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Department of Management Studies Semester: Subject name & code:

Part -A Q.NO 1 2 A 3 4 A 5 6 A 7 8 A 9 10 Total Recommended / Not Recommended Signature Examiner College code Grand total 15 B 14 B 13 B 12 B MARKS Q.NO 11 B I A II

year & month: Register number:

Part- B III Total

MBA November / December 2013 BA9210 Strategic Management (regulation 2009/2010) Answer key Part- A 1. Define strategy Ans: strategy is a unified comprehensive and integrated plan designed to ensure that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved. 2. State the goals of business Ans: goals are the short term objectives whose attainment is desired within a specified time period covered by the plan 3. Building blocks of competitive advantage Ans: a. efficiency b. quality c. customer service/ responsiveness d. innovation 4. External environment Ans: the external environment is composed of a set of forces that originate beyond and usually irrespective of any single firms operating situation. The external environment consist of political forces, economic forces, socialcultural forces, technological forces, etc 5. Swot analysis Ans: SWOT is an acronym for explain strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats for any specific organization. 6. Business level strategy Ans: it focuses on improving the competitive position of a companys product/service within the specific industry. Corporate level strategy It provides overall direction for the firm irrespective of its size. The growth can be decided by three questions. Should we continue with the same business with similar efforts Should we expand into new business Should we get out new business

7. Strategic evaluation Ans: It is the final step in strategic management process. This is essential to find out whether strategy moves in the desired direction yielding desired gains. 8. Resource allocation Ans: Resource allocation involves the acquisition and ear marking of various resources such as physical, technical, human, and financial for strategic activities planned to accomplish a firms objective. 9. Profit and Nonprofit organization Ans: Profit organization Ownership Private Funding Sales revenue Structure Accountable Main objective Frequently decentralized into profit centers Shareholders Profit maximization

Nonprofit organization Private/public/government Membership fees, contributions Usually a centralized bureaucracy Representation of the people or members Service maximization

10. Business model Ans: A representation of firms underlying core logic and strategic choices for creating and capturing value within a value within a value frame work Part B 11. b. Frame work of strategic management Ans: mission and goals

Internal analysis, strategic choice SWOT, external analysis

Functional level strategy Business level strategy Corporate level strategy Grand strategy

12. a. Porters five force model Ans: Threat of potential entrants

Bargaining power Power of suppliers

Rivalry among ESTD Firms

Bargaining power of Buyers

Threats of substitutes 13. a. Mckinseys 7s frame work Ans: 1.structure 2. Systems 3. Style 4. Staffs 5. Skills 6. Strategy 7. Super ordinate goals 14. b. Techniques of strategic evaluation and control Ans: 1. Strategy evolution financial measures MNC- host country relationship Contributory relationship Reinforcing relationship Frustrating relationship Understanding relationship 2. Strategic control Strategic momentum control Generic strategies Key success factors Responsibility centers Strategic leap control Strategic field analysis Scenarios Systems modeling Strategic issue management

15. a. Strategic issues of non- profit organization Ans: strategic piggy backing mergers strategic alliance

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