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Loulsvllle, kenLucky

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kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 #

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CopyrlghL 2013 by Advance LducaLlon, lnc. AdvancLu granLs Lo Lhe lnsLlLuLlon, whlch ls Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe ulagnosLlc
8evlew 8eporL, and lLs deslgnees and sLakeholders a non-excluslve, perpeLual, lrrevocable, royalLy-free llcense and
release Lo reproduce, reprlnL, and dlsLrlbuLe Lhls reporL ln accordance wlLh and as proLecLed by Lhe CopyrlghL Laws of
Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca and all forelgn counLrles. All oLher rlghLs noL expressly conveyed are reserved by
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 2

!"#$% '( )'*+%*+,
lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew ......................................................................................................... 4
arL l: llndlngs............................................................................................................................................... 3
SLandards and lndlcaLors .......................................................................................................................... 3
SLandard 1: urpose and ulrecLlon ....................................................................................................... 6
SLandard 2: Covernance and Leadershlp ............................................................................................ 12
SLandard 3: 1eachlng and Assesslng for Learnlng ............................................................................... 21
SLandard 4: 8esources and SupporL SysLems ..................................................................................... 36
SLandard 3: uslng 8esulLs for ConLlnuous lmprovemenL ................................................................... 47
arL ll: Concluslon ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Summary of ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam AcLlvlLles ..................................................................................... 33
8eporL on SLandards ............................................................................................................................... 34
8eporL on Learnlng LnvlronmenL ............................................................................................................ 37
lmprovemenL rlorlLles ........................................................................................................................... 66
arL lll: Addenda ......................................................................................................................................... 88
ulagnosLlc 8evlew vlsuals ....................................................................................................................... 89
2013 Leadershlp AssessmenL/ulagnosLlc 8evlew Addendum ................................................................ 93
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam Schedule.......................................................................................................... 99
AbouL AdvancLu ................................................................................................................................... 106
8eferences ............................................................................................................................................ 107

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 &

-*+.'/01+2'* +' +3% 42"5*',+21 6%72%8
1he ulagnosLlc 8evlew, a performance drlven sysLem, focuses on condlLlons and processes wlLhln a
dlsLrlcL/school LhaL lmpacL sLudenL performance and organlzaLlonal effecLlveness. 1he power of AdvancLu's
ulagnosLlc 8evlew lles ln Lhe connecLlons and llnkages beLween and among Lhe sLandards, sLudenL
performance, and sLakeholder feedback.
1he ulagnosLlc 8evlew ls carrled ouL by a Leam of hlghly quallfled evaluaLors who examlne Lhe lnsLlLuLlon's
adherence and commlLmenL Lo Lhe research allgned AdvancLu SLandards and lndlcaLors. 1he ulagnosLlc
8evlew rocess ls deslgned Lo energlze and equlp Lhe leadershlp and sLakeholders of an lnsLlLuLlon Lo achleve
hlgher levels of performance and address Lhose areas LhaL may be hlnderlng efforLs Lo reach deslred
performance levels. 1he ulagnosLlc 8evlew ls a rlgorous process LhaL lncludes examlnaLlon of evldence and
relevanL performance daLa, lnLervlews wlLh sLakeholders, and observaLlons of lnsLrucLlon, learnlng, and
1he ulagnosLlc 8evlew Leam used Lhe AdvancLu SLandards for CuallLy Schools and relaLed crlLerla Lo gulde lLs
evaluaLlon, looklng noL only for adherence Lo sLandards, buL also for how Lhe lnsLlLuLlon funcLloned as a whole
and embodled Lhe pracLlces and characLerlsLlcs of quallLy.
uslng Lhe evldence aL Lhelr dlsposal, Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew Leam arrlved aL a seL of flndlngs conLalned ln Lhls
reporL. 1he reporL ls presenLed ln Lhree secLlons: llndlngs, Concluslon, and Addenda.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 3

9".+ -: ;2*/2*5,
1he llndlngs secLlon presenLs Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew Leam's evaluaLlon of Lhe AdvancLu SLandards and
lndlcaLors. lL also ldenLlfles effecLlve pracLlces and condlLlons LhaL are conLrlbuLlng Lo sLudenL success, as well
as CpporLunlLles for lmprovemenL ldenLlfled by Lhe Leam, observaLlons of Lhe Learnlng LnvlronmenL, and
lmprovemenL rlorlLles.
<+"*/"./, "*/ -*/21"+'.,
SLandards help Lo dellneaLe whaL maLLers. 1hey provlde a common language Lhrough whlch an educaLlon
communlLy can engage ln conversaLlons abouL educaLlonal lmprovemenL, sysLem effecLlveness, and
achlevemenL. 1hey serve as a foundaLlon for plannlng and lmplemenLlng lmprovemenL sLraLegles and acLlvlLles
and for measurlng success. AdvancLu's SLandards for CuallLy were developed by a commlLLee comprlsed of
effecLlve educaLors and leaders from Lhe flelds of pracLlce, research, and pollcy who applled professlonal
wlsdom, deep knowledge of effecLlve pracLlce, and Lhe besL avallable research Lo crafL a seL of robusL
sLandards LhaL ensure excellence and conLlnuous lmprovemenL. 1he sLandards were revlewed by
lnLernaLlonally recognlzed experLs ln LesLlng and measuremenL, Leacher quallLy, and educaLlon research.
1hls secLlon conLalns an evaluaLlon of each of AdvancLu's SLandards and lndlcaLors, concluslons concernlng
school effecLlve pracLlces as well as CpporLunlLles for lmprovemenL relaLed Lo each of Lhe sLandards, and a
descrlpLlon of Lhe evldence examlned by Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew Leam. lndlcaLors are evaluaLed and raLed
lndlvldually by Lhe Leam uslng a four-level performance rubrlc. 1he SLandard erformance Level ls Lhe average
of lndlcaLor scores for Lhe sLandard.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 4

<+"*/"./ =: 90.>',% "*/ 42.%1+2'*
urpose and dlrecLlon are crlLlcal Lo successful lnsLlLuLlons. A sLudy conducLed ln 2010 by Lhe London-based
CharLered lnsLlLuLe of ersonnel and uevelopmenL (Clu) reporLed LhaL ln addlLlon Lo lmprovlng
performance, Lhe research lndlcaLes LhaL havlng a sense of shared purpose also lmproves employee
engagemenL" and LhaL .lack of undersLandlng around purpose can lead Lo demoLlvaLlon and emoLlonal
deLachmenL, whlch ln Lurn lead Lo a dlsengaged and dlssaLlsfled workforce."
AdvancLu has found Lhrough lLs own evaluaLlon of besL pracLlces ln 30,000 lnsLlLuLlons around Lhe world LhaL
a successful lnsLlLuLlon commlLs Lo a shared purpose and dlrecLlon and esLabllshes expecLaLlons for sLudenL
learnlng allgned wlLh Lhe lnsLlLuLlon's vlslon LhaL ls supporLed by lnLernal and exLernal sLakeholders. 1hese
expecLaLlons serve as Lhe focus for assesslng sLudenL performance and overall lnsLlLuLlon effecLlveness.

01"#2"%2 . ! 3$%4567 "#2 89%7:195# Standard
1he school malnLalns and communlcaLes a purpose and dlrecLlon LhaL commlL
Lo hlgh expecLaLlons for learnlng as well as shared values and bellefs abouL
Leachlng and learnlng.

Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
1he school engages ln a sysLemaLlc, lncluslve,
and comprehenslve process Lo revlew, revlse,
and communlcaLe a school purpose for
sLudenL success.
! uocumenLs and
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! SLudenL
performance daLa
from 2012 and 2013
School 8eporL Cards
! rlnclpal lnLervlew
! SLakeholder
! 2012 kuL
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
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Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
1he school leadershlp and sLaff commlL Lo a
culLure LhaL ls based on shared values and
bellefs abouL Leachlng and learnlng and
supporLs challenglng, equlLable educaLlonal
programs and learnlng experlences for all
sLudenLs LhaL lnclude achlevemenL of
learnlng, Lhlnklng, and llfe skllls.
! uocumenLs and
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! SLudenL
performance daLa
from 2012 and
2013 School 8eporL
! rlnclpal lnLervlew
! SLakeholder
! 2012 kuL
1he school's leadershlp lmplemenLs a
conLlnuous lmprovemenL process LhaL
provldes clear dlrecLlon for lmprovlng
condlLlons LhaL supporL sLudenL learnlng.
! uocumenLs and
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! SLudenL
performance daLa
from 2012 and
2013 School 8eporL
! rlnclpal lnLervlew
! SLakeholder
! 2012 kuL
! lmprovemenL lan

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
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Ind|cator Cpportun|ty for Improvement

Lstab||sh a systemat|c process to rev|ew, ref|ne, and commun|cate the !"#$$%&! ()*($!+
and d|rect|on. Lnsure that these forma| statements of purpose and d|rect|on are
rev|ewed and rev|sed us|ng an estab||shed schedu|e, |.e., annua||y.


SLakeholder Survey uaLa:

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 72 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, Cur school's purpose sLaLemenL ls
formally revlewed and revlsed wlLh lnvolvemenL from sLakeholders," suggesLlng LhaL abouL one-fourLh of Lhe sLaff
dlsagree or are amblvalenL as Lo Lhe process belng hlghly collaboraLlve.

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 67 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, ln my school, Lhe purpose and
expecLaLlons are clearly explalned Lo me and my famlly," suggesLlng LhaL abouL one-Lhlrd of Lhe sLudenLs dlsagree
or are amblvalenL wlLh regard Lo Lhls sLaLemenL. 1he daLa suggesLs LhaL Lhe process Lo lnvolve and lnform parenLs
ln Lhe revlew and revlslon of Lhe purpose sLaLemenL may noL be sysLemaLlc.

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 67 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, Cur school's purpose sLaLemenL ls
formally revlewed and revlsed wlLh lnvolvemenL from parenLs," suggesLlng LhaL abouL one-Lhlrd of Lhe parenLs
dlsagree or are amblvalenL abouL Lhls sLaLemenL. 1he daLa suggesLs LhaL Lhe process Lo lnvolve and lnform parenLs
ln Lhe revlew and revlslon of Lhe purpose sLaLemenL may noL be sysLemaLlc.

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:

- SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed no sysLemaLlc or formallzed process for Lhe developmenL, revlew, revlslon, or
communlcaLlon of Lhe school's purpose sLaLemenL. Slmllarly, several lnLernal sLakeholders sLaLed LhaL Lhey were
noL lnvolved wlLh Lhe revlslon of Lhe purpose sLaLemenL.

! arenLs reporLed Lhrough lnLervlews LhaL Lhe school's purpose sLaLemenL was shared wlLh Lhem several monLhs

! AdmlnlsLraLlon lnLervlews lndlcaLed Lhe purpose sLaLemenL was shared wlLh Lhe faculLy afLer lL had been revlsed by
a smaller group of sLaff members. 1he prlnclpal sLaLed LhaL Lhe purpose sLaLemenL mosL llkely wlll noL change,
lndlcaLlng LhaL a perlodlc revlew and revlslon of Lhe school's purpose ls noL a sysLemaLlc process.

! AdmlnlsLraLors reporLed LhaL sLudenLs reclLe Lhe school's purpose sLaLemenL each day as parL of Lhe school's
announcemenLs, and LhaL whlle sLudenLs reclLe lL, Lhey do noL undersLand Lhe meanlng of Lhe purpose sLaLemenL.

! SLudenLs shared LhaL Lhey were noL aware of Lhe school's purpose and LhaL Lhey were noL lnvolved ln Lhe revlslon
of Lhe purpose sLaLemenL.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhe school's formal sLaLemenL of purpose and dlrecLlon was
noL revlewed or revlsed wlLh lnvolvemenL from a varleLy of sLakeholders and LhaL a formal, sysLemaLlc process Lo
garner sLakeholder feedback was noL conducLed durlng Lhe revlslon of Lhe purpose sLaLemenL.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 7

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhe school does noL have a formal or sysLemaLlc
CommunlcaLlon lan for sharlng and recelvlng feedback from lLs exLernal sLakeholders.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:

! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

Ind|cator Cpportun|ty for Improvement

Des|gn and |mp|ement new strateg|es that w||| estab||sh an |nstruct|ona| cu|ture that has
a strong and cons|stent focus for prov|d|ng students w|th |earn|ng env|ronments and
|nstruct|on that cha||enges the|r th|nk|ng and deve|ops a depth of understand|ng, and
promotes cr|t|ca| th|nk|ng as we|| as the app||cat|on of sk|||s to |mprove |earn|ng, th|nk|ng,
and ||fe sk|||s. Lnsure that h|gh expectat|ons for student ach|evement and behav|or are
cons|stent|y understood and |mp|emented by a|| teachers and staff.


SLudenL erformance uaLa:

! SLudenL performance daLa suggesLs LhaL school leadershlp and sLaff have noL commlLLed Lo a culLure based on
shared values and bellefs abouL Leachlng and learnlng LhaL supporLs challenglng, equlLable educaLlonal programs
and learnlng experlences for all sLudenLs LhaL lnclude achlevemenL of learnlng, Lhlnklng, and llfe skllls.
AchlevemenL daLa polnLs Lo Lhe lack of effecLlve lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces belng lmplemenLed sysLemaLlcally across
Lhe school LhaL address areas such as dlfferenLlaLlon, hlgh expecLaLlons for learnlng as evldenced Lhrough
rlgorous coursework, opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo engage ln crlLlcal and hlgher order Lhlnklng, eLc.

! 1he overall school accounLablllLy lndex decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-
8L decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of Lhe
k-8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 34.9 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 14 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.
! 1he LxLC8L assessmenL ls admlnlsLered Lo deLermlne college readlness of 8
grade sLudenLs. 1he followlng
Lable, Laken from 2013 LxLC8L resulLs, compares Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs aL Myers Mlddle School
meeLlng LxLC8L 8enchmarks for college readlness wlLh dlsLrlcL and sLaLe percenLages.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %$

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

! SLudenL performance lags slgnlflcanLly behlnd LhaL of !efferson CounLy and kenLucky mlddle schools, as
lllusLraLed ln Lhe charL above, for mosL assessmenLs. ln addlLlon, Lhe SLudenL CrowLh ercenLlle also decllned
sllghLly ln 2013. SLudenL growLh scores are based on Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs LesLed who made Lyplcal or
hlgher growLh.

Growth Comb|ned kead|ng and Math
Myers !efferson kenLucky
2012 46.6 38.4 60.4
2013 46.2 36.0 39.9

! lL ls of greaL concern Lo Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of sLudenLs are performlng below
Lhe roflclenL level ln boLh maLh and readlng. lor example, Lhe 2013 8eporL Card lndlcaLes LhaL 73.6 of 8

grade sLudenLs scored aL Lhe novlce and ApprenLlce levels ln readlng. Slmllarly, 88.9 scored aL Lhe novlce
and ApprenLlce levels ln maLh.

Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:

! SLudenLs were provlded wlLh opporLunlLles Lo revlse or lmprove Lhelr work based on Leacher feedback ln 30 of
Lhe classrooms.

! SLudenLs were observed wlLh opporLunlLles Lo revlse or lmprove Lhelr work based on Leacher feedback ln 30 of
Lhe classrooms.

! SLudenLs responded Lo quesLlons LhaL requlre hlgher order Lhlnklng ln 13 of Lhe classrooms.

! SLudenLs were provlded exemplars of hlgh quallLy work ln 3 of Lhe classrooms.

! SLudenLs were engaged ln rlgorous coursework, dlscusslons, and/or Lasks ln 23 of Lhe classrooms.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 72 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, Cur school's purpose sLaLemenL ls
based on shared values and bellefs LhaL gulde declslon-maklng," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe sLaff belleve
Lhe purpose sLaLemenL guldes school declslon-maklng.

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 62 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, ln my school, a hlgh quallLy
educaLlon ls offered," suggesLlng LhaL abouL one-Lhlrd of Lhe sLudenLs do noL feel Lhey are recelvlng a quallLy

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %%

! 1LLL kenLucky survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 62 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL school
admlnlsLraLors conslsLenLly enforce rules for sLudenL conducL.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 33 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Lhe Leachers
conslsLenLly enforce rules for sLudenL conducL.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 46 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Lhey are lnvolved
wlLh school lmprovemenL plannlng.

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL Leachers parLlclpaLe ln regular LC meeLlngs, buL Lhe school admlnlsLraLlon does noL
requlre Lhe use of a sLrucLured proLocol or approprlaLe and conslsLenL documenLaLlon for Lhese meeLlngs.

! School sLaff shared LhaL communlcaLlon ls lnconslsLenL across Lhe school regardlng shared values and bellefs abouL
Leachlng and learnlng, parLlcularly beLween Lhe Success Academy and Lhe CharacLer Academy.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhe school's LC process lacks a sLrucLured proLocol LhaL
prompLs communlcaLlon regardlng besL pracLlces for Leachlng and learnlng and carrles forward a common message
across Lhe bulldlng, parLlcularly beLween Academles.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:

! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self- AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

Ind|cator Cpportun|ty for Improvement
Lstab||sh a systemat|c and forma||zed process to |nvo|ve var|ous stakeho|der groups |n
the deve|opment of the cont|nuous |mprovement p|an and a forma||zed method to
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SLakeholder Survey uaLa:

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 78 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, Cur school has esLabllshed goals
and a plan for lmprovlng sLudenL learnlng," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe parenLs belleve Lhe school has a
plan Lo lmprove sLudenL learnlng. ln a relaLed survey lLem, 70 of Lhe parenLs agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe
sLaLemenL, Cur school communlcaLes effecLlvely abouL Lhe school's goals and acLlvlLles," suggesLlng LhaL abouL
23 of Lhe parenLs are amblvalenL Loward or crlLlcal abouL how Lhe school communlcaLes lmprovemenL plannlng
and resulLs.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 74 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL parenLs/guardlans
are parLners/ lnfluenLlal declslon makers ln Lhe school.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 37 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL parenLs/guardlans
know whaL ls golng on ln Lhe school, suggesLlng LhaL a formallzed meLhod for communlcaLlng wlLh sLakeholders
does noL exlsL.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %#

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:

- SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL no sysLemaLlc or formallzed process was execuLed Lo develop Lhe conLlnuous school
lmprovemenL plan (CSl).

! arenL lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL Lhe CSl was shared wlLh Lhem afLer lL was creaLed by a group of lnLernal

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhe school has noL developed or execuLed a formal,
sysLemaLlc, and conslsLenL process for communlcaLlon wlLh lLs sLakeholders.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:

! 1he school raLed lLself a 2 for Lhls lndlcaLor on Lhe Self-AssessmenL, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

<+"*/"./ ?: @'7%.*"*1% "*/ A%"/%.,32>
Covernance and leadershlp are key facLors ln ralslng lnsLlLuLlonal quallLy. Leaders, boLh local admlnlsLraLors
and governlng boards/auLhorlLles, are responslble for ensurlng all learners achleve whlle also managlng many
oLher faceLs of an lnsLlLuLlon. lnsLlLuLlons LhaL funcLlon effecLlvely do so wlLhouL Lenslon beLween Lhe
governlng board/auLhorlLy, admlnlsLraLors, and educaLors and have esLabllshed relaLlonshlps of muLual
respecL and a shared vlslon (leuersLeln & Cpfer, 1998). ln a meLa-analysls of school leadershlp research,
LelLhwood & Sun (2012) found LhaL leaders (school and governlng boards/auLhorlLy) can slgnlflcanLly
lnfluence school condlLlons Lhrough Lhelr achlevemenL of a shared vlslon and agreed-on goals for Lhe
organlzaLlon, Lhelr hlgh expecLaLlons and supporL of organlzaLlonal members, and pracLlces LhaL sLrengLhen
school culLure and fosLer collaboraLlon wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon." WlLh Lhe lncreaslng demands of
accounLablllLy placed on lnsLlLuLlonal leaders, leaders who empower oLhers need conslderable auLonomy and
musL lnvolve Lhelr school communlLles Lo aLLaln school lmprovemenL goals. Leaders who engage ln such
pracLlces experlence a greaLer level of success (llnk & 8rayman, 2006). Slmllarly, governlng boards/auLhorlLles
LhaL focus on pollcy-maklng are more llkely Lo allow school leaders Lhe auLonomy Lo make declslons LhaL
lmpacL Leachers and sLudenLs and are less responslve Lo pollLlclzaLlon Lhan boards/auLhorlLles LhaL respond Lo
vocal clLlzens (Creene, 1992).
AdvancLu has found Lhrough lLs own evaluaLlon of besL pracLlces ln 30,000 lnsLlLuLlons around Lhe world LhaL
a successful lnsLlLuLlon has leaders who are advocaLes for Lhe lnsLlLuLlon's vlslon and lmprovemenL efforLs. 1he
leaders provlde dlrecLlon and allocaLe resources Lo lmplemenL currlcular and co-currlcular programs LhaL
enable sLudenLs Lo achleve expecLaLlons for Lhelr learnlng. Leaders encourage collaboraLlon and shared
responslblllLy for school lmprovemenL among sLakeholders. 1he lnsLlLuLlon's pollcles, procedures, and
organlzaLlonal condlLlons ensure equlLy of learnlng opporLunlLles and supporL for lnnovaLlon.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %2

Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
1he governlng body esLabllshes pollcles and
supporL pracLlces LhaL ensure effecLlve
admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe school.
! ulagnosLlc 8evlew
! CSl
! SLakeholder
! kuL 8eporL Card
! 8evlew of
documenLs and
! SLakeholders
! revlous kuL
! LLLC1 Classroom
1he governlng body operaLes responslbly and
funcLlons effecLlvely.
! ulagnosLlc 8evlew
! CSl
! SLakeholder
! kuL 8eporL Card
! 8evlew of
documenLs and
! SLakeholders
! revlous kuL
! LLLC1 Classroom
01"#2"%2 ( ! ;5<7%#"#:7 "#2 =7"27%6>94 Standard
1he school operaLes under governance and leadershlp LhaL promoLe and
supporL sLudenL performance and school effecLlveness.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %&

Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
1he governlng body ensures LhaL Lhe school
leadershlp has Lhe auLonomy Lo meeL goals
for achlevemenL and lnsLrucLlon and Lo
manage day-Lo-day operaLlons effecLlvely.
! ulagnosLlc 8evlew
Self -AssessmenL
! CSl
! SLakeholder
! kuL 8eporL Card
! 8evlew of
documenLs and
! SLakeholders
! revlous kuL
! LLLC1 Classroom
Leadershlp and sLaff fosLer a culLure
conslsLenL wlLh Lhe school's purpose and
! ulagnosLlc 8evlew
Self- AssessmenL
! CSl
! SLakeholder
! kuL 8eporL Card
! 8evlew of
documenLs and
! SLakeholders
! revlous kuL
! LLLC1 Classroom
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %3

Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
Leadershlp engages sLakeholders effecLlvely
ln supporL of Lhe school's purpose and
! ulagnosLlc 8evlew
Self- AssessmenL
! CSl
! SLakeholder
! kuL 8eporL Card
! 8evlew of
documenLs and
! SLakeholders
! revlous kuL
! LLLC1 Classroom
! Leadershlp and sLaff supervlslon and
evaluaLlon processes resulL ln
lmproved professlonal pracLlce and
sLudenL success.
! ulagnosLlc 8evlew
Self- AssessmenL
! CSl
! SLakeholder
! kuL 8eporL Card
! 8evlew of
documenLs and
! SLakeholders
! revlous kuL
! LLLC1 Classroom

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %4

Ind|cator Cpportun|ty for Improvement
Lngage |n act|v|t|es that w||| bu||d capac|ty of the Adv|sory Counc|| to effect|ve|y |ead and
carry out |ts ro|e when re|nstated as a S8DM Counc|| |n the future. Ut|||ze ava||ab|e
kentucky Department of Lducat|on and d|str|ct resources to prov|de tra|n|ng as we|| as
formu|ate gu|de||nes and procedures for the effect|ve operat|on of the Adv|sory Counc||.


SLakeholder Survey uaLa:

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 69 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, Cur governlng body or school board
complles wlLh all pollcles, laws, and regulaLlons," suggesLlng LhaL one Lhlrd of Lhe sLaff ls amblvalenL Loward and/or
does noL agree LhaL Lhe governlng body ls complylng wlLh all pollcles, laws and regulaLlons.

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 66 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, Cur school's governlng body
operaLes responslbly and funcLlons effecLlvely," suggesLlng LhaL over one Lhlrd of Lhe parenLs are amblvalenL
Loward or dlsagree LhaL Lhls condlLlon exlsLs.

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! lnLervlews wlLh Advlsory Councll members lndlcaLed LhaL requlred S8uM Lralnlngs have noL been compleLed.

! AdmlnlsLraLors shared LhaL Lhe Advlsory Councll has noL compleLed Lhe requlred Lralnlng.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhe S8uM ollcy noLebook dld noL conLaln documenLaLlon of
revlslons of pollcy by Lhe currenL Advlsory Councll.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed documenLaLlon for only Lwo Advlsory Councll meeLlngs durlng Lhe
2013-2014 school year.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon

! 1he school raLed lLself as a 1 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for lndlcaLor 2.2.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %5

Ind|cator Cpportun|ty for Improvement
Lva|uate the effect|veness of current systems and processes used by the schoo| to engage
!0/4+#$%2+*! .- !)(($*0 $5 0#+ !"#$$%&! ()*($!+ and d|rect|on. Use the resu|ts of th|s
eva|uat|on to |mprove stakeho|der commun|cat|on and engagement |n shap|ng dec|s|ons,
prov|d|ng feedback to schoo| |eaders, work|ng co||aborat|ve|y on schoo| |mprovement
efforts, and serv|ng |n mean|ngfu| |eadersh|p ro|es, etc.


SLakeholder Survey uaLa:

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 47 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, Cur school's leaders ensure all
sLaff members use supervlsory feedback Lo lmprove sLudenL learnlng," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of sLaff cannoL
conflrm Lhe use of supervlsory feedback.

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 68 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, Cur school shares
responslblllLy for sLudenL learnlng wlLh lLs sLakeholders," suggesLlng LhaL 32 of Lhe parenLs are amblvalenL Loward
and/or dlsagree LhaL Lhe school lnvolves Lhem ln Lhelr chlldren's educaLlonal process.
SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed a lack of parenLal engagemenL ln acLlvlLles deslgned Lo promoLe lnvolvemenL ln
supporLlng Lhe purpose and dlrecLlon of Lhe school.

! arenL lnLervlews lndlcaLed a lack of parenLal engagemenL ln acLlvlLles deslgned Lo lnvolve school declslon-maklng.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed Lhe school does noL have a formal and sysLemaLlc communlcaLlon

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed Lhere were Lwo monLhs of Advlsory Councll meeLlng agendas and
noLes wlLh no lndlcaLlon of sLakeholder engagemenL Lo shape declslons, provlde feedback, and collaboraLlvely work
on school lmprovemenL acLlvlLles.

! 1he ulagnosLlc 8evlew Leam concurs wlLh Lhe Myers Self-AssessmenL sLaLemenL, Myers recognlzes LhaL Lhe
leadershlp of Lhe school musL work wlLh Lhe arenL Advlsory CommlLLee Lo develop and publlsh a communlcaLlon
plan LhaL conLalns a formal sLrucLure and Llme elemenLs assoclaLed wlLh promoLlng Lwo way communlcaLlon
among all sLakeholder groups."

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:

! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhese lndlcaLors, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %6

Ind|cator Cpportun|ty for Improvement
Lstab||sh structures to |ncrease adm|n|strator presence |n c|assrooms for mon|tor|ng and
eva|uat|ng |nstruct|on and prov|d|ng a spec|f|c act|onab|e and t|me|y feedback document to
ass|st teachers |n |mprov|ng the|r pract|ce.

SLudenL erformance uaLa:

! SLudenL performance daLa, whlch decllned beLween 2012 and 2013 and ls slgnlflcanLly below dlsLrlcL and sLaLe
benchmarks, sLrongly suggesLs LhaL Lhe school admlnlsLraLlon has noL esLabllshed effecLlve monlLorlng,
supervlslon, and evaluaLlon processes LhaL are resulLlng ln lmproved professlonal pracLlce and lncreased levels of
sLudenL success:

! 1he overall school accounLablllLy lndex decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-
8L decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of Lhe
k-8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 34.9 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 14 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.
! 1he LxLC8L assessmenL ls admlnlsLered Lo deLermlne college readlness of 8
grade sLudenLs. 1he followlng
Lable, Laken from 2013 LxLC8L resulLs, compares Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs aL Myers Mlddle School
meeLlng LxLC8L 8enchmarks for college readlness wlLh dlsLrlcL and sLaLe percenLages.

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %7

! As lllusLraLed ln Lhe charL above, sLudenL performance on mosL assessmenLs lags slgnlflcanLly behlnd LhaL of
!efferson CounLy and kenLucky mlddle schools. ln addlLlon, Lhe SLudenL CrowLh ercenLlle also decllned
sllghLly ln 2013. SLudenL growLh scores are based on Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs LesLed who made Lyplcal or
hlgher growLh.

Growth Comb|ned kead|ng and Math
Myers !efferson kenLucky
2012 46.6 38.4 60.4
2013 46.2 36.0 39.9

! lL ls of greaL concern Lo Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of sLudenLs are performlng below
Lhe roflclenL level ln boLh maLh and readlng. lor example, Lhe 2013 8eporL Card lndlcaLes LhaL 73.6 of 8

grade sLudenLs scored aL Lhe novlce and ApprenLlce levels ln readlng. Slmllarly, 88.9 scored aL Lhe novlce
and ApprenLlce levels ln maLh.

Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:

! Classroom observaLlon daLa sLrongly suggesLs Lhe absence of sysLemaLlc monlLorlng and supervlslon processes LhaL
wlll ensure Lhe use of hlghly effecLlve lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles across Lhe school. lor example:

! SLudenLs are seldom provlded dlfferenLlaLed opporLunlLles and acLlvlLles Lo address lndlvldual needs,"
raLed aL 1.6 on a 4 polnL scale. ulfferenLlaLlon pracLlces were noL evldenL ln 63 of classrooms and only
parLlally evldenL ln 18. lL was evldenL/very evldenL ln only 18 of classrooms LhaL sLudenLs were exposed
Lo some dlfferenLlaLlon of lnsLrucLlon.
! lnsLances ln whlch observers deLecLed LhaL sLudenLs knew LhaL rules and consequences are falr, clear, and
conslsLenLly applled" were evldenL/very evldenL ln 43 of classrooms.
! Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs are seldom exposed Lo an envlronmenL of hlgh expecLaLlons.
lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs demonsLraLed LhaL Lhey undersLood and were sLrlvlng Lo meeL Lhe hlgh
expecLaLlons esLabllshed by Lhe Leacher" were evldenL/very evldenL ln 40 of classrooms. ln 23 of
classrooms, observers dld noL deLecL Lhe exlsLence of Leacher-esLabllshed hlgh expecLaLlons.
! lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs were engaged ln rlgorous coursework, dlscusslon, and/or Lasks," were
lnfrequenL. 1hls learnlng condlLlon was evldenL ln 23 of classrooms and fully evldenL ln no classrooms.
! Slmllarly, lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs were asked and responded Lo quesLlons LhaL requlre hlgher-order
Lhlnklng" were evldenL ln 13 of classrooms and very evldenL ln no classrooms.
! SLudenL acLlve engagemenL was evldenL or very evldenL ln only 33 of classrooms.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:

! Survey daLa does noL suggesL LhaL Lhe school has esLabllshed hlghly effecLlve processes for ensurlng LhaL
effecLlve lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces are conslsLenLly used Lhrough monlLorlng and supervlslon. lor example:

! 37 of sLaff agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL Cur school's leaders regularly evaluaLe sLaff
members on crlLerla deslgned Lo lmprove Leachlng and learnlng," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe evaluaLlon processes
are noL sysLemaLlcally applled across Lhe school.
! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 29 of Leachers dlsagree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, 1eachers are held Lo
hlgh professlonal sLandards for dellverlng lnsLrucLlon."
! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 30 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, 1eachers
recelve feedback Lo lmprove lnsLrucLlon."
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 #$

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 31 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, Lhe School
lmprovemenL 1eam provldes leadershlp Lo Lhe school."
! 33 of sLudenLs lndlcaLed ln surveys LhaL Lhey agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All of my
Leachers change Lhelr Leachlng Lo meeL my learnlng needs."
SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed Lhe admlnlsLraLors have noL conslsLenLly lmplemenLed Lhe evaluaLlon process or provlded
Llmely and effecLlve feedback abouL lnsLrucLlon.

! SLaff lnLervlews revealed LhaL Lhe revlew of lesson plans, formaLlve assessmenL daLa, and walkLhrough observaLlon
daLa have noL been conslsLenLly shared and dlscussed wlLh Lhe Leachlng sLaff.

! AdmlnlsLraLlon lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL Lhe revlew of lesson plans, formaLlve assessmenL daLa, and walk-Lhough
observaLlon daLa have noL been conducLed conslsLenLly or ln a Llmely manner.

! ln sLaff lnLervlews, Leachers reporLed LhaL Lhey musL submlL weekly lesson plans Lo an admlnlsLraLor. 1eachers are
noLlfled vla emall lf Lhey do noL meeL Lhe requlremenL, buL seldom recelve speclflc and descrlpLlve feedback on
Lhelr lesson plans.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL 44 L-walks were conducLed for 2013-2014 school year,
lndlcaLlng an lnfrequenL admlnlsLraLlve presence ln Lhe classroom Lo provlde feedback Lo help lmprove Leachlng
and learnlng.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:

! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self- AssessmenL, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 #%

<+"*/"./ B: !%"132*5 "*/ C,,%,,2*5 ('. A%".*2*5
A hlgh-quallLy and effecLlve sysLem has servlces, pracLlces, and currlculum LhaL ensure Leacher effecLlveness.
8esearch has shown LhaL an effecLlve Leacher ls a key facLor for learners Lo achleve Lo Lhelr hlghesL poLenLlal
and be prepared for a successful fuLure. 1he poslLlve lnfluence an effecLlve educaLor has on learnlng ls a
comblnaLlon of sLudenL moLlvaLlon, parenLal lnvolvemenL" and Lhe quallLy of leadershlp" (ulng & Sherman,
2006). 8esearch also suggesLs LhaL quallLy educaLors musL have a varleLy of quanLlflable and lnLanglble
characLerlsLlcs, whlch lnclude sLrong communlcaLlon skllls, knowledge of conLenL, and knowledge of how Lo
Leach Lhe conLenL. 1he school's currlculum and lnsLrucLlonal program should develop learners' skllls LhaL lead
Lhem Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe world ln complex ways (Conley, 2007) and prepare Lhem Lo have knowledge LhaL
exLends beyond Lhe academlc areas. ln order Lo achleve Lhese goals, Leachers musL have pedagoglcal skllls as
well as conLenL knowledge (8aumerL eL al, 2010). 1he acqulslLlon and reflnemenL of Leachers' pedagoglcal
skllls occur mosL effecLlvely Lhrough collaboraLlon and professlonal developmenL. 1hese are a necessary
approach Lo lmprovlng Leacher quallLy" (ColberL eL al, 2008). Accordlng Lo Marks, Louls, & rlnLy (2002),
school sLaff LhaL engage ln acLlve organlzaLlonal learnlng also have hlgher achlevlng sLudenLs ln conLrasL Lo
Lhose LhaL do noL." Llkewlse, a sLudy conducLed by Porng, klaslk, & Loeb (2010), concluded LhaL leadershlp ln
effecLlve schools, supporLs Leachers by creaLlng collaboraLlve work envlronmenLs." lnsLlLuLlonal leaders have
a responslblllLy Lo provlde experlences, resources, and Llme for educaLors Lo engage ln meanlngful
professlonal learnlng LhaL promoLes sLudenL learnlng and educaLor quallLy.
AdvancLu has found Lhrough lLs own evaluaLlon of besL pracLlces ln 30,000 lnsLlLuLlons around Lhe world LhaL
a successful lnsLlLuLlon lmplemenLs a currlculum based on clear and measurable expecLaLlons for sLudenL
learnlng LhaL provldes opporLunlLles for all sLudenLs Lo acqulre requlslLe knowledge, skllls, and aLLlLudes.
1eachers use proven lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces LhaL acLlvely engage sLudenLs ln Lhe learnlng process. 1eachers
provlde opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo apply Lhelr knowledge and skllls Lo real world slLuaLlons. 1eachers glve
sLudenLs feedback Lo lmprove Lhelr performance.
Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
01"#2"%2 ? ! @7":>9#A "#2 B667669#A C5% =7"%#9#A Standard
1he school's currlculum, lnsLrucLlonal deslgn, and assessmenL pracLlces gulde
and ensure Leacher effecLlveness and sLudenL learnlng.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 ##

Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
1he school's currlculum provldes equlLable
and challenglng learnlng experlences LhaL
ensure all sLudenLs have sufflclenL
opporLunlLles Lo develop learnlng, Lhlnklng,
and llfe skllls LhaL lead Lo success aL Lhe nexL
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
! kuL School 8eporL
! AdvancLu
SLakeholder Survey
! LLLC1 Classroom
CbservaLlon uaLa
! SLakeholder
! 8evlew of documenLs
and arLlfacLs
Currlculum, lnsLrucLlon, and assessmenL are
monlLored and ad[usLed sysLemaLlcally ln
response Lo daLa from mulLlple assessmenLs
of sLudenL learnlng and an examlnaLlon of
professlonal pracLlce.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
! kuL School 8eporL
! AdvancLu
SLakeholder Survey
! LLLC1 Classroom
CbservaLlon uaLa
! SLakeholder
! 8evlew of documenLs
and arLlfacLs
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 #2

Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
1eachers engage sLudenLs ln Lhelr learnlng
Lhrough lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles LhaL ensure
achlevemenL of learnlng expecLaLlons.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
! kuL School 8eporL
! AdvancLu
SLakeholder Survey
! LLLC1 Classroom
CbservaLlon uaLa
! SLakeholder
! 8evlew of documenLs
and arLlfacLs
School leaders monlLor and supporL Lhe
lmprovemenL of lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces of
Leachers Lo ensure sLudenL success.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
! kuL School 8eporL
! AdvancLu
SLakeholder Survey
! LLLC1 Classroom
CbservaLlon uaLa
! SLakeholder
! 8evlew of documenLs
and arLlfacLs
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 #&

Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
1eachers parLlclpaLe ln collaboraLlve learnlng
communlLles Lo lmprove lnsLrucLlon and
sLudenL learnlng.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
! kuL School 8eporL
! AdvancLu
SLakeholder Survey
! LLLC1 Classroom
CbservaLlon uaLa
! SLakeholder
! 8evlew of documenLs
and arLlfacLs
1eachers lmplemenL Lhe school's lnsLrucLlonal
process ln supporL of sLudenL learnlng.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
! kuL School 8eporL
! AdvancLu
SLakeholder Survey
! LLLC1 Classroom
CbservaLlon uaLa
! SLakeholder
! 8evlew of documenLs
and arLlfacLs
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 #3

Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
MenLorlng, coachlng, and lnducLlon programs
supporL lnsLrucLlonal lmprovemenL conslsLenL
wlLh Lhe school's values and bellefs abouL
Leachlng and learnlng.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
! kuL School 8eporL
! AdvancLu
SLakeholder Survey
! LLLC1 Classroom
CbservaLlon uaLa
! SLakeholder
! 8evlew of documenLs
and arLlfacLs
1he school engages famllles ln meanlngful
ways ln Lhelr chlldren's educaLlon and keeps
Lhem lnformed of Lhelr chlldren's learnlng
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
! kuL School 8eporL
! AdvancLu
SLakeholder Survey
! LLLC1 Classroom
CbservaLlon uaLa
! SLakeholder
8evlew of documenLs
and arLlfacLs
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 #4

Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
1he school has a formal sLrucLure whereby
each sLudenL ls well known by aL leasL one
adulL advocaLe ln Lhe school who supporLs
LhaL sLudenL's educaLlonal experlence.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
! kuL School 8eporL
! AdvancLu
SLakeholder Survey
! LLLC1 Classroom
CbservaLlon uaLa
! SLakeholder
! 8evlew of documenLs
and arLlfacLs
Cradlng and reporLlng are based on clearly
deflned crlLerla LhaL represenL Lhe aLLalnmenL
of conLenL knowledge and skllls and are
conslsLenL across grade levels and courses.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
! kuL School 8eporL
! AdvancLu
SLakeholder Survey
! LLLC1 Classroom
CbservaLlon uaLa
! SLakeholder
! 8evlew of documenLs
and arLlfacLs
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 #5

Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
All sLaff members parLlclpaLe ln a conLlnuous
program of professlonal learnlng.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
! kuL School 8eporL
! AdvancLu
SLakeholder Survey
! LLLC1 Classroom
CbservaLlon uaLa
! SLakeholder
! 8evlew of documenLs
and arLlfacLs
1he school provldes and coordlnaLes learnlng
supporL servlces Lo meeL Lhe unlque learnlng
needs of sLudenLs.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
! kuL School 8eporL
! AdvancLu
SLakeholder Survey
! LLLC1 Classroom
CbservaLlon uaLa
! SLakeholder
! 8evlew of documenLs
and arLlfacLs

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 #6

Ind|cator Cpportun|ty for Improvement
Deve|op and |mp|ement a forma| process that promotes d|scuss|on about student |earn|ng and
ana|ys|s of student assessment data through the use of co||aborat|ve |earn|ng commun|t|es
across grade |eve|s and content areas. Use the co||aborat|ve |earn|ng commun|t|es to ensure
teachers |earn from, use, and d|scuss the resu|ts of |nqu|ry pract|ces and |mprove |nstruct|ona|
pract|ce and student performance.

SLudenL erformance uaLa:

! SLudenL performance daLa does noL suggesL LhaL Lhe school has esLabllshed hlghly effecLlve professlonal learnlng
communlLles LhaL have developed processes and pracLlces Lo modlfy and ad[usL lnsLrucLlon Lo ensure achlevemenL
of learnlng expecLaLlons. lor example:

! 1he overall school accounLablllLy lndex decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-
8L decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of Lhe
k-8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 34.9 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 14 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.
! 1he LxLC8L assessmenL ls admlnlsLered Lo deLermlne college readlness of 8
grade sLudenLs. 1he followlng
Lable, Laken from 2013 LxLC8L resulLs, compares Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs aL Myers Mlddle School
meeLlng LxLC8L 8enchmarks for college readlness wlLh dlsLrlcL and sLaLe percenLages.

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

! As lllusLraLed ln Lhe charL above, sLudenL performance on mosL assessmenLs lags slgnlflcanLly behlnd LhaL of
!efferson CounLy and kenLucky mlddle schools. ln addlLlon, Lhe SLudenL CrowLh ercenLlle also decllned
sllghLly ln 2013. SLudenL growLh scores are based on Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs LesLed who made Lyplcal or
hlgher growLh.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 #7

Growth Comb|ned kead|ng and Math
Myers !efferson kenLucky
2012 46.6 38.4 60.4
2013 46.2 36.0 39.9

! lL ls of greaL concern Lo Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of sLudenLs are performlng below
Lhe roflclenL level ln boLh maLh and readlng. lor example, Lhe 2013 8eporL Card lndlcaLes LhaL 73.6 of 8

grade sLudenLs scored aL Lhe novlce and ApprenLlce levels ln readlng. Slmllarly, 88.9 scored aL Lhe novlce
and ApprenLlce levels ln maLh.

Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:
! Classroom observaLlons suggesL LhaL Lhe exlsLlng collaboraLlve LC sLrucLure has had a llmlLed effecL on Lhe
lmprovemenL of professlonal pracLlce and sLudenL performance.

! SLudenLs are seldom provlded dlfferenLlaLed opporLunlLles and acLlvlLles Lo address lndlvldual needs," raLed
aL 1.6 on a 4 polnL scale. ulfferenLlaLlon pracLlces were noL evldenL ln 63 of Lhe classrooms and only parLlally
evldenL ln 18. lL was evldenL/very evldenL ln only 18 of classrooms LhaL sLudenLs were exposed Lo some
dlfferenLlaLlon of lnsLrucLlon.
! lnsLances ln whlch observers deLecLed LhaL sLudenLs knew LhaL rules and consequences are falr, clear, and
conslsLenLly applled" were evldenL/very evldenL ln 43 of classrooms.
! Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs are seldom exposed Lo an envlronmenL of hlgh expecLaLlons.
lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs demonsLraLed LhaL Lhey undersLood and were sLrlvlng Lo meeL Lhe hlgh
expecLaLlons esLabllshed by Lhe Leacher" were evldenL/very evldenL ln 40 of classrooms.
! ln 23 of classrooms, observers dld noL deLecL Lhe exlsLence of Leacher-esLabllshed hlgh expecLaLlons.
lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs were engaged ln rlgorous coursework, dlscusslon, and/or Lasks" were lnfrequenL.
1hls learnlng condlLlon was evldenL ln 23 of classrooms and fully evldenL ln no classrooms. Slmllarly,
lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs were asked and responded Lo quesLlons LhaL requlre hlgher-order Lhlnklng" were
evldenL ln 13 of classrooms and very evldenL ln no classrooms.
! SLudenL acLlve engagemenL was evldenL/ very evldenL ln only 33 of classrooms.
SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! ln Lhe sLaff survey, 60 of Lhe sLaff agreed or sLrongly agreed wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All Leachers ln our school have
been Lralned Lo lmplemenL a formal process LhaL promoLes dlscusslon abouL sLudenL learnlng (e.g., acLlon research,
examlnaLlon of sLudenL work, reflecLlon, sLudy Leams, and peer coachlng)." lorLy percenL of Lhe sLaff were neuLral,
dlsagreed, or sLrongly dlsagreed wlLh Lhls sLaLemenL, whlch does noL suggesL conslsLenL lmplemenLaLlon of Lhese
crlLlcal processes.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 64 of Lhe Leachers use less Lhan one hour per week for collaboraLlve
plannlng Llme. 1hls daLa suggesLs LhaL Leachers are noL engaged ln collaboraLlve plannlng Llme Lo dlscuss sLudenL
learnlng and Lhe school leadershlp does noL hold Leachers accounLable Lo do so.

! ln surveys, 32 of sLudenLs lndlcaLed LhaL Lhey agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All of my Leachers
change Lhelr Leachlng Lo meeL my learnlng needs," suggesLlng LhaL modlflcaLlons and ad[usLmenLs Lo lnsLrucLlon
may noL be occurrlng sysLemaLlcally across Lhe school.

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 2$

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL formal proLocols and processes do noL exlsL for rofesslonal Learnlng
CommunlLles (LCs) Lo dlscuss sLudenL learnlng and/or Lo analyze sLudenL achlevemenL daLa.

! SLaff shared LhaL a process does noL exlsL Lo use daLa from mulLlple assessmenLs Lo ad[usL Lhe currlculum
horlzonLally or verLlcally.

! SLaff lnLervlews revealed LhaL few LCs funcLlon aL a hlgh level. Some LCs (l.e. Lngllsh, 8elaLed ArLs) value
collaboraLlon whlle oLher LCs (Soclal SLudles) sLaLe Lhey meeL for only a few mlnuLes a week.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs showed llmlLed evldence of a formal process Lo provlde a framework for
Lhe dlscusslon of sLudenL learnlng and Lhe analysls of sLudenL performance daLa LhaL lncludes a focus on hlgh-
yleld lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles and dlfferenLlaLlon.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed llmlLed evldence LhaL admlnlsLraLlon conslsLenLly monlLors Lhe
work of LCs.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs showed LhaL Lhe school's CSl addresses collaboraLlon. 1he Self-
AssessmenL lndlcaLed Lhe use of collaboraLlon Lo dlscuss sLudenL learnlng and analyze sLudenL daLa Lhrough Lhe
ueep lmplemenLaLlon lannlng rocess (ul) model. 1hls model sLaLes LhaL MaLh 1eachers wlll collaboraLe
afLer all formaLlve assessmenLs Lo Lrack sLudenL proflclency levels, prepare lnLervenLlon/remedlaLlon acLlvlLles,
and conference wlLh sLudenLs. 1he sLarLlng daLe for Lhls lnlLlaLlve was llsLed as 12/31/13.
CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
- 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 2%

lndlcaLor CpporLunlLy for lmprovemenL
Deve|op a teacher mentor|ng program to support a|| teachers |n the |mprovement of the|r craft
through one-on-one coach|ng, mode||ng, etc., that are "$-!.!0+-0 6.0# 0#+ !"#$$%&! 7/%)+! /-2 8+%.+5!
about teach|ng, |earn|ng, and the cond|t|ons that support |earn|ng. Mon|tor the |mp|ementat|on of the
program to ensure |t has h|gh expectat|ons for part|c|pat|on and |nc|udes va||d and re||ab|e measures
of effect|veness.

SLudenL erformance uaLa:
! SLudenL performance daLa does noL suggesL LhaL Lhe school ls successfully lmplemenLlng menLorlng, coachlng, and
lnducLlon programs LhaL ensure all sLudenLs havlng equlLable access Lo challenglng learnlng experlences LhaL wlll
ensure Lhelr success aL Lhe nexL level. lor example:

! 1he overall school accounLablllLy lndex decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-
8L decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of Lhe
k-8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 34.9 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 14 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.
! 1he LxLC8L assessmenL ls admlnlsLered Lo deLermlne college readlness of 8
grade sLudenLs. 1he followlng
Lable, Laken from 2013 LxLC8L resulLs, compares Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs aL Myers Mlddle School
meeLlng LxLC8L 8enchmarks for college readlness wlLh dlsLrlcL and sLaLe percenLages.

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

! As lllusLraLed ln Lhe charL above, sLudenL performance on mosL assessmenLs lags slgnlflcanLly behlnd LhaL of
!efferson CounLy and kenLucky mlddle schools. ln addlLlon, Lhe SLudenL CrowLh ercenLlle also decllned
sllghLly ln 2013. SLudenL growLh scores are based on Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs LesLed who made Lyplcal or
hlgher growLh.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 2#

Growth Comb|ned kead|ng and Math
Myers !efferson kenLucky
2012 46.6 38.4 60.4
2013 46.2 36.0 39.9

! lL ls of greaL concern Lo Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of sLudenLs are performlng below
Lhe roflclenL level ln boLh maLh and readlng. lor example, Lhe 2013 8eporL Card lndlcaLes LhaL 73.6 of 8

grade sLudenLs scored aL Lhe novlce and ApprenLlce levels ln readlng. Slmllarly, 88.9 scored aL Lhe novlce
and ApprenLlce levels ln maLh.

Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:
! Classroom observaLlon daLa, whlch ls very mlxed and lnconslsLenL, does noL suggesL esLabllshed coachlng,
menLorlng, and lnducLlon programs LhaL ensure Lhe sysLemaLlc use of hlghly effecLlve lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces across
Lhe school. lor example:

! SLudenL learnlng acLlvlLles LhaL were challenglng buL aLLalnable were evldenL/very evldenL ln 36 of
! SLudenL engagemenL ln rlgorous coursework, dlscusslon, and/or Lasks was evldenL ln 23 of classrooms.
! 1he overall average raLlng for Lhe Plgh LxpecLaLlons Learnlng LnvlronmenL was 1.9 ouL of a posslble 4.0. 1hls
average lndlcaLes LhaL a very llmlLed number of sLudenLs are provlded a learnlng envlronmenL LhaL has hlgh
quallLy lnsLrucLlon.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! Survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 44 of Lhe sLaff members responded as neuLral, dlsagreed, or sLrongly dlsagreed wlLh
Lhe sLaLemenL, ln our school, sLaff members provlde peer coachlng Lo Leachers," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of
Lhe sLaff are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe currenL program.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 30 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Lhey recelve
feedback LhaL can help Lhem lmprove Leachlng. AddlLlonal resulLs from Lhe 1LLL survey provlde evldence LhaL Lhe
school needs Lo esLabllsh a Leacher menLorlng program Lo lmprove lnsLrucLlon. 1hlrLy one percenL of Lhe Leachers
dlsagreed or sLrongly dlsagreed wlLh Lhe survey lLem, Lhe school lmprovemenL Leam makes a susLalned efforL Lo
address Leacher concerns abouL lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces and supporL."
SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe kenLucky 1eacher lnLernshlp rogram provldes valuable supporL Lo new Leachers,
buL supporL dlmlnlshes greaLly afLer Leachers have compleLed Lhe program. 1eachers who are new Lo Lhe bulldlng
and veLeran Leachers wlLhln Lhe bulldlng lndlcaLe llLLle supporL or opporLunlLy Lo lmprove upon Lhelr crafL ls
provlded by admlnlsLraLlon.

! SLaff lnLervlews also lndlcaLe LhaL some Leachers have creaLed collaboraLlve communlLles wlLhln Lhelr Leams or
wlLhln Lhelr deparLmenLs LhaL offer opporLunlLles Lo plan, analyze daLa, and share classroom managemenL
sLraLegles, buL Lhese communlLles exlsL volunLarlly and have noL been lnLenLlonally esLabllshed by admlnlsLraLlon.
CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns Lo Lhe Leam's flndlngs.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 22

Ind|cator Cpportun|ty for Improvement
Use a co||aborat|ve process to des|gn and |mp|ement new strateg|es and approaches that engage
fam|||es |n mu|t|p|e, mean|ngfu| ways and cons|stent|y prov|de |nformat|on about 0#+.* "#.%2*+-&!
|earn|ng progress. Lnsure that these new approaches are eva|uated for the|r effect|veness.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 38 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, ln our school, all school
personnel regularly engage famllles ln Lhelr chlldren's learnlng progress," suggesLlng LhaL a slgnlflcanL percenLage of
Lhe sLaff are noL saLlsfled wlLh Lhe school's aLLempLs Lo lnvolve parenLs ln Lhelr chlld's educaLlon.

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 63 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, My school offers
opporLunlLles for my famlly Lo become lnvolved ln school acLlvlLles and my learnlng," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy
of Lhe sLudenLs are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe school's aLLempLs Lo lnvolve Lhelr parenLs ln Lhelr educaLlon.

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 70 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All of my chlld's Leachers help
me Lo undersLand my chlld's progress," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe parenLs are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe school's
aLLempLs Lo lnvolve Lhem ln Lhelr chlld's educaLlon.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 33 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL clear, Lwo way
communlcaLlon ls evldenL wlLh Lhe communlLy.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 29 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Lhe school
encourages parenL/guardlan lnvolvemenL. Slmllarly, 29 dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Leachers provlde
lnformaLlon abouL sLudenL learnlng.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 71 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL parenLs supporL
Leachers and conLrlbuLe Lo sLudenL success.
SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff and parenL lnLervlews revealed LhaL Lhe school has noL been successful wlLh lnvolvlng parenLs ln Lhelr chlld's
educaLlon. SLaLemenLs made durlng Lhe lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL Lhere are lnconslsLenL meLhods of how and when
Leachers lnvolve parenLs ln Lhelr chlld's educaLlon.

! arenL lnLervlews lndlcaLed Lhe parenLs are noL engaged ln Lhelr chlldren's educaLlon. SLaLemenLs were made LhaL
lndlcaLed Lhe school has an off-slLe locaLlon Lo meeL wlLh parenLs, buL LhaL parenLs have noL overwhelmlngly
responded Lo Lhls sLraLegy.
! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhe school malnLalns a webslLe, provldes newsleLLers for
parenLs, and uLlllzes lnflnlLe Campus Lo communlcaLe wlLh parenLs abouL Lhelr chlld's progress. 1he school's
webslLe llnk Lo parenL lnvolvemenL (Myers 1SA") does noL conLaln parenL lnvolvemenL lnformaLlon.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhe school's CSl has goals and acLlvlLles LhaL are speclflc Lo
communlcaLlon Lo sLakeholders (acLlvlLy- school newsleLLer), buL Lhe sLarLlng daLe for Lhe acLlvlLy ls 2/28/14. 1he
newsleLLer, once lnlLlaLed, wlll conLaln lnformaLlon abouL sLudenL and school success.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 2&

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.
Ind|cator Cpportun|ty for Improvement
Lnsure that a|| teachers cons|stent|y use common grad|ng and report|ng processes based on c|ear|y
2+5.-+2 "*.0+*./ 0#/0 *+(*+!+-0 +/"# !0)2+-0&! /00/.-,+-0 $5 "$-0+-0 4-$6%+21+ /-2 !4.%%!3 9$-.0$* 0$
ver|fy the processes are cons|stent|y |mp|emented and regu|ar|y eva|uated and that the processes are
commun|cated to the stakeho|ders.

SLudenL erformance uaLa
! SLudenL performance daLa does noL suggesL LhaL Lhe school has esLabllshed effecLlve gradlng and reporLlng pollcles
LhaL wlll ensure all sLudenLs have equlLable access Lo challenglng learnlng experlences, are exposed Lo rlgorous
academlc courses, and are engaged ln Lhe developmenL of learnlng, Lhlnklng, and llfe skllls LhaL wlll prepare Lhem for
Lhe nexL level, lncludlng college and career readlness.

! 1he overall school accounLablllLy lndex decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 2013 LxLC8L assessmenL resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe school performance ls slgnlflcanLly below sLaLe and
dlsLrlcL benchmarks.

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

! SLudenL growLh for boLh 2012 and 2013 ls slgnlflcanLly below dlsLrlcL and sLaLe levels.

Growth Comb|ned kead|ng and Math
Myers !efferson kenLucky
2012 46.6 38.4 60.4
2013 46.2 36.0 39.9

! lL ls of greaL concern Lo Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of sLudenLs are performlng below
Lhe roflclenL level ln boLh maLh and readlng. lor example, Lhe 2013 8eporL Card lndlcaLes LhaL 73.6 of 8

grade sLudenLs scored aL Lhe novlce and ApprenLlce levels ln readlng. Slmllarly, 88.9 scored aL Lhe novlce
and ApprenLlce levels ln maLh.
SLakeholder Survey uaLa:

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 38 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All Leachers ln our school use
conslsLenL common gradlng and reporLlng pollcles across grade levels and courses based on clearly deflned
crlLerla," suggesLlng LhaL a slgnlflcanL percenLage of Lhe sLaff do noL percelve LhaL Lhls effecLlve pracLlce ls well

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 23

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 63 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All of my Leachers falrly grade
and evaluaLe my work," suggesLlng LhaL a slgnlflcanL percenLage of sLudenLs do noL percelve LhaL Leachers evaluaLe
Lhelr work falrly.

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 80 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, All of my chlld's Leachers reporL on
my chlld's progress ln easy Lo undersLand language," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe parenLs are saLlsfled wlLh
how Leachers are reporLlng Lhelr chlld's progress.

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:

! SLaff lnLervlews reveal LhaL Leachers follow Lhe !efferson CounLy ubllc Schools gradlng pollcy. 1eachers wlLhln Lhe
same deparLmenLs are noL requlred Lo have Lhe same gradlng requlremenLs.

! SLaff lnLervlews reveal LhaL Leachers develop and provlde sLudenLs and parenLs wlLh course syllabl, buL a conslsLenL
formaL ls noL requlred for all courses.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Leachers have recelved Lralnlng on Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe
!CS gradlng pollcy and on how Lo use lnflnlLe Campus.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL a process Lo monlLor and evaluaLe Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe
gradlng reporLlng pollcles and pracLlces does noL exlsL.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:

! 1he school raLed lLself as a 1 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch ls lower Lhan Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 24

<+"*/"./ D: 6%,'0.1%, "*/ <0>>'.+ <E,+%F,
lnsLlLuLlons, regardless of Lhelr slze, need access Lo sufflclenL resources and sysLems of supporL Lo be able Lo
engage ln susLalned and meanlngful efforLs LhaL resulL ln a conLlnuous lmprovemenL cycle. lndeed, a sLudy
conducLed by Lhe SouLhwesL LducaLlonal uevelopmenL LaboraLory (an, 2003) demonsLraLed a sLrong
relaLlonshlp beLween resources and sLudenL success...boLh Lhe level of resources and Lhelr expllclL allocaLlon
seem Lo affecL educaLlonal ouLcomes."
AdvancLu has found Lhrough lLs own evaluaLlon of besL pracLlces ln 30,000 lnsLlLuLlons around Lhe world LhaL
a successful lnsLlLuLlon has sufflclenL human, maLerlal, and flscal resources Lo lmplemenL a currlculum LhaL
enables sLudenLs Lo achleve expecLaLlons for sLudenL learnlng, Lo meeL speclal needs, and Lo comply wlLh
appllcable regulaLlons. 1he lnsLlLuLlon employs and allocaLes sLaffs LhaL are well quallfled for Lhelr
asslgnmenLs. 1he lnsLlLuLlon provldes a safe learnlng envlronmenL for sLudenLs and sLaff. 1he lnsLlLuLlon
provldes ongolng learnlng opporLunlLles for all sLaff Lo lmprove Lhelr effecLlveness. 1he lnsLlLuLlon ensures
compllance wlLh appllcable governmenLal regulaLlons.
01"#2"%2 / ! D765$%:76 "#2 0$445%1 0&617E6 Standard
1he school has resources and provldes servlces LhaL supporL lLs purpose and
dlrecLlon Lo ensure success for all sLudenLs.
Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
Cuallfled professlonal and supporL sLaff are
sufflclenL ln number Lo fulflll Lhelr roles and
responslblllLles necessary Lo supporL Lhe
school's purpose, dlrecLlon, and Lhe
educaLlonal program.
! School lmprovemenL plan
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! SLakeholder survey daLa
! rlnclpal lnLervlew
! Classroom and school
! 8udgeL and oLher
documenLs and arLlfacLs
! SLakeholder lnLervlews
! revlous kuL Leadershlp
! SLudenL performance daLa -
kuL School 8eporL Cards for
2012 and 2013
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 25

lnsLrucLlonal Llme, maLerlal resources, and
flscal resources are sufflclenL Lo supporL Lhe
purpose and dlrecLlon of Lhe school.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! SLakeholder survey daLa
! rlnclpal lnLervlew
! Classroom and school
! SLakeholder lnLervlews
! revlous kuL Leadershlp
! SLudenL performance daLa -
kuL School 8eporL Cards for
2012 and 2013
1he school malnLalns faclllLles, servlces, and
equlpmenL Lo provlde a safe, clean, and
healLhy envlronmenL for all sLudenLs and
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! SLakeholder survey daLa
! rlnclpal lnLervlew
! Classroom and school
! SLakeholder lnLervlews
! revlous kuL Leadershlp
! SLudenL performance daLa -
kuL School 8eporL Cards for
2012 and 2013
SLudenLs and school personnel use a range of
medla and lnformaLlon resources Lo supporL
Lhe school's educaLlonal programs.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! SLakeholder survey daLa
! rlnclpal lnLervlew
! Classroom and school
! uocumenLs and arLlfacLs
! Llbrary medla cenLer 3
! SLakeholder lnLervlews
! revlous kuL Leadershlp
! SLudenL performance daLa -
kuL School 8eporL Cards for
2012 and 2013
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 26

1he Lechnology lnfrasLrucLure supporLs Lhe
school's Leachlng, learnlng, and operaLlonal
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! SLakeholder survey daLa
! rlnclpal lnLervlew
! Classroom and school
! SLakeholder lnLervlews
! revlous kuL Leadershlp
! School 1echnology lan
! 1echnology lnvenLory
! SLudenL performance daLa -
kuL School 8eporL Cards for
2012 and 2013
1he school provldes supporL servlces Lo meeL
Lhe physlcal, soclal, and emoLlonal needs of
Lhe sLudenL populaLlon belng served.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! SLakeholder survey daLa
! rlnclpal lnLervlew
! Classroom and school
! SLakeholder lnLervlews
! revlous kuL Leadershlp
! SLudenL performance daLa -
kuL School 8eporL Cards for
2012 and 2013
1he school provldes servlces LhaL supporL Lhe
counsellng, assessmenL, referral, educaLlonal,
and career plannlng needs of all sLudenLs.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! SLakeholder survey daLa
! rlnclpal lnLervlew
! Classroom and school
! SLakeholder lnLervlews
! revlous kuL Leadershlp
! SLudenL performance daLa -
kuL School 8eporL Cards for
2012 and 2013

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 27


Cpportun|ty for Improvement

kev|ew and rev|se po||c|es, processes, and procedures to ensure that h|gh|y qua||f|ed profess|ona|
and support staff are recru|ted and reta|ned.


SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL lL ls dlfflculL Lo bulld a coheslve school Leam due Lo Lhe hlgh Leacher Lurnover raLe.

! 1he prlnclpal shared Lhe daLa below durlng hls lnLervlew:

Staff ko|e ketent|on Data
rlnclpal 3 new prlnclpals ln 2 years
AsslsLanL rlnclpal 7 new asslsLanL prlnclpals ln 3 years
1eacher 26 new Leachers ln Lhe pasL Lhree years
kuL LducaLlon 8ecovery SLaff 2 new kuL LducaLlon 8ecovery SLaff ln Lhe pasL

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL 33 of Lhe currenLly employed Leachers have flve or fewer
years of Leachlng experlence.

! ln lLs Self-AssessmenL, Lhe school sLaLed, Myers musL lmprove ln personnel recrulLmenL, managemenL, and
reLenLlon. 1he sLaff Lurnover raLe aL Myers makes lL dlfflculL Lo provlde conslsLency ln lnsLrucLlon."

! ln lnLervlews, sLakeholders suggesLed LhaL Lhe hlgh Leacher and sLaff Lurnover raLe lmpacLs Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe
lnsLrucLlonal program slnce so many new Leachers have Lo be orlenLed Lo school procedures each year.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
- 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 &$


Cpportun|ty for Improvement

Lstab||sh and |mp|ement a systemat|c process that equ|tab|y a||ocates and a||ows for a|| staff to have
/""+!! 0$ ,/0+*./%! /-2 *+!$)*"+! 0$ !)(($*0 :)/%.0; .-!0*)"0.$- 0#/0 /%.1-! 0$ 0#+ !"#$$%&! ()*($!+
and d|rect|on.


SLakeholder Survey uaLa:

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 69 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, Cur school provldes lnsLrucLlonal
Llme and resources Lo supporL our school's goals and prlorlLles," suggesLlng LhaL a slgnlflcanL porLlon of Lhe sLaff do
noL percelve LhaL Lhe school conslsLenLly provldes Lhe Llme and resources Lo supporL lnsLrucLlonal needs.

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 47 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, Cur school provldes sufflclenL
maLerlal resources Lo meeL sLudenL needs," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe sLaff are noL saLlsfled wlLh Lhe
allocaLlon of maLerlal resources Lo meeL Lhelr sLudenLs' needs.

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 74 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, Cur school provldes a varleLy of
lnformaLlon resources Lo supporL sLudenL learnlng," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe sLaff belleve sLudenLs are
conslsLenLly provlded wlLh Lhe medla resources needed Lo be successful.

! Powever, sLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 49 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, ln my school, a
varleLy of resources are avallable Lo help me succeed (e.g., Leachlng sLaff, Lechnology, medla cenLer)," suggesLlng
LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe sLudenLs do noL have Lhe resources needed Lo be successful ln Lhe learnlng envlronmenL.

! 1LLL kenLucky Survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 47 dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Lhe Leachers have a role aL Lhe
school ln deLermlnlng how Lhe budgeL ls spenL.

! 1LLL kenLucky Survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 33 dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Lhe Leachers have a role aL Lhe
school ln selecLlng lnsLrucLlonal maLerlals and resources.

Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:

! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs had equal access Lo classroom dlscusslons, acLlvlLles, resources,
Lechnology and supporL ln 33 of Lhe classrooms.

! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs used dlglLal Lools/Lechnology Lo gaLher, evaluaLe, and/or use
lnformaLlon for learnlng ln 13 of Lhe classrooms.

! 1he overall average raLlng for Lhe LqulLable Learnlng LnvlronmenL was 1.9 ouL of a posslble 4.0. 1hls average
suggesLs LhaL resources are lnconslsLenLly allocaLed Lo all sLudenLs and classrooms.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 &%

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed Lhe school does noL have a conslsLenL or sysLemaLlc process for resource allocaLlon.
SLaLemenLs were made LhaL Lhe varlous deparLmenLs ln Lhe school have agreed upon a sysLem," buL a process
dlcLaLed by Lhe school leadershlp Lo ensure Lhe allocaLlon of resources allgned wlLh Lhe school's needs as well as
purpose and dlrecLlon was noL ln place.

! Some Leachers feel LhaL one grade level has more Llme or access Lo Lhe medla cenLer's resources Lhan oLher grade
levels do. A schedule exlsLs LhaL provldes Llme each week for all of one grade level's classes Lo use Lhe medla
cenLer, buL oLher grade levels and/or courses are noL formally scheduled.

! ln Lhe sLudenL group lnLervlew, Lhree of Lhe four sLudenLs sLaLed LhaL elLher Lhey have never been Lo Lhe medla
cenLer as a class or LhaL Lhey someLlmes use Lhe resources Lo Lype research papers or conducL research.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL an Advlsory Councll meeLlng held ln lebruary 2013 had Lhe
lLem 8udgeL" noLed on Lhe meeLlng agenda, buL Lhere were no mlnuLes avallable for revlew Lo conflrm whaL was
dlscussed for Lhe lLem.

! lL ls noL apparenL Lo whaL exLenL Lhe Advlsory Councll ls engaged ln dlscusslons abouL Lhe school's budgeL,
allocaLlon resources, prlorlLlzaLlon of needs, eLc.

! ln lLs Self-AssessmenL, Lhe school sLaLed, School leaders express a deslre Lo allocaLe lnsLrucLlonal Llme, maLerlal
resources, and flscal resources so LhaL all sLudenLs have equlLable opporLunlLles Lo aLLaln challenglng learnlng
expecLaLlons. LfforLs Loward Lhe conLlnuous lmprovemenL of lnsLrucLlon and operaLlons someLlmes lnclude
achlevlng Lhe school's purpose and dlrecLlon," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe school ls aware LhaL Lhere ls an lnconslsLenL
allocaLlon of lnsLrucLlonal Llme and resources.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:

- 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhese lndlcaLors, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 &#


Cpportun|ty for Improvement

Deve|op, |mp|ement, and commun|cate systemat|c processes to ensure the schoo| |s a safe, c|ean,
and hea|thy env|ronment for teach|ng and |earn|ng. Mon|tor and ho|d staff accountab|e for the
cons|stent |mp|ementat|on of these processes.


SLakeholder Survey uaLa:

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 31 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, ln my school, Lhe bulldlng
and grounds are safe, clean, and provlde a healLhy place for learnlng," suggesLlng LhaL a ma[orlLy of Lhe sLudenLs
cannoL conflrm Lhe exlsLence of Lhls lmporLanL learnlng condlLlon.

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 77 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem," Cur school malnLalns faclllLles LhaL
conLrlbuLe Lo a safe envlronmenL," suggesLlng LhaL abouL one fourLh of Lhe sLaff are amblvalenL Loward or dlsagree
LhaL Lhe school's faclllLles are a safe, clean, and healLhy envlronmenL for Leachlng and learnlng.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 31 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Lhe school
envlronmenL ls clean and well-malnLalned.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 83 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Lhe sLudenLs follow
Lhe rules of Lhe school.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 34 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL pollcles abouL
sLudenL conducL are undersLood by faculLy.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 62 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL school
admlnlsLraLors conslsLenLly enforce sLudenL conducL.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 33 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Leachers
conslsLenLly enforce Lhe rules.

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:

! ln sLudenL lnLervlews, over half of Lhe sLudenLs lndlcaLed Lhey do noL feel safe aL school.

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL sLudenL dlsclpllne ls a ma[or deLerrenL Lo Lhe Leachlng and learnlng process.

! SLaff shared LhaL Lhe school has recelved and conLlnues Lo recelve addlLlonal supporL Lo lmprove sLudenL dlsclpllne.

! SLaff lndlcaLed LhaL school admlnlsLraLlon does noL conslsLenLly dlsclpllne sLudenLs. lL was also sLaLed LhaL Lhe
school admlnlsLraLlon does noL have a sysLemaLlc process of placlng and llmlLlng sLudenLs ln ASS when Lhey have
behavloral lnfracLlons.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 &2

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs lndlcaLe Lhe school's CSl lncludes measurable ob[ecLlves Lo address Lhe
percenLage of sLudenLs suspended from school.

! Ceneral observaLlons made by Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenL behavloral expecLaLlons were
lnconslsLenLly communlcaLed and lmplemenLed among classroom Leachers, supporL sLaff, and admlnlsLraLlon. 1he
Leam noLed Lhe number of sLaff members allocaLed Lo asslsL wlLh sLudenL dlsclpllne ln classrooms and ln hallways.

! Ceneral observaLlons made by Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam lndlcaLe LhaL a number of Leachers had dlfflculLy
malnLalnlng approprlaLe sLudenL behavlor durlng lnsLrucLlon and ln Lhe hallways. 1he ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
noLed LhaL whlle Lhe many of Lhe sLudenLs ln classrooms conducLed Lhemselves approprlaLely, a slgnlflcanL number
of sLudenLs were off-Lask, belllgerenL, and dlsrupLlve Lo Lhe learnlng envlronmenL. 1helr behavlors negaLlvely
lmpacLed Lhe level of learnlng for oLher sLudenLs.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:

! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns Lo Lhe Leam's flndlngs.


Cpportun|ty for Improvement

Lngage |n a co||aborat|ve process to create a forma| wr|tten techno|ogy p|an fo||ow|ng d|str|ct and
state protoco|s and based on schoo| needs assessment data. Lnsure that the p|an |s focused on
|mprov|ng student performance and teacher effect|veness that the techno|ogy p|ann|ng process |s
cont|nuous, and that |mp|ementat|on |s we|| documented.


Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:

! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs had llmlLed access Lo and use of Lechnology as a learnlng
resource. lor example:

! lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs were uslng dlglLal Lools/Lechnology Lo gaLher, evaluaLe, and/or use lnformaLlon
for learnlng" were evldenL/very evldenL ln 13 of classrooms.
! lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs used dlglLal Lools/Lechnology Lo conducL research, solve problems, and/or
creaLe orlglnal works for learnlng" were evldenL/very evldenL ln 11 of Lhe classrooms.
! lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs used dlglLal Lools/Lechnology Lo communlcaLe and work collaboraLlvely for
learnlng" were evldenL/very evldenL ln 8 of Lhe classrooms.
! 1he overall average raLlng for Lhe ulglLal Learnlng LnvlronmenL was 1.4 ouL of a posslble 4.0.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 47 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, Cur school provldes a plan for Lhe
acqulslLlon and supporL of Lechnology Lo supporL sLudenL learnlng," suggesLlng LhaL over half of Lhe sLaff members
are amblvalenL Loward or dlsagree LhaL Lhls pracLlce ls conslsLenLly used.

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! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 47 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Lhey have a role ln
decldlng how Lhe school budgeL wlll be spenL.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 37 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Lhey have sufflclenL
Lralnlng Lo fully uLlllze lnsLrucLlonal Lechnology.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 38 of Lhe Leachers need professlonal developmenL on lnLegraLlng
Lechnology lnLo lnsLrucLlon.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 47 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Lhe rellablllLy and
speed of lnLerneL connecLlons ln Lhe school are sufflclenL Lo supporL lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces.

! 63 of sLudenLs agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, ln my school, a varleLy of resources are avallable Lo
help me succeed (e.g., Leachlng sLaff, Lechnology, medla cenLer)," suggesLlng LhaL a slgnlflcanL percenLage of
sLudenLs do noL feel a varleLy of resources are avallable.

! 68 of sLudenLs lndlcaLed LhaL Lhey agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All of my Leachers use a varleLy of
Leachlng meLhods and learnlng acLlvlLles Lo help me develop Lhe skllls l wlll need Lo succeed."

! 32 of sLudenLs lndlcaLed LhaL Lhey agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All of my Leachers change Lhelr
Leachlng Lo meeL my learnlng needs," suggesLlng LhaL nearly half of Lhe sLudenLs do noL percelve LhaL Leachers
ad[usL lnsLrucLlon or provlde varlaLlon ln learnlng acLlvlLles based on changlng needs.

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLe LhaL Lechnology ls avallable, buL noL belng used conslsLenLly or ln a wldespread manner for
lnsLrucLlon. SLaff also shared LhaL Lechnology resources are ouL of daLe and LhaL broken parLs are noL replaced ln a
Llmely manner.

! 1he school's Self-AssessmenL sLaLed, We do noL have a wrlLLen Lechnology plan. 1he componenLs of Lhe
"unwrlLLen plan" are noL well communlcaLed Lo Lhe sLaff. 1he school has been able Lo lnsLall SmarLboards ln all
maLh and LCL classrooms and all classrooms have LCu pro[ecLors." 1he number of compuLers dedlcaLed Lo sLudenL
use ln classrooms appears Lo be lnadequaLe.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs lndlcaLe LhaL sLaff responses Lo Lhe 1echnology lan Survey allgn wlLh Lhe
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam's general observaLlons whlle onslLe. 1he resulLs are:

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
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ercentage kesponded as
Neutra|, D|sagree, Strong|y
1echno|ogy |an Survey Item

.sLudenLs use Lechnology on a dally basls

.saLlsfled wlLh Lhe Lechnology Lhey have ln Lhelr classroom

.Lhe school has done a good [ob lnLegraLlng Lechnology lnLo Lhe classroom
80 .able Lo Leach Lo Lhelr fullesL wlLh Lhe Lechnology provlded Lo Lhem by Lhe

.Lhe sLudenLs are uslng Lechnology provlded Lo Lhem effecLlvely and

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:

! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.


Cpportun|ty for Improvement
Imp|ement a co||aborat|ve process to assess the phys|ca|, soc|a|, emot|ona|, and deve|opmenta|
needs of a|| students. Deve|op, coord|nate, and eva|uate these programs and use of personne| to
ensure the|r appropr|ateness and effect|veness to meet the un|que needs of ado|escent students.


SLudenL erformance uaLa

! 1he decllne ln sLudenL performance daLa beLween 2012 and 2013 suggesLs Lhe need for careful examlnaLlon of Lhe
effecLlveness of Lhe school's counsellng, assessmenL, referral, educaLlonal, and career plannlng servlces/programs,
as well as school programs/opporLunlLles LhaL address sLudenLs' physlcal, soclal, and emoLlonal needs.

! 1he overall school accounLablllLy lndex decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 2013 LxLC8L assessmenL resulLs lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe school performance ls slgnlflcanLly below sLaLe and
dlsLrlcL benchmarks.

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

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! SLudenL growLh for boLh 2012 and 2013 ls slgnlflcanLly below dlsLrlcL and sLaLe levels.

Growth Comb|ned kead|ng and Math
Myers !efferson kenLucky
2012 46.6 38.4 60.4
2013 46.2 36.0 39.9

! lL ls of greaL concern Lo Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of sLudenLs are performlng below
Lhe roflclenL level ln boLh maLh and readlng. lor example, Lhe 2013 8eporL Card lndlcaLes LhaL 73.6 of 8

grade sLudenLs scored aL Lhe novlce and ApprenLlce levels ln readlng. Slmllarly, 88.9 scored aL Lhe novlce
and ApprenLlce levels ln maLh.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 68.2 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, ln my school, l have access Lo
counsellng, career plannlng, and oLher programs Lo help me ln school," suggesLlng LhaL a slgnlflcanL percenLage of
sLudenLs do noL percelve LhaL Lhey have easy access Lo Lhese supporL programs.

! 1LLL kenLucky daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 42 of Lhe Leachers responded LhaL managlng sLudenL conducL was Lhe mosL
lmporLanL Leachlng condlLlon Lo Lhem ln promoLlng sLudenL learnlng. Slmllarly, 31 responded LhaL managlng
sLudenL dlsclpllne was Lhe mosL lmporLanL Leachlng condlLlon LhaL affecLed Lhelr wllllngness Lo keep Leachlng aL Lhe

! 1LLL kenLucky daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 33 of Lhe Leachers conslsLenLly enforce rules for sLudenL conducL.

! 1LLL kenLucky daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 83 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL sLudenLs aL Lhls school
follow rules of conducL.

! 1LLL kenLucky daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 24 of Lhe Leachers spend less Lhan an hour a day addresslng sLudenL dlsclpllne
lssues, whlle Lhe oLher 76 of Lhe Leachers spend a mlnlmum of an hour per day on sLudenL conducL lssues.
SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:

! SupporL sLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe school has programs Lo supporL Lhe emoLlonal needs of Lhe sLudenLs, yeL
Lhere ls no conslsLency wlLh Lhe level of supporL or a sysLemaLlc process Lo coordlnaLe Lhe programs and Lhe
personnel Lo lmplemenL Lhem.

! SLaff lnLervlews revealed LhaL Lhe CA8L course Llme ls belng used as breakfasL Llme for sLudenLs, raLher Lhan lLs Lrue
purpose of supporLlng sLudenLs' physlcal, soclal, and emoLlonal needs.

! SLaff shared LhaL Lhe asslsLanL prlnclpals and counselors' responslblllLles were resLrucLured Lo provlde addlLlonal
and lmmedlaLe response Lo sLudenL behavloral needs.

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL alLhough Lhere ls a process Lo refer sLudenLs wlLh dlsclpllne lssues Lo ASS, Lhe
admlnlsLraLors do noL conslsLenLly adhere Lo Lhe school's esLabllshed process. SLaff members sLaLed LhaL Lhere
were llLLle Lo no resources for lnsLrucLlon once sLudenLs were placed ln Lhe ASS program, leavlng Lhose sLudenLs
wlLhouL opporLunlLles Lo compleLe Lhelr asslgnmenLs.
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! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 &5

! 1he Myers Self-AssessmenL sLaLed, Myers ls unllke mosL schools. 1he number of sLudenLs wlLh apparenL (as
evldenced by referrals and case loads of ad[uncL menLal healLh professlonals) menLal healLh lssues has
overwhelmed Lhe sLaff aL all levels."
CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:

! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns Lo Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

<+"*/"./ G: H,2*5 6%,0$+, ('. )'*+2*0'0, -F>.'7%F%*+
SysLems wlLh sLrong lmprovemenL processes are movlng beyond anxleLy abouL Lhe currenL reallLy and
focuslng on prlorlLles and lnlLlaLlves for Lhe fuLure. uslng resulLs, LhaL ls, daLa and oLher lnformaLlon, Lo gulde
conLlnuous lmprovemenL ls key Lo an lnsLlLuLlon's success. A sLudy conducLed by uaLnow, ark, & WohlsLeLLer
(2007) from Lhe CenLer on LducaLlonal Covernance aL Lhe unlverslLy of SouLhern Callfornla lndlcaLed LhaL daLa
can shed llghL on exlsLlng areas of sLrengLh and weakness and also gulde lmprovemenL sLraLegles ln a
sysLemaLlc and sLraLeglc manner (uembosky eL al., 2003). 1he sLudy also ldenLlfled slx key sLraLegles LhaL
performance-drlven sysLems use: (1) bulldlng a foundaLlon for daLa-drlven declslon maklng, (2) esLabllshlng a
culLure of daLa use and conLlnuous lmprovemenL, (3) lnvesLlng ln an lnformaLlon managemenL sysLem, (4)
selecLlng Lhe rlghL daLa, (3) bulldlng school capaclLy for daLa-drlven declslon maklng, and (6) analyzlng and
acLlng on daLa Lo lmprove performance. CLher research sLudles, Lhough largely wlLhouL comparlson groups,
suggesLed LhaL daLa-drlven declslon maklng has Lhe poLenLlal Lo lncrease sLudenL performance (Alwln, 2002,
uoyle, 2003, Lafee, 2002, MclnLlre, 2002).
AdvancLu has found Lhrough lLs own evaluaLlon of besL pracLlces ln 30,000 lnsLlLuLlons around Lhe world LhaL
a successful lnsLlLuLlon uses a comprehenslve assessmenL sysLem based on clearly deflned performance
measures. 1he sysLem ls used Lo assess sLudenL performance on expecLaLlons for sLudenL learnlng, evaluaLe
Lhe effecLlveness of currlculum and lnsLrucLlon, and deLermlne sLraLegles Lo lmprove sLudenL performance.
1he lnsLlLuLlon lmplemenLs a collaboraLlve and ongolng process for lmprovemenL LhaL allgns Lhe funcLlons of
Lhe school wlLh Lhe expecLaLlons for sLudenL learnlng. lmprovemenL efforLs are susLalned, and Lhe lnsLlLuLlon
demonsLraLes progress ln lmprovlng sLudenL performance and lnsLlLuLlon effecLlveness.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
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01"#2"%2 F ! G69#A D76$H16 C5% I5#19#$5$6 JE4%5<7E7#1 Standard
1he school lmplemenLs a comprehenslve assessmenL sysLem LhaL generaLes a range
of daLa abouL sLudenL learnlng and school effecLlveness and uses Lhe resulLs Lo gulde
conLlnuous lmprovemenL.
Ind|cator Source of Lv|dence erformance
1he school esLabllshes and malnLalns a clearly
deflned and comprehenslve sLudenL assessmenL
! AssessmenL calendars
! kuL School 8eporL card
for 2012 and 2013
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
Leadershlp AssessmenL
! Lxamples of
! SLakeholder survey
! Classroom observaLlon
rofesslonal and supporL sLaffs conLlnuously
collecL, analyze and apply learnlng from a range
of daLa sources, lncludlng comparlson and Lrend
daLa abouL sLudenL learnlng, lnsLrucLlon,
program evaluaLlon, and organlzaLlonal
! CuarLerly 8eporLs
! LC and LCL agendas
! kuL School 8eporL card
for 2012 and 2013
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
Leadershlp AssessmenL
! Lxamples of
! SLakeholder survey
! Classroom observaLlon
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 &7

rofesslonal and supporL sLaff are Lralned ln Lhe
evaluaLlon, lnLerpreLaLlon, and use of daLa.
! kuL School 8eporL card
for 2012 and 2013
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
Leadershlp AssessmenL
! Lxamples of
! SLakeholder survey
! Classroom observaLlon
1he school engages ln a conLlnuous process Lo
deLermlne verlflable lmprovemenL ln sLudenL
learnlng, lncludlng readlness and success aL Lhe
nexL level.
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
Leadershlp AssessmenL
! Lxamples of
! SLakeholder survey
! Classroom observaLlon
! School reporL cards for
2012 and 2013
! LC agendas
! School reLenLlon
! rogress 1owards Coal
! CSl
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
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Leadershlp monlLors and communlcaLes
comprehenslve lnformaLlon abouL sLudenL
learnlng, condlLlons LhaL supporL sLudenL
learnlng, and Lhe achlevemenL of school
lmprovemenL goals Lo sLakeholders
! Self-AssessmenL
! LxecuLlve Summary
! revlous kuL
Leadershlp AssessmenL
! Lxamples of
! SLakeholder survey
! Classroom observaLlon
! School reporL cards for
2012 and 2013
! LC agendas
! School reLenLlon
! rogress 1owards Coal
! CSl

Ind|cator Cpportun|ty for Improvement
Deve|op po||c|es and pract|ces that w||| ensure the schoo| assessment system |s regu|ar|y and
systemat|ca||y eva|uated for |ts re||ab|||ty and effect|veness |n |mprov|ng |nstruct|on, student
|earn|ng, and the cond|t|ons that support |earn|ng.

SLudenL erformance uaLa:
! 1he decllne ln sLudenL performance daLa beLween 2012 and 2013 does noL suggesL LhaL Lhe school has esLabllshed
hlghly effecLlve lmprovemenL plannlng processes supporLed by an effecLlve sLudenL assessmenL sysLem LhaL
produces lnformaLlon Lo lnform declslon-maklng aL classroom, LC, and school levels.

! 1he overall school accounLablllLy lndex decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-
8L decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.
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! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of Lhe
k-8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 34.9 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 14 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.
! 1he LxLC8L assessmenL ls admlnlsLered Lo deLermlne college readlness of 8
grade sLudenLs. 1he followlng
Lable, Laken from 2013 LxLC8L resulLs, compares Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs aL Myers Mlddle School
meeLlng LxLC8L 8enchmarks for college readlness wlLh dlsLrlcL and sLaLe percenLages.

Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

! As lllusLraLed ln Lhe charL above, sLudenL performance on mosL assessmenLs lags slgnlflcanLly behlnd LhaL of
!efferson CounLy and kenLucky mlddle schools. ln addlLlon, Lhe SLudenL CrowLh ercenLlle also decllned
sllghLly ln 2013. SLudenL growLh scores are based on Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs LesLed who made Lyplcal or
hlgher growLh.

Growth Comb|ned kead|ng and Math
Myers !efferson kenLucky
2012 46.6 38.4 60.4
2013 46.2 36.0 39.9

! lL ls of greaL concern Lo Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of sLudenLs are performlng below
Lhe roflclenL level ln boLh maLh and readlng. lor example, Lhe 2013 8eporL Card lndlcaLes LhaL 73.6 of 8

grade sLudenLs scored aL Lhe novlce and ApprenLlce levels ln readlng. Slmllarly, 88.9 scored aL Lhe novlce
and ApprenLlce levels ln maLh.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! SLaff survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 81 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, Cur school uses mulLlple
assessmenL measures Lo deLermlne sLudenL learnlng and school performance," suggesLlng LhaL an overwhelmlng
ma[orlLy of sLaff have poslLlve percepLlons abouL Lhelr use of assessmenL resulLs Lo lmprove sLudenL learnlng.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 47 of Lhe Leachers responded LhaL Lhey spend an hour or less Lhan an
hour durlng Lhe school day on uLlllzlng resulLs of assessmenLs.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 64 of Lhe Leachers responded LhaL Lhey need professlonal developmenL
on sLudenL assessmenL Lo Leach more effecLlvely.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 63 of Lhe Leachers responded LhaL Lhey have recelved professlonal
developmenL on sLudenL assessmenL durlng Lhe pasL Lwo years.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 3#

! 32 of sLudenLs lndlcaLed ln surveys LhaL Lhey agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All of my Leachers
change Lhelr Leachlng Lo meeL my learnlng needs," suggesLlng LhaL abouL half of sLudenLs cannoL conflrm LhaL Lhls
pracLlce ls sysLemaLlcally used ln Lhe school.
SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed Leachers glve Lhe dlagnosLlc and proflclency exams creaLed by !CS and follow Lhe !CS
assessmenL schedule. 1eachers furLher lndlcaLed LhaL whlle Lhe use of Leacher-creaLed formaLlve assessmenLs ls
encouraged, a process does noL exlsL Lo use Lhe resulLs of Lhls daLa Lo lnform or make changes Lo lnsLrucLlon or

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL a school wlde assessmenL sysLem exlsLs, yeL Lhere ls llLLle
evldence LhaL Lhe sysLem ls regularly evaluaLed for effecLlveness and rellablllLy aL lmprovlng lnsLrucLlon and sLudenL
CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns Lo Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

Ind|cator Cpportun|ty for Improvement
Deve|op new strateg|es to mon|tor comprehens|ve |nformat|on about student |earn|ng,
cond|t|ons that support student |earn|ng and the ach|evement of schoo| |mprovement goa|s.
Commun|cate resu|ts regu|ar|y us|ng mu|t|p|e de||very methods and |n appropr|ate degrees of
soph|st|cat|on for a|| stakeho|der groups.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 74 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, ln our school, school leaders
monlLor daLa relaLed Lo sLudenL achlevemenL," suggesLlng LhaL a slgnlflcanL percenLage of Lhe sLaff dlsagree or are
amblvalenL Loward Lhls conslsLenL use of Lhls pracLlce.

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 72 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, My chlld has admlnlsLraLors
and Leachers LhaL monlLor and lnform me of hls/her learnlng progress," suggesLlng LhaL a slgnlflcanL percenLage of
parenLs are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey recelve from Lhe school abouL Lhelr chlld's progress.

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 60 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, My school shares lnformaLlon
abouL school success wlLh my famlly and communlLy members," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe sLudenLs
belleve LhaL Lhe school ls lnformlng parenLs abouL Lhe school's progress.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 37 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL parenLs/guardlans
know whaL ls golng on ln Lhls school.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 31 of Lhe Leachers spend one hour or less per week on uLlllzlng resulLs of
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 32

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed Lhe school leadershlp has noL conslsLenLly monlLored Lhe lnsLrucLlonal process, prlmarlly
due Lo Lhe overwhelmlng need Lo aLLend Lo sLudenL dlsclpllne lssues.

! SLaff lnLervlews revealed LhaL Lhe revlew of lesson plans, formaLlve assessmenL daLa, and walkLhrough observaLlon
daLa have noL been conslsLenLly shared and dlscussed wlLh Lhe Leachlng sLaff.

! SLaff shared LhaL Lhere ls mlnlmum movemenL of sLudenLs from one academy Lo anoLher. 1hls lnformaLlon suggesLs
LhaL sLudenL progress ls noL conslsLenLly monlLored.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs dld noL conLaln a CommunlcaLlon lan or a sysLemaLlc process Lo provlde
Lhe communlLy wlLh lnformaLlon on sLudenL progress.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs lndlcaLed Lhe school's CSl has goals and acLlvlLles LhaL are speclflc Lo
communlcaLlon (acLlvlLy- school newsleLLer), buL Lhe sLarLlng daLe for Lhe acLlvlLy ls 2/28/14. 1he newsleLLer, once
lnlLlaLed, wlll conLaln lnformaLlon abouL sLudenL and school success.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.
9".+ --: )'*1$0,2'*
Summary of D|agnost|c kev|ew 1eam Act|v|t|es:
! 1he Myers Mlddle School ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam was composed of 7 educaLors represenLlng Lhe perspecLlves of
sysLem pracLlLloners, classroom Leachers, parenLs, and college/unlverslLy educaLors.

! Cn Lhe flrsL day of Lhe revlew, Lhe prlnclpal and oLher admlnlsLraLors made a formal presenLaLlon abouL Lhe school
focuslng on recenL lmprovemenLs, 2012 Leadershlp AssessmenL deflclencles, and fuLure plans.

! 8epresenLaLlves from Myers Mlddle School compleLed Lhe Self-AssessmenL, LxecuLlve Summary, SLudenL
erformance ulagnosLlc, SLakeholder leedback ulagnosLlc, kuL needs AssessmenL, and Mlsslng lece ulagnosLlc.
ln addlLlon, Lhe school provlded Lhe Leam wlLh documenLs and arLlfacLs Lo supporL Lhe lndlcaLor raLlngs of Lhe Self-

! 1he school also conducLed surveys of sLaff, sLudenLs, and parenLs. Survey resulLs were used Lo gulde lndlcaLor
raLlngs by Lhe Leam.

! ln general, admlnlsLraLors, sLaff, parenLs, and sLudenLs were candld and cooperaLlve durlng Lhelr lnLervlews wlLh
Lhe Leam.
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ln off-slLe work sesslons, Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew Leam examlned arLlfacLs and evldence provlded by Lhe lnsLlLuLlon.
uurlng Lhe onslLe porLlon of Lhe revlew, Lhe Leam revlewed addlLlonal arLlfacLs, collecLed and analyzed daLa from
lnLervlews, and conducLed school and classroom observaLlons.

1he ulagnosLlc 8evlew Leam meL vlrLually on !anuary 8 and 23, 2014 Lo begln a prellmlnary dlscusslon and examlnaLlons
of school's lnLernal 8evlew 8eporL and deLermlne polnLs of lnqulry for Lhe onslLe revlew. 1eam members arrlved onslLe
on !anuary 26, 2014 and concluded Lhelr work on !anuary 29, 2014. lnsLlLuLlon leaders carrled ouL Lhe lnLernal 8evlew
process as dlrecLed and ln keeplng wlLh Lhe developed Llmellne. SLakeholders, lncludlng sLudenLs, parenLs, and
communlLy members were candld ln Lhelr responses Lo ulagnosLlc 8evlew Leam members.

1he ulagnosLlc 8evlew Leam conducLed lnLervlews wlLh:

Stakeho|der Group Number of art|c|pants
Schoo| Leaders 6
Adv|sory Counc|| Members 3
1eachers and Support ersonne| 36
arents and Commun|ty Members 3
Students 13
1C1AL 67

1he ulagnosLlc 8evlew Leam also conducLed classroom observaLlons ln 40 classrooms, uslng Lhe LffecLlve Learnlng
LnvlronmenL CbservaLlon 1ool (LLLC1). lour ouL of Lhe 44 classrooms were noL observed because Lhere were Lwo or
fewer sLudenLs ln self-conLalned speclal needs classrooms, and some sLudenLs were Laklng makeup LesLs due Lo school
closlngs because of weaLher condlLlons durlng Lhe prevlous week.
uslng Lhe evldence collecLed, Lhe Leam engaged ln dlalogue and dellberaLlons concernlng Lhe degree Lo whlch Lhe
lnsLlLuLlon meL Lhe AdvancLu SLandards and lndlcaLors.
keport on Standards:
1he ulagnosLlc 8evlew process lnvolved an examlnaLlon of evldence lncludlng Lhe school's Self-AssessmenL, revlew of
performance, classroom observaLlon, and sLakeholder survey daLa as well as lnLervlews wlLh Lhe prlnclpal and oLher
admlnlsLraLors and a represenLaLlve cross-secLlon of Lhe faculLy. ln addlLlon, Lhe Leam lnLervlewed a small group of
sLudenLs and parenLs. Several recurrlng Lhemes emerged LhaL cuL across Lhe flve sLandards and 33 lndlcaLors. 1hese
urpose and dlrecLlon, shared values and bellefs
! Culdlng documenLs (mlsslon, vlslon, shared values and bellefs, focus on sLudenL learnlng, Lhlnklng, and acLlng ln
ways LhaL promoLe success ln college and/or careers) - Lhese documenLs do noL appear Lo provlde guldance as
Lo how Lhe school should be conslsLenLly and sysLemaLlcally addresslng Lhe slgnlflcanL low sLudenL performance
ln all conLenL areas and among all sLudenL groups.
! 1he lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe Academy Model was deslgned and lnLended Lo provlde addlLlonal supporL and
servlces Lo sLudenLs wlLh dlfferlng needs Lo lmprove sLudenL success. 1he Success Academy houses lower-
achlevlng sLudenLs and Lhe Career Academy houses hlgher-achlevlng sLudenLs. AlLhough Lhls model mlghL
appear Lo meeL Lhe needs of low-achlevlng sLudenLs, Lhere was no quallLaLlve or quanLlLaLlve daLa LhaL lndlcaLed
Lhere ls a sysLemaLlc and formal process Lo assess Lhe progress of sLudenLs so LhaL Lhey have Lhe opporLunlLles
Lo advance Lo Lhe Career Academy. Slmllarly, Lhere was no evldence LhaL lndlcaLed sLudenLs who mlghL be
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
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mlsplaced ln Lhe Career Academy or need addlLlonal remedlaLlon have opporLunlLles Lo move Lo Lhe Success
! 1he exLenL Lo whlch Lhe school admlnlsLraLlon has a formallzed process Lo engage and communlcaLe wlLh
lnLernal and exLernal sLakeholders Lo revlew, revlse, and embody Lhe school's purpose and meanlngful declslon-
maklng was noL evldenL. 1here ls an lnsLrucLlonal Leadershlp 1eam ln place LhaL ls composed of a large number
of Leachers, and Lhe percepLlon held among Lhe ma[orlLy of sLaff members ls LhaL Lhls group provldes leadershlp
Lo Lhe school.

lnsLrucLlonal supervlslon
! 1he exLenL Lo whlch Lhe school admlnlsLraLlon conslsLenLly provldes Lhe Leachlng sLaff wlLh feedback Lo lmprove
lnsLrucLlon ls exLremely llmlLed. 1he school admlnlsLraLlon and supporL personnel prlmarlly focus Lhelr aLLenLlon
on sLudenL dlsclpllne lssues. ln dolng so, Lhe lnsLrucLlonal program ls noL belng effecLlvely monlLored and an
lnformal or formal evaluaLlon of Lhe effecLlveness and approprlaLeness of Lhe appllcaLlon of lnsLrucLlonal
sLraLegles, learnlng LargeLs, and Lhe assessmenL program ls noL occurrlng. erformance daLa and observaLlons
sLrongly suggesL LhaL a conLlnuous monlLorlng sysLem ls urgenLly needed boLh school-wlde and aL Lhe classroom
! uaLa documenLlng admlnlsLraLor walkLhroughs ls very llmlLed. 8eyond classroom observaLlons, monlLorlng of
formaLlve assessmenL daLa, lesson or unlL plans, and examlnaLlon of sLudenL work does noL appear Lo be
sysLemaLlc or conLlnuous. School admlnlsLraLors sLaLed LhaL Lhey have been lnconslsLenL wlLh provldlng Lhls Lype
of lnformal lnsLrucLlonal supervlslon due Lo Lhelr aLLenLlon Lo sLudenL dlsclpllne.
! Slmllarly, monlLorlng for effecLlveness of Lhe professlonal developmenL program ln lmprovlng Leacher
professlonal pracLlce and sLudenL achlevemenL ls noL apparenL.

Learnlng LnvlronmenL
! Classroom observaLlons conducLed over a Lwo-day perlod revealed Lhe learnlng envlronmenL does noL provlde
sLudenLs wlLh a challenglng lnsLrucLlonal program based on daLa from formaLlve, summaLlve, and auLhenLlc
Lypes of assessmenLs. SLudenLs ln Lhls school have unlque needs LhaL requlre lessons and acLlvlLles Lo be
dlfferenLlaLed, varled, developmenLally and academlcally approprlaLe, and relevanL Lo Lhelr llfe experlences and
conLexLs. Many sLudenLs were passlvely lnvolved ln Lhelr learnlng, lnaLLenLlve, or off-Lask durlng Lhe Leacher-
focused lessons. 1he ma[orlLy of Lhe Leachers dellvered LradlLlonal lessons wlLh llmlLed opporLunlLles for
sLudenLs Lo Lhlnk crlLlcally, engage ln group dlscusslons, collaboraLe wlLh Lhelr peers, or use any Lype of
Lechnology as a learnlng Lool.
! 1he Academy Model, alLhough lnLended Lo provlde addlLlonal supporL Lo lower achlevlng sLudenLs, has noL as of
Lhe daLe of Lhls reporL lmproved Lhe learnlng envlronmenLs for sLudenLs. As a resulL of grouplng llke" sLudenLs,
Lhere ls a lack of peer role models LhaL demonsLraLe approprlaLe classroom behavlor. Some sLudenLs made
commenLs durlng class Llme LhaL lndlcaLed Lhey were aware of Lhe reasons Lhey were placed ln Lhe lower
achlevlng academy. AddlLlonally, a lack of hlgh expecLaLlons for learnlng and behavlor were evldenL ln Lhe Lwo
academles, buL more so ln Lhe Success Academy. 1he Academy Model has noL been evaluaLed for lLs academlc
and behavloral effecLlveness, equlLy of resources, fluldlLy for sLudenLs, and lmpacL on sLudenL moLlvaLlon and
school cllmaLe.
! 1he school has more Lhan adequaLe Lechnology for Leachers and sLudenLs Lo use for learnlng purposes.
Powever, Lhe LradlLlonal meLhod of Leachlng llmlLed boLh Leacher and sLudenL use of Lechnology. 1he school
does noL have evldence of a collaboraLlvely developed Lechnology plan LhaL descrlbes how Lechnology wlll be
accesslble Lo all and lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe learnlng process. Lvldence from classroom observaLlons lndlcaLes LhaL
sLudenLs are noL uslng Lechnology as a learnlng resource.
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! 1he learnlng envlronmenL ls negaLlvely lmpacLed by Lhe number of sLudenLs who demonsLraLed lnapproprlaLe
classroom behavlor. 1eachers were observed havlng dlfflculLy malnLalnlng conslsLenL respecLful and on-Lask
sLudenL behavlor ln many classrooms and ln Lhe hallways.

use of daLa

! lnLervlews, documenLaLlon, and daLa suggesL LhaL Lhe school ls engaged ln compllance-drlven conLlnuous
lmprovemenL raLher Lhan resulLs- drlven conLlnuous lmprovemenL. ComponenLs of resulLs-drlven lmprovemenL
plannlng exlsL, such as Lhe quarLerly reporLlng of progress and Lhe use of formaLlve and summaLlve assessmenLs.
1he daLa from Lhe assessmenL resulLs ls noL conslsLenLly used Lo modlfy and evaluaLe lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles,
sLudenL progress, programs, Leacher performance, and organlzaLlonal effecLlveness. ln general, documenLaLlon
as well as lnLervlews wlLh Lhe professlonal sLaff reveals LhaL Lhe degree Lo whlch daLa ls used aL Lhe school and
classroom levels Lo drlve declslon-maklng ls noL conslsLenLly apparenL. uaLa from surveys reveals LhaL Leachers
parLlclpaLe ln a professlonal learnlng program, buL Lhey overwhelmlngly agree LhaL Lhey need professlonal
Lralnlng on uslng assessmenL daLa for lnsLrucLlonal declslons.
! 1he school's CSl lncludes many ob[ecLlves, sLraLegles, and acLlvlLles LhaL have a beglnnlng daLe of 12/31/13 or a
daLe laLer Lhls school year. 1hls lnformaLlon sLrongly lndlcaLes Lhe school's lack of aLLenLlon Lo uslng daLa Lo
make lmporLanL and urgenL declslons regardlng Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe school, lLs lmprovemenL sLraLegles, and a
sense of urgency Lo address lLs challenges.
! SLudenL performance daLa lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe lnsLrucLlonal program ls noL effecLlvely and conslsLenLly lmprovlng
sLudenL achlevemenL and/or addresslng Lhe unlque needs of varlous sLudenL groups.

SLakeholder lnvolvemenL
! lnLervlews, observaLlons, and a revlew of arLlfacLs and oLher documenLs reveal LhaL Lhe school ls very aware of
Lhe lack of parenLal lnvolvemenL ln Lhe school and Lhe reasons for lL. 1he school recelves 6
graders from 49
elemenLary schools ln Lhe dlsLrlcL, whlch presenLs dlfflculLy for parenLs Lo be physlcally onslLe for school evenLs,
conferences, and parenL meeLlngs. 1he school uses a saLelllLe locaLlon for some of lLs meeLlngs ln an efforL Lo
accommodaLe parenLs' needs and schedules. AL Lhls polnL ln Llme, Lhe accommodaLlon has noL been deemed
successful by Lhe parenLs and sLaff who were lnLervlewed.
! Slmllarly, sLudenLs were observed dlsplaylng lnapproprlaLe behavlors durlng Lhe Leam's onslLe vlslL. 1he sLudenLs
who enLer Lhe school do noL have connecLlons or famlllarlLy wlLh each oLher because of Lhe number of
elemenLary schools Lhey aLLended. 1he school experlences Lremendous challenges wlLh Lhe unlflcaLlon of a
fragmenLed sLudenL populaLlon durlng Lhe sLudenLs' flrsL year of mlddle school.
! 1he newly formed 1SA lllusLraLes a deslre for Lhe school Lo sponsor an organlzaLlon speclflcally deslgned for
parenLs Lo gaLher and learn LogeLher.

8ulldlng Leacher capaclLy

! lnLervlews, documenLaLlon, and daLa do noL lndlcaLe Lhe exlsLence of a coherenL sysLem for sLrengLhenlng
professlonal pracLlce ln Lhe school based on sLudenL and school needs. lL ls noL apparenL how LCs, professlonal
developmenL, coachlng and menLorlng, supervlslon and evaluaLlon programs, and conLlnuous examlnaLlon of
daLa are allgned Lo lmprove Leacher effecLlveness.
! A revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs reveals LhaL a needs assessmenL was noL compleLed Lo ldenLlfy Lhe
professlonal learnlng needs of Lhe sLaff.

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! 1he dlsLrlcL has allocaLed addlLlonal admlnlsLraLlve, supporL, and Leachlng sLaff Lo asslsL wlLh sLudenL
supervlslon. WhaL has noL been evaluaLed ls Lhe degree of effecLlveness Lhe addlLlonal supporL provldes Lo
lncrease sLudenL learnlng and lmprove academlc rlgor.

keport on Learn|ng Lnv|ronment:
uurlng Lhe onslLe revlew, members of Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew Leam evaluaLed Lhe learnlng envlronmenL by observlng
classrooms and general operaLlons of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon. uslng daLa from Lhese observaLlons, Lhe Leam assessed Lhe quallLy
of lnsLrucLlon and learnlng LhaL Look place classlfled around seven consLrucLs or envlronmenLs.
Lvery learner should have access Lo an effecLlve learnlng envlronmenL ln whlch she/he has mulLlple opporLunlLles Lo be
successful. 1he LffecLlve Learnlng LnvlronmenLs CbservaLlon 1ool (LLLC1) measures Lhe exLenL Lo whlch learners are ln
an envlronmenL LhaL ls equlLable, supporLlve, well-managed, where hlgh expecLaLlons are Lhe norm and acLlve learnlng
Lakes place. lL measures wheLher learners' progress ls monlLored, feedback ls provlded by Leachers Lo sLudenLs, and Lhe
exLenL Lo whlch Lechnology ls leveraged for learnlng.
CbservaLlons of classrooms or oLher learnlng venues are conducLed for a mlnlmum of 20 mlnuLes per observaLlon.
Speclal 8evlew Leam members conducL mulLlple observaLlons durlng Lhe revlew process and provlde raLlngs on 30 lLems
based on a 4 polnL scale wlLh 4=very evldenL, 3=evldenL, 2=somewhaL evldenL, and 1=noL observed.
1he 40 classroom observaLlons provlded lnslghLs lnLo lssues surroundlng equlLy, lnsLrucLlonal effecLlveness,
expecLaLlons, academlc rlgor, learnlng, behavlor, Lechnology, eLc.
1he Leam used Lhe resulLs of performance and survey daLa analysls, classroom observaLlons, sLakeholder lnLervlews, and
examlnaLlon of arLlfacLs and documenLs Lo conflrm, refuLe, subsLanLlaLe, and/or valldaLe daLa gaLhered or provlded from
oLher sources lncludlng reporLs or presenLaLlons, lnLervlews, varlous documenLs and arLlfacLs, sLudenL performance
daLa, and sLakeholder survey daLa.

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Lqu|tab|e Learn|ng Lnv|ronment Ana|ys|s

! 1he LqulLable Learnlng LnvlronmenL recelved an overall average raLlng of 1.9 on a 4 polnL scale, whlch was among
Lhe mlddle range of Lhe seven envlronmenLs' raLlngs.

! A1. Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs are seldom provlded dlfferenLlaLed opporLunlLles and acLlvlLles Lo
address lndlvldual needs, raLed aL 1.6 on a 4 polnL scale. ulfferenLlaLlon pracLlces were noL evldenL ln 63 of Lhe
classrooms and only parLlally evldenL ln 18. lL was evldenL/very evldenL ln only 18 of classrooms LhaL sLudenLs
were exposed Lo some dlfferenLlaLed lnsLrucLlon.

! A2. Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs have equal access Lo classroom dlscusslon, acLlvlLles, resources,
Lechnology and supporL ln 33 of Lhe classrooms.

! A3. Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe lnsLances ln 43 of classrooms ln whlch sLudenLs knew LhaL rules and
consequences were falr, clear, and conslsLenLly applled. Cbservers noLed LhaL whlle noL all classrooms were well-
managed, Lhe ma[orlLy of sLudenLs were compllanL Lo Leacher lnsLrucLlons and expecLaLlons for behavlor.

! A4. Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe sLudenLs have ongolng opporLunlLles Lo learn abouL Lhelr own and oLher's
backgrounds/culLure/dlfferences ln 10 of Lhe classrooms. 1hls low percenLage lndlcaLes LhaL llLLle or no
opporLunlLles were avallable for sLudenLs Lo connecL wlLh each oLher and develop a sense of undersLandlng for Lhelr
classmaLes and oLhers' culLural dlfferences.

Ind|cators Average Descr|pt|on




A.1 1.6
Pas dlfferenLlaLed learnlng opporLunlLles and acLlvlLles LhaL
meeL her/hls needs
63 18 13 3
A.2 2.6
Pas equal access Lo classroom dlscusslons, acLlvlLles,
resources, Lechnology, and supporL
3 43 43 8
A.3 2.2
knows LhaL rules and consequences are falr, clear, and
conslsLenLly applled
28 28 40 3
A.4 1.4
Pas ongolng opporLunlLles Lo learn abouL Lhelr own and
oLher's backgrounds/culLures/dlfferences
73 13 3 3
A. Lqu|tab|e Learn|ng Lnv|ronment
Cvera|| rat|ng on a 4
po|nt sca|e:
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n|gh Lxpectat|ons Learn|ng Lnv|ronment Ana|ys|s
! 1he Plgh LxpecLaLlons Learnlng LnvlronmenL recelved an overall average raLlng of 1.9 on a 4 polnL scale, whlch was
among Lhe mlddle range of Lhe seven envlronmenLs' raLlngs.

! 81. Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs know and sLrlve Lo meeL Lhe hlgh expecLaLlons esLabllshed by Lhe
Leacher ln 40 of classrooms. ln 23 of classrooms, observers dld noL deLecL Lhe exlsLence of Leacher-esLabllshed
hlgh expecLaLlons.

! 82. Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs are Lasked wlLh acLlvlLles and learnlng LhaL ls challenglng buL
aLLalnable ln 36 of Lhe classrooms. Cbservers noLed LhaL sLudenLs were noL asked quesLlons LhaL requlred Lhem Lo
Lhlnk crlLlcally.

! 83. Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs were provlded wlLh exemplars of hlgh quallLy work ln 3 of Lhe
classrooms. Cf parLlcular lmporLance, observers dld noL deLecL Lhe use of exemplars ln 73 of Lhe classrooms.

! 84. Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs were engaged ln rlgorous coursework, dlscusslon, and/or Lasks ln
23 of classrooms. 1hls lndlcaLor was found Lo be very evldenL ln none of Lhe classrooms. Cf parLlcular lmporLance,
observers dld noL deLecL rlgor ln 30 of Lhe classrooms.

! 83. Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs were asked and responded Lo quesLlons LhaL requlre hlgher-order
Lhlnklng ln 13 of classrooms. 1hls lndlcaLor was found Lo be very evldenL ln no classrooms. Cf parLlcular
lmporLance, observers dld noL deLecL sLudenLs belng asked or respondlng Lo quesLlons LhaL requlre sLudenLs Lo Lhlnk
crlLlcally ln 43 of classrooms. Cbservers noLed LhaL sLudenLs were frequenLly exposed Lo quesLlonlng LhaL requlred
lower-order Lhlnklng skllls, prlmarlly recall quesLlons from a prlor lesson.
Ind|cators Average Descr|pt|on




8.1 2.2
knows and sLrlves Lo meeL Lhe hlgh expecLaLlons esLabllshed
by Lhe Leacher
23 38 33 3
8.2 2.2
ls Lasked wlLh acLlvlLles and learnlng LhaL are challenglng buL
23 43 33 3
8.3 1.3 ls provlded exemplars of hlgh quallLy work 73 20 3 0
8.4 2.0 ls engaged ln rlgorous coursework, dlscusslons, and/or Lasks 30 43 23 0
8.3 1.7
ls asked and responds Lo quesLlons LhaL requlre hlgher order
Lhlnklng (e.g., applylng, evaluaLlng, synLheslzlng)
43 40 13 0
Cvera|| rat|ng on a 4
po|nt sca|e:
8. n|gh Lxpectat|ons
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ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 4%

Support|ve Learn|ng Lnv|ronment Ana|ys|s

! 1he SupporLlve Learnlng LnvlronmenL recelved an overall average raLlng of 2.2 on a 4 polnL scale, whlch was among
Lhe hlghesL raLlngs.

! C1. Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs demonsLraLe or express LhaL learnlng experlences are poslLlve ln
40 of classrooms. ln 30 of classrooms, Lhe observers dld noL deLecL LhaL sLudenLs felL poslLlve abouL Lhelr

! C2: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs demonsLraLe a poslLlve aLLlLude abouL Lhe classroom and learnlng
ln 43 of classrooms. Cbservers noLed LhaL sLudenLs were compllanL Lo Leacher lnsLrucLlons and dlrecLlons.

! C3: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs were observed Laklng rlsks ln learnlng (wlLhouL fear of negaLlve
feedback), such as ln quesLlonlng and class dlscusslons, ln 43 of Lhe classrooms, suggesLlng LhaL Leachers were very
LoleranL and accepLlng of sLudenLs' parLlclpaLlon ln dlscusslons.

! C4: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs were provlded supporL and asslsLance Lo undersLand conLenL and
accompllsh Lasks ln 33 of Lhe classrooms. Cbservers noLed LhaL many of Lhe classrooms had addlLlonal
lnsLrucLlonal supporL personnel, such as lnsLrucLors Lo asslsL sLudenLs wlLh Lhelr learnlng and behavlor.

! C3: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs were provlded addlLlonal or alLernaLlve lnsLrucLlon and feedback
aL Lhe approprlaLe level of challenge ln 33 of classrooms. Cbservers noLed LhaL sLudenLs dld noL have acLlvlLles or
Ind|cators Average Descr|pt|on




C.1 2.1
uemonsLraLes or expresses LhaL learnlng experlences are
30 30 38 3
C.2 2.2
uemonsLraLes poslLlve aLLlLude abouL Lhe classroom and
23 33 40 3
C.3 2.3
1akes rlsks ln learnlng (wlLhouL fear
of negaLlve feedback)
20 38 40 3
C.4 2.S
ls provlded supporL and asslsLance Lo undersLand conLenL and
accompllsh Lasks
8 38 30 3
C.3 2.0
ls provlded addlLlonal/alLernaLlve lnsLrucLlon and feedback aL
Lhe approprlaLe level of challenge for her/hls needs
38 30 28 3
Cvera|| rat|ng on a 4
po|nt sca|e:
C. Support|ve Learn|ng
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 4#

lessons LhaL were dlfferenLlaLed (A.1, 63 noL observed). 1herefore, Lhey recelved llLLle addlLlonal feedback based
on lndlvldual needs.

Act|ve Learn|ng Lnv|ronment Ana|ys|s

! 1he AcLlve Learnlng LnvlronmenL recelved an overall average raLlng of 2.0 on a 4 polnL scale, whlch was among Lhe
hlghesL raLlngs.

! u1: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs had several opporLunlLles Lo engage ln dlscusslons wlLh Lhe
Leacher and oLher sLudenLs ln 28 of classrooms. lor Lhe mosL parL, learnlng acLlvlLles requlred LhaL sLudenLs be
seaLed, llsLen Lo Lhe Leacher and, ln some lnsLances, compleLe a wrlLLen acLlvlLy such as a handouL.

! u2: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs made connecLlons Lo real llfe experlences ln 28 of Lhe
classrooms. ln 43 of Lhe classrooms, no sLudenLs made Lhe connecLlon Lo Lhelr own llves. Cbservers noLed LhaL few
Leachers provlded sLaLemenLs Lo asslsL sLudenLs wlLh undersLandlng how Lhe learnlng was relevanL.

! u3. Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs were acLlvely engaged ln learnlng acLlvlLles ln 33 of classrooms.
Cbservers noLed LhaL sLudenLs were compllanL or lnaLLenLlve durlng Lhe dlscusslons and acLlvlLles ln many

Ind|cators Average Descr|pt|on




u.1 2.0
Pas several opporLunlLles Lo engage ln dlscusslons wlLh
Leacher and oLher sLudenLs
28 43 23 3
u.2 1.9 Makes connecLlons from conLenL Lo real-llfe experlences 43 28 23 3
u.3 2.2 ls acLlvely engaged ln Lhe learnlng acLlvlLles 23 43 23 8
Cvera|| rat|ng on a 4
po|nt sca|e:
D. Act|ve Learn|ng
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 42

rogress Mon|tor|ng Learn|ng Lnv|ronment Ana|ys|s

! 1he rogress MonlLorlng Learnlng LnvlronmenL recelved an overall average raLlng of 1.8 on a 4 polnL scale, whlch
was Lhe second lowesL envlronmenL raLlng.

! L1: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs were asked and/or qulzzed abouL Lhelr lndlvldual progress or
learnlng ln 16 of Lhe classrooms. Cf parLlcular slgnlflcance, observers dld noL deLecL Lhls Lype of Leacher/sLudenL
lnLeracLlon ln 30 of Lhe classrooms.

! L2: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs responded Lo Leacher feedback Lo lmprove undersLandlng ln 23
of classrooms. 1hls Lype of lnLeracLlon was noL observed ln 33 of classrooms.

! L3: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs demonsLraLed or verballzed undersLandlng of Lhe lesson/conLenL
ln 33 of classrooms. ln Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe classrooms (33), observers noLed LhaL lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs
demonsLraLed Lhelr undersLandlng of Lhe learnlng was mlnlmal.

! L4: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs undersLood how Lhelr work was assessed ln 13 of classrooms. Cf
parLlcular slgnlflcance, observers dld noL deLecL Lhls Lype of sLudenL undersLandlng ln 38 of Lhe classrooms.

Ind|cators Average Descr|pt|on




L.1 1.7 ls asked and/or qulzzed abouL lndlvldual progress/learnlng 30 33 13 3
L.2 1.9 8esponds Lo Leacher feedback Lo lmprove undersLandlng 33 40 23 0
L.3 2.2
uemonsLraLes or verballzes undersLandlng of
Lhe lesson/conLenL
13 33 33 0
L.4 1.6 undersLands how her/hls work ls assessed 38 28 13 0
L.3 1.8 Pas opporLunlLles Lo revlse/lmprove work based on feedback 30 20 30 0
Cvera|| rat|ng on a 4
po|nt sca|e:
L. rogress Mon|tor|ng
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 4&

! L3: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs had opporLunlLles Lo revlse/lmprove work based on feedback ln
30 of Lhe classrooms. Cf parLlcular slgnlflcance, observers deLecLed sLudenLs respondlng Lo feedback Lo lmprove
Lhelr work ln only 30 of classrooms.

We||-Managed Learn|ng Lnv|ronment Ana|ys|s

! 1he Well-Managed Learnlng LnvlronmenL recelved an overall average raLlng of 2.3 on a 4 polnL scale, whlch was
among Lhe hlghesL raLlngs.

! l1: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLed LhaL sLudenLs spoke and lnLeracLed respecLfully wlLh Leachers and peers ln
38 of classrooms. 1hls raLlng suggesLs LhaL ln Lhe ma[orlLy of classrooms sLudenLs are respecLful and have poslLlve
relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhelr Leachers.

! l2: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs follow classroom rules and work well wlLh oLhers ln 48 of
classrooms. ln 33 of classrooms, sLudenLs were observed noL followlng or somewhaL followlng classroom rules.

! l3: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs LranslLlon smooLhly and efflclenLly Lo acLlvlLles ln 46 of
classrooms. Cbservers noLed LhaL Lhere were a llmlLed number of classrooms LhaL engaged sLudenLs ln a varleLy of
acLlvlLles necesslLaLlng LranslLlons.

! l4: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLed LhaL sLudenLs collaboraLed wlLh oLher sLudenLs durlng sLudenL-cenLered
acLlvlLles ln 13 of classrooms. 1he llmlLed opporLunlLles sLudenLs had Lo collaboraLe wlLh oLher sLudenLs durlng
sLudenL-cenLered acLlvlLles were of concern Lo observers. 1hls Lype of collaboraLlon was noL observed ln 30 of
Ind|cators Average Descr|pt|on




l.1 2.6 Speaks and lnLeracLs respecLfully wlLh Leacher(s) and peers 18 23 43 13
l.2 2.S lollows classroom rules and works well wlLh oLhers 18 33 30 18
l.3 2.3 1ranslLlons smooLhly and efflclenLly Lo acLlvlLles 33 23 28 18
l.4 1.7
CollaboraLes wlLh oLher sLudenLs durlng sLudenL-cenLered
30 38 8 3
l.3 2.4
knows classroom rouLlnes, behavloral expecLaLlons and
23 28 30 18
Cvera|| rat|ng on a 4
po|nt sca|e:
I. We||-Managed Learn|ng
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 43

classrooms and somewhaL observed ln 38 of classrooms. Cenerally, opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo engage ln
learnlng acLlvlLles LhaL lnvolved lnLeracLlon or collaboraLlon wlLh one anoLher were lnfrequenL.

! l3: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLed LhaL sLudenLs knew classroom rouLlnes, behavloral expecLaLlons, and
consequences ln 48 of classrooms.

D|g|ta| Learn|ng Lnv|ronment Ana|ys|s
! 1he ulglLal Learnlng LnvlronmenL recelved an overall average raLlng of 1.4 on a 4 polnL scale, whlch was Lhe lowesL
envlronmenL raLlng.

! C1: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs used dlglLal Lools/Lechnology Lo gaLher, evaluaLe, and/or use
lnformaLlon for learnlng ln 13 of classrooms. Cbservers noLed LhaL lf Lechnology was used for lnsLrucLlon, Lhen
generally Lhe Leachers conLrolled lLs use and accesslblllLy. Cf parLlcular slgnlflcance, ln 63 of Lhe classrooms Lhere
was no sLudenL use of Lechnology.

! C2: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLed LhaL sLudenLs used dlglLal Lools/Lechnology Lo conducL research, solve
problems, and/or creaLe orlglnal works for learnlng ln 11 of Lhe classrooms. Cf parLlcular slgnlflcance, ln 80 of
Lhe classrooms Lhere was no sLudenL use of Lechnology for rlgorous and crlLlcal Lhlnklng acLlvlLles.

! C3: Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs used dlglLal Lools/Lechnology Lo communlcaLe and work
collaboraLlvely for learnlng ln 8 of Lhe classrooms. Cf parLlcular slgnlflcance, ln 83 of classrooms sLudenLs were
noL observed uslng Lechnology Lo collaboraLe, whlch supporLs Lhe observaLlon daLa LhaL 30 of sLudenLs
collaboraLed wlLh oLhers (lLem l.4).

Ind|cators Average Descr|pt|on




C.1 1.6
uses dlglLal Lools/Lechnology Lo gaLher, evaluaLe, and/or use
lnformaLlon for learnlng
63 23 8 3
C.2 1.4
uses dlglLal Lools/Lechnology Lo conducL research, solve
problems, and/or creaLe orlglnal works for learnlng
80 10 3 8
C.3 1.3
uses dlglLal Lools/Lechnology Lo communlcaLe and work
collaboraLlvely for learnlng
83 8 3 3
Cvera|| rat|ng on a 4
po|nt sca|e:
G. D|g|ta| Learn|ng
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 44

-F>.'7%F%*+ 9.2'.2+2%,

Ind|cator Improvement r|or|ty
kev|ew, rev|se and adopt po||c|es and support pract|ces that ensure effect|ve adm|n|strat|on
$5 0#+ !"#$$% 0$ !)(($*0 0#+ !"#$$%&! ()*($!+ /-2 2.*+"0.$-3

SLudenL erformance uaLa:

! SLudenL performance daLa, whlch decllned from 2012 Lo 2013 and ls slgnlflcanLly below dlsLrlcL and sLaLe
benchmarks ln nearly all areas, does noL suggesL LhaL Lhe school has adopLed pollcles and pracLlces LhaL ensure
effecLlve admlnlsLraLlon.

! 1he overall school accounLablllLy lndex decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenL scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of Lhe
k-8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 34.9 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 14 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.
! 1he LxLC8L assessmenL ls admlnlsLered Lo deLermlne college readlness of 8
grade sLudenLs. 1he followlng
Lable, Laken from 2013 LxLC8L resulLs, compares Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs aL Myers Mlddle School
meeLlng LxLC8L 8enchmarks for college readlness wlLh dlsLrlcL and sLaLe percenLages.

Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

! As lllusLraLed ln Lhe charL above, sLudenL performance on mosL assessmenLs lags slgnlflcanLly behlnd LhaL of
!efferson CounLy and kenLucky mlddle schools. ln addlLlon, Lhe SLudenL CrowLh ercenLlle also decllned
sllghLly ln 2013. SLudenL growLh scores are based on Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs LesLed who made Lyplcal or
hlgher growLh.

Growth Comb|ned kead|ng and Math
Myers !efferson kenLucky
2012 46.6 38.4 60.4
2013 46.2 36.0 39.9

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 45

! lL ls of greaL concern Lo Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of sLudenLs are performlng below
Lhe roflclenL level ln boLh maLh and readlng. lor example, Lhe 2013 8eporL Card lndlcaLes LhaL 73.6 of 8

grade sLudenLs scored aL Lhe novlce and ApprenLlce levels ln 8eadlng. Slmllarly, 88.9 scored aL Lhe novlce
and ApprenLlce levels ln maLh.

Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:

! ollcles and pracLlces do noL appear Lo promoLe monlLorlng and overslghL of effecLlve lnsLrucLlon and assessmenL
pracLlces LhaL produce equlLable and challenglng learnlng experlences for all sLudenLs. lor example:

! SLudenLs are seldom provlded dlfferenLlaLed opporLunlLles and acLlvlLles Lo address lndlvldual needs,
raLed aL 1.6 on a 4 polnL scale. ulfferenLlaLlon pracLlces were noL evldenL ln 63 of Lhe classrooms and
only parLlally evldenL ln 18. lL was evldenL/very evldenL ln only 18 of classrooms LhaL sLudenLs were
exposed Lo some dlfferenLlaLlon of lnsLrucLlon.
! lnsLances ln whlch observers deLecLed LhaL sLudenLs knew LhaL rules and consequences are falr, clear,
and conslsLenLly applled were evldenL/very evldenL ln 43 of classrooms.
! Classroom observaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs are seldom exposed Lo an envlronmenL of hlgh
expecLaLlons. lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs demonsLraLed LhaL Lhey undersLood and were sLrlvlng Lo meeL
hlgh expecLaLlons esLabllshed by Lhe Leacher were evldenL/very evldenL ln 40 of classrooms. ln 23 of
classrooms, observers dld noL deLecL Lhe exlsLence of Leacher-esLabllshed hlgh expecLaLlons.
! lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs were engaged ln rlgorous coursework, dlscusslon, and/or Lasks were
lnfrequenL. 1hls engagemenL was evldenL ln 23 of classrooms and fully evldenL ln no classrooms.
! Slmllarly, lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs were asked and responded Lo quesLlons LhaL requlre hlgher-order
Lhlnklng were evldenL ln 13 of classrooms and very evldenL ln no classrooms.
! SLudenL acLlve engagemenL was evldenL or very evldenL ln only 33 of classrooms.
! lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs were asked and/or qulzzed abouL lndlvldual progress/learnlng were
evldenL/very evldenL ln 16 of classrooms.
! lnsLances ln whlch sLudenLs used dlglLal Lools/Lechnology Lo gaLher, evaluaLe, and/or use lnformaLlon for
learnlng were evldenL/very evldenL ln 13 of classrooms.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:

! SLaff survey daLa lndlcaLe LhaL 69 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, Cur school's governlng body or school
board complles wlLh all pollcles, procedures, laws, and regulaLlons," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe sLaff ls saLlsfled wlLh Lhe
acLlons of Lhe Advlsory Councll. lL ls also posslble LhaL Lhe sLaff percelved Lhls sLaLemenL Lo apply Lo Lhe !efferson
CounLy School 8oard.

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 66 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, Cur school's governlng body
operaLes responslbly and funcLlons effecLlvely" suggesLlng LhaL more Lhan one Lhlrd of Lhe parenLs do noL feel Lhe
school's governlng body ls effecLlve.
SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! Advlsory Councll lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL school pollcles have noL been revlsed or revlewed slnce 2009.
! SLaff lnLervlews revealed LhaL school pollcles have noL been revlsed or revlewed slnce 2009.
! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs show LhaL Lhe S8uM pollcles have noL been revlewed and/or revlsed slnce
CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 46

! 1he school raLed lLself as a 1 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.
Ind|cator Improvement r|or|ty
Create a process that ensures the curr|cu|um |s |mp|emented w|th f|de||ty to prov|de
cha||eng|ng and equ|tab|e |earn|ng exper|ences |ead|ng to next |eve| success for a|| students.
Lnsure the process |s a cont|nuous and co||aborat|ve effort among teachers to carefu||y a||gn
course content and performance standards.


SLudenL erformance uaLa:

! SLudenL performance daLa does noL suggesL LhaL Lhe school has esLabllshed effecLlve processes LhaL ensure all
sLudenLs are provlded equlLable and challenglng learnlng experlences leadlng Lo nexL level success. lor example:

! 1he overall school accounLablllLy lndex decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-
8L decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of Lhe
k-8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 34.9 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 14 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.
! 1he LxLC8L assessmenL ls admlnlsLered Lo deLermlne college readlness of 8
grade sLudenLs. 1he followlng
Lable, Lake from 2013 LxLC8L resulLs, compares Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs aL Myers Mlddle School
meeLlng LxLC8L 8enchmarks for college readlness wlLh dlsLrlcL and sLaLe percenLages.

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

! As lllusLraLed ln Lhe charL above, sLudenL performance on mosL assessmenLs lags slgnlflcanLly behlnd LhaL of
!efferson CounLy and kenLucky mlddle schools. ln addlLlon, Lhe SLudenL CrowLh ercenLlle also decllned
sllghLly ln 2013. SLudenL growLh scores are based on Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs LesLed who made Lyplcal or
hlgher growLh.

Growth Comb|ned kead|ng and Math
Myers !efferson kenLucky
2012 46.6 38.4 60.4
2013 46.2 36.0 39.9
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 47

! lL ls of greaL concern Lo Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of sLudenLs are performlng below
Lhe roflclenL level ln boLh maLh and readlng. lor example, Lhe 2013 8eporL Card lndlcaLes LhaL 73.6 of 8

grade sLudenLs scored aL Lhe novlce and ApprenLlce levels ln readlng. Slmllarly, 88.9 scored aL Lhe novlce
and ApprenLlce levels ln maLh.

Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:
! lL was evldenL/very evldenL LhaL sLudenLs knew and were sLrlvlng Lo meeL hlgh expecLaLlons esLabllshed by Lhe
Leacher ln 40 of Lhe classrooms.

! lL was evldenL/very evldenL LhaL sLudenLs were Lasked wlLh acLlvlLles and learnlng LhaL were challenglng buL
aLLalnable ln 36 of classrooms.

! lL was evldenL/very evldenL LhaL sLudenLs were provlded exemplars of hlgh quallLy work ln 3 of classrooms.

! lL was evldenL/very evldenL LhaL LhaL sLudenLs were engaged ln rlgorous coursework, dlscusslon, and/or Lasks ln 23
of classrooms.

! 1he overall average raLlng for Lhe Plgh LxpecLaLlons Learnlng LnvlronmenL was 1.9 ouL of a posslble 4.0. 1hls
average lndlcaLes LhaL a very llmlLed number of sLudenLs are provlded a learnlng envlronmenL LhaL has hlgh quallLy,
rlgorous lnsLrucLlon.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 31 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, ln our school, challenglng
currlculum and learnlng experlences provlde equlLy for all sLudenLs ln Lhe developmenL of learnlng, Lhlnklng, and
llfe skllls," suggesLlng LhaL abouL half of Lhe sLaff members cannoL conflrm Lhe exlsLence of Lhls Lype of currlculum.

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 63 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, My school provldes me wlLh
challenglng currlculum and learnlng experlences," suggesLlng more Lhan one fourLh of Lhe sLudenLs do noL agree
wlLh or are amblvalenL Loward Lhls sLaLemenL.

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 73 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL," All of my chlld's Leachers
provlde an equlLable currlculum LhaL meeLs hls/her learnlng needs," suggesLlng LhaL abouL one fourLh of parenLs
cannoL conflrm Lhe exlsLence of Lhls learnlng condlLlon.

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed lesson plans have noL been revlewed slnce CcLober due Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLlve Leam's
resLrucLurlng of responslblllLles Lo meeL Lhe demands of sLudenL dlsclpllne.

! SLaff shared LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe dlscusslons held durlng common plannlng Llme are focused on sLudenL
dlsclpllne raLher Lhan effecLlve lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles.

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed a lack of conslsLency ln conducLlng Leacher walkLhroughs due Lo Lhe demands of sLudenL

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 5$

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL Lhe academy model does noL meeL Lhe needs of mosL sLudenLs' needs.

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL few sLaff members can arLlculaLe any academlc goals of Lhe school or a sysLemaLlc
approach for lmprovlng sLudenL performance aL Lhe school.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL lesson plans do noL lnclude Lhe use of research-based
lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles, rubrlcs, exemplars, or dlfferenLlaLed learnlng acLlvlLles.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed a lack of aLLenLlon Lo provldlng Leachers wlLh feedback on Lhelr
lessons and formaLlve assessmenL resulLs.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL LCs are aL a beglnnlng sLage and Lhere ls no seL proLocol LhaL
focuses on currlculum developmenL on a regular basls Lo provlde Lhe conslsLency and sLrucLure of a conLlnuous
school lmprovemenL process.

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed a process does noL exlsL Lo use daLa from mulLlple assessmenLs Lo ad[usL Lhe currlculum
horlzonLally or verLlcally.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:

! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch ls hlgher Lhan Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

Ind|cator Improvement r|or|ty
Deve|op and |mp|ement a schoo|-w|de process |n wh|ch a|| staff co||ect and use data to
mon|tor, ad[ust, and eva|uate curr|cu|um, |nstruct|on, and assessments to |mprove the |earn|ng
env|ronments and qua||ty of educat|on for a|| students. Lnsure there |s a systemat|c process to
eva|uate the effect|veness of the organ|zat|ona| cond|t|ons that support student |earn|ng.


SLudenL erformance uaLa:

! SLudenL performance daLa, whlch has decllned ln Lhe lasL year, does noL suggesL LhaL Lhe school has developed
effecLlve conLlnuous lmprovemenL pracLlces LhaL ensure currlculum, lnsLrucLlon and assessmenL are ad[usLed Lo
ensure sLudenL achlevemenL of learnlng expecLaLlons.

! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-
8L decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of Lhe
k-8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 37 ln 2012 Lo 32.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 14.1 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 5%

! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.
! 1he overall school accounLablllLy score decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 1he LxLC8L assessmenL ls admlnlsLered Lo deLermlne college readlness of 8
grade sLudenLs. 1he followlng
Lable, Lake from 2013 LxLC8L resulLs, compares Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs aL Myers Mlddle School
meeLlng LxLC8L 8enchmarks for college readlness wlLh dlsLrlcL and sLaLe percenLages.

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 49 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All Leachers ln our school
monlLor and ad[usL currlculum, lnsLrucLlon, and assessmenL based on daLa from sLudenL assessmenLs and
examlnaLlon of professlonal pracLlce," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe sLaff are dlvlded on how effecLlvely Lhe school uses daLa
Lo ad[usL currlculum and lnsLrucLlonal programs.

! Survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 67 of sLaff agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, 1he school has a sysLemaLlc
process for collecLlng, analyzlng, and uslng daLa," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe sLaff belleves Lhey use daLa Lo
lmprove sLudenL learnlng.

! 60 of Lhe sLaff responded LhaL Lhey agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All Leachers ln our school have
been Lralned Lo lmplemenL a formal process LhaL promoLes dlscusslon abouL sLudenL learnlng (e.g., acLlon research,
examlnaLlon of sLudenL work, reflecLlon, sLudy Leams, and peer coachlng)," suggesLlng LhaL abouL 40 of Lhe sLaff
cannoL conflrm LhaL Lhls pracLlce ls lmplemenLed sysLemaLlcally.

! 64 of sLudenLs lndlcaLed LhaL Lhey agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, My school provldes me wlLh
challenglng currlculum and learnlng experlences," suggesLlng LhaL some lnsLrucLlon may noL be effecLlvely LargeLlng
sLudenL needs.

! 32 of sLudenLs lndlcaLed LhaL Lhey agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All of my Leachers change Lhelr
Leachlng Lo meeL my learnlng needs," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe pracLlce of modlfylng and ad[usLlng lnsLrucLlon Lo meeL
sLudenL needs may noL be sysLemaLlc ln Lhe school. 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 64 of Leachers
responded LhaL Lhey need professlonal developmenL on sLudenL assessmenL ln order Lo Leach more effecLlvely.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 63 of Leachers responded LhaL Lhey have recelved professlonal
developmenL on sLudenL assessmenL durlng Lhe pasL Lwo years.
SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLe LhaL formal proLocols and processes do noL exlsL for rofesslonal Learnlng CommunlLles
(LCs) Lo dlscuss sLudenL learnlng and/or Lo analyze sLudenL achlevemenL daLa. A process does noL exlsL Lo use
daLa from mulLlple assessmenLs Lo ad[usL Lhe currlculum horlzonLally or verLlcally.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 5#

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL school personnel collecL and analyze some sLudenL daLa, buL
Lhere ls llLLle evldence Lo show LhaL Lhe school ls sysLemaLlcally and conslsLenLly uslng Lhe daLa Lo deslgn,
lmplemenL, and evaluaLe conLlnuous lmprovemenL plans Lo lmprove lnsLrucLlon, effecLlveness of programs, and
organlzaLlonal condlLlons.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhere was no evldence LhaL Lhe elecLlve courses were based
on sLudenL needs and requesLs.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhe Academy Model ls noL effecLlve for all sLudenLs.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
! 1he school raLed lLself a 1 for Lhese lndlcaLors on Lhe Self-AssessmenL, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

Ind|cator Improvement r|or|ty
1hrough a co||aborat|ve process, deve|op procedures that can be systemat|ca||y |mp|emented
that w||| ensure a|| teachers are cons|stent|y engag|ng students |n |earn|ng act|v|t|es, such as
co||aborat|on, se|f-ref|ect|on, prob|em-so|v|ng, deve|opment of cr|t|ca| th|nk|ng sk|||s, etc., that
resu|t |n ach|evement of |earn|ng expectat|ons. Lnsure that the process |s we|| documented and
|nc|udes methods of mon|tor|ng for effect|veness.


SLudenL erformance uaLa:
! SLudenL performance daLa does noL suggesL LhaL Leachers are dellberaLe ln plannlng and uslng lnsLrucLlonal
sLraLegles LhaL ensure sLudenL engagemenL, such as sLudenL collaboraLlon, personallzaLlon, opporLunlLles for
sLudenLs Lo apply knowledge and skllls, lnLegraLe conLenL, eLc.

! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenL scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of Lhe
k-8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 37 ln 2012 Lo 32.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 14.1 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL decreased
from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.
! 1he overall school accounLablllLy score decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 1he LxLC8L assessmenL ls admlnlsLered Lo deLermlne college readlness of 8
grade sLudenLs. 1he followlng
Lable, Lake from 2013 LxLC8L resulLs, compares Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs aL Myers Mlddle School
meeLlng LxLC8L 8enchmarks for college readlness wlLh dlsLrlcL and sLaLe percenLages.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 52

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:
! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs were provlded dlfferenLlaLed opporLunlLles and acLlvlLles Lo
address lndlvldual needs ln 18 of classrooms.

! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs were engaged ln rlgorous coursework, dlscusslons, and/or Lasks
ln 23 of classrooms.

! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs were provlded supporL and asslsLance Lo undersLand conLenL
and accompllsh Lasks ln 33 of classrooms. Cbservers noLed LhaL many of Lhe classrooms had addlLlonal
lnsLrucLlonal supporL personnel, such as lnsLrucLors Lo asslsL sLudenLs wlLh learnlng and behavlor.

! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs were provlded addlLlonal or alLernaLlve lnsLrucLlon and
feedback aL Lhe approprlaLe level of challenge ln 33 of classrooms.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 44 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, All Leachers ln our school personallze
lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles and lnLervenLlons Lo address lndlvldual learnlng needs of sLudenLs," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe
ma[orlLy of Lhe sLudenLs do noL recelve lndlvlduallzed lnsLrucLlon based on Lhelr unlque needs.

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 42 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, All Leachers ln our school regularly use
lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles LhaL requlre sLudenL collaboraLlon, self-reflecLlon, and developmenL of crlLlcal Lhlnklng
skllls," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe sLaff do noL use Lhls lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegy.

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 33 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, All Leachers ln our school use a varleLy
of Lechnologles as lnsLrucLlonal resources," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lechnology lnLo Lhe learnlng ls

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 63 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, My school moLlvaLes me Lo learn
new Lhlngs," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of sLudenLs feel Lhe school moLlvaLes Lhem Lo learn.

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 32 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, All of my Leachers change Lhelr
Leachlng Lo meeL my learnlng needs," suggesLlng LhaL an almosL equal percenLage are amblvalenL Loward or
dlsagree wlLh Lhe degree Lo whlch Lhelr learnlng ls lndlvlduallzed.

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 64 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, All of my chlld's Leachers meeL
hls/her learnlng needs by lndlvlduallzlng lnsLrucLlon," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe parenLs are saLlsfled wlLh
Lhe level of lndlvlduallzaLlon Lhelr chlld recelves.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 5&

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed Leachers need addlLlonal Lralnlng on how Lo lndlvlduallze or dlfferenLlaLe lnsLrucLlon for
sLudenLs' learnlng needs.

! SLaff shared LhaL Lhe Academy Model does noL meeL mosL sLudenLs' needs.

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL few sLaff members can arLlculaLe any academlc goals of Lhe school or a sysLemaLlc
approach for lmprovlng sLudenL performance aL Lhe school.

! A revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs provlded llLLle evldence of lndlvlduallzed or dlfferenLlaLed lnsLrucLlon based on
lndlvldual needs of sLudenLs.

! A revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs provlded mlnlmal evldence of professlonal developmenL offerlngs LhaL focused
on lndlvlduallzed or dlfferenLlaLed lnsLrucLlon based on Lhe lndlvldual needs of sLudenLs.

! Ceneral classroom observaLlons made by Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs were rarely provlded
dlfferenLlaLed lnsLrucLlon.
CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch ls hlgher Lhan Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

Ind|cator Improvement r|or|ty

Mon|tor |nstruct|ona| pract|ces through superv|s|on and eva|uat|on beyond c|assroom
$8!+*7/0.$-! 0$ +-!)*+ 0#+; /*+ /%.1-+2 6.0# 0#+ !"#$$%&! 7/%)+! /-2 8+%.+5! /8$)0 0+/"#.-1 /-2
|earn|ng, are d|rect|y engaged w|th a|| students |n the|r |earn|ng, and use content-spec|f|c
standards. Lnsure that cont|nuous support for teachers |s prov|ded through coach|ng,
mentor|ng, profess|ona| deve|opment, LC framework, etc. to |mprove the |nstruct|ona|
pract|ces of a|| teachers.


SLudenL erformance uaLa:

! SLudenL performance daLa does noL suggesL LhaL Lhe school has esLabllshed effecLlve sysLems, pollcles and
approaches for monlLorlng and supporLlng Lhe lmprovemenL of lnsLrucLlonal pracLlce. lor example:

! 1he overall school accounLablllLy lndex decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenL scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of Lhe
k-8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 53

! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 34.9 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 14 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.
! 1he LxLC8L assessmenL ls admlnlsLered Lo deLermlne college readlness of 8
grade sLudenLs. 1he followlng
Lable, Lake from 2013 LxLC8L resulLs, compares Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs aL Myers Mlddle School
meeLlng LxLC8L 8enchmarks for college readlness wlLh dlsLrlcL and sLaLe percenLages.

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

! As lllusLraLed ln Lhe charL above, sLudenL performance on mosL assessmenLs lags slgnlflcanLly behlnd LhaL of
!efferson CounLy and kenLucky mlddle schools. ln addlLlon, Lhe SLudenL CrowLh ercenLlle also decllned
sllghLly ln 2013. SLudenL growLh scores are based on Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs LesLed who made Lyplcal or
hlgher growLh.

Growth Comb|ned kead|ng and Math
Myers !efferson kenLucky
2012 46.6 38.4 60.4
2013 46.2 36.0 39.9

! lL ls of greaL concern Lo Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of sLudenLs are performlng below
Lhe roflclenL level ln boLh maLh and readlng. lor example, Lhe 2013 8eporL Card lndlcaLes LhaL 73.6 of 8

grade sLudenLs scored aL Lhe novlce and ApprenLlce levels ln readlng. Slmllarly, 88.9 scored aL Lhe novlce
and ApprenLlce levels ln maLh.

Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:
! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs undersLood how Lhelr work was assessed ln 13 of

! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs were asked and/or qulzzed abouL lndlvldual progress or
learnlng ln 16 of classrooms.

! 1he overall average raLlng for Lhe rogress MonlLorlng Learnlng LnvlronmenL was 1.8 ouL of a posslble 4.0. 1hls
average lndlcaLes LhaL a very llmlLed number of sLudenLs demonsLraLe an undersLandlng of how Lhelr learnlng
progress wlll be assessed.
SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 47 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, Cur school's leaders ensure all sLaff
members use supervlsory feedback Lo lmprove sLudenL learnlng," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe sLaff are
amblvalenL Loward or dlsagree wlLh Lhe level of lnsLrucLlonal supervlslon provlded by Lhe leadershlp Leam.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 54

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 37 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, Cur school's leaders regularly evaluaLe
sLaff members on crlLerla deslgned Lo lmprove Leachlng and learnlng," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe process used Lo evaluaLe
Leacher performance ls lnconslsLenL.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 31 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree/sLrongly dlsagree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL,
Leadershlp conslsLenLly supporLs Leachers."

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 29 of Leachers dlsagree/sLrongly dlsagree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, 1eachers
are held Lo hlgh professlonal sLandards for dellverlng lnsLrucLlon."

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 30 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree/sLrongly dlsagree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL,
1eachers recelve feedback Lo lmprove lnsLrucLlon."

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 31 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree/sLrongly dlsagree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, 1he
School lmprovemenL 1eam provldes leadershlp Lo Lhe school."

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed Leachers are unable Lo descrlbe a process used by admlnlsLraLlon Lo monlLor and provlde
feedback Lo Leachers on lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces. Some sLaff lndlcaLed LhaL Lhey had noL recelved any walkLhroughs
Lhls year.

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed an lnadequaLe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe evaluaLlon process, as well as a lack of Llmely and
effecLlve feedback.

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed all Leachers musL submlL weekly lesson plans Lo an admlnlsLraLor. 1eachers are noLlfled
vla emall lf Lhey do noL meeL Lhe requlremenL, buL seldom recelve speclflc and descrlpLlve feedback on Lhelr lesson

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed Lhe revlew of lesson plans, formaLlve assessmenL daLa, and walkLhrough observaLlon daLa
have noL been conslsLenLly shared and dlscussed wlLh Lhe Leachlng sLaff.

! AdmlnlsLraLlon lnLervlews lndlcaLed Lhe revlew of lesson plans, formaLlve assessmenL daLa, and walkLhrough
observaLlon daLa have noL been conducLed ln a conslsLenL and Llmely manner.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL 44 L-walks were conducLed for 2012-2013 school year,
lndlcaLlng an lnfrequenL admlnlsLraLlve presence ln Lhe classroom Lo provlde feedback Lo help lmprove Leachlng
and learnlng.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed lack of aLLenLlon Lo provldlng Leachers wlLh feedback on Lhelr
lessons and formaLlve assessmenL resulLs.

! 1he school sLaLed ln lLs Self -AssessmenL, CurrenLly, school admlnlsLraLors are consumed ln addresslng behavlor
and dlsclpllne lssues among sLudenLs. 1hls causes lneffecLlve analysls and feedback from classroom observaLlons
and walkLhroughs (lndlcaLor 3.4). 1hls lneffecLlve feedback conLrlbuLes Lo Leachers noL unlformly uslng besL
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 55

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
! 1he school raLed lLself as a 1 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns Lo Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

Ind|cator Improvement r|or|ty
Create and systemat|ca||y |mp|ement an |nstruct|ona| process that c|ear|y |nforms students of
|earn|ng expectat|ons and standards of performance. Lnsure that the process 1) |nc|udes the
use of exe,(%/*! 0$ 1).2+ !0)2+-0!& 6$*4< 2) re||es on the use of mu|t|p|e assessments to
|nform ongo|ng mod|f|cat|on of |nstruct|on, and 3) prov|des students w|th t|me|y and spec|f|c
feedback about the|r |earn|ng.


SLudenL erformance uaLa:

! SLudenL performance daLa suggesLs Lhe lnconslsLenL use of daLa Lo make lnsLrucLlonal declslons and a lack of a
sysLemaLlc lmplemenLaLlon of an lnsLrucLlonal process across grade levels and programs. lor example:

! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenL scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of Lhe
k-8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 37 ln 2012 Lo 32.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 14.1 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.
! 1he overall school accounLablllLy score decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 1he LxLC8L assessmenL ls admlnlsLered Lo deLermlne college readlness of 8
grade sLudenLs. 1he followlng
Lable, Lake from 2013 LxLC8L resulLs, compares Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs aL Myers Mlddle School
meeLlng LxLC8L 8enchmarks for college readlness wlLh dlsLrlcL and sLaLe percenLages.

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:
! Classroom observaLlons dld noL reveal Lhe exlsLence of an lnsLrucLlonal process LhaL was belng used sysLemaLlcally
across Lhe school Lo lnform sLudenLs learnlng expecLaLlons. lor example:

! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs were provlded exemplars of hlgh quallLy work ln 3
of classrooms.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 56

! Classroom observaLlons revealed LhaL sLudenLs knew and were sLrlvlng Lo meeL hlgh expecLaLlons
esLabllshed by Lhe Leacher ln 40 of classrooms.
! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs were provlded wlLh opporLunlLles Lo revlse or
lmprove Lhelr work based on Leacher feedback ln 30 of classrooms.
! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs had opporLunlLles Lo revlse or lmprove Lhelr work
based on Leacher feedback ln 30 of classrooms.
! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs undersLood how Lhelr work was assessed ln 13 of
! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs were asked and/qulzzed abouL lndlvldual progress or
learnlng ln 16 of classrooms.
! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs were Lasked wlLh acLlvlLles and learnlng LhaL were
challenglng buL aLLalnable ln 36 of classrooms.
! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs were engaged ln rlgorous coursework, dlscusslon,
and/or Lasks ln 23 of classrooms.
! 1he overall average raLlng for Lhe Plgh LxpecLaLlons Learnlng LnvlronmenL was 1.9 ouL of a posslble 4.0.
1hls average lndlcaLes LhaL a very llmlLed number of sLudenLs are provlded a learnlng envlronmenL LhaL
has hlgh quallLy lnsLrucLlon.
! 1he overall average raLlng for Lhe rogress MonlLorlng Learnlng LnvlronmenL was 1.8 ouL of a posslble
4.0. 1hls average lndlcaLes LhaL a very llmlLed number of sLudenLs demonsLraLe an undersLandlng of how
Lhelr learnlng progress wlll be assessed.
SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 67 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem," All Leachers ln our school use a
process Lo lnform sLudenLs of Lhelr learnlng expecLaLlons and sLandards of performance," suggesLlng LhaL many
Leachers do noL provlde Lhls lnformaLlon Lo Lhelr sLudenLs.

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 44 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem," All Leachers ln our school provlde
sLudenLs wlLh speclflc and Llmely feedback abouL Lhelr learnlng," suggesLlng LhaL Lhere ls greaL lnconslsLency ln Lhe
use of Lhls Lype of feedback.

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 60 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, All Leachers ln our school use mulLlple
Lypes of assessmenLs Lo modlfy lnsLrucLlon and Lo revlse Lhe currlculum," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe use of mulLlple
measures of assessmenL may noL be sysLemaLlc across Lhe school.

! 32 of sLudenLs lndlcaLed ln surveys LhaL Lhey agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, All of my Leachers
change Lhelr Leachlng Lo meeL my learnlng needs," suggesLlng LhaL abouL half of Lhe sLudenLs do noL percelve LhaL
Lhls pracLlce ls well esLabllshed ln Lhe school.

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed a process does noL exlsL Lo use daLa from mulLlple assessmenLs Lo ad[usL Lhe currlculum
horlzonLally or verLlcally.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 57

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed Leachers do noL feel supporL ls avallable for Leachers who are sLruggllng wlLh a speclflc
area of need, unless LhaL Leacher ls currenLly compleLlng Lhe kenLucky 1eacher lnLernshlp rogram.

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL Leachers admlnlsLer Lhe dlagnosLlc and proflclency exams creaLed by !CS and follow
Lhe !CS assessmenL schedule. 1eachers furLher lndlcaLed LhaL whlle Lhe use of Leacher-creaLed formaLlve
assessmenLs ls encouraged, a process does noL exlsL Lo use Lhe resulLs of Lhls daLa Lo lnform or make changes Lo
lnsLrucLlon or currlculum.

! AdmlnlsLraLlon lnLervlews lndlcaLed Leachers lnconslsLenLly or mlnlmally use daLa Lo revlse Lhelr lnsLrucLlon.

! A revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs demonsLraLed LhaL an lnsLrucLlonal process ls noL used sysLemaLlcally by
Leachers. A process does exlsL Lo wrlLe learnlng LargeLs. lnLervlews and documenLaLlon dld noL reveal Lhe exlsLence
of a process LhaL ensures sLudenLs are clearly lnformed of learnlng expecLaLlons, provlded exemplars Lo gulde Lhelr
work, engaged ln formaLlve assessmenL Lo gulde lnsLrucLlon, or LhaL Lhey are provlded speclflc and lmmedlaLe

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed llmlLed evldence of a formal process Lo provlde a framework for
Lhe dlscusslon of sLudenL learnlng and Lhe analysls of sLudenL performance daLa LhaL lncludes a focus on hlgh-yleld
lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles and dlfferenLlaLlon for sLudenLs.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL a process Lo monlLor and evaluaLe Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe
gradlng reporLlng pollcles and pracLlces does noL exlsL.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs provlded lnformaLlon LhaL Lhe school's CSl addresses Lhe need for
lncreased Leacher collaboraLlon Lo conslsLenLly admlnlsLer and lnLerpreL assessmenL daLa. 1he acLlvlLy descrlpLlon
sLaLes .1eachers collaboraLe afLer formaLlve assessmenLs uslng Lhe ul plannlng process Lo Lrack sLudenL
proflclency levels, prepare lnLervenLlon and remedlaLlon acLlvlLles, and conference wlLh sLudenLs." 1he sLarLlng
daLe for Lhls lnlLlaLlve was llsLed as 12/31/13.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
! 1he school raLed lLself as a 1 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

Ind|cator Improvement r|or|ty
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 6$

Ind|cator Improvement r|or|ty
Lstab||sh and |mp|ement a forma||zed structure that prov|des a|| students w|th a |ong-term and
/)0#+-0." /2)%0 /27$"/0+ 0#/0 !+*7+! 0#+ !0)2+-0!& %+/*-.-1< 0#.-4.-1< 2+7+%$(,+-0/%< /-2 %.5+

SLudenL erformance uaLa:
! SLudenL performance daLa does noL suggesL LhaL sLudenLs' needs are belng meL as evldenced by low LxLC8L
assessmenL resulLs. lor example:

! 1he overall school accounLablllLy lndex decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 2013 LxLC8L assessmenL resulLs lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe school performance ls slgnlflcanLly below sLaLe and
dlsLrlcL benchmarks.

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

! SLudenL growLh for boLh 2012 and 2013 ls slgnlflcanLly below dlsLrlcL and sLaLe levels.

Growth Comb|ned kead|ng and Math
Myers !efferson kenLucky
2012 46.6 38.4 60.4
2013 46.2 36.0 39.9

! lL ls of greaL concern Lo Lhe ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of sLudenLs are performlng below
Lhe roflclenL level ln boLh maLh and readlng. lor example, Lhe 2013 8eporL Card lndlcaLes LhaL 73.6 of 8

grade sLudenLs scored aL Lhe novlce and ApprenLlce levels ln readlng. Slmllarly, 88.9 scored aL Lhe novlce
and ApprenLlce levels ln maLh.

Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:
! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs collaboraLed wlLh oLher sLudenLs durlng sLudenL-cenLered
acLlvlLles ln 13 of classrooms.

! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs had ongolng opporLunlLles Lo learn abouL Lhelr own and
oLhers' backgrounds/culLures/dlfferences ln 10 of classrooms.

! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs had several opporLunlLles Lo engage ln dlscusslons wlLh
Leachers and sLudenLs ln 28 of classrooms.

! Classroom observaLlon daLa revealed LhaL sLudenLs demonsLraLed poslLlve aLLlLudes abouL Lhe classroom and
learnlng ln 43 of classrooms.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 6%

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 31 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, A formal sLrucLure exlsLs so LhaL each
sLudenL ls well known by aL leasL one adulL advocaLe ln Lhe school who supporLs LhaL sLudenL's educaLlonal
experlence," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe sLaff members are dlvlded ln Lhelr percepLlons abouL how Lhe school provldes an
adulL advocaLe for each sLudenL.

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 63 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, My school makes sure Lhere ls aL
leasL one adulL who knows me well and shows lnLeresL ln my educaLlon and fuLure," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of
Lhe sLudenLs feel Lhere ls aL leasL one adulL ln Lhe school LhaL ls her/hls advocaLe.

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 72 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, My chlld has aL leasL
one adulL advocaLe ln Lhe school," suggesLlng LhaL mosL parenLs feel saLlsfled LhaL Lhere are adulLs ln Lhe school
who care for Lhelr chlldren.
SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed Lhere ls a deslgnaLed Llme for CA8L wlLhln Lhe masLer schedule, buL Lhls Llme ls used for
breakfasL and does noL have a formal sLrucLure or acLlvlLles Lo provlde each sLudenL wlLh an adulL advocaLe.

! SLudenL lnLervlews lndlcaLed Lhey feel Lhere are adulLs ln Lhe bulldlng Lhey can Lurn Lo ln a Llme of need, buL Lhey
were unsure abouL a sLrucLured Llme when LhaL occurred or lf Lhe school asslgned Lhem an adulL advocaLe.

! 1he school sLaLed ln lLs Self -AssessmenL, Whlle some sLudenLs and Leachers have creaLed lnformal advocacy
sLrucLures, Lhere ls no formal sLrucLure asslgnlng advocacy/menLorshlp for all sLudenLs."
CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
! 1he school raLed lLself as a 1 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 6#

Ind|cator Improvement r|or|ty
Lnsure that a|| staff members part|c|pate |n a r|gorous, cont|nuous program of profess|ona|
%+/*-.-1 0#/0 .! /%.1-+2 6.0# 0#+ !"#$$%&! ()*($!+ /-2 2.*+"0.$- and based on an assessment of
needs of the schoo| and the |nd|v|dua|. Lva|uate the effect|veness of the profess|ona| |earn|ng
through a r|gorous and systemat|c process to conf|rm that the |earn|ng |s app||ed and |mproves
|nstruct|on, student |earn|ng, and the cond|t|ons that support |earn|ng.

SLudenL erformance uaLa:
! SLudenL performance daLa does noL suggesL LhaL Lhe school has esLabllshed hlghly funcLlonal sysLems and
processes for bulldlng Leacher effecLlveness and school capaclLy Lhrough Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of effecLlve
professlonal developmenL based on sLudenL, Leacher, and school needs.

! SLudenL performance daLa does noL suggesL LhaL Lhe program for professlonal learnlng ln Lhe school ls
effecLlvely drlvlng lmprovemenL ln achlevemenL.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-
8L decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-
8L decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of
Lhe k-8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 37 ln 2012 Lo 32.8 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 14.1 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.
! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL
decreased from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.
! 1he overall school accounLablllLy score decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.
! 1he LxLC8L assessmenL ls admlnlsLered Lo deLermlne college readlness of 8
grade sLudenLs. 1he
followlng Lable, Lake from 2013 LxLC8L resulLs, compares Lhe percenLage of sLudenLs aL Myers Mlddle
School meeLlng LxLC8L 8enchmarks for college readlness wlLh dlsLrlcL and sLaLe percenLages.

LkLCkL Schoo| D|str|ct State
Lng||sh 34.9 34.3 66.0
Mathemat|cs 9.1 26.4 33.9
kead|ng 13.8 32.2 41.6
Sc|ence 4.3 14.8 19.3

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 87 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, ln our school, all sLaff members
parLlclpaLe ln conLlnuous professlonal learnlng based on ldenLlfled needs of Lhe school," suggesLlng LhaL a
slgnlflcanL percenLage of Lhe sLaff are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe professlonal learnlng Lhey recelve and belleve LhaL Lhe
program ls based on Lhe needs of Lhe school.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 62

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 68 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem," A professlonal learnlng program ls
deslgned Lo bulld capaclLy among all professlonal and supporL sLaff members," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
sLaff members belleve LhaL Lhe professlonal learnlng provlded by Lhe school ls bulldlng Lhelr capaclLy Lo lmprove
Lhelr lnsLrucLlonal skllls.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 64 of Lhe Leachers responded LhaL Lhey need professlonal developmenL
on sLudenL assessmenL Lo Leach more effecLlvely.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 63 of Lhe Leachers responded LhaL Lhey have recelved professlonal
developmenL on sLudenL assessmenL durlng Lhe pasL Lwo years.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 37 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Lhey have sufflclenL
Lralnlng Lo fully uLlllze lnsLrucLlonal Lechnology.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 38 of Lhe Leachers feel LhaL Lhey need professlonal developmenL on
lnLegraLlng Lechnology lnLo lnsLrucLlon.

SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed Leachers do noL feel supporL ls avallable for Leachers who are sLruggllng wlLh a speclflc
area of need, unless LhaL Leacher ls currenLly compleLlng Lhe kenLucky 1eacher lnLernshlp rogram.

! A revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL a needs assessmenL was noL compleLed Lo ldenLlfy Lhe
professlonal learnlng needs of Lhe sLaff.

! A revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhere was no daLa Lo show professlonal developmenL lncludes
monlLorlng and evaluaLlon of lmplemenLaLlon of effecLlve Leachlng pracLlce Lo lmprove sLudenL performance.

! A revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhere was no daLa Lo show LhaL professlonal developmenL
offerlngs have produced slgnlflcanL measurable lmprovemenL ln sLudenL performance.
CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
! 1he school raLed lLself as a 2 on Lhe Self-AssessmenL for Lhls lndlcaLor, whlch ls hlgher Lhan Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 6&

Ind|cator Improvement r|or|ty
Use data to systemat|ca||y and cont|nuous|y |dent|fy and address the |earn|ng needs of a||
students at a|| |eve|s of prof|c|ency. Lnsure that the un|que |earn|ng needs of students are
|dent|f|ed and supported to |mprove performance.

SLudenL erformance uaLa:
! Whlle unlque learnlng needs are noL easlly ldenLlflable Lhrough performance daLa, Lhe charL below sLrongly
suggesLs Lhe exlsLence of unmeL learnlng needs as evldenced by Lhe 2012-2013 CA percenLages.

AccounLablllLy- CA
School: ercenL
ulsLrlcL: ercenL
SLaLe: ercenL
8eadlng 20.8 31.6 39.3
MaLh 8.7 22.8 29.0
Sclence 16.0 34.3 30.2
Soclal SLudles 19.6 37.4 47.4
WrlLlng 20.7 23.8 33.3
Language Mechanlcs 16.2 26.0 32.8

Classroom CbservaLlon uaLa:
! SLudenLs were engaged ln dlfferenLlaLed learnlng opporLunlLles and acLlvlLles LhaL meL Lhelr needs ln 18 of

! SLudenLs were provlded addlLlonal/alLernaLlve lnsLrucLlon and feedback aL Lhe approprlaLe level of challenge for
Lhelr needs ln 33 of classrooms.

! SLudenLs acLlvely engaged ln Lhe learnlng acLlvlLles were evldenL/very evldenL ln 33 of classrooms.

! SLudenLs were Lasked wlLh acLlvlLles and learnlng LhaL were challenglng buL aLLalnable ln 36 of classrooms.

! SLudenLs had ongolng opporLunlLles Lo learn abouL Lhelr own and oLhers' backgrounds/culLures/dlfferences ln 10
of classrooms.

! SLudenLs were provlded exemplars of hlgh quallLy work ln 3 of classrooms.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 63

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 62 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, ln our school, relaLed learnlng supporL
servlces are provlded for all sLudenLs based on Lhelr needs," suggesLlng Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe sLaff members percelve
LhaL Lhe array of supporL servlces meeL all of Lhe sLudenLs' needs.

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 31 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, ln our school, all sLaff members use
sLudenL daLa Lo address Lhe unlque learnlng needs of all sLudenLs," suggesLlng LhaL sLaff members are equally
dlvlded as Lo how conslsLenLly and effecLlvely sLudenL daLa ls used Lo meeL Lhe needs of all sLudenLs.

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 61 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem," My school provldes learnlng
servlces for me accordlng Lo my needs," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe sLudenLs are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe level of
supporL Lhey recelve Lo meeL Lhelr needs.

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 72 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, My chlld has access Lo supporL
servlces based on hls/her ldenLlfled needs," suggesLlng LhaL a slgnlflcanL percenLage of Lhe parenLs are saLlsfled
wlLh how Lhe school meeLs Lhelr chlldren's needs.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 64 of Lhe Leachers use less Lhan one hour per week for collaboraLlve
plannlng Llme. 1hls daLa suggesL LhaL Leachers are noL engaged ln collaboraLlve plannlng Lo dlscuss sLudenL learnlng
and Lhe school leadershlp does noL hold Leachers accounLable Lo do so.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 47 of Lhe Leachers responded LhaL Lhey spend an hour or less Lhan an
hour durlng Lhe school day on uLlllzlng resulLs of assessmenLs.
SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed LhaL formal proLocols and processes do noL exlsL for rofesslonal Learnlng CommunlLles
(LCs) Lo dlscuss sLudenL learnlng and/or Lo analyze sLudenL achlevemenL daLa. A process does noL exlsL Lo use
daLa from mulLlple assessmenLs Lo ad[usL Lhe currlculum horlzonLally or verLlcally.

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLed communlcaLlon ls lnconslsLenL across Lhe school regardlng shared values and bellefs
abouL Leachlng and learnlng, parLlcularly beLween Lhe Success Academy and Lhe CharacLer Academy.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhe Success and CharacLer Academles provlde llLLle supporL Lo
meeL Lhe unlque learnlng needs of sLudenLs.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhere was no evldence LhaL Lhe elecLlve courses were based
on sLudenL needs and requesLs.

CLher perLlnenL lnformaLlon:
- 1he school raLed lLself a 1 for Lhese lndlcaLors on Lhe Self-AssessmenL, whlch allgns wlLh Lhe Leam's flndlngs.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 64

Ind|cator Improvement r|or|ty
S.3]S.4 Deve|op and |mp|ement a r|gorous, |nd|v|dua||zed program of profess|ona| |earn|ng to
systemat|ca||y tra|n and assess staff members |n the eva|uat|on, |nterpretat|on and use of data.
Lnsure staff members cont|nuous|y use data to des|gn, |mp|ement, and eva|uate student
|earn|ng and p|an for the|r success at the next |eve|.

SLudenL erformance uaLa:

! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 19.2 ln 2012 Lo 10.8 ln 2013.

! 1he percenLage of sLudenL scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe sclence porLlon of Lhe k-8L
decreased from 26.2 ln 2012 Lo 19.0 ln 2013.

! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs scorlng aL roflclenL and ulsLlngulshed levels on Lhe soclal sLudles porLlon of Lhe k-
8L decreased from 40.7 ln 2012 Lo 24.4 ln 2013.

! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe Lngllsh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL decreased
from 37 ln 2012 Lo 32.8 ln 2013.

! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe maLh porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL decreased
from 14.1 ln 2012 Lo 9.1 ln 2013.

! 1he percenLage of sLudenLs meeLlng benchmarks on Lhe readlng porLlon of Lhe LxLC8L assessmenL decreased
from 22.3 ln 2012 Lo 13.8 ln 2013.

! 1he overall school accounLablllLy score decreased from 33.3 ln 2012 Lo 32.3 ln 2013.

SLakeholder Survey uaLa:
! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 74 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, ln our school, school leaders monlLor
daLa relaLed Lo sLudenL achlevemenL," suggesLlng LhaL a slgnlflcanL percenLage of Lhe sLaff are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe
school leadershlp's monlLorlng of sLudenL learnlng.

! SLaff survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 60 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, All Leachers ln our school have been
Lralned Lo lmplemenL a formal process LhaL promoLes dlscusslon abouL sLudenL learnlng (e.g., acLlon research,
examlnaLlon of sLudenL work, reflecLlon, sLudy Leams, and peer coachlng)," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe professlonal
learnlng offerlngs for undersLandlng how Lo use daLa were noL effecLlve for a large percenLage of Lhe sLaff.

! arenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 72 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, My chlld has admlnlsLraLors and
Leachers LhaL monlLor and lnform me of hls/her learnlng progress," suggesLlng LhaL LhaL a slgnlflcanL percenLage of
parenLs are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey recelve from Lhe school abouL Lhelr chlld's progress.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 65

! SLudenL survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 60 agree or sLrongly agree wlLh Lhe lLem, My school shares lnformaLlon
abouL school success wlLh my famlly and communlLy members," suggesLlng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe sLudenLs
belleve LhaL Lhe school ls lnformlng Lhelr parenLs abouL Lhe school's progress.
! 1LLL kenLucky survey daLa lndlcaLes LhaL 31 of Lhe Leachers spend one hour or less per week on uLlllzlng resulLs of
assessmenLs." lorLy percenL of Lhe sLaff responded as neuLral, dlsagreed, or sLrongly dlsagrees wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL,
whlch lndlcaLes LhaL Lhere ls lnconslsLency wlLh lmplemenLaLlon of or a mlsundersLandlng of Lhe process.

! 1LLL kenLucky survey resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL 20 of Lhe Leachers dlsagree or sLrongly dlsagree LhaL Leachers use
assessmenL daLa Lo lnform Lhelr lnsLrucLlon.
SLakeholder lnLervlews, documenL and arLlfacL revlew:
! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLe LhaL formal proLocols and processes do noL exlsL for rofesslonal Learnlng CommunlLles
(LCs) Lo dlscuss sLudenL learnlng and/or Lo analyze sLudenL achlevemenL daLa.

! SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLe LhaL a process does noL exlsL Lo use daLa from mulLlple assessmenLs Lo ad[usL Lhe
currlculum horlzonLally or verLlcally.

! AdmlnlsLraLor lnLervlews lndlcaLe LhaL one uaLa uay has been offered for sLaff Lhls school year, alLhough mulLlple
daLes have been scheduled.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs reveal LhaL school personnel collecL and analyze some sLudenL daLa, buL
Lhere ls llLLle evldence Lo show LhaL Lhe school ls sysLemaLlcally and conslsLenLly uslng Lhe daLa Lo deslgn,
lmplemenL, and evaluaLe conLlnuous lmprovemenL plans Lo lmprove lnsLrucLlon, effecLlveness of programs, and
organlzaLlonal condlLlons.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhere was no evldence LhaL elecLlve courses were based on
sLudenL needs and requesLs.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL Lhe school scheduled several uaLa uays for Lhe 2013-2014
school year, buL Lhere was evldence of only one uaLa uay as of !anuary.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed llmlLed evldence of a formal process Lo provlde a framework for
Lhe dlscusslon of sLudenL learnlng and Lhe analysls of sLudenL performance daLa LhaL lncludes a focus on hlgh-yleld
lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles and dlfferenLlaLlon for sLudenLs.

! 1he revlew of documenLs and arLlfacLs revealed LhaL llmlLed evldence exlsLs Lo supporL conslsLenL monlLorlng of Lhe
work of LCs by admlnlsLraLlon.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 66

art III: Addenda

Ind|cator Assessment keport
J#29:"15% 0:>55H
D7<97K @7"E
1.1 2 2
1.2 2 2
1.3 2 2

2.1 1 1
2.2 1 2
2.3 2 2
2.4 2 2
2.S 2 2
2.6 2 2

3.1 1 1
3.2 1 1
3.3 2 1
3.4 1 1
3.S 1 2
3.6 1 1
3.7 2 2
3.8 2 2
3.9 1 1
3.10 1 2
3.11 2 1
3.12 1 1

4.1 1 2
4.2 2 2
4.3 2 2
4.4 2 2
4.S 1 2
4.6 1 2
4.7 1 2

S.1 1 2
S.2 1 1
S.3 1 1
S.4 1 1
S.S 1 2

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 67

D|agnost|c kev|ew V|sua|s

urpose &
D|rect|on, 0
Governance &
Leadersh|p, 9
1each|ng &
Learn|ng, 72
kesources &
Support, 0
Improvement, 18
Improvement r|or|ty keport
urpose & ulrecLlon
Covernance & Leadershlp
1eachlng & Learnlng
8esources & SupporL
ConLlnuous lmprovemenL
ercenLage of SLandards ldenLlfled as
lmprovemenL rlorlLles
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 7$

SLandard 1 lndlcaLor 1.1 lndlcaLor 1.2 lndlcaLor 1.3
2 2
Standard 1: urpose and D|rect|on
2 2 2 2 2
Standard 2: Governance and Leadersh|p
Average raLlngs for each
SLandard and lLs lndlcaLors
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 7%

1 1 1 1
2 2
1 1
Standard 3: 1each|ng and Learn|ng
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Standard 4: kesources and Support
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 7#

SLandard 3 lndlcaLor
Standard S: Cont|nuous Improvement
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 72

A%"/%.,32> C,,%,,F%*+ C//%*/0F

1he purpose of Lhls addendum ls Lo provlde feedback on progress made ln addresslng ldenLlfled deflclencles ln Lhe 2011-
2012 Leadershlp AssessmenL 8eporL for Myers Mlddle School.

ueflclency 1: 1he prlnclpal has noL fosLered a culLure of respecL among sLudenLs and sLaff.
1hls deflclency has been addressed ln an exemplary manner.
1hls deflclency has been addressed saLlsfacLorlly.
x 1hls deflclency has been parLlally addressed.
1here ls llLLle or no evldence of lmprovemenL wlLh regard Lo Lhls deflclency.

1eam evldence:
! AdvancLu Surveys
! CSl
! lnLervlews
! u on behavlor
! Course syllabl (look for sLudenL expecLaLlons, LLLC1)
! ueveloped CadeL Academy
! CulLure audlLs
! 8lS
! 8ehavlor Leadershlp 1eam meeLlng agendas
1eam commenLs:
Accordlng Lo sLaff lnLervlews, a number of respondenLs sLaLe LhaL Lhere ls no sysLemaLlc/formallzed
process LhaL deLermlnes Lhe number of behavlor lnfracLlons for an exLernal suspenslon (ASS). ln
addlLlon, lnLervlews and documenLs lndlcaLe LhaL sLudenLs recelve lnconslsLenL consequences ln regard
Lo Lhe number of days Lhey spend ln ASS.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 7&

ueflclency 2: 1he prlnclpal has noL clearly communlcaLed a conslsLenL school wlde focus on hlgh academlc expecLaLlons
Lo sLaff, parenLs, and sLudenLs.

1hls deflclency has been addressed ln an exemplary manner.
1hls deflclency has been addressed saLlsfacLorlly.
x 1hls deflclency has been parLlally addressed.
1here ls llLLle or no evldence of lmprovemenL wlLh regard Lo Lhls deflclency.

1he sLaff lndlcaLes Lhere ls a lack of conslsLency as Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of 8lS. As lndlcaLed by school
surveys and sLaff lnLervlews, Leachers and admlnlsLraLors are unsure of Lhe school-wlde dlsclpllne
process. School dlsclpllne records lndlcaLe a wlde varlance or lnconslsLency of Lhe lnLervenLlon
mandaLed Lo sLudenLs wlLh Lhe same or slmllar lnfracLlons. SLudenL surveys reveal LhaL 43.92 of
sLudenLs sLrongly agree/agree LhaL all sLudenLs are LreaLed wlLh respecL wlLh 34.07 respondlng as
neuLral, dlsagreelng, or sLrongly dlsagreelng. 1o Lhe sLaLemenL ln my school, all rules are applled
equally Lo all sLudenLs," 60.72 of sLudenLs sLrongly agree/agree wlLh 39.28 respondlng as neuLral,
dlsagreelng, and sLrongly dlsagreelng. SLudenLs responded Lo ln my school, sLudenLs LreaL adulLs wlLh
respecL" wlLh 32.38 sLrongly agree/agree and 67.16 neuLral, dlsagree, and sLrongly dlsagree.
1here was llLLle or no lnvolvemenL of sLakeholders ln Lhe revlew and revlslon of Lhe school's purpose
and/or school lmprovemenL plan. 1here ls documenLed evldence based on sLaff lnLervlews and arLlfacLs
LhaL Lhe school Leadershlp 1eam has dlscusslons regardlng school lmprovemenL plannlng. Powever, Lhe
evldence also suggesLs LhaL gaps sLlll exlsL ln communlcaLlon beLween Lhe admlnlsLraLlon and faculLy
regardlng Lhe deploymenL and monlLorlng of Lhe plannlng efforLs.
1eam ev|dence:
! SLaff and sLudenL handbook
! SLaff Survey, arenL and SLudenL Surveys
! Course syllabl
! CSl
! LLLC1 LnvlronmenL 8
! SLaff lnLervlews lL1 Leam
! 8evlsed school purpose
! u on learnlng LargeLs
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 73

ueflclency 3: 1he prlnclpal has noL ensured LhaL Leachers use rlgorous, auLhenLlc sLandards-based lnsLrucLlonal
sLraLegles Lo meeL Lhe unlque needs of all sLudenLs.

1hls deflclency has been addressed ln an exemplary manner.
1hls deflclency has been addressed saLlsfacLorlly.
1hls deflclency has been parLlally addressed.
x 1here ls llLLle or no evldence of lmprovemenL wlLh regard Lo Lhls deflclency.

! Academy creaLlon and lmplemenLaLlon
! LC documenLaLlon
1eam commenLs:
Accordlng Lo sLaff and sLudenLs, Lhere are no conslsLenL or speclflc expecLaLlons Lo gulde galns ln
sLudenL achlevemenL. 1here ls a predomlnanL lack of feedback and coachlng Lo lnform lnsLrucLlon
followlng learnlng walks, lesson plans, and assessmenL resulLs. 1here ls a focus on lmprovlng Lhe
Leacher-pupll raLlo, buL very llmlLed emphasls on how Lhe sLaff wlll poslLlvely lmpacL sLudenL
achlevemenL or lmprove overall lnsLrucLlon.
1here ls no evldence of a formal CommunlcaLlon lan Lo asslsL wlLh sLrucLurlng a sysLemaLlc process Lo
deploy expecLaLlons Lo sLakeholders LhaL prompLs Lwo-way communlcaLlon. Accordlng Lo lnLervlewees,
communlcaLlon ls sporadlc and lnconslsLenL. Powever, Lhere ls evldence LhaL lnformaLlonal
communlcaLlon ls occurrlng Lhrough a varleLy of venues such as 8aldwln's 8ulleLlns," school
announcemenLs, emalls Lo sLakeholders, parenL leLLers, Lhe school webslLe, 1wlLLer, eLc.

1eam evldence:
! LLLC1 documenLaLlon
! Lesson plans
! Pow Leachers use formaLlve daLa Lo change lnsLrucLlon, evldence of dlfferenLlaLlon
! School 8eporL Card
! SLakeholder Surveys
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 74

ueflclency 4: 1he prlnclpal has noL effecLlvely esLabllshed a school organlzaLlonal sLrucLure Lo maxlmlze sLudenL
1hls deflclency has been addressed ln an exemplary manner.
1hls deflclency has been addressed saLlsfacLorlly.
1hls deflclency has been parLlally addressed.
x 1here ls llLLle or no evldence of lmprovemenL wlLh regard Lo Lhls deflclency.

! lnLervlews
! u agendas on dlfferenLlaLlon, 8Ll
1eam commenLs:
ulsaggregaLed LLLC1 daLa lllusLraLes LhaL Lhere ls presenLly a learnlng culLure vold of rlgorous
lnsLrucLlon. SLaff lnLervlews lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe Academy Model does noL meeL Lhe unlque needs of Lhe
sLudenL populaLlon. AccounLablllLy regresslon ls evldenced from a revlew of Lhe kenLucky School
8eporL Card (2012, 2013).
uurlng sLaff lnLervlews, few sLaff members could arLlculaLe any school academlc goals or any faceLs of a
sysLemaLlc approach for lmprovlng sLudenL performance aL Lhe school.
Myers Mlddle School rofesslonal Learnlng CommunlLles are aL an lnlLlal lmplemenLaLlon sLage.
Powever, Lhere ls no seL proLocol Lo focus Lhe conversaLlons or work sesslons on currlculum
developmenL or Lo provlde Lhe sLrucLure of a conLlnuous lmprovemenL cycle.
AdmlnlsLraLors menLloned LhaL Lhe faculLy was lnLroduced Lo CLS. Cnly prellmlnary dlscusslons were
held regardlng Lhe pleces of Lhe roll ouL Lo explaln how speclflc sLandards are evldenced ln relaLlon Lo
lncreaslng sLudenL achlevemenL and ln Lhe Leacher evaluaLlon process. A focus on Lhe uanlelson
lramework as lL provldes for sLudenL dlfferenLlaLlon was noL apparenL.
Accordlng Lo arLlfacL revlew and sLakeholder lnLervlews, a LransparenL and collaboraLlve process for
deLermlnlng approprlaLe professlonal developmenL needs has noL been esLabllshed. 1he prlnclpal has
noL developed a measureable professlonal developmenL plan LhaL ls based on assessmenL needs of Lhe
school or one LhaL fosLers Lhe needs of lndlvldual Leachers, such as Lralnlng on effecLlve lnsLrucLlonal
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 75

ueflclency 3: 1he prlnclpal has noL ensured Lhe school councll ls fully funcLlonlng as Lhe governlng body of Lhe school.

1hls deflclency has been addressed ln an exemplary manner.
1hls deflclency has been addressed saLlsfacLorlly.
1hls deflclency has been parLlally addressed.
x 1here ls llLLle or no evldence of lmprovemenL wlLh regard Lo Lhls deflclency.
1eam evldence:
! AllocaLlon of resources
! SLafflng declslons based on daLa resulLs/sLudenL needs
! Pow are budgeL/sLafflng/schedullng declslons made/who ls lnvolved
! lnLervlews
! SLakeholder Surveys
! LLLC1 documenLaLlon
! Lack of school based councll
1he prlnclpal has requesLed and recelved addlLlonal sLaff Lo work wlLh Lhe school's dlsclpllne needs
(asslsLanL prlnclpal, counselor). 1he grade levels have been reconflgured Lo address Lhe academlc and
behavloral needs/challenges of sLudenLs (Academy Model). Powever, sLudenL achlevemenL daLa has
noL lncreased wlLh Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls model. SLaff and sLudenL lnLervlews lndlcaLe LhaL few
sLakeholders undersLand how sLudenLs can LranslLlon beLween Lhe academles. Lvldence does noL
lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe offerlngs ln Lhe elecLlve courses are based on sLudenL need and/or requesL. 8ased on
observaLlon and lnLervlew lnformaLlon, Lhe role of Lhe lnsLrucLors asslgned Lo asslsL parLlcular Leachers
ls lnconslsLenL across Lhe school.
ArLlfacL revlew and sLakeholder lnLervlews lndlcaLe LhaL Lhere ls noL a conslsLenL and formal process Lo
lnducL and menLor Leachers. lL ls noLed, however, LhaL approprlaLe supporL ls glven for Leachers
parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe kenLucky 1eacher lnLernshlp rogram. 1he lack of speclflc menLorlng aL Lhe school
level does noL allow new Leachers Lo become fully lmmersed ln Lhe school vlslon and purpose.
1he lack of a sysLemaLlc approach Lo bulldlng capaclLy wlLhln Leacher leaders and asplrlng leaders
resLrlcLs Lhe ablllLy of Lhe Leadershlp 1eam Lo maxlmlze Lhelr use of Llme as lnsLrucLlonal leaders. 8ased
on sLakeholder lnLervlews and [ob descrlpLlons, an excesslve amounL of Llme and manpower ls focused
on sLudenL dlsclpllne.
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 76

ueflclency 6: 1he prlnclpal has noL esLabllshed processes Lo monlLor school programs for effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon and
deslred lmpacL on sLudenL achlevemenL.

1hls deflclency has been addressed ln an exemplary manner.
1hls deflclency has been addressed saLlsfacLorlly.
1hls deflclency has been parLlally addressed.
x 1here ls llLLle or no evldence of lmprovemenL wlLh regard Lo Lhls deflclency.

1eam evldence:
! lnLervlews
! uocumenLaLlon of mlnuLes
! Agendas
! ollcles
! uaLa used Lo make declslons
! uocumenLaLlon of prlnclpal communlcaLlons Lo councll
! SLakeholder Surveys

1eam commenLs:

Whlle Lhe Advlsory Councll has been meeLlng regularly as documenLed by agendas and mlnuLes,
collaboraLlve declslon maklng ls noL clearly a focus and ls noL feedlng a conLlnuous cycle of
lmprovemenL. MeeLlng mlnuLes lndlcaLe LhaL Lhese sesslons are more focused on admlnlsLraLors sharlng
updaLes on Lhe work and one-way communlcaLlons. Agendas do noL slgnlfy LhaL member delLas or
barrlers are addressed aL each meeLlng Lo feed Lhe conLlnuous lmprovemenL cycle.

1he pollcles currenLly guldlng Lhe Advlsory Councll are school councll pollcles daLed as wrlLLen or revlsed
prlmarlly ln 2009. 1he members of Lhe Advlsory Councll have all been Lralned ln Lhe school councll
model, buL lnLervlews and documenLaLlon lndlcaLe only Lwo meeLlngs were held ln Lhe flrsL semesLer of
Lhls school year.
1eam evldence:
! CSl
! laculLy meeLlng agendas
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 77

42"5*',+21 6%72%8 !%"F <13%/0$%

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?(@/ A0/+- B#/5/ B#$
3:00 p.m. Check-ln PoLel ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
4:00 p.m. -3:30 p.m. CrlenLaLlon and lannlng
PoLel Conference
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. ulnner ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
! SLakeholder surveys
! lnLervlews
! 30/60/90 day plans
! CuarLerly 8eporLs
1eam commenLs:
1he school has lnlLlaLed a sysLem of collecLlng and analyzlng lnLerlm- and sLaLe-level sLudenL
performance daLa Lhrough Lhe CuarLerly 8eporLlng process wlLh Lhe Leadershlp 1eam. lnLervlews and
documenLaLlon lndlcaLe LhaL one uaLa uay was held Lo ensure relevanL dlscusslons regardlng perLlnenL
Powever, Lhls sysLem of daLa analysls does noL lnclude meanlngful efforLs Lo develop and uLlllze
rlgorous and effecLlve classroom-level assessmenL daLa. 1here has been an lnlLlal efforL Lo LranslaLe
conLenL sLandards lnLo sLudenL-frlendly learnlng LargeLs LhaL gulde dally classroom lnsLrucLlon. 1here ls
a walkLhrough lnsLrumenL LhaL assesses Lhe quallLy of Lhe LargeL. As evldenced by walkLhroughs, few
classrooms uLlllze common formaLlve assessmenLs Lo measure sLudenL progress Loward learnlng LargeLs
or Lo lnform lmmedlaLe ad[usLmenLs ln lnsLrucLlonal pracLlce. CbservaLlons, arLlfacL revlews, and
sLakeholder lnLervlews suggesL LhaL sLudenLs recelve feedback on Lhelr progress prlmarlly ln Lhe form of
grades, and LhaL sLudenLs are assessed on parLlclpaLlon, efforL, and oLher varlables aslde from masLery
of acLual learnlng LargeLs.
1he school should expand lLs efforLs aL gaLherlng and analyzlng sLudenL performance daLa Lo lnclude
meanlngful and well-crafLed classroom-level assessmenLs LhaL can lnform lnsLrucLlonal ad[usLmenLs.
Cradlng pollcles should reflecL a more conslsLenL measure of sLudenL progress Loward speclflc conLenL
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %$$

6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

1eam Work Sesslon #1
8evlewlng lnLernal 8evlew
documenLs and
deLermlnlng lnlLlal raLlngs
all lndlcaLors
PoLel Conference
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam

C$+2)6; 4)+3)56 7D; 7<=>
?(@/ A0/+- B#/5/ B#$
8reakfasL PoLel ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
7:30 a.m. 1eam arrlves aL school School offlce ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
8:00 - 9:00 a.m. SLandards resenLaLlon -
CuesLlons/Loplcs Lo be

1. vlslon, l.e., where has
Lhe school come from,
where ls Lhe school now,
and where ls Lhe school
Lrylng Lo go from here?

1hls presenLaLlon should
speclflcally address Lhe
flndlngs from Lhe
Leadershlp AssessmenL
8eporL compleLed Lwo
years ago. lL should polnL
ouL Lhe lmpacL of school
lmprovemenL lnlLlaLlves
begun as a resulL of Lhe
prevlous Leadershlp
AssessmenL, and lL should
provlde deLalls and
documenLaLlon as Lo how
Lhe school has lmproved
sLudenL achlevemenL as
well as condlLlons LhaL
supporL learnlng.

2. Cvervlew of Lhe School
Self-AssessmenL - revlew
and explanaLlon of raLlngs,
sLrengLhs and
opporLunlLles for

3. Pow dld Lhe school and
room/prlvaLe work

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %$%

sysLem ensure LhaL Lhe
lnLernal 8evlew process
was carrled ouL wlLh
lnLegrlLy aL Lhe school

4. WhaL has Lhe school and
sysLem done Lo evaluaLe,
supporL, monlLor and
ensure lmprovemenL ln
sLudenL performance as
well as condlLlons LhaL
supporL learnlng?

3. WhaL has been Lhe
resulL of school/sysLem
efforLs aL Lhe school? WhaL
evldence can Lhe school
presenL Lo lndlcaLe LhaL
learnlng condlLlons and
sLudenL achlevemenL have

9:00- 9:13 a.m. 8reak ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
9:13 - 10:13a.m.

rlnclpal lnLervlew SelecLed ulagnosLlc 8evlew
1eam Members
9:13-11:43 a.m. LLLC1 observaLlons SelecLed ulagnosLlc 8evlew
1eam Members
10:30- 11:13 a.m. School AdmlnlsLraLors
lnLervlew (lndlvldually)
SelecLed ulagnosLlc 8evlew
1eam Members
11:13-11:43 a.m. SLudenL lnLervlews
(randomly selecLed, no
more Lhan 8)
SelecLed ulagnosLlc 8evlew
1eam Members
11:43 a.m.-12:43 p.m. Lunch, 1eam uebrleflng
and ArLlfacL 8evlew
All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
12:43- 3:13 p.m. School and LLLC1
observaLlons conLlnue

SelecLed ulagnosLlc 8evlew
1eam Members
12:43-3:13 p.m. 1eacher lnLervlews
(lndlvldually by u8 1eam
Members, cross-secLlon of
SelecLed ulagnosLlc 8evlew
1eam Members
1:30-2:13 p.m. School Councll lnLervlews SelecLed ulagnosLlc 8evlew
1eam Members
2:30-3:13 p.m. arenL lnLervlews ( no
more Lhan 3)
SelecLed ulagnosLlc 8evlew
1eam Members
3:13-4:00 p.m. 1eam revlew of arLlfacLs All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %$#

and documenLaLlon Members
4:00 p.m.

1eam reLurns Lo hoLel All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
3:30 - 6:30 p.m. ulnner 18u All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Lvenlng Work Sesslon #2
! 8evlew flndlngs
from Monday
! 1eam members
worklng ln palrs re-
examlne lndlcaLor
raLlngs and reporL
back Lo full Leam
! ulscuss poLenLlal
owerful racLlces,
CpporLunlLles for
lmprovemenL, and
rlorlLles aL Lhe
sLandard level
(lndlcaLor speclflc)
! repare for uay 2

PoLel conference

All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam

?3/,2)6; 4)+3)56 7E; 7<=>
?(@/ A0/+- B#/5/ B#$
8reakfasL PoLel ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
8:00 a.m. 1eam arrlves aL school ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
8:00 - 11:43 School and LLLC1

ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
8:00 - 11:43 a.m. ConLlnue lnLervlews as
necessary noL compleLed
on day #1 (lndlvldual
Leacher lnLervlews)
SelecLed ulagnosLlc 8evlew
1eam Members
11:43 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Lunch & Leam debrleflng All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
12:30 -4:00 p.m. School and LLLC1
ArLlfacLs revlew
CompleLe lnLervlews as
All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam

3:30 - 6:30 p.m. ulnner All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Lvenlng Work Sesslon #3

PoLel Conference
All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %$2

! 8evlew flndlngs
from 1uesday
! 1eam dellberaLlons
Lo deLermlne
sLandards and
lndlcaLors raLlngs
and begln drafLlng
wrlLLen reporL
! owerful racLlces
and CpporLunlLles
for lmprovemenL aL
Lhe sLandard level
! lmprovemenL
rlorlLles - (assess
Leam members
asslgnmenLs Lo
ensure equlLable
! 1abulaLe LLLC1

1eam member dlscusslon
! 1hemes LhaL have
emerged from an
analysls of Lhe
sLandards and
ldenLlflcaLlon of
owerful racLlces,
rlorlLles, as well as
a llsLlng of any
s LhaL are falllng
below expecLaLlons
and posslble causes
as well as Lhose
expecLaLlons and

! 1hemes LhaL
emerged from Lhe

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %$&

evaluaLlon (LLLC1)
lncludlng a
descrlpLlon of
pracLlces and
programs LhaL Lhe
lndlcaLed should be
ln evldence as
compared Lo whaL
Lhe Leam acLually
observed. Clve
generlc examples
(lf any) of poor
pracLlces and
excellenL pracLlces
(lndlvldual schools
or Leachers should
noL be ldenLlfled.)
! (CpLlonal)
ldenLlflcaLlon of
romlslng racLlces
whlch can be llnked
Lo a speclflc
lndlcaLor. 1hese
can be emerglng or
newly lnlLlaLed
approaches or
pracLlces LhaL,
when fully
lmplemenLed, have
Lhe poLenLlal Lo
lmprove Lhe
lndlcaLor raLlng
performance or Lhe
effecLlveness of Lhe

B/2+/,2)6; 4)+3)56 7:; 7<=>
1|me Lvent Where Who

7:30 a.m.

8reakfasL and Check ouL of
hoLel and deparLure for
PoLel All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %$3

8:00-8:30 ArLlfacL 8evlew All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
8:30 - 11:30 a.m. LLLC1 observaLlons All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
11:30 - 1:30 llnal 1eam Work Sesslon
! llnal raLlngs for
sLandards and
! owerful racLlces
(lndlcaLors raLed aL 4)
! CpporLunlLles for
(lndlcaLors raLed aL 2)
! lmprovemenL
rlorlLles (lndlcaLors
raLed aL 1 or 2)
! Summary overvlew for
each sLandard
! Learnlng LnvlronmenL
! nexL sLeps
All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
11:30 a.m.-12:13 p.m. Worklng Lunch All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
1:30- 2:00 kenLucky ueparLmenL of
LducaLlon Leadershlp
ueLermlnaLlon Sesslon

All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam
2:00 - 2:13 p.m. LxlL 8eporL wlLh Lhe

1he LxlL 8eporL wlll be a
brlef meeLlng for Lhe Lead
LvaluaLor and Leam
members Lo express Lhelr
appreclaLlon for hosLlng
Lhe onslLe revlew Lo Lhe
prlnclpal. All subsLanLlve
lnformaLlon regardlng Lhe
ulagnosLlc 8evlew wlll be
dellvered Lo Lhe prlnclpal
and sysLem leaders ln a
separaLe meeLlng Lo be
scheduled laLer.
All ulagnosLlc 8evlew 1eam

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %$4

C#'0+ C/7"*1I4
ln 2006, Lhe norLh CenLral AssoclaLlon Commlsslon on AccredlLaLlon and School lmprovemenL (nCA CASl), Lhe
SouLhern AssoclaLlon of Colleges and Schools Councll on AccredlLaLlon and School lmprovemenL (SACS CASl),
boLh founded ln 1893, along wlLh Lhe naLlonal SLudy of School LvaluaLlon (nSSL) came LogeLher Lo form
AdvancLu: one sLrong, unlfled organlzaLlon dedlcaLed Lo educaLlon quallLy. ln 2011, Lhe norLhwesL
AccredlLaLlon Commlsslon (founded ln 1917) [olned nCA CASl and SACS CASl as parL of AdvancLu. AdvancLu ls
Lhe world's largesL educaLlon communlLy, represenLlng 30,000 publlc and prlvaLe schools and sysLems across
Lhe unlLed SLaLes and ln 73 counLrles worldwlde and educaLlng 16 mllllon sLudenLs. 1he norLhwesL
AccredlLaLlon Commlsslon [olned Lhe AdvancLu neLwork ln 2011.
1oday, nCA CASl, nWAC, and SACS CASl serve as accredlLaLlon dlvlslons of AdvancLu. 1hrough AdvancLu, nCA
CASl, nWAC, and SACS CASl share research-based accredlLaLlon sLandards LhaL cross sLaLe, reglonal, naLlonal,
and lnLernaLlonal boundarles. Accompanylng Lhese sLandards ls a unlfled accredlLaLlon process deslgned Lo
help educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons conLlnuously lmprove.

kenLucky ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Myers Mlddle School
ulagnosLlc 8evlew 8eporL
! #$%& '()*+,-. /*01 %$5

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8aumerL, !., eL al. (2010). 1eachers' maLhemaLlcal knowledge, cognlLlve acLlvaLlon ln Lhe classroom, and sLudenL progress. ')0.*"/+
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uaLnow, A., ark, v., & WohlsLeLLer, . (2007). '"#*0=*+7 >*-# (/-/6 ?$> #*7#@50.<$.)*+7 ,"#$$% ,;,-0), 2,0 (/-/ -$ *)5.$=0
*+,-.2"-*$+ <$. 0%0)0+-/.; ,-2(0+-,A Los Angeles, CA: CenLer on LducaLlonal Covernance, uSC.
uembosky, !.W., eL al. (2003). B/-/ (.*=0+ (0"*,*$+@)/C*+7 *+ !$2-#>0,-0.+ D0++,;%=/+*/ ,"#$$% (*,-.*"-,. Worklng paper. SanLa
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Porng, L., klaslk, u., & Loeb, S. (2010). rlnclpal Llme-use and school effecLlveness. ')0.*"/+ 4$2.+/% $< 1(2"/-*$+ 116, (4) 492-323.
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