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Concha y Toro A company Presentation


Table of Contents
General Overview................................................................................................................ 3
Information at a glance ................................................................................................................ 3 History Of Concha Y Toro .......................................................................................................... 5 The Company Today ................................................................................................................... 6 Properties....................................................................................................................................... 6 Production Plants And Equipment............................................................................................ 6 Brand Names................................................................................................................................. 7

Management Practices ........................................................................................................ 8

Vineyard Management ................................................................................................................ 8 Rankings and Awards ................................................................................................................. 9

Concha y Toros branding strategy ................................................................................. 11 Concha y Toros Corporate Social Responsibility ......................................................... 13
Environmental Performance ..................................................................................................... 13 People ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Workforce ................................................................................................................................ 17 Talent Management ............................................................................................................... 18 Well-being ............................................................................................................................... 18 Healty & Safety ....................................................................................................................... 20 Society & Community................................................................................................................ 21 Education ................................................................................................................................. 21 Pirque Wine Tourist Center .................................................................................................. 22

Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 23

Concha y Toro A company Presentation


General Overview
Information at a glance
Industry Founded Products Employees Headquarters Key People Alfonso Larrain Santa Maria Eduardo Guilisasti Gana Market Capitalization (US$ MM) 2012 Sales (US$ MM) 2012 Volume (Cases MM) Domestic Volume (Cases MM) Market Share Export Volume (Cases MM) Market Share Beverage 1883 Wine 2,848 Santiago de Chile

Chairman CEO $1,524 928 30.2 6.9 29.6% 19.0 35.4%

Figure 1 - Development of portfolio wineries (in thousand cases)

Concha y Toro A company Presentation

Figure 2 - Sustained Growth (US$ Million)


Figure 3 - Volume Sales by Region 2005-2012

Concha y Toro A company Presentation


History Of Concha Y Toro

Concha y Toro is not only the largest wine-making company in Chile and all of South America, but is also the ninth largest producer in the world. The Concha y Toro company was started by local politician and businessman Don Melchor Concha y Toro. He brought grape vines from Bordeaux to Chile and planted them at Pirque in the Maipo Valley, just south of what is now Greater Santiago. He also invited French enologist Monsieur Labouchere to Chile after the Phylloxera louse launched its attack on Europe. The success of Concha y Toro in the last 50 years has largely been thanks to Eduardo Guilisasti Tagle, who joined the companys board of directors in 1957, ascending to Chairman of the Board in 1971 where he remained until 1998. Don Eduardo focused the company heavily on incorporating new technologies and purchasing French oak barrels to produce a higher-quality product in the 1980s, and switching the sales focus to international markets in the 1990s. In 1993, Concha y Toro created a subsidiary called Via Cono Sur in order to sell more budget priced wines without tarnishing the Concha y Toro name. Today, Concha y Toro and Via Cono are the two most successful Chilean wineries. In 1994, Concha y Toro became the rst wine-making company to be traded on the New York Stock Exchange, which resulted in $53 million in capital raised. Concha y Toro has also expanded its vineyards into the nearby Mendoza Region of Argentina. By doing so, they were able to add new varietals to their collection and take market share away from their largest continental rivals in Argentina. Their Trivento Bodegas y Viedos in Argentina is now the second largest producer of wine in the country. By 1999, Wine Speculator, one of the worlds foremost authorities on wine gave Concha y Toro the title of the most important producer of wine in Chile and Argentina. That year, the magazine also named Don Melchor the Best Cabernet Sauvignon and the Trio the Best Merlot of the Decade. In 2001, the companys rst office abroad was opened in the U.K. and since then Concha y Toro has continued to grow its stake in the world market.

Concha y Toro A company Presentation


The Company Today

Today, Concha y Toro is Chiles largest producer and exporter of wine and one of the top 10 wine-making companies in the world. Their business strategy is based on market diversication to participate in all segments of the wine market. At the moment they have leadership positions in key markets like the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Japan and Latin America. According to the company fact sheet, Concha y Toros strength is built on the foundation of heavy investments into the latest technologies and production techniques. As a result, they are able to consistently produce a quality wine at low cost. Concha y Toro is working hard to extend their brand image and penetrate new markets.

The companys main properties in Chile are its vineyards, cellars and bottling plants. It owns 16,257 hectares distributed throughout the countrys nine main vine growing valleys, and also holds long-term leases on another 816 hectares. Of this total, 10,497 are cultivatable, with 9,133 hectares planted. The company owns 1,288 hectares in Argentina, 1,154 hectares of which are planted. In the United States, Fetzer Vineyards has 466 hectares of land (including own and long-leased vineyards) with a planted area of 463 hectares.

Production Plants And Equipment

The company has 15 production plants distributed throughout Chiles various winemaking regions. It has sought to improve the efficiency of the winemaking processes and the quality of the grapes and wines. The company uses a combination of epoxic-lined cement vats, stainless-steel tanks and barrels of American and French oak for fermenting, keeping and storing its wines. The equipment used for harvesting, winemaking, keeping and preparation are of the latest world-class technology. In December 2012, the total

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winemaking and keeping capacity in Chile was 361million litres and 45 thousand casks. The company has four modern bottling plants, located at Pirque, Vespucio and Lo Espejo in the Metropolitan Region, and Lontu in Chiles VII Region. In the Mendoza region of Argentina, Trivento Bodegas y Viedos owns two winemaking and cellar facilities with a total capacity of 31 million litres, and a bottling plant. In California, USA, Fetzer Vineyards has two cellars with a capacity for 46 million litres and a bottling plant. The subsidiary Transportes Viconto Ltda. possesses a fleet of trucks used for hauling part of the grapes, bulk wine and finished products.

Brand Names
Concha y Toro markets its products under several company-owned registered and fully operative brand names. Some of the most prominent are Concha y Toro and its sub-brands Don Melchor, Amelia, Terrunyo, Trio, Casillero del Diablo, Sunrise, Sendero, Frontera, Tocornal, Maipo, Tempus and Tenta. The subsidiaries have registered their brands Cono Sur, Isla Negra, Ocio, 20 Barrels, Palo Alto, Maycas del Limar, Los Robles, La Trilla, Canelo, Trivento, Eolo, Pampas del Sur, La Chamiza, Fetzer, Bonterra, Jekel, Coldwater Creek, Eagle Peak, Sunctuary, Sundial, Valley Oaks, Bel Arbor, Stony Brook, Five Rivers and Pacific Bay, plus others.

Concha y Toro A company Presentation


Management Practices
Vineyard Management
Included in Concha y Toros work philosophy is understanding winemaking as an integral process, to generate the best-quality vines and to improve the practices that have an environmental impact. Concha y Toros project has eight sequential steps: 1. Selection of products of low environmental impact and controlled use of them Through rigorous and regular monitoring, the appearance of diseases is detected in good time and the excessive use of products is avoided. The ecosystem is thus protected, being freed of waste. 2. Respect for the natural geography Concha y Toro is constantly concerned to plant autochthonous trees in zones where its vineyards are located. 3. Sowing of vegetal cover With the sowing of grass between rows on certain estates, Concha y Toro has managed to reduce erosion and increase organic matter and microbial flora on its soils, thus significantly reducing the use of herbicides. The zones natural coverage is preserved on the new plantations. 4. Constant search for and planning of grape varieties Their central objective is to find the appropriate terroir. Therefore they make an exhaustive selection of varieties in the search for the best expression according to the climate and soil. 5. Drip irrigation This technological innovation, together with the use of systems for determining the content of water, has enabled Concha y Toro to rationalize the use of this vital element and achieve high efficiency in its use. 6. Recycling of used packaging Environmental policies include the recycling of plastic, metal and cardboard packaging. 7. Use of compost in the vineyards

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Through bacterial processes, the vineyard becomes the compost of organic matter, which is re-utilized and incorporated in the estates as natural fertilizer. 8. Training In the agricultural area, individual improvement provides a unique work value. With an extensive annual program of internal improvement, visits to other producing countries and site visits, Concha y Toro offers its personnel tools that have considerably improved the working environment, safety and selection of qualified human capital in the company.

Rankings and Awards

For the second year, Capital magazine, together with Fundacin Chile, prepared a ranking of the companies in Chile best prepared to face climate change. 94 companies were evaluated through a questionnaire seeking to know their level of corporate commitment with this problem and what place climate change takes in their business strategies. Concha y Toro took part in this measurement for the first time and obtained a respectable 9th place, highlighting the wine sector as an industry which is advanced in the matter, with low relative emissions that are highly demanded by external markets in this differentiating attribute. This is recognition of our performance until now and challenges us to continue progressing with our sustainability strategy and thus maintain our position as a benchmark in the wine sector in this area, says Valentina Lira, assistant manager for sustainable development. This year, 94 companies participated in the ranking, answering different questions relating to 5 central aspects: 1. Governance, strategies and policies 2. Measurement of the carbon footprint 3. Concrete actions 4. Communication of results 5. Tendencies in climate change

Concha y Toro A company Presentation


Ranked among the most important vineyards in the world, and nominated for second consecutive year as the Worlds Most Admired Wine Brand, Concha y Toro took new steps in 2012 to strengthen its leadership. The company and its subsidiaries strengthened their production and trade structure, targeting the premium segment, incorporating new origins and opening new sales offices in strategic markets. Via Concha y Toro has developed a wide portfolio of internationally recognized wines. The company has also promoted innovative projects through its subsidiaries Cono Sur, Via Maipo, Palo Alto, Maycas del Limar, Trivento in Argentina, and Fetzer Vineyards in California. Additionally, along with Baron Philippe de Rothschild it produces Almaviva, a Primer Orden wine. Each one has contributed with its own character to building a global company that in 130 years has achieved a privileged position in the world. Ranked among the most important vineyards in the world, and nominated for second consecutive year as the Worlds Most Admired Wine Brand, Concha y Toro took new steps in 2012 to strengthen its leadership. The company and its subsidiaries strengthened their production and trade structure, targeting the premium segment, incorporating new origins and opening new sales offices in strategic markets. Via Concha y Toro has developed a wide portfolio of internationally recognized wines. The company has also promoted innovative projects through its subsidiaries Cono Sur, Via Maipo, Palo Alto, Maycas del Limar, Trivento in Argentina, and Fetzer Vineyards in California. Additionally, along with Baron Philippe de Rothschild it produces Almaviva, a Primer Orden wine. Each one has contributed with its own character to building a global company that in 130 years has achieved a privileged position in the world.


Concha y Toro A company Presentation


Concha y Toros branding strategy

Intangible Business ranked Concha y Toro on the 3rd place among the worlds most famous wine brands (Casanova). This section of the report will investigate key success factors for establishing a worldwide renowned brand. According to Eduardo Guilisasti, the CEO of Concha y Toro, the international growth and success is based on the strong brand position. In an industry constantly facing new challenges and increas ing competition in markets everywhere, a strong brand is more valuable than ever and indispensable for future growth. A marketing manager can control prices, products, places were products will be sold and the promotion strategy in order to create perceived value for the customer and generate brand awareness. This will help the company to operate successfully in the market. The Concha y Toro case will be investigated with respect to those four elements. The focus will be on the specific things that were responsible for Concha y Toros great international success by establishing a worldwide renowned brand. One of the most important decisions to increase brand awareness and achieve international growth was to develop a wine portfolio with very well positioned brands in each price category. This allowed Concha y Toro to participate in many market categories and to be present in varied in consumption occasions. The company sells its products through its own brands. All sub-brands are united under the umbrella brand Concha y Toro (Casanova). Following sub-brands have been established: Gravas del Maipo, Carmn de Peumo, Don Melchor, Amelia, Terrunyo, Marques de Casa Concha, Gran Reserva Serie Riberas, Trio, Casillero del Diablo, Sunrise, Sendero and Frontera. Wines are offered in the Ultra Premium, Super Premium, Premium, Varietals, Bivarietales and Sparkling wines segments (Concha y Toro, 2012). Depending on the segment Concha y Toro can charge different prices. For example they sell the wine Casillero del Diablo for about 10US$. Another key success factor to increase sales and brand awareness is the high product quality. Concha y Toro has had always a passion for creating fine wines.

Concha y Toro A company Presentation


They invested a lot of money in the production of wines in the premium-and-above segment. The company gained numerous distinctions from international specialized critics. The distinctions endorsed the companys strategy and led to steady growth in sales. The famous wine Casillero del Diablo won for example the award as the best value wine in the premium category (Casanova). Beside product and pricing decisions the development of a strong international distribution network was a key success factor for international growth. Concha y Toro opened sales offices all over the world which are autonomously responsible for the distribution of the products and marketing issues. Sales subsidiaries are Comercial Peumo for the Chilean market, Concha y Toro UK for the market in Great Britain, Concha y Toro Nordics for Norway, Sweden and Finland, VCT Brazil for the Brazilian market, VCT Asia for Asia, VCT&DG for Mexico, Excelsior Wine Company for the U.S. market, VCT Africa & Middle East for the Arabian and African market and Concha y Toro Canada for Canada (Concha y Toro, 2012). Promotion plays an important role in order to increase brand value. In the wake of the twentieth century the brand had a traditional and romantic image. Promotion efforts changed the perception of the brand totally in the new millennium. Nowadays the brand is perceived as modern, close and leading brand with great international exposure and reflecting the tastes of the customers (Concha y Toro, 2013). The success story of the wine Casillero del Diablo shows the transformation from a local brand to a global brand and the new promotional strategy. It played an important role as an entry brand to Concha y Toros portfolio of premium wines and is most famous Chilean wine brand in the world. The wine was first launched in the market in 1966. It was first initiative for the production of more complex wines. In 2001 the brand was relaunched in the market in order to achieve a strong position in the attractive premium wine-segment worldwide. Concha y Toro updated Casillero del Diablos image with a renewed and more sophisticated presentation, retaining its distinctive aspects while iconizing the image of the devil (Concha y Toro, 2013). Communication efforts focused on the Wine Legend and the usage of fire elements. This was supported by investments

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in various markets. Another important step in this success story is the strategic alliance with the football club Manchester United in the year 2010. This partnership opened great opportunities in terms of brand exposure and visibility for Casillero del Diablo. Concha y Toro uses brand displays in digital boards during games at Old Trafford stadium, joint participation in promotional activities, advertisement at points of sale and many other things. This branding strategy was successful from the start and resulted in a leading brand positioning in the premium segment. It also helped Concha y Toro to achieve strong sales growth: volumes increased from 620,000 cases in 2001 to 3.4 million cases in 2012, while sales rose from US$15.8 million in 2001 to US$150 million in 2012, increasing 9.5 times in value in 10 years (Concha y Toro, 2013).

Concha y Toros Corporate Social Responsibility

The main objective of Concha y Toros sustainability management is to give back in each bottle that which the earth has given us. Concha y Toro is an innovative company thanks to its serious and responsible commitment with the environment. Moreover, as their own vineyards are exposed to climate change, it concerns them directly and therefore creates a strong bond between them. In this part, we are going to develop Concha y Toros Corporate Social Responsibility strategy and more specifically its environmental performance and the link between the company, its employees and the community around them.

Environmental Performance
In times of global warming and changing climate conditions, companies have to adjust to those changes. Especially agricultural companies tend to suffer under increasing dryness or other extreme weather conditions, such as very strong storms or heavy hail, caused by the ongoing climate change. Via Concha y Toro is no exception. They also have to consider the changes which will eventually effect their vine production all over the world. Especially hail is an increasing problem for vine production. Those reasons led the management of Concha y Toro

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to a constantly increasing effort on environmental sustainability to help prevent the effects of global warming and the worsening of the production conditions for vine. Via Concha y Toro is constantly investing in different aspects that are connected to the concept of a sustainable production and operation, and therefore caring for the environment and minimizing their environmental impact. They developed a sustainable strategy which is based on the following points: Environment, Community, People, Customers, Products and Supply Chain. Their main efforts have been on the environment which they not only wanted to improve but get an exact idea of how their impact on the environment looks like. They therefore made analysis and improvement plans on factors like their carbon footprint, the conservation of natural forests and their water and waste management. Those points shall be displayed a little closer in the following.

The Carbon Footprint The Carbon Footprint is a measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO 2) and methane (CH4) which is, in this case, emitted by a company or organization, not only during production but all the way from the very beginning of the product to the end customer. One of Via Concha y Toros projects in this matter was producing a serie s of vines called Sunrise with a neutral carbon footprint. This vine was created for the Scandinavian market. Obviously there is no way to produce any product without emitting greenhouse gases, but the calculation took carbon bonds into account which were purchasable from the Santiago Climatic Exchange. The company bought, equivalent to the emission during production, carbon bonds from a hydroelectric power plant, which, in terms of CO2 emissions neutralized the emissions for the vine production. Through this project the company saves about 4300 tons CO2 emissions a year.


Concha y Toro A company Presentation


Another change Via Concha y Toro did to improve their carbon footprint, was a change in their vine bottles. To reduce the amount of glass used, which led to lighter bottles and therefore, not only to a reduction of emission due to less material use, but also due to lighter transportation. In detail they managed to reduce the emission from 2,2kg CO2 per kg glass in 2011 to 1,0kg CO2 per kg glass in 2012. Their efforts in reducing the footprint led to the result of 32,7% less emission comparing the years 2011 and 2012. Hereby could the reduction achieved in the areas of product purchase and direct greenhouse gases even compensate an increase in emissions in the area of traveling. Product purchase hereby includes tartaric acid, bentonite and gape, which are substances needed for the vine production. Direct greenhouse gases are emitted by bottling processes and packaging. The higher traveling emissions were due to an expansion in international relations and the growth of the company, which needed the management to be present on international production sites and in customer areas. The positive results of Concha y Toros efforts are not only stated by the company itself, but also reviewed and confirmed by external independent auditors, who evaluate the company regularly.

Conservation of Native Forests Via Concha y Toro invested into a program to protect and enlarge the native forests on company owned land. Of course the company owns a large area of land in order to grow their grapes. But also the areas not directly used for the vine are used to realize the company goals. The company plants trees and therefore reforests those areas to increase biodiversity in the area. Those forests now offer habitants for several, partly very endangered species of animals and also gives growing ground to seldom plants. The biodiversity close to the vine yards also help prevent erosion and helps reduce the amount of pesticides needed on the yards.


Concha y Toro A company Presentation


Water Management Just like the carbon footprint for CO2 emissions Via Concha y Toro also estimates their water footprint. Hereby they consider the amount of fresh water used for the process of production. Their efforts led to a reduction of water consumption in their bottling plants by 17%. To display their water management in comparison to the general vine industry a Conchy y Toro vine needs 540 liters per bottle, whereas the average needs 720 liters per bottle, which leaves 25% fewer consumption. Waste Management While water management includes fresh water use, waste management talks, next to others, about waste water. Via Concha y Toro uses 5 plants for waste water treatment. But not only waste water is managed very well, but every waste that is produced is processed in the best possible ways. If waste is not directly handled in the plants, it is forwarded to contractors which are specialists in waste managements. For example special wastes like oils, inks and chemicals are handled by a company which recycles them as good as possible. The highest amount of waste which a vine manufacturing company has to account for is organic waste. Organic waste is mostly used as fertilizer for the own vine yards, but is also sold for recycling purposes. In total 100% of the organic waste is valued and none is actually thrown away. Finally the packaging material waste is also recycled to 100%. To sum up Via Concha y Toro can be said to be totally aware of their environmental responsibility as Chiles biggest vine manufacturer. Most of all they do not just fulfill given requirements but operate in far greater dimensions when it comes to prevent worsening of the environment and therefore worsening of their own company. Of course they act in their own interest, but they connect their interests with the interests of their surrounding and therefore everybody can benefit from their efforts.


Concha y Toro A company Presentation


Concha y Toro tries to foster employees commitment in order to create a long term relationship with them. Therefore, the company is aware of the importance of attracting and retaining talented and committed people. Thats why they seek to improve training programs and education for employees as the contribution of every worker as well as the collaboration between them is essential for the companys success. Moreover, the winery is also willing to bring more benefit programs and also taking even more care of the working environment, the health and safety aspects and the work-life balance of its workers. Workforce Concerning the workforce, Concha y Toro had a total of 2542 employees at the end of 2012. This number is stable compared to the employment in 2011 with a slight increase of 0,6%. It is distributed quite unequally, with 77% of men and 23% of women, which is obviously linked to the type of industry. It is also important to mention that the total workforce does not include employees with temporary contracts, which are quite important due to the changing seasonal workload in the wine industry. However, it is worth saying that the majority of the employees have permanent contracts (89% against 11% for fixed term contracts). The workforce is more or less equally divided between operators (38%), sales and administrative (32%), and professionals and technicians (27%). The last 3% are managers, assistant managers and executives. Concerning the geographic location of the workforce, most of the people are working in the Metropolitan zone. This can be surprising as the company has cellars, bottling plans and estates throughout the country. Most of the companys collaborators are young people between 31 and 50 years old and this is equally distributed between women and men. Between 2011 and 2012, the number of sales and administrative employees grew a lot (from 517 employees to 825) at the expense of professionals and technicians (from 1069 employees to 673).

Concha y Toro A company Presentation


The turnover rate was 11% in 2012, from 5% in 2011. This can be explained because seasonal personnel has been internalized and a lot of jobs were created. The salary for Concha y Toro employees is always defined in terms of the relevance of their position within the organization. This calculation is done based on skills, problem-solving abilities and on the responsibility linked to the position. The wages are equal between men and women, with some variations depending on the position. As a conclusion, it seems that the wage calculation is quite effective and does not disadvantage women compared to men. More than a quarter of Concha y Toros employees (28%) are unionized. Freedom of unionization and of association is guaranteed by the company. The employees are grouped in different unions in order to encourage an open dialogue between the parties and the senior management. The company made some commitments with unions, in order to bring supplemental health insurances for health and dental expenses, as well as a coverage for cancer treatments for employees and their families. The pillar People of Concha y Toros sustainability strategy defined three areas in which it focused its efforts: Talent Management, Well-being and Safety. Talent Management First of all, talent management aims to help and assist employees in their personal and professional growth. This will require performance evaluations to foster continuous improvement. A formal review will be done by the direct boss to the employee in order to facilitate peoples management and their development as a way to achieve the companys strategic objectives. Well-being The second strategic topic is about promoting well-being through healthy living and wellness among the companys employees. Concha y Toro built the platform Red Social Concha y Toro to support its employees with psychological, legal, social and financial assistance. The company is also promoting health through sports with the organization of sports championships in bowling soccer and tennis in which

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more than 500 employees participated. In 2009, the program Concha & Toro Runners was created and the most motivated runners had the opportunity to participate in the New York Marathon but also in other charitable activities like Blind Running. Concha y Toro also wants to achieve for its employees is the education and the continuous training. This is essential for both the employee and the company. Thats why the Department of Personnel Development and Training created programs to strengthen the technical skills and the knowledge of specific employees. The programs also offer support and preparation for future responsibilities and challenges. In 2012, 56140 hours of training were offered to some 1366 employees. For example, some English courses were given to employees in order to execute their job properly and to foster their relationship with internal and external clients. In addition to that, technical workshops and courses were also dispensed to specific employees according to their needs.

The company also conducts internal campaigns. During the whole year (2012), the company insisted on saving resources by reducing the consumption of energy water and paper. This was used to raise awareness among employees and that everyone could contribute to the preservation of natural resources in the company but also in their own homes. As the well-being for the employees is essential for Concha y Toro, the company decided to offer a benefit package to them. Moreover, a retirement plan is also in development. Some of the benefits are, for example, health insurance, bonuses for vacation/holiday/Christmas, scholarship, birth and marriage bonuses. The workers also have access to special deals with gym centers, cell phones companies and dental clinics. An online platform (Concha y Toro Online Platform PeopleCare) was also developed in order to offer various discounts and benefits in wellness, beauty shops, food, services, education, leisure, travel and housing, among others. Concha y Toro also has a return to work policy in order to make employees re-join the company after a maternity leave. For example, in 2012, 30 women took a maternity leave and 23 came back after their leave.

Concha y Toro A company Presentation


Healty & Safety The last strategic topic is about occupational health and safety. Concha y Toros Risk Prevention Department aims to ensure the safety of its workers in their work places and production sites. They focus on reducing the injury and accident rates in the workplace, and in order to achieve this, the Risk Prevention Department relies on prevention work and training. Over the last six years, work accident were reduced by 20,8% and the number of days lost was reduced by 24,5%. Moreover, truck and fork-lifts operations have been trained in work safety matters. Training was also dispensed to temporary workers before their entry in the cellars. This has definitely contributed to the reduction of the accident rate in the winemaking area. Here is a chart showing the accident rate between 2003 and 2009:

Moreover, Concha y Toro signed an agreement in 2009 with the Chilean Safety Association to implement a management system for reducing the working accident rates in the agricultural work. Work has already begun with three farms and will be extended to cover all of them. The objective is to ensure an efficient management in all aspects concerning the prevention of accident risks and occupational illnesses in this work.

Concha y Toro A company Presentation


Society & Community

Concha y Toro creates value for society and for its environment by sharing knowledge and skills in order to improve the quality of life. The winery seeks to generate positive impacts and has been carrying out several projects in education, diffusion of its practices, research and voluntary work. The post-earthquake reconstruction project launched in 2010 by Concha y Toro, particularly in the communities close to its estates and vineyards, was concluded in 2012. During 2012, projects were completed for the construction of social housing. The homes were donated to needy families and those in a situation of social risk. With this, Concha y Toro accumulated a total of 146 homes built, thus complying with its desire to help the neighboring communities. Education Over the years, Concha y Toro has shown a strong commitment with the formation of human capital, supporting the education of young people from poor backgrounds through study scholarships with different institutions. For example, Concha y Toro is currently financing 20 monthly scholarships at the Las Garzas Agricultural School which offers technical and professional courses for children from poor peasant families. Its mission is to form agricultural technicians with a solid academic, technical and values foundation, enabling them to enter the labor market with professional skills. The company is also giving annual contributions to the Fundacin Juan Pablo II, a corporation which is supporting and benefiting poor people. This allows poor young people to be able to study in the countrys universities. The Concha y Toro Education Scholarship is also encouraging the formation of children of the winerys workers with a financial contribution to college fees. This is part of the Eduardo Guilisasti Tagle Foundation. This is an initiative that came from the legacy of founder Don Eduardo, his wife Isabel Gana and their seven children. They own 26.7% of the companys shares and are thus the principal shareholder.

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Here, the foundations mission is to support the winerys personnel in the education of their children while also supporting and accompanying them in their family development. The objective of the foundation is to provide a complete tertiary education scholarship for children of workers who have a social-economic need and who qualify following an evaluation. It also aims to support students fully by supplying study and computer rooms, by providing psychological support and arranging cultural and social activities for scholarship students. This foundation has benefited a total of 104 students to date. Concha y Toro alone has granted 45 scholarships of which 21 have graduated in a wide variety of subjects and regions of the country. There are currently 24 students enrolled in tertiary education with foundation scholarships. Pirque Wine Tourist Center At last, the Pirque Wine Tourist Center is the main oenological attraction in Santiago de Chile. The place consists in different parts, such as La Casona, which is the estate house of the founder, Don Eduardo, and the Pirque Viejo, which is a vineyard with a garden of grape varieties. Moreover, people can also enter the famous cellar of Casillero Del Diablo as well as a Tasting Room and a Wine Bar to try wine and international cuisine together. At a result, more than 120.000 people visit the Tourist Center every year. This is a real opportunity for foreign visitors as they can learn more about Chile and its wine industry.


Concha y Toro A company Presentation


Concha y Toro has show consistent growth since its beginnings. Being now one of the biggest vineyards worldwide they show us Chile can compete internationally. Their branding strategy became a success factor for their international growth, as it ranks third most famous wine brand. Their goal was to have a well-positioned brand in each segment of their brand portfolio, this way they could reach every type of wine consumer. As we revised earlier, Concha y Toro has a great passion for environment because their production depends on the sustainability of their natural resources, weather, and earth. This is the reason why they work so enthusiastically to prevent environment damage and to recycle as much waste as possible. The companys employee management works with 2,542 employees equally divided between sales, operations and technicians. The employees have several well being platforms as well as training and benefits. Overall Concha y Toro demonstrates management in Latin America can be very efficient and well implemented.


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