenL, responslble for Lhe
Requesting Organizations conduct while using Church property and complying wlLh uMC
pollcles, and generally Lhe lndlvldual maklng Lhe use requesL. 1he name of Lhe CoordlnaLor
shall be lncluded on Lhe 8equesL lorm, whlch wlll Lhen blnd Lhe person as Lhe one responslble
for Lhe Lerms of Lhls ollcy and Lhe conducL of Lhe user CrganlzaLlon.
Custod|a| Contractor 1he cleanlng servlce hlred by uMC for Lhe cleanlng, seLup, and
reconflgurlng uMC resources.
Ch||d rotect|on o||cy SeparaLe Church pollcy used Lo ensure a safe and carlng envlronmenL
for Lhe chlldren of Lhe Church, and Lo comply wlLh sLaLe and local laws regardlng Lhe
proLecLlon of chlldren.
Ma|ntenance 1he cosLs and efforLs requlred Lo clean, reorganlze, repalr, and malnLaln
Church faclllLles ln worklng order and ready Lo use for subsequenL users of Lhe resource.
Church M|ss|on, M|ss|on 1he ob[ecLlves, goals, and purposes of uMC.
UMC 1he greaLer unlLed MeLhodlsL Church organlzaLlon.
8ook of D|sc|p||ne CperaLlng gulde of Lhe unlLed MeLhodlsL Church.
Motor Veh|c|e o||cy SeparaLe Church pollcy for Lhe safe usage of moLor vehlcles of Lhe
Church LhaL lncludes crlLerla for usage, reservaLlon, and purchase of Church vehlcles.
!"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&, Appendlx A lorm compleLed by Lhe 8equesLlng user Lo requesL
use of Lhe 8ulldlng, Crounds or Church properLy, and ls Lurned lnLo Lhe Cfflce afLer
compleLlon. 1hls form ls used Lo reserve space ln Lhe faclllLy, reserve equlpmenL & Lo schedule
evenLs/acLlvlLles on Lhe Church calendar of evenLs. lL also glves lnformaLlon abouL evenL
communlcaLlon and fees.
78?8 @&<A*#$-4; &4; )-#"$6+
uMC ls ln Lhe cenLer of a ma[or meLropollLan area conLalnlng a culLurally dlverse socleLy. 1hls
brlngs speclal opporLunlLles and challenges Lo uMC ln whlch lL may provlde ouLreach and mlnlsLry
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc 3
Lo many who would oLherwlse noL hear or know Lhe Word of Lhe Lord. uMC, llke lLs communlLy,
has evolved as a suburban church Lo a more urban church LhaL requlres closer overslghL of lLs
resources Lo ensure Lhe falr use and an accepLable rlsk for Lhe Church whlle achlevlng lLs mlsslon.
1hls ollcy wlll asslsL ln Lhe conLlnued LranslLlon.
?898 )$'=</
ender 8ulldlng use Croups were creaLed and accepLed by Lhe 1rusLees on 6 Aprll 2010. 1he crlLerla
deflne slx caLegorles of users of Lhe Church based on Lhe prlorlLles and Lhe mlsslon of Lhe Church. 1hose
user CrganlzaLlons closesL Lo Lhe core mlsslon of Lhe Church and uMC have Lhe hlghesL prlorlLy and do
noL pay use fees. 1hose users LhaL are communlLy based buL conslsLenL wlLh Lhe purpose of Lhe Church
have Lhe lowesL prlorlLy and wlll be requlred Lo pay use fees. Any CrganlzaLlon uslng Lhe Church buL noL
wlLhln Lhe crlLerla wlll requlre speclal agreemenL wlLh 1rusLees. no CrganlzaLlon or users wlll be
permlLLed Lo use Lhe Church, lLs faclllLles, properLy and grounds lf Lhe CrganlzaLlons purpose ls counLer
Lo Lhe mlsslon of uMC. Cnly evenLs sulLed for Lhe requesLed resource wlll approved. lor example,
non-splrlLual acLlvlLles such as communlLy meeLlngs or professlonal developmenL meeLlngs wlll noL be
held ln Lhe Chapel or Lhe SancLuary buL may be held ln a classroom.
1he general prlorlLles for usage (as reflecLed ln Lhe crlLerla and Church mlsslon) are uMC Worshlp
Servlces, lunerals, Weddlngs, Sunday School, 8lble SLudy, uMC MeeLlngs, uMC MeeLlngs, supporLlng
Mens and Womens uMC Croups, and Lhen exLernal acLlvlLles. 8egular occurrlng Worshlp Servlces and
Sunday School and Muslc 8ehearsals do noL requlre Lhe submlsslon of Lhe !"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&,
assumlng Lhey wlll use Lhe regular resources speclflcally deslgnaLed for Lhelr use l.e. sancLuary, cholr
room. AL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe MlnlsLerlal SLaff and/or Lhe Chalr, 1rusLees, Lhese crlLerla may be
changed on shorL noLlce. lor example, a Memorlal Servlce for a publlc flgure (noL a Church member)
may requlre Lhe posLponemenL of a 8lble SLudy.
1he slx use Croups are based on Lhe purpose of Lhe user CrganlzaLlon, and -$* *." /012 ,",3"&
#*4*%# $5 4-6 $5 7*# ,",3"&#. Lven Lhough a user CrganlzaLlon may have one or more uMC members,
or Lhe CrganlzaLlon CoordlnaLor may be a uMC member, lL does noL affecL Lhe classlflcaLlon of Lhe
user CrganlzaLlon. lor example, a homeowners assoclaLlon group may be led by a uMC member,
however, the homeowners association remains a Community Support/Outreach Group (Group 5).
ln lleu of paylng fees, a user CrganlzaLlon may requesL Lo exchange a servlce Lo Lhe Church or
communlLy. 1he proposed servlces Lo be provlded musL be speclfled on Lhe !"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&,
(wlLh any appllcable supporLlng documenLaLlon) deflned and speclflc, and musL be approved by Lhe
1rusLees and/or Lhe MlnlsLerlal SLaff before Lhe evenL occurs. lf approved, all oLher porLlons of Lhe
ollcy and rocure sLlll apply. An example of provldlng a servlce and noL paylng a fee ls lf/when Lhe 8oy
ScouL 1roop who volunLeer Lo supporL a llea MarkeL seL up and clean up for a speclfled number of daLes
and hours, and noL pay a fee for Lhelr monLhly meeLlng.
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc 4
?878 )+4;+# @-=';=4* B6+ C#$-"6 D,++ !""+4;=E @F
Slx 8ulldlng use Croups have been developed Lo caLegorlze varlous user acLlvlLles Lo faclllLaLe
prlorlLlzaLlon of schedullng, uses, and assoclaLed fees. Core acLlvlLles Lake precedenL over ouLreach
acLlvlLles as ldenLlfled ln Appendlx 8.
CGHB) 7 I )BJ3 G+*-'&# )#$*#&.6 &4; !<5=%=5=+6 - UMC |ed, frequency at |east
month|y, typ|ca||y |n the same room: 1hese are acLlvlLles core Lo Lhe mlsslon of
uMC and are Lhe regular operaLlons of Lhe Church. 1hese acLlvlLles exlsL for Lhe
sole purpose of splrlLual feedlng, growLh, worshlp, and Lhe dlrecL supporL of Lhe
acLlvlLles for uMC.
CGHB) ? I )BJ3 ,"+<=&' K%+456 &4; )#$*#&.6 - UMC |ed, frequency |ess than month|y:
1hese acLlvlLles are ofLen on an ad hoc basls, buL are sLlll scheduled and planned.
1hese acLlvlLles have a core purpose supporLlng Lhe worshlp, fellowshlp and
ouLreach of uMC.
CGHB) L I >=65#=<5M 3$42+#+4<+ &4; BJ3 !<5=%=5=+6 - UMC-re|ated groups outs|de of
UMC: 1hese acLlvlLles lnclude meeLlngs and worshlp servlces conducLed by Lhe
ArllngLon ulsLrlcL, Lmmaus CaLherlngs, Wesley loundaLlon College SLudenLs Mlsslon
AccommodaLlons, and Lhe greaLer uMC Church.
CGHB) N I )BJ3 ,"$46$#+; C#$-"6 - Non-re||g|ous]commun|ty groups chartered or
d|rect|y sponsored by UMC, but not run by UMC: 1hese Croups lnclude Lhe
varlous scouLlng groups and Lhelr relaLed acLlvlLles. 1he user CrganlzaLlon musL
have a uMC sponsorlng group Lo represenL Lhelr needs and Lo ensure
understanding of The Policy. For example, the Pender Mens Groups sponsors the
Boy Scout Troop to ensure the troops interest and needs are met, and to ensure
Lhey undersLand and comply wlLh 1he ollcy.
CGHB) O I 3$..-4=5/ ,-""$#5PH-5#+&<Q - Act|v|t|es]evange||sm to br|ng peop|e |n
contact w|th UMC: 1hese acLlvlLles lnclude communlLy group meeLlngs and oLhers
LhaL uMC opens lLs doors Lo LhaL hopefully leads Lo lndlvlduals of Lhese groups
developlng an lnLeresL ln becomlng assoclaLed wlLh, or becomlng a members of,
CGHB) R I H-56=;+ H#*&4=S&5=$46 T )BJ3 J+.1+# B6+ - Act|v|t|es and groups unre|ated
to UMC Cutreach: 1hese are organlzaLlons LhaL are noL communlLy-based wlLh no
relaLlonshlp Lo uMC or uMC ouLreach LhaL conLacL uMC for Lhe sole purpose of
obLalnlng meeLlng space. UMC Member Use: uMC member use of Church
faclllLles for prlvaLe funcLlons such as blrLhday parLles, weddlng/baby showers,
annlversary parLles, chlld playgroups, eLc.
?8?8 ,-1.=55=4* & G+6$-#<+ G+U-+65 V$#.
8efore Lhe sLarL of Lhe calendar year (abouL SepLember), user CrganlzaLlons wlLh recurrlng acLlvlLles
(weekly/monLhly) should submlL a !"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&, for Lhe acLlvlLy (weekly/monLhly
meeLlng). 1he Cfflce SLaff wlll asslgn Lhe user CrganlzaLlon Lo Lhe appllcable use Croup. CrlLerla
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc 3
wlll noL normally change from one Lype of meeLlng Lo anoLher, or from one year Lo anoLher,
however, a separaLe requesL ls requlred for each dlfferenL meeLlng Lype, and when dlfferenL
resources are needed. lor example, a cholr rehearsal ls consldered -./0 !"1%23& -&$1&3,# 345
6'*787*7"#8 buL for an evenL such as Lhe CandlellghL uesserL ConcerL, Lhe evenL falls lnLo Lhe -./0
9:"'732 ;8"4*# 345 -&$1&3,# <&$%:.
1he !"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&, ls used by Lhe Church Cfflce SLaff Lo: 1) 8eserve Lhe requesLed resource,
and 2) updaLe Lhe Church Calendar 3) provlde lnformaLlon on communlcaLlng/publlclzlng Lhe evenL.
?8L8 V++ 0/"+6
1he Church has esLabllshed Lhree Lypes of fees LhaL apply Lo cerLaln user Croups:
Secur|ty Depos|t 1o secure reservaLlon of Lhe room(s) requesLed, and Lo cover Lhe repalr or
damage Lo Lhe faclllLy and/or exLraordlnary cleanlng.
koom Iee lor wear and Lear on Lhe faclllLy or properLy, and Lo offseL uLlllLy cosLs.
Usage Iee lor Lhe seL-up, clean up, and reseLLlng of Lhe faclllLy, and Lo compensaLe Lhe
CusLodlal ConLracLor. 9." 0#4:" +"" ;$"# -$* 7-'<%;" '$%&*"#6 #"<5 #"* %= 4-; '<"4- %=
&")%7&"; $5 *." 0#"&>
1hese fees are used Lo compensaLe Lhe Church for Lhe cosL of uslng Lhe 8ulldlng, LqulpmenL and
Crounds, and for Lhe falr wear and Lear, and uLlllLy expenses. lL ls noL lnLended Lo be a dollar-for-
dollar compensaLlon buL lnsLead, ls an esLlmaLe of falr relmbursemenL for Lhe Church usage.
Some rooms and resources of Lhe Church are noL avallable Lo users LhaL are ouLslde of Lhe core
mlnlsLerlal use of Lhe room/resource. ln rare clrcumsLances a speclal requesL may be made whlch
may be approved by Lhe mlnlsLry responslble for Lhe room(s)/resource(s). 8equesLs for Lhe use of
such rooms/resources shall be made vla Lhe !"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&,. lf approved, fees for Lhese
rooms/resources shall be deLermlned based on Lhe speclflc requesL.
AddlLlonal lnformaLlon on fees ls found ln SecLlon 3.0. lees, and ln 6::"457= 0 >%725741 .#" +""
?8N8 V=4&4<=&' !<<$-45&1='=5/
1he Church Cfflce SLaff has esLabllshed a means Lo recelve 8oom and usage lees from users and
Lhen Lo make approprlaLe paymenL Lo Lhe Cleanlng ConLacLor. 1he usage lee ls noL lnLended Lo be
a dollar for dollar exchange for Lhe cosL of Lhe Cleanlng ConLracLor. 1he cosL of cleanlng wlll be
Lracked and compared Lo Lhe usage lees charges so LhaL Lhere ls daLa Lo supporL falr usage lee
ad[usLmenLs ln Lhe fuLure.
?8O8 )Q&6+ :4 )+#=$; $2 0Q=6 )$'=</
1he ollcys new fee sLrucLure wlll be phased ln over Lhe nexL 60 days. Any reservaLlons
on Lhe books as of Lhe approval of Lhls ollcy are sub[ecL Lo Lhe prevlous ollcy. Any
reservaLlons made for 60 days followlng Lhe approval of Lhls ollcy are sub[ecL Lo Lhe old
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

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fee schedule. AfLer 60 days of Lhls ollcy and rocedure approval, Lhe new fee schedule
descrlbed ln Lhls documenL wlll be fully effecLlve.
1he procedures of Lhls ollcy how Lo reserve a resource, responslblllLles, eLc. - remaln
slmllar Lo Lhe prevlous procedures. Pence, any changes Lo Lhe procedures descrlbed
hereln Lake effecL upon approval of Lhls ollcy.
1he 1rusLees and Church Councll wlll make Lhe congregaLlon aware of Lhe changes by
way of Lhe ender osL, Lhe Sunday 8ulleLln, and/or oLher means.
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

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L898 )#$<+66
1hls secLlon explalns Lhe serles of sLeps used Lo reserve, seL up, use, clean, and resolve mosL lssues LhaL
may arlse. 1hese sLeps are ln Lhe general sequence ln whlch Lhey should occur.
A user requesLlng Lo use Lhe Church faclllLy, Church LqulpmenL or Church Crounds esLabllshes
an CrganlzaLlon CoordlnaLor LhaL wlll represenL Lhe Croup and lnLeracL wlLh Lhe Church Cfflce
1he CrganlzaLlon CoordlnaLor musL compleLe a !"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&, and submlL lL Lo Lhe
Church Cfflce.
1he Church Cfflce SLaff wlll revlew Lhe requesL and ensure LhaL Lhe proposed use ls wlLhln Lhe
scope of 1he ollcy.
1he Church Cfflce SLaff wlll asslgn Lhe evenL Lo Lhe approprlaLe 8ulldlng use Croup. ln mosL
cases requesLs wlll come from wlLhln uMC and lL wlll be obvlous whlch use Croup applles.
1he Church Cfflce SLaff wlll revlew Lhe requesL and ensure LhaL Lhe requesLed resource(s) ls
(are) avallable based on Lhe Church Cfflce calendar/room schedule.
! 8equesLs from user CrganlzaLlons LhaL are classlfled as use Croups 1 and 2 should be
submlLLed as far ln advance as posslble buL aL leasL 30 days before Lhe evenL Lo allow
for scheduled seLup and cleanlng, and coordlnaLlon wlLh oLher evenLs.
! users LhaL are classlfled as use Croups 3 Lhrough 6 musL submlL requesLs aL leasL 60
days prlor Lo Lhe evenL.
! 8equesLs submlLLed by users LhaL lnclude Lhe use of recreaLlonal LqulpmenL (such as
a Moon 8ounce) musL be submlLLed aL leasL 60 days from Lhe evenL Lo ensure LhaL
adequaLe lnsurance coverage ls procured ln Llme for Lhe evenL. 1he cosL of Lhe
lnsurance wlll be passed on Lo Lhe user CrganlzaLlon and musL be pald ln advance.
Speclal evenL lnsurance cosLs are ln addlLlon Lo any appllcable 8oom lees and/or
usage lees. lf Lhe user CrganlzaLlon cannoL afford Lhe requlred lnsurance, Lhen an
alLernaLlve form of recreaLlon LhaL does noL requlre addlLlonal lnsurance can be
! CancellaLlons or modlflcaLlons by a user Lo any requesLs shall be made vla Lhe Church
Cfflce as far ln advance as posslble, and a wrlLLen conflrmaLlon from Lhe CrganlzaLlon
CoordlnaLor for Lhe cancellaLlon musL be submlLLed wlLhln flve days of Lhe verbal
noLlflcaLlon Lo Lhe Church Cfflce.
! See 9"'*7$4 @AB C >%725741 .#" +""# 345 !$$,D!"#$%&'" 683723E727*F for addlLlonal
requlremenLs for cancellaLlons Lo avold loss of Lhe securlLy deposlL.
8ased on Lhe resources requesLed and asslgned use Croup, Lhe Church Cfflce wlll LabulaLe
8oom lees and usage lees uslng Lhe fees shown ln Lhe 8ulldlng use lee Schedules found ln
Appendlx C. 1he need for addlLlonal lnsurance coverage for cerLaln evenLs wlll be ldenLlfled
by Lhe Church Cfflce aL Lhls Llme.
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

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1he Cfflce SLaff wlll ensure LhaL Lhe user CoordlnaLor has read 1he ollcy and also has read
and undersLands Lhe Chlld roLecLlon ollcy. AddlLlonally, Lhe user CoordlnaLor wlll ensure
oLher parLlclpanLs of Lhe user CrganlzaLlon undersLand and comply wlLh boLh pollcles. lf
necessary, a copy of Lhese pollcles wlll be provlded Lo Lhe user CoordlnaLor by Lhe Cfflce
Appllcable fees musL be pald aL Lhe Llme of approval Lo Lhe uMC Cfflce. unllke prevlous
pracLlce, CusLodlal ConLracLor fees wlll no longer be pald dlrecLly Lo Lhe CusLodlal ConLracLor.
lf Lhere ls a quesLlon or dlsagreemenL abouL whlch use Croup ls appllcable for Lhe acLlvlLy, Lhe
Senlor asLor or Lhe Chalr of Lhe 1rusLees wlll deLermlne whlch use Croup ls appllcable. 1he
Senlor asLor or Chalr of Lhe 1rusLees may be conLacLed vla emall or phone, and Lhelr reply Lo
Lhe query can be verbal or by emall Lo allow a Llmely answer. lL would be rare LhaL any
requesL wlll need furLher dlscusslon and Lhereby be a sub[ecL of dlscusslon aL a 1rusLee
meeLlng, assumlng 1he ollcy and ob[ecLlveness by Lhe Senlor asLor or Chalr of Lhe 1rusLees
ls accepLable as anLlclpaLed.
lor acLlvlLles noL easlly deflned wlLhln 1he ollcy, or for ma[or evenLs LhaL exceed Lhe scope of
1he ollcy, Lhe CrganlzaLlon CoordlnaLor musL submlL a deLalled plan Lo Lhe 1rusLees Lo
explaln Lhe purpose, requesLed resources, and proposed schedule. 1he amounL of Lhe fees
shall be deLermlned by Lhe 1rusLees uslng Lhe 8ulldlng use lee Schedule as a gulde. An
example of Lhls slLuaLlon ls 1he uMC CenLennlal LvenLs, or Lhe use of Lhe Church for anoLher
church servlce noL normally sponsored by uMC. ln Lhe laLLer case, a Speclal 8ulldlng use
AgreemenL wlll be necessary whlch wlll be drafLed uslng Lhls ollcy as a gulde and wlll be
speclflc Lo Lhe user CrganlzaLlon and proposed acLlvlLles. lor such ma[or speclal evenLs,
requesLs should be submlLLed Lo Lhe Church Cfflce aL leasL 6 monLhs ln advance.
1he Cfflce SLaff wlll noLlfy Lhe CusLodlal ConLracLor of Lhe forLhcomlng requlremenL of any seL
up, speclal cleanlng, or resLoraLlon of room(s) requesLed. 1he CusLodlal ConLracLor wlll
revlew Lhe requesL and lnform Lhe Church Cfflce of any speclal lssues or addlLlonal charges.
1he amounL of any addlLlonal charges wlll be deLermlned Lhrough coordlnaLlon of Lhe Cfflce
SLaff, CrganlzaLlon CoordlnaLor, and CusLodlal ConLracLor.
1he CusLodlal ConLracLor wlll perform Lhe requesLed servlces as speclfled on Lhe !"#$%&'"
!")%"#* +$&,, Lo lnclude seL up, resLoraLlon, and clean up ?.7'. 7# 3"6$-; *." '$%&*"#6 #"<5
#"* %= 4-; '<"4- %= &"#=$-#737<7*7"# $5 *." 0#"& @&:4-7A4*7$->
1he user shall seL up Lhe room or Lhe resource accordlng Lo Lhelr speclflc needs. lor example,
Lhe user can seL up posLers or balloons for an lndoor parLy, or ouLdoor recreaLlonal
equlpmenL, LenL and decoraLlons for an ouLdoor evenL. 1he user shall resLore Lhe room Lo lLs
orlglnal conflguraLlon (such as movlng classroom chalrs and Lables back Lo Lhe conflguraLlon
found upon uslng Lhe room), puL lLems away ln cablneLs, dlspose of drlnk cans/cups and
remove coffee cups. AddlLlonally, Lhe user shall remove rubblsh and dlspose of ln Lhe Lrash
conLalners ln back of Lhe CuLreach CenLer. Larger scale seLup or resLoraLlon such as whaL
may be done ln Lhe lellowshlp Pall may be compleLed by Lhe CusLodlal ConLracLor.
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

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Any addlLlonal cleanlng beyond Lhe scope of Lhe agreemenL afLer Lhe evenL wlll be
documenLed and Lhe approprlaLe user CrganlzaLlon wlll be noLlfled and pay Lhe Church Cfflce
who wlll, ln Lurn, pay Lhe CusLodlal ConLracLor for Lhe exLra amounL. 1he SecurlLy ueposlL
may be used Lo pay Lhls exLra amounL. LxLra un-anLlclpaLed cleanlng ls hlghly dlscouraged
due Lo Lhe LlghL worklng schedule of Lhe CusLodlal ConLracLor who may noL be readlly
avallable Lo conducL unplanned cleanlng due Lo pendlng acLlvlLles.
1he Cfflce SLaff wlll noLlfy Lhe CrganlzaLlon CoordlnaLor of Lhelr non-compllance wlLh Lhe
ollcy and 8ulldlng use AgreemenL so Lhey can resolve Lhe lssue. Any problems noL resolved
are grounds for denylng Lhe user CrganlzaLlon from uslng Lhe Church 8ulldlng, LqulpmenL, or
Crounds. lf Lhe problem or dlsagreemenL ls noL resolved saLlsfacLorlly, Lhe Cfflce SLaff wlll
reporL Lhe slLuaLlon Lo Lhe 1rusLees and/or Senlor asLor for Lhelr revlew and acLlon.
See 9"'*7$4 @AB C >%725741 .#" +""# 345 !$$,D!"#$%&'" 683723E727*F for addlLlonal condlLlons
and avallablllLy of use of rooms/resources.
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc 10
N898 C+4+#&' G-'+6 2$# @+Q&%=$#M 3$4;-<5M ,+<-#=5/ &4; 3'+&4'=4+66
N878 C+4+#&' 3$4;-<5
All users of Lhe uMC laclllLles musL remember Lhe reverence and respecL requlred of
Lhe Church. As such, users wlll behave ln a ChrlsL-llke Manner aL all Llmes whlle ln Lhe
Church faclllLles or whlle uslng lLs resources. Any vlolaLlon of Lhls behavlor ls reason for
lmmedlaLe LermlnaLlon of the User Organizations 8ulldlng use AgreemenL. AccepLable
Ceneral ConducL lncludes buL ls noL llmlLed Lo,
! no rough houslng or horseplay ls permlLLed.
! lor Lhose evenLs LhaL lnclude chlldren,
arenLal conLrol ls requlred for all chlldren.
lf Lhe evenL ls for chlldren and many chlldren are expecLed Lo aLLend,
Lhen a mlnlmum of Lwo adulLs wlll be on hand Lo supervlse Lhe chlldren.
AddlLlonal chlldren and Lhe chlldrens maLurlLy and behavlor wlll dlcLaLe
lf more adulLs are needed Lo aLLend and supervlse Lhe safeLy and
behavior of the children. If the childrens behavior is not acceptable
(due Lo unsafe behavlor, dlsrupLlveness, eLc.) and Lhe adulLs do noL
adequaLely conLrol Lhe chlldren, uMC has Lhe rlghL Lo LermlnaLe Lhe
User Organizations Building Use AgreemenL.
Smoklng and use of Lobacco producLs ls noL permlLLed ln Lhe Church 8ulldlng and wlLhln
30 feeL of Lhe Church 8ulldlng. Smoklng and use of Lobacco producLs ls noL permlLLed ln
Lhe CuLreach CenLer or wlLhln 30 feeL of Lhe CuLreach CenLer.
ConsumpLlon and open conLalners of alcohollc beverages, lllegal drug use or possesslon
of any klnd, gambllng, or Lhe use of un-ChrlsLlan medla (lncludlng elecLronlc medla) are
prohlblLed on Church properLy.
no candles or open flames are permlLLed lnslde Lhe Church 8ulldlng unless speclflcally
approved ln advance by Lhe MlnlsLerlal SLaff and/or Chalr of Lhe 1rusLees. Powever,
alLar candles and unlLy candles are accepLable for use durlng a worshlp servlce. usage
of candles for oLher Lhan regular worshlp servlces musL be speclally requesLed ln Lhe
!"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&,>
user CrganlzaLlons are responslble for ensurlng all Lhelr members comply wlLh Lhls
ollcy, and Lhe CrganlzaLlon CoordlnaLor ls expecLed Lo be presenL durlng Lhe
meeLlng/acLlvlLy Lo ensure full compllance wlLh 1he ollcy.
MeeLlngs wlll LermlnaLe by 9:30 M Monday lrlday (unless arranged for ln advance on
Lhe !"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&,) so Lhere ls Llme Lo lock/secure Lhe 8ulldlng, and for Lhe
CusLodlal ConLracLor Lo work whlch ls ofLen done laLe aL nlghL.
Cenerally meeLlngs and acLlvlLles (excepL weddlngs and funerals) wlll noL be scheduled
afLer 4:00 M on SaLurday so LhaL Lhe 8ulldlng may be prepared for Sunday use.

ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

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N8?8 ,+<-#=5/
Llke many faclllLles, uMC has been sub[ecL Lo Lhose who have mallclous lnLenL lnLendlng Lo do Lhe
Church harm. uMC lnLends Lo keep an open door pollcy as much as reasonably posslble whlle
malnLalnlng a balance of monlLorlng secure access by members and users. user CrganlzaLlons have
Lhe responslblllLy Lo ensure LhaL Lhelr evenLs are safe for Lhelr members, LhaL oLher members and
users are noL harmed or LhreaLened, and LhaL no damage ls caused Lo Lhe Church. As such, Lhe
followlng rules apply,
1he securlLy and safe usage of Lhe Church and lLs resources ls Lhe responslblllLy of ALL
user CrganlzaLlons. uurlng arrlval perlods of parLlclpanLs of Lhe evenL, Lhe user
CrganlzaLlon shall appolnL one or more greeLer(s) aL Lhe door(s) who wlll monlLor Lhe
enLry Lo ensure only auLhorlzed parLlclpanLs enLer, and Lo ensure Lhey can easlly flnd
Lhelr evenL. AfLer all parLlclpanLs arrlve or lf Lhe greeLer musL leave Lhe door unguarded,
Lhe door(s) shall be locked/secured Lo prevenL enLry by unauLhorlzed persons.
1he user CrganlzaLlon wlll ensure LhaL all members of Lhelr Croup are conLalned wlLhln
Lhe agreed upon area for Lhelr evenL, and LhaL members do noL vlslL oLher parLs of Lhe
Church. 1hls wlll help ensure conLrolled access Lo Church resources, and LhaL oLher
users of Lhe Church are noL dlsLurbed durlng Lhelr evenLs.
1he user CrganlzaLlon may open lnLernal doors and wlndows for addlLlonal venLllaLlon
durlng seasonal weaLher buL noL durlng very cold or very hoL weaLher. users musL close
and secure all doors and wlndows upon compleLlon of Lhelr evenL. AddlLlonally, Lhe
user CrganlzaLlon musL ensure all llghLs are Lurned off ln Lhe areas Lhey have used and
LhaL all exLernal doors are locked when Lhey deparL. When deparLlng, Lhe user
CrganlzaLlon wlll survey Lhe Church Lo ensure all doors and wlndows are locked, llghLs
Lurned off, and venLllaLlon sysLem ls Lurned down Lo save energy. lf anoLher user
CrganlzaLlon ls sLlll ln Lhe Church Lhen Lhey may assume securlLy and lock up
responslblllLy lf Lhey expllclLly accepL Lhls responslblllLy from Lhe oLher user
1he Church 8ulldlngs shall be kepL locked when noL ln use.
1he Cfflce SLaff may Lemporarlly lssue a key card Lo Lhe user represenLaLlve for access
of Lhelr organlzaLlonal members for Lhe evenL, buL Lhe key shall be reLurned shorLly
afLer Lhe concluslon of Lhe evenL.
N8L8 3'+&4'=4+66 &4; H#;+#
user CrganlzaLlons are expecLed Lo malnLaln Lhe cleanllness and order of uMC durlng and afLer
Lhelr use. 1he followlng measures shall be adhered Lo,
All users of Lhe Church are expecLed Lo reLurn Lhe resources Lo Lhe same level of
cleanllness or funcLlon as how Lhey recelved lL, unless oLher lnsLrucLlons have been
glven by Lhe Church Cfflce (whlch shall be noLed on Lhe !"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&,).
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

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Classrooms are normally seL up for Sunday School use and any Lables and chalrs LhaL are
moved shall be placed where Lhey were orlglnally found. lurnlshlng shall noL be moved
from one room Lo anoLher unless speclflcally requesLed and approved on Lhe !"#$%&'"
!")%"#* +$&,>
All users of Lhe Church klLchen on Lhe maln floor comply wlLh Lhe posLed lnsLrucLlons
for use of Lhe klLchen equlpmenL and Lhe user ls responslble for leavlng Lhe klLchen ln a
clean and orderly fashlon. klLchen counLers and cablneLs shall be cleaned, lefLover food
shall be removed from Lhe premlses and Lrash shall be Laken Lo Lhe ouLslde Lrash
All users of Lhe klLchen or who serve food or beverages shall provlde Lhelr own dlsh
Lowels, napklns, Lable coverlngs, uLenslls, paper plaLes, food and drlnk, and noL use
Lhose belonglng Lo Lhe Church or anoLher user CrganlzaLlon.
use Croups 3 Lhrough 6 are noL permlLLed Lo sLore lLems on Church properLy, unless
speclflcally approved by Lhe 1rusLees ln wrlLlng.
N8N8 >&.&*+ &4; W=&1='=5=+6
All users assume full responslblllLy for any damage LhaL may resulL from Lhe use of
faclllLles of Lhe Church.
CreaLlng holes ln walls or celllngs, or punchlng or drllllng holes ln Lhe parklng loL,
sldewalk, or movemenL of soll/dlrL ln Lhe ouLslde area, or cuLLlng of shrubs and Lrees ls
consldered damage Lo Lhe Church faclllLles and wlll noL be LoleraLed. 1he CrganlzaLlon
CoordlnaLor shall reporL any damage and Lhe user CrganlzaLlon shall pay for Lhe repalr
and resLoraLlon of Lhe damage. uamage Lo Church properLy shall also be cause for
LermlnaLlon of Lhe 8ulldlng use AgreemenL.
use Croups 4 Lhrough 6 shall provlde a CerLlflcaLe of lnsurance Lo Lhe Church Cfflce no
laLer Lhan flve (3) days prlor Lo Lhe use of Lhe faclllLy.
Abuse of Church properLy or vlolaLlons of Lhe general rules of conducL shall be grounds
for denlal of conLlnued use, and lf necessary lmmedlaLe LermlnaLlon of a 8ulldlng use
8y slgnlng Lhe !"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&,, user CrganlzaLlons agree Lo assume legal llablllLy
for ln[ury or damage Lo Lhe persons or properLy of Lhe user CrganlzaLlon and oLher user
CrganlzaLlons caused by Lhelr members, or Lhe equlpmenL Lhey own and use. 1he user
CrganlzaLlon members agree Lo hold uMC harmless ln Lhe evenL of any ln[ury or
user CrganlzaLlons are fully responslble for Lhe care and proLecLlon of mlnors aLLendlng
or parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe user CrganlzaLlons acLlvlLy. 1he Church ls noL responslble for Lhe
care and safeLy of mlnors aLLendlng Lhe user CrganlzaLlons event. The user
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc 13
CrganlzaLlon shall ensure compllance wlLh Lhe uMC Chlld roLecLlon ollcy by all
members of Lhe user CrganlzaLlon.
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc 14
O898 @-=';=4* B6+ V++6 &4; G$$.PG+6$-#<+ !%&='&1='=5/
8ulldlng use fees are based on Lhe level and Lype of resources used, duraLlon, and/or frequency of Lhe
evenL, and the User Organizations assigned Use Group. 1he usage fees reflecLed ln 6::"457= 0 do noL
dlrecLly correspond Lo Lhe cosL of cleanlng and seL up. CosLs and assoclaLed fees are based on seL up,
clean up, Lype of use, and room slze, and apply Lo a slngle evenL. MulLlple evenLs runnlng concurrenLly
or back Lo back by Lhe same CrganlzaLlon wlll be charged as mulLlple evenLs.
Core Church acLlvlLles (use Croups 1 and 2) pay no use fees, whereas communlLy groups pay use fees.
Additionally, an extra level of effort fee may be charged Lo a user CrganlzaLlon for Lhose acLlvlLles
requlrlng a greaLer amounL of seL up, cleanlng or resLoraLlon, as would normally be requlred.
AddlLlonally, each user CrganlzaLlon ls expecLed Lo conducL Lhelr own baslc self seL up, clean up and
resLoraLlon regardless of wheLher Lhey pay a use fee or noL. 1he baslc self seL up, clean up, and
resLoraLlon performed by Lhe user ls slmply Lhe courLesy of cleanlng up coffee cups, movlng classroom
chalrs and Lables back Lo Lhelr correcL locaLlons, wlplng whlLe boards clean, and slmllar acLlvlLles. 1hls
level of seLup and cleanup ls explalned ln 9"'*7$4 GAHA 02"34274"## 345 I&5"&.
1he Church has esLabllshed Lhree Lypes of fees LhaL apply Lo some user Croups:
Secur|ty Depos|t 1o secure reservaLlon of Lhe room(s) requesLed, and Lo cover Lhe repalr of
damage Lo Lhe faclllLy and/or exLraordlnary cleanlng.
koom & Usage Iee lor wear and Lear on Lhe faclllLy or properLy, and Lo offseL uLlllLy cosLs. lor
Lhe seL-up, clean up, and reseLLlng of Lhe faclllLy, and Lo compensaLe Lhe CusLodlal ConLracLor. 9."
0#4:" +"" ;$"# -$* 7-'<%;" '$%&*"#6 #"<5 #"* %= 4-; '<"4- %= &")%7&"; $5 *." 0#"&>

1he securlLy deposlL shall be due upon approval of Lhe 8ulldlng use 8equesL. 1he securlLy deposlL ls
requlred Lo secure reservaLlon of Lhe room(s) requesLed, and shall be held ln case Lhere ls damage Lo
Lhe faclllLy and/or exLraordlnary cleanlng. lf Lhere ls damage Lo Lhe faclllLy, or Lhe evenL ls cancelled by
Lhe user CrganlzaLlon wlLhln 7 days before Lhe evenL (excepL lf cancellaLlon ls due Lo Lhe Church belng
closed or anoLher evenL Lakes prlorlLy over Lhe requesL), Lhe securlLy deposlL may be reLalned by uMC.
1he Church reserves Lhe rlghL Lo charge fees above Lhe securlLy deposlL lf Lhe damage and/or cleanlng
requlred exceed Lhe amounL of Lhe securlLy deposlL.
lL ls suggesLed LhaL Lhe securlLy deposlL be pald by separaLe check. 1he check wlll remaln un-cashed so
LhaL lL can be reLurned Lo Lhe user CrganlzaLlon upon compleLlon of Lhe evenL, provlded lL ls noL
reLalned for Lhe reasons ouLllned above.
8ooms noL llsLed ln Lhe fee schedule (basemenL, youLh room, cholr room, ender Plll reschool rooms,
lnfanL and Loddler nurserles, llbrary, oLhers) are noL avallable excepL upon speclal requesL and approval
of Lhe use of Lhe room(s) by Lhe mlnlsLry responslble for Lhe room(s). lees for Lhese rooms shall be
deLermlned based on Lhe speclflc requesL.
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc 13
lurnlshlngs ln Lhe sancLuary (lncludlng pulplL, lecLern, alLar ralls, alLar, bell Lables, cholr lofL chalrs, eLc.)
shall noL be moved wlLhouL Lhe approval of Lhe Senlor asLor or ulrecLor of Muslc MlnlsLry as appllcable.
SancLuary furnlshlngs shall only be moved by Lhe Church, noL Lhe user. lf any of Lhese furnlshlngs need
Lo be moved, Lhe 8ulldlng use 8equesL shall lnclude a descrlpLlon of whlch furnlshlngs are Lo be moved.
Approval may be approved and a separaLe fee may be requlred and deLermlned aL Lhe Llme of requesL
Muslcal lnsLrumenLs (sancLuary organ, all planos, all Church-owned lnsLrumenLs, and lnsLrumenLs owned
by lndlvlduals and used for uMC worshlp servlces) are noL for use unless speclflcally requesLed on Lhe
!"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&, and approved by Lhe ulrecLor of Muslc MlnlsLry. ln some cases Lhe use of
Church muslcal lnsLrumenLs may be approved buL requlre Lhe servlces of a Church lnsLrumenLallsL for a
fee Lo be deLermlned based on Lhe speclflc requesL.
no Croup may use Lhe Church audlo-vlsual sysLems wlLhouL speclflc approval. 8equesLs Lo use Church
audlo-vlsual equlpmenL shall be requesLed on Lhe !"#$%&'" !")%"#* +$&,. ln some cases approval of
Lhe use a Church audlo-vlsual sysLem may be conLlngenL upon Lhe equlpmenL belng operaLed by a
member of Lhe Audlo-vlsual group for a fee Lo be deLermlned based on Lhe speclflc requesL.
1he Senlor asLor has Lhe rlghL Lo seL a maxlmum fee for evenLs uslng mulLlple rooms/faclllLles.
1he Senlor asLor and/or Chalr of Lhe 1rusLees may overrlde Lhe 8ulldlng use ollcy requlremenLs when
he/she deLermlnes lL ls ln Lhe besL lnLeresL of Lhe Church.
lor a full llsL of fees, see 6::"457= 0 >%725741 .#" +"" 9'?"5%2"A
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc 16
!""+4;=E ! GK,HBG3K GKXBK,0 VHGJ

See Separate Iorm
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc 17
!""+4;=E @ B,KG CGHB),

ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc 18
!""+4;=E 3 I @B:W>:YC B,K VKK ,3ZK>BWK

GkCUS 1, 2 & 3

GkCU 4

Support &
GkCU 6
& Members

kLSCUkCL koom & Usage Charges
Secur|ty Depos|t

No Charge
S|ng|e C|assroom 512S
Doub|e C|assroom 517S
ar|or 5100
Ie||owsh|p na|| 5300
Move Common Ground
Stage & Lqu|p In & Cut

53S0 53S0 53S0 53S0
No Charge
53S0 5400 5S00
53S0 54S0 5SS0
5100 51S0 5200
Grounds]ark|ng Lot
51S0 52S0 53S0

CLher fees may apply for addlLlonal lnsurance coverage cosLs assoclaLed wlLh cerLaln acLlvlLles such as a moon
bounce (applles Lo all use Croups).
Croups 3-6 - users for weddlngs shall pay weddlng fees found ln Lhe ender Weddlng ollcy whlch are noL
lncluded ln Lhe fee schedule.
Cn an annual basls Croup 4 organlzaLlons shall speclfy Lhe rooms needed for regular meeLlngs on Lhe !"#$%&'"
!")%"#* +$&,. lees llsLed for Croup 4 above shall be LreaLed as annual fees for regular meeLlngs. Powever, for
speclal evenLs (ex: lnewood uerby) a separaLe per use fee shall be charged uslng Lhe Croup 4 fees llsLed above.
ln addlLlon, SancLuary, Chapel, Crounds/arklng LoL LvenLs & Movlng Common Cround LqulpmenL and SLage are
per use fees (not annual fees). Groups may provide in-kind services for the Church in lieu of fees stated via
wrlLLen requesL Lo Lhe 1rusLees speclfylng Lhe servlces and proposed approxlmaLe daLes on an annual basls. 1he
1rusLees may approve some or all of Lhe requesLed ln-klnd servlces on an annual basls.
lor small evenLs, Lhe uMC Church AdmlnlsLraLlve or Senlor asLor may walve Lhe securlLy deposlL.
Common Ground equ|pment and stage w||| on|y be moved by members of the Common Ground Staff.
Cnly splrlLual acLlvlLles such as weddlngs wlll be approved for Lhe sancLuary and/or chapel for use Croups 4
Lhrough 6.
Cnly non-peneLraLlng sLakes shall be used ln Lhe parklng loL. 8equesL of recreaLlonal equlpmenL musL be
speclflcally ouLllned and approved prlor Lo use. ln addlLlon, see looLnoLe 1 for addlLlonal lnsurance
ender unlLed MeLhodlsL Church
Church 8ulldlngs, LqulpmenL and Crounds use ollcy

l:\ollcles\8ulldlng use\2012\8ldg use ollcy 2011 llnAL - 8evlsed uec 2012.doc 19

!""+4;=E > I GK3HG> HV 3Z!YCK, !Y> GK[:K\

Date of Change]kev|ew Summary of Change
lebruary 1, 2011 ollcy approved by uMC 1rusLees
lebruary 16, 2011 Approved by Church Councll

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