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This paper considers the development of a brain driven car, which would be of great help to the physically disabled people. Since these cars will rely only on what the individual is thinking they will hence not require any physical movement on the part of the individual. The car integrates signals from a variety of sensors like video, weather monitor, anti-collision etc. it also has an automatic navigation system in case of emergency. The car works on the asynchronous mechanism of artificial intelligence. Its a great advance of technology which will make the disabled, abled.


Presented !

KA"IPRIYA.S II ECE EMAIL:#$%&'r&%&$()*$&+.,-* P0-ne N-. 1.23444152

MALLIKA DE"I.D II ECE EMAIL:*$!+de%./()*$&+.,-* P0-ne n-: .56.7.5511


INTRODUCTION The video and thermo gram anal !er "ontin#o#$l monitor a"tivitie$ o#t$ide the "ar% On"e the driver &di$a'led( near$ the "ar% The $e"#rit $ $tem o) the "ar i$ a"tivated% Image$ a$ *ell a$ thermo gra+hi" re$#lt$ o) the driver are +revio#$l )ed into the data'a$e o) the "om+#ter% I) the video image$ mat"h *ith the data'a$e entrie$ then the $e"#rit $ $tem advan"e$ to the ne,t $tage% Here the thermo gra+hi" image veri)i"ation i$ done *ith the data'a$e% On"e the driver +a$$e$ thi$ $tage the door $lide$ to the $ide$ and a ram+ i$ lo*ered )rom it$ )loor% The ram+ ha$ )li+ a"t#ator$ in it$ lo*er end% On"e the driver enter$ the ram+- the )li+ a"t#ate$ the ram+ to 'e li)ted hori!ontally% Then ro'oti" arm$ a$$i$t the driver to hi$ $eat% A$ $oon a$ the driver i$ $eated the EEG (ele"troen"e+halogram( helmet- atta"hed to the to+ o) the $eat- i$ lo*ered and $#ita'l +la"ed on the driver.$ head% A *ide $"reen o) the "om+#ter i$ +la"ed at an angle the "om+#ter $*it"he$ ON the ae$theti"all $#ita'le to the driver% Ea"h +rogram "an 'e "ontrolled either dire"tl ' a mo#$e or ' a $hort"#t% For $tarting the "ar- the $tart '#tton is "li"/ed% A""ordingl "ir"#it )rom the battery to the A%C%Serie$ Ind#"tion motor$.

BIOCONTROL SYSTEM The 'io"ontrol $ $tem integrate$ $ignal$ )rom vario#$ other $ $tem$ and "om+are$ them *ith original$ in the data'a$e% It "om+ri$e$ o) the )ollo*ing $ $tem$0 1 1 1 2rain3"om+#ter inter)a"e A#tomati" $e"#rit $ $tem A#tomati" navigation $ $tem

No* let #$ di$"#$$ ea"h $ $tem in detail% BRAIN ; COMPUTER INTERFACE 2rain3"om+#ter inter)a"e$ *ill in"rea$e a""e+tan"e ' o))ering "#$tomi!ed- intelligent hel+ and training- e$+e"iall )or the non3e,+ert #$er% Develo+ment o) $#"h a )le,i'le inter)a"e area$ o) ma"hine +er"e+tion and a#tomati" e,+lanation% &EEG( mea$#red +aradigm rai$e$ $everal "hallenge$ in the

The team$ doing re$ear"h in thi$ )ield have develo+ed a $ingle3+o$ition- 'rain3"ontrolled $*it"h that re$+ond$ to $+e"i)i" +attern$ dete"ted in $+atiotem+oral ele"troen"e+halogram$ )rom the h#man $"al+% 4e re)er to thi$ initial de$ign a$ the Lo*3 Fre5#en"

A$ n"hrono#$ S*it"h De$ign &LF3ASD( &Fig%6(%

Fig%6 LF3ASD

The EEG i$ then )iltered and r#n thro#gh a )a$t Fo#rier tran$)orm 'e)ore 'eing di$+la ed a$ a three dimen$ional gra+hi"% The data "an then 'e +i+ed into MIDI "om+ati'le m#$i" +rogram$% F#rthermore- MIDI "an 'e ad7#$ted to "ontrol other e,ternal +ro"e$$e$- $#"h a$ ro'oti"$% The e,+erimental "ontrol $ $tem i$ "on)ig#red )or the +arti"#lar ta$/ 'eing #$ed in the eval#ation% Real Time 4or/$ho+ generate$ all the "ontrol +rogram$ )rom Sim#lin/ model$ and C8C99 #$ing MS :i$#al C99 ;%<% Anal $i$ o) mo$tl done *ithin Mat la' environment% FEAT=RES OF EEG 2AND Remote anal $i$ data "an 'e $ent and anal !ed in real3time over a net*or/ or modem "onne"tion% Data "an 'e )#ll e,+orted in ra* data- FFT > average )ormat$%=ltra lo* noi$e 'alan"ed DC "o#+ling am+li)ier%Ma, in+#t 6<<mi"ro: +3+- minim#m digital re$ol#tion i$ 6<< mi"ro: +3+ 8 ?@; A <%BC<;?@ mi"ro : +3+% FFT +oint "an $ele"t )rom 6?D &<%CBE@ H!(- ?@; &<%F;DE@ H!(- @6?&<%?BFBE@ H! re$ol#tion(% C#$tomi!ed "olor +alette$G "olor " "ling availa'le in D 'it mode *ith H#i"/Dra*mode%Intera"tive real3time FFT )iltering *ith H#i"/ Dra* mode% Real3time B3D FFT ra* *ave$+here )re5#en" and $i, 'rain *ave $*it"h in one O+enGL di$+la %F#ll 2rain*ave driven H#i"/ Time Movie- H#i"/ Time MIDI "ontrolG #$er "on)ig#ra'le%F#ll 2rain *ave driven $o#nd "ontrol- $#++ort )or 6; 'it $o#ndG #$er "on)ig#ra'le%F#ll image "a+t#re and +la 'a"/ "ontrolG #$er "on)ig#ra'le% data i$

Fig% ?0 EEG Tran$mi$$ion

TEST RESULTS COMPARING DRI"ER ACCURACY WITH<WITHOUT BCI 6% A'le3'odied $#'7e"t$ #$ing imaginar movement$ "o#ld attain e5#al or 'etter "ontrol a""#ra"ie$ than a'le3 'odied $#'7e"t$ #$ing real movement$% ?% S#'7e"t$ demon$trated a"tivation a""#ra"ie$ in the range of E<3D?I *ith )al$e a"tivation$ 'elo* 2I% B% A""#ra"ie$ #$ing a"t#al )inger movement$ *ere o'$erved in the range B;3DBI F% The average "la$$i)i"ation a""#ra" o) imaginar movement$ *a$ over 99I

Fig%F 2rain3to3 Ma"hine Me"hani$m

The +rin"i+le 'ehind the *hole me"hani$m i$ that the im+#l$e o) the h#man 'rain "an ' e tra"/ed and even de"oded% The Lo*3Fre5#en" A$ n"hrono#$ S*it"h De$ign tra"e$ the motor ne#ron$ in the 'rain% 4hen the driver attem+t$ )or a +h $i"al movement- he8$he $end$ an im+#l$e to the motor ne#ron% The$e motor ne#ron$ "arr the $ignal to the +h $i"al "om+onent$ $#"h a$ hand$ or leg$% Hen"e *e de"ode the 2 o'$erving the $en$or ne#ron$ *e "an me$$age at the motor ne#ron to o'tain ma,im#m a""#ra" % monitor the e e movement o) the driver%

Fig%@ E e'all Tra"/ing

A$ the e e move$- the "#r$or on the $"reen al$o move$ and i$ al$o 'rightened *hen the driver "on"entrate$ on one +arti"#lar +oint in hi$ environment% The $en$or$- *hi"h are +la"ed at the )ront and rear end$ o) the "ar- $end a live )eed'a"/ o) the environment to the "om+#ter% The $teering *heel i$ t#rned thro#gh a $+e"i)i" angle ' ele"trome"hani"al a"t#ator$% The angle o) t#rn i$ "ali'rated )rom the di$tan"e moved ' the dot on the $"reen%

Fig%; Ele"trome"hani"al Control =nit

Fig%E Sen$or$ and Their Range

AUTOMATIC SECURITY SYSTEM The EEG o) the driver i$ monitored "ontin#all % 4hen it dro+$ le$$ than F H! then the driver i$ in an #n$ta'le $tate% A me$$age i$ given to the driver )or "on)irmation to "ontin#e the drive% A "on)irmed re+l a"tivate$ the +rogram a#tomati" drive% The "om+#ter +rom+t$ the driver )or the de$tination 'e)ore the drive% AUTOMATIC NA"IGATION SYSTEM A$ the "om+#ter i$ 'a$ed on arti)i"ial intelligen"e it a#tomati"all monitor$ ever xm satellite

ro#te the "ar travel$ and $tore$ it in it$ ma+ data'a$e )or )#t#re #$e% The ma+ data'a$e i$ anal !ed and the $horte$t ro#te to the de$tination i$ "ho$en% 4ith tra))i" monitoring $ $tem +rovided ' radio the "om+#ter drive$ the "ar a#tomati"all % Video and anti-collision sensors mainl a$$i$t thi$ drive ' +roviding "ontin#o#$ live )eed o) the environment #+ to 180 m- *hi"h i$ $#))i"ient )or the +#r+o$e.

CONCLUSION 4hen the a'ove re5#irement$ are $ati$)ied and i) thi$ "ar 'e"ome$ "o$t e))e"tive then *e $hall *itne$$ a revol#tionar "hange in the $o"iet *here the demar"ation 'et*een the a'ler and the di$a'led vani$he$% Th#$ the integration o) 'ioele"troni"$ *ith a#tomotive $ $tem$ i$ e$$ential to develo+ e))i"ient and )#t#ri$ti" vehi"le$- *hi"h $hall 'e *itne$$ed $oon hel+ing the di$a'led in ever tran$+ortation% manner in the )ield o)

REFERENCE 6% JMan3Ma"hine Comm#ni"ation$ thro#gh 2rain34ave Pro"e$$ingJ Keirn- L%A% and A#non- M%I%- IEEE Engineering in Medi"ine and 2iolog Maga!ine- Mar"h 6CC<% ?% A#tomotive engineering- SAE- M#ne ?<<@

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