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Lead Acid Battery Market.

In the coming years, advances in lead-acid battery (LAB) technology will enhance the core technical feat res of these batteries in order to meet the growing demand for dynamic energy storage, !artic larly for renewable distrib ted energy generation. "hese innovations will enable lead-acid battery vendors to retain significant market share des!ite !ersistent com!etition from other technologies, s ch as lithi m ion batteries. Advanced lead-acid batteries re!resent a technology that bridges the ga! between legacy forms of battery storage and the f t re market. Altho gh the ind stry is enthralled with the technical feat res of lithi m ion batteries, cost decreases that will enable mass market ado!tion are not likely to arrive ntil #$%&. As a res lt, advanced lead-acid batteries are well-!ositioned to ca!t re market share in motive, trans!ortation, and stationary a!!lications. 'nhanced flooded batteries and absorbed glass mat batteries re!resent the b lk of e(isting advanced lead-acid market share and fast-charging lead-acid batteries re!resent the f t re of the market. )astcharging LABs incl de batteries with carbon additives and s!lit electrode batteries s ch as the *ltraBattery+a hybrid lead-acid battery and ltraca!acitor.

"he growth of the battery b siness in India contin es, with #$%, being a lot more rob st com!ared to the !revio s two years+thanks to the n!recedented b oyancy in the !ower back ! segment, the booming solar and telecom sectors, the growth in ind strial a tomation and in e(!orts. "he slowdown in the -hinese battery ind stry, ca sed by environmental concerns, has res lted in India being now looked !on as the main battery !rod cer in Asia. "herefore, demand for Indian batteries from im!orters worldwide has increased many times over. "he battery ind stry has also got a boost with the im!ort of lead and lead !rod cts from co ntries like -hina becoming diffic lt, following the im!osition of d ties on them. "he lead acid storage battery market has grown by #$-#. !er cent in #$%%-%#. /resently, the battery market in India is worth 0s #$$ billion and is divided into organised and norganised sectors, with each acco nting for 1. !er cent of the market, and im!orts making ! %$ !er cent. -om!ared to the !revio s year, the battery market did better in #$%#, des!ite weak demand from ' ro!e.

Battery Market in India is worth Rs. 200 Billions

0.1 0.45 Organised Sector Unorganised Sector Imports


"he growth of the battery market is driven by not 2 st the a tomotive sector b t significantly by the telecom, railways, !ower and other ind stries. 3ith several !arts of the co ntry being short of !ower, the se of inverters too has gone ! significantly, and this is not going to come down soon. Banking, ins rance and finance com!anies contin e to be the largest segment for battery sage, followed by I"4I"e5 and telecom. 6ther im!ortant sers are the small office home office (5676) and man fact ring sectors. 8rowth in renewable energy, like solar and wind !ower, will drive additional demand for energy storage ca!acity. 3ith the government !romoting the solar energy sector, demand for batteries will take a 9 ant m lea! in the years ahead. An im!ortant a!!lication of 5M) batteries are in the traction sector, material handling a!!lications in food ind stries, !harmace tical ind stry, te(tile ind stry, etc, where a clean environment is re9 ired in the man fact ring facility. A shift from the norganised to organised sector is also a key growth driver. "he telecom market is !icking !, with many new cell!hone towers coming ! in India. "his will lead to a 2 m! in the demand for batteries. "he contin o s growth in the battery market can be attrib ted to the growth in the inverter market, new b siness o!!ort nities in non-grid areas, and the large-scale generation of renewable energy. *ttar /radesh (*/) and Bihar had always been good markets for batteries. /ower shortage has generated a lot of demand for batteries in :arnataka, "amil ;ad and Andhra /radesh. India<s norganised battery sector flo rishes d e to !rice com!etitive im!orts, and is beyond the sco!e of the government<s intervention. 5ome environmentally nacce!table recycling !ractices !revail in the norganised sector, res lting in 9 estionable 9 ality and technology standards. )irms in the norganised sector !artic larly dominate in hybrid commercial vehicle, light commercial vehicle, 2ee!, tractor and in the inverter segment. "he small ca!acity =0LA battery segment com!rising the >=1 Ah and %#=& Ah models are serviced basically thro gh im!orts by the norganised sector. "he norganised sector is shrinking slowly d e to the high standards of !oll tion control in India, and small com!anies cannot invest in effl ent treatment !lants. "he battery market is also becoming com!etitive and margins are shrinking, making s rvival diffic lt for the norganised ind stries. "he growth in the norganised sector is mainly beca se of the high val e of im!orts by traders and direct e9 i!ment man fact rers. 3ith the im!ort of lead !rod cts becoming e(!ensive, the norganised sector will see a downslide. - rrent trends "he battery market is witnessing increased com!etition which has lead to the e(!ansion of the market, and as a res lt, c stomers get the benefit of s !erior !rod cts and services, as well as good val e for their money. 3ith the growth in several ind strial sectors, the demand for batteries is increasing and most ma2or com!anies dealing in batteries are growing too. ?Battery man fact rers are doing everything !ossible to ca!italise on the o!!ort nities that the inverter segment is offering. 'fficient logistics, com!etitive !ricing, aggressive aftersales service and a good !rod ct, backed by a long warranty !eriod are the foc s,@ says 8irish Arora.

: nwer 5achdev, managing director, 5 -:am /ower 5ystems

According to : nwer 5achdev, managing director, 5 -:am /ower 5ystems, the market is clearly shifting from the e(isting flat !late technology to t b lar !late technology for longer !ower back ! and longer life of the battery, which are re9 ired in the Indian environmental conditions. According to 0a2esh 8 !ta, batteries with higher Ah and higher warranty !eriod are more in demand. Adds 5 nil Bhatnagar, ?"he market for small lead acid batteries is c rrently growing as most of the -)L a!!lications are now being shifted to L'A !rod cts and this generates a re9 irement for small batteries.@ At the end of #$%%, there was some shortage of small batteries for solar lanterns, -)Ls, home */5 systems, etc, and by #$%#, most com!anies in the battery segment were overbooked. A good demand was also seen for gel batteries for solar a!!lications, tho gh A8M =0LA batteries make ! the ma2or !ortion of this market. As far as b ying trends are concerned, cons mers base their ! rchase decisions on vario s !arameters like !rice, warranty, aftersales service, retailer recommendations, credibility of brands, etc. 7owever, the retailer recommendation is the biggest infl encer. /rice trends Lead constit tes abo t >$-&$ !er cent of the cost of batteries. 7ence, the cost of batteries invariably de!ends on the cost of lead, which fl ct ates drastically d e to its non-availability and the !remi m to be !aid to so rce it. "his, to a great e(tent, increases the cost of batteries. Battery !rices are, therefore, governed by lead !rices at the London Metal '(change (LM') and also by the dollar to r !ee e(change rates. India has 2 st one lead mine and hence most com!anies im!ort lead. "herefore, the !rice of batteries fl ct ated this year, along with fl ct ations at LM'. 5!ecial se!arators, cost of technology and man fact ring !rocesses for batteries also add to !rod ction costs, which raise the overall !rice of batteries. ?"here has been abo t %.-#$ !er cent increase in battery !rices in the last %# months. "aking !ositive c es from the global markets, lead !rices today edged ! by $.%$ !er cent to 0s %$B.1$ !er kg,@ informs : nwer 5achdev. ?B yers generally com!are !rices of batteries man fact red in India with those made in -hina. In India, we do not have any A8M se!arator man fact rer, so this has to be im!orted. "he AB5 container also needs to be im!orted. 5o the Indian battery !rices are generally .-> !er cent higher than that of the -hinese !rod cts,@ e(!lains 5 nil Bhatnagar. ?B t I wo ld s ggest that b yers sho ld not 2 st get l red by low !rice of the im!orted batteries, b t sho ld remember that Indian batteries com!ly with the s!ecifications of the B rea of Indian 5tandards (BI5). "hese !rod cts go thro gh all the re9 ired tests,@ he adds. "ill the government form lates !ro!er norms on !ricing of lead, Indian man fact rers will contin e to s ffer from the nfair advantages en2oyed by low cost batteries d m!ed by the -hinese man fact rers. ;owadays, im!orting and selling batteries is m ch chea!er than man fact ring them in India. 7owever, with higher vol mes, this !roblem can be overcome. 6n the technology front ;ew technologies like Bi-/olar batteries and Li)e/61 are emerging globally. Li)e/o1 batteries are available in the Indian market thro gh im!orts b t they are very e(!ensive com!ared to lead acid batteries. Bi-/olar batteries, on the other hand, seem com!etitively !riced, vis-a-vis lead acid batteries b t they wo ld be available in India only by #$%1-%.. Aes!ite the emergence of these new technologies, which are still at a very nascent stage, demand for t b lar batteries is growing as government !rogrammes re9 ire a five year warranty on batteries, and this warranty can be offered only with t b lar batteries, say e(!erts. ?Lead acid batteries have been !roven over decades and are the most cost effective batteries. In commercial se, it is diffic lt to re!lace lead acid batteries with new technologies,@ says 5 nil Bhatnagar.

'(!laining f rther, 8irish Arora says, ?"he technology !latform contin es to be dominated by Clead acid flooded<, b t there is a considerable shift towards t b lar !late batteries as far as !ower back ! a!!lications or dee! discharge a!!lications are concernedD and =0LA, as far as two-wheeler a!!lications are concerned.@ 5ays : nwer 5achdev, ?"he e(isting technologies like flat !late, t b lar and =0LA technology are constantly being !graded for tr e dee! cycle a!!lication, higher energy density, higher efficiency and longer life (more n mber of charge4discharge cycles) of the batteries, ease of maintenance, etc.@ "he technologies that are c rrently more in demand are normal lead acid batteries (also, known as flat !late flooded batteries), t b lar flooded batteries, 5M) =0LA batteries and t b lar gel technology batteries. )orecast for #$%, Battery man fact rers are banking on #$%, for better b siness than #$%#. 3hile ind stry analysts have already !redicted that Amara 0a2a wo ld do well ne(t year, they are silent on '(ide, as in the last co !le of 9 arters, '(ide disa!!ointed the ind stry ! ndits. 5o the ind stry is waiting and watching the com!any<s moves. Artheon is working strategically for a .$ !er cent 2 m! in sales in #$%,+it is coming ! with some new !rod cts like %$$ Ah and %&$ Ah front terminal batteries. Artheon will also la nch ,, Ah and 1$ Ah electric vehicle batteries. According to 8irish Arora, the market is e(!ected to remain b oyant and the nat ral erosion of the norganised sector will f rther hel! the organised segment. ?3e believe that #$%, will be a good year and, therefore, contin e to invest in increasing ca!acities. 6 r 7os r !ro2ect is a testimony of this belief.@ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 5egments of the battery market "he battery ind stry in India com!rises a tomobile batteries, 5M) batteries, t b lar batteries, and lead acid batteries. "he battery market is dominated by the a tomotive battery segment, which makes ! more than >. !er cent of the overall market. 3hile sealed maintenance free valve reg lated lead acid (5M) =0LA) batteries have a share of #.-,$ !er cent, lead acid batteries dominate the market with a &$-&. !er cent share. "he lead acid battery market is highly fragmented with very few man fact rers in the organised segment. Most of these lead acid man fact rers have a strong !resence in semi- rban and r ral areas and cater to the re!lacement battery market. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Battery makers face com!etition from re!lacement market "he battery re!lacement market in India is abo t . million nits !er ann m. "his norganised sector contin es to become bigger and is in com!etition with the organised battery makers. According to /I;- 0esearch, #$%, will be a good year for the battery re!lacement market as c stomers change batteries every three years. ?Battery makers in the organised sector are definitely nder !ress re as com!etition is mo nting from the re!lacement market and vol mes are shrinking d e to cyclicality of the b siness. -om!anies that are already facing high in! t costs have not been able to !ass the recent e(cise d ty hike to cons mers. Instead they are c tting !rices to kee! vol mes !. 7owever, !rice c ts wo ld hel! in gaining market share, as the com!anies may shrink their margins f rther,@ says : nwer 5achdev.

Ma2or com!anies like '(ide have c t their !rice of batteries by .-F !er cent in an attem!t to gain a share of the re!lacement market and kee! vol mes !. 7owever, ind stry ! ndits feel that tho gh the !rice c t may hel! com!anies get back some market share, this red ction in !rod ct !rice may not have a !ositive im!act on its financial !erformance. Another ma2or !layer, Amara 0a2a, has not c t its !rice beca se it is already gaining market share. Battery dealers also feel the heat of '(ide c tting its !rices, as their margins and incentives have also been c t.

/anasonic -arbon India -o Ltd, formerly Indo Mats shita -arbon India, intends to enter the lead acid battery market for the ind strial and a tomotive sector. /anasonic intends investing 0s %$$ crore to set ! this b siness from scratch at its e(isting factory in "ada, Andhra /radesh. /anasonic -or! has several lead acid man fact ring !lants in -hina and will se that e(!ertise in India. /anasonic -arbon will only man fact re the batteries and the marketing will be handled by other /anasonic affiliates "he 0s %,,$$$-crore lead acid battery market has been growing in do ble digits, !owered by the ra!id growth of the a tomobile sector. Ind strial batteries is a 0s 1,F$$-crore market and a tomotive batteries constit te a 0s F,#$$-crore market ann ally. "he growth of ind strial batteries has been driven by the inverter and */5 markets and there is a shortage in s !!ly. /anasonic, im!orts and s !!lies lead acid batteries as an 6'M s !!lier to Mar ti 5 G ki as well as to */5 maker, the erstwhile ; meric /ower (now owned by Legrand).

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