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Focus on: Carbohydrates

Nutrients: Energy Yiel ding or Not?

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Yes No
Carbohydrates 4 kcal/gram
Fats 9 kcal/gram
Protein 4 kcal/gram
Alcohol 7 kcal/gram
Concept Check
o 1 gram carbohydraLe - 4 calorles per gram
o 1 gram proLeln - 4 calorles per gram
o 1 gram faL - 9 calorles per gram
o 1 gram alcohol - 7 calorles per gram
o vlLamlns & mlnerals don'L yleld calorles or
Over view
Should constitute the majority of kcals in a balanced diet
Provide 4 kcals/gram
Groups of compounds made up of ! 1 sugar molecule
Can be abbreviated CHO
Made up of carbon, hydrogen & oxygen
From grains, fruits, vegetables, milk, legumes
Simpl e Carbohydrates
CHO made up of a single sugar unit
Includes glucose, galactose & fructose
CHO made up of two sugar units
Includes: maltose, sucrose & lactose
Simple Carbohydrates - Monosaccharides & Disaccharides:
1*"23,& ls Lhe mosL abundanL
monosaccharlde - lL clrculaLes ln Lhe blood
14*42#3,& ls a monosaccharlde - lL ls Lhe
molecule LhaL makes up x of mllk sugar
5$"2#3,& ls a monosaccharlde - also
referred Lo as frulL sugar
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Glucose + Glucose
Glucose + Fructose
Also known as:
Glucose + Galactose
Also known as:
What does each disaccharide have in common?
64*#3,& ls a dlsaccharlde - lL's formed
when sLarch ls dlgesLed and ls broken down
by sallvary amylase
7"2$3,& ls a dlsaccharlde - also referred Lo
as Lable sugar, ln uS, lL's Lhe only
sweeLener LhaL can be called sugar" on
842#3,& ls a dlsaccharlde - also referred Lo
as mllk sugar, people wlLh lacLose
lnLolerance lack or don'L make enough of
Lhe enzyme lacLase Lo break down lacLose
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Compl ex Carbohydrates
Storage form of glucose in humans & animals
Where is glycogen stored?
Storage form of glucose in plants
Complex Carbohydrates: Polysaccharides
Indigestible, nonabsorbable plant remnant
How many kcal/gram does fiber yield?
1*/23.&' ls a polysaccharlde
made of hlghly branched chalns of
glucose - branchlng allows for
qulck breakdown Lo glucose
7#4$29&, conslsL of elLher
sLralghL or branched chalns of
glucose - sLarchy foods lnclude
breads, legumes and sLarchy
5%:&$ ls made up of elLher
sLralghL or branched chalns of
monosaccharldes - human
enzymes can'L break sugar llnks
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Dietar y Sources of Carbohydrate
Dairy Milk & Yogurt (12 g/cup) no CHO in cheese
Fruit Medium-sized piece or " cup cut = 15 g CHO
Vegetables Medium-sized or " cup cooked = 5 g CHO
Bread 1 oz, 1 slice, " cup cooked starch = 15 g CHO
Beans (Legumes, dried beans), 15-20 g CHO/" cup
Meat No carb
Oil & fat No carb
Sugars 1 tsp = 4 g CHO (1 Tbs = 12 g CHO)
Deter mining Carbohydrate Needs
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range 45-65% total calories
Recommended Dietary Allowance (Carbohydrate)
0-0.5 y.o. 60 g/day
0.5-1.0 y,o. 95 g/day
1-50+ y.o. 130 g/day
Pregnant 175 g/day
Lactating 210 g/day
What do you notice about a 1 yr old vs. 45 yr. olds CHO needs?
Appl ication: Carbohydrate Needs
o 23 year old male, ellLe aLhleLe, endurance runner
o Pls dally esumaLed kcal needs are 3,300 kcal/day
o As he approaches compeuuon - goal ls 70 kcal
from carbohydraLe
How many grams of carbohydrate per day does he need?
Appl ication: Sol ution
o Cuesuon ls asklng you grams of carb per day
o 70 of 3,300 calorles come from carb
o 3,300 x 0.7 (70) = 2,430 calorles from carb
o Cuesuon doesn'L ask you cal from carb - we wanL
grams of carb
o 2,430 calorles from carb dlvlded by 4 cal/g carb =
612.3 grams - round Lo ;<= .$4>, 3? 24$: @&$
For More Infor mation
o Medllnelus, CarbohydraLes:
o CuC, nuLrluon for Lveryone, CarbohydraLes:
o lAC, CarbohydraLes ln human nuLrluon:
o uCSl auenL Lducauon, CarbohydraLes:

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