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Anne Naiie NcCollum

Level I Atiium
St. Ignatius 0ithouox Chuich

Ait Nateiials

Piactical Life

Banu Washing>

<Kinguom Paiables

Infancy naiiatives

Booi to the iight is wheie the chiluien entei the atiium.

Ait Nateiials

Lituigical Calenuai

Infancy Naiiatives>

<Kinguom Paiables
The view fiom the fiist ioom into the seconu pait of the atiium:

Piayei Coinei

Baptism> Baptism Coinei

Altai Woiks



Below is the view stanuing fiom the Baptism Coinei looking back.

Piactical Life
Altai Woiks


<uoou Shepheiu

Close up of Piayei Coinei - shelf to the iight holus cloths, shelf to the left holus
canules, snuffeis, piayei caius etc. Piophecy caius to the fai left.

Empty Tomb

City of }eiusalem >
<uoou Shepheiu

Piactical Life

Tiansfeiiing anu Pouiing

Banu Washing Flowei Aiianging

ueogiaphy anu Infancy Naiiatives

Infancy Naiiatives Shelf
Top: Piesentation in Temple
Niuule: Annunciation anu Nativity
Bottom: visitation anu Nagi
Close up of Infancy Naiiatives

Nativity of }esus anu the Auoiation of the Shepheius Bioiama anu figuies

Annunciation of the Angel to Naiy backuiop anu figuies

uoou Shepheiu

Baptism Coinei <Paschal Nateiials

uoou Shepheiu Nateiials
Figuies stoieu in baskets unuei table

Sheepfolu with Sheep
anu uoou Shepheiu

Euchaiistic Piesence

Baptism Coinei

Paschal Canule

Bangei foi White uaiment

Lectein anu Bible


Shelf with Baptism Nateiials
Table foi Chilu's Baptismal Canule



0ils of Baptism

White uaiment
anu towel
Kinguom Paiables Shelf

Paiable of Seeu
Paiable of
Biuuen Tieasuie

Peail Neichant
Nustaiu Seeu

Paiable of the Leaven

Nustaiu Seeu Nateiials

Altai Aiea

Altai III Nateiials

Altai II Nateiials

Altai I
Nouel Altai

Close up of Altai with Aiticles

uestuies Table Nouel Altai>

Top Shelf: uestuiesEuchaiist mateiials

Niuule Shelf: Lituigical Colois anu
vestments of the Piiest

Bottom Shelf: Stanus foi Lituigical Colois

Paschal Nysteiy


Empty Tomb

City of }eiusalem

Close up of Cenacle mateiials
Lituigical Colois anu vestments of the Piiest

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